Velupillai Prabhakaran

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Velupillai Prabhakaran.

Velupillai Prabhakaran(Tamil வேலுப்பிள்ளை பிரபாகரன்) (surname sometimes spelled "Pirapaharan") (born November 26, 1954; Valvettithurai, Sri Lanka) is the leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a militant organization (banned as a terrorist group in the US, UK, Canada, India, and in the 25 European Union countries) fighting for Tamil self-rule in North-East Sri Lanka. In 1972, at the age of 18, he founded an organization named Tamil New Tigers (TNT). In 1975, after becoming heavily involved in the Tamil protest movement, he assassinated the mayor of Jaffna, Alfred Duraiappah. He is wanted by Interpol for terrorism[1]. On May 5, 1976, the TNT was renamed the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), commonly known as the Tamil Tigers. Prabhakaran is married to Mathivathani Erambu. They have a daughter named Duwaraka, and one son Charles Anthony.

Cult of personality

Known by many Tamils as "Thambi" (English: "Younger Brother"), Prabhakaran has allowed and promoted himself as the object of what opponents call a cult of personality. His supporters describe him as a strong and action oriented personality, in contrast to other, moderate Tamil leaders, whom they deem weak. Prabhakan has often ordered the outright elimination of rival Tamil leaders. Prabhakaran's supporters justify these actions, on the grounds that others were “just talk” and only Prabhakaran was truly capable of defending Tamil rights. Prabhakaran's detractors believe he is simply an efficient dictator and assassin.

Prabhakaran has promoted himself as an exceptionally disciplined individual. LTTE cadres were expected to follow strict disciplinary and moral codes. However, Prabhakaran himself has not always followed the codes, and changes and exceptions have been made to the codes after such incidents. For instance, the LTTE cadres were originally expected not to have sexual relations or marry during their service as cadres; this changed Prabhakaran fell in love with and married Mathivathani Erambu.

Overall, Prabhakaran's supporters believe he is an action oriented and disciplined personality and that contributes to his mystique. Prabhakaran's detractors believe he uses these otherwise positive attributes of personal character to justify civilian massacres, violence, murder, and war.

A third factor contributing to his cult of personality is the attribution of all success and most important initiatives by the LTTE to him. All the major victories at the war scene are announced as strategized and executed by him. Thus, Prabhakaran and his supporters create an image that Tamils depend on him. Prabhakaran supporters believe he is irreplaceable for the Sri Lanka Tamil community. Critics describe him as the single biggest obstacle to peace in Sri Lanka[2].

Fourth, countless songs, stories, pictures, and other propaganda items are produce to support his image as the one and only leader. No other leader is promoted as second in command. Most artistic or media creations are expected to pay homage to him. Prabhakaran's critics point out that deputy leaders of the LTTE such as Karuna and Mahattaya are eliminated when they become too popular.

Perhaps, the most important element pointing to a totalitarian character is how the law system in the de facto Tamil Eelam is set up. According to the “Tamileelam Justice” department website[3] “laws are submitted to the National leader and when accepted and proclaimed by him, become laws binding in all persons in Tamileelam.” Clearly, the statement indicates that while LTTE members and civilians have laws produced by LTTE to follow, the final and supreme authority of Tamil Eelam laws is Prabhakaran, thus he presents himself as an absolute or despotic ruler.

Philosophy and Ideology of Prabhakaran

Prabhakaran has not expressed an all encompassing systematic philosophy or ideology. He joined the Tamil nationalist movement in his youth and quickly established himself as a strong willed militant leader by founding LTTE. His rare interviews, his annual Tamil Eelam Heroes Day speeches, and the policies and actions of the LTTE can be taken as indicators of Prabhakaran’s philosophy and ideology. The following are important areas when considering philosophy and ideology of Prabhakaran.


Prabhakaran’s contribution to deligitimization of caste within Sri Lankan Tamil society is instrumental. Tamil society is structured along caste lines, and the upper Vellalar caste strives to maintain its leadership and privileged position by intra marrying, and by discriminating against low-caste members. As a member of relatively lower Karaiyar caste, Prabhakaran's rise to leadership has meant that LTTE was able to break or transcend the caste structure. But it should be noted in the Karaiyar dominated coastal belt upper Velallar caste hegemony was limited or even non existent. Hence the oft-repeated dogma that he belongs to a lower caste really has no meaning because at no point in his life would he have actually felt caste discrimination. His grandfather was the builder/owner of a local Hindu Siva temple, hence the ritual position of his family was very high within his native town.

Nevertheless the LTTE strongly opposes caste, and its leadership consistently has members from all castes, with a strong presence of lower castes. Moreover, LTTE aligns itself with lower or middle caste political forces of Tamil Nadu, such as Dalit Panthers (DP), Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK), and Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (MDMK). However, the LTTE does not antagonize the upper castes, and does not use caste as its orientation framework. Rather, it uses Tamil nationalism to delegitimize caste.

Women Rights

Women in traditional Sri Lankan Tamil society were treated as subservient to men, and were not given equal opportunities to pursue non traditional careers. Prabhakaran encouraged women to join the movement and to fight in the battlefield. The LTTE also outlawed dowry. Prabhakaran has consistently stated that equal rights and opportunities should be given to women. In his International Women's Day address, on 8 March 1996, he stated the following about Tamil women: "For the awakening of a nation and the salvation of womanhood, the Thamileelam revolutionary woman has transformed herself into a tigress! Fierce and fiery, she has taken up arms to fight injustice.".


Prabhakaran is a born Hindu, and an admirer of the Tamil Hindu war god Murugan. However, religion is not a factor in his philosophy or ideology. All LTTE ceremonies are secular, rooted in ancient Tamil customs, or seek to incorporate multi-religious elements. For instance, Hindus traditionally cremate their dead, but LTTE fighters are buried, according to the old Tamil custom of burying the warriors. Also, the LTTE has an overwhelming support of the minority Sri Lankan Tamil Christians and the Church, and a number of leading LTTE officers are Christians. Prabhakaran named his son Charles Anthony, a Christian name, after one of his most trusted associates, Charles Lucas Anthony, alias Seelan, who was killed in 1983.

Tamil Nationalism

Prabhakaran’s source of inspiration and direction is Tamil nationalism. His stated and ultimate ideal is to get Tamil Eelam recognized as a nation. All his activities are directed towards that single minded goal.

Militarism, Violence, and Terrorism

Prabhakaran is an instrumental force behind the militarization of the Tamil community. He argues that he chose military means only after observing that non–violent means had been ineffectual and obsolete. His violent break up of students' sit-ins, assumed terrorist acts, and violent campaigns that generated harsh Sinhalese reactions are examples of him catalyzing the Tamil militant movement. The murder of Jaffna mayor Alfred Duraiappah is an example of the extreme route that he has taken for liberation of the Tamil people.

Prabhakaran's supports say he does not consider using violence in self-defense or to promote his end goals if political means are available. His critics counter that he has not allowed political alternatives to be implemented, preferring to achieve his objectives by violence and terrorism. He has overseen several civilian massacres of Sinhalese and Muslims.

Economic System

In the interview to Anita Prathap in 1984, Prabhakaran stated that his ideological commitment is to “revolutionary socialism”. However, in his media conference in 2002, his ideologue Anton Balasingham forcefully stated that their current economic policy is “market economy” or capitalism. All the logos, symbols, and media products of the LTTE are copyrighted. The LTTE and its insiders have set up companies such as hotels, export firms, and media outlets that cater to the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in an explicitly commercial way. [citation needed]


Prabhakaran has famously stated that “Nature is my friend, life my philosopher, and history my guide”. The LTTE has important camps in jungles, and Prabhakaran himself is said to reside in safe houses in jungles. Also, the Tamil population is largely farmers and fishermen who depend on their environment for sustenance. Thus, the natural environment is of military, economic, and psyche value to LTTE and Prabhakaran.

The LTTE claims to have a sustainable attitude towards the environment. It has set up mechanisms to monitor the environment and vigorously implements environmental regulations. One such policy is banning the use of plastic bags for packaging because plastic is a non-degradable material[citation needed].

Innovation, Improvisation, Technology, Education

Prabhakaran has consistently shown his inclination to innovate and improvise militarily, politically, as well as economically. He considers technology as the equalizing factor in the war against a numerically and financially superior Sri Lankan army, thus always strives to stay ahead of the technological curve. He is the major architect of the de facto Tamil Eelam state administrative structures. Although, he disdains “theorists”, he supports the popular Tamils desire for education. He is not known to have any educational qualifications.


Prabhakaran has operated in India, primarily in Tamil Nadu prior to 1990s. Since his return to Sri Lanka, he has not traveled abroad. However, the LTTE operates internationally, and the Tamil Diaspora is spread globally. Prabhakaran has not expressed any particular views about globalization, except to note that he weighs the international dynamics heavily in his decision making. He is liable for arrest in any country on an arrest warrant issued by Interpol on charges of terrorism. He has been convicted by Indian courts of the murder of former Indian Prime Minnister Rajiv Gandhi [4]. The LTTE as an organization seeks legitimization from the international community and yet finds itself hampered by the restrictions that substantial engagements seem to bring.

Prabhakaran has carefully avoided antagonizing the Tamil diaspora. On the contrary, he has used them systematically to raise funds, supplies and moral support. He communicates and controls the diaspora through the LTTE’s international offices or front organizations.

Human Rights Abuses

Prabhakaran has committed many human rights abuses for more than two decades. They include forceful recruitment of children to the LTTE forces, suppression and killing of Tamil political opponents, massacres of innocent Muslim and Sinhalese civilians and etc.


  • M.R.Narayan Swamy. (2003). Inside an Elusive Mind - Prabhakaran. USA: Literate World, Inc.
  • Prabhakaran - A Leader for All Seasons - Glimpses of the Man behind the Leader[5]
  • Rajan Hoole. (2001) 'The Arrogance of power ', UTHR(J), Colombo.
  • Sachi Sri Kantha. (2005). 'Pirabhakaran Phenomenon', Lively COMET Imprint, ISBN Number 1-57087-671-1, 641 pp.

See also