2006 Lebanon War

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2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict
(Arab-Israeli conflict)
Part of the 2006 Middle East conflict
Date12 July 2006 — present
Lebanon and northern Israel
Result Ongoing
File:Flag of Hezbollah.svg Hezbollah Israel Lebanon
Commanders and leaders
Hassan Nasrallah (Secretary General) Dan Halutz (CoS)
Udi Adam (Regional)
Michel Sulaiman (CoS)
Casualties and losses

Hezbollah militia:
48 killed[1]

Amal militia: 8 killed

Israel claims 300 killed[2]
35 killed [4][3][4]
1,293 injured
(875 treated for shock)[5]
300,000 displaced[6]
45 killed [5][7]
154 wounded[7]
2 captured
967 killed[8]
3220 injured
One million displaced[9]
28 killed
73 wounded[10]
Other casualties See Casualties

The 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict is a series of ongoing military actions and clashes in northern Israel and Lebanon between Hezbollah's armed wing and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). On 12 July 2006 Hezbollah initiated Operation Truthful Promise,[11] consisting of a cross-border raid resulting in the capture of two Israeli soldiers and shelling into Israel.[12][13] Israel then responded with Operation Just Reward,[14] later renamed Operation Change of Direction.[15] To date, Israel's strike has included massive bombing raids by the Israeli Air Force (IAF), an air and Israeli Sea Corps naval blockade of Lebanon (especially southern Lebanon and Beirut), a force of tanks and armored personnel carriers, and some small raids into southern Lebanon by IDF ground troops.[16] Meanwhile, Hezbollah has engaged in artillery rocket bombardment of Israel's northern cities and towns, including Haifa.[17]

The conflict has caused a heavy civilian death toll, widespread damage, large-scale displacement of populations and the disruption of normal life across most of Lebanon and northern Israel. The attacks on civilian population centers and infrastructure by both sides have sparked sharp criticism internationally.[18]

The Lebanese government urgently called for international peacemakers to end the conflict by enforcing an immediate ceasefire.[19] Much of the international community, with the exception of the United States, the United Kingdom and some other nations and organisations, has pressured both sides to agree to a ceasefire.

Beginning of conflict

On June 9, 2006, Seven Palestinian civilians, including women and three children, were killed in an explosion on a beach in the Gaza Strip crowded by holiday makers, sparking an intense international debate as for its cause. [6],[7], [8],[9],[10],[11], [12], [13]

At 9:05 AM local time on 12 July 2006, a ground contingent of Hezbollah militants attacked two Israeli armored Humvees on a routine patrol along the Israel-Lebanon border near the Israeli village of Zar'it with anti-tank rockets, capturing two Israeli soldiers, and killing three.[20] Five others were killed later on the Lebanese side of the border on 12 July during a mission to rescue the two captured soldiers.[21] In an initial report the Lebanese police force stated that the Israeli soldiers were attacked and captured on the Lebanese side of the border on 12 July during a mission to infiltrate the Lebanese town of Ayta al-Sha`b,[22] though Europe, the U.N, the U.S[23], and prominent news agencies[24] have characterized the Hezbollah action as "cross-border".

The IDF confirmed the capture of the two Israeli soldiers on 13 July and identified them as Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, both reservists who were on their last day of operational duty.[25]

Hezbollah's attack was named Operation Truthful Promise, after a "promise" by its leader Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah to capture Israeli soldiers and swap them for Samir Kuntar and other Lebanese prisoners held by Israel.[26][27]

Hezbollah released a statement saying "Implementing our promise to free Arab prisoners in Israeli jails, our strugglers have captured two Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon".[28] Later on, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah declared: “No military operation will return them… The prisoners will not be returned except through one way: indirect negotiations and a trade of prisoners.”[29]

Hamas and Hezbollah response

In response, The militant Hamas group calls off its truce with Israel. More than seventy Qassam rockets were launched at Israeli towns by Hamas militants since Friday morning, wounding Palestenian and Israeli civilians alike. [14], [15]

Then on June 28th, Eight Palestinian militants, including Hamas militants, infiltrate into an army post in Israel using a tunnel. Two Israeli soldiers are killed, one kidnapped and three wounded in the attack, in which at least two Palestinian militants die. Israeli PM vows a fierce military response to the attack once the soldier, Gilad Shalit, is returned. Two infantry brigades and supporting armoured regiments are deployed along the Gaza Strip border, in preparation for a major offensive.[16],[17],[18].

Israeli response

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File:Lebanese Areas Targeted 7-15 to 7-27.jpg
Areas in Lebanon targeted by Israeli bombing, 12 July to 27 July 2006.

Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert declared the attack by Hezbollah’s military wing an “act of war,” and promised Lebanon a “very painful and far-reaching response.”[30]CNN reported that "The Israeli Cabinet authorized "severe and harsh" retaliation on Lebanon . . . Israel's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, told Israel's Channel 10, "If the soldiers are not returned, we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years."[31] Retired Israeli army Col. Gal Luft, a former commander in the town of Ramallah, said,

"Israel is attempting to create a rift between the Lebanese population and Hezbollah supporters by exacting a heavy price from the elite in Beirut. The message is: If you want your air conditioning to work and if you want to be able to fly to Paris for shopping, you must pull your head out of the sand and take action toward shutting down Hezbollah-land."[32]

Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz also said that “the State of Israel sees itself free to use all measures that it finds it needs, and the Israeli Forces have been given orders in that direction.”[33]

Israel said it held the Beirut government responsible for the attack, but Prime Minister Fuad Siniora denied any knowledge of the raid and stated that he did not condone it.[34] An emergency meeting of the Lebanese government reaffirmed this position.[35]

File:Beirut July 25 2006.jpg
Israel strikes Beirut.

Early on 13 July 2006 Israel sent IAF jets to bomb Lebanon's international airport near Beirut, forcing its closure and diverting its arriving flights to Cyprus. Israel is now imposing an air and sea blockade on Lebanon,[36][37] and has bombed the main BeirutDamascus highway.[38]

The Israeli Air Force has carried out nearly 2,000 bombing sorties across Lebanon,[citation needed] especially targeting transportation infrastructure.[39] Israel says these missions are essential for weakening Hezbollah's rocket-launching capability.[40]Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz said that the ground operations would be limited.[41]

On 23 July 2006, Israeli land forces crossed into Lebanon in the Maroun al-Ras area, which overlooks several other sites said to have been used as launch pads for Hezbollah rockets.[42]

On 25 July IDF forces attacked Bint Jbeil, an important Hezbollah stronghold opposite the Israeli border. On 27 July, Hezbollah successfully ambushed the Israelis and killed 8 soldiers, though Israel says it also inflicted heavy losses on Hezbollah.[43] By 29 July, the bulk of the combat had ended, and Israel withdrew its battle-weary troops and left the town.[44]

On 1 August Israeli commandos landed in Baalbeck.[45] Troops had landed near Dar al-Himkeh hospital west of Baalbeck as part of a 'widescale operation' in the area.[46]

The Israeli government also began a public relations initiative in the press and the internet to promote and explain its actions in Lebanon, a practice known as hasbara. The Israeli Foreign Ministry coordinated the efforts of "trainee diplomats" and international Jewish and evangelical Christian groups to track websites and chatrooms pertaining to the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict and the 2006 Israel-Gaza conflict[47] using the so-called "megaphone software" from Israel that enables these groups to post pro-Israeli viewpoints in response to software alerts of negative internet opinions or internet polls.[48]

The EU has warned Israel about disproportionate attacks against Lebanon.[49] Spokespersons from the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization of Islamic Conference and an assortment of human rights organizations have condemned Israel for its “disproportionate” response to Hezbollah’s attacks, although unprovoked by Israel.[50] Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon stated "We received yesterday (26 July) at the Rome conference permission from the world... to continue the operation," and "everyone understands that a victory for Hezbollah is a victory for world terror"[51]. The Israeli ambassador to the UN, Dan Gillerman, responded to the criticism by saying "to those countries who claim we are using disproportionate force, I have only this to say: you're damn right we are!", asserting that Israel couldn't leave the job half-finished.[52] With the loss of nine Israeli soldiers on 27 July and the Israeli government decision not to expand ground forces, Ramon issued the warning at a security cabinet meeting headed by Ehud Olmert that everyone remaining in southern Lebanon will be regarded as terrorists. He said that in order to prevent casualties amongst Israeli soldiers battling Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon, villages should be flattened by the Israeli air force before ground troops move in.[53]

Hezbollah rocket campaign

Haifa street following rocket attack 17 Jul 06

On 14 July, following Israeli bombing raids on Lebanon that killed 60 civilians [54] Nasrallah said, addressing Israel: "You wanted an open war, and we are heading for an open war. We are ready for it."[55]

After the Israeli initial response, Hezbollah declared an all-out military alert, and said it had 13,000 rockets capable of hitting towns and installations far into northern Israel. As a result, Defense Minister Peretz told commanders to prepare civil defense plans and many of the nearly 1,000,000 civilians living in Northern Israel have been sent to bomb shelters or fled their homes to other parts of the country.[56] Hezbollah continued to fire hundreds of Katyusha rockets into northern Israel's towns and cities, including Nahariya, Safed, Hatzor HaGlilit, Rosh Pina, Kiryat Shmona, and Karmiel, and numerous small agricultural villages.[57]

Map showing some of the Israeli localities attacked by rockets fired from Lebanese soil as of Monday 24 July.

Hezbollah attacks have penetrated as far south as Haifa, Israel's third largest city, as well as Atlit and the Jezreel Valley cities of Nazareth and Afula. Al-Manar has reported that the Hezbollah attack included a Fajr-3 and a Ra'ad 1 liquid-fuel missiles, developed by Iran.[58][59] One of the attacks hit a railroad repair depot, killing eight workers; Hezbollah claimed that this attack was aimed at a large Israeli fuel storage plant adjacent to the railway facility. The plant has not been hit to date. Haifa is home to many strategically valuable facilities such as shipyards and oil refineries, and their targeting by Hezbollah is seen as an escalation.[60] [61]

On 25 July Nasrallah has announced the launch of the "second phase of our struggle" in which his long-range rockets would "go beyond Haifa," Israel's third-largest city. Israeli officials have been bracing for possible rocket attacks on Tel Aviv, which would mark a major escalation in the conflict. [62] On 29 July in a televised address to the Lebanese nation Nasrallah said:

"I tell the Lebanese that no one among you should be afraid of the victory of the resistance.. I assert that the victory will be for all of Lebanon, for every Arab, Muslim and honorable Christian, who stood with Lebanon and defended it."[63]

30 July reportedly saw 140-146 rockets fired from Hezbollah positions into Israel- the most fired on a single day since IDF Operation Change Direction began.[64][65] On 2 August Rockets also landed near the town of Beit Shean, about 70 kilometers (43 miles) from the border _ the deepest penetration so far.[66] Reports of rocket attacks reached 300 striking 15 targets inside Israel[67] despite the IDF's claim that the three-week offensive in Lebanon had eroded Hezbollah's firepower. [68]

On 3 August, which saw eight Israeli civilians killed by rocket attacks, Nasrallah explicitly threatened to target Tel Aviv if Israel continues to target Beirut. [69] IBA military correspondent cited a "most senior IDF source" who stated in response that "if Tel Aviv is attacked, the national infrastructure of Lebanon will be destroyed." [70] In his 3 August speech, Nasrallah stated, however, for the first time that if Israel ceases from aerial and artillery strikes of Lebanese towns and villages, Hezbollah will stop its rocket campaign. [70]

Targeting of civilian areas

A car in Haifa following rocket attack 17 Jul 06 showing result of anti personnel shrapnel

Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, expressed "grave concern over the continued killing and maiming of civilians in Lebanon, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory." She suggested that the actions of Israel and Hezbollah may constitute war crimes.[71][72]Arbour called for Israel to obey a "principle of proportionality" and said, "indiscriminate shelling of cities constitutes a foreseeable and unacceptable targeting of civilians … Similarly, the bombardment of sites with alleged military significance, but resulting invariably in the killing of innocent civilians, is unjustifiable." has also condemned both sides for attacks on civilians.[73]As Peter Bouckaert, Senior Emergencies Researcher for Human Rights Watch reports The world doesn't seem to put much credence in the testimonies of Lebanese civilians, preferring to buy generic Israeli statements about Hezbollah using civilians as human shields, "precision strikes" at terrorist targets, and a "proportionate" bombing campaign. But after days of contradictory statements about Qana, the Israeli military was reported as saying it had no indication of rocket fire or Hezbollah presence in Qana on the day of the strike, and had bombed the area in retaliation for rockets launched days earlier. Time after time, Israel has hit civilian homes and cars in the southern border zone, killing dozens of people with no evidence of any military objective.[74].

Amnesty international has warned against the use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus by the IDF, while Lebanon has accused Israel of using the weapons, in violation of international law (Protocol III of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons).[75][76] Israel has also been accused of using Cluster munitions,[77] while Hezbollah has been accused of violating international law by using rockets packed with metal ball bearings.[78] Robert Fisk wrote on 2 August "The obscene score-card for death in this latest war now stands as follows: 508 Lebanese civilians, 46 Hizbollah guerrillas, 26 Lebanese soldiers, 36 Israeli soldiers and 19 Israeli civilians.In other words, Hizbollah is killing more Israeli soldiers than civilians and the Israelis are killing far more Lebanese civilians than they are guerrillas."[79]

Some Israeli officials claim the presence of Hezbollah missiles inside the city of Beirut was evidant after an Israeli air-strike in Beirut caused a 'Zelzal' missile to be lit from the explosion and fire into the air. It fell soon thereafter. At first Hezbolla anounced it was a downed Israeli warplane, a claim later proven false. The 'Zelzal' missiles can reach deep into Israel, including the city of Tel Aviv, and are manufactured by Iran.[80]Although Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon said "in order to prevent casualties among Israeli soldiers battling Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon, villages should be flattened by the Israeli air force before ground troops moved in.",[81]

Strikes on Lebanon's civilian population and infrastructure include Beirut airport, sea ports, a lighthouse, grain silos,[82] bridges, roads, factories, medical and relief trucks,[83] mobile telephone and television stations,[84] fuel containers and service stations,[85] and the country's largest dairy farm Liban Lait.[86] There have been reports of incidents involving attacks on residential buildings,[87] ambulances,[88] fleeing civilians,[89] and United Nations posts and personnel,[90]. The Israeli government insists these attacks are accidental.

File:Lebanese ambulance.jpg
Lebanese Ambulance in Qana

On 30 July 2006 an Israeli airstrike hit next to a residential building in Qana housing refugees which subsequently collapsed.[91] Israel said it was near Hezbollah rocket launching sites and raised questions about a nearly eight hour gap between the bombing and the building's collapse;[92]; 28 people died, 16 of which were children, and 13 are missing according to Human Rights Watch[93]. The Guardian said that fragments from the same precision-guided bombs suspected of killing four UN observers five days before were found.[94][95][96] Senior Emergencies Researcher for Human Rights Watch, Peter Bouckaert, states that "Not only has Israel failed to distinguish between military and civilian targets; its own officials suggest that they have decided any civilian still in the south is fair game."[96]

On 4 August 2006, at least 30 farm workers were killed and 30 more injured in an Israeli airstrike on the village of Qaa, in the northeast Bekaa valley near the Syrian border. The casualties, mostly Syrian, were evacuated to hospitals in Syria, since the roads within Lebanon have been closed as a result of Israeli bombing.[97]

Hezbollah has fired rockets at civilian targets throughout the conflict, landing in all major cities of northern Israel including Haifa, Nazareth, Tiberias, Nahariya, Safed, Afula[98] Kiryat Shmona, Beit She'an, Karmiel, and Maalot, and dozens of kibbutzim, moshavim, and Druze and Arab villages, as well as the northern West Bank.[99][100] It also hit a hospital in Safed in northern Galilee on the 18th of July, wounding 8.[101] Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah defended the rocket attacks, saying "In the beginning, we started to act calmly, we focused on Israel[i] military bases and we didn't attack any settlement, However, since the first day, the enemy attacked Lebanese towns and murdered civilians—Hezbollah militants had destroyed military bases, while the Israelis killed civilians and targeted Lebanon's infrastructure."[102]

Criticism of advance warnings

A leaflet (authored by the IDF's psychological warfare unit) dropped by the IAF on Southern Lebanon. It reads: "To all citizens south of the Litani River: Due to the terror activities being carried out against the State of Israel from within your villages and homes, the IDF was forced to respond immediately against these activities, even within your villages. For your safety! We call upon you to evacuate your villages immediately and move north of the Litani River. “The State of Israel”

Advanced warnings issued by the IDF in the form of leaflets dropped in South Lebanon have come under criticism for being used as an excuse to kill citizens who didn't leave. It was claimed by the Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon on 26 July that any civilians remaining in South Lebanon after being issued such leaflets should be considered "terrorists". [103][104] The International Committee of the Red Cross said in a 30 July statement on the IDF's attack on Qana:

Issuing advance warning to the civilian population of impending attacks in no way relieves a warring party of its obligations under the rules and principles of international humanitarian law. In particular, the principles of distinction and proportionality must be respected at all times... The ICRC once again urgently calls for a distinction to be drawn at all times between civilians and civilian objects on the one hand, and military objectives on the other. All necessary precautions must be taken to spare civilian life and objects and to ensure that the wounded have access to medical facilities."[105]

Environmental consequences of attacks

  • IDF strikes on the Jiyeh power plant on 13 July and 15 July caused 25,000 tonnes of oil to spill into the Mediterranean and constitutes an environmental disaster for the region. At present a 10km wide oil slick covers 80km of Lebanon's and 10km of Syria's coastline, moving north towards towards Turkey and Cyprus. The slick is reportedly causing breathing problems, killing fish, and threatening the habitat of the endangered green sea turtle. [106]
  • The Jerusalem Post reported that depleted uranium GBU-28 "bunker buster" munitions are in use by the IDF against civilian infrastructure which the IDF claim houses Hezbollah.[107] The use of these munitions has been criticised by Amnesty International because of their toxic legacy of contamination which affects all those who come into contact with the pollution indiscriminately.[108]
  • Hezbollah rockets have caused numerous forest fires inside Northern Israel.[19], [20] [109]

Historical background

Israeli-Lebanon conflict

The history of conflict between Israel and Lebanon began in 1947, when Lebanon's founding Prime Minister Riad as-Solh sparked the Arab League decision to enter the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and sent his army into Palestine. The army was defeated, and retreated back into Lebanon, where it signed an armistice that lasted until shortly after the 1967 Six Day War.[citation needed]

After the war, and following the Black September in Jordan, over 110,000 Palestinian refugees migrated to Lebanon, making up over 400,000 refugees today. [110]. By 1975, they numbered more than 300,000, creating an informal state-within-a-state in South Lebanon. The PLO became a powerful force and played an important role in the Lebanese Civil War. In response to numerous attacks launched from southern Lebanon, Israel invaded in 1978 in an attempt to rout out Palestinian militants. As a result the United Nations passed UN Resolutions 425 and 426, which called for the immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces and an end to military action in Lebanon.[111]

At the end of the operation, Israeli forces withdrew from Lebanon, leaving behind a UNIFIL force. Israel invaded again four years later in 1982, forcing PLO forces out of Lebanon (mostly to Tunisia), and Israel occupied the southern part of the country. A US brokered peace treaty was ratified by the Lebanese parliament in 1983, but President Amine Gemayel decided against signing in 1984. In 1985, Israel withdrew its forces from parts of Lebanon and remained in a 4–6 kilometre (2.5–3.75 mi) deep[112] strip of southern Lebanon, described by Israel as a "security zone" which it justified as a protective measure to defend its northern towns against Hezbollah attacks. This occupation lasted until 2000. On 24 May2000 after the collapse of the South Lebanon Army and the rapid advance of Hezbollah forces, Israel withdrew its troops from southern Lebanon.

The SLA's equipment and positions in South Lebanon largely fell into the hands of Hezbollah, which has put considerable effort into fortifying the former security zone and establishing new firing positions. Since then, Hezbollah has repeatedly attacked Israeli military positions, whilst Israel has carried out numerous attacks aimed at striking Hezbollah bases (see Hezbollah activities).[113]

Previous prisoner exchanges

Over the last 30 years, Israel has released about 7,000 prisoners to secure freedom for 19 Israelis and to retrieve the bodies of eight others. In October 2000, Hezbollah captured three IDF soldiers who were killed either during the operation or in its immediate aftermath at Shebaa Farms, and kidnapped an Israeli businessman who was a former army colonel Elchanan Tenenbaum in Kuwait. A prisoner swap was carried out on 29 January 2004: 30 Lebanese and Arab prisoners, the remains of 59 Lebanese militants and civilians, 400 Palestinian prisoners for Tenenbaum and the remains of the three soldiers. Hezbollah requested that maps showing Israeli mines in South Lebanon be included as part of the exchange. [114][115]


Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shi'a Muslim Islamist organization formed in 1982 "primarily to offer resistance to the Israeli occupation."[116] Hezbollah's political rhetoric has consistently called for the destruction of Israel.[116] Hezbollah is considered by many western countries to be a terrorist organization but is still followed by many others who truly believe in what they are doing.

It has a military and civilian wing, the latter participating in the Lebanese parliament, currently with 18% of the seats (23 out of 128) and the bloc it forms with others, the "Resistance and Development Bloc", a little less than 30% for a total of 35 seats (see Lebanese general election, 2005). It is a minority partner in the current Cabinet.


Entity Civilian Military
 Lebanon 477-833 dead,[117][118] 2,145-3,200 wounded.[119][120]
1,000,000 displaced[121]
27 dead,
70 wounded[citation needed]
 Israel 35 dead, over 600 wounded, [51][5]
300,000 displaced[122]
45 dead [21]
136 wounded.[123][7]
File:Flag of Hezbollah.svg Hezbollah 47 dead confirmed by Hezbollah
File:Amal movement.jpg Amal 8 dead confirmed by Amal
 Syria 17 dead [124]
 Argentina 1 dead.[125]
 Australia 1 dead. [126] Dual citizen, serving as Israeli soldier
 Austria 1 dead.[127]
 Brazil 6 dead.[128][129]
 Canada 8 dead, 6 wounded.[130]
 Germany 4 dead.[131][132]
 India 1 dead.[133]
 Indonesia 1 dead.[134]
 Iraq 1 dead.[123]
 Jordan 1 dead.[123]
 Kuwait 2 dead.[135]
 Nigeria 1 dead. [136]
 Palestine 1 dead[citation needed]
 Philippines 2 dead, 6 wounded.[137]
 Sri Lanka 1 dead.[123]
 Ukraine 1 dead.[138]
 United States 1 dead.[139]
United Nations United Nations 2 dead 4 dead, 8 wounded. See main article
Total 900+ dead, 3600+ wounded. 150+ dead, 200+ wounded.

Position of Lebanon

While Israel holds the Lebanese government responsible for the Hezbollah attacks due to Lebanon’s failure to implement Resolution 1559 calling on it to disarm Hezbollah, Lebanon disavows the raids, stating that the government of Lebanon does not condone them, and that in any case Israel has its own history of disregarding inconvenient (or impossible) UN resolutions.[34] An emergency meeting of the Lebanese government reaffirmed this position.[35] Almost immediately after hostilities began, Lebanon's Prime Minister Fouad Siniora called for a ceasefire. On 14 July, following a phone call between Siniora and President Bush, the Prime Minister’s office issued the statement that “Prime Minister Siniora called on President Bush to exert all his efforts on Israel to stop its aggression on Lebanon, reach a comprehensive ceasefire and lift its blockade.”[140]

The next day, in a televised message to the Lebanese people, and afterwards in an interview with CNN, Siniora said “We call for an immediate ceasefire backed by the United Nations.”[141]

Negotiations for ceasefire

Terms for a ceasefire have been drawn and revised several times, yet have not been successfully agreed upon by the two sides. Hezbollah has maintained that it insists on an unconditional ceasefire [142], while Israel has insisted that it will agree to a ceasefire only under certain conditions, including the return of two captured Israeli soldiers.[143]

The United Nations Security Council frequently rejected pleas from Lebanon that it call for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported the U.S. was the sole member of the 15-nation UN body to oppose any council action at all at this time.[144]

International reaction

Lebanese protest in Sydney

International reactions to the conflict have included widespread concern over current damage and over the possible escalation of the crisis, as well as mixed support and criticism of both Hezbollah and Israel.[145] A number of nations, including the United States,[146] United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Canada, have asserted Israel's right to self-defense. Further, the United States authorized Israel's request for the expedited processing and shipment of precision-guided bombs to Israel. The United States did not announce the shipment publicly.[147] The majority (10) of the UN Security Council members have demanded an immediate cease-fire through a UN draft resolution, which was vetoed by the US and abstained from by 4 nations (UK, Peru, Slovakia, Denmark).[148]

The EU has warned Israel about disproportionate attacks against Lebanon.[149] In addition spokespersons from the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization of Islamic Conference and an assortment of human rights organizations have condemned Israel for its “disproportionate” response to Hezbollah’s attacks.[150]

Neighboring Middle Eastern nations have been split in their response. Iran, Syria and Yemen have voiced strong support for Hezbollah,[151] and the Arab League has issued a statement condemning Israel's response. By contrast, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan criticized Hezbollah's actions,[152] as well as Iran and Syria for extending support to the organization,[153] although they are under pressure to change their stance.[154]

Protests and demonstrations have been held worldwide, mostly appealing for an immediate ceasefire on both sides and to express concern for the heavy loss of civilian life, but some also showing support exclusively to Lebanon or Israel. In addition there have been numerous newspaper advertising campaigns, text and email appeals[155] and on-line petitions [156]. Naveed Afzal Haq reportedly cited the conflict as the reason for his alleged shooting at the Jewish Federation building in Seattle.[157]

Various foreign governments have stepped in to assist in the evacuation of civilians[158] of their citizens from Lebanon.

The Israeli bombing of an apartment building in Qana on 30 July has led to widespread condemnation from around the world. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to state the US desire for a mutually acceptable ceasefire as soon as possible but declined to call for an immediate halt to hostilities.[159]

See also

Template:Campaignbox Arab-Israeli conflict

Independent media

Pro-Israeli media

Pro-Lebanese media

Pro-Hezbollah media

Frontline blogs

Israeli blogs

Lebanese blogs

Frontline photographs

Warning: Extremely graphic wartime imagery


  1. ^ "Lebanon counts human cost of 23 days in firing line". The Guardian. 2006-08-04. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ "Israel strikes deep into Lebanon". CNN. 2006-08-01.
  3. ^ "8 killed in rocket attacks". Ynetnews. 2006-08-03. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  4. ^ "Hezbollah fires record number of rockets". AP. 2006-08-02. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  5. ^ a b "Some 1,300 Israelis hurt since fighting began". Ynetnews. 2006-07-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help) Cite error: The named reference "ynetcasual1" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  6. ^ "Israeli Refugees Seek Friends and Families". The New York Times. 31 July 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  7. ^ a b c "13 IDF casualties reported in Bint Jbeil". YnetNews. 2006-07-25. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help) Cite error: The named reference "KBCI2" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  8. ^ "Israel severs Lebanon road link to Syria". AP. 2006-08-04. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  9. ^ ["Lebanon counts human cost of 23 days in firing line". The Guardian. {{cite news}}: Check |url= value (help)
  10. ^ "Israel severs Lebanon road link to Syria". AP. 2006-08-04. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  11. ^ "Escaping Lebanon". Porterville Recorde. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  12. ^ Hezbollah Raid Boosts Group's Image
  13. ^ "It's war by any other name". 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Text "publisherAsia Times" ignored (help)
  14. ^ "Israel for rules change in south Lebanon". United Press International. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  15. ^ "Israel to Lebanon: No to ceasefire". Ynetnews.com. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  16. ^ "Lebanon-Israel Developments". Forbes. 2006-07-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  17. ^ "Rockets fired at Meron, Safed; no injuries". Ynet. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  18. ^ "Vatican condemns Israel for attacks on Lebanon". Reuters. July 14 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  19. ^ "Middle East Situation; Siniora Addresses Lebanese People (transcript)". CNN. 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  20. ^ "8 soldiers killed, 2 snatched in Hezbollah border attacks". Haaretz. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  21. ^ "IDF retrieves bodies of four tank soldiers killed in south Lebanon". Haaretz. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  22. ^ "Hezbollah captures two Israeli soldiers". Yahoo News. 2006-07-12. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  23. ^ "Statement on Condemnation of Hizballah Kidnapping of Two Israeli Soldiers". 2006-07-12. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  24. ^ "U.N. chief calls for immediate cease-fire". CNN. 2006-07-21. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  25. ^ "Kidnapped soldier's kin: Stop the killing". CNN. 2006-07-21. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  26. ^ "Press Conference with Hasan Nasrallah". Al-Manar. 2006-07-12. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  27. ^ "Escaping Lebanon". Porterville Recorde. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  28. ^ "Hezbollah captures two Israeli soldiers". NewKerala Online Newspaper, India. 12 July 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |access= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
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