List of monarchs who lost their thrones in the 20th century

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The following monarchs either lost their thrones through deposition by a coup d'état, by a referendum which abolished their throne, or chose to abdicate during the 20th century.

See also: Abolished monarchies, List of current monarchs

King Zog of Albania

overthrown by Mussolini in 1939
  • Austria
    • Emperor Karl - Austro-Hungarian Empire abolished in 1918. (d.1922)
  • Baltic State (Estonia and Livonia)
    • No ruler actually chosen, although offers were made to German Emperor Wilhelm II before it ceased to exist in 1918.

deposed 1971

  • Bukhara
    • Emir Muhammad Alim Khan - deposed 1920, lands taken over by Bolsheviks (d.1934)
  • Bulgaria
    • King Simeon II - deposed in plebiscite in 1946; currently Prime Minister of Bulgaria.
  • Cambodia
    • Queen Sisowath Monivong Kossamak - deposed in 1970 with the coup that ended the regime of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. The monarchy was restored in 1993 with Sihanouk (who had previously reigned as King from 1941 to 1955) as King.
  • China
    • Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate in 1912 following a Republican revolution. (d.1967)
  • Courland
    • Duke-elect Wilhelm II is deposed following the end of World War I in 1918 (d.1941)
  • Croatia
    • The Axis puppet King Tomislav II (Prince Aimone of Savoy, Duke of Spoleto), who had never actually reigned, abdicated in 1943, when Italy made peace with the allies.
  • Egypt
    • King Farouk abdicated in 1952 in favor of his infant son Fuad II, who was deposed the next year when Egypt became a republic. (Farouk died 1965, Fuad is still living)

Kaiser William II of Germany
King of Prussia

deposed after World War I

    • Emperor Amha Selassie I.,briefly emepror 1974-1975.deposed by the abolishing of the monarchy.Died 1997.
  • Germany
    • Kaiser Wilhelm II deposed following Germany's defeat in World War I in 1918. (d.1941)
  • Hungary
    • King Charles IV - Lost his throne when a republic was established in 1918. Folowing the restoration of the Hungarian monarchy in 1920 he was refused permission to assume residency and constitutional functions in the Kingdom of Hungary following the end of World War I by the Regent of Hungary. Died in exile in 1922. Kingdom of Hungary abolished by communists following World War II.

deposed 1971

  • Indian Princely States
    • all the several hundred princely states (with a few exceptions) were abolished upon India's independence in 1947.
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran
overthrown by revolution in 1979
  • Italy
    • King Umberto II - deposed by referendum abolishing monarchy in 1946. (d.1983)
  • Khiva
    • Khan Abd Allah Khan, deposed 1920, lands taken over by Bolsheviks
  • Korea
    • Lyunghui Emperor deposed by the Japanese in 1910.

deposed by the Indonesian goverment 1958

  • Kutai
    • [[Sri Paduka Sultan Aji Muhammad Parikesit al-Adil Khalifat ul-Muminin, Sultan of Kutai Karta Negara,deposed by the Indonesian goverment 960,died 1981
  • Laos
    • King Savang Vatthana - deposed in 1975 by the Communists.
  • Libya
    • King Idris - deposed in a coup led by Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi in 1969. (d. 1983)
  • Lithuania
    • The German puppet King Mindaugas II (Duke Wilhelm von Urach) is deposed following the end of the First World War in 1918.
  • Luxembourg
    • Grand Duchess Marie-Adélaïde was forced to abdicate in 1919 due to political issues (d. 1924)
    • Her sister and successor Grand Duchess Charlotte also abdicated, in 1964 (d. 1985)
    • Charlotte's son and successor Grand Duke Jean abdicated in favour of his son Henri in 2000.
  • Mecklenburg-Strelitz
    • the last Grand Duke, Adolf Friedrich VI, committed suicide in February 1918. From then until the abolition of the monarchy in 1918, the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin acted as regent.
  • Montenegro
    • King Nikola - deposed after the First World War, when Montenegro became part of Yugoslavia.
  • Norway
    • King Oscar II was replaced in 1905, ending the Swedish-Norwegian personal union (d. 1907)

King Manuel II of Portugal
overthrown by revolution in 1910
  • Poland
    • The portion of Poland formerly ruled by Russia was occupied by Germany and Austria in 1915 and proclaimed an independent kingdom in 1916. Archduke Karl Stefan of Austria was named King-elect, but the nation was declared a republic without ever actually having had a King.
  • Prussia
    • King Wilhelm II - overthrown from Prussian and German thrones after World War I. (d.1941)

  • Romania
    • King Michael - deposed by communist-dominated government in 1947.
  • Russia
    • Emperor Nicholas II - abdicated after the February Revolution of 1917, as did his named successor, his brother, Michael II (known for a very short time as Michael II); both Nicholas II and Michael separately were later murdered, as was all of Nicholas II's family. The monarchy was abolished and replaced by a Russian republic under Lenin, which in 1922 became the Soviet Union
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia
overthrown by revolution in 1917
executed with his family in 1918

  • Spain
    • King Alfonso XIII - fled following republican win in local elections in 1931, died 1941 (monarchy restored in 1975 under his grandson, King Juan Carlos)
  • Tunisia
    • King Muhammad al-Amin - deposed in 1957, when Tunisia became a republic. (d.1962)
  • Vietnam
    • Emperor Bao Dai abdicates in 1945 when communists seize control of the nation. Following the Geneva accords, Vietnam is partitioned, and Bao Dai becomes Emperor of South Vietnam. In 1955 the monarchy is abolished via referendum (d.1997)
  • Yemen
    • King Muhammad al-Badr - deposed in 1962 (d.1996)

Surviving monarchs from abolished monarchies:

Emperor Bao Dai of Vietnam

deposed twice
  • King Mohammed Zahir Shah of Afghanistan (b. 1914)
  • King Constantine II of Greece (b. 1940)
  • King Fuad II of Egypt (b.1952)
  • Queen Elizabeth II of Fiji, Mauritius, South Africa, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Malta (b. 1926)
  • King Simeon II of Bulgaria (b. 1937) - currently serving as Prime Minister
  • King Michael of Romania (b.1921)