User talk:Mav

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Mav (talk | contribs) at 04:05, 6 April 2002. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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Current wikipedia STATUS: Active --maveric

User:Sodium has informed me that my user page is (for some reason that completely escapes me) one of the most popular.

Yeah, just for chuckles on February 8th, I checked the most popular page and saw that my little ol' neck of the woods is right next to: Vulva (since I am gay, this seems funny as hell to me), Wikipedians (makes sense -- I am logged in contributing here and there about 10 hours a day now), Pornography (damn! How'd you guys find out? ;), September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack/City of New York casualties (heavy; kinda bums me out...), Beryllium (also makes sense -- I've been working a great deal on this article), user:Maveric149 (:thats me:), Mercury/wiki.phtml (don't have any idea what this is for...), Fire ant (a cool article mostly written and maintained by User:SteveSmith), Lupercalia (luper-what? Sounds like something I should have learned geting my BS in BS), Playboy (Well, at least I am more popular than Playboy. tee-he!) and finally, Music (a subject I am very fond of; especially musicals -- no just kidding).

Since this page is one of the most un-imaginative ones I maintain, the fact that it is one of the most popular is rather embarrassing. It's kinda like having a really messy living room and keeping the curtains open at night. Unfortunately, I can't just pull the curtains here -- I'll have to put some effort into tidying things up around here. Until then, pardon the mess....

I think it is my "fault" that your page is one of the most popular actually... when you listed the case-insensitive user contributions bug on Jimbo Wales Minor Issues With New System, I added a link to your contributions, so naturally people would follow that link and then go back to your user page... Funny how things get popular on the Internet... (quite funny really!) --Chuck Smith

Thanks Chuck. Hopefully since the bug is now fixed I will get fewer visitors -- and therefore have less pressure to clean-up my page. --maveric

If you've been frequenting the Recent Changes page, you might already expect that I am a Wikipediholic -- yep, I admit it. Problem now is, sleeping has switched from a full (i.e. normal) to part time occupation.... oh well - you only live once, there's plenty of time to rest later...

I generally respond to inquiries placed on this page by placing my comments on the talk page belonging to the submitter. Therefore many of the comments that follow appear to have gone unanswered - this is not the case. (Well, at least not necessarily the case.)

Thanks for your welcome! I can't wait to get more into this. Your topics interest me a lot. Hell, I guess pretty much anything here interests me a lot. Thanks! NathanBeach

I did happen to see the taxol article and thought it well done. Thanks for your welcome. I am extremely new to the project, still trying to understand how to create links within articles (but I will attempt one by mimicking examples). I also appreciated your Occam's Razor article. You have a tremendous range of interests. Robert Dolan

Hi. I don't really see the tags as that big a problem, it just seemed more elegant to use the more common convention. For example, if the article was to be written to latex or some other format, using standard headings etc... would enable a conversion program to format them properly. Also, how headings are displayed in the browser could be changed through the use of some kind of style-mode if Magnus decided to implement it - these might not be picked up if using manual formatting. Again, its not really that important so I am not going to change it. Incidently, your user-page seems to be a 'Most Popular' article. Congrats :-) sodium

Thanks for taking the time to welcome newcomers like me.. I appreciate it! -- saracarl

Thanks for the welcome. Lots of interesting stuff on your fact lots of interesting stuff everywhere here! Graham Chapman

Thanks for the welcome. Help please! I used my email as my log in because on some other sites I belong to that is what is suggested, and I just "did what I'd always done before". I'd like to change it, but the only way I can see to do that is to create another account. Is there a way to edit my username? The help says it can be changed in the preferences page, but that does not seem to be the case. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Perry

Hi, Perry here user:Perry Bebbington, Thanks for the advice and link to the deletions page, I'm just doing it now. I wondered why nothing was coming up against my name. I've put all I know on here and it's anonymous! (only joking). Perry.

Greetings back! 12 Feb 2002 Thanks for the welcome! Incidentally, I had a bout with sleep deprivation a couple of years ago. It can have dramatic consequences. I recommend that you seriously consider consulting a physician if you are not sleeping regularly at least a couple of times a week. If you tough it out until hospitalized for observation consider insisting on a sedative or at least insisting that they provide full data sheets on any prescribed medicines. Some of the neuroleptics prescribed when schizophrenia (a nice catch all that means you look odd to the pyschiatrist) is diagnosed have terrible side effects .... kind of like a chemical lobotomy. A lot of AMA quacks out there prescribing with personal balance sheets in mind, hard to sue a shrink for malpractice after they have labeled you crazy. user:mirwin

Thanks for the welcome. Seems like you have been busy. -- Peter Winnberg

I am attempting to replace copyrighted binaries that were illegaly uploaded onto the wiki server with text files OK this is great. On the wiki server there is a digital book for LOTR, a bunch of banner adds (one of which is from a porn site), some images about NTS (a heavy metal band I think) and various other crap. maveric149

Re: picometer / picometre: it's the classic American/British spelling problem again. I personally feel that picometre is best since, at the end of the day, SI measurements are French - but I'm biased 'cos I'm British. It almost certainly doesn't make a difference either way - and making the redirection one way or the other was the best thing to do. Dragon Dave.

The origin of the measurements are not important. What is important is if there is an official spelling that a majority of nations has agreed upon (and I am speaking of de jur here, not de facto). If there is, then that spelling should be the main article and the alternate spelling should be the redirect. My own felling from the meager research I have conducted, is that metre is a defacto SI spelling and not de jur. Therefore, it doesn't matter what the primary spelling of meter is, so long as a redirect of the alternate spelling is provided. -maveric

I like what you are doing with the Presidential Election articles. Do you have to edit the HTML much before you paste the tables into a wikipedia page? -- maveric149

Thanks, it's a pretty light editing...I plan to do them all, though it may continue to be small batches (as I write this, I realize a really simple script could do most of the work for me)--User:RobLa

Thanks for the welcome. I'm glad you liked the couple of pieces that I wrote or fixed up. I hope to do quite a few more in the next while and to fixing up the lists, which don't seem to have much order to them. Hope it helps. Looking forward to hearing any comments you might have. ---User:Danny

It appears that the nested table bug has been fixed; check out the test table at the bottom of my home article and see if you like this version of the isotope section. The HTML is nice and clean, I didn't have to use the colspan="3" thing on the two-column section. Bryan Derksen

Maveric, we've had no response from the powers that be (ie the Wikipedia software developers, or anyone from Bomis), about the uploads issue. I suggest one of us takes it up on the ML in the hope that somebody who can do something will pay attention. --Robert Merkel

Robert, the new version of the software restricts uploads to logged in users and provides links to the files on log:Uploads for quick checking. Do you think more is needed? AxelBoldt~
Probably enough for now. --Robert Merkel

Hi Maveric -- I already have a bit of an article on halophytes and intend (someday...) to start one on xerophytes. Many of these plants have C4 (or is it C3 -- can't recall off the top of my head just now which is the "conventional" pathway) metabolism -- so feel free to link and/or amend! -- Marj Tiefert

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. --maveric

Maveric, WRT content like the "Protoss" article, wouldn't most of the problem disappear if the article was titled "Protoss (StarCraft)" and its first sentence was "A fictional race that appear in the video game StarCraft"? --Robert Merkel

Interesting solution - since I made the mess I will clean it up. --maveric

Maveric, you may find interesting that what you have introduced back to Cyprus is i guess more or less the same as in Cyprus/History szopen

Yo Maveric, I just did an article on xeriscaping, but probably won't do one on xeriphytes (since I can't think of anything interesting beyond just the basic definition). So do whatever you want about it when you get to your C4/C3/CAM plant metabolism pages! -- Marj Tiefert

Great little article you have there! I'll see about creating those other articles you mentioned during the weekend. --maveric149

Yep, using the "v" word was a mistake; I overreacted to an easily missed change on a page that says they're quickly fixed. Mea culpa. --Carey Evans

Did you discuss the moving of the Wikipedia article? I think we probably need to set upa better policy for deciding whther to do major redirects, because they often have unintended consequences. Not that this was necessarily the wrong decision, but sometimes a rename (a sysop function) might be better suited. --The Cunctator

If you check Talk:Wikipedia you will see that I posed the question and was encouraged to move the article from the wikipedia namespace. In the history of wikipedia:Wikipedia you will see that user:-- April had moved it previously while searching for and moving a great many wikipedia specific pages to the wikipedia namespace (doing a good little deed, I might add). --April was logged in and actively contributing when I moved the wikipedia article back to the regular namespace - there was no objection. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia article not a wikipedia-specific page. The change was obvious and self evident. At this point, we have no actively contributing sysops that would perform an actual rename in the system. Please tell me of any broken links and I will fix them. Please also refer all policy discusion to the meta --This is something which we may want to discuss in preparation for wikipedia becoming a non-profit (in which case we may actually have volunteer sysops that actively contribute in that capacity). --maveric

Plenty of welcomes! Good work! :-) --Anders Törlind

Thanx - I fell behind with my greetings, so I just did a bunch at once. --maveric

Hi Maveric, I see a lot files with the history "conversion script ...". I assume that the data was obtained from somewhere else and automatically inserted into wikipedia, but from where? Nupedia? Thanks sfmontyo

Hey Maveric. Thanks for the catch on "Wikipettiquette" - doh! My spelling is, ah, not the best... especially when I'm typing in anger, as 'twere. Much appreciated. -- April

Maveric, I am interested to see that you have added a whole lot of pages for the various Kings of parts of Britain. Will you be adding pages for the Queens of parts of Britain as well ? Also, you need to add Kings of Northumbria and Mercia and Pictavia and ...

Well to cut a long story short, that's why we have a page called British Monarchs. It covers Kings, Queens and oddities like Oliver Cromwell, without having to have a gender-specific page for every small part of Britain which used to have an independent ruler. I'm not quite sure of the benefit in adding all these 'Kings of ...' pages. -- user:Derek Ross

test --maveric149, Tuesday, April 2, 2002

Maveric, did you miss what I wrote on Global Warming's talk page? I pasted a verbatim quote from the NOAA page (Aug 1998). If there is more recent information, please provide the source.

I won't engage in an edit war with you, but I do wonder why you reverted something without providing a source.

Ed Poor

Okay, I think I found the problem.

I was correctly cited outdated data. The old NASA webpage at [1], dated August 1998, said, "Corrected trend of -0.01 degrees per decade", which is basically zero.

I found a more recent NASA webpage at [2], dated March 2002, saying "+0.04", which is "near zero".

I will update the source in the global warming article, so when a user clicks on the external reference they will get the March 2002 webpage.

Ed Poor

Hey Maveric! Thanks for moving the asteroids - I found that too daunting a task after only a couple of planets. ;) Want me to follow behind you and pick up the various names for disambiguation pages, as Vesta? -- April

I'll help out too, I've been putting this off until Wikipedia's link database was updated and now it has been. :) Any ideas on how to coordinate and avoid conflicts, or should we just dig in? Bryan Derksen

Go right ahead and have fun with the disambiguation process. :) -maveric

Hi maveric, Thanks for the welcome! From looking at your page it looks like you're the Big Kahuna around here?! lol Or just very knowledgable and with plenty of free time for writing... Ooops... I saved that and forgot that I've got to append my name to it manually! It's not like an email or newsgroup where it's done automatically. Karen Johnson

Woh. .. i ended up here as i started to wonder what are all thesse user talk greetings in the new users ... :-O u didnt welcome me when i was new... well i'm not jealous (ehehe) ... how many clicks do u get a day? :) Zisa