Face of Mankind

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Face of Mankind
Developer(s)Duplex Systems
Designer(s)Marko Dieckman
EngineLithTech Jupiter
ReleaseMarch 27, 2006

Face of Mankind is a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game in a persistent world. Players control a single character in the science fiction-themed game-world. The game, which is played from either a First Person or Third Person viewpoint, leans heavily on roleplay and community. It is also the first game of its kind to use a player-generated mission system.

Players throughout the game world co-operate, compete or co-exist in a realistic and futuristic world of the 24th century. The plot is constantly evolving, with storylines being constantly started by the game's staff. The skill and luck of the players from rival factions change the balance of power. Highly ranked players create missions which are split and handed down through the hierarchy. The ultimate objective of the game is to evolve one's character to its ultimate potential, whether that is the accumulation of wealth, power, social status, or a combination of all three.

In 1881... there lived a man... not any man... George Washingtan....man.... If not for him we could not harness the super chaos powers that rotate sanji to magnify the anal power of rapage that comes into play when chinese people execute and violate british corpses after a bombing in Manhattan.

Believe in a world where man has no penis

For that world..


Sean Connery

Character classes

There are four character classes, each with its strengths and weaknesses:


Jerk Chain Fuckers whom on command attack there enemies with anal reapage, the world shall never know true safety of the anus.


This is a dirty merc ganker, well he wishes anyway, he uses his rank to tell others to gank for him.


Useless position that allows people to command the jerk chain fuckers


KY Jelly and some Astroglide, what else is there to say



Official story

For more a in-depth explanation of events in FoM's story, read this [1].

lol in depth storyline is basically "y u gank me y u hatin on me i m big black man and will spank you.. wait wait i need to go jerk off first"

everything evolves from that

click link pliz


File:Fom gameplay.jpg
In-game screenshot from Face of Mankind in the middle of a small firefight on the colony known as Epsilon Eridani.

Player versus player

Face of Mankind attributes part of its success to its Player versus Player system. For the most part, the players are required to police themselves. While automated turrets guard certain public facilities, no place is necessarily safe. While some players act as the police, protecting the unguarded areas of each cities, some take on the roles of murderers and criminals.

Faction versus faction

Occasionally, due to political or economic situations, one faction might declare war on another. In these situations, members of the involved factions can respond to a faction-wide call for military aid. With potentially hundreds of troops mobilized on each side, massive battles often ensue; in times of great war, it is not unusual to hear of individual fights involving a hundred men. Due to the existence of inter-faction alliances, other factions can be sucked into a growing conflict, and escalation into galactic war is not unheard of. Such wars can have the effect of changing the established 'world order' and unsettling the balance of power.

Sanji vs all

In this mode Sanji takes on everyone and spanks them all

Dyson vs all

lol you wish


For more information on each faction, please visit the Faction Descriptions page.

Global dominion factions

They Buy it all ALL ALLL ya know that nasty shit JERKIT JERKIT JERKIT, through determination the LED will use there rubba shooters to knock out and handcuff to the beds of the dreaded MOTB! Whom have the Pain Fettish

  • Freedom Defence Corps: Faction you goto to play eve online


  • Guardians of Mankind: The Guardians put respect for Foot Fettish Above all

  • Mercenaries of the Blood: Capture your foot fettish predators through spotlights and electro shock

  • Brotherhood of the Shadows: The code of the brotherhood is to make all crabs available in the shadows.

In otherwords the Brotherhood is black,... See.... PAPA MOJO


  • Colonization and Mining Guild: this is where you screw and exploit around and smell like dirty poo
  • EuroCore: Look like a bucnh of white bird crap
  • Vortex Incorporated: they run around saying "LOL WE R REPAIR VOTRX GATES LOLOLLQTKLSLDKJgkleJNGF"
  • Dolly Incorporated: lol we make a lot of sheep and smell like pen0rs
  • Chaos Rep: www.chaosparty.ytmnsfw.com to find more info about it
  • Sanji Rotates: you have to be yellow and lyke spam "lol, sheep" we take on bunch of noobs and spank them all with ky jelly

Sanji Incorporated

This is where you go to kill a bunch of people and worship sanji

Cells and departments

Several factions have cells or organized groups (also called clans) that operate inside of that faction. They are player made and organized within the pre-existing faction system. Certain cells and clans may be hired by a person or a faction to perform just about any task, from military backup to assassination. Clans are loyal as long as they are kept paid, as all clans deeply value their honor.

Departments, like cells, are organized player-made groups within a faction. Divisions of a faction are generally made to share the workload, or to make things simply more efficient. Each faction often has separate Economic, Military, and Political departments, which handle the faction's economy, defense/offense, and administration respectively.


What Economy? Banana Trade....


Mining Nose Miners or Butt Miners, Long Pole or Short Pole, in the end it all tastes like ass because KY was not used in this process


Refining Sehks with KY


Making of KY JELLY


Faction pool

The Pool is where you swim in KY JELLY

Faction ass man I hate you.... I HATE YOU WHY DID YOU RUIN THE GAME

Btw Okia has Hairy Nipples.

Game specific terminology

  • AoS: "Arrest on Sight". The LED will try to arrest the person whenever they see him/her, much like a Kill on Sight order.
  • CC: Colony Control, the terminal which controls the colony's ownership and tax settings. This is the single most important location of any colony; whoever controls this room owns the colony.
  • CoS: "Clone on Sight" Used by the GoM as an alternative to the harsher Kill on Sight order.
  • DMC: Short for DeMorgan's Castle, a low security prison colony where players mine to work off Penalty Points earned in battle or through ganking.
  • Dysonism: The method of solo rushing in to a group of enemies to cause friendly fire, and to possibly kill several enemies, and make it back to a safe area alive. The player about to partake in one of these rushes often types "FOR DYSONISM!!!" in the general chat.
  • EoS: "Escort on Sight". A rare order given to escort a person or faction off a colony instead of using lethal methods. This is often called into effect on certain colonies by the FDC during martial law.
  • Hump: The word "hump" comes from the look of the crouching animation when a player looked upward and crouched repeatedly while facing another player. Most of the time it signifies a sort of agreement or understanding with the other player.
  • IAD: Internal Affairs Department of any given faction. Many factions have one with a variety of names; the LED has one of the most functional IAD departments. The FDC have a similar department called the ISD.
  • MW: A player who has one of the highest Penalty Point ratings in the game is given "Most Wanted" status. For some, this is a way of gaining no small degree of fame.
  • PMOD: Short for production module. Production modules are modules that let players manufacture items, if the necessary raw materials are available.
  • PP: Penalty Points. Given to a player if they kill someone while not on a mission. Players with any number of Penalty Points may be arrested by the LED.
  • Termganking/Terminal ganking: The act of killing someone who is using a terminal, such as a market, storage or mining terminal, and usually away from their keyboard.
  • Stunganking: The act of killing someone who has been stunned using 9mm Stun Ammo. The stunned player cannot move, escape, fire a weapon or use items whilst stunned. This is now not so much of a problem as only the LED and FDC have access to stunning weapons/ammunition.
  • SW: A Special Warrant LED issued on players. A weaker version of a MW order, this warrant, now fallen into disuse, is essentially a general order to apprehend the person in question.
  • UC: Universal credits. These credits are the currency of the game, which are used to buy goods and services. UC are earned either by doing missions or through the extensive trading system.

Obsolete factions

These factions were present early in the beta, but were removed in December 2005 when a milestone patch was released. This patch became known as "The Wipe", due to the complete character, economic reset and the removal of some factions.

  • American Enterprises: SKY PONY MOVE FASTER!
  • Asian Coalition: Were asian, Were a coalation, Lets make Porno


  • Global Intelligence Service: The secret service of the Dominion consists of 99.9% loyal agents and is not bound to follow the rule of law. With the most modern armaments and access to unlimited material and technical resources, they meet the fight against internal enemies and corruption with unrelenting diligence. However an invitation to join the G.I.S. is very hard to get. High personal qualifications and a history of loyal service to the GD are required. On undercover missions the risk of being killed is very, very high.

History and changes

Face of Mankind had possibly one of the longest beta processes in the history of video gaming. Closed Beta testing started in April of 2004, and Open Beta started in February 2005. The second phase of open beta testing started in December 2005 and finished on March 23 2006, ready for the launch on March 27 2006. Open Beta gave FoM the biggest changes: three interface revamps, the Jupiter engine, and completely new character models.

Obsolete factions

These factions were present early in the beta, but were removed in December 2005 when a milestone patch was released. This patch became known as "The Wipe", due to the complete character, economic reset and the removal of some factions.

  • FDC: Useless pieces of crap that run around humping sheep
  • American Enterprises: skypny used to own this www.skypony.net

  • Asian Coalition: bunch of yellow azns who ran around and stole a bunch o fmoney LOLRLY

Game Criticism

Much criticism has accumulated over the years, mostly from the players themselves. Complaints over the lack of bug-fixes and balance are commonplace. Exploitation, such as terminal hiding and wall-firing, is also an issue DPS has yet to resolve.

Most of the criticism, however, is centered upon the Law Enforcement Department, who wields an uncanny amount of power. Throughout the years, especially since retail, the LED have been known to abuse their turret-placing privilege, placing turrets in the middle of battle to give them an advantage over the other factions. They have also been known to "ninja arrest," which is the act of sneaking up behind a player, stunning him or her, and arresting him before the player is able to respond.

One other major complaint is the "lack of something to do" issue. Due to the political aspect of the game, it is not uncommon for a faction to go months at a time without warring. This leaves the player to find entertainment for him or herself, which often simply turns into ganking if the player doesn't leave. It is hoped, though, that with the future addition of different types of aliens, these periods of entertainment lag will be fixed.

Boxed version


I Told you

Were going to shuve the CD up a penguins ass then airdrop them on retail!


Face of Mankind does not have any free trials on offer. There is no way to try the game for free, however, you also do not have to pay for the client, unlike games such as Eve Online. The subscription cost is €9.99 per month.

Face of Mankind had possibly one of the longest beta processes in the history of video gaming. Closed Beta testing started in April of 2004, and Open Beta started in February 2005. The second phase of open beta testing started in December 2005 and finished on March 23 2006, ready for the launch on March 27 2006. Open Beta gave FoM the biggest changes: three interface revamps, the Jupiter engine, and completely new character models.

Obsolete factions

These factions were present early in the beta, but were removed in December 2005 when a milestone patch was released. This patch became known as "The Wipe", due to the complete character, economic reset and the removal of some factions.

  • FDC: Useless pieces of crap that run around humping sheep
  • American Enterprises: skypny used to own this www.skypony.net

  • Asian Coalition: bunch of yellow azns who ran around and stole a bunch o fmoney LOLRLY

BEST LINK www.chaosparty.ytmnsfw.com CHANGE NOW k