Vs. System

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VS System is (primarily) a superhero Collectible Card Game in which players take their constructed decks and attempt to wear down their opponents to 0 or less endurance by the recovery phase. The most notable innovation of VS System is that one player holds initative for a turn, allowing him to act first during the Build and Combat phases.

Types of cards

Character: The basic unit of the game. A character goes out into your Front and support rows to do your bidding. Each Character has the following
-Cost: The golden number in the upper left corner of the card. Determines how much resource points you spend to recruit the Character during the Recruit Step.
-ATK/DEF: The two numbers at the lower left of the card. The gold number near the thunderbolt determines attack (how well it deals damage) and the silver number near the shield determines defence (how well it resists damage). -Name/Identity and Version: The name/identity of the character at various times. Each Character is unique, meaning if you recruit a Character, you must immediatley KO all Characters of the same name on your side of the field (unless the word "Army" is their version). The identity of a Character is the name immediatley following the "<>". The version is the small-font name right below the name.

Phases of Gameplay

Draw Phase: All players draw 2 cards from their deck.
Build Phase: Starting with the player holding initative, and going clockwise, each player goes through the following steps.
-Resource Step: Place one card down into the resource row.
-Recruit Step: Spend resource points to recruit Characters or Equipment.
-Formation Step: Rearrange your characters between your Front and Support rows.
After each player finishes, the Combat Phase begins.
Combat Phase: Starting with the player holding initative, each player begins declaring attacks on their opponent's characters, or directly if possible.
Recovery Phase: Recover one stunned character, KO all remaining stunned characters, ready all unstunned characters, and pass initative to the player on your left.