User talk:Angela/History archive3

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Jwrosenzweig (talk | contribs) at 22:35, 23 June 2004 (I seem to have missed something...). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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Welcome to my talk page.

Anything you write here may be archived (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), summarised, moved or deleted.

The full stop after my name in my signature is a secret link to this page. The page history for this page before June 2004 has been moved. (Feb-Dec 2003, Jan-Jun 2004).

X-rays are a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation, with wavelengths shorter than those of ultraviolet rays and longer than those of gamma rays – roughly in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometres. X-rays were discovered by German scientist Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895, who named them X-radiation to signify an unknown type of radiation. X-rays can penetrate many solid substances such as construction materials and living tissue, and X-ray radiography is widely used in medical diagnostics. This medical significance was noticed by Röntgen shortly after he discovered X-rays; this print, titled Hand mit Ringen (Hand with Rings), is a print of his first medical X-ray, taken of his wife Anna Bertha Ludwig's hand in December 1895.Print credit: Wilhelm Röntgen; restored by Yann Forget

To include this picture of the day on a page, add the text {{pic of the day}}.


Congratulations Angela!!! I know you will do a brilliant job, enjoy it! Hanna V

Thanks Hanna, and welcome to Wikipedia! I hope this isn't the only edit you'll be making. :) You should log in - it stops your work address being shown. Angela. 16:43, 18 Jun 2004 (UTC)

I wanted to offer my congratulations for your landslide victory in the Board of Trustees election. I can think of no one better suited for the job. Good luck! blankfaze | •­• 21:22, 13 Jun 2004 (UTC) Congrats from me too Angela, I'm sure you'll represent us well. Dori | Talk 21:36, Jun 13, 2004 (UTC) I was hoping to be the first to congratulate you, Angela, but two others have beaten me to it! I am truly thrilled that you've won, and I know that you'll represent our interests better than anybody. {{{HUGS}}} David Cannon 22:31, 13 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Wow, thanks all. I'm still in shock. :) --Angela. 23:22, 13 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Let me also add heartiest congrats! Couldn't have happened to a more deserving and trustworthy member of the community. Fuzheado | Talk 03:46, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC)
I too would like to offer my sincerest congratulations/most solemn condolences on your election to the board (I'll let you the most relavant one). I'm sure you'll do an outstanding job. →Raul654 04:19, Jun 14, 2004 (UTC)
Dear Angela, congraulations for being elected. I have had the opportunity to read your policy statement in full, and like to hear all the great things you're doing and will continue to do. Have a good weekend in Berlin too.

from EuropracBHIT 04:34, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC)

I would also like to offer my congratulations. Do you have a fan club yet? :-) --Phil | Talk 08:35, Jun 14, 2004 (UTC)
Please tell me when and where its first meeting will be held? :) Gongrat's from \Mikez as well!
Congratulations, Angela. I haven't seen the official announcement yet, but I got the gist of it from the other comments above :). I may not be as effusive as the others, but I'll say that I liked your position and am glad you were elected. -- pne 14:50, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC)
I'm a bit late in joining in the congratulations, but I'm someone who had very little doubt that you would win. I divided my vote between very good candidates for the other position, but I did not see anyone more worthy than you in the position you have been elected to. (I was relieved when you chose not to run for both positions, because this allowed me to vote for someone else besides you). Best of wishes in the year ahead. ~ Kalki 22:02, Jun 17, 2004 (UTC)
Congratulations, Angela! May you be a wise leader in all your endeavors ;) Neutrality 03:40, 19 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Hi Angela, it's KatieP! Congratulations once again. Hope I am doing this right!


May I offer a wee smile that an anti-deletionist has a deletion bot? A kind smile, of course : ). A suggestion - /ng/, as you have no need for me to tell you, is always hard, unless followed by e or i, and since your name has a handy 'e'... That way, /ang(er)/bot (or 'angst'bot, as if...) becomes /ange(la)/bot. I hope you come to love your little bot too. She is doing an important job, and it is better that bots do the vandal-erasing than humans. If you have done a good job in programming her, she will not disappoint you. Denni 02:27, 2004 Jun 14 (UTC)

Ang is pronounced more like Anj (an'j maybe?). The 'g' is certainly not a hard 'g', so there shouldn't be a problem following it with a B. Angela. 02:16, 15 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Congratulations, 축하합니다.

It's fine to hear that you are elected! -- 10:41, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC) 아흔(A-heun)

Elections and football

hope Angela, that your return trip was fine and that you are full of energy. We missed you on IRC yesterday evening.

Since you are british, let me tell you a little story that happened yesterday evening. When results were officially announced, Jimbo nicely came to on the french channel to tell us. The channel was rather quiet then, probably because it was in the middle of the football match. I was busy with the kids, so was not much around when he got there first.

While I was near the computer, I heard it bipping, and came around the screen. I saw the results were official. While I was answering to Jimbo and thanking people, my husband got a champaign bottle he had hidden in the fridge, called the kids so that we could all have a drink together. I must say that my husband is at the same time very proud and totally in despair. So, he said he was celebrating the position, and me leaving the family. My daughter took it for granted, and I had to spend a good while with her later on, as she was crying in her bed :-(
Anyway... just as he was putting the wine in the 4 glasses (yup, the kids had some too), there was a horrendous tremor in the whole appartment, and screams in the street. The people in the appartment above were making a pogo danse above our head. And some ceiling parts fell on our carpet, just next to the glasses. I thought "this is probably football good news for french team". I looked on the irc screen, and yes it was the penalty. We just had the time to pick up the glasses, while a second earth quake occurred (the long lasting consequences of the penalty), but fortunately with no damage this time :-)

There is a french/celtic saying, reported in belgian Astérix books "Nous n'avons peur que d'une chose, que le ciel nous tombe sur la tête" (we only fear that sky fall on our heads). Yesterday, litteraly, sky fell on my head :-)

I hesitate going to see the neighbours to tell them about the consequences of them jumping in their living room :-)


Time to carve up your piece =)

It is clear that your overwhelming success was imminent. Onward, Comrade! --MerovingianT@Lk 15:50, Jun 14, 2004 (UTC)

Yes, congrats - well deserved. Hope you're partying in Berlin! Warofdreams 17:51, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Congrats from me too... even if you did beat me. =P --Delirium 19:56, Jun 14, 2004 (UTC)

Nice User page

Can you help me out a bit on making my page look as nice? For example, why doesn't the formatting toolbar show up when I edit /my/ page? Thanks for any help. Ilyanep 20:32, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Miscellaneous comments and congrats

Well done and congratulations, ping 07:54, 15 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Of course, before I say anything else, congratulations on your election: you've taken enough compliments from me in the past few months to imagine how pleased I am that you will be representing the masses on the Board. Good luck.

On a completely unrelated topic, I am wondering if you will offer me your thoughts concerning a trip I will soon be taking? I am honeymooning in Rutland in mid-July for a week (after which a few days in London), and my fiancee and I are not very familiar with that part of England. We will be without a car (can't swing it financially), and so will be wholly dependent on public transport and walking to get from place to place -- we don't know what sights would be best worth seeing, as guidebooks over here tend to be long on descriptions of the big cities and relatively short on the quiet rural areas. I asked advice from Finlay when I was at his talk page for other reasons, thinking for some reason he was English -- he informed me that, as a Scot, he really can't advise much at all, but suggested three Wikipedians who he thinks live closest to Rutland. I know you best of the three, and I've recently intervened in a dispute between the other two (I do think they both still like me, but it's always hard to say), so I've decided to ask you first. Certainly I don't want you to go to any trouble on my account, but if there is anything you can think of that might be good to see (or if you have any tips on using public buses in England), it would be more than welcome. A note here, on my talk page, or emailed to me, would be very fine, and if you don't have time (with your new responsibilities, etc.) please don't worry about leaving anything like an explanation -- we'll have a wonderful trip regardless, I am sure. Thanks for whatever help you can provide, and congratulations once again on your new position. Jwrosenzweig 22:17, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Formatting Toolbar

I get it on some user pages (when I click edit), but not on mine and some others... Ilyanep 14:18, 15 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Cleanup thanks and a question and...

Hello Angela -- thanks for cleaning up the RfM page! And I'm just curious about GrazingshipIV's leaving there a page or diff I could look at? And congrats again -- it's simply brilliant that you and ant are on the board! -- Peace, BCorr|Брайен 16:08, 15 Jun 2004 (UTC)

No problem, wee bot

AngBot wrote:

Ang is pronounced more like Anj (an'j maybe?). The 'g' is certainly not a hard 'g', so there shouldn't be a problem following it with a B. Maybe I should tell Angela to make this clear on my user page. AngBot 22:38, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Nothing about Wiki should be hard. Wiki is a soft place. an/j/bot works fine for this occasionally too bottic user. Denni 18:47, 2004 Jun 15 (UTC)

Hitler protection

Why was the page protected before an edit war? Is that apre-emptive strike, or what? Who requested its protection? If it was danny I question how fast it was protected after he reverted... Sam [Spade] 03:24, 18 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Re: USA (band)

Thanks for your feedback.

Sorry for the delay in response - I've been ill with the flu.

this is going to sound weird, but:

The page re: USA (the band) you pointed me at *is the VERY page I wrote*


Somehow, someone (not me - I'm such a noob at all things wikipedial I wouldn't know how!) changed the title of my article so it would appear. *BIZARRE*. But I thank who ever that was, in absentia.

I've tried searching for it in wikipedian Google, but it doesn't come up yet. Oh well. I guess they haven't spidered that page yet.

I'll be adding more articles on cultural oddities and obscurities over time.

I wish you all the best.


Henry Warwick

One flying cat


I say goodbey... like everytime before!


Crypto categories

Thanks for your help in categorising cryptography articles — cheers! — Matt 11:50, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)

'loBaudelaire 12:12, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)

A technical problem on ko wiki

Hi, Angela,

there is a technical knotty point on ko wikipedia as well as wiktionary. Since days the namespace "wikipedia" is suddenly there instead of the ko-translation of it. All pages which have the namespace 위키백과 resp. 위키낱말사전 appear empty. Would you check up it (see e.g. ko help page). --12:31, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC) 아흔(A-heun)

I seem to have missed something...

What happened to User:GrazingshipIV? His user page and talk page are deleted, and I can't pull up his user contributions. The deletion log has no record of it, so it predates the 19th of June. Did something weird go down that I missed completely? Jwrosenzweig 19:30, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Well, I've been informed it was at his request. I'm a little troubled, though. I found one of his edits in a page history and it was credited to "Former user", which apparently was at his request also. The problem is, when I try to view Former user's contribs, they don't show up -- must be a database thing. But it makes me very edgy as to how this works under the GFDL -- it's now impossible to track Grazingship's contributions. If we found out he'd been adding copyvios, I see no easy way of finding them and excising them. I don't know...the whole thing is a little disturbing. I'm surprised there wasn't more discussion somewhere for such an unusual request that has such important impact. Do you have any thoughts on the matter you'd be willing to share with me? I wouldn't ask, but as my rep on the board (you'll probably get tired of hearing that soon!) I figure you've been thinking about issues like licensing and angry users, so maybe you've considered this. Jwrosenzweig 22:35, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)