Team Rocket (anime)

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Jessie, James, and Meowth
Jessie, James, and Meowth

Team Rocket (ロケット団 Roketto Dan in Japanese) is an evil organization bent on evil world domination in the fictional world of Pokémon, which steals and exploits Pokémon for profit. It is headed by Giovanni.

The most frequently appearing members of the organization in the anime, which is based loosely on the video games, are a team, Jessie, James, and Meowth. They are the main antagonists of the anime series, known for their lack of competence in their evil doings and their positions as the comic relief of the series.

The trio

Template:Spoiler In almost all the episodes of the animated series in which they appear, the trio attempts to steal Ash Ketchum’s Pikachu or a Pokémon introduced in the episode. To do so, they employ various machines and contraptions, often including rubber or otherwise shock-proof equipment to protect themselves from Pikachu’s shocks. They also have a hot air balloon (their main transport vehicle) that resembles a Meowth and a submarine that resembles a Magikarp or a Gyarados in older episodes. Each attempt ends in failure, either through the actions of Ash and his friends (whom the trio refer to as “the twerps”), the Pokémon introduced in the episode, or their own incompetence (often manifesting in the form of mechanical failure of their devices), or a combination of the above. They are often flung into the air as well, usually with a cry of “Team Rocket’s blasting off again!”, although in one episode they get blasted before they even sing their theme song and cry “We’re not supposed to blast off yet!”. As a result, the trio has fallen out of favor with Giovanni, and is usually strapped for cash, working other jobs to raise the money to buy such devices. There are, however, a few episodes where Team Rocket is the protagonist, while the main characters are relegated to secondary roles. In many of these episodes, Team Rocket is portrayed in a more favorable light. The pejorative “twerp” is an English translation of the Japanese word jari, which, roughly translated, means “ill-mannered,” “brat,” or “rude person.”

Jessie and James wear white uniforms, while most other Team Rocket members wear black uniforms, extending the fact that they become (semi)good characters in the later Pokémon seasons. While they are still of the grunt status (they were demoted to grunt status during a Johto episode), they designed their own uniforms. The white tone is perhaps alluding that they, unlike the rest of the Team Rocket organization, are not truly bad people. Their goal in the Pokémon series is to capture and present Ash’s Pikachu to their boss. The trio is characterized by their dogged determination to succeed, and complete incompetence at any task they attempt. More opportunistic antagonists than real villains, even their attempts at legitimate work are usually disasters. The trio also have a penchant for using amusingly bad puns during conversations. Jessie and James are presented as masters of disguise, and even when their costumes are very unconvincing to the viewers (which becomes increasingly common over the course of the series), they always fool the other characters. The only exception is when Jessie disguised herself as Nurse Joy, and Brock, who is obsessed with the Joy family, was able to “sense” that she was not really a Joy.

Kojirō and Musashi are voiced by Shinichirou Miki and Megumi Hayashibara in the Japanese version of the Pokémon anime with Inuko Inuyama voicing Nyaasu. Akiko Hiramatsu replaced Hayashibara for an eight-episode arc in the Hoenn (Advanced Generation) series. In the English version, Ted Lewis (in their first eleven episode appearances) and Eric Stuart do the voice of James while Rachael Lillis voices Jessie and Maddie Blaustein (who was mistakenly credited as Adam Blaustein in the past) voices Meowth. Nowadays, Jessie is voiced by Diane Stillwell, James is voiced by Bill Timoney and Meowth is voiced by Rodger Parsons.

In the Pokémon films, Team Rocket often acts as the comic relief, and on occasion, aids the main characters in times of need. In later movies, their roles were diminished bit by bit, often being characters that just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Although, they are almost always the characters with the film’s last lines. Jessie, James, and Meowth also appear in the manga (Dengeki Pikachu/Electric Tale of Pikachu) and the Ash & Pikachu manga.

Jessie and James were for a long time the largest divergence between the games and the television series. They join the video game series in the Game Boy game Pokémon Yellow, which incorporates several elements of the television series, but have not made any other appearance in the video game series to date (with the exception of the Tetris Attack remake Pokémon Puzzle League). They also appear in Pokémon Yellow as in-game bosses, using Meowth, Koffing and Ekans (which later evolve into Weezing and Arbok), although the game does not reveal their names.

Fans who believe that Jessie and James are either currently in or will eventually be in a romantic relationship are referred to as “Rocketshippers” (the name derives from the “shipping” phenomenon in fandom).


Jessie (diminutive of Jessica) is considered the unofficial leader of the Team Rocket trio by some fans.[citation needed] Known in the original Japanese version as Musashi, she is named after Miyamoto Musashi, a famous samurai. Jessie is intelligent and sociable, but very headstrong and dislikes being criticized or being called “old”.

Jessie was poor as a child, living in near-poverty conditions. Her mother, named Miyamoto in the Japanese CD drama, was trapped in an avalanche when Jessie was very young while on a Team Rocket expedition to find the legendary Pokémon Mew. Not much more is known about Jessie’s earlier past, but, while on a boat nearing the Hoenn region, she made a sad comment about her past, hinting that she had grown up there. When James and Meowth inquired further, she did not elaborate. Jessie later entered Team Rocket after failing to become a nurse, in part due to the fact that the Pokémon nursing school she attended was for Pokémon intending to become nurses (and not for people specializing in Pokémon nursing).

Some people consider Jessie to be the sex symbol of the Pokémon world (though she is one of the very few attractive women who Brock has never shown interest in). In the games, Jessie and James are supposed to be as old as Ash. However, according to a CD special available only in Japan, Jessie and James are around their mid-twenties in the second episode of the anime. The CD special takes place 18-20 years before Ash’s Pokémon journey. In an episode of the Pokémon Master Quest season of the anime, an elderly woman reveals her age of 120 to Jessie. Jessie, astonished, replies “That’s ten times my age!”. Since Jessie is obviously older than 12, Meowth asks her, “Where did you learn that math?”.

In Hoenn, Jessie began competing as a Pokémon Coordinator, and while she has thus far had no success, she continues to participate in every Pokémon Contest she can. Initially, she cheated, using technological assistance and covert intervention by James and Meowth, but has since begun competing fairly. Though she has yet to win a Contest, Jessie regularly makes it through the appeal stage to the battle portion (where the eight highest-scoring Coordinators in the appeal stage compete), usually through novel usage of her chosen Pokémon’s techniques. She also frequently borrows Pokémon from James for contests, and in one case even used Meowth as her Pokémon.

Jessie has a few running gags, including she can sometimes forget her missions and is more interested in how she looks, she occasionally beats up James, Meowth and even her own Pokémon. Another gag is that, once or twice in the series, Jessie’s hair has been chopped in half. The first time was by Tracey’s Scyther and the second time Jessie’s hair was accidentally bitten off by Seviper. Jessie angrily and viciously attacked Seviper. After Jessie captures Seviper her hair miraculously grows back to full length.


James’s is the handsome male half of the team, considered by many fans as a “bishōnen.” Known in the original Japanese version as Kojirō, he is named after Sasaki Kojirō, a famous samurai known for his very long sword who challenged the Swordsmaster Musashi to a duel. James has a beloved bottlecap collection and had quite wealthy parents, who are portrayed in the English dub as Southern aristocrats. He left home after their attempts to goad him into an engagement, ironically, to Jessiebelle (Rumika), a girl almost identical in appearance to Jessie, differing only in hairstyle and love of whips. (Her English name appears to be a pun, combining Jessie’s name and the idea of a Southern belle to suggest the appellation Jezebel for an evil woman.)

Prior to leaving home, James knew very little about the world outside his home, where he was spoiled and sheltered. His dislike of the many upper-class rules led him to believe that living a life struggling on the streets was better than a life where everything was given, which eventually led him to Team Rocket. Although the team often appears in disguise, a common source of fan humor is James’s habit of crossdressing or wearing women’s clothes (to contrast with Jessie, even if she is also dressed in women’s clothes -- suitable for her), makeup, and a history with violent, domineering women. This is rumored to have been played up slightly by the dub actors, although even the most teasing barbs generally assume James is, at most extreme, merely heterosexual with a penchant for crossdressing. It was this that led to the initial banning (the episode has aired after being severely edited) of the episode Beauty and the Beach, that had James wearing fake breasts in order to win a bikini competition.

In the original Japanese, Kojiro’s effeminate tendencies are played up as a contrast to his smooth, baritone voice; while the English dub originally took this tack, James’s voice has become progressively high-pitched and clownish as time has gone on, a transition that has been compared to Dan Castellaneta’s portrayal of Homer Simpson.

The episode in which James returns home has a scene in which he goes to a cellar, only to be met by Jessiebelle dressed as a dominatrix, much to James’s terror. The cellar is equipped as a full S&M dungeon which Meowth refers to as “weird gym equipment” in the dub. James carries a rose wherever he goes.


Meowth (Nyasu (ニャース Nyāsu) in the original Japanese) is a fast-talking catlike Pokémon who travels with Jessie and James, members of Team Rocket, in the Pokémon anime, The Electric Tale of Pikachu, and the Ash & Pikachu manga. Meowth is unusual among Pokémon for his ability to speak like a human, and it can be inferred that his intelligence is much higher than average for his species (either that or he has greater motivation; see below). Some other Pokémon that can speak are Gastly, Slowking, Mewtwo, Lugia, Lapras and Entei, although the last four only spoke telepathically. During the earlier episodes of the series, Meowth served as the de facto leader of the Team Rocket trio (in Episode #2, Pokémon Emergency!, reminding Jessie and James that “I’m the top cat”), and was responsible for many of the plans and objectives of the group. Over the years, Meowth’s influence within the trio has ebbed, and the mantle of leadership is now generally associated with Jessie (even inflicting pain has gone to her, as Meowth usually scratched Jessie and James’s faces, but now Jessie usually beats him and James up now). Also, Meowth was prone to various racist remarks (which are understandable, as he is a Pokémon) in evaluating the performance of Jessie and James during missions; he has long since warmed to his comrades, signifying the growth between them.

Most of Meowth’s background story is explained in the anime episode Go West, Young Meowth. Meowth came to Hollywood on the back of a truck after seeing a film called “That Darn Meowth” (a reference to the 1964 film That Darn Cat!) with “dreams of ice cream and fried chicken”. One day, he fell in love with a female Meowth who let him know that she preferred being with humans to being with a street Pokémon like himself. To impress her, Meowth learned to walk and talk so as to be as much like a human as possible. (Later, it is revealed that the energy he expended learning to speak prevents him from learning most of his species’ special abilities, such as the Pay Day attack. Afterward, however, she looked down on him even more than before, seeing him as a freak. Ultimately, she chose to take up with a handsome Persian, further contributing to Meowth’s long-held resentment of the evolved form of his species. Meowth wandered aimlessly, shocked by the rejection, until he finally decided to join Team Rocket. (“Rocket” was the first word he understood from a children’s book during his attempts to learn to read and speak.)

In the American version of the anime, despite his origins in a Los Angeles street gang, Meowth is given a distinctive, even camp, New York City accent voiced by Madeleine Blaustein. While this is possibly an American animation convention for a tough, streetwise character, it does seem at odds with his background; the English teacher whose classes we see him sitting in on, for example, bears no trace of such an accent.

Meowth spent a day serving the organization boss, Giovanni, until he was assigned to be partners with Jessie and James, who didn’t notice Meowth’s unusual abilities at first. The next day, Meowth, Jessie, and James had to steal a fake rare Pokémon from a tower across rivers, mountains, and forests as a test. True to his feline nature, Meowth consumed all the food provisions and avoided getting wet in the river. The tower, however, had many traps, one of which was a pit into which James would have fallen if he hadn’t grabbed on to Meowth’s tail.

Meowth is an integral part of the team, counting Jessie and James as his only real friends, but he is often excluded from the rapport between the two, as he has essentially nothing in common with the rest of Team Rocket. This distance leads him to often lie to the rest of the team, and he is increasingly portrayed as having his own hidden agenda, related to his growing ambivalence about their life of crime. Often he is shown to only commit to carrying out the team’s missions after indulging in a fantasy of Giovanni’s reaction to their success (which invariably never comes about).

He is essentially the “brains of the outfit” and appears to come up with more than his fair share of the team’s plans; he seems to share his species’ thematic association with money, often being the one most concerned with practical issues such as the dismal state of the team’s finances and expressing frustration with Jessie and James’s addiction to foolish theatrics. This streak of common sense was often ironically contrasted with his catlike animal nature—a frequent running gag involved Meowth berating Jessie and James at length for a recent failure only to have them successfully shut him up by distracting him with a small ball or toy. Because of this, Meowth is usually the one who operates Team Rocket’s complicated Pokémon-stealing machinery, working in the background while Jessie and James confront the heroes, and is often given credit for building or acquiring the team’s unique technology. Being able to understand what other Pokémon are saying, Meowth also often translates their speech for Jessie and James.

In contrast to Jessie and James’s more obvious disaffection with society and desire to be rebels, it is frequently implied that Meowth’s primary reason for his criminal lifestyle is to regain Giovanni’s approval and find a measure of acceptance. Because of this, Meowth is frequently distracted from Team Rocket’s criminal agenda and tempted to go straight. Meowth has, for instance, had his nurturing side awakened by serving as foster parent to Togepi in egg form, and, unusually for him, risked life and limb in a Pokémon battle to try to retain guardianship of Togepi. Meowth is often separated from Jessie and James, and is forced to work with one or more of Ash’s Pokémon to find his way back. He shows care and concern for said Pokémon, but once the issue is resolved, and Meowth is back with Jessie and James, he reverts to his old ways. His desire to socialize with his peers was unveiled in the storyline surrounding the Meowth’s Party song; “Meowth’s Party” has appeared in various Pokémon media as a recurring situation, showing Meowth to be something like a Pokémon Trimalchio. Similarly, Meowth has appeared in various other non-canon cameos that capitalize on his nature as a Pokémon who can speak a human language, appearing as an announcer, MC or interviewer.

In Pokémon Yellow, Meowth is one of the Pokémon that the player must defeat when fighting Jessie and James. This however runs contrary to the anime as he, unlike most Pokémon, is not trained or owned by either Jessie or James.

Meowth’s design and attacks are based on the lucky Maneki Neko or ’beckoning cat’, from Japan. The coin on his head is a gold ryō.

In the Japanese version of the TV series, Meowth is depicted as philosophical. The Japanese ending theme song for the first series, in fact, was a song sung by Meowth, himself, about how life might have been different if he didn’t join Team Rocket. There was also a scene in the first movie that was almost cut out of the English version because it showed Meowth speaking philosophically about the nature of war. It was left in and translated slightly differently, but the core message is still there.

During the Hoenn seasons, Meowth has had a lot of differences since the other seasons. For example, falling in love with May’s Skitty, and getting into a rivalry with a Meowth in the Hoenn League tournement.

Jessie and James’s Pokémon

Over the course of the series, the trio has employed many Pokémon, none of which were obtained by illicit means. Jessie and James occasionally give orders to each other’s Pokémon or use them in contests or battles. During Hoenn, James used Dustox in a Pokéringer competition, and Jessie used Chimecho in a Pokémon Contest. Once they returned to Kanto, James loaned his Cacnea to Jessie for her first contest there, and then Manene to Jessie for her second (May’s fourth). They lost both times.

Jessie’s Total Pokémon

Jessie’s Current Pokémon
Wobbuffet Wobbuffet The Wobbuffet that Jessie obtained accidentally is mostly useless, serving only as comic relief through the process of escaping from its Pokéball, and getting in the way. It usually intrudes at the end of the Team Rocket song as they make themselves known, and you can often hear it yelling “Wobbuffet!” when Team Rocket “blast off” into the sky.

Wobbufet is often viewed as a new member of Team Rocket, like Meowth. Jessie keeps it for the reason that its ability to Counter attacks proves useful at times. Jessie ended up using Wobbuffet in a contest against Harley in a contest, but lost.

Seviper Seviper She also acquired a Seviper, which was terrorizing Pokémon. When Jessie encountered it, it accidentally bit some of Jessie’s hair off, which caused Jessie to attack it herself, and then capture it.
Dustox Wurmple - Cascoon - Dustox Jessie had seen a Beautifly at a Pokémon Contest, which inspired Jessie to capture a Wurmple herself in order to obtain one.

She attempted to capture one, but was unsuccessful (it was later caught by May). She eventually caught a Wurmple hanging from a branch.

She refused to make it fight, treating it more like her child. Her Wurmple would eventually evolve into a Cascoon, at the same time that May’s Wurmple evolved into a Silcoon.

She was convinced that her Wurmple had evolved into a Silcoon as well, and refused to believe that her Pokémon has evolved into a Cascoon, on account of the fact that there was no explanation as to why their Wurmples would have evolved differently.

Once May’s Silcoon evolved into a Beautifly, Jessie wished to have hers evolve into one as well. When her Cascoon had evolved, instead of becoming a Beautifly, it evolved into a Dustox. When she finally realized that she had a Cascoon it didn’t take her long to accept Dustox, as practically the moment it evolved she rejoiced in how it was so much better than Beautifly, and uses it often in various Pokémon Contests.

Pokémon Jessie Has Left Behind/Set Free
Arbok Ekans - Arbok Jessie’s first Pokémon was an Ekans, who Jessie often ordered to use Poison Sting and Wrap. She received Ekans as a birthday present.

Both Ekans and Koffing, when stranded along with Meowth and Ash’s Pokémon, state that they do evil things, but that no Pokémon is truly evil. It evolved into Arbok because of the emotion shown over its failure to evolve.

Like Ekans, it most often used Poison Sting and Wrap. Later in the series, Arbok was forced to leave, in order to ensure the safety of a group of Ekans.

Lickitung Lickitung The next Pokémon Jessie obtained, through a lucky catch, was Lickitung, who she threw a Pokéball at in order to stop him from eating Giovanni’s gifts.

She used this Lickitung in an attempt to defeat Pikachu (who was lent to Misty) in a sort of Beauty Contest using his paralyzing tongue, but ultimately failed. She later lost Lickitung for Wobbuffet by accident, when Lickitung’s Poké Ball fell into a Pokémon trading machine in exchange for Wobbuffet.

Slowbro Shellder - Slowbro Jessie caught a Shellder in order to cause a Slowpoke to evolve into a Slowbro through the process of the Shellder biting Slowpoke’s tail, hoping that the Slowbro would be obedient to her.

When she attempted this, the Slowpoke did evolve into a Slowbro. However, it did not obey Jessie’s commands, and sent Jessie, James and Meowth flying.

James Total Pokémon

James’s Current Pokémon
Cacnea Cacnea While the trio was plotting to recover the Ekans and Koffing from a Pokémon hunter, James befriended a Cacnea, who defended the trio from a group of Beedrill pursuing them, and received cookies for a reward.

Cacnea followed them to give back the cookies and, with Weezing’s departure, now travels with James. Cacnea often shows its affection to James by hugging him, unknowingly stinging James with its sharp spines.

Manene Manene When James left Chimecho behind, Manene, which lived in his mansion as one of the servant’s Pokémon, decided to go with him.

Manene has essentially replaced Chimecho as the “fifth member” of Team Rocket, regularly inserting itself into the motto. James temporarily let Jessie use Manene in a contest.

Pokémon James Has Left Behind/Set Free
Growlithe Growlithe Growlithe, nicknamed “Growlie” was a pet Pokémon, who James owned when he was a child, living in a mansion with his parents and a girl named Jessiebelle. He left Growlie with his parents when he joined Team Rocket.
Numel Numel James’s family owned a herd of Numel that would keep him warm on cold nights when he was a boy.
Weezing Koffing - Weezing James’s first Pokémon (after Growlithe) was Koffing, a poisonous Pokémon that floats in the air indefinitely, often spewing gas as a primary form of attack. James received Koffing as a Christmas present.

Along with Ekans, Koffing evolved into Weezing after seeing James’s sadness on his failure to evolve. Weezing left James to protect a group of Koffing.

Gyarados Magikarp - Gyarados When Jessie and James boarded the St. Anne along with many Team Rocket grunts, James was offered a Magikarp for 300 dollars, by a vendor who boasted that it can lay 1,000 eggs at a time, and a Magikarp will come out of each one of those eggs, with each of those Magikarps laying 1,000 eggs each.

He purchases the Magikarp, along with a golden Pokéball and instructions for the Magikarp. Once he meets up with Jessie and Meowth, Jessie calls him an idiot, and says that he got ripped off. He defends himself, calling the Magikarp a “gold mine”, pointing out the gold Poké Ball, which Meowth quickly points out it is not gold, but gold plated.

Jessie inquires how he got the money for the Magikarp, and James admits that he used both of their advanced salaries. When the S.S. Anne begins to go down, James loses the Magikarp, and the three of them attempt to retrieve it.

They eventually succeed, and when they need to get out of the sinking ship, they attempt to use him to swim out of there, but learn that all Magikarp can do is splash, and they sink with the ship. However, they float to the surface.

They decide to use the Magikarp for food, but when they learn that he is just scales and bones, James becomes fed up and kicks Magikarp into the water. However, this causes it to evolve into a Gyarados, and while James attempts to control the Gyarados, it turns on the group and attacks them, causing them to wash up on an island.

A long-running gag in the series involves James constantly running into the exact same Magikarp Salesman from the S.S. Anne. These meetings often feature the salesman trying to sell another get-rich-quick Pokémon scheme to James, which inevitably proceeds into James chasing the man when he remembers his face.

Victreebel Weepinbell - Victreebel James had possession of two Weepinbell at different times. The first Weepinbell was never shown being caught (except in a vague flashback), and was sent to a Pokémon Breeding Center, that was actually a scheme of two other Team Rocket members, Butch and Cassidy, where it evolved into Victreebel.

The Victreebel, when summoned, often tried to eat James, despite James’s care for it, although it still obeyed him in battle. He was forced to trade this Victreebel to the Magikarp Salesman by Jessie and Meowth in order to obtain a Weepinbell.

Victreebel Weepinbell - Victreebel James obtained his second Weepinbell by trading his first Victreebel with the Magikarp Salesman. It soon evolved into Victreebel. This Victreebel, when summoned, tried to eat Jessie in the same manner the first one did James.

As a result, Jessie forced James into disowning it. The two Victreebel soon met (the first being disowned by the Magikarp Salesman after it had tried to eat him) and fell in love.

Magikarp (Painted like a Feebas Magikarp (Painted like a Feebas) In Hoenn, James encountered the same Magikarp Salesman from the St. Anne. James demanded that the Salesman reimburse him for the Magikarp that he sold him, but the salesman instead told James that he was turning over a new leaf, and offered him a so-called Feebas (which was actually a Magikarp painted to resemble a Feebas).

At first, Jessie and James were uninterested, but when they heard that it would later evolve into a Milotic, they quickly change their minds, and Jessie trades Spoink’s pearl in exchange for it. They took the Magikarp to a nearby stream in order to observe it and think of how to evolve it, when they noticed that the Feebas was changing colors.

They quickly assumed that the so-called Feebas was evolving into a Milotic, but soon discovered that it was actually a Magikarp mocked up with paint to resemble a Feebas, causing Jessie to abandon the Magikarp.

Hoppip (painted like a Chimecho) Hoppip (Painted like a Chimecho) While attending a fair in Fortree City, James tells Jessie and Meowth that he has wanted a Chimecho since he saw one in a fair when he was a boy. In the fair in Fortree City, James buys one from the same Salesman that sold him Magikarp from the St. Anne. He later discovers it’s a disguised Hoppip and releases it.
Chimecho Chimecho Shortly after James released the Hoppip, a passing Chimecho approached him and agreed to become his Pokémon. If Wobbuffet is the “fourth member” of Team Rocket, then Chimecho was the “fifth”. Since its capture, it entered the motto right after Wobbuffet.

James adored Chimecho, and did not allow it to battle because he did not want it to become injured. However, Chimecho had the ability to heal the rest of Team Rocket, proving to be valuable in episodes centered around Chimecho.

Unfortunately, Chimecho later fell ill. James took it to his old summer mansion to be healed, but had to leave before Chimecho had recovered.

History of the trio

When these two prepare for trouble, the result is a disastrous double.

In addition to be being arguably the most developed characters in the series, Jessie, James, and Meowth have had their past histories altered several times over the course of the series. Despite their histories being modified so much, it is possible to link the inconsistencies into one coherent timeline. What follows is not an official timeline, but fan-interpreted using canon events.

The first history, which was outlined during the Kanto series, stated that Jessie and James had been friends since they were Ash’s age. After leaving their respective homes, they tried to enroll in a Pokémon trainers’ school, Pokémon Tech, but since they partied too hard the night before the entrance exam, they failed, with the worst grades in Pokémon Tech history. After this failure, they joined a bicycle gang (charinko bousouzoku) in Sunnytown. They were popular in this bike gang, earning the names of Chainer Jess (she swung a chain around while she rode her bike) and Trainer Jim (he was the only gang member to use training wheels).

In Johto, it was revealed that while Jessie was a teenager, she enrolled in a school to become a Pokémon nurse. Unfortunately, this was literally a school for Pokémon who wanted to be nurses, namely Chanseys, not nurses for Pokémon, so she flunked out, but not before making a good friend out of one of the Chanseys. James was nowhere to be seen during this time. Fans assume that they had split up for a short time before again rejoining to enter either the bike gang or Team Rocket.

Meowth’s pre-Team Rocket history did not change, but his original role within the organization did. During the first several series, Meowth was described as being Giovanni’s former “top cat”, a role akin to that of a favored pet. During an early Kanto episode, he learnt his role had been usurped by a Persian. Giovanni was frequently shown holding Persian (and, in flashbacks, Meowth) on his lap in a manner deliberately reminiscent of Ernst Blofeld and his white Angora, or in the Austin Powers movies, Dr. Evil and his hairless cat, Mr. Bigglesworth.

After these events, things get fuzzy. Up until the Hoenn series, it was assumed that Jessie and James joined Team Rocket together after leaving the bike gang. However, an episode of Pokémon Housōkyoku appeared to change preexisting canon by devoting an entire episode to The Origin of Love and Youth. In this episode, it was implied that Jessie and James joined Team Rocket separately and perhaps had never even met before being paired up. However, Jessie’s initial remark to James is ambiguous (“I know you...”), and their instant hostility towards each other could be interpreted as an implication that they had indeed been associates in the past, but had broken up on bad terms and joined Team Rocket separately. In addition, Meowth’s role appears to be changed, as his “top cat” role seems to be more akin to that of a subservient valet to Giovanni (although there are certainly precedents for a subordinate who appears as a favored companion in public who is forced to be a menial servant in private). Meowth is only assigned to the team of Jessie and James after screwing up orders, which must be quite some time before Giovanni finally acquires his Persian replacement in the Kanto series. Also, in Kanto, it was established that while Jessie and Cassidy had previously known each other, James and Meowth had neither known her nor Butch (nor their Raticate). In The Origin of Love and Youth, the two teams compete against each other, meaning James and Meowth would have had to have known the other trio.

What remained intact, for the most part, were the childhood histories of Jessie and James. While Jessie’s poor background is rarely mentioned in the Hoenn series, James’s rich upbringing has been referenced several times. Also, within the first few episodes of the Hoenn series, Jessie made references to having a past in the Hoenn region. So far, this is being considered a dropped plot point, as it has not been explored further than those early references (and her sporadic contest participation).

In a Japanese Pokémon drama CD Birth of Mewtwo (Myuutsuu no Tanjo), Musashi (Jessie) grew up in relative poverty compared to James because her mother, Miyamoto (again named after renowned swordsman Miyamoto Mushashi; no English version name), essentially left her behind to follow top secret Team Rocket orders given to her directly by Team Rocket’s founder, Madame Boss, (Giovanni/Sakaki’s mother). Those orders were to seek out the legendary Pokémon Mew and not to return until she succeeds in capturing it. Being Team Rocket’s most loyal top operative at the time, she followed those orders to the letter. However, she never stopped thinking about her beloved daughter. She managed to track Mew to the snowy Andes mountains but it gets away and she is buried in an avalanche. It is implied that the legendary Pokémon Articuno (Freezers) saved her life. In the drama CD Miyamoto is voiced by Yumi Touma.

The Motto

The Team Rocket Motto is a staple of the trio’s more or less formulaic appearances in each episode and might even be regarded as a very long catchphrase. It is usually recited by Team Rocket as they make their presence known to the good guys and accompanied by many flamboyant special effects and poses, as well a specific piece of theme music.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble...
James: ...and make it double.
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.
James: To unite all peoples within our nation.
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love...
James: ...and extend our reach to the stars above.
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth: Meowth, that’s right!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
Chimecho: Chime!

The Japanese version of the motto is:

Musashi: Nanda kanda to kikare tara... (If you ask us who we are...)
Kojiro: ...Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake! (The answer we give will be the universe’s sympathy!)
Musashi: Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame! (To prevent the universe’s destruction!)
Kojiro: Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame! (To protect the universe’s peace!)
Musashi: Ai to shinjitu no aku o tsuranuku! (To bring love and honesty’s evils to light!)
Kojiro: Raburii chaamii na kataki yaku! (The lovely, charming villains!)
Musashi: Musashi!
Kojiro: Kojiro!
Musashi: Ginga o kakeru Roketto dan no futari niwa! (The pair from Team Rocket soars through the galaxy!)
Kojiro: Howaito hooru, shiroi ashita ga matteruze! (A white hole waiting for a bright day!)
Nyaasu: Nya-nte na! (Right!)

The first two lines of the motto often vary, depending on the content of the episode. An example of this can be found in the episode Zig Zag Zangoose!, in which Meowth stands in for Jessie, who is busy training her Seviper.

Meowth: Prepare for trouble, here in the wood...
James: ... and make it double, like you know that you should!

Since its capture, Jessie’s Wobbuffet has also featured in Team Rocket’s motto, upstaging Meowth by throwing in a loud “Wobbuffet” call. Other Pokémon, like James’s Chimecho, also get into the act at times. Normaly after Wobbuffet joins it simply goes like this at the end.

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth: Meowth, that’s right!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

The motto is very important to Team Rocket. When they are interrupted during the motto, the team gets extremely aggravated, and usually makes some remark that the person who interrupted them is “very rude”. The team also sometimes forgets that they have said the motto already to a certain group, but Meowth always stops them before they begin it again.

When in disguise, the motto is often the downfall of the team and leads their unmasking. Usually this is brought upon by another character on the show saying the word, “trouble”. This causes an uncontrollable urge for the trio to recite the motto, and reveal who they really are.

Especially early in the series, the protagonists were seen yawning and waiting patiently for the motto to end, while Team Rocket was shown silently in the background doing their various poses they choreograph into the motto. Many times though, the protagonist group as a whole, responds with a shocked and outraged, “Team Rocket!” after the motto is finished.

In the past the team has thought about changing the words of the motto, but have always gone back to their tried and true lyrics. In the first season the motto was also turned into a song, “Double Trouble”, and was featured track on the Pokémon Jukebox. However, during the Battle Frontier arc, the trio begins using a different motto, which involves greater participation by Meowth.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble...
James: ...and make it double.
Jessie: An evil as old as our galaxy...
James: Sent here to fulfill our destiny.
Meowth: Plus dere’s me!
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.
James: To extend our reach to the stars above.
Jessie: Jessie!
James: And James!
Meowth: And Meowth are da’ names!
Jessie: Anywhere there’s peace in the universe.
James: Team Rocket...
Meowth: ...Will be dere...
Jessie, James, and Meowth: To make everything worse!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
Chimecho: Chime!

The opening lines, as with the old motto, are followed by rhyming phrases related to the context of the episode, and Meowth’s lines also vary slightly from one episode to the next. When James leaves Chimecho at his mansion, Manene takes its place in motto, mimicking the pose of Jessie, James, Meowth, or Wobbuffet when it appears.

The Japanese version of the motto is:

Musashi: Nandakanda to koe ga suru. (There is a voice saying something.)
Kojiro: Chiheisen no kanata kara... (From beyond the horizon...)
Musashi: Bigguban no kanata kara... (From beyond the Big Bang...)
Kojiro: Warera wo yonderu koe ga suru! (A voice is calling us!)
Nyaasu: Omatase nya! (Here goes!)
Musashi: Kenage ni saita aku no hana! (Evil flowers who have courageously bloomed!)
Kojiro: Haado de suiito na katakiyaku! (In the role of the villains who are hard and sweet!)
Musashi: Musashi!
Kojiro: Kojiro!
Nyaasu: Nyaasu de nyaisu! (And Nyaasu!)
Musashi: Roketto dan no aru tokoro- (The place where Team Rocket is-)
Kojiro: Sekai wa- (The world-)
Nyaasu: Uchuu wa- (The universe-)
All: Kimi wo matteiru! (Awaits you!)

Finally, the motto is also used as source of rivalry with


Butch and Cassidy (Kosaburō and Yamato in Japanese) (see article for more information)

The Boss

Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket and his pet Persian.

Most worth mentioning is Team Rocket’s leader, Giovanni (Sakaki). He was also the Viridian City Gym Leader at one time, but has not been seen often in person in the anime. A running gag in Advanced Generation is Meowth’s fantasies of Giovanni receiving the day’s featured Pokémon, finding said Pokémon extremely useful for an often far-fetched reason and being grateful to Meowth and his friends for giving it to him. His look and style is very similar to Ernst Stavro Blofeld from the James Bond movies.

Other members and operations

From time to time, other members of Team Rocket appear. These members are generally much more menacing and unfriendly compared to the trio, and usually wear black Team Rocket costumes (some Team Rocket members wear gray costumes), consistent with the video games while contrasting those of Jessie and James (hence, the Black Squad). In many of these episodes where other members appear, the trio, despite their reputation for failure, often finds a way to assist these villains, but somehow, through their general inadequacy, are the villains’ undoing.

The Raikou: The Legend of Thunder arc of Pokémon Chronicles introduced Team Rocket operatives Attila and Hun. The duo takes orders from Professor Sebastian.

In the movie Pokémon: Mewtwo Returns, a special operative named Domino was seen, but she claimed her enemies referred to her as the Black Tulip. Indeed, Domino often flung black tulips at her enemies, that would then explode or release some sort of electrical shockwave.

In the fourth movie, Pokémon 4Ever, a Rocket member known as the Iron Masked Marauder was introduced. He used dark balls to capture Pokémon and make them evil. After capturing Celebi, he went on a rampage, destroying the forest, and talked about betraying Giovanni. He was eventually defeated by Ash and Sammy with help from Suicune. He was then left to the fate of the townsfolk and the wild pokémon of the forest.

In the fifth movie, Pokémon Heroes, the main villains were two spies named Annie and Oakley (A reference to American sharpshooter, Annie Oakley). Although the US version seems to hint that they are with Team Rocket, they most likely work independently from the organization. They are trying to capture Latias and Latios for Giovanni, as well as steal the Soul Dew. They learn that the Soul Dew can be used to power a machine called the Defence Mechanism of Altomare (DMA). Oakley, using the DMA, becomes mad with power and almost destroys the entire city. At the very end of the movie, after being defeated by Ash and friends, the two girls go to prison.

In celebration of Pokémon’s tenth anniversary on the United States website, Team Rocket was named as the best-dressed human characters in the series.

Project Mewtwo

Giovanni approved a project in which Team Rocket scientists tried to clone a Mew, so he could have the most powerful Pokéon in the world.

In the manga

This section is about Team Rocket in The Electric Tale of Pikachu and its sequels, which were an adaptation of the anime. For information on Team Rocket in manga which directly adapted the video games, including Pokémon Adventures, see Team Rocket.

The Trio appeared, inept as ever, in the manga based loosely on the anime. At the end, however, James had married and impregnated Jessie, and the three had given up crime.


  • The nature of the villainous trio comprised of a strong willed, confident woman and two loyal---though not very bright---henchmen who tend to strike overly dramatic poses is a common staple in anime, although due to the popularity of Pokémon in the America, Team Rocket is often applied by fans as an affectionate nickname to any such group in a series, such as Grandis, Sanson, Hanson in Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water or Leblanc, Ormi, and Logos in Final Fantasy X-2.
  • In Pokémon Chronicles, Butch and Cassidy are often sent “blasting off again!” in the same manner as Jessie, James, and Meowth.
  • Jessie’s hair remained a bright reddish color up to and including Episode #262, A Crowning Achievement. From that point of Master Quest and on, her hair was changed to a deep shade of purple with a tint of red, due to the switch from traditional hand-painted cel method to computer coloration.

See also


1Jessie is sometimes also misspelled as Jesse, probably due to her relation with Jesse James’s name. However, Poké insists on spelling it as Jessie. In the English anime, Jessie is a nickname for Jessica, which James addresses her as in one episode. Also, in early episodes of the English version, closed captioning would credit her as Jessy; by about 2001, she is referred in the CC as Jessie.

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