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This article is about the politics, government, and economy of the People's Republic of China. For the people, history, culture, and geography of China, please see China.
People's Republic of China
Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
Motto: (none)
Anthem: 义勇军进行曲
(translated to March of the Volunteers)
Location of the People's Republic of China
Largest cityShanghai
Official languagesStandard Mandarin1 (Putonghua)
GovernmentSocialist republic2
• President
Hu Jintao
• Premier
Wen Jiabao
2205 BC
221 BC
October 10, 1911
• Declaration of PRC
October 1, 1949
• Water (%)
• 2005 estimate
1,315,844,000 (1st)
• 2000 census
GDP (PPP)2005 estimate
• Total
$9.412 trillion2 (2nd)
• Per capita
$7,2042 (84th)
HDI (2003)0.755
high (85th)
CurrencyRenminbi Yuan (RMB¥)2 (CNY)
Time zoneUTC+8
• Summer (DST)
Calling code862
ISO 3166 codeCN
Internet TLD.cn2
1 In addition to the Standard Mandarin, English is co-official in Hong Kong (SAR); and correspondingly, Portuguese in Macau (SAR). Similarly, several minority languages are also co-official with Standard Mandarin in minority areas, particularly, Uyghur in Xinjiang, Mongolian (Mainly Cyrillic alphabet, but some also use the Chahar alphabet) in Inner Mongolia, Tibetan in Tibet, and Korean in Yanbian, Jilin.
2 Information for mainland China only. Hong Kong, Macau, and territories under administration of the Republic of China (Taiwan, Quemoy, etc.) are excluded.
3 Area rank is disputed with the U.S. and is sometimes ranked 3rd or 4th. See Geography section

The People's Republic of China (P.R.C.; simplified Chinese: 中华人民共和国; traditional Chinese: 中華人民共和國; pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguólisten, or China) is a country in East Asia. Its capital is Beijing.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has led the PRC under a one-party system since the country's establishment in 1949. Despite this, nearly half of the PRC's economy has been privatized in the past three decades under "Socialism with Chinese characteristics." During the 1980s, these economic reforms helped lift millions of people out of poverty, bringing the poverty rate down to 12% from 33% of the population.[1] However, due to this mixing of market and planned economies, the PRC is faced with a number of problems associated with each, including unemployment and an increasing rural/urban income gap. Despite shortcomings, greater prosperity has led to growing Chinese influence in global economic, political, military, scientific, technological, and cultural affairs.

At over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.1 million km²), the PRC is the third largest country by area. It is also the world's most populous nation, with over 1.3 billion people.

The PRC is the world's fourth largest economy and represents China as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and APEC. China is the third largest exporter and importer in the world. Due to its large and stable population, its growing economy and military spending and capabilities, [2] the PRC is often considered an emerging superpower.

In an ongoing dispute, the PRC claims sovereignty over Taiwan and some nearby islands, which have been controlled by the Republic of China (ROC) since 1945. The PRC asserts the Republic of China to be an illegitimate and supplanted entity and administratively categorizes Taiwan as a province of the PRC. The ROC does not recognize these claims, administering itself as a sovereign country with a democratically elected government and presidency. The term "mainland China" is sometimes used to denote the area under the PRC's rule, but usually excludes the two Special Administrative Regions, Hong Kong and Macau.


File:China, Mao (2).jpg
Mao Zedong declares the founding of the PRC in 1949.

The Chinese Civil War ended in 1949 with the Communist Party of China in control of the mainland, and the Kuomintang retreating to Taiwan and some outlying islands of Fujian. On October 1, 1949 Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China, declaring "the Chinese people have stood up."[3]

Following a series of dramatic economic failures, Mao stepped down from his position as chairman in 1959, with Liu Shaoqi, elected by the National People's Congress, as successor. Mao still had a huge influence over the Party, but was removed from day-to-day management of economic affairs, which came under the control of a more moderate leadership consisting of Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, and others who initiated economic reforms.

In 1966, Mao and his allies launched the Cultural Revolution, which is viewed by many analysts and historians as an attempt to purge the moderate leadership and strike-back at Mao's rivals by mobilizing the population in support of his thought. Mao's sympathizers argued it as an experiment in direct democracy and a genuine attempt at fighting corruption and other negative influences within Chinese society. However, Mao's personality cult at the time and the hierarchical structure of the "Red Guard," as well as the economic reconstruction needed after these events, tend to contradict this interpretation. Extreme disorder followed in the wake of the Cultural Revolution, but premier Zhou Enlai mediated its destructive impacts and helped the moderate forces regain influence.

After Mao's death in 1976 and the arrest of the despised Gang of Four, Deng Xiaoping quickly wrested power from Mao's anointed successor Hua Guofeng. Although Deng never became the head of the Party or State himself, his influence within the Party led the country to economic reforms, exemplified by one of his favorite sayings: "It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice."[4] The Communist Party subsequently loosened governmental control over people's personal lives and the communes were disbanded with many peasants receiving multiple land leases, which greatly increased incentives and agricultural production. This turn of events marked China's transition from a planned economy to a mixed economy. The PRC adopted its current constitution on December 4, 1982.

Despite market reforms, the Communist Party of China remains in sole control, requiring the registration and supervision of all civic organizations. The CPC suppresses groups that it claims are threats to social stability and national unity, such as Falun Gong and the separatist movement in Tibet. Supporters of these policies claim that they safeguard stability in a society that was torn apart by class differences and rivalries, has no tradition of civil participation, and limited rule of law. Opponents claim that these policies severely curtail human rights and that they have resulted in a police state, creating an atmosphere of fear and ignorance.

In 1989 the death of the pro-reform official, Hu Yaobang, helped to spark the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, during which students and others campaigned for democratic reform and freedom. The protests were soon put down on June 4 when PLA troops entered and forcibly cleared the square, resulting in hundreds of casualities. This event brought worldwide condemnation and sanctions against the PRC government. The June 4th incident has been a taboo subject within the government, though the Party did defend its actions by saying that it was necessary for the continued stability and economic development of the country.

President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji, both former mayors of Shanghai, led post-Tiananmen China in the 1990s, bringing unprecedented wealth and international standing to the country. Under Jiang Zemin's ten years of administration, China pulled an estimated 150 million peasants out of poverty and sustained an average annual GDP growth rate of 11.2%. The country formally joined the WTO in 2001.[5] [6]

Although China needs economic growth to spur its development, the government has begun to worry that rapid economic growth could negatively impact the country's resources and environment. Another concern is that many people are not benefiting from China's economic miracle. As a result, the PRC, under current President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao, have initiated policies to address these issues, but the outcome remains to be seen.[7]

Government and politics


The Great Hall of the People, on the west side of Tiananmen Square, is China's parliament building. There are 2,979 representatives in the annual congress.

While the PRC is regarded as a communist state by many political scientists, it is also arguably the wealthiest of those that remain. But attempts to characterize the nature of China's political structure into a single, simple category are typically seen as lacking sufficient depth to be satisfactory.[8] A major reason for this is that for much of China's history, the state had been ruled by some form of centralized imperial monarchy, which was followed by a chaotic succession of largely authoritarian Chinese Nationalist governments as well as warlord-held administrations since the last few years of the Qing dynasty in 1912. Although the PRC regime has been variously described as authoritarian, communist, and socialist, it appears China is slowly becoming capitalist in its economic system.[9] However, heavy restrictions remain in some areas, most notably on the internet and in the press.

The country is mainly run by the Communist Party of China (CPC), but there are other political parties in the PRC, called "democratic parties", which participate in the People's Political Consultative Conference but mostly serve to endorse CPC policies. While there have been some moves toward political liberalization, in that open contested elections are now held at the village and town levels,[10] and that legislatures have shown some assertiveness from time to time, the party retains effective control over governmental appointments. This is because, in the absence of meaningful opposition, the CPC wins by default in most electorates. [11] The CPC has been enforcing its rule by clamping down on political dissidents while simultaneously attempting to reduce dissent by improving the economy and allowing public expression of personal grievances so long as they are not organized. Current political concerns in China include lessening the growing gap between rich and poor, and fighting corruption within the government leadership.[12] The support that the Communist Party of China has among the Chinese population in general is unclear because there are no consistently contested national elections.[13] Also, private conversations and anecdotal information often reveal conflicting views. However, according to a survey conducted in Hong Kong, where a relatively high level of freedom is enjoyed, the current CPC leaders have received substantial votes of support when residents were asked to rank their favourite Chinese leaders from the mainland and Taiwan.[14]

Political divisions

The People's Republic of China has administrative control over 22 provinces (省); the government of the PRC considers Táiwān (台湾) to be its 23rd province.[15] (See Political status of Taiwan for more information). Apart from provinces, there are 5 Autonomous regions (自治区) containing several minority groups, 4 municipalities (直辖市), and 2 Special Administrative Regions (特别行政区), which enjoy considerable autonomy.

The 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 4 municipalities can be collectively referred to as "mainland China", a term which usually excludes Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Province-level divisions of the People's Republic of China.

The following are a list of administrative divisions of areas under the control of the People's Republic of China.

Foreign relations

Hu Jintao with George W. Bush. The relationship between the world's sole superpower United States and the emerging superpower status of the PRC is closely watched by international observers.

The PRC maintains diplomatic relations with most countries in the world. In 1971, the PRC replaced the Republic of China as the sole representative for "China" in the United Nations and as one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.[16] It is considered a founding member of UN, though the PRC was not in control of China at the time. (See China and the United Nations). The PRC was also a former member and leader of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Under the One-China policy, the PRC has made it a precondition to establishing diplomatic relations that the other country acknowledges its claim to Taiwan and sever any official ties with the Republic of China (ROC) government. The government actively opposes foreign travels by former and present Taiwanese officials, such as Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, and other politically controversial figures, such as Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama of Tibet.

China has been playing an increasing role in calling for free trade areas and security pacts amongst its Asia-Pacific neighbors. In 2004, China proposed an entirely new East Asia Summit (EAS) framework as a forum for regional security issues that pointedly excluded the United States.[17] The EAS, which includes ASEAN Plus Three, India, Australia and New Zealand, held its inaugural summit in 2005. China is also a founding member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), with Russia and the Central Asian republics.

Much of the current foreign policy is based on the concept of China's peaceful rise. However, conflicts with foreign countries have occurred at various times in its recent history, particularly with the United States; e.g., the U.S. bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during the Kosovo conflict in May 1999 and the U.S.-China spy plane incident in April 2001. Also, its foreign relations with many other Western nations suffered for a time following the Tiananmen Square Incident in 1989, sometimes referred to as the Tiananmen Square Massacre or June 4th Incident. The relationship between China and Japan has been strained at times by Japan's refusal to acknowledge its war-time past to the satisfaction of the PRC, e.g. revisionist comments made by prominent Japanese officials, and insufficient attention paid to the Nanjing Massacre and other atrocities committed during World War II in Japanese history textbooks. Another point of conflict between the two countries is the frequent visits by Japanese government officials to the Yasukuni Shrine, which enshrines thousands of World War II war criminals, including 14 Class A convicts.

The PRC is in a number of international territorial disputes. China's territorial disputes have led to several localized wars in the last 50 years, including the Sino-Indian War in 1962, the Sino-Soviet border conflict in 1969 and the Sino-Vietnam War in 1979. In 2001, the PRC and Russia signed the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, [18] which paved the way in 2004 for Russia to transfer Yinlong Island as well as one half of Heixiazi Island to China, ending a long-standing Sino-Russian border dispute. Other territorial disputes include islands in the East and South China Seas, and undefined or disputed borders with India, Tajikstan and North Korea.

Population policy

Sculpture in Tianjin, China symbolizing the One-child policy.

With a population of over 1.3 billion, the PRC is very concerned about its population growth and has attempted with mixed results to implement a strict family planning policy. The government's goal is one child per family, with exceptions for ethnic minorities and flexibility in rural areas, where a family can have a second child if the first is a girl or physically disabled. The government's goal is to stabilize population growth early in the 21st century, though some current projections estimate a population of anywhere ranging from 1.4 billion to 1.6 billion by 2025.

The policy is resisted, particularly in rural areas, because of the need for agricultural labour and a traditional preference for boys. Families who breach the policy often lie during the census. Official government policy opposes forced abortion or sterilization, but allegations of coercion continue as local officials, who are faced with penalties for failing to curb population growth, may resort to forced abortion or sterilization, or manipulation of census figures.

The decreasing reliability of PRC population statistics since family planning began in the late 1970s has made evaluating the effectiveness of the policy difficult. Estimates by Chinese demographers of the average number of children for a Chinese woman vary from 1.5 to 2.0. The government is particularly concerned with the large imbalance in the sex ratio at birth, apparently the result of a combination of traditional preference for boys, family planning pressure, and the wide availability of ultrasound, which led to its ban for the purpose of sex-selective abortion.

Human rights

The Constitution of the People's Republic of China guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to a fair trial, freedom of religion, universal suffrage, and property rights.[19] However, censorship of political speech and information is openly and routinely used to protect what the government considers national security interests.[20] The government has a policy of suppressing most protests and organizations that it considers a threat to social stability and national unity, as was the case with the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. However, there are limits to the methods that the Party is willing or able to use as the media have become increasingly active in publicizing social problems, and exposing corruption and inefficiency at lower levels of government. The Party has also been rather unsuccessful at controlling information, and in some cases has had to change policies in response to public outrage. Although organized opposition against the Party is not accepted, demonstrations over local issues are frequently and increasingly tolerated.

At times, the PRC is faced with criticism from Western governments and NGOs concerning allegations of gross human rights violations. These criticisms allege that there existed a widespread practice of lengthy detentions without trial, forced confessions, torture, mistreatment of prisoners, as well as allegations of restrictions on freedoms of speech, assembly, association, religion, the press, and workers' rights.[20] Furthermore, China leads the world in capital punishment, accounting for roughly 90% of total death-penalty executions in 2004,[21] The PRC government responds to these criticisms by arguing that the notion of human rights should factor in standards-of-living. It views the rise in China's standard-of-living as an indicator of improvement in the human rights issue.[22]


PLA recruit training. The PLA has been rapidly modernizing and reducing the size of its military force.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA), with its 2.25 million active troops, is currently the largest military in the world.[23] The PLA consists of an army, navy, air force, and strategic nuclear force. The official budget of the PLA for 2005 is $30 billion,[24] possibly excluding foreign weapons purchases, military research and development, and the People's Armed Police, a paramilitary force.

The PRC, despite possession of nuclear weapons and delivery systems, is widely seen by military researchers both within and outside of China as having only limited power projection capability, so it is not yet considered to be a true superpower, though it is widely regarded as a major regional power.[25] This is due to the limited effectiveness of its navy, which has no aircraft carriers, and a large but obsolete air force.

Much progress has been made in the last decade and the PRC continues to make efforts to modernize its military. It has purchased state-of-the-art fighter jets from Russia, such as the Su-30s, and has also produced its own modern fighters, specifically the Chinese J-10s and the J-11s.[26] It has also acquired and improved upon the Russian S-300 Surface-to-Air missile systems, which are considered to be among the best aircraft-intercepting systems in the world.[27] The PRC's armoured and rapid-reaction forces have been updated with enhanced electronics and targeting capabilities. In recent years, much attention has been focused on building a navy with blue-water capability.[28]


China's GDP trend from 1952 to 2005.

Beginning in late 1978, the Chinese leadership has been reforming the economy from a Soviet-style centrally planned economy to a more market-oriented economy that is still within a rigid political framework under Party control. The reforms replaced collectivization with privatization of farmlands, increased the responsibility of local authorities and industry managers, allowed a wide variety of small-scale enterprises to flourish, and promoted foreign investment. Price controls were also relaxed. These changes resulted in mainland China's shift from a planned economy to a mixed economy. China became a member of the World Trade Organization in 2001.

The government emphasizes personal income and consumption by introducing new management systems to help increase productivity. The government also focuses on foreign trade as a major vehicle for economic growth, which led to 5 Special Economic Zones (SEZ: Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Xiamen, Hainan Province) where investment laws are relaxed so as to attract foreign capital. Since the 1990s, SEZs and similar concepts have been expanded to other major Chinese cities, including Shanghai and Beijing. The result has been a 6-fold increase of GDP since 1978. Chinese economic development is among the fastest in the world, and has been growing at an average annual GDP rate of 9.4% for the past 25 years.[29] At the end of 2005, the PRC became the fourth largest economy in the world by exchange rate, and the second largest in the world after the United States by purchasing power parity at US$8,158 trillion [30]. But with its large population this still gives an average GDP per person of only an estimated US$6,200, about 1/7th that of the United States.

Mainland China has a reputation as being a low-cost manufacturer, which caused notable disputes in global markets. This is largely because Chinese corporations can produce many products far more cheaply than other parts of Asia or Latin America, and because expensive products produced in developed countries like the United States are in large part uncompetitive compared to European or Asian goods. Another factor is the unfavorable exchange rate between the Chinese yuan and the United States dollar to which it was pegged.

On July 21, 2005 the People's Bank of China announced that it would move to a floating peg, allowing its currency to move against the United States dollar by 0.3% a day, while 3% a day against other currencies.[31] Many high-tech American companies have difficulty exporting to China due to US federal government restrictions, which exacerbated the trade gap between the PRC and the US. On the other hand, China runs a trade deficit with Japan, importing more from Japan than exports to Japan. With the elimination of clothing quotas, China stands to take over a large chunk of the worldwide textile industry. [32] [33]

Preferential tax incentives are also given as a direct fiscal incentive to manufacture in China, whether for export or for the local market of 1.3 billion people. China is attempting to harmonize the system of taxes and duties it imposes on enterprises, domestic and foreign alike. As a result, preferential tax and duty policies that benefit exporters in special economic zones and coastal cities have been targeted for revision.

There is a large wealth disparity between the coastal regions and the remainder of the country. To counter this potentially destabilizing problem, the government has initiated the China Western Development strategy (2000), the Revitalize Northeast China initiative (2003), and the Rise of Central China policy (2004), which are all aimed at helping the interior of China to catch up.

Industrial sector

Service sector

Science and technology

The newly opened Shanghai Museum of Science and Technology. High-tech industries and R&D are becoming increasingly emphasized in the Chinese economy.

After the Sino-Soviet split, China started to develop its own indigenous nuclear deterrent and delivery systems, successfully detonating its first surface nuclear test in 1964 at Lop Nor. A natural outgrowth of this was a satellite launching program, which culminated in 1970 with the launching of Dongfang Hong I, the first Chinese satellite. This made the PRC the fifth nation to independently launch a satellite. In 1992, the Shenzhou manned spaceflight program was authorized.[34] After four tests, Shenzhou 5 was launched on October 15, 2003, using a Long March 2F rocket and carrying Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei, making the PRC the third country to put a human being into space through its own endeavors.[35] With the successful completion of the second manned mission, Shenzhou 6 in October 2005, the country plans to build a Chinese Space Station in the near future and achieve a lunar landing in the next decade.[36]

The Chinese government continues to place heavy emphasis on research and development by creating greater public awareness of innovation, and reforming financial and tax systems to promote growth in cutting-edge industries. President Hu Jintao in January 2006 called for China to make the transition from a manufacturing-based economy to an innovation-based one, and this year's National People's Congress has approved large increases in research funding. Controversial areas such as stem-cell research and gene therapy face minimal regulation in China.

China is also actively developing its software, semiconductor and energy industries, including renewable energies such as hydro, wind and solar power.[37] In an effort to reduce pollution from coal-burning power plants, China has been pioneering the deployment of pebble bed nuclear reactors, which run cooler and safer, and have potential applications for the hydrogen economy. [38]


G030 northbound in Hebei province. There are currently 41,000 km (25,000 mi) of expressways in China, half that of the US

Transportation in the mainland of the People's Republic of China has improved remarkably since the late 1990s as part of a government effort to link the entire nation through a series of expressways known as the National Trunk Highway System (NTHS). Between 2001 and 2005, more than 25,000 km (16,000 mi) of expressways were built in China for a total of 41,000 km (25,000 mi), second only to the United States.[39]

Private car ownership is increasing at an annual rate of 15%, though it is still uncommon due to government policies that make car ownership expensive, such as taxes and toll roads.[40]

Air travel has increased, but remains too expensive for most. Long distance transportation is still dominated by railways and charter bus systems.

Cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are building subways or light rail systems. Hong Kong has one of the most developed transport systems in the world.


As of July 2006, there are 1,313,973,713 people in the PRC. About 20.8% (male 145,461,833; female 128,445,739) are 14 years old or younger, 71.4% (male 482,439,115; female 455,960,489) are between 15 and 64 years old, and 7.7% (male 48,562,635; female 53,103,902) are over 65 years old. The population growth rate for 2006 is 0.59%.[41] The PRC officially recognizes 56 distinct ethnic groups, the largest of which are Han Chinese, who constitute about 91.9% of the total population.[42] Large ethnic minorities include the Zhuang (16 million), Manchu (10 million), Hui (9 million), Miao (8 million), Uyghur (7 million), Yi (7 million), Tujia (5.75 million), Mongolians (5 million), Tibetans (5 million), Buyi (3 million), and Koreans (2 million).[43]

In the past decade, China's cities expanded at an average rate of 10% annually. The country's urbanization rate increased from 17.4% to 41.8% between 1978 and 2005, a scale unprecedented in human history.[44] Caught between urban and rural are the 80 to 120 million migrant workers who work part-time in the major cities of China and return home to the countryside periodically with their earnings.[45]

Today, the People's Republic of China has dozens of major cities with one million or more long-term residents, including the three global cities of Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.

The figures below are the 2001 estimates for the ten largest urban populations within administrative city limits; a different ranking exists when considering the total municipal populations (which includes suburban and rural populations). The large floating populations of migrant workers make conducting censuses in urban areas difficult;[46] the figures below do not include the floating population, only long-term residents.

Rank City urban area Population
(2001 est) [47]
(2001 est) [48]
per km²
Municipality limits
(2000 census) [49]
millions density (per km²)
1 Shanghai municipality 9.838 34,700 16.74 2,640 East
2 Beijing municipality 7.441 29,800 13.82 822 North
3 Hong Kong SAR 6.112 76,200 7.01 6,294 South Central
4 Tianjin municipality 5.095 10,500 10.01 803 North
5 Wuhan, Hubei province 4.489 12,950 8.31 947 South Central
6 Guangzhou, Guangdong province 4.155 11,600 10.15 1,337 South Central
7 Shenyang, Liaoning province 3.981 9,250 7.20 557 Northeast
8 Chongqing municipality 3.934 23,500 30.90 378 Southwest
9 Nanjing, Jiangsu province 2.822 13,250 6.40 970 East
10 Harbin, Heilongjiang province 2.672 11,350 9.35 174 Northeast


China in 1986 set a long-term goal to provide compulsory nine-year basic education to every child. As of 1997, there were 628,840 primary schools, 78,642 secondary schools and 1,020 higher education institutions in the PRC.[50] In February 2006, the government advanced its basic education goal by pledging to provide completely free nine-year education, including textbooks and fees, in the poorer western provinces.[51] As of 2002, 90.9% (male: 95.1%; female: 86.5%) of the population over age 15 are literate.[41]

The quality of Chinese colleges and universities varies considerably across the country. The consistently top-ranked universities in mainland China include Tsinghua and Peking in Beijing, Fudan in Shanghai, Nanjing University in Nanjing, the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, and Zhejiang University in Hangzhou.[52][53]

Many parents are highly committed in their children's education, often investing large portions of the family's income on education. Private lessons and recreational activities, such as in foreign languages or music, are popular among the middle-class families who can afford them.[54]

Public health

The Ministry of Health oversees the health needs of the Chinese population.[55] An emphasis on public health and preventative treatment characterized health policy since the early 1950s. At that time, the party started the Patriotic Health Campaign, which was aimed at improving sanitation and hygiene, as well as attacking several diseases. This has shown major results as diseases like cholera, typhoid, and scarlet fever were nearly eradicated. Also, the country's life expectancy jumped from about 32 years in 1950 to almost 73 years in 2006,[56] and infant mortality went down from 300 per thousand in the 1950s to about 23 per thousand in 2006.[41][57]

Despite significant improvements in health and the introduction of western style medical facilities,[58] the PRC currently has several emerging public health problems, which include respiratory problems as a result of pollution and millions of cigarette smokers,[59] a possible future HIV-AIDS epidemic, and an increase in obesity among urban youths.[60][61] China's large population and close living quarters has led to some serious disease outbreaks in recent years, such as the 2002 outbreak of SARS (a pneumonia-like disease) which has since been contained.[62]

See also


Sports and recreation


  1. ^ China’s Institutional and Structural fault lines (which cites World Bank, 1992, p. 4 as the reference). Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  2. ^ Oded Shenkar [http:/ The Chinese Century : The Rising Chinese Economy and Its Impact on the Global Economy, the Balance of Power, and Your Job]
  3. ^ THE CHINESE PEOPLE HAVE STOOD UP!. UCLA Center for East Asian Studies. Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  4. ^ Zwaan, Herman de. "I4": Oneliners and proverbs It-Jz. Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  5. ^ Nation bucks trend of global poverty (July 11, 2003). China Daily.
  6. ^ China's Average Economic Growth in 90s Ranked 1st in World (March 1, 2000). People's Daily Online.
  7. ^ "China worried over pace of growth". BBC. Accessed 16 April, 2006.
  8. ^ Boum, Aomar (1999). Journal of Political Ecology: Case Studies in History and Society. Retrieved April 18, 2006.
  9. ^ China's Capitalist Revolutions (Winter 1997). Proletarian Revolution.
  10. ^ [1]
  11. ^ [ "Does China’s Land-Tenure System Discourage Structural Adjustment?" by Bryan Lohmar and Agapi Somwaru]. 1 May 2006. USDA Economic Research Service. URL accessed 3 May 2006.
  12. ^ China sounds alarm over fast-growing gap between rich and poor. Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  13. ^ [
  14. ^ "HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan as well as people's appraisal of past Chinese leaders". 4 April 2006. HKU POP. URL accessed 3 May 2006.
  15. ^ Gwillim Law (April 2, 2005). Provinces of China. Retrieved April 15, 2006.
  16. ^ Eddy Chang (Aug 22, 2004). Perseverance will pay off at the UN The Taipei Times.
  17. ^ Dillon, Dana and John Tkacik Jr, "China’s Quest for Asia", Policy Review, December 2005 and January 2006, Issue No. 134. Accessed 22 April 2006.
  18. ^ Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation (March 21, 2006). Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  19. ^ China Constitution. 16 March 2004. Accessed 28 April 2006.
  20. ^ a b China Human Rights Fact Sheet (March 1995). Retrieved April 16, 2006. Cite error: The named reference "right" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  21. ^ 5 April 2005. Accessed 23 June 2006. The Independent/UK article, republished.
  22. ^ "China's reform and opening-up promotes human rights, says premier". 11 December 2003. Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States. Accessed 28 April 2006.
  23. ^ China Seeks to Allay U.S. Fears as Summit Nears (2006). Retrieved April 15, 2006.
  24. ^ Ang, Khen. China Defends Military Budget. VOA Khmer. Retrieved April 15, 2006.
  25. ^ Nolt, James H. ANALYSIS: The China-Taiwan military balance. Asia Times. Retrieved April 15, 2006.
  26. ^ SinoDefence: Fighter Aircraft. Accessed 15 April, 2006
  27. ^ SinoDefence: Surface-to-air Missile System (2006). Accessed 15 April, 2006.
  28. ^ SinoDefence: Aircraft carrier programme (2006). Accessed 15 April, 2006
  29. ^ Malik, Khalid (December 16, 2005). "Launch of the China Human Development Report 2005".
  30. ^ CIA Factbook
  31. ^ China widens yuan, non-dollar trading range to 3% (September 23, 2005). Retrieved April 15, 2006.
  32. ^ The New York Times.
  33. ^ The New York Times.
  34. ^ China's First Man-made Satellite (2003). Ministry of Culture. Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  35. ^ Wade, Mark. Shenzhou (6 January 2006). Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  36. ^ Wade, Mark. (30 March 2005)Project 921-2. Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  37. ^ "Blinding Science: China's Race to Innovate" Bruce Einhorn, Business Week, 31 March 2006, accessed: 16 April 2006.
  38. ^ "China leading world in next generation of nuclear plants"Robert J. Saiget. DAGA. 5 October 2004. Accessed 16 April 2006.
  39. ^ Li, Lin (April 4, 2006). "Expressways being built at frenetic pace". SINA English.
  40. ^ "China's Car Drive" (June 13, 2005). Earlywarning.
  41. ^ a b c CIA World Factbook. 20 April 2006. URL accessed 3 May 2006. Cite error: The named reference "pop" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  42. ^ CIA factbook (29 March 2006). Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  43. ^ Stein, Justin J (Spring 2003). Taking the Deliberative in China. Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  44. ^ Zhou Qun, Lin Yanhua. China's urbanization encounters "urban disease", (中国新闻网), November 11, 2005. Accessed 21 April 2005.
  45. ^ China 2004 Migrant Workers, CBC Radio One, December 2004. Accessed: 21 April 2006
  46. ^ Francesco Sisci, "China's floating population a headache for census", The Straits Times, 22 September 2000.
  47. ^ City Population, compiled by Thomas Brinkhoff, data from official PRC estimates for 2001. Retrieved: 20 April 2006.
  48. ^ Demographia World Urban Areas, data from PRC estimates for 2001. Retrieved 21 April 2006.
  49. ^ Tabulation on the 2000 population census of the People's Republic of China, compiled by the Population Census Office under the PRC State Council & Department of Population, Social, Science and Technology Statistics, Beijing: China National Bureau of Statistics Press, 2002. All data in column obtained from this reference except for Hong Kong, which uses the 2005 estimate from United Nations DESA.
  50. ^ Education (2002). Orasia co.,ltd.
  51. ^ China pledges free 9-year education in rural west (February 21, 2006). China Economic Net.
  52. ^ 2005 Chinese University Ranking unveiled (February 21, 2005). China Daily. Retrieved April 16, 2006.
  53. ^ All-around Ranking (2003). Retrieved April 17, 2006.
  54. ^ "China's graft: Tough talk, old message" by Mary Hennock. 27 September 2004. BBC News. Accessed 2 may 2006.
  55. ^ China Ministry of Health (MOH). 2003. China Aids Survey. Accessed 18 April 2006.
  56. ^ "Incentives, Ideology, or Other Initiatives?- Why China’s Health Reforms Falter" by Tana Johnson. 18 April 2006. University of Chicago's East Asia Workshop. URL accessed 3 May 2006.
  57. ^ China’s Infant Mortality Rate Down. 11 September 2001. CHINA.ORG.CN. URL accessed 3 May 2006.
  58. ^ Public Health and Safety China Highlights. Accessed 17 April 2006.
  59. ^ "Smoking 'will kill one third of young Chinese men'". 16 August 2001. Honolulu Community College. Accessed 17 April 2006.
  60. ^ "Serving the people?". 1999. Bruce Kennedy. CNN. Accessed 17 April 2006.
  61. ^ "Obesity Sickening China's Young Hearts" 4 August 2000. People's Daily. Accessed 17 April 2006.
  62. ^ "China’s latest SARS outbreak has been contained, but biosafety concerns remain". 18 May 2004. World Health Organization. Accessed 17 April 2006.




Further reading

  • Lynch, Michael, Peoples Republic Of China 1949-90, 160 pages, Trafalgar Square: 1998, ISBN 034068853X.
  • Murphey, Rhoads, East Asia: A New History, U. of Michigan Press: 1996.
  • Sang, Ye, China Candid : The People on the People's Republic , 368 pages, University of California Press: 2006, ISBN 0520245148.
  • Seldon, Mark, People's Republic of China: Documentary History of Revolutionary Change, 718 pages, Monthly Review PR: 1979.
  • Terrill, Ross, The New Chinese Empire: And What It Means for the United States, Basic Books, hardcover, 400 pages, ISBN 0465084125.
  • Thurston, Anne F., China Bound: A Guide to Academic Life and Work in the PRC, 272 pages, National Academies Press: 1994, ISBN 0309049326.





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