Alpha Kappa Psi

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|+Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity |- | align="center" colspan=2 |

|- | align="center" colspan="2" |Nickname: "AKPsi" |- | align="center" colspan=2 | |- | Official Name | Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity |- | Founded | October 5, 1904 at New York University |- | Incorporated |May 20, 1905 in New York 1997 in Indiana |- | International Headquarters | Indianapolis, Indiana |- | Chapters & Colonies | 193 |- | Total Initiates | Over 230,000 |- | Collegiate Members | 8,500 |- |Coat of Arms |coming soon! |- |Colors |Navy & Gold |- |Official Flower |Yellow Rose |- |Official Jewel |Blue Sapphire |- |Primary Symbols |Phoenician Galley, Scales of Finance, Coin Bag |- |Vision Statement |Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders |- |Core Principles |Brotherhood, Knowledge, Integrity, Service, Unity |- |Creed |Alpha Kappa Psi recognizes that We live in deeds, not years; In thought, not breath; In service, not in figures on the dial. We count time by heart throbs, When they beat for God, for man, for duty. He lives most who thinks most, Is noblest, acts the best. |- |Unofficial Mottos |"Join us Now or work for us Later," “Mixing Business with Pleasure since 1904” |- |Address |Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity 7801 East 88th Street Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233 |- | align="center" colspan="2" | Alpha Kappa Psi Website |}

ΑΚΨ (Alpha Kappa Psi) is the oldest and largest international co-ed professional business fraternity. The Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity was founded on October 5, 1904 at New York University, and was incorporated on May 20, 1905. It is currently headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.


The story of Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity begins at New York University, Washington Square, New York. After the passage of the Certified Public Accountants Act of 1896 in New York State, an increasingly urgent demand arose for adequate education in all branches of higher accountancy. There also developed an important calling known as the profession of administration. To meet this double need for higher commercial education and for a college of accountancy, the Council of New York University decided to establish a school on a broad basis of advanced instruction in political economy, accounting, and commercial law.

On July 28, 1900, the Chancellor of New York University, Dr. Henry Mitchell MacCracken, authorized the opening of the new evening School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance on the same basis as the seven other traditional schools and colleges of the university. The Financial Record for September 12 1900 asserted "the new school raises accounting from an avocation to a profession and places the accountant on the same plane as the lawyer and the physician." The school's establishment on October 2 1900 was directly traceable to forceful insistence on the part of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants for university instruction in the sciences immediately connected with practical life. The October 13 1900 issue of the New York Post indicated that the setting up of this school is "generally regarded as one of the most significant signs of the times...It is recognized that a specialized higher inevitable, because more and more demanded."

The official announcement of the School of Commerce stated its objects, "to elevate the standards of business education and to furnish a complete and thorough course of instruction in the higher professional accountancy." At first there was a roster of 62 matriculates. Study extended over a two year period, with classes held from 8 to 9 and 9 to 10 o'clock Monday through Friday evenings for eight months a year. At the outset it was uncertain whether a university degree would accompany the diploma offered by the school. Then the School of Commerce at New York University became the first to offer a degree in a night school in business.

Prime movers behind the school included Charles Waldo Haskins, senior member of Haskins & Sells and President of the State Society of Certified Public Accountants; Leon Brummer, Secretary of that Society; and Dr. Charles Ezra Sprague, President of the Union Dime Savings Bank. All three men joined the faculty of the school. Haskins was appointed its first dean, but he lived only long enough to see the institution fairly well established on the road to success. At the beginning, the school was burdened with the manifold problems of organization. Fourteen courses were offered to the enrolled students by the faculty of fourteen members. Proper college textbooks as known today had not yet been written.

In the fall of 1902, after the university had awarded the first of the new degrees in business, a stronger basis for instruction was introduced, more faculty members were added, and the curriculum was enlarged and correlated anew. The group that entered in 1902 was the first three-year class working toward the Bachelor of Commercial Science degree. Then all students took the same subjects. The first year had demonstrated the need for a strong administrator to concentrate his full time and energy on the development of the school. The man chosen for this position was Joseph French Johnson; previously he had for eight years been Professor of Finance at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. In 1901 he accepted the post of Secretary of the Faculty at the NYU. School, and in 1903 he became its second Dean and Professor of Political Economy and Finance. At this critical time, some members of the Class of 1905 came forward to reassure the new Dean that they had complete faith in his policies and that they would, in every way possible, endeavor to promote the success of the school, to work to make the new degree respected and valued.

These same eager, serious-minded students later were to become the founders and the first elected members of Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity. From the start the group had firm support from the Dean; in addition, Cleveland F. Bacon, Professor of Law at the School of Commerce, acted as their attorney and legal advisor. The students occupied the same seats in class five nights a week in the eighth floor classrooms of the new University Building on Washington Square. Since they all worked by day and had school work too, they had little time for any school social activities, but the early members managed to get together on Friday nights and have a social time, spent mostly in talk of the school. It was only natural that, without any apparent design or effort the Four should meet each night after classes to take advantage of the quietness of lower Broadway to walk south for twenty-five minute to City Hall and thence across the Brooklyn Bridge to their homes. They talked over their mutual problems. They soon acquired a new name and were widely heralded as the Brooklyn Four.

But too little has been said and not enough generally known about two other outstanding men of the Class of 1905 who likewise exercised and talked over their various problems while walking from class but in the opposite direction, north, toward midtown Manhattan. They were Robert Stuart Douglas and Daniel Vincent Duff.

Perhaps it was in their first year, but surely not later than their second, that Frederic R. Leach suggested the organization of a fraternity. The idea met with unanimous approval. Leach and the other members of the Brooklyn Four mulled over the idea of fraternity for some time. In the winter, during the 1903-04 school year, much further spadework was accomplished. At the beginning, several meetings of those students who were the founders of Alpha Kappa Psi were conducted in a somewhat informal manner in conjunction with banquets held at various hotels in Manhattan. By late April plans had assumed definite shape; at the close of the academic year a date was set for a meeting in the Hotel St. Denis.

On June 9,1904, Douglas, Camp, Duff, Wright, Rachmil, Lane, Leach, Bergen, and Jefferson met at this hotel. All the men were strongly in favor of forming a fraternity, and many points thought worthy of being incorporated into a constitution were suggested. The men realized that the B.C.S. degree then was of relatively little or no commercial value in the community. They firmly believed, however, that it could be made to be of as much significance as the C.P.A. and that this change could be accomplished through the united efforts of men of strong character from the school. They were convinced that higher education for businessmen was a vital need in America, and they were willing to dedicate themselves to assist in encouraging such college training.

The group appointed the Brooklyn Four to draft an acceptable constitution to be presented the next time they gathered. After agreeing to meet on an excursion trip during the summer, they parted. The committee conferred several more times, embodying their ideas into a tentative constitution which they were then ready to report on at a meeting held on July 16, 1904, at Sea Cliff, Long Island. The trip there was made by steamer, but owing to several absences from the city because of vacations and other unforeseen events, only five of the men were present: Douglas, Lane, Rachmil, Leach, and Bergen. The constitution as submitted was read, and new plans were also suggested and considered.

Nothing more was accomplished until after school reopened in the fall. The plan of organization, though, was still quite alive, and on October 5, 1904, the charter members met in the Assembly Room, 32 Waverly Place; all ten were there. They decided to set up a professional fraternity at once, along the lines of the constitution which had been presented by the Brooklyn Four Committee, and to choose a president, secretary, and treasurer in accordance therewith, these officers to assume similar positions under the constitution when it was finally adopted. On written ballots, R. S. Douglas was elected President; H. M. Jefferson, Secretary; Nathan Lane, Jr., Treasurer; W.O. Tremaine, Vice-President; and Morris S. Rachmil, Financial Secretary, a choice made unanimous by acclamation. A committee of three, Rachmil, Tremaine, and Camp, was appointed to study the constitution draft, criticize and revise it, and report recommendations as soon as possible. This marked the founding date of the Fraternity, October 5,1904.

Statistics And Trivia

  • Number of active student chapters: 187 in the United States, 2 in Canada, and 1 in the United Kingdom (AKPsi is the only Business Fraternity to have active International Chapters)
  • Number of Chapters chartered since founding in 1904: 310
  • New charters granted in 2005-2006 (to date): 4 (University of Maine, Eastern Kentucky University, Florida A&M University, Vanderbilt University)
  • Initiates in 2004-2005: 5,598
  • Initiates since 1904: more than 230,000
  • Number of current student members: 8,500
  • 2005 Convention attendance (Las Vegas): 805
  • 2005 Success Institute attendance: 2,273
  • Alpha Kappa Psi first admitted women into the fraternity in 1976.
  • Alpha Kappa Psi membership is now open to all college majors, as of 2005.


  • To further the individual welfare of members;
  • To foster scientific research in the fields of commerce, accounts, and finance;
  • To educate the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals therein; and
  • To promote and advance in institutions of college rank, courses leading to degrees in business administration.

Prominent Alumni


U.S. Presidents

U.S. Senators and Representatives

State Governors

Secretaries, Chairs, and Advisors


Business and Industry Leaders


Media and Entertainment




Finance and Insurance

Construction and Raw Materials

Food and Beverage



Science & Culture


Foundations & Organizations

Chapter Roster

‘Please note: Many Universities and Colleges with chapters have undergone name changes since charters were granted. The most current University name is used. An asterisk (*) indicates that Universities and/or Colleges have merged. Duplicate entries in this list are not errors!’

Number Chapter Year College or University Location
1. Alpha 1904 New York University New York, New York
2. Beta 1910 University of Denver Denver, Colorado
3. Gamma 1911 Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois
4. Delta 1912 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
5. Epsilon 1913 University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois
6. Zeta 1914 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska
7. Eta 1914 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio
8. Theta 1914 Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon
9. Iota 1915 University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas
10. Kappa 1915 University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon
11. Lambda 1915 University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma
12. Mu 1915 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio
13. Nu 1916 Boston University Boston, Massachusetts
14. Xi 1916 Harvard University Boston, Massachusetts
15. Omicron 1917 University of Montana Missoula, Montana
16. Pi 1917 Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia
17. Rho 1919 University of Washington Seattle, Washington
18. Sigma 1919 Colorado College Colorado Springs, Colorado
19. Tau 1920 Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma
20. Upsilon 1920 University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri
21. Phi 1920 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
22. Chi 1920 Columbia University New York, New York
23. Psi 1920 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas
24. Omega 1921 College of William & Mary Williamsburg, Virginia
25. Alpha Beta 1921 University of California Berkeley, California
26. Alpha Gamma 1921 University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia
27. Alpha Delta 1922 Washington & Lee Lexington, Virginia
28. Alpha Epsilon 1922 University of Georgia Athens, Georgia
29. Alpha Zeta 1922 University of Southern California Los Angeles, California
30. Alpha Eta 1922 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota
31. Alpha Theta 1922 Utah State University Logan, Utah
32. Alpha Iota 1922 University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah
33. Alpha Kappa 1923 University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho
34. Alpha Lambda 1923 Washington University St. Louis, Missouri
35. Alpha Mu 1923 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin
36. Alpha Nu 1923 University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona
37. Alpha Xi 1923 University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa
38. Alpha Omicron 1923 Syracuse University Syracuse, New York
39. Alpha Pi 1924 Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas
40. Alpha Rho 1924 University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama
41. Alpha Sigma 1924 Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
42. Alpha Tau 1925 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina
43. Alpha Upsilon 1926 University of California Los Angeles, California
44. Alpha Phi 1926 University of Florida Gainesville, Florida
45. Alpha Chi 1926 Emory University Atlanta, Georgia
46. Alpha Psi 1926 Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin
47. Alpha Omega 1926 Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas
48. Beta Gamma 1927 Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana
49. Beta Delta 1928 Brigham Young University Provo, Utah
50. Beta Epsilon 1928 University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois
51. Beta Zeta 1928 University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas
52. Beta Eta 1929 Duke University Durham, North Carolina
53. Beta Theta 1930 University of Detroit Mercy* Detroit, Michigan
54. Beta Iota 1931 State University of New York Buffalo, New York
55. Beta Kappa 1932 University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada
56. Beta Lambda 1933 Washington State University Pullman, Washington
57. Beta Mu 1936 George Washington University Washington, District of Columbia
58. Beta Nu 1939 University of Wyoming Rock Springs, Wyoming
59. Beta Xi 1941 Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg, Virginia
60. Beta Omicron 1941 Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan
61. Beta Pi 1943 University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida
62. Beta Rho 1947 West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia
63. Beta Sigma 1948 St. John's University Jamaica, New York
64. Beta Tau 1948 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico
65. Beta Upsilon 1948 University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina
66. Beta Phi 1949 Drake University Des Moines, Iowa
67. Beta Chi 1949 Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana
68. Beta Psi 1949 Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida
69. Beta Omega 1949 Samford University Birmingham, Alabama
70. Gamma Delta 1950 Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, North Carolina
71. Gamma Epsilon 1950 Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania
72. Gamma Zeta 1950 University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado
73. Gamma Eta 1951 University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio
74. Gamma Theta 1951 Bradley University Peoria, Illinois
75. Gamma Iota 1952 Loyola University Chicago, Illinois
76. Gamma Kappa 1952 University of Portland Portland, Oregon
77. Gamma Lambda 1952 California State University Fresno, California
78. Gamma Mu 1952 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan
79. Gamma Nu 1953 Babson College Wellesley Park, Massachusetts
80. Gamma Xi 1953 Lewis & Clark College Portland, Oregon
81. Gamma Omicron 1953 Norwich University Northfield, Vermont
82. Gamma Pi 1954 Seton Hall University South Orange, New Jersey
83. Gamma Rho 1954 Rockhurst University Kansas City, Missouri
84. Gamma Sigma 1954 Regis College Denver, Colorado
85. Gamma Tau 1954 Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan
86. Gamma Upsilon 1954 Wichita State University Wichita, Kansas
87. Gamma Phi 1954 University of Tulsa Tulsa, Oklahoma
88. Gamma Chi 1955 Miami University Oxford, Ohio
89. Gamma Psi 1955 Niagara University Lewiston, New York
90. Gamma Omega 1955 Seattle University Seattle, Washington
91. Delta Epsilon 1955 California State University Los Angeles, California
92. Delta Zeta 1955 University of Richmond Richmond, Virginia
93. Delta Eta 1955 Boston College Boston, Massachusetts
94. Delta Theta 1955 Carroll College Waukesha, Wisconsin
95. Delta Iota 1956 Waynesburg College Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
96. Delta Kappa 1956 Lipscomb University Nashville, Tennessee
97. Delta Lambda 1956 Mississippi State University Starkville, Mississippi
98. Delta Mu 1956 John Carroll University University Heights, Ohio
99. Delta Nu 1956 University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio
100. Delta Xi 1956 Hamline University St. Paul, Minnesota
101. Delta Omicron 1956 California State University Long Beach, California
102. Delta Pi 1957 Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska
103. Delta Rho 1957 University of Saint Thomas St. Paul, Minnesota
104. Delta Sigma 1957 Saint Louis University St. Louis, Missouri
105. Delta Tau 1957 Canisius College Buffalo, New York
106. Delta Upsilon 1957 Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho
107. Delta Phi 1958 University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin
108. Delta Chi 1958 Clarkson University Potsdam, New York
109. Delta Psi 1958 Illinois Wesleyan University Bloomington, Illinois
110. Delta Omega 1958 Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
111. Epsilon Zeta 1958 University of Detroit Mercy* Detroit, Michigan
112. Epsilon Eta 1958 Baylor University Waco, Texas
113. Epsilon Theta 1959 Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham, Alabama
114. Epsilon Iota 1959 West Texas A&M University Canyon, Texas
115. Epsilon Kappa 1959 Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois
116. Epsilon Lambda 1959 Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia
117. Epsilon Mu 1959 Pittsburgh State University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
118. Epsilon Nu 1959 University of Puget Sound Tacoma, Washington
119. Epsilon Xi 1959 Gustavus Adolphus College St. Peter, Minnesota
120. Epsilon Omicron 1960 Arkansas State University Jonesboro, Arkansas
121. Epsilon Pi 1960 University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska
122. Epsilon Rho 1961 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
123. Epsilon Sigma 1962 Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia
124. Epsilon Tau 1962 Jacksonville University Jacksonville, Florida
125. Epsilon Upsilon 1962 Carson-Newman College Jefferson City, Tennessee
126. Epsilon Phi 1962 University of Arkansas Little Rock, Arkansas
127. Epsilon Chi 1963 Upsala College East Orange, New Jersey
128. Epsilon Psi 1963 Fordham University* New York, New York
129. Epsilon Omega 1963 Portland State University Portland, Oregon
130. Zeta Eta 1963 Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma, Washington
131. Zeta Theta 1963 St. Mary's College Winona, Minnesota
132. Zeta Iota 1964 Saint Francis College Brooklyn, New York
133. Zeta Kappa 1964 Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, Michigan
134. Zeta Lambda 1964 University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee
135. Zeta Mu 1964 Bloomfield College Bloomfield, New Jersey
136. Zeta Nu 1964 Saint Francis University Loretto, Pennsylvania
137. Zeta Xi 1964 Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
138. Zeta Omicron 1965 Southeast Missouri State University Cape Girardeau, Missouri
139. Zeta Pi 1965 Fort Hays State University Hays, Kansas
140. Zeta Rho 1965 Marshall University Huntington, West Virginia
141. Zeta Sigma 1965 Millikin University Decatur, Illinois
142. Zeta Tau 1965 Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, Kentucky
143. Zeta Upsilon 1965 Tennessee Technological University Cookeville, Tennessee
144. Zeta Phi 1965 Austin Peay State University Clarksville, Tennessee
145. Zeta Chi 1965 University of Tennessee Martin, Tennessee
146. Zeta Psi 1965 Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, Tennessee
147. Zeta Omega 1965 St. John's University Jamaica, New York
148. Eta Theta 1966 Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas
149. Eta Iota 1966 Murray State University Murray, Kentucky
150. Eta Kappa 1966 Hardin-Simmons University Abilene, Texas
151. Eta Lambda 1966 University of Nevada Las Vegas, Nevada
152. Eta Mu 1966 Stephen F. Austin State University Nacogdoches, Texas
153. Eta Nu 1966 University of Michigan Dearborn, Michigan
154. Eta Xi 1966 Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio
155. Eta Omicron 1966 East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina
156. Eta Pi 1966 Adrian College Adrian, Michigan
157. Eta Rho 1966 University of Illinois Chicago, Illinois
158. Eta Sigma 1966 Fordham University* New York, New York
159. Eta Tau 1967 Louisiana Tech University Ruston, Louisiana
160. Eta Upsilon 1967 University of Montevallo Montevallo, Alabama
161. Eta Phi 1967 Eastern Washington University Cheney, Washington
162. Eta Chi 1967 Northern Michigan University Marquette, Michigan
163. Eta Psi 1968 Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
164. Eta Omega 1968 University of North Carolina Charlotte, North Carolina
165. Theta Iota 1968 Gannon University Erie, Pennsylvania
166. Theta Kappa 1968 Michigan Technological University Houghton, Michigan
167. Theta Lambda 1968 Western New England College Springfield, Massachusetts
168. Theta Mu 1968 Stetson University DeLand, Florida
169. Theta Nu 1969 University of South Alabama Mobile, Alabama
170. Theta Xi 1969 Tri-State University Angola, Indiana
171. Theta Omicron 1969 Boise State University Boise, Idaho
172. Theta Pi 1969 Southern Benedictine College Bernard, Alabama
173. Theta Rho 1969 University of Texas-Pan American Edinburg, Texas
174. Theta Sigma 1969 Texas State University San Marcos, Texas
175. Theta Tau 1969 Western Carolina University Cullowhee, North Carolina
176. Theta Upsilon 1970 Point Park College Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
177. Theta Phi 1970 University of Southern Indiana Evansville, Indiana
178. Theta Chi 1970 State University of West Georgia Carrollton, Georgia
179. Theta Psi 1970 University of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee
180. Theta Omega 1970 Pfeiffer University Misenheimer, North Carolina
181. Iota Kappa 1971 American International College Springfield, Massachusetts
182. Iota Lambda 1971 Benedictine College Atchison, Kansas
183. Iota Mu 1971 University of the Pacific Stockton, California
184. Iota Nu 1971 West Liberty State College West Liberty, West Virginia
185. Iota Xi 1972 Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona
186. Iota Omicron 1972 California State University San Bernardino, California
187. Iota Pi 1972 Christopher Newport University Newport News, Virginia
188. Iota Rho 1973 Montclair State University Montclair, New Jersey
189. Iota Sigma 1977 Sam Houston State University Huntsville, Texas
190. Iota Tau 1978 University of San Diego San Diego, California
191. Iota Upsilon 1978 Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
192. Iota Phi 1978 Winthrop University Rock Hill, South Carolina
193. Iota Chi 1978 Henderson State University Arkadelphia, Arkansas
194. Iota Psi 1978 Francis Marion University Florence, South Carolina
195. Iota Omega 1978 Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, Arizona
196. Kappa Lambda 1978 Northwood University Midland, Michigan
197. Kappa Mu 1979 Kean University Union, New Jersey
198. Kappa Nu 1979 Lander College Greenwood, South Carolina
199. Kappa Xi 1979 Central Washington University Ellensburg, Washington
200. Kappa Omicron 1979 Bellevue College Bellevue, Nebraska
201. Kappa Pi 1979 Incarnate Word College San Antonio, Texas
202. Kappa Rho 1980 University of Texas Brownsville, Texas
203. Kappa Sigma 1980 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, Pennsylvania
204. Kappa Tau 1980 Lamar University Beaumont, Texas
205. Kappa Upsilon 1980 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina
206. Kappa Phi 1980 Alabama State University Montgomery, Alabama
207. Kappa Chi 1981 Appalachian State University Boone, North Carolina
208. Kappa Psi 1981 Seattle Pacific University Seattle, Washington
209. Kappa Omega 1982 University of South Carolina Aiken, South Carolina
210. Lambda Mu 1982 Texas Lutheran University Seguin, Texas
211. Lambda Nu 1982 American University Washington, District of Columbia
212. Lambda Xi 1982 George Fox Evangelical Seminary Portland, Oregon
213. Lambda Omicron 1983 North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina
214. Lambda Pi 1983 Southwestern University Georgetown, Texas
215. Lambda Rho 1983 Southwest Missouri State University Springfield, Missouri
216. Lambda Sigma 1983 University of Central Arkansas Conway, Arkansas
217. Lambda Tau 1983 Phillips University Enid, Oklahoma
218. Lambda Upsilon 1984 Butler University Indianapolis, Indiana
219. Lambda Phi 1984 Southwestern Oklahoma State University Weatherford, Oklahoma
220. Lambda Chi 1984 Texas A & M University College Station, Texas
221. Lambda Psi 1984 Menlo College Atherton, California
222. Lambda Omega 1985 Adams State College Alamosa, Colorado
223. Mu Nu 1985 Oakland University Rochester, Michigan
224. Mu Xi 1985 Virginia State University Petersburg, Virginia
225. Mu Omicron 1985 Indiana State University Terre Haute, Indiana
226. Mu Pi 1985 Elon University Elon, North Carolina
227. Mu Rho 1985 University of Texas Dallas, Texas
228. Mu Sigma 1984 San Diego State University San Diego, California
229. Mu Tau 1984 Webster University St. Louis, Missouri
230. Mu Upsilon 1987 California State University Bakersfield, California
231. Mu Phi 1987 California State University Northridge, California
232. Mu Chi 1987 Dominican College Orangeburg, New York
233. Mu Psi 1989 Hofstra University Hempstead, New York
234. Mu Omega 1989 Auburn University Auburn, Alabama
235. Nu Xi 1989 University of California San Diego, California
236. Nu Omicron 1989 Houston Baptist University Houston, Texas
237. Nu Pi 1990 Trinity University San Antonio, Texas
238. Nu Rho 1990 Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado
239. Nu Sigma 1990 Davenport College Grand Rapids, Michigan
240. Nu Tau 1991 Roanoke College Salem, Virginia
241. Nu Upsilon 1991 Marist College Poughkeepsie, New York
242. Nu Phi 1991 University of Pittsburgh Johnstown, Pennsylvania
243. Nu Chi 1991 University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
244. Nu Psi 1991 James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia
245. Nu Omega 1992 Wesleyan College Macon, Georgia
246. Xi Omicron 1992 University of Texas San Antonio, Texas
247. Xi Pi 1992 Lock Haven University Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
248. Xi Rho 1992 Ohio University Athens, Ohio
249. Xi Sigma 1992 Florida International University Miami, Florida
250. Xi Tau 1995 Shippensburg University Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
251. Xi Upsilon 1995 Centenary College Hackettstown, New Jersey
252. Xi Phi 1995 University of Northern Colorado Greeley, Colorado
253. Xi Chi 1996 University of La Verne La Verne, California
254. Xi Psi 1997 Illinois State University Normal, Illinois
255. Xi Omega 1997 University of South Florida Tampa, Florida
256. Omicron Pi 1997 Azusa Pacific University Azusa, California
257. Omicron Rho 1997 Fairleigh Dickinson University Teaneck, New Jersey
258. Omicron Sigma 1997 Radford University Radford, Virginia
259. Omicron Tau 1998 Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey
260. Omicron Upsilon 1998 Cornell University Ithaca, New York
261. Omicron Phi 1998 University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky
262. Omicron Chi 1998 Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio
263. Omicron Psi 1998 University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky
264. Omicron Omega 1999 University of California Santa Barbara, California
265. Pi Rho 1999 California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, California
266. Pi Sigma 1999 George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia
267. Pi Tau 1999 Stanford University Stanford, California
268. Pi Upsilon 1999 California State University San Marcos, California
269. Pi Phi 1999 Penn State University State College, Pennsylvania
270. Pi Chi 1999 Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana
271. Pi Psi 1999 University of California Irvine, California
272. Pi Omega 1999 Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana
273. Rho Sigma 2000 College of Charleston Charleston, South Carolina
274. Rho Tau 2000 University of Mississippi Oxford, Mississippi
275. Rho Upsilon 2000 Missouri Western State College St. Joseph, Missouri
276. Rho Phi 2000 University of California Riverside, California
277. Rho Chi 2000 Chapman University Orange, California
278. Rho Psi 2001 Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland
279. Rho Omega 2001 Campbell University Buies Creek, North Carolina
280. Sigma Tau 2001 Pace University New York, New York
281. Sigma Upsilon 2001 University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology* Manchester, England, United Kingdom
282. Sigma Phi 2001 University of Manchester* Manchester, England, United Kingdom
283. Sigma Chi 2001 Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester, England, United Kingdom
284. Sigma Psi 2001 Loyola University New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana
285. Sigma Omega 2001 Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida
286. Tau Upsilon 2002 Truman State University Kirksville, Missouri
287. Tau Phi 2002 Quinnipiac University Hamden, Connecticut
288. Tau Chi 2002 DePaul University Chicago, Illinois
289. Tau Psi 2002 University of Houston Houston, Texas
290. Tau Omega 2002 University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, Mississippi
291. Upsilon Phi 2002 Montana State University Bozeman, Montana
292. Upsilon Chi 2002 Ball State University Muncie, Indiana
293. Upsilon Psi 2002 University of California Davis, California
294. Upsilon Omega 2002 Arizona State University West Phoenix, Arizona
295. Phi Chi 2003 McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada
296. Phi Psi 2003 North Dakota State University Fargo, North Dakota
297. Phi Omega 2003 Gonzaga University Spokane, Washington
298. Chi Psi 2003 Tennessee State University Nashville, Tennessee
299. Chi Omega 2003 University of North Texas Denton, Texas
300. Omega Psi 2005 Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
301. Omega Chi 2005 University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta, Canada
302. Omega Phi 2005 San Jose State University San Jose, California
303. Omega Upsilon 2005 Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina
304. Omega Tau 2005 University of Alabama Birmingham, Alabama
305. Omega Sigma 2005 University of Wisconsin Whitewater, Wisconsin
306. Omega Rho 2005 Nova Southeastern University Fort Lauderdale, Florida
307. Omega Pi 2005 University of Maine Orono, Maine
308. Omega Omicron 2005 Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, Kentucky
309. Omega Xi 2006 Florida A&M University Tallahassee, Florida
310. Omega Nu 2006 Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee