Congress of South African Trade Unions

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The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) is a trade union federation in South Africa. It was founded in 1985 and is the biggest of the country’s three main trade union federations, with 21 affiliated trade unions, altogether organising 1.8 million workers.

Cosatu was established in 1985 following unity talks between competing unions and federations. At its launch it represented less than half a million workers organised in 33 unions, but saw rapid growth in its early years. Elijah Barayi was the organisation’s first president and served until 1991.

Cosatu is part of an alliance with the ANC and the South African Communist Party, often called the tripartite alliance. Cosatu’s role in the alliance has been the subject of debate, since the organisation has been critical of some of the ANC government's policies. While some affiliates have argued for greater independence from the ruling political party, others have argued that the arrangement gives Cosatu a political influence beneficial to its members.