Codename: Kids Next Door (season 4)

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R.A.B.B.I.T is for Rescue Aids Beloved Bunny In Trouble and is an episode of the Cartoon Network animated series Codename: Kids Next Door.


Numbuh 2 and 5 episode
Villain: Heinrich von Marzipan
KND technology used: none
Villain technology used: Candy and Lollipop guns


Mr. Fluffleupagus Is Missing

It begins when Numbuh 2 and 5 went to the Grade 1 classroom, to find the first graders are poor, because someone steals Mr. Fluffleupagus. When Numbuh 5 asks a question who did it, one said that he never gives the name.

The Jungle Gym

When Numbuh 2 and 5 went to the jungle gym, Numbuh Two begins to feel hungry, which Numbuh Five decided to help out first before having lunch. At the bridge, a first grader went to Heinrich Von Marzipan, who grabs a stuffed bunny from her.

The Chocolate Volcano

Then, Numbuhs 2 and 5 went inside the jungle gym to find the culprit. At the chocolate volcano, Heinrich grabs the stuff bunny, and puts it on the chocolate lava. Then, the stuffed bunny became chocolate, which Heinrich planned to use Mr. Fluffupagus to turn it into chocolate. Then, Numbuh 2 arrives, which Heinrich orders his henchmen to attack. When Heinrich's henchmen are defeated, Heinrich fires them all. When Numbuh 5 stops the machine, Heinrich attacks her by suing the lollipop gun, which Numbuh 5 dodges the attack. When the machine starts, Numbuh 5 went to the cage, where Mr. Fluffleupagus was captured, which Heinrich plans to activated the machine. Then, he tells his plan that he plans to turn real bunnies into chocolates. Suddenly, a girl, whose name is Jessica, pushes Heinrich off a cliff, and fell into the vat of choco-magma, because she wanted to pay Heinrich back for chocotizing her bunny doll.

Mr. Fluffleupagus Is Back

Then, Numbuh 2, 5, and Jessica exit the volcano. After Mr. Fluffleupagus was back, the first graders are not poor anymore, because the bunny is their power. After Numbuh 2 tells a lamest joke, Numbuh 5 began chasing him around the playground. Meanwhile, Heinrich, who is covered in chocolate, rises from the choco-magma, and laughs sinisterly.


Operation: F.L.U.S.H is for Foolish Loser Undoes Sinister Hopes is an episode of Codename: Kids Next Door.


Villain episode
Villains: Mr. Boss, Toilenator, Crazy Old Cat Lady, Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb, and Knightbrace
KND technology used: HIPPIE-HOP
Villain technology used: Cat Monster and Superchairs


The Meeting

Getting the Coffee

Taking Over the KND Treehouse

When Knightbrace touched the alarm, the HIPPIE-HOP bunny makes an attack. Wink and Fibb smashes the invention. Then, Cat Lady scares away the hamsters using the Cat Monster. Then, Mr. Boss came to the treehouse with the flag that the treehouse belongs to them. At Toilenator's house, Toilenator practice his skills to defeat the KND. Then, he flushes from his home to the KND Treehouse.

A Surprise

Back at the treehouse, Mr. Boss wears sunglasses to look like Numbuh 1, because he is now the leader. Wink has obsession for Rainbow Monkeys and Fibb wears Numbuh 5's cap. Mr. Boss tells Knightbrace that Numbuh 1's room is his room, which Knigtbrace decided to make Numbuh 4's room into his room. Toilenator came, and the supervillains were relieved. Toilenator thinks that the supervillains he found were the KND in a disguise. Mr. Boss tries to tell him it was really him and the other villains. Toilenator reconized Mr. Boss's face that he thinks it was Numbuh 1, because he wears sunglasses and the top of his head is bald. Mr. Boss tells him that the sides of his head has hair. Toilenator attacks Mr. Boss. He proceeds to Wink and Fibb, who thinks that it was Numbuhs 3 and 5. The two unleashes a superchair, and Toilenator attacks them. Then, Toilenator attacks Crazy Old Cat Lady, who thinks it was Numbuh 2. When Knightbrace comes out the bathroom, Toilenator attacks him, who thinks it was Numbuh 4. After the defeat, Toilenator defeats the KND before 3:00, and questions the villains that they should be at school. Just then, the real KND came, and Toilenator cries for his failure for not bringing the villains with coffee. Then, Sector V attacks him.

During the credits, Toilenator gets beaten up from the KND. After his defeat, the team puts him at the sewage pipe.


Operation: C.L.U.E.S.: Cutlery's Location Uncovers Elementary Solution is an episode of the animated series Codename: Kids Next Door.


Numbuh 2 and 3 Episode
Villain: Mushi Sanban
Family Member Debuts: Betty Gilligan (Numbuh 2 and Tommy's mom) (technically, this is her second appearance, but we only saw the lower half of her body in TOMMY; here, we see her whole body, and she also sounds nothing like in TOMMY), Kani and Genki Sanban (Numbuh 3 and Mushi's mom and dad)
This episode marks that Numbuh 2 has now appeared with one other KND core member in an episode without any other member:

  • Numbuh 1: A.R.C.H.I.V.E.
  • Numbuh 3: C.L.U.E.S.
  • Numbuh 4: T.H.E.-S.H.O.G.U.N. (Numbuhs 2 and 4 were together the most; they also were the only two KND operatives in D.O.D.G.E.B.A.L.L. and B.U.L.L.I.E.S.)
  • Numbuh 5: R.A.B.B.I.T.

KND Technology used: TOASTIE
Villains Technology used: Fork


Guests For Dinner

Betty Gilligan, Numbuh 2 and Tommy's mother, is removing a turkey from the oven in the Gilligans' kitchen. Suddenly, various sirens wail; it's actually just the doorbell, which the Gilligan boys had rewired in rewiring the house to rig it up to their 2x4 technologies. Betty leaves the kitchen and answers the door. It's the Sanbans: Mr. Kani Sanban and Mrs. Genki Sanban (who is Betty's boss at their job) and their two daughters Kuki (Numbuh 3) and Mushi. Numbuh 3 has with her another one of her Rainbow Monkey dolls: a Posh Party Rainbow Monkey with Care and Share Sighing Action. The Gilligans welcome the Sanbans in. Kani grumpily orders his daughters to stop bickering. Then Betty's mother, Lydia (Numbuh 2's granny from TAPIOCA), shows up and impatiently asks for food. Betty says that Lydia will be with them for dinner, since she can't get her to leave. Genki greets Lydia with, "How do you do?" Lydia demands, "How do I do what? What are you, a cop?" Then Betty yells upstairs for Tommy to come downstairs from his room. Tommy, who is dressed up in his "The Tommy" costume from GRADUATES, is sitting in his room in front of a window with moonlight shining through and says, "I eat alone... for I am 'The Tommy!'" To prove it, he covers himself with his cape. But he quickly comes down when Lydia yells at him to come down. Betty tells Lydia to take the coats from the guests and when Tommy reaches the bottom of the stairs, he is disappointed to learn his mother didn't need his help battling adult tyranny, but rather to help his grandmother take the Sanbans' coats. Numbuh 3, meanwhile, comments on her Posh Party Rainbow Monkey and that it has Care and Share Sighing Action, which Numbuh 3 had brought just for this occasion. She demonstrates by placing it on her head. The doll lets out a big sigh. Neither Tommy nor Lydia are impressed. Lydia angrily starts beating up Numbuh 3 with her cane. Numbuh 2 tells Lydia to stop and reminds her of what Betty said about hitting the guests and Lydia thinks it may be about waiting until after dessert. They go into the dining room.

The Posh Party Rainbow Monkey

They all gather at the table in the dining room with Betty finishing placing the dishes at each place at the table. Mushi asks Numbuh 3 if she can have a turn with her Posh Party Rainbow Monkey, but Numbuh 3 says no, because after being bashed on the head, her head needs some Rainbow Monkey love. She places it on her head and again it lets out a big sigh. Mushi agrees to wait. Kani starts yelling about how he is tired of his girls squabbling over the doll. Genki tells her husband to relax and let them play with their doll, a chance she never got as a youngster. Betty mutters about how the doll is ruining her dinner. Tommy says that ever since he was exiled from the Kids Next Door, his was a solo quest to bring justice to kids worldwide, for he is "The Tommy". Betty asks who would like the first piece of her turkey. Then suddenly, the lights go out temporarily, after which Betty apologizes for the faulty wiring and says the wiring had been giving them trouble ever since Tommy had tried to rewire his 2x4-technology generator. Numbuh 3 discovers her Rainbow Monkey had mysteriously vanished. She grows more and more distraught over its disappearance. Kani and Lydia join in the chaos, Kani again yelling that he is sick and tired of this constant bickering over the doll and Lydia saying that she should have taken the doll, respectively. Even Tommy chimes in by saying that maybe the doll went on its own quest for justice. Betty calms everyone down by asking about who would like her turkey. She places the container with the turkey in it on the table and opens it up. Inside, what should be revealed but the Posh Party Rainbow Monkey, but now it's damaged with a fork jabbed into its back. Numbuh 3, naturally, breaks down and starts crying uncontrollably. Betty hears Numbuh 3 and says it's just a turkey. But when she notices the Rainbow Monkey on the turkey dish, she mutters that she will be fired. Lydia doesn't care; she just wants dinner.

Interrogating Tommy

Numbuh 2 then gets up on the table and yells, "THAT IS ENOUGH!!" He points his finger at everyone in the room and says that someone had committed the murder of a Rainbow Monkey. He takes out a TOASTIE and flips a switch on it. All the doors and windows in the house are sealed off, since no one is leaving until he finds out who the culprit is. Everyone looks at each other, while Numbuh 2 looks around the room at all the people there until he comes on Numbuh 3, who says impatiently, "Well, don't look at me! I didn't do it!" Numbuh 2 looks at her closely and Numbuh 3 looks at him with her "evil face" and he backs off. Tommy asks how come his brother gets to be the detective. Numbuh 2 tells him that that's because his being with the KND allows him to get the facts. He promptly asks his brother where he was when the lights went out and Tommy replies that he went upstairs, but had nothing to do with the Rainbow Monkey murder. Numbuh 2 suspects that his brother is hiding something and orders him to spill it. Tommy takes a soda can and a candy wrapper out of his pocket. It turns out that the candy and soda belonged to Numbuh 2 and Tommy stole it from his room. Numbuh 2 demands why Tommy did it and Tommy replied that he was hungry. Numbuh 2 slaps him and Tommy says he was thirsty. Again, his brother slaps him. With each slap, Tommy says he was hungry or thirsty. Numbuh 2 demands the truth. Tommy cries, "I was hungry and thirsty!" Everyone gasps and Tommy nervously asks his brother if he, of all people, understands.


Numbuh 2 then proceeds to interrogate everyone about the murder: first, his mother. He questions her, because he heard her complain about the Rainbow Monkey ruining her dinner and that jabbing a fork into its back solved that problem. Betty, however, didn't do it; she just wanted a nice dinner. Next, Numbuh 2 queries his grandmother, because she's old and mean. Lydia replies that she would have done it, if it wasn't for her many complications (i.e., arthritis, a crick in her neck). Then Numbuh 2 queries Kani, because Numbuh 2 knew that if Kani committed the murder, he wouldn't have to worry about his daughters' "constant bickering", to which Kani starts crying loudly and says he just wanted his girls to be nice to each other. Then Numbuh 2 turns to Genki, because he knew that she was jealous of her daughters' doll. Genki replies that she bought the doll for her girls and that it's theirs to do with as they please. She then adds no one offered her a turn with it, but she didn't do it because she was powdering her nose. Numbuh 2 then deducts that the culprit is Mushi.

Mushi Confesses

Mushi asks if Numbuh 2 is kidding and he says he doesn't kid. Mushi asks why she would do it, since Numbuh 3 said she would share the doll with her. Numbuh 2 then explains how he knows that Mushi may be the culprit, while a recreation of the facts is played (featured by a live action man): maybe she couldn't wait to have the doll. He explains that a Posh Party Rainbow Monkey is pretty special, special enough to grab from her sister when the lights went out. But she failed to notice that the Posh Party Rainbow Monkey had Care and Share Sighing action and once she grabbed, it tried to let out a big sigh, as usual. Numbuh 2 says the only way she could save herself was to silence it for good. So she stabbed the doll in the back with the fork and placed it in the turkey dish, hoping no one would find it. Mushi says that she wouldn't do that because she loves Rainbow Monkey dolls and she loves sharing. Numbuh 2 then asks if she share her fork with him. Mushi nervously agrees, but then notices her fork is missing. Numbuh 3 then realizes that her sister who really did commit the murder and, sobbing, demands to know why. Mushi says that it was because her sister was hogging it and showed no appreciation for her and that it drove her crazy. Numbuh 3 says she should have shared more, but Mushi says she wanted the doll all to herself. Numbuh 2 then asks Kani to take Mushi away; he has a hunch that she will be grounded for a long time. He flips the switch on his TOASTIE, unsealing the doors and windows.

What Happened To the Turkey?

The Sanbans start to leave (with Kani carrying Mushi, who is whining that she didn't commit the murder), but before she leaves, Genki tells Betty that she looks forward to seeing her in her new office tomorrow. Betty is ecstatic about this and thanks Genki. Then she turns to Numbuh 2 and tells him he now should investigate what happened to his mother's turkey. He agrees, but warns that finding out who ate a lemon-basted turkey with cranberry stuffing won't be easy. Genki says that she doesn't recall what kind of stuffing it was. Then Betty agrees and suspiciously asks Numbuh 2 what happened to the turkey and Numbuh 2 nervously tries to explain. Then Lydia starts bashing her grandson repeatedly with her cane, accusing him of eating her turkey.

During the credits, Lydia is frustratingly searching the refrigerator for something else to eat. As she digs through she mutters, "What am I craving? A man with a job!" She laughs and adds, "Sometimes I crack myself up."


Operation: M.A.C.A.R.R.O.N.I.: Museum's Artwork Cruelly And Recklessly Ripped Off Nearly Impossibly is an episode on Codename: Kids Next Door


Team episode, though more centered on Numbuh 3 episode
Villains: Mr. Boss, the Toilenator and the Lesser Ice Cream Men
Some of the Ice Cream Men are named in this episode: Rocky, Fudge Ripple and Tito.
Operative Debuts: Numbuh 13, Numbuh 14, Numbuh 15
Villains Technology used: Ice Cream Trucks, Ice Cream Weaponry (both used by the Ice Cream Men)


Prisoner Exchange

The episode begins as the KND do a prisoner trade: the most pathetic villain, the Toilenator, for the most unlucky and practically hated KND operative of them all: Numbuh 13 (!!).

"Information" From Numbuh 13

After the prisoner trade, they head back to the Treehouse HQ via C.O.O.L.B.U.S. and Numbuh 13 tells Numbuh 1 that the villains are planning to have their own macaroni and cheese dinner tonight.

Attempts At Getting Rid of Numbuh 13

They try to send Numbuh 13 back to their sector, but all attempts fail. Numbuh 13 asks the team if they planned to stop the adults' dinner, but Numbuh 4 tells them that interrupting the macaroni and cheese dinner wasn't a mission. Numbuh 13 tells them that they were planning to get their dinner from the Macaroni and Cheese Art Museum where, Numbuh 3 knew, the Rainbow Monkey Lisa exhibit was being held.

Museum Battle

When they get to the museum, they notice Mr. Boss and the Ice Cream Men got there first. While Mr. Boss and the Ice Cream Men collect their dinner, the KND ambush them. Mr. Boss tells them to hold off the KND Operatives while he gets a special piece of dinner. As the KND operatives battle the Ice Cream Men, the battle doesn't go so well. Meanwhile Numbuh 3 is clobbering Mr. Boss.

Failed Mission

When Mr. Boss decides to surrender, Numbuh 3 notices the painting is missing. Numbuh 13 has it! Numbuh 13 trips and breaks the painting, causing Numbuh 3 to scream REALLY LOUD and causing the Ice Cream Men and Mr. Boss to flee! Despite the mission being a failure, the KND were more than kind enough to let Mr. Boss recapture Numbuh 13.

During the credits, Numbuh 3 tells the team on how Numbuh 13 saved them all from disaster, even though they thought he was a disaster. Numbuh 4 tells her he didn't save them from disaster. Numbuh 3 crosses her arms and says "What a loser!".


Operation: CHOCOLATE: Candy Hunting Operative's Chocolatized Opponent Literally A Touchy Enemy is an episode of Codename: Kids Next Door.


Numbuh 5 episode
Family Member Debuts: Mrs. Lincoln (Numbuh 5 and Cree's mom)
Villains: Heinrich Von Marzipan
This episode picks up after the episode, RABBIT
KND Technology used: SCAMPP, HIPPIE-HOP
Villains Technology used: None



A Happy Family

Numbuh 5 and her family have just finished eating dinner. Her father comments that it's nice to see Numbuh 5 and Cree being friendly again. They seem to be getting along... until it's discovered they're pointing ray guns at each other underneath the table.

The Planet Mars

Then Numbuh 5's father suggests that they get chocolate and marshmallows. Both Numbuh 5 and Cree say they'll get it, but Numbuh 5 said it first and leaves, narrowly avoiding a blast from Cree's ray gun, which, of course, their parents are oblivious to. Numbuh 5 goes into the garage and opens the "refrigerator", which turns out to be a rocket in disguise. She flies out to Mars, where there are these large marshmallows. She blasts them and they turn into a bunch of really small marshmallows, then she takes some of them and goes back into the rocket. She says that although it's a bit more work, marshmallows always taste better fresh.

A Chocolatizing In Progress

Then the rocket goes back to her house, but she finds that her parents and Cree are all covered in hardened chocolate (or have they been turned to chocolate and are standing still?). Then Numbuh 5 discovers the words, "I haff returned", written in chocolate on the wall. She takes the moment to run over to the treehouse, which is where a chocolate trail leads. The rest of the KND meanwhile are fighting something that's spewing out chocolate at them (it's unknown who or what it is yet), but it blasts them and they're turned to chocolate/frozen in chocolate. The culprit is a giant, chocolate version of Heinrich Von Marzipan. Chocolate spreads across the floor wherever he walks. Numbuh 5 bursts in and confronts Heinrich.

He's Back!

Now it's revealed what happened: after he was knocked into a chocolate volcano by Numbuh 5 (in Op: RABBIT), Heinrich fell into the choco-lava and fused with it. Now that giant chocolate monster everyone saw, everything he touches turns to chocolate. Although happy at first, he later got a powerful desire for a cheeseburger. But when he tried to eat it, it turned into chocolate, as did everything else he tried to eat. Numbuh 5 suggests turning himself into the Kids Next Door, as maybe their scientists could cure them. Heinrich, however, says that's not her concern, and that she should be more worried about spending her life chocolatized. He tries to bombard her with chocolate, and she shoots a marshmallow out of her gun, which stops it. Apparently marshmallows make chocolate more messy or something. But he warns Numbuh 5 that she only has a few marshmallows left, while he's got unlimited chocolate.

Numbuh 5 Escapes

Numbuh 5 takes the moment to escape, and uses rocket jets to fly off, but Heinrich (who can apparently make chocolate bridges to run across) pursues her and turns the rocket jets to chocolate, causing her to fall. Numbuh 5, of course, lands in a tree and then resumes her running. She quickly goes into the rocket in her house and takes off, just before it turns to chocolate. But Heinrich managed to stay with her and enters the rocket. Numbuh 5 turns the rocket upward so he falls to the back, but Heinrich jumps up to her and grabs her leg. Now Numbuh 5 is slowly turning to chocolate (or is it being covered in chocolate?). However, it turns out that she was deliberately heading towards the sun, so Heinrich melts into liquid chocolate. Numbuh 5 manages to break off the chocolate on her (turns out they're chocolate-covered and not turned to chocolate), and pulls a lever, causing marshmallows to fall onto Heinrich, which keeps him that way.


After that, Numbuh 5 put in a call to Kids Next Door Global Command, who rescued the rest of the KND and her parents from the chocolate, though Cree had "mysteriously" disappeared. Heinrich's melted body was transported to the KND Arctic Base, where the scientists managed to turn him back to normal... though they then put him in the prison, where numerous other KND villains were imprisoned, as well. Later, Numbuh 5 visits him. Heinrich is convinced she's just there to gloat, but she just gives him a bag and leaves. He opens it and finds... a cheeseburger. He eagerly starts eating it... until he finds there's a pickle in it, and he hates pickles.


Operation: MATADOR: Misbehaving Agent Teases Adults During Organized Recreation is an episode of Codename: Kids Next Door.


Numbuh 4 episode
Villains: Ernie and the Bullies, Soccer Mom
We learn Numbuh 4 is somewhat of a bully; we also see his dad in full for the first time.
KND Technology used: SCAMPER
Villains Technology used: Soccer Balls(?)


The Bully Fights

The episode begins with someone dressed as a matador walking towards a door. The light shining behind the figure obscures it. When the figure passes through the door, it is revealed as Numbuh Four. The audience cheers for him, but they throw lollipops instead of the traditional flowers. Numbuh 4 then turns to face his opponent: a fat businessman who is snarling and acting very much like a bull. The next few scenes consist of Numbuh 4 fighting and humiliating the adult in several comical situations.

Numbuh Four's Choice

Numbuh 4 sits in an office while he is handed Yipper cards by Ernest, the bully who runs the fights (called the Bully Fights). Numbuh 4 calls him "Ernie", getting him mad, and he corrects Numbuh 4 on his name; Ernie also tells Numbuh 4 not to forget about the match that night. We then see Numbuh 4 riding the elevator up to the treehouse, where he is confronted by Numbuhs 1, 2, 3, and 5, who are angry at him deserting the team to torture adults. Numbuh Two reminds Numbuh Four that the adults they fight are evil, and they don't get the adults hyped up on coffee like the Bullies do (this, then, is the source of the adults' madness). Numbuh 1 also reminds Numbuh 4 of the team's upcoming night battle against the "insidious" Soccer Mom. The team heads for the S.C.A.M.P.E.R., leaving Numbuh 4 to groan about this choice he's forced to make: the mission or the match.

The Soccer Field

At the Bully Fights, Ernie says that Numbuh 4 had better show, just as the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. flies overhead. The team near the soccer field where Soccer Mom is, but are pelted by soccer balls in short order. Numbuh 1 orders evasive maneuvers, and when Numbuh 4's chair spins around, we see he has been replaced by a dummy. The real Numbuh Four arrives at the Bully Fights and told by Ernie to "get out there" before "they [the audience] have a riot out there". Numbuh 4 enters the ring only to find he's about to fight his dad! Numbuh 4 snaps his dad out of the coffee-induced trance, and the two of them run from the Bullies, who are angry that Numbuh 4 let them down.

The Adult Rodeo

In a room full of cages, Numbuh 4's dad laments the fate of the adults-- they all signed up for a "How to be a Better Dad" seminar, but it was all along a trap-- the Bullies pumped the adults full of coffee, until they were all confused, angry, crazy and ready to charge at anything or anyone, even their own kids! As Ernie and his pals bust in, Numbuh 4 says he has a plan. Ernie and the Bullies charge into the room, but are chased out by Numbuh 4 and his dad riding on the coffee-crazed adults. Meanwhile, at the soccer field, while Numbuh 2, 3 and 5 are tied to the net and Numbuh 1, who is the soccer ball, trapped in the dirt and wearing a soccer ball-like mask, Soccer Mom is shouting at the crying fourth-graders for not playing, then she says they can "play with their stupid Rainbow Monkeys" while she prepares to kick Numbuh 1. She is about to knock his lights about, but Numbuh 4 and Mr. Beetles arrive with the adult stampede and bowl her over.

Victory Over Soccer Mom

A properly trussed-up Soccer Mom is being led to a rocket that will take her to KND Arctic Prison, the coffee-crazed adults are back to normal and Numbuh 4 apologizes to the team for his mistake. He then says that saving the adults and his team makes up for it, and Numbuh 5 gives him a friendly noogie in return. Numbuh 4 then looks off to the side and notices that "someone left a soccer ball" (the still-trapped Numbuh 1) and the scene fades while Nigel screams in pain.

During the credits, Numbuh 4 and his father decide to play "Bully Fights" for old time's sake, until Ernie and his goons chase them and are about to give them wedgies.


Ernie: It's wedgie time, kid!

(Numbuh One has admonished Numbuh Four for abandoning the team, and reminds him of Soccer Mom)
Numbuh One: Once again, the insidious Soccer Mom will be forcing kids to practice soccer 24/7. As the KND, we must stop her regular night games.
Numbuh Four: Night games? As in, tonight?
Numbuh One: Yes. Night games are normally played at night! (glaring at Four) Do you have a problem with that?
Numbuh Four: Um, no.
Numbuh One: Good. Alright team. Battle Stations!
(Numbuhs 1, 2, 3, and 5 leap down the hole, heading for the S.C.A.M.P.E.R.)
Numbuh Four: (to himself) Oh man!!!!

Ernie: Charge!
(The bullies run into the cage room, then run out in panic) Ernie: Retreat!
Numbuh 4: (over the last line) Yee-haw!!!

Numbuh 5: (into a radio) This is Numbuh 5, requesting backup. Repeat . . . . (the radio is knocked from her hand)
Soccer Mom: No talking during practice! If you don't want to be the net, you can be the ball like your stupid friend!
(pan to Numbuh 1, trapped in the dirt)
Numbuh 1: I don't know what's worse-- being kicked in the face, or the humiliation.


Operation: LUNCH: Lizzie Underappreciates Nigel's Chowtime Hardworkingness is an episode in Season Four of the animated series Codename: Kids Next Door.


Numbuh One and Lizzie episode
Villains: Robin Food and his Hungry Men, the Senior Citizen Squad (although the SCS didn't do any villain activities in the episode)
KND Technology used: LOCKAHSOCKAH
Villain Technology used: Senior Citizen



At school, Numbuh One is doing practice sessions in some kind of training machine. When the lights start to flash, he asks the computer what's up, and it tells him it's a "Code: L". Numbuh One panics and says "Abort, abort!" before landing out of his locker onto the ground. Lizzie is standing there, and she scolds him on embarrassing himself in front of everyone. She tells him that she'll treat him to lunch, so that he won't have to work as hard.

Robin Food Attacks

In the cafeteria, the kids are happily eating when some men in green tights and hats enter dramatically. They are Robin Food and his Hungry Men (an obvious parody of Robin Hood), who sing a ridiculous song about Robin Food stealing food from the young and giving it to the old. Robin Food orders Little One (pun on Little John, one of Robin Hood's merry men) to collect the kids' lunches, which he does while commenting on everything he collects. The band then leaves, as Robin Food promises, "Perhaps we can have lunch again sometime... yours, that is!".

Lizzie's Revenge

Furious, Lizzie stands up and tells Numbuh One to stay while she collects their lunch. He doesn't want to, until Lizzie yells at him. Leaving him, Lizzie returns to Numbuh One's locker, which turns into armor, the KND LOCKAHSOCKAH (Locker Operated Cybernetic Klanky Armor Has Stinky Old Clothes Kannon Arms, Hooray!). She goes to Sure Would Forest Retirement Home (a pun of Sherwood Forest, where Robin Hood resides), where she bursts in and starts knocking around Robin Food and his Men. Robin Food calls Lizzie a monster, and explains that his mission is to collect food from the kids to give it to hungry, elderly people.

We Don't Want Your Stinkin' Food!

Lizzie cries, saying she didn't know, and says they can keep all the kids' lunches. Then, Lydia, Numbuh 2's grandmother and head of the Senior Citizen Squad, interrupts and says that they don't like children's food and that Robin Food was supposed to be serving them old people food. Transforming into their giant robot, Senior Citizen, Lydia, Sheldon, and Maurice warn Lizzie that she should leave before things get messy. She takes the lunch and returns to school, while the SCS proceed to give Robin Food the biggest thrashing he's ever had.

Measly Lunch

Back at Gallagher Elementary, Lizzie returns to the lunchroom to find "Nigie" waiting. They open the lunchbox to find nothing but a single piece of celery. Lizzie yet again scolds Numbuh One, who sighs, at being lazy.


Numbuh One: No one steals my friends' lunches!
Lizzie: Nigie, when I said 'No missions during lunch', I meant (yells) No missions during lunch!
(as the Merry Men prepare to leave) Little One: Nice girlfriend you got there, Nigie!


Operation: M.U.N.C.H.I.E.S is for Morning Uncovers Needed Crunchiness Hiding In Enemy Store is an episode of Codename: Kids Next Door.


Team episode
Villains: Crazy Old Cat Lady, Count Spankulot, Father, Knightbrace, Mr. Boss and the Lesser Ice Cream Men, Mr. Fizz, Professor Triple-Extra Large, Stickybeard and the Candy Pirates, and the Toilenator
KND technology used: SHOPPINGDART
Villain technology used: Mini Pirate Ship (Stickybeard's), Soda Guns (Mr. Fizz's)


Looking for Rainbow Muchies

Numbuh 3 wakes up and decided to have Rainbow Munchies for breakfast. Unfortunately, there are no Rainbow Munchies at the closet. Her scream wakes up the KND operatives to find that the Rainbow Munchies are missing. They used a tracker to look for Rainbow Munchies. Then, they found only one Rainbow Munchies cereal that is located in a supervillain supermarket.

Fighting for Rainbow Munchies

At the supervillain supermarket, Father gets the Rainbow Munchies. Count Spankulot asks him to have the cereal, but Father refuses. Then, Mr. Boss challenges Father for the Rainbow Munchies, and Mr. Boss sends the Ice Cream Men after the cereal before the KND bursts with the SHOPPINGDART. Then, they grab the cereal and knock Spankulot into a box of garlic. While they are driving, Stickybeard and his henchmen arrive in a miniature version of Stickybeard's Sweet Revenge ship. Then, they fight over for the cereal before Father, who is still trapped in a pot bursts out.

Destroy the Rainbow Munchies?!

Father and Numbuh 1 fights for the Rainbow Munchies. Knightbrace gets the cereal. He tells Numbuh 1 and Father that he is not going to eat, he is going to destroy it, much to the shock of the KND and the villains. When discovering the plan, the villains and the KND decided to make a truce to get the cereal. When Knightbrace is ready to get the cereal, the villains and Sector V attack him. They altogether have Rainbow Munchies for breakfast. Numbuh 2 asks Count Spankulot for the milk, who gets it from the nearby dairy case, where a battered and defeated Knightbrace is INSIDE of it! He hands the Count a carton of milk and says:

Knightbrace (groggily): "Here you go...And don't forget to brush after breakfast, okay?"

During the credits, Sector V and the villains are eating and enjoying the sweet reward of Rainbow Munchies. Stickbeard and Numbuh 5 sits together; Mr. Boss is fending off Cat Lady's pets as he tries to to get his share of the cereal. After a few seconds, Toilenator burps loudly. Everyone looks him in surprise and disgust, and he says "Oops... sorry!"


Operation: K.N.O.T.: (Kids' Necks Overwhelmingly Tied) is an episode in Season Four of the animated series Codename: Kids Next Door.


Numbuh One episode
Villains: Windsor and the Queen Tie
Ally Debuts: Vin Moosk
This marks the second time an adult tries to help the KND since C.O.W.G.I.R.L.
Also, we finally see what Numbuh 1's mother looks like (sort of).
LOTR Reference: Froggy, Moosk's other comrade besides Windsor, resembles Gollum for the LOTR trilogy.
KND Technology used: LUNCHBOCKS, Spray Starch, SCAMPER
Villain Technology used: Ties


A Necktie?!

This episode begins with Numbuh 1 (who not only is British, but his bedsheets look like the flag of Great Britain) being awakened by his mother calling his name. Groggily, he gets out of bed and the next thing he knows, a snake-like creature that resembles a necktie attacks him!

After the opening credits, we see Numbuh 1's mom (well, most of her body except her face) sitting quietly at the table downstairs working on a crossword puzzle while the sounds of yelling, fighting, and crashing are heard. Then Numbuh 1 crashes downstairs in a heap... with the tie around his neck! His mom comments on how handsome he looks in his new tie for school, but Numbuh 1 tells her that not only is it not cool, it nearly killed him. Numbuh 1's mom just tells him to hurry along before the school bus arrives and hustles him out the front door. Numbuh 1 tries to explain that he looks like a dork with the thing around his neck, but she slams the door shut before he can finish.

The Tie Hunter

Reluctantly, Numbuh 1 walks down the sidewalk with his lunchbox in hand. Unbeknownst to him, however, a stranger is lurking in a bush behind him, watching him. He reaches out his hand and touches his tie. Numbuh 1 quickly grabs the mysterious adult and throws him to the ground in front of him. The tie falls off. Numbuh 1's lunchbox turns into a gun, which he levels at the stranger and orders his hands up. The adult just laughs. He says that he should be happy to have his necktie removed. Numbuh 1 discovers what had happened and is astonished. The stranger, who has a very thick Russian accent (and refers to Numbuh 1 throughout this episode as "Comrade 1"), introduces himself as Vin Moosk, the famous tie hunter. Numbuh 1 doesn't like him very much. Moosk says he heard that Numbuh 1's school had just passed a new dress code, in which boys have to wear ties to school. He asks Numbuh 1 if he would like to join him in going to find and destroy the eggs that hatched the neckties so kids would never have to wear ties. But first, he needs the KND's 2x4 technology weapons to do it. Numbuh 1 doesn't trust adults and smells a trap. Moosk just says that although Numbuh 1's tie had been removed, there will be another one waiting for him tomorrow and then the day after and the day after, but not the day after that, since that's Saturday and then there's Sunday. Numbuh 1, growing tired of this, says he gets the point. Moosk hands him the map of "Tieland", where the ties come from, in case Numbuh 1 decides to go with him. But as he leaves, Moosk warns Numbuh 1 to "choose quickly, because time and ties wait for no man!"


That night, in "Tieland", Moosk and two other comrades (one named Windsor and the other named Froggy McDougal, who looks very frog-like and had his finger bitten off by a tie from the 1970s) are sitting around a campfire, contemplating whether or not Numbuh 1 will come. Eventually, he does with a whole backpack full of KND weapons. He tells Moosk that while it appears he has no record of any anti-kid activity, he still doesn't trust him. They all introduce themselves and then go into a deserted temple, which as Windsor explains, was originally (and still resembles today) a shopping mall (called the "Tieland Shopping Mall"). Now it's deserted with only ties living there.

Why Moosk Hates Ties

As they head through, Moosk levels his gun at Numbuh 1 and fires! Numbuh 1 ducks from the long plume of white liquid that passes over him and starts accusing Moosk of trying to attack him. Moosk was really firing at a giant tie. After Moosk fired, the tie was covered in a white stiff liquid, starch. Moosk explains that if that tie got around Numbuh 1's neck, he'd become an office flunky. Numbuh 1 questions why Moosk hates ties. It happened that Moosk was an accountant in a business firm. One day, when he was trying to concentrate on his work (and he was wearing a tie), he was growing more and more uncomfortable in his seat. His tie was really itchy. Finally, Moosk snapped under the strain and he grabbed his tie and yanked it off and ran off to become the anti-tie man he is today. Back at the present, another giant tie arrives. It's the Queen Tie and its breath hits Froggy in the back. Froggy has been turned into a businessman! He goes off to attend to some business. Meanwhile, Numbuh 1, Moosk and Windsor escape to the center of the temple, full of tie eggs.

Windsor's Betrayal

They ready to blow up the place as the Queen Tie arrives. They place starch bombs everywhere. But Moosk can't find the detonator needed to set off the bombs. Luckily, Windsor has it. Then the Queen Tie breathes on him! But as we discover, the tie's breath has no effect on him for some reason. Moosk and Numbuh 1 are amazed. The reason the monster's breath doesn't affect Windsor is because he is actually wearing a tie! It turns out Windsor is a junior executive. Moosk was the star accountant at Windsor's father's business. After Moosk rejected his tie and escaped, the company's stock went into a nosedive and Windsor's father was livid. Windsor decided that in order to get Moosk to go back to his job, he would lure Moosk to the Queen Tie so that Moosk could wear ties whether he liked it or not. Windsor also decides that Numbuh 1 would make a good executive, too. Windsor then asks if Moosk will do it the easy way or the hard way. Moosk, to Numbuh 1's disbelief, says that Numbuh 1 should wear ties... over Moosk's dead body. He then shells out some Spray Starch guns and fires at the detonator. The starch covers the detonator and it explodes. Starch flies everywhere and Windsor is covered in it. He sics the Queen Tie on Numbuh 1 and Moosk. The tie goes after them.

Queen Tie's Demise

Numbuh 1 and Moosk retreat. Outside, a SCAMPER arrives to pick up Numbuh 1 and Moosk. Only Numbuhs 2 and 4 are aboard and they, too, have neckties on. Numbuh 1 and Moosk try to jump on, but the tie wraps its tail around Moosk's leg and pulls him and the SCAMPER back. He tells the boys to just go. There will always be someone trying to make him wear ties. But the boys are young and they should not wear ties. Moosk concludes that if he could save kids from wearing ties, he will have done good. So Moosk lets go of the SCAMPER and starts wrestling with the Queen Tie until it explodes. The ties around Numbuhs 2 and 4's necks die and fall off. Numbuh 4 asks Numbuh 1 who Moosk was and Numbuh 1 sadly replies, "A comrade."


Back at his job, Moosk is once again wearing a tie. Windsor gleefully tells him that Windsor's father needs those budgets reports ASAP, so Moosk will have to work all night again. Windsor also gives Moosk a delivery package. Moosk opens it up and it's a can of Spray Starch. Moosk goes crazy fighting ties again. We pull out of the building to reveal who the delivery man is: Numbuh 1 in disguise!
