Wikipedia talk:Tutorial (historical)/Talk pages

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 00:48, 4 September 2004. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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This is the talk page! You can add content here in two ways:

  1. Click edit this page
  2. Click the + symbol next to edit this page (or click post a comment on the older skins)

>>Continue with the tutorial.

Note: this page is in use as a sandbox for practising using a talk page. For any actual discussion regarding the page Wikipedia:Tutorial (Talk pages) (e.g. possible changes / whatever), please use the page Wikipedia talk:Tutorial (Talk pages)/For real.

Hi, welcome to Wikipedia! You've found the talk page. Now say something. It doesn't really matter what. Try responding to someone's comment, or experiment with bullets and numbering. Isomorphic 00:19, 10 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Why even mention the ~~~, when adding the date helps a lot and only costs one letter? pstudier 02:47, 2004 Apr 10 (UTC)

'cause, sometimes, for example when voting in a poll, it's cleaner to just use your username. Gentgeen
But normally, I think he's right. micahbales
I concur. --Goobergunch 23:59, 6 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Hello, world! OwlofDoom 12:55, 30 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
i disagree with this hello world comment. Ioesf 05:38, 28 Jun 2004 (UTC)
I agree. Udzu
Ditto. --Kaniaz 08:54, 21 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Obviously, you didn't agree, mister timestamp. (I like timestamps, myself) Ardonik 09:40, 8 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Why do they have "talk pages" in the first place? Why not forums? it is so much easier and organised. There could still be the creation or posting to a topic about a specific articles. Then you couldn't edit what people said. There could also be various sections like "Wikipedia Feature Requests" In which I could request say, saving a draft to your profile that isn't public. In this way you could work on an article over multiple days and then put it up. Maybe its a good idea to use this site's wiki stuff for the talking as well, but forums would be a definite improvement. There could also be forums for "User advice" which would certaintly be useful. I could ask if I should create a new article or add it to an already existing article, or ask questions about the best style for an article. Currently I'm writing an article in sort of a tutorial form where the reader "discovers" the content (sounds corny I know), while it seems like it ought to be virtually a list of facts with an example. Do you agree/disagree? Thoughts? --DivisionByZero 05:58, Jul 14, 2004 (UTC)

A separate Forum for each of a quarter million plus articles? That would be a vast resource hog. -- 21:50, 5 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Google would probably have to host it (and might still have to scrap 'G-Mail' to have enough resources) -- 23:01, 27 Aug 2004 (UTC)

--Kaniaz 08:50, 21 Jun 2004 (UTC)

"Should have studied" would be correct grammar. (Think about it: "Have you studied?" "No, but I should have." If you're still not convinced, consider the contraction "should've" -- clearly, the root words are "should have." -- fuper (not logged in)
Perhaps this person was mentioning someone named Should who is from Studied. In the case that Studied is a place it ought to be capitalized. (Oh yeah, test) Dustinasby 03:57, 27 Aug 2004 (UTC)

No need to study - attend the University of Life instead. It's free, much more interesting, the lecturers occasionally stage fistfights (at which your participation may or may not be optional!) and there's only one way to graduate: feet first.

Ecb 22:09, Jun 21, 2004 (UTC)

Will this work?

Will this work better?

this will work best

This will work even better!

My dog has dice

My cat has cans of corn
My tui has tapes of tartans
My gannet has gaps in his grapes

I can't help it!

  1. It's the best thing around.
  2. She'd get very mad if she heard.
    1. She would?

Tell me, tell me,

  • where I'm going,
    • I don't know where it ends

Mona-Lynn 10:50, 1 Sep 2004 (UTC)


  • ickles
    • ickles
  1. ickles
    1. ickles

Hi, I'm Tracey Lowndes!

No you aren't. I am. So you can't be, sorry.

Is this cool?

Or is this more cool

I have no idea

And this must be how it all works in practice... SteveH 16:40, 16 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Unregistered 14:39, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC) unregistered users can comment I don't get this really


How will this look? Khalid 08:10, Jul 23, 2004 (UTC)

This is an inane comment heading!

This precursor to the inane comment the heading refers to!

I like balloons.

And I like PostgreSQL

Midget 18:06, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)

This Page

Well out of all the discussion tutorials I've seen

this is the best.
  • nice layout
  • helpful advice
  • elephants mentioned
    • green, nice touch

But it could be improved.

  1. More elephants
  2. Other colours, e.g. purple
  3. Expand the section on Neptune

-- 17:39, 25 Jul 2004 (UTC)


Why doesn't ~ work? Sgeo 02:00, 31 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Just A Test

Texture's page is really nice.

The layout is quite user-friendly.
Yes it is :-)

Midget 18:01, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Me Too!!

don't indent

indent twice
just one more indentation

This Pneuhaus Guy Knows Something About Headings!

  1. foo
  2. bar
    1. bla
    2. fasel

here is a post

here is a response
here is another response

text is sexy

  • text is
    • what text does.
  1. how
  2. will
    1. this
      1. work
  3. ?

I'm not sure about the french

Believe It Or Not!!




Pneuhaus 14:57, 2004 Aug 16 (UTC)

Nice shortcuts

It bugs me no end when techies take shortcuts which they assume us luddites will understand. For example:

For years the county library computers instructed users to hit "return" when there was no such key on the board. Sure, it was easy enough for the youngsters to figure out, but the rest of us?
This page said to hit "make a comment". Of course, there was no such key for this. How was I to guess to hit the "+" key. Suppose this was some critical task I was looking to do. Treat this like the accurate document you want it to be, wikkies.
Same thing for making "internal links"? Did I miss something in the "how to edit" instructions? or was I just s'posed to stumble upon the multicolored menu bar that younger word processing types automatically seek out?
This "griping" is mostly just for wikking practice. Sfahey 21:22, 20 Aug 2004 (UTC)
It used to be called "post a comment" before we got this new skin. The tutorial might not have been completed updated since the changes. Feel free to edit and improve it if you find any other problems with it. Angela. 10:22, Aug 21, 2004 (UTC)

talk talk talk. Elephant talk.

Funkyj 18:24, 2004 Aug 23 (UTC)

Are you fond of elephants, good sir? Lizzie 06:17, 27 Aug 2004 (UTC)


New "not real literate" guy here.

  • uh oh wrong button

The slow purple ant crawled under the polka dot pig. Nite Mirror 05:04, 2 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Good Call