Happy Tree Friends

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Happy Tree Friends is a Flash cartoon series by Mondo Mini Shows, created by Rhode Montijo and Kenn Navarro.

As indicated at a corner of the official site, the show is "not recommended for small children or big babies." In contrast with the cuteness of its characters, the show is highly violent. Nearly every episode features the violent and bloody death of at least one character, with the exception of two episodes, "Out on a Limb" and "Nuttin but the Tooth". The violence of these deaths is comparable to those of Scratchy from The Itchy and Scratchy Show (a short cartoon featured on The Simpsons), and of Kenny McCormick of South Park, though the Happy Tree Friends deaths are significantly more graphic and drawn-out. Also like Kenny and Scratchy, the characters return in later episodes.

The show is nearly free of dialogue, and when the characters do speak, their words are severely garbled. Though the creators make it obvious to the viewer what each character's reaction is, the language can barely be understood.

According to the website, the idea for Happy Tree Friends was conceived by Rhode Montijo when he drew a rabbit on a piece of paper and wrote "resistance is futile" underneath it.

Show characteristics

The show consists of 21 characters (1 of which has an exclusive show, though is considered part of Happy Tree Friends) based on animals in European and American forests, all drawn in a 'cute' style (e.g., most of them have Care Bear-like (Heart-shaped) noses).

They are typically found at first at normal 'everyday life' situations, which eventually develop into very violent occurrences, mostly very unfortunate accidents with common, otherwise harmless props.

Each episode starts with an introduction resembling a children's book, which portrays the show's logo, the episode's name and episode's cast. After the ending credits a moral follows. Examples are "Wash behind your ears!" and "Don't bite off more than you can chew!", which while adding to the cute children's book theme, sharply contrasts with the violence previously portrayed by the episode. (Typically, the moral is an ironic reference to what happened to the characters in that episode.)

Each episode has a typical duration of under 3 minutes. Usually a few (ranging from one to four) of the characters are used in a single episode, but occasionally larger episodes have been released where most of the characters appear.

Currently, new episodes are released on the scale of once a month. An episode list can be seen on the official website, which contains a list of older episodes available on the site. These episodes will only stay for a limited time, however, as this list is exchanged with other episodes every other week.

Worldwide broadcast

Happy Tree Friends has made a successful debut and is watched daily by fans all over the world.

In some countries previous episodes can be seen on television (e.g. on the Dutch, German, Polish, Brazilian, and Latin American MTV channels, and on the Australian SBS TV network). On June 10, 2005, the shorts began showing during Attack of the Show!. A series, Happy Tree Friends and Friends, began to air on August 29, 2005 as part of the late night Midnight Spank block, which are all parts of G4. The series has since been cancelled, but Happy Tree Friends shorts still air on Late Night Peep Show, a compilation of animation that continues to air on G4. HTF also has gained a collection of Audibles and an "IMVironment" for Yahoo!'s Instant messenger. It is featured on many websites in which flash cartoons can be watched, such as Newgrounds, Atomfilms, Purple Twinkie and Albino Black Sheep.

Encouraged by the show's success, its creators have released four DVDs (First Blood, Second Serving, Third Strike, Winter Break) containing the episodes shown on the website and others that have not been released. A collection of three DVDs has also been released.

Selected episodes of Happy Tree Friends are regularly featured in the annual Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation, among other diverse talents.

A video game for the series is also planned. Happy Tree Friends are currently searching for a publisher. It was also recently announced that a TV series is in the works to be released in September 2006. This TV series has been said to be pure Happy Tree Friends. Five of the characters, Cuddles, Giggles, Flippy, Lumpy, and Nutty have Myspace accounts.


File:Happy Trails - Cuddles Giggles Toothy and Petunia.jpg
Cuddles, Giggles, Toothy and Petunia riding a bus in Happy Trails Pt. 1.

Characters each have their own distinct personality and traits, though their ages are unknown. For example; one character, Petunia, can be seen playing with dolls and the next minute can be seen flipping burgers over a burger joint grill. The creators state that they do not want to list character ages (in human years, at least) because to do so would restrict the viewer's imagination. They can also be used in varying situations, such as the one above. Even though some of them are referred to as adults, their true ages are unknown. However, it is generally agreed that most of them are around the same age, as they have mostly appeared to be students. The exceptions are the Ants, Cub, Cursed Idol, Disco Bear (possibly, as some consider him an adult), Flippy (since it is obviously impossible for youngsters to be in the military, let alone to be a war veteran), Giggles' Mother, Handy (since he shows himself as highly experienced in craftsmanship), Lumpy, Pop, and Buddhist Monkey, all of which have clearer roles.


Screaming ants with sadistic manners of defending themselves. They appear as a family (two parents, a son and a daughter) and appear as secondary characters only along with Sniffles, who (unsuccessfully) tries to eat them.


A marmot frozen in a block of ice. Like Handy, he somehow performs many tasks (such as throwing snowballs) while entirely encased in ice. Cro-Marmot is mostly seen in snowy areas, and sometimes drives an ice-cream truck. He is the only Happy Tree Friend who we have seen die in only one episode, which occurred during the prehistoric age when he was not frozen, although he may have died in the school's explosion in Class Act. It's possible that the ice he's usually encased in protects him from disaster, so, unless something happens to the ice, he is almost invulnerable to most disastrous events. Cro-Marmot rarely appears in the series and is considered the worst character amongst many Happy Tree Friends fans.


A very young brown bear, son of Pop, who likes to wander carelessly around and operate machines all by himself. He is doomed both by his father's attention and occasional lack of it. Being the youngest member of the Happy Tree Friends group, he is often seen carelessly drifting into death-inducing hazards.


A canary yellow rabbit whose pursuits include skateboarding and swimming. This character is claimed to be the de facto main character in the series and, thus, stars in most advertisements. He dies in almost every episode he is in. Cuddles' favorite color seems to be pink, as he always wears pink bunny slippers, and has pink cheeks. His fondness is particularly noticeable in the episode "Sweet Ride", where as well as his regular cheeks and slippers, he ordered a pink (strawberry-flavored) ice-cream, and was riding his hot-pink skateboard. He was one of the first characters to be created in Happy Tree Friends. It appears that Cuddles and Giggles are very close friends since they appear in many episodes together. Flaky is another friend of his. He is also dangerously mischievous, as evidenced in the episode "From A to Zoo". His account on myspace mentions that he is actually allergic to carrots, although he enjoys blowing through a straw into a glass of carrot juice, which "soothes his ears and tickles his pink little nose." It also mentions that he has a collection of powerful antique electric toothbrushes and that he requires SPF 90 sunblock, since he burns easily.

Disco Bear

An orange-brown bear with an orange afro who likes to boogie to disco music. He wears 70's style clothing. He usually gets everyone around him in life-threatening trouble while dancing, but mistakes their movements of pain for dance moves. He is sometimes seen trying to impress other female characters, such as Giggles and Petunia. He is even seen going on an awkward date with Petunia in the episode "Blind Date".


A red porcupine, whose quills are full of dandruff, thus the name. His/Her quills are often what kills his/herself or others. His/Her good friends appear to be Cuddles and Giggles since they all appear in many episodes together. Flaky's gender is currently under heavy speculation. The staff behind the cartoon have sided towards the idea of Flaky being female, most notably Kenn Navarro and Warren Graff, so it is becoming more widely accepted as of late.


A green militaristic bear, a veteran of war who is sent into shell-shock when he hears or sees something that reminds him of war, such as a crackling campfire or someone with ketchup spilled on them. He can get some flashbacks.

His Post-traumatic stress disorder is the cause for the grisly, guerrilla-style executions of his friends. In every episode he appears in, he is usually the cause of everybody's deaths. Usually when he goes insane his eyes turn green, though they turned yellow in the episode "Hide and Seek" and blue in "Remains to be Seen". Another sign of his insanity is that his voice changes from a cute high-pitch to an evil, deep, creepy low-pitch. However, an exception to this is when Flippy appeared on "Happy Trails Part 2", where he, for much of the episode, has a low-pitched voice like that of Pop which makes sense since both Flippy and Pop are voice by the same person and it was actually Pop that was intended to appear in that episode. A note of interest is that Flippy's preferred methods of killing and his own background are likely to be references to "Rambo". This is especially evident in Hide and Seek, where Flippy mimicked Rambo's actions in a scene from "Rambo: First Blood Part II" as he hunted and killed his friends in the woods, in which they were supposedly playing a game of hide and seek. Flippy even sports a bowie knife similar to that wielded by Rambo, though in contrast to Rambo, Flippy rarely uses it. Flippy also, for unknown reasons, possessed hand grenades. Though they are mostly depicted to be the old-fashioned "pineapple grenades", a deluxe edition of a Flippy figurine shows him having the more modern M67 fragmentation grenade. This is somewhat strange, as the M67 is currently the US military's standard hand grenade.

Flippy always seems to have a specific method for killing the characters he appears with such as strangling them or snapping their necks (though for Petunia, he often improvise with anything to do with cooking, such as grilling her face on a grill in "Flippin' Burgers"). Fans call him the most violent character on the show, and he is the favorite of many people, possibly for this reason. His myspace account mentions that he enjoys jogging, feeding birds, chocolate chip cookies, and sewing. He is also one of the few characters who rarely die in the series.


A pink chipmunk with a little red bow in her hair, Giggles is one of the two (possibly three) female characters in the series. She has the personality of a young girl, as she enjoys frolicking through flowers, having tea parties, etc, at least until disaster befalls her. She enjoys crossword puzzles and writing poetry. She tends to giggle a lot, earning her name. Giggles is allergic to roses, though she quite likes them. She has a mother (as shown primarily in Helping Helps), and the only character to have a known relative with them besides Pop, Cub, Lifty and Shifty. Giggles is one of the main characters in the series and she appears in most advertisements along with Cuddles and Toothy and appears on a lot of the Happy Tree Friends merchandise.


An orange craftsman beaver with no hands, a tool belt and a worker's helmet. He still manages to perform all sorts of tasks - but only off-screen. Ironically, his house is littered with items that are operated by hand, like drills and yo-yos. Handy gets frustrated at times when he wishes he had hands to do the things he needs to do.

Lifty & Shifty

Two, green, thieving raccoon brothers. Though they have the same markings, personality voice, Shifty wears a fedora. Shifty sometimes bosses Lifty such as in the episode 'Milkin It' where Shifty orders Lifty to milk the cow quickly before their hot-air balloon hits an electric cable. Despite their valiant efforts at stealing many things, they always end up dying in the process. Shifty alone has died in every episode he has been in. Lifty however, may have survived in the episode 'Meat Me For Lunch' as we do not see him being completely butchered, so he may have escaped offscreen.


A blue moose with apparently very low intelligence, disorbited eyes, and mismatched antlers. Known to be the "big brother" or perhaps babysitter of many of the other characters. He is one of the grown-up characters in the series and the only character having a standard nose with two holes shown (most others have a heart-shaped nose). It is possible he is a parody of Bullwinkle (this resemblance is the reason one of his antlers is upside down). Lumpy has had many occupations in many episodes, such as teacher, ticket clerk, undertaker, bus driver, and many more. He is often shown in tremendously incongruous situations, such as lounging shirtless in a hammock while the rest of the cast is playing in the snow. He does not die in most episodes, despite his low intelligence, though his low intelligence is sometimes the cause of other characters' deaths. He lives in a trailer and drives a car. His myspace account mentions that his favorite dessert is cheesecake and that he likes to talk to lettuce.


A purple deer with a painted face, who never speaks. Presumably, he does not speak because he is a mime. He is noted for his circus skills like juggling and balloon animals. His attempts to entertain his fellow Happy Tree Friends often have fatal consequences.

The Mole

A pink blind mole with a mole on his face and dark glasses. He commonly sports a purple trenchcoat or a black turtleneck. He, like Mime, never speaks. It may be possible that he is not only blind, but mute as well, but he is not deaf. Disaster follows his blind bumblings, and he loves his stuffed animals. He also has an arch enemy known as 'The Rat'. It is questionable whether 'The Mole' has actually died in the series - although he may have been injured we haven't ever seen him lying around dead anywhere.


A green crazed rabid squirrel with a serious mental disorder and an enormous sweet tooth. Nutty has various candies stuck to his fur, including a lollipop and a candied apple, and one of his eyes can move independently of the other. He is very twitchy and jittery, which may be caused by extreme sugar overdose and/or his rabies. His craving for candy usually results in his and others' downfall. He currently has fourteen cavities. When deprived of candy his mouth starts foaming. Nutty often becomes frustrated when he can't get the candy he desires, which eventually causes him more pain than gain.


A dark-blue skunk, she is one of the two (possibly three) female characters in the show. She always wears a "pine scent" car air-freshener around her neck, even though she bathes many times a day. She is said to be the "cleanest skunk you'll ever meet." People will often refer to Petunia as one of the most unfortunate Happy Tree Friends characters, with a long range of gruesome deaths under her name.


A bear, another grown-up character, the stereotypically clueless, bathrobe-wearing, pipe-smoking 1950s-style father. His inattention (or at times simply attention) often means bad things for his son, Cub, (for example, lying on his hammock while Cub operates a lawnmower). Most of the time, he is ignorant of his son's death, and continues through the day as if nothing ever happened. What happened to his wife nobody knows, but rest assured he can handle the stress of being a single parent. Pop is another character who rarely dies in the show.

Russell the Pirate

A turquoise sea otter pirate with typical pirate accessories (hat, hook, eyepatch, and wooden leg). He enjoys sailing, fishing and eating clams. Russell's initial character design depicted him with a five o'clock shadow, though since his early appearances, it seems as though he shaves regularly. Typically, his vocabulary consists only of "Yar?!", though in "Get Whale Soon", he can also say things like "Aha!" and "Huh?", etc. Because Russell spends most of his time in the water, he is rarely seen with the other characters, though he did appear in a couple of episodes with Lumpy. Only in 'Remains To Be Seen' and 'Class Act' has he been seen with the other characters such as Cuddles, Flippy, Handy etc. He dies in about every episode he appears in.


A nerdy blue ant-eater who likes to play in the sand and solve square roots. He always gets his snout into trouble, and it seems like his worst enemies are actually his favorite snack: Ants. Sniffles has a rather large I.Q., as proven in the episodes Happy Trails pt 2 and Suck it up, since he builds or invents things that are far more advanced than most things the other characters make. Despite his booksmarts, he's still not smart enough to avoid gruesome fates.

Splendid the Flying Squirrel

A blue superhero flying squirrel who is always doing housework. His superpowers are based loosely on those of Superman: he can fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, has super-strength, super-sonic hearing, and turn back time. Despite his power (or possibly because of it), he commonly ends up unintentionally killing the characters he rescues, and is usually oblivious to it afterwards. He may be a parody of Rocky the Flying Squirrel. He is one of the only Happy Tree Friends that have not died yet, although fans will argue that he died with everyone else in the end of Class Act as he appeared in the end of that episode. The reason as to why there is a lack of Splendid deaths may be due to the fact he has his super powers to protect him from mishaps, while the others are powerless and helpless. However, invincibility is not stated in his official profile, so it's possible that he's capable of dying, but it's never happened so far and would take a lot of power to overcome. From watching Remains To Seen, it would seem that Toothy is a fan of his since in that episode, Toothy dresses up as Splendid for Halloween.


A purple beaver with very large front teeth. Known to be a great fan of Splendid (He dress up as Splendid in Remains to Be Soon). Usually, he acts before he thinks, for example running away and throwing a lit candle behind him. He tends to cry a lot when in distress. As with Cuddles, and Giggles he is another of the main characters since he's often seen with them both on 'Happy Tree Friends' merchandise and advertisements.

Buddhist Monkey

The creators thought this character was such a great idea that he deserved his own show, which has currently had only two episodes and are both exclusive for the second and third DVDs. As his name implies, he is a monkey who lives his life in the way of Buddha. He has tan-colored fur with four dots in the shape of a square on his head and wears what appears to be a brown, monk-like robe with three circle-like objects worn as a belt. He is often very calm and enjoys libraries and gardens, but he is known for his Flippy-style rages when evil ninjas ruin his day (wrecking books, destroying gardens) yet he only kills the ninjas, no-one else. He has made several cameo appearances in the regular episode (like clips from one Buddhist Monkey playing on a cinema screen, and cub playing a game with Buddhist Monkey on the side of it). He along with Splendid are the only characters who have not died yet.

Generic Tree Friend

Used en masse when needed, for example, in a large audience. They all look the same (lavender in color), though they are rarely used as not many episodes require large crowds. In the Happy Tree Friends and Friends episode in which the chair's spring goes through Flaky you can see an unknown Tree Friend in the back.

Unknown Ninjas

A special group of the Generic Tree Friends, these ninjas are exclusive to the only two Buddhist Monkey episodes which are only seen on the DVDs. They are always seen ruining gardens and libraries. This always brings on the full wrath of the Buddhist Monkey, who will then proceed to defeat them brutally. Unlike real ninjas, they are dressed in dark green rather than black.

Voice Talents

  • Rhode Montijo - Lumpy, Splendid.
  • Kenn Navarro - Cuddles.
  • Aubrey Ankrum - Flippy, Pop.
  • Warren Graff - Handy, Toothy.
  • Michael Lipman - Nutty.
  • Mark Giambruno - Lifty, Shifty.
  • Liz Stuart - Sniffles.
  • Jeff Biancalana - Russell, Buddhist Monkey.
  • Nica Lorber - Flaky.
  • Peter Herrmann - Disco Bear.
  • Dana Belben - Giggles, Petunia.
  • Ellen Connell - Cub.

Episode list

  • A Hard Act to Swallow starring Sniffles.
  • A to Zoo Part 1 starring Lumpy, Petunia, Toothy, Cuddles, Sniffles, and Flaky.
  • A to Zoo Part 2 starring Lumpy, Petunia, Toothy, Cuddles, and Flaky.
  • Banjo Frenzy starring Dino, Cuddles, Toothy and Giggles.
  • Better off Bread starring Splendid, Giggles and Toothy.
  • Blind Date starring the Mole, Lumpy, Handy, and Giggles. (Cameo appearance of Disco Bear, Petunia, and Buddhist Monkey).
  • Boo Do You Think You Are? starring Sniffles, Giggles and Flaky.
  • Books of Fury starring Buddhist Monkey and Unknown Ninjas.
  • Chip Off the Ol' Block starring Pop and Cub.
  • Class Act. (Christmas Special.)
  • Crazy Antics starring Sniffles.
  • Dino-sore days starring Cro-Marmot.
  • Eye Candy starring Toothy.
  • Eyes Cold Lemonade starring Petunia and Giggles.
  • Enter the Garden starring Buddhist Monkey and Unknown Ninjas.
  • Flippin' Burgers starring Cuddles, Giggles, Flippy and Petunia. (Cameo appearance of Pop and Cub)
  • Get Whale Soon starring Russell and Lumpy.
  • Happy Trails pt. 1 starring Lumpy, Petunia, Cuddles, Mime, Toothy and Sniffles. (Cameo appearance of the Mole, seen on the bus right at the end)
  • Happy Trails pt. 2 starring Lumpy, Lifty, Shifty, Giggles, Flippy, Flaky, Handy and Sniffles.
  • Havin' a Ball starring Lumpy, Pop and Cub.
  • Hello Dolly! starring Petunia, Cub and Disco Bear. (Cameo appearance of Pop)
  • Helping Helps starring Splendid Giggles and Mrs Giggles.
  • Hide and Seek starring Flippy, Petunia, Flaky and Toothy.
  • House Warming starring Petunia and Handy.
  • Icy You starring Nutty. (Cameo appearance of Lumpy)
  • I Get a Trick Out of You starring Lumpy and Cuddles.
  • It's a Snap starring Splendid, Lumpy and Cub.
  • Keepin' it Reel starring Flippy, Mime, Lumpy, Petunia, Toothy. (Cameo appearance of Flaky and Cuddles, with Buddhist Monkey appearing on the theater's screen.)
  • Let it Slide starring Lumpy, Cuddles, Flaky, Giggles and Cub.
  • Meat Me for Lunch starring Lifty, Shifty, Lumpy and Petunia.
  • Milkin' It starring Lumpy, Lifty and Shifty.
  • Mime and Mime Again starring Toothy and Mime.
  • Mole in the City starring Mole and Rat.
  • Nuttin' But the Tooth starring Nutty and Toothy.
  • Nuttin' Wrong with Candy starring Nutty.
  • Off the Hook starring Lumpy and Russel.
  • Out of Sight, Out of Mime starring Mime and Mole (Cameo appearance of Flaky, Lumpy and Giggles).
  • Out on a Limb starring Lumpy.
  • Pitchin' Impossible starring Petunia, Mole and Lumpy.
  • Remains to be Seen. (Halloween Special.)
  • Rink Hijinks starring Flaky, Lumpy, Disco Bear and Cub (Cameo appearance of Buddhist Monkey, though only as an image on the side of the machine Cub was playing with).
  • Shard at Work starring Handy.
  • Ski Ya, Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya! starring Flaky and Disco Bear (Cameo appearance of Giggles and Petunia).
  • Snip Snip Horray! starring Pop and Cub.
  • Snow What? That's What! starring Cro-Marmot, Lumpy, Petunia and Giggles.
  • Spare Me starring Handy, Sniffles and Mole.
  • Spin Fun Knowin' Ya starring Cuddles, Lumpy, Giggles and Toothy.
  • Stayin' Alive starring Disco Bear, Petunia and Giggles.
  • Stealing the Spotlight. starring Pop & Cub and Lumpy
  • Suck it Up! starring Sniffles.
  • Sweet Ride starring Cuddles and Nutty. (Cameo appearance of Cro-Marmot)
  • The Way You Make Me Wheel starring Handy and Lumpy.
  • This Is Your Knife starring Flippy, Cuddles, Giggles and Flaky.
  • Tongue Twister Trouble starring Sniffles.
  • Treasure Those Idol Moments starring Toothy, Flaky, Cub, Sniffles and Lumpy.
  • Water You Wading For starring Cuddles and Flaky.
  • Whose Line is it Anyway? starring Russel.
  • Water Way to Go starring Pop and Cub. (Cameo appearance of Cro-Marmot)
  • Wheelin' and Dealin' starring Lifty, Shifty, Lumpy and Handy.
  • You're Bakin' Me Crazy starring Lumpy and Giggles. (Cameo appearance of Petunia)

It is said that in the French Happy Tree Friends movie, (a full-lengh feature which consists of several episodes and some other things like the making of the show) there is two brand-new episodes.


  • Cuddles Smoochie
  • Giggles Valentine Smoochie
  • Nutty Party Smoochie
  • Petunia Summer Smoochie
  • Toothy Easter Smoochie
  • Pop BBQ Smoochie
  • Flaky Baseball Smoochie
  • Sniffles Science Smoochie


  • Kringle Presents
  • Kringle Bells
  • Kringle Tree
  • Kringle Karols
  • Kringle Feast
  • Kringle Frosty

Character deaths


File:Petunia dies.jpg
Petunia's head is crushed by a sign plaque in the episode Eyes Cold Lemonade.

There are several points to be taking into account when looking at this guide:

  • Every character has a "Class Act: Dies when school explodes" in their death. This is simply a guess, because none of them are actually seen dead. Some might have survived, or been thrown aside by the explosion. Some fans think 'The Mole' walked in the wrong direction when the singing started, and wasn't blown up, or that Flippy was busy brutalizing the GTF to join. Once again, this is only a guess that everyone died, because that is the show's nature, but some might have lived.
  • Splendid hasn't ever died so far due the fact that his superpowers can shield him. Although it is debatable whether or not he died in 'Class Act', it can be said that his powers were able to shield him from the school's explosion.
  • Because Cro-Marmot is usually encased in ice, it's possible that the ice protects him for disasters surrounding him, so he can't die very often.

This is a very questionable scene in HTF history, which has a 50/50 chance of either being 100% deaths or 100% recoveries for the whole cast.


  • Class Act: Possibly dies when the school explodes.
  • Dino-Sore Days: Beaten and disembowled by various dinosaurs. Then eaten by a pterodactyl and fed to its young.


  • Chip off the Ol' Block: Impaled by various pieces of glass. Later accidentally set on fire by Pop.
  • Flippin' Burgers: Crushed by burger joint door when the restaurant explodes.
  • Havin' A Ball: Crushed by Lumpy who is in a gurney for an unknown reason.
  • It's A Snap: Splendid throws a bear trap into the air and it snaps on Cubs head.
  • Snip, Snip, Hooray: Puts an electric razor in his mouth when it is unplugged. Pop then plugged the cord into an electrical outlet and activated the razor, causing the razor to cut Cub's mouth, toungue, and throat to pieces.
  • Treasure These Idol Moments: Crushed by a boulder rolling towards him (Idol-induced).
  • Water Way to Go: Drink can embedded in face. Sliced up by rowing boat engine - remains eaten by seagulls.
  • Let it Slide: Cut in two by Lumpy's antlers after drifting towards the slide exit.
  • Hello Dolly: Gets hit by the fire hydrant's spouting water, smacking him into a wall (Idol-induced).
  • Stealing The Spotlight: Loses one of his front teeth when Pop accidentally knocks him into the snow with the ladder. Bucket of nails lands on his head. Head explodes by a bright light.
  • Class Act: Head impaled by a wooden Christmas tree star. Possibly dies when the school explodes.
  • Kringles-Presents: Electrocuted after drooling on an electrical miniature train track, train plows through head.
  • Kringles-Feast: Possibly died of Gas from cooker or starvation but the house he was in explodes thanks to Lumpy igniting the gas, likely killing him.


  • Spin Fun Knowin' Ya!: Due to intense rotation he has both arms ripped off in the process, ends up spun out of the playground and ground into the engine of a grounded airplane.
  • Water You Wading For?: Attacked by piranhas, seals, and a crocodile and gets his lower torso and ears bitten off. Finally crushed by a whale after crawling out of the pool still alive.
  • This Is Your Knife: Flippy smashes his face off with a rock and removes his intestines, though not shown dead, he probably will be soon.
  • Sweet Ride: Crashes into some stairs while riding his skateboard and is cut in three pieces (in this moment his teeth produce a specific sound of scratching glass by dragging against the stony ladders). Then his eye gets impaled by an ice cream cone.
  • Happy Trails Pt 1: The bus window closes on him by a bump, horizontally slicing him in two.
  • Flippin' Burgers: Flippy rams a straw in his chest, causing Cuddles to bleed. He then connects the straw to his mouth to drink the blood to regain it back to his body, but passes out because the body doesn't work that way. Later after the burger joint explodes, Flippy dips a chip in Cuddles's blood and eats it sadistically.
  • Class Act: Head forced through the tree costume and bounces down the steps like a slinky. Already dead when the school explodes.
  • I Get A Trick Out Of You: Lumpy, though perferming a magic trick right, moves the blocks too far apart, ripping Cuddles' skin. Later when Cuddles is in the hospital, Lumpy cuts off his blood supply for another magic trick.
  • Keepin' It Reel: Killed (Or possibly just injured) after Flippy uses Flaky as a mace.
  • Let It Slide: Goes down the broken water slide and gets his body vertically sliced in two.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Killed in the crash, revived as a zombie and dies again when Flippy's brain explodes.
  • From A to Zoo: Accidentally impales his eye into the balloon blowing machine, which blows his eye up like a balloon.
  • Smoochie-Feed: Passes out after choking on a carrot.
  • Smoochie-Sleep: Passes out from too many tranquilisers.
  • Smoochie-Clean: Drowns when the room is flooded with water.
  • Commercial 1: Crushed by a giant television that Lumpy was fixing.
  • Commercial 2: Cooked to death in a microwave.
  • Commercial 3: Brutally beaten up by a crane.
  • Kringles-Carols: Face impaled by fallen icicle.
  • Kringles-Feast: Possibly died of gas from cooker or starvation but the house he was in explodes thanks to the gas being ignited by Lumpy, likely killing him.

Disco Bear

  • Rink Hi jinks: Impaled by most of Flaky's spikes.
  • Class Act: Half of his afro gets burned off when the school is set on fire. Possibly dies when the school explodes.
  • Hello Dolly: Head explodes from listening to headphones at Soundwaave level(idol-induced).
  • Ski Ya Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya!: The plank with the nail that Flaky used as a ski to get off the mountain impales him.
  • Blind Date: Petunia sprays pepper spray in his eyes. The Mole bumps into the car with they are in, pushing the car off the cliff. Though there is a remote chance he lived, it's highly likely he didn't.


  • Hide and Seek: Strangled by Flippy with a wire.
  • Boo Do You Think You Are?: Melted by lava.
  • This Is Your Knife: Thrown into the campfire by Flippy while hiding in his/her sleeping bag. Though not shown dead, he/she probably will be soon.
  • Treasure These Idol Moments: Hit by Lumpy's car (Idol-induced).
  • Happy Trails Pt 2: Buried alive (or possibly murdered) by Flippy for accidentally ruining their only means of escape.
  • Rink Hijnks: Disco Bear bumps into him/her, which causes Flaky to get sucked into Lumpy's floor waxer. This sends his/her quills flying everywhere.
  • Class Act: Dropped down the chimney by Lifty and Shifty. Comes out the other end skinned. Possibly dies when the school explodes.
  • Keepin' it Reel: Strangled by Flippy. Gets decapitated when Flippy uses him/her as a mace to hit Cuddles.
  • Let it Slide: Is pushed down the dry slide by Cuddles, which causes a skinning effect similar to the one seen in 'Class Act'.
  • Ski Ya Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya!: After nearly getting strangled, losing the ability to use his/her left arm, and getting both his/her feet split apart by a plank with a nail in it, he/she is thrown towards the chain-fence surrounding Disco Bear's cabin, which slices him/her into cubes.
  • From A to Zoo Part 2: After being very severely traumatized, the bus he/she is in crashes because of a camera flash by a baboon. Though not shown dead, it's likely he/she died.
  • Smoochie-Catch: Eye explodes of inflation after it gets hit by a baseball.
  • Smoochie-Bat: Gets electrocuted by lightning when holding a metal-baseball and gets impaled by a baseball.
  • Smoochie-Gum: Suffocates from gum popped all over his/her face.


  • Happy Trails Pt 2: The rocket he is with Handy and Sniffles burns up in the sun.
  • Class Act: Possibly dies when the school explodes.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Kills himself along with the other happy tree friends after driving into them with a truck holding toxic waste. Revived as a zombie, thanks to toxic waste. Lumpy rams a leaf-blower (He intends to plant an electric saw to his severed arm but panicked and took the leaf blower instead)in his right eye, blowing his brain up like a balloon. Toothy bites his brain causing it to explode. He is buried back underground with the other Happy Tree Friends.


  • Spin Fun Knowin' Ya!: Spun out of the playground, hits a chopping block and splits horizontally in two. Chest impaled by a steel rod.
  • Helping Helps: When Splendid zooms past a tree, Giggles's head is sliced off by a branch.
  • Stayin' Alive!: Spun around by Disco Bear, and gets her head impaled by a hot tea kettle. Not made certain whether she just passed out or died.
  • Boo Do You Think You Are?: Vertically sliced in two by a pendulum.
  • You're Bakin' Me Crazy!: Lumpy trips over some leads, causing an iron to burn her face. Lumpy smacks an active mixer into the air, and gouges out her eyes. Not made sure whether she passed out or died but likely the latter.
  • Snow What? That's What!: Eyes and mouth impaled by falling icicles.
  • This Is Your Knife: Flippy strangles her with Cuddles's intestines.
  • Happy Trails Pt 2: Shocked by a jellyfish, then dies from poison.
  • Flippin' Burgers: Flippy jams condiments into her ears and squeezes ketchup and mustard into her head, making it come out of her nose and thus dissolving her brain.
  • Eyes Cold Lemonade: Face ripped off by a lemonade banner board, then stings after Petunia spits lemonade (acid) into her mauled face. Does not die however, but it's counted as it definitely hurt.
  • Class Act: Facial lid sliced off by a sandbag whilst wearing a present costume. Possibly dies when the school explodes.
  • Better Off Bread: Splendid breaks her spine. When Splendid flies an extremely high speeds, her eyes is pop off. Later, Splendid travels back in time, and it seems as though Giggles never died like this and apparently died when falling off the cliff.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Killed in the crash, revived as a zombie and dies again when Flippy's brain explodes.
  • Stealing the Spotlight: Burned by a bright light. Though not shown dead, she probably died.
  • Smoochie-Flowers: Since she's allergic to flowers Giggles sneezes out of control, the last sneeze is so strong that her head blows up from the back. The blood makes the shape of a heart.
  • Smoochie-Cupid: Pierced by many arrows. Slides slowly down arrows while making sharp scraching noise.
  • Smoochie-Note: Tongue sliced off whilst licking an envelope. Dies from blood loss.
  • Kringles-Feast: Possibly died of Gas from cooker. or starvation but the house she was in explodes thanks to the gas being ignited by Lumpy, possibly killing her.
  • Kringles-Tree: Lumpy nails his axe into the middle of her face in a horizontal motion, and due to the axe blow. One of her eyes fall off her face.
  • Happy Tree Friends and Friends Bumper: Melts when she accidentally sprays herself with popcorn butter.


  • Wheelin' and Dealin': Hits an ambulance and gets his lower torso taken off. His internal organs fall out of the ripped area.
  • Spare Me: A soda bottle goes through his eye socket after 'The Mole' throws Sniffles's head (which he thinks is a bowling ball) into the air and it bounces on Handy's head. He doesn't die, but it counts as it definately hurt.
  • Happy Trails Pt 2: The rocket he is with Flippy and Sniffles burns up in the sun.
  • Class Act: He gets both his legs cut off somehow. Possibly dies when the school explodes.
  • The Way You Make Me Wheel: Crushed between Lumpy's car and his tow-truck. Tail caught under Lumpy's wheel and his guts are forced out of his mouth.
  • Shard At Work: Impaled by broken light bulb glass in his mouth before drowning when a fishbowl with water gets stuck on his head.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Killed in the crash, though not seen beforehand. revived as a zombie and dies again when Flippy's brain explodes.
  • Blind Date: 'The Mole's car bumps into the truck he's working on. The hood closes on his waist and horizontally snaps him in half.

Lifty & Shifty

  • Wheelin' and Dealin': The steering wheel and wheels of their car break off causing the racing car to flip over, and drag/grind their bodies down on the road.
  • Meat Me For Lunch: Shifty is grounded up a sausage maker and later eaten by Petunia. Lifty is pinned down by cutlery and has his tail cut up by a slicer.
  • Happy Trails Pt 2: Both eaten by a shark.
  • Milkin' It: Lifty is impaled by a pine-tree after being thrown out of the air-balloon by Shifty and Shifty has his body chopped up by a windmill.
  • Class Act: Lifty has had his lower torso taken off somehow. Both possibly die when school explodes.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Killed in the crash, though not seen beforehand, revived as zombies and they are then run over again by Lumpy's lawnmower.
  • Kringles-Feast: Either Lifty's or Shifty's feet are shown sticking out from the table (we don't see who it is completely) indicating that either one of them died of gas from the cooker or starvation. But whoever it was, the house he was in explodes thanks to the gas being ignited by Lumpy, possibly killing them.
  • Happy Tree Friends and Friends Bumper: Shifty's face melts after he eats a hot piece of pizza. Lifty does not die.


  • Havin' a Ball: Crushed by a helicopter while lying bandaged in a gurney.
  • Wheelin' and Dealin': The race car he's in burns up, but he probably does not die due to the fact we see his race car pass Lifty and Shifty's dead bodies in the end.
  • Pitchin' Impossible: Cut in two by a fast spinning 'Ferris Wheel'.
  • Treasure These Idol Moments: Though the cartoon fades to black before we see it, he gets into a car accident (Idol-induced).
  • It's A Snap!: When Splendid removes a bear trap from Lumpy's arm, it's snaps the arm off. When Splendid slices off the big bear trap with laser eyes, it also slices off Lumpy's head which falls into another bear trap.
  • Rink Hi jinks: Killed by Cub operating the claw machine, tearing his heart out.
  • Get Whale Soon: Russell tries to toss a harpoon out of the whale's blowhole, but it misses and impales through Lumpy's forehead.
  • Milkin' It: Turned inside-out after being dragged through the metallic-rope ring.
  • Class Act: Dies when the school explodes.
  • The Way You Make Me Wheel: Cut by the blade of a shaving razor whilst pulling away from some ducks. Dies from blood loss in the end.
  • Out On A Limb: Leg struck under a fallen tree. Punctures the wrong leg with a spoon and the other leg with a paper clip.
  • Keepin' It Reel: Though the cartoon fades to black before we see it, Flippy seemingly snaps Lumpy's neck.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Arm bitten off by a zombified Flippy. Punched by his own zombified arm.
  • Snow What? That's What!: Gets some blood squeezed out of him in the hammock by Cro-Marmot sliding as Giggles rushes by. He doesn't appear to be dead, though.
  • Stealing The Spotlight: Eyes melt from bright light.
  • Blind Date: When 'The Mole' drives into a truck it tears off the top part of his car and with it, the skin covering Lumpy's brain. His right foot is then scraped on the pavement when 'The Mole's car door closes on it.
  • From A to Zoo: The bus he is driving crashes because of a camera flash by a baboon.
  • I Get A Trick Out Of You: Uses a magic potion to disappear. Then we see Lumpy lying on the floor, dead.
  • Commercial 1: The cardboard box he's sitting in sets ablaze and he goes down with it.
  • Commercial 2: Runs with a stick, trips, and is impaled in the head by it.
  • Commercial 3: Head sliced off by Flippy, whilst Flippy was hiding in the water.
  • Kringles-Feast: Lumpy ignites the gas from the cooker, causing the house he and all the other Happy Tree Friends are in at this time to explode.


  • Happy Trails Pt 1: Chokes on a peanut.
  • Out of Sight, Out of Mime: Decapitated by Lumpy. His head then gets carved into that of a Jack-O-Lantern by 'The Mole', when he thinks it's a pumpkin.
  • Class Act: Possibly dies when the school explodes.
  • Keepin' it Reel: Flippy closes the theatre chair on him and then pulls it apart, which decapitates and dismembers Mime.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Killed in the crash, revived as a zombie and dies again when Flippy's brain explodes.
  • Happy Tree Friends and Friends Bumper: A straw impaled him in the eye after The Mole bumps into him.

The Mole

  • Happy Trails Pt 1: Though not shown on screen, it is likely that he died when the bus crashes on the island since he is seen in this part and not in the next. This is the only time, other than "Class Act", that the Mole is presumed to be dead. However, the probability of the Mole's death in this one is much higher, since there is no way he could have escaped from the bus as easily.
  • Class Act: Cane impaled through eye socket. Dies when the school explodes.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Possibly killed by Flippy in the crash, but unlike all the other characters, he is not buried by in his grave because he was walking in the other direction when Flippy's brain exploded, making him the only zombie to have survived.


  • Nuttin' But the Tooth: Toothy drills through his head - his lower jaw torn off with rope. Does not die, but counted as it definitely would have hurt.
  • Nuttin Wrong With Candy: Arm chopped off by holding the candy, then crushed by the candy vending machine and his eyes pierced through by its drill-like coils.
  • Stealing the Spotlight: After mistaking Lumpy's Christmas lights for candy and eating them, Lumpy yanks on what's left of the cord and pulls out Nutty's insides in the process.
  • Sweet Ride: Head gets stuck in bee hive; his face is stung by hundreds of bees.
  • Icy You: Drinks too much out of the Slushie machine thus causing his mouth to freeze onto the nozzle. Attempts to pull mouth free, rips mouth off, stumbles backwards into a rack and is "popped" like a balloon. He flies in between the candy shop's sliding doors and has his head crushed by them.
  • Class Act: Dies when the school explodes.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Killed in the crash. revived as a zombie and dies again when Flippy's brain explodes.
  • Smoochie-Toy: Knocks his tooth out with a yo-yo and then throws a hard "sleeper," causing it to rub against himself and produce a buzzing sound until the friction burns him alive.
  • Smoochie-Gift: Chokes on balloon strings after setting a pair of scissors aside.
  • Smoochie-Treat: Suffocates from too much gas expelled from the cart.


  • A to Zoo: (Part 1) Gets impaled by shards of glass and Lumpy hits her with a tranquilizer dart by accident, then falls into the snake pit where the snake devours her whole. (Part 2) When Lumpy cuts the snake in half, he sees Petunia covered in what looks like digestive fluids.
  • Blind Date: The mole bumps into the car she's in with Disco Bear pushing the car off the cliff. Death isn't certain but highly likely.
  • Happy Trails pt. 1: Is impaled by the bus' gear handle by a bump, Lumpy then changes gears with her still on it causing the handle to mutilate her body.
  • Hide and Seek: Falls into a spike pit (reminiscent to the Viet Cong punji pits of the Vietnam War). Flippy then later hands her an active grenade, to finish the job and end her suffering. If mercy-killing is the case, then this marks the only time Flippy actually performed an act of mercy, in spite of his "Flip-out".
  • House Warming: Is burnt to a crisp by the house fire followed by a bucket of petrol kicked at by Handy then being stepped on by Handy's cleats. She isn't actually shown dead, though, but probably will be soon.
  • Pitchin' Impossible: Head split apart by the carnival stand roof.
  • Snow What? That's What!: Squashed by Cro-Marmot while she was lying on the ground making a snow angel, Though she isn't shown dead, she probably will be soon.
  • Stayin' Alive: Disco Bear twirls her into an electric fence, though it's hard to tell whether she is dead or just unconcious.
  • Class Act: Arm half blown off somehow leaving the bone. Possibly dies when the school explodes.
  • Flippin' Burgers: Flippy slams her face on the grill gruesomely grilling her face before the whole building explodes. Considered by many fans to be the most gruesome death on the show to date. When her face is lifted up, the skin on her face sticks to the grill, causing her face to be skinned (in pure sadism and cruelty a la Ryuji Yamazaki).
  • Eyes Cold Lemonade: Face crushed by the Lemonade banner board. She also loses an eye which will be used for Giggles' "lemonade".Picture of her death is shown above.
  • Keepin it Reel: Flippy throws her head into the popcorn machine, which cooks her brain "popcorn-style".
  • Hello Dolly: After getting into bed, the springs pop up and takes her internal organs with them (Idol-induced).
  • Remains to be Seen: Killed in the crash, though not seen beforhand. Revived as a zombie and dies again when Flippy's brain explodes.
  • Smoochie-Swim: Broken in half and eaten by a shark.
  • Smoochie-Spin: Face thrashed by a fast-spinning pinwheel.
  • Smoochie-Water: Hose jams and expands, forcing her into the screen until she gets squished.
  • Kringle-Bells: Horse-kicked to death by a skinny, maybe neglected reindeer.
  • Kringles-Feast: Possibly died of Gas from cooker or from starvation but the house she was in explodes thanks to the gas being ignited by Lumpy, most likely killing her.


  • Flippin' Burgers: Crushed by burger joint door when the restaurant explodes.
  • Havin' A Ball: Sliced by helicopter rotors.
  • Smoochie-Light: Charcoal from BBQ grill burns holes through head.
  • Smoochie-Corn: Inflates to death from corn turning into popcorn after a fire from BBQ burns in his chest.
  • Smoochie-Kabob: Kabob stick impales eye. Eye tears out through back after falling face forward.
  • Stealing The Spotlight: Skin bubbles like crazy.
  • Class Act: Dies when the school explodes.

Russell the Pirate

  • Whose Line Is It Anyway?: Chokes on a pufferfish; and impaled by a swordfish.
  • Get Whale Soon: Impaled in the eye by a ship's mast.
  • Off the Hook: Is hooked in the eyelid by Lumpy's fishing rod. Dragged through water. Zapped by a eel. His skin torn off by coral. Hits a seamine and explodes when Lumpy yanks on the fishing line.
  • Class Act: Dies when the school explodes.
  • Remains to be Seen: Killed in the crash. Revived as a zombie and gets run over by Lumpy's lawnmower.


  • A to Zoo: Attacked by the baboon when he gets too close to the cage for a picture.
  • Suck it Up: Organs get sucked out of Sniffles' head by his new vacuum finally getting completely destroyed by the vacuum.
  • Happy Trails pt. 2: The rocket he is with Handy and Flippy burns up in the sun. Unlike the others, his head explodes before he hits the sun due to the intense heat.
  • Crazy Antics: Tongue mutilated by ants. Upper body explodes.
  • Boo do you Think you Are?: Skull is mutilated by the monster hand.
  • Tongue Twister Trouble: Gets tongue stuck on the ice while going after the ants. The ants release a cat onto the tongue, and the cat uses his claws to dig into the tongue. Then the ants stretch the tongue out, and finally, the cat slices the tongue in half, causing Sniffles to fall into freezing water.
  • Treasure These Idol Moments: Sinks into quicksand in the sandbox (Idol-induced).
  • Spare Me: Head comes off after applying snout-suction on bowling ball. His head is then thrown down the bowling aisle as if it were a bowling ball, and when his head knocks down a few pins, the bowling pin sweeper at the end of each bowling aisle cuts his snout off.
  • A Hard Act To Swallow: Heart blown apart by ants.
  • Class Act: Nutty bites a chunk out of his side, thinking he is a candy cane. Sniffles bleeds as he runs in panic. Dies when the school explodes.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Killed in the crash. revived as a zombie and dies again when Flippy's brain explodes.
  • Smoochie-Jet: Jetpack takes off and rips off his arms, faints from blood loss and smashed by the falling jetpack.
  • Smoochie-Magnet: Stabbed by iron, pins, a scissors, and a steel beam, and even a Bike attracted to a magnet around his waist.
  • Smoochie-Mix: Drinks a growing formula which causes his guts to grow, smashed by his own guts.
  • Kringle-Frosty: Impaled by Lumpy's skies.
  • Happy Tree Friends and Friends Bumper: Slips on a wet floor. Skull cracks open and brains spill out.


  • Class Act: Dies when the school explodes.
  • Stealing the Spotlight: Explodes by a bright light.
  • A to Zoo: Gets impaled by the rhino's horn after Cuddles annoyed the rhino by poking it with a stick.
  • Eye Candy: Toothy trips over a log causing the lollipop he's holding to go through his eyelid. When he pulls the lollipop out, his eye/retinal cord are sent flying into the air and it ties itself onto a tree. Tooty climbs up the tree to retrieve his eye. He tries to keep his balance on the branch but loses it when a woodpecker pecks the loose eye. He is hanging off the branch by his retinal cord and his brain and other eye go through his right eye socket.
  • Happy Trails pt. 1: Flies and does backflip out of the bus.
  • Better Off Bread: Gets hit by a meteorite when Splendid destroyed the comet. Later, Splendid travels back in time, and it seems as though Toothy never died like this anymore and apparently died when the meteor may have hit the planet.
  • Hide and Seek: Neck snapped by Flippy, who suddenly appeared behind him as he is somehow camoflaged to the tree which Toothy is hiding behind, a la Rambo.
  • Mime and Mime Again: The bandage "hypnotised" by The Mime pulls up and breaks Toothy's leg in half, The Mime fixes the broken leg, then The Mime "hypnotises" the same bandage again, which is sucked into a fan and Toothy then gets torn apart by the fan blades.
  • Spin Fun Knowing Ya: Thrown off the ride and hits a tree, causing Toothy to splatter.
  • Treasure These Idol Moments: Is hit in the head by the swing (idol-induced).
  • Keepin' it Reel: Flippy jams the movie reeler into Toothy's left eye, also causing the film to back up.
  • Remains To Be Seen: Killed in the crash. revived as a zombie and dies again when Flippy's brain explodes after Toothy bites Flippy's brain.
  • Kringle-Frosty: Impaled by Lumpy's skis.
  • Smoochie-Yummy: Swallows Easter eggs, which hatch chicks and then burst out from his stomach.
  • Smoochie-Goody: Strangled by snake, eyes pop out.
  • Smoochie-Tasty: Eats a poisened Easter egg, throws up and dies.
  • Kringles-Feast: Possibly died of Gas from cooker but the house he was in explodes thanks to the gas being ignited by Lumpy.
  • Happy Tree Friends and Friends Bumper: Drowns in soda.

Other Deaths

  • In the two episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, the evil ninjas are brutally beaten and killed by Buddhist Monkey in several different ways.
  • In the episode 'Mole and the City' a character (who only makes his appearance in that episode) called 'The Rat' dies when he falls into a mouse trap factory and dies when the factory explodes.

What Sets Flippy Off

There are certain events in the episodes that Flippy appears in, which causes him to transform into his insane alter-ego:

  • This Is Your Knife: The sparks from the campfire reminded him of explosions from the wars.
  • Hide and Seek: Listening to a woodpecker peck a tree reminds him of gunshots.
  • Flippin Burgers: When Cuddles was putting ketchup on his hamburger, he accidentally sprayed some on Giggles. Afterwards, he just happened to be holding his ketchup bottle somewhat like one would hold a gun, and along with the ketchup on Giggles, it reminded Flippy of an enemy soldier shooting someone, as well as the ketchup on Giggles reminded him of blood.
  • Class Act: The burning school reminds him of a building set on fire, most likely similar to a scene in his war life.
  • Remains To Be Seen: A quiet exploding sound in the truck's exhaust pipe reminds him of a gunshot. The radioactive waste makes him even more vicious, turning his eyes yellow instead of the ususal green.
  • Keepin It Reel: Lumpy bumps into the movie reeler, which causes flickering that Flippy recognises as bombs going off in the night sky. It is also possible that simply seeing the ninja on the screen could have done it.

It is not yet known whether or not there are more things that could trigger Flippy's "Flip-outs" just yet, but surely future episodes featuring him will reveal new ways to begin his devastating rampages.

Possible Connections with the Vietnam War

Some, if not all, of these things that trigger Flippy's killing sprees are possibly connected to the Vietnam War in one way or another. The burning school in "Class Act", for instance, can be connected with the burning of the villages by US troops in their hunt for the elusive Viet Cong. The explosion in the truck's exhaust pipe in Remains to be Seen points to another possible connection to the war in Vietnam, that US troops sometimes ducked at such sounds in friendly territories, mistaking them for gunshots due to them being on-the-edge all the time. The campfire trigger in This is Your Knife is yet another possible connection, as it wasn't uncommon for US and North Vietnamese troops to make small campfires in the jungles. The flashes in Keeping it Reel is not as clear at first, but a quick look at Flippy himself will make it yet another possible connection with the Vietnam War. First of all, Flippy is possibly a member of the United States Army Special Forces (judging by the green beret he always wears), also called Green Berets, at one point of time in his life. Secondly, it is widely known that the Green Berets played a very active part of the Vietnam War, manning small bases which are constantly under attack by North Vietnamese forces, especially at night. During these intense night battles, machine gun fire merely looked like flashes and flickers, making the flickering in Keeping it Reel a trigger for Flippy. Of course, that ninja on the screen, despite not being dressed in black, may had reminded Flippy of his enemy (possibly the Viet Cong).

It must be noted that Flippy probably isn't created intentionally as a reference to the Vietnam War, although he (as stated earlier) is a possible reference to Rambo, who is a Vietnam veteran himself.

TV Series

"Happy Tree Friends" is scheduled to have it's own television show sometime in 2006. This show is not connected to the "Happy Tree Friends and Friends" series that briefly aired on G4. Not much is known about the show, but IMDB has some info in its official page: http://imdb.com/title/tt0770762/