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Template:Koreanname image Taekwondo (also spelled Tae Kwon Do or Taekwon-Do) is the most popular of the Korean martial arts and is the Korean national sport. It is also one of the world's most commonly practiced martial arts.

In Korean, derived from hanja, Tae means "to kick or destroy with the foot"; Kwon means "to punch with the fist"; and Do means "way" or "art". Hence, Taekwondo is loosely translated as "the art of kicking and punching" or "the way of the foot and the fist." Taekwondo's popularity has resulted in the divergent evolution of the art. As with many other martial arts, Taekwondo is a combination of combat technique, self-defense, sport, exercise, entertainment, and philosophy.

Although there are great doctrinal and technical differences among Taekwondo styles, the art in general emphasizes kicks thrown from a mobile stance, using the leg's greater reach and power to disable the opponent from a distance. In sparring, turning (roundhouse), 45 degree (half-moon), front, axe, and side kicks are most often used; advanced kicks include jump, spin, skip, and drop kicks, often in combination. Taekwondo training also includes a comprehensive system of hand strikes and blocks, but generally does not emphasize grappling.

Taekwondo is one of two Asian martial arts (Judo being the other) in which athletes compete during the Olympic Games.


While the practice of martial arts has ancient roots in Korea, the naming and systemization of Taekwondo occurred relatively recently, and the olympic sparring rules are being revised even today. See Korean martial arts.

As far back as the Silla Dynasty (668 AD - 935 AD), Chinese Chuan Fa techniques were used to train Korean warriors. These techniques evolved to become the empty-hand art of Subak, which was standardized during the Goryeo Dynasty (935 AD - 1392 AD). During the early Joseon Dynasty (1393 - 1910), Subak was divided into Taekyon (a striking art) and Yusul (a grappling art). Through the years, however, Yusul was practiced with decreasing frequency and, eventually, only the Taekyon aspect of Subak remained, facing extinction.

In the late 18th century, King Chongjo ordered the compilation of the Muye Dobo Tongji, an official martial arts text which identified many disciplines, including the empty-hand Kwonbup (transliteration of Chinese Chuan Fa, from which Subak was derived). Taekyon survived during the last part of the Chosun Dynasty via the secret practice of certain Korean families and street gangs.

This Taekwondo practitioner performs a side kick to break boards.

During the Japanese occupation of Korea (1910-1945), many Koreans were exposed to Japanese versions of Chinese martial arts such as karate. As the Japanese moved deeper into the continent, karate was adopted and mixed with more traditional Korean martial arts such as Taekyon, as well as traditional Chinese martial arts studied by Koreans in Manchuria and China

Upon the liberation of Korea in 1945, various martial arts schools formed, including Chongdokwan, Yonmukwan, Changmukwan, Odokwan, and Mudokkwan. General Choi Hong Hi, generally considered the father of modern Taekwondo, taught a combination of Karate and Taekyon to his soldiers.

In 1955, these arts, at that time called various names by the different schools, were ordered to unify by South Korea's President Syngman Rhee. A governmental body selected Choi's submission of "Taekwondo" as the name. Taekwondo incorporated more native Korean martial art styles, including difficult kicks from Taekyon in a modified linear form.

In 1959, the Korean Taekwondo Association (KTA) was formed, with General Choi as president. This year also marked the first international tour of Taekwondo, by General Choi and 19 black belts.

In 1960, Jhoon Rhee was teaching what he called Korean Karate (or Tang Soo Do) in the United States. After a visit from General Choi Hong Hi, Rhee changed the name of his art to Taekwondo. Rhee is often considered the father of Taekwondo in America.

A goodwill trip to the Communist government of North Korea in 1966 caused General Choi to fall out of favor in South Korea. General Choi left for Canada, founding the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) in March of that year, with associations in Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, West Germany, the United States, Turkey, Italy, Egypt and Korea. The ITF focused on a more martial style of Taekwondo, complete with tol, or forms, developed by Choi. By 1971, ITF had more than 65 member countries. General Choi died in 2002, in Pyongyang, North Korea.

In 1972, Kukkiwon was founded as the headquarters for Taekwondo in South Korea. In 1973, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) was formed by the South Korean government to rival the ITF. It was originally headed by Kim Un-Yong (later a member of the IOC), with participation of 35 delegates from around the world. Kukkiwon-WTF changed its format to focus on Taeguk pumse, sparring, and the competitive aspect of Taekwondo, holding the 1st World Taekwondo Championships in May 1973.

In July 1980, the International Olympic Committee recognized the WTF and Taekwondo was a demonstration sport at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. It has been an official Olympic event since the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Taekwondo was admitted to the Asian Games as an official event in 1984.

Taekwondo practitioners showing off their techniques.


Taekwondo today can be divided into two main sects: the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), and the International Taekwon-do Federation (ITF) . It is estimated that about 40 million people in about 140 countries practice the martial art according to ITF rules, while more than 50 million in more than 170 countries follow the WTF style, although there is much overlap.

Since the death of its founder, Choi Hong Hi, the ITF has splintered into three major groups, all claiming to be the legitimate ITF. They are: ITF Canada, ITF Austria, and ITF North Korea. The ITF had considerable success in bringing its art to the world in the 1960s, while the WTF succeeded in taking Taekwondo to the Olympic stage. WTF rules have been adopted by the International Olympic Committee, and only WTF-trained students can take part in the Olympic Games.

Another difference is the poomsae, the pre-set, formal sequences of movements. ITF has 24 patterns (called tuls), while WTF schools use the Taeguk poomsae, as well as Kicho, Kibon, Dan, and, in some older schools, Palgwe poomsae. These patterns are also referred to as forms.


Taekwondo is famed for its employment of kicking techniques, which distinguishes it from martial arts such as Karate or certain southern styles of Kung Fu. The rationale is that the leg is the longest and strongest weapon a martial artist has, and kicks thus have the greatest potential to strike without retaliation.

Taekwondo as a sport and exercise is popular with people of both sexes and of many ages. Physically, Taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. An example of the union of mental and physical discipline is the breaking of boards, which requires both physical mastery of the technique and the concentration to focus one's strength.

The five tenets of Taekwondo (courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control, indomitable spirit) reflect that Taekwondo is a mental discipline as well as a physical one. Taekwondo helps students develop improved awareness, confidence, focus, discipline, memory, and respect. Some schools even have student creeds or oaths that describe Taekwondo's goals for personal improvement.

Stretching during warm-ups is one way Taekwondo develops flexibility.

Although each Taekwondo club or school will be different, a Taekwondo student can typically expect to take part in most or all of the following:

  • Learning the techniques and curriculum of Taekwondo
  • An aerobic workout, including stretching
  • Self-defense techniques
  • Poomse, or patterns -- either tuls, hyongs, palgwes, or taeguks
  • Sparring, including step-sparring and/or free-style
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Breaking (using techniques to break boards for martial arts demonstrations)
  • Exams to progress to the next rank
  • A focus on discipline, honor, etiquette, respect, and self confidence.

Some of the most well known taekwondo techniques include:

  • Front Kick: This is a very linear kick. The practitioner raises his knee to his waist and snaps his foot at an opponent.
  • Side Kick: A very powerful kick that has somewhat fallen out of favor as competition has become progressively faster. Again the practitioner raises his knee, but this time thrusts his foot out to the side.
  • Roundhouse Kick: The practitioner raises his knee and spins his kick horizontally across his target.
  • Hook Kick: A less popular kick traditionally, it has found increasing favor in modern competitions. The practitioner raises the knee in a fashion similar to the side kick, then extends the foot in a dorsal arc (would be clock-wise for the right foot) with the heel as the intended striking weapon.
  • Axe Kick: Another kick that has increased in popularity due to sparring competitons. The knee is raised in front of the body, the leg then extended and pulled down with the heel pointed downward. It is ypically targeted toward the head or shoulders and requires significant flexibility to employ effectively.
  • Spinning Kicks: There are a number of spinning kicks that involve the rotation of the entire body before the kick is released. Spinning kicks include the spinning side kick, spinning hook kick, spinning axe kick, and a number of other kicks of varying popularity.
  • Jumping Kicks: There are also a number of kicks that involve jumping before their execution. These include jumping front kick, jumping side kick, flying side kick, jumping roundhouse (sometimes referred to as butterfly kick, although this term is at times used for a distinct kick separate from the jumping roundhouse), jumping spinning hook kick, and jump spinning side kick.

Some Taekwondo instructors also incorporate the use of pressure points as well as self-defense techniques borrowed from other Korean arts, such as Hapkido and Yudo.

See also: List of Taekwondo techniques, Kick


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Traditionally there are ten color belt levels, called gup (or kup) ranks, and nine black belt levels, called degree or dan ranks. Each color of belt (white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, red, red and black, black (Changes depending on which syllabus or style the competitor is studying)) having a specific meaning; for instance, white signifies innocence, as that of a beginning student who has no previous knowledge of Taekwon-Do.

The International Taekwon-Do Federation uses a system of 10 kup ranks and nine dan ranks. The color belt ranks run from 10th kup to 1st kup. The black belt ranks run from 1st dan to 9th dan. 1st to 3rd dan have the title Assistant Instructor (Boo-Sabum); 4th to 6th are have the title Instructor (Sabum); 7th and 8th are Master (Sahyun), and 9th degree is a Grand Master (Saseong). The first Grand Master was the founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi. The second Grand Master was Rhee Ki Ha, who was promoted to 9th dan by General Choi at the 1997 World Championships in Russia. Today there are probably about 20 Grand Masters. The reason for nine black belt degrees, according to General Choi, is that the number three is a powerful number in the orient, therefore three threes must be the most powerful. See also the ITF ranks article. Note that the World Taekwondo Federation has 10 dan grades instead of nine.

The traditional belt colors recognized by the Kukkiwon (headquarters of the World Taekwondo Federation) are white, yellow, green, blue, and red. Between solid colors, a central stripe down the middle of the belt reflecting the next full belt color is added to indicate progress in Gup level. For example, from white the next belt would be white with a yellow stripe. Some schools instead place a "tip" or belt-end stripe of the next color on a student's belt to signify a rise in rank. Other schools opt for two-tone belts, reflecting both the lower rank and the next rank (eg., between the white belt and the yellow belt would be a belt half white, half yellow). Some schools opt to use a solid color alternative instead of stripes. For example, a common belt-color scheme is: white, yellow, gold, orange, green, purple, blue, brown, red. There is no standardization in belt colors in the United States or elsewhere. Another example is Australia, where many schools use white, yellow, blue, red and black. In these schools progression through gup levels is signified by white stripes near the tip if the belt, so white (equivalent to yellow I), yellow II & III, blue I, II & III, red I, II & III, then red belt with black tip for Cho Dan Bo (sort of black belt in-training) and black for Cho Dan (1st Dan). Another system in use in Australia is White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Brown, Black, with intermediate kups/gups being indicated by a stripe of the higher color (usually 1/4 to 1/2 inches wide) going across the belt, close to one of the end. This is usually called a 'tip'. For example, 3rd kup is blue belt, brown tip.

Rank advancement records are kept by the school of origin and often by the style's association headquarters. Black Belt ranks are recognized as: 1st - 3rd, Instructor. 4th - 6th, Master. 7th - 9th, Grand Master. Tenth dan has historically been reserved as a posthumous award, but in recent years it has seen presentation to a few living (mostly Korean) recipients. For WTF practitioners grading achievements of Cho Dan and above must be registered with the Kukkiwon to be recognised and therefore eligible to train in WTF clubs around the world.

Olympic competition rules

The sparring regulations of the WTF, adopted by the International Olympic Committee, emphasize safety and other logistics of the Olympic sports. They are different from Taekwondo as practiced for combat technique, self-defense, or even sparring practice in some dojangs outside of Olympic training.

File:Armedforces taekwondo.jpg
Two Taekwondo practitioners take part in a sparring match.

The official, current WTF competition rules can be found at the WTF website.[1]These rules govern many aspects of tournament sparring, summarized below:

  • The Competition Area measures 10m x 10m.
  • The contestant shall wear the trunk protector (hogu), head protector, groin guard, forearm guards, shin guards, and a mouthpiece.
  • The duration of the contest is three rounds of two minutes each, with a one-minute rest period between rounds. In case of a tie score after the completion of the 3rd round, a 4th round of two minutes will be conducted as the sudden death overtime round.
  • Permitted and prohibited techniques:
    • Fist techniques are only allowed with a closed hand, and only with the leading part of the hand (no backhand or hammer techniques).
    • Foot techniques are only allowed by using the parts of the foot below the ankle bone (no shin or knee techniques).
  • Permitted areas
    • Trunk: Attack by fist and foot techniques on the areas covered by the trunk protector are permitted. attacks on the part of the back not covered by the trunk protector are prohibited.
    • Head: Attack to the head is only allowed by foot techniques. Attack to the back of the head is prohibited, as are all hand techniques to the head.
  • Points are awarded when permitted techniques are delivered accurately and powerfully to the legal scoring areas of the body. Points may be awarded by judges for a successful technique as follows:
    • One point for attack on trunk protector.
    • Two points for attack on the head.
    • One additional point if the opponent is knocked down and the referee counts.
  • Deduction of points. Two types of penalties may be assigned for prohibited acts, "Kyonggo" (warning penalty) and "Gamjom" (deduction penalty). Two "Kyonggos" deduct one point, rounded down (an odd "Kyonggo" is not counted in the grand total), and a "Gamjom" deducts one full point. When a contestant has been deducted four points, the referee shall declare him/her loser by penalties.
    • "Kyonggo" penalties include: evading by turning the back to the opponent; falling down; avoiding/stalling the match; grabbing, holding, or pushing; attacking below the waist; pretending injury; butting or attacking with knee; hitting the opponent’s face with the hand.
    • "Gamjom" penalties include: attacking the opponent when the round is stopped; attacking a fallen opponent; intentionally attacking the opponent’s face with the hand
  • In the event of a tied score after the sudden death round, the judging officials decide the match based on the initiative shown during the final round.

Media depiction

Despite martial arts movies being seemingly dominated by Chinese martial arts, Taekwondo is actually one of the more popular martial arts employed in film. This has a lot to do with impressive kicking techniques used in Taekwondo. Among Hollywood films, one of the best depictions of Taekwondo can be found in the film Best of the Best and the sequels, although the art is referred to as Karate throughout. Possibly the most famous superkickers of martial arts cinema (e.g. Hwang Jang-Lee) are practitioners of Taekwondo. Lee and many other Korean Taekwondo practitioners have been in Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee films. Taekwondo is also seen in Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damme movies, as well as many Hong Kong action films.

See also




