Counter Terrorist Unit

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Official CTU Seal

The Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) is a fictional United States counter-terrorist agency in the television action series 24. Template:Spoiler



Various local branches or Domestic Units of CTU, including the featured CTU: Los Angeles, are under the command of CTU Division Command, simply called Division throughout the show. CTU District Command is above CTU Division Command and is responsible for districts in a large area, presumably per state or large sections of the state. There are also occasional CTU Substations, located and controlled within the jurisdiction of a CTU Domestic Unit. CTU: LA has at least one CTU Substation, according to Day 4.

According to the booklets included in the Seasons One and Two DVD, the CIA maintains operational control over CTU. However, in Season 5, in response to CTU losing over 40% of its personnel in a terrorist attack, the Department of Homeland Security absorbed the Los Angeles Domestic Unit. This is most likely due to the fact that DHS has a broader version of CTU's mission (DHS is supposed to keep America secure against any kind of threat; CTU is specifically geared toward terrorists) and Division and District did not have the manpower to replace CTU without compromising their own missions.

In the past, CTU has also been affiliated with The Bureau (FBI), the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Department of Defense (DOD).

Another interesting point as to why it was specifically the Department of Homeland Security that absobred CTU could be that historically, this new Department (created in the aftermath of 9/11) has absorbed other well-established agencies, including the Coast Guard, the Secret Service, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

It can also be safely assumed that there are domestic units in several major U.S. cities. Some that have been mentioned on the show and in the written word are Austin, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Washington, D.C., Boston, San Francisco, Fairbanks, Seattle, San Diego, Phoenix, Denver, New York City, and New Orleans.

There is a small rumor about a real CTU in the medium sized city of Hagerstown, Maryland. Nothing more is known about that CTU rumor.


It is assumed that counter-terrorism efforts from other federal agencies have been greatly reduced and given to CTU. Once more, it is assumed that there is a CTU Domestic Unit in every major U.S. city, as well as Divisional and District Field Operations teams to cover less densely populated areas. CTU has basic powers of arrest, but as a federal counter-terrorism agency, many of its operatives show more leeway in how they arrest and question their subjects. CTU works closely with the National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. The Director of the Counter Terrorist Unit reports first to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, then the Director of National Intelligence and finally the President of the United States. During extreme crises the President takes direct control, often with a specific CTU branch (the one handling the crisis), in order to personally monitor an operation's progress.

Published fiction

In the book, 24: The House Special Subcommittee's Findings at CTU, and in 24 DVD media, the agency is repeatedly said to be a branch of the CIA. In fact, the book gives a small description of CTU that reads in full:

Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) - Elite branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Counter Terrorist Unit operates domestic counterterrorism divisional headquarters in major U.S. metropolitan areas. The purview of the CTU is to investigate the activities of domestic or foreign terrorists inside America's borders and to prevent terrorist attacks. CTU divisions are made up of investigative agents, intelligence agents, undercover operatives, crack tactical squads for major raids, and special agents to oversee unit activities. CTU is specifically set up to coordinate activities with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Justice Department, and the Secret Service as well as local authorities. As a branch of the CIA, CTU operations are overseen by both Congress and the Executive Branch of the federal government.

And in various 24: Declassified novels, there is a note preceding the story that reads in full:

After the 1993 World Trade Center attack, a division of the Central Intelligence Agency established a domestic unit tasked with protecting America from the threat of terrorism. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Counter-Terrorist Unit established field offices in several American cities. From its inception, CTU faced hostility and skepticism from other federal law enforcement agencies. Despite bureaucratic resistance, within a few years CTU had become a major force. After the war against terror began, a number of early CTU missions were declassified. The following is one of them...

History of CTU: Los Angeles

Template:Spoiler In Season One, the Los Angeles Domestic Unit was headed by Jack Bauer, but he later left due to bereavement after his wife's death, which happened largely because of his job. It is also known that Jack dismissed some agents for evidence of corruption before Day 1, and later, on Day 5, it is revealed that one of them was Christopher Henderson, who was the director of field operations before Day 1 and the one who recruited him for CTU.

George Mason took over and was the CTU Director until he was forced to leave due to the fact he was dying of radiation poisoning. CTU was attacked by terrorists that planted C4 explosives throughout the building, and many personnel died.

From the looks of CTU in 24: The Game, CTU was rebuilt six months later with several new characteristics, including larger first (with a nice walkway) and second floors as well a Clinic for its many agents, mainly those who were injured in the field. Since Day 4 and onward, CTU appears to have a fully functional Clinic.

Tony Almeida took charge of CTU for the rest of the second season as the Director and continued to do so for almost all of Day 3, until he was forced to aid the escape of a terrorist, former MI6 agent Stephen Saunders, who was holding his wife Michelle Dessler hostage and later breaking Saunders' daughter out.

Jack Bauer then assumed command as acting Director until Brad Hammond took control.

Three months later, a District official named Erin Driscoll became Director of CTU Los Angeles and fired Jack Bauer for a heroin addiction acquired in the line of duty. When Erin's mentally unstable daughter Maya committed suicide, Erin decided to step down.

It also appears that after the civilian-caused death of terrorist Stephen Saunders in Day 3, CTU went under a full-remodel, which is clearly seen at the start of Day 4.

Division sent Michelle Dessler to temporarily take over and then a few hours later sent Bill Buchanan, who later took over permanently.

One and a half years later, Lynn McGill was sent by the White House to supervise Bill Buchanan's command. Lynn erupted with stress and detained Buchanan for going against his command. Senior Special Agent Curtis Manning relieved McGill of his command under the Mental Stability Clause of Section 112. In the same day, CTU Los Angeles suffered another attack to the building. A canister of the Sentox VX nerve agent stolen earlier in the day was released inside CTU by an operative of terrorist Vladimir Bierko. Fifty-six people, approximately 40% of the personnel, died, including Senior Internet Protocol Manager Edgar Stiles and Lynn McGill.

As of 12:00 AM on Day 5, the Vice President of the United States has ordered that the Department of Homeland Security absorb all functions of CTU; the future of CTU as a functional agency is currently in doubt. It is assumed that this absorbing applies only to the Los Angeles branch of the CTU due to its weakened state of operations after the nerve gas attack, and not to CTU as a whole operational entity nationwide.

Directors of CTU: Los Angeles

The following is a list of the Special Agents in Charge of the CTU Los Angeles Domestic Unit.

# Directors Day(s) Notes
0. Kelly Sharpton Pre-Day 1 Temporarily replaced Bauer after the fiasco known as Operation Hell Gate. After the novel Veto Power, Sharpton returns the job back to Jack
1. Jack Bauer Day 1 Temporarily replaced while considered a fugitive in Day 1 and eventually resigned after the murder of his wife, Teri at CTU. Later became Director of Field Operations, but was fired by Erin Driscoll before Day 4. Subsequently earned a position as an assistant to Secretary of Defense James Heller.
2. Alberta Green Day 1 Replaced Jack Bauer when he was considered a fugitive. Later on replaced by George Mason that day. Eventually transferred to Washington DC.
3. George Mason Days 1 & 2 Replaced Alberta Green by order of Ryan Chappelle in Day 1. Remained Director until he resigned due to radiation poisoning. He was later killed in a nuclear explosion during a heroic suicide mission.
4. Tony Almeida Days 2 & 3 The job was passed down to him by George Mason. He served for three years until he was arrested for aiding terrorists who had kidnapped his wife, Michelle Dessler. Reinstated temporarily in Day 4 and died in Day 5.
5. Jack Bauer Day 3 Temporaraly replaced Tony Almeida until Brad Hammond Arrived.
5. Brad Hammond Day 3 Took over from Jack Bauer, Temporaraly taking over from Tony Almeida.
7. Erin Driscoll Day 4 Officially replaced Tony Almeida after the events of Day 3. Left after the suicide of her daughter in a clinic at CTU.
8. Tony Almeida Day 4 Even though not employed with CTU after committing treason, Tony briefly takes command after Driscoll's departure, but less than an hour later is replaced by his then ex-wife Michelle Dessler.
9. Michelle Dessler Day 4 Arrives as a temporary replacement for Erin Driscoll; towards the end of Day 4, she is replaced with Bill Buchanan. Died in an explosion at the beginning of Day 5.
10. Bill Buchanan Days 4 & 5 CTU Special Agent in Charge at the end of Day 4 and the beginning of Day 5. Relieved of directorship by Lynn McGill, an outranking expert from Division.
11. Lynn McGill Day 5 Sent by the White House to supervise CTU, superceding Buchanan. Removed via senior Special Agent Curtis Manning's invocation of Article 112. Died of nerve gas exposure, sacrificing his life to save the surviving CTU personnel.
12. Bill Buchanan Day 5 Re-assumed CTU Director's responsibilities after Lynn McGill was removed from the position. Shortly after, nerve gas exposure inside CTU left 56 personnel dead, including McGill, leaving the Los Angeles branch largely unable to function. Relieved along with most of the remaining CTU staff with the help of a signed statement by Audrey Raines, implicating decisions made earlier in Day 5 by Buchanan as being against CTU protocol and costing lives.
13. Karen Hayes Day 5 A member of the Department of Homeland Security. Assumed full operational control of CTU a few hours after the nerve gas attack by using Audrey Raines' signed statement to relieve Buchanan. Officially absorbed CTU Los Angeles into the Department of Homeland security between the hours of 1 and 2 AM on Day 5. Later in day 5 she was transferred to Washington but expects to be back soon.
14. Karen Hayes and Bill Buchanan Day 6 Said to be the heads of CTU/Homeland Security before and on Day 6.

Directors of Field Operations At CTU: Los Angeles

The following is a list of the Directors Of Field Operations at CTU Los Angeles Domestic Unit.

# Directors Of Field Operations Day Notes
0. Christopher Henderson Pre Day 1 Fired For Corruption Charges
1. Jack Bauer Day 3 Fired by Erin Driscoll before Day 4 for heroin addiction.
Subsequently earned a position as an assistant to Secretary of Defense James Heller.
2. Ronnie Lobell Day 4 Shot by a terrorist whilst out in the field with Jack.
3. Jack Bauer Day 4 Serving as a temporary director.
4. Curtis Manning Day 5 Currently In Control.

Fan Response to CTU Subplots

Family Issues

On the subplots that may follow agents of CTU: Los Angeles, problems with a family member often appear most. This was first seen with Michelle Dessler's brother Danny in Day 2, then followed by Theresa Ortega in Day 3. Chase Edmunds's baby daughter Angela caused some friction between several CTU agents in Day 3 as well. Later on this theme continued with Lynn McGill, whose sister's boyfriend steals his CTU keycard. Even Edgar Stiles' mother, who never actually set foot in CTU, played a role in Edgar's performance in Day 4.

Many fans tend to express annoyance at these plots.

The Clinic

Another common aspect of CTU is the medical center, more commonly known as the Clinic. The Clinic came about in the third season, where it was just for touch-ups and the sort, as seen occaisionally used by Chase Edmunds. As of the fourth season onward it has become, more or less, a fully functional Clinic. Prior to the third season (and in serious cases into the fourth), CTU employees and other victims had to go full-fledged hospitals, as seen in the cases of Teri Bauer, Kim Bauer, Alexis Drazen, and Tony Almeida.

Many fans have noticed that once a character goes into the Clinic, the chances of dying while there or even after are extremely high. This has been generally true in the death of Nina Myers (who dies about four minutes after attempting to escape), Maya Driscoll (who commits suicide in the Clinic), Paul Raines (who died after Jack forced the only doctor on site to save a terrorist lead), and Tony Almeida, who spent most of the day in the Clinic, and was killed there.

The Mole

One fo the most famous Plotlines to ever grace CTU was that of the Mole. The concept of a dirty agent has somewhat become a recurring yet ever-changing theme in the 24-Universe. The complete list of "CTU Moles" (not necessarily true moles, but definitley made out to be so often throughout the series) is as follows:

  • Jamey Farrell: In Day 1 she was first she was known as someone Richard Walsh trusted. However, she helped regional terrorist Ira Gaines (who was hired by Andre Drazen) to keep an eye on Jack Bauer and CTU's progress on the hit on Senator David Palmer. She was later murdered.
  • Nina Myers: She was basically hired by the Drazens to keep watch of Ira Gaines' mole, Jamey, in line during Day 1. The moment Jamey was exposed and about to break, Nina slit Jamey's wrists and made it appear to be a suicide. She was pardoned in Day 2 and killed by Jack Bauer in Day 3.
  • Gael Ortega: In the first hour of Day 3, Gael ws automatically seen working for narco-terrorist Hector Salazar. By the end of the second, Gael was seen as working inside CTU. Many fans came to conclude that he was a mole, yet it turns out that he was undercover the whole time, working alongside Tony Almeida and Jack Bauer to try to capture the Cordelia Virus off the market as well as both Salazars. Gael was later martyred in the Chandler Hotel
  • Marianne Taylor: In Day 4, Marianne directly helped conspirator Henry Powell keep an eye on Jack Bauer and CTU in general. After some leaked information, she managed to stay unexposed by throwing the blame on fellow Agent Sarah Gavin. Marianne was ultimately exposed and killed by those she truly worked for.
  • Spencer Wolff: At the start of Day 5, Spencer was seen in bed with Chloe O'Brian. At CTU he allowed traitor Walt Cummings to send a hitman into CTU to take out Jack Bauer. However, Jack and Chloe exposed the hitman as well as Wolff. In the end it was revealed that Wolff truly did not know he was being used by a traitor and truly beleived he ws being given special orders from the President himself. He was later fired.

Fans have become somewhat annoyed by this recurring theme, but the everchanging circumstances for each case seems to prevent these annoyances to become anything more than grumbling.


  • A clause known as Article 112 allows a senior agent to remove a director if they believe him/her to be unfit for duty due to mental instability. In the series' whole, only Jack Bauer and Curtis Manning enforced the Article.
  • The phones used in the CTU offices are Cisco Unified IP 7900-series phones. MP3 and WAV audio files of the famous ring sound can be found on the Internet.
  • CTU: LA has been attacked a grand total of four times, thrice on in the series and once in 24: The Game:
    • In Day 2, a regional terrorist cell led hired by Joseph Wald and led by Eddie Grant bombed CTU with three charges.
    • In 24: The Game, Madsen's own men attack CTU, killing and kidnapping agents.
    • In Day 3, Nina Myers managed to get control of all the computers on CTU, nearly allowing hackers to get critical information about US spies all over the world.
    • In Day 5, the stolen ID Card of Lynn McGill allows Vladmir Bierko to sneak and set off a canister of Nerve Gas, killing more than 40% of the CTU workforce.
  • Except for Day 5, CTU: LA has had a different appearance every year for a number of reasons
    • Day 1, the "classic" CTU - Stayed that way until the end of the season
    • Day 2, the "classic" CTU - Until it is bombed in the third episode.
    • Day 3, a remodeling based on "classic" CTU - due to the bombing of Day 2 (was also seen in 24: The Game) )
    • Day 4, a completely revamped CTU
    • Day 5, As Season 4
      • (It should be noted that CTU was "upgraded" in season 4 for a number of "behind the scene Reasons" as well, including Production Designer Joseph Hodges annoyance of the classic CTU's constant use of the color orange as well the noisy steps to the Director's office. The full list can be heard on the Complete Season 4 DVD set)

Other References

  • The Punisher

In addition to 24, CTU was the name of a government agency referenced in the 2004 film adaptation of The Punisher. Frank Castle, The Punisher, was said to be a former CTU operative. In the fourth season, there was a CTU operative whose last name was Castle (Lee).

  • The West Wing

A CTU was also mentioned in The West Wing's Season 4 episode, "Debate Camp". President Josiah Bartlet was told that CTU would be put on high alert after a possible confrontation between Israel and the fictional country of Qumar.

  • Trauma Center: Under the Knife

In the Nintendo DS game developed by Atlus, Trauma Center: Under the Knife, the "Counter Terrorism Unit" is briefly mentioned as being involved in the game's events.

  • CTU Lovely

This is a version of the CTU for the micronation called Lovely.

  • CTU Training

CTU is also used as a training program in different parts of the world, it gives people real life situations to act upon and make decisions for training purposes.

  • CTU: Bardia Town

This is the CTU Domestic Unit for the fictional City of Bardia Town. The Director of CTU Bardia Town is Conor Apicella.

  • CTU(New Japan Pro Wrestling)

In July of 2004, at the beginning of New Japan Pro Wrestling's "SUMMER STRUGGLE 2004", Jushin Thunder Liger turned his back on Koji Kanemoto in a tag match versus Jado and Gedo. Together, with Katsushi Takemura, they formed a heel group, CTU. The group still exists today, with currents members: Liger, Jado, Gedo, Minoru(Tanaka), and Hirooki Goto.

  • Dreamfall

In the game Dreamfall at the beginning CTU is briefly Mentioned on the TV.

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