Right-wing politics

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In politics, right-wing, the political right, or simply the right, are terms which refer, with no particular precision, to the segment of the political spectrum in opposition to left-wing politics. It is usually, but not always, associated with conservatism. (See political spectrum and left-right politics for a detailed explanation and discussion of this kind of classification.)

The phrase "right-wing" comes from the seating arrangement of parliamentary partisans during the French Revolution. The monarchists who supported the ancien regime were commonly referred to as rightists because they sat on the right side of successive legislative assemblies. As this original reference became obsolete, the meaning of the terms has changed as appropriate to the spectrum of ideas and stances being compared, and the point of view of the speaker.

Right wing issues

Tradition, the means of preserving wealth, social stability, and national solidarity and ambition are among the concerns typically associated with the right wing of the political spectrum; against systemic restructure, labor and social concern, cultural diversity and internationalism, commonly associated with the left. Those on the right are sometimes called "reactionary" by their opponents, a term that first arose to refer to those whose politics was formed in reaction against the French Revolution.

History of the term

Since the French Revolution, the political use of the terms "left" and "right" has evolved across linguistic, societal, and national boundaries, sometimes taking on meanings in one time and place that contrast sharply with those in another. For example, the present-day as of 2004 government of China claims to remain on the "left," despite an evolution that has brought it quite close to what is elsewhere characterized as "right," supporting national cultural traditions, the interests of wealth, privately owned industry, and a rather imperial nationalism. Conversely, the late dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco, who was firmly allied internationally with the right and who brutally suppressed the Spanish left, nonetheless pursued numerous development policies quite similar to those of the Soviet Union and other communist states, which are almost universally considered to be on the "left." Similarly, while "right" originally referred to those who supported the interests of aristocracy, in many countries today (notably the United States) the left-right distinction is not strongly correlated with wealth or ancestry.

Fascism and right-wing politics

Despite the important differences from other right-wing ideologies, fascism is almost universally considered to be a part of "the right". This is somewhat parallel to the customary inclusion of state communism (and, in particular, that of the Stalinist Soviet Union and Maoist China) in "the left." Nonetheless, fascism differs significantly from other politics that are usually classified as right wing, and most right-wingers (even many far right groups) reject any association with it, just like most left-wingers (even many communists) reject any association with stalinism and maoism.

Many of the creators of Italian Fascism had originally been supporters of the political left, but eventually turned against their old ideas (for various reasons) and tried to develop a right-wing alternative instead. Philosophers such as Robert Michel, Sergio Panunzio, and Giovanni Gentile were originally syndicalists, a group normally identified with the left and whose tactical propensity for direct action became an element in Italian Fascism. Benito Mussolini himself was originally a socialist, though he had ceased even to claim to be one by the time he was leading the fascist party (and, indeed, many of his old comrades were the first targets of his political police). In the treatise Doctrine of Fascism (written by Gentile but approved by Mussolini); fascism is identified as being of the right and it is declared that the 20th century will be the "century of the right".

David Schoenbaum argued in his book Hitler's Social Revolution: Class and Status in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 that Nazism contained certain revolutionary and socialist aspects (although more in rhetoric than in reality), and it was no coincidence that the Nazis often found themselves in a struggle with the Communists for the same constituency (although this can be seen as a typical left/right struggle in elections, albeit involving more radical versions of the two sides). However, it is a historical truth that the DAP, which later became the Nazi Party, was formed in response and in opposition to a brief Communist revolt in Bavaria. While the Nazis opposed individualism and laissez faire capitalism, vigorous opposition to socialism was a founding and continuing tenet of Nazi fascism. Also, one of the key motivations behind World War II was Hitler's desire to exterminate communism.

Japanese fascism, while a distinct phenomenon, is also ordinarily understood as an expression of a right-wing philosophy; but like other forms of fascism, it is only unequivocally right wing if the terms of comparison are limited. Like other forms, it arose in antithesis to the agenda of leftists, Communists, and Socialists.

In contemporary politics, neofascists and neonazis are said to be far right. Authoritarian conservatives such as supporters of the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet or supporters of the military juntas that ruled much of Latin America in the 1970s are also said to be far right.

Right wings groups and the War on Terrorism


In many cases, the Left-Right dichotomy is nowadays characterized more by their respective positions on national conflicts than their economic differences (and some thinkers, both of the left and the right, see this as a worrying tendency). Examples include the War on terror campaign, led by the United States, and the Israeli war against Palestinian terrorism. While right-wing movements such as the American Neo Conservatives are hawkish and support military operations against states said to be "terror-sponsoring" -- emphasizing the need to oppose Islamic terrorism (by which they mean Al-Qaida, Hamas and even Arab dictatorships) -- most left wing movements in the United States are dovish and oppose preemptive military action as a violation of human rights and international law (see also: Left wing and the anti-war movement).

For example, while the War on Terrorism and (to a lesser extent) Operation Iraqi Freedom have been generally supported by most on the Right and many moderates (albeit with some minor criticisms), most voices on the Left have been extremely critical of either the premise of the war (e.g., Howard Dean) or George W. Bush's handling of it (e.g., John Kerry).

Reasons for support

In the United States, many groups seen to be right wing support the use of military measures against terrorist organizations and terror supporting states. Many "fringe groups" on the Far Right oppose the "war on terror" however, and many on the Left generally approve a proactive stance against terrorism and dictatorship.

Many believe that the hardliner approach is the only right approach to deal with terrorists and dictators. The most famous example for this is the persistence of Sir Winston Churchill to fight Adolf Hitler instead of trying to appease him. Critics argue that it is inappropriate to equate every dictator in the world with Hitler, particularly due to the differences between the present day situation and the Europe of 1939.

Many, mainly in the United States, also believe it is their moral obligation to free nations from dictators and undemocratic regimes. They believe that the Western enlightened values of freedom, democracy and justice are the only proper way to live, and that they should spread them around the globe. In this they vigorously oppose the cultural and moral relativism of some parts of the left. Hence, many right-wingers advocate a war against certain states that violate human rights and in their view threaten the world's (or their own state's) security (such as those countries which were controversially branded by Bush "the Axis of Evil"). Many groups on the left agree with the ideal of spreading democracy and freedom, but disagree with the methods employed by the right.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Mainstream American right-wing groups also tend to support Israel's actions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as they perceive Israel as being the only stronghold of democracy and stability in the Middle East. The terrorism attacks that struck Israel after the Camp David 2000 Summit and the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. increased this sympathy for, and support of, Israel. The Christian right, many of them Judeo-Christians or Christian Zionists, support Israel because they believe its existence is essential to bring the Messiah.

There are also many Far-right groups and militias in the United States who vigorously oppose any assistance towards Israel, and go so far as to call the United States government a Zionist-Occupied Government. Similarly, Muslim right-wingers and Islamists support the Palestinians, as they see Israel and the Jews as "enemies of Islam" and the Arab people. There has been some intermingling of ideas and sympathetic rhetoric between these two groups.

Political groups on the right

The following groups are commonly characterized as being on the political Right, though they might have relatively little in common with other Right-wing groups (even in their own country) beyond their opposition to the Left.

Naturally, in all cases "left" and "right" express relative positioning. For example, the Log Cabin Republicans align on the right in the context of the U.S.'s gay community, but generally appear within the Republican Party as part of the left wing of the party.





Czech Republic






This section is about the Republic of Ireland. For right-wing parties in Northern Ireland see the United Kingdom section below.





New Zealand



South Korea




United Kingdom

United States of America


Hitler's Social Revolution: Class and Status in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 by David Schoenbaum, ISBN 0393315541

Other meanings

Right wing may also refer to a player's position in sports such as soccer and ice hockey.