Dearka Elsman

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Dearka Elsman (C.E. 73)

Dearka Elsman (transliterated as Deiaaka Erusuman [ディアッカ・エルスマン; Dearka Elthman] in the original Japanese version) is a fictional character from the Gundam Seed anime series. He's voiced by Akira Sasanuma in the original Japanese version and by Brad Swaile in the English dub. Template:Spoiler A usually humorous and somewhat arrogant pilot of ZAFT's Le Creuset team (later reformed as the Zala Team under the leadership of Athrun Zala), who likes to make fun of Naturals and weaklings with his usual sarcasm. Dearka is the pilot of the stolen Earth Alliance's GAT-X103 Buster and harasses the assault ship Archangel time and time again.

After an unsuccessful search for the Archangel in the Orb Union, the Zala team continues to fight Kira Yamato and his GAT-X105 Strike. In the ensuing skirmishes, ZAFT pilot Nicol Amarfi is killed by Kira, Earth Alliance pilot Tolle Koenig is killed by Athrun, Kira is reported MIA and Dearka is held captive after his Buster Gundam was damaged in battle by Mu La Flaga's FX-550 Skygrasper.

During his captivity, Miriallia Haw attacks Dearka with a knife for unknowingly insulting Tolle, who just so happened to be her boyfriend. Sai Argyle intervenes by restraining her, but then Flay Allster points a gun at Dearka and proclaims all Coordinators should die. Upon hearing these words, Miriallia quickly saves Dearka's life by tackling Flay. This heroic act ultimately prompts Dearka to rethink everything that he has been taught to believe.

Seeing how both the Earth Alliance and ZAFT had become controlled by genocidal individuals such as Muruta Azrael and Patrick Zala, Dearka retakes his Buster and fights along with the Three Ships Alliance, with his primary reason to defend Miriallia and the other Naturals.

During the Battle of Mendel, he confronts his close friend Yzak Joule and Yzak accuses him of betraying both ZAFT and the PLANTs. Dearka admits he really is not betraying them; it is just that after being in the Archangel's bridge, he learned to gain some respect for the Naturals after befriending Miriallia. Dearka knows he can't return to ZAFT because of Patrick Zala's current goal of exterminating all of the Naturals, and Rau Le Creuset's corruption. Although Yzak refused to believe it and thinks that Dearka is being deceived, Dearka responds by questioning who among the two of them is truly being deceived.

During the Second Battle of Jachin Due, Dearka has his hands full fighting to stop both the Earth Alliance and ZAFT from using their respective weapons of mass destruction. Dearka manages to kill Clotho Buer, the last of the three Living CPUs and pilot of the GAT-X370 Raider Gundam with a well-placed sniper shot to the cockpit. When Le Creuset threatens the Archangel with his brand-new ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam, Dearka fires the Buster's cannon on him in order to save Miriallia and the others. In diverting Rau's attention, however, the Buster incurs serious damage from the Providence's DRAGOONs. Yzak, who also suffered a devastating attack from Rau, helps Dearka get back to the Archangel safely to recover from his injuries. Instead of resting in the infirmary, however, Dearka decides to join Miriallia on the bridge.

Later when the war is finally resolved and the PLANTs are once again under stable leadership, Dearka rejoins ZAFT.

Originally in Gundam SEED, Dearka was one of ZAFT's Redcoats, wearing a red uniform given to elite soliders. In Gundam SEED Destiny, however, he wears a green uniform which is given to regular soldiers. Although it was never stated explicitly, Dearka may have lost his elite status as punishment for his defection, as Rau Le Creuset's status as a nihilistic traitor was kept confidential by ZAFT for political reasons. He could have also possibly lost his Elite status because he surrendered himself and his Mobile Suit to the enemy instead of doing the "honorable" thing and kept fighting and/or self-destructed. Despite his change of coat however, he apparently either maintains the formal ranking he held before or received a promotion due to the fact that he is apparently one of Yzak's Senior Officers on the Joule Team (along with Shiho Hahnenfuss, who is still a Redcoat), if not his First Officer.

Dearka becomes part of the Joule Team that is headed by Yzak in Gundam SEED Destiny. His arrogant and sarcastic attitude has toned down, though he remains Yzak's cool headed contemporary. He initially pilots the ZGMF-1000/A1 Gunner ZAKU Warrior during the Junius Seven Drop and then pilots a custom ZGMF-1001/M Blaze ZAKU Phantom in the final stages of the war.

Notable Dialouge

Yzak Joule: [Slams Athrun against the locker] "Stupid bastard! Are you out of your mind? If it hadn't been your interfering for no reason . . ."
Dearka Elsman: "Quite the little disaster. And all because you had to disobey orders."
Nicol Amarfi: [Enters and gasps] "What are you doing? This isn't the place. Stop it!"
Yzak Joule: [Thinking a Natural pilots the Strike Gundam] "We went out in four machines, and we still couldn't get him. It's too humiliating for words."
Nicol Amarfi: "You can take it out on Athrun all you want."
[Yzak and Dearka leave in a huff.]
Nicol Amarfi: "Athrun, I can't help but think that this isn't like you. So, if you . . ."
Athrun Zala: "Could you just let me be alone for a while, okay? [Exits and slams his fist against the wall] Kira . . ."

Yzak Joule: "You're being deceived!"
Dearka Elsman: "Which one of us is really being deceived?"

Dearka Elsman:"GENESIS on one side, nukes on the other, and they want us to stop both while fighting at the same time?"
Miriallia Haw: Then don't go.
Dearka Elsman: "H-hey . . ."
Miriallia Haw: "Just kidding. I'm sorry. Please take care."
Dearka Elsman: "Thank you."

Personal data

Date of birth: March 29, CE 54
Age: 17 [GS], 19 [GSD]
Height: 176 cm [GS], 180 cm [GSD]
Weight: 58 kg [GS], 67 kg [GSD]
Genetic type: Coordinator
Nationality: PLANT
Rank/Position: ZAFT Red Coat [GS], ZAFT Green Coat [GSD]
Blood type: AB
Relatives: Tad Elsman (father)
Love Interests Miriallia Haw (estranged)
Pilot of: GAT-X103 Buster, ZGMF-1000/A1 Gunner ZAKU Warrior, ZGMF-1001/M Blaze ZAKU Phantom


  • The show's director Mitsuo Fukuda admitted that he had Dearka switching sides due to the poor sales figures of GAT-X103 Buster related merchandise.