List of Jewish prayers and blessings

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Listed below are some Hebrew prayers and blessings that are part of Judaism.

Prayers with their own articles


Shema Yisrael


Kol Nidre

Sabbath prayers

Shabbat Candle Lighting

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו להדליק נר של שבת

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam asher keed'shanu b'meetzvotav v'tzeevanu l’had’lik neir shel shabbat

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to light the candles of Shabbat


Havdalah is a ceremony recited at the conclusion of Shabbat.

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם בורא מאור האש

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam, borei m'orei ha-eish.

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who creates the light of the fire.

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם המבדיל בין קדש לחל בין אור לחשך בין ישראל לעמים בין יום השויעי לששת ימי המעשה ברוך אתה ײ המבדיל בין קדש לחל

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam, ha-mavdil bayn kodesh l'chol, bayn or l'choshech, bayn yisrael la-amim, bayn yom ha-sh'vi'i l'shayshet y'may ha-ma'aseh. Baruch atah Adonai, ha-mavdil bayn kodesh l'chol.

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who distinguishes between the sacred and the secular, between light and dark, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of labor. Blessed are You, Lord, who distinguishes between the sacred and the secular.

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם בורא מיני בשמים

Baruch atah Adonai Elohaynu melech ha-olam, borei minei b'samim.

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who creates varieties of spices.

Chanukah Candle Lighting:

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו להדליק נר של חנכה

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam asher keed'shanu b'meetzvotav v'tzeevanu l’had’lik neir shel chanukah

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to light the candles of Chanukah

Over Chanukah Itself:

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם שעשה נסים לאבותינו בימים ההם בזמן הזה

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam, she-asah neeseem la-avotaynu ba-yameem ha-heim ba-z'man ha-zeh.

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe,who performed miracles for our ancestors in those days at this time.

High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur):

Candle Lighting

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו להדליק נר של יום טוב

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam asher keed'shanu b'meetzvotav v'tzeevanu l’had’lik neir shel yom tov.

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to light the candles of the holiday.

Over Apples and Honey on Rosh Hashanah

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם בורא פרי העץ

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam, borei p’riy ha-eitz.

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe, who creates the fruit of the tree.

A bite of Apple and Honey is eaten, which is followed by:

יהי רצון מלפניך ײ אלהינו ואלהי אבותינו שתחדש עלינו שנה טובה ומתוקה

Y'hee ratzon mee-l'fanecha, Adonai Elohaynu v'elohey avoteynu sh'tichadeish aleinu shanah tovah um'tuqah.

May it be Your will, Lord our God and God of our ancestors that you renew for us a good and sweet year.


The blessing said whenever anything that has not happened for a while is performed. This includes all holidays except Shabbat, and only the first night of Channukah.

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם שהחינו וקימנו והגעינו לזמן הזה

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam, she-hecheeyanu v'keey'manu v'heegeeyanu la-z'man ha-zeh.

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe, who has kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season.

Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו לישב בסכה

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam asher keed'shanu b'meetzvotav v'tzeevanu leisheiv ba-sukkah.

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to dwell in the sukkah.

Prayers and Blessings tied to actions rather than Holidays

For Hanging a Mezuzah

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו לקבוע מזוזה

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam asher keed'shanu b'meetzvotav v'tzeevanu leek'boa mezuzah.

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to affix a mezuzah.

For Washing Hands

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו על נטילת ידים

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam asher keed'shanu b'meetzvotav v'tzeevanu al n'tilat yadayim.

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us concerning washing of hands.

For Eating Bread products

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם המוציא לחם מן הארץ

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam ha-motzi lechem min ha-aretz.

Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth.

For Drinking Wine

In General and on Havdalah

ברוך אתה ײ אלהינו מלך העולם בורא פרי הגפן

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melech ha-olam, borei p’riy ha-gafen.

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.

see also: Birkat HaHammah