Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2006-01-24

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Appearing to be a satire of Christianity, Broomleigh Baptist Church was originally founded by Tom Moore, as a protest to having his access to services blocked by Mr Keith Exford, the Chief Executive of Broomleigh Housing Association.

Although the web site, had an Internet following, litigation funded by Broomleigh Housing Association, and eventually by Broomleigh Housing Association, eventually removed the site from the Internet, shortly before Mr Moore's death, owing to suffocation, caused by his access to mechanical breathing devices, being denied.

Broomleigh Housing Association has repeatedly denied allegations of preventing its tenants from having any form of legal representation, and insists that anyone claiming anything to the contrary, is guilty of harassment, contrary to the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Broomleigh Housing Association has, however, admitted blocking tenants access to services.

Mr & Mrs Smith appointed at least nine solicitors, when trying to defend their home from Broomleigh Housing Association, but still had to defend themselves in the London High Court. Moore's web site had a Coffin Mew and Clover report [1] (pdf), long after Broomleigh Housing Association had persuaded others to remove the evidence of them blocking tenants access to legal services, in the London High Court, on 23 May 2003, in BROMLEY LBC v SMITH & BROOMLEIGH HOUSING ASSOCIATION.

The Broomleigh Baptist Church web site was closed by Broomleigh Housing Association and Mr Keith Exford on 30 December 2005. Tom Moore died from asphyxia two days later.


Rochdale Observer 00:45, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

WRBB-FM Boston is a Northeastern student run radio station broadcasting on 104.9 and streams online at its webstie, It is know for its ecletic music offerings along with broadcasting all football, mens basketball, hockey, and home baseball games. All though the station is far from a powerhouse at 10 watts, it still has a following and during the annual Beanpot hockey tournoment the streaming has exceeded its bandwith from alumni wishing to hear the games. The station is run out of the Curry Student Center Northeastern's first radio station was called WNEU and broadcasted on 560 AM, later on 91.7 until 1970 when the switch was made to 104.9. WRBB is a Class D non-commercial radio station licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and transmits from the campus of Northeastern University.

Sources 00:58, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Historic Caddo Lake Drawbridge, Mooringsport, Caddo Parish, LA USA

HISTORY: In 1914, as modes of transportation progressed, the Historic Caddo Lake Drawbridge at Mooringsport was built to replace the ferry. The Midland Bridge Company of Kansas City, Missouri built the bridge under authority of the Caddo Parish Police Jury. This vehicular bridge illustrates the unique "Vertical-Lift" design of Mr. James Alexander Low Waddell of the illustrious firm of Waddell and Harrington Bridges. This design allowed the entire center span to lift in a vertical direction to allow tall oil equipment to pass through, especially Gulf Oil Company's pile driver. This design was invented in 1893 and was successfully introduced in Chicago with the South Halsted Street Bridge. The Caddo Lake Drawbridge is a direct descendent of this structure.

In the summer of 1941, just prior to World War II, the United States Army held maneuvers in and around Mooringsport as a means of preparing the soldiers for war. During the maneuvers, Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and George S. Patton came to Mooringsport and led the Red and Blue armies in the "capture" of the bridge. They also bombed the bridge with sacks of flour.

In the mid 1940's, ownership of the bridge was transferred away from Caddo Parish to the Louisiana Department of Highways {LA Department of Transportation & Development-DOTD}. Shortly after the transfer, the Department of Highways realized that there was no longer a need for the bridge to open. Consequently, the concrete counterweights were removed from the bridge's tower and dropped in the lake.

THE SAVING ENDEAVOR: In the late 1970's due to the narrow width of the bridge, the flow of vehicular traffic was changed to one alternating lane. At this time, the DOTD determined that the useful life of the bridge had been exhausted and it was time to consider its replacement. In 1989, the DOTD received funds from the Federal Highway Administration for a bridge replacement project. The project called for the construction of a new two lane bridge approximately fifty feet to the east of the old bridge. The construction proposal also called for the old bridge to be destroyed when the new one was completed. A citizen's campaign was launched with involvement of Local, State and Federal officials and political leaders. The objective was to save the Historic Caddo Lake Drawbridge and convert its use into a pedestrian walkway, landmark, and tourist attraction. After two years of negotiations, the DOTD and the Federal Highway Administration agreed to use the funds appropriated for removing the structure to refurbish the bridge instead. This agreement was made with the stipulation that Caddo Parish agrees to assume ownership and liability. On June 26, 1991, the Caddo Parish Commissioners voted to accept the bridge into the Caddo Parish Department of Parks and Recreation.

On July 24, 1991, The Historic American Engineering Record {U.S. Dept. of the Interior/National Park Service} rendered their evaluation of the bridge. The evaluation indicated that the bridge is nationally significant due to its designer, its unique design, and the fact that it is the sole surviving example of this bridge type in the State of Louisiana. With this determination, the bridge was eligible to be presented for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Due to a unique state law that forbad the application process, this was delayed until ownership changed.

After the bridge was cleaned, painted and barricaded to vehicular traffic, ownership of the bridge was transferred back to the Parish of Caddo on October 3, 1995. A rededication ceremony was held in Mooringsport later that month to mark the saving of the town's chief landmark and to honor those who had contributed to the endeavor. On June 4, 1996, a public hearing was held in Baton Rouge by the State's Review Committee regarding nomination of the bridge to the National Register of Historic Places. On October 18, 1996, the Historic Caddo Lake Drawbridge was officially entered into the National Register of Historic Places under the provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.


My web site that I built and continue to maintain:

Additional information:

Darren Guin

  • Could you please prove you are in fact the owner of this website? I know this takes some time, but we're doing it to protect your copyright. Either send an email to one of our mailing list releasing this text into the GFDL or place a notice on your website, so we know it was you and not someone trying to take your info without your permission. - Mgm|(talk) 10:48, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This is a concept found in Roman law that described the civil law that applied to Roman citizens. The jus civile was combined with the "jus gentium" (the law of nations) to form the Corpus Juris Civilis, the body of Roman civil law. All this happened during the rule of the Emperor Justinian (482-565).


"jus civile" entry on Chapter one of "Jurisprudence Classical and Contemporary" by Robert L. Hayman, Nancy Levit, & Richard Delgado, West Group, 2002 01:07, 23 January 2006 (UTC)Mary Hegardt[reply]

José Fogaça

José Fogaça is the mayor of Porto Alegre. He was a senator of the Republic of Brazil for two terms, between 1987 and 1994 and 1995 and 2002. After failing in an attempt at winning a third term, he reappered as a mayorial candidate and, upon beating fellow contender Tarso Genro, became the first mayor of Porto Alegre since 1988 elected from a party other than the Workers' Party (PT).

Erik von Detten was born October 3, 1982 in San Diego, California. Erik has proven himself to be a very talented actor.


  • Please note that we have an WP:NPOV policy. How talented someone is, is a personal opinion and unsuitable for Wikipedia. Besides, we already have an article on him. Please use the search box on the left of your screen before making a suggestion. - Mgm|(talk) 10:54, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A retired cop from New Jersey who made it his life's mission to preach to america's youth about the dangers of drugs and alchohol. Had the Television shows 'Toma' and "Baretta" based upon his time as cop. more recently, he has written several books and started his own website to carry on his mission.

Sources 01:32, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Mighty Orinoco by Jules Verne. Originally published by Hetzel in France under the name of 'Superbe Orénoque' in 1898. Translated to English in 2002. Not published in English previously because of contraversial veiwpoints. Tells the story of three Venezuelan geographers, a girl (Jeanne, who masquerades as a boy) and her gaurdian who look for her father and two explorers who travel up the primarily uncharted Orinoco River in Venezuela.


'The Mighty Orinoco' by Jules Verne, translated by Stanford L. Luce, edited by Arthur B. Evans, with introduction and notes by Walter James Miller. Published by Wesleyan University Press in Middletown, Connecticut. Copyright 2002. ISBN 0-8195-6511-3(cloth). 01:56, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

High Five Challenge is a high school quiz bowl game show originating from Portland, Oregon. Each week, two teams of 5 to 7 players (although only 5 may be actively playing at one time, one of these a "Wild Card," more on that later) face questions posed by host Wayne Faligowski. Once the regular season is completed, the top eight highest-scoring teams advance to the playoffs.


Each team is spotted 2,000 points to start the game. Host Faligowski checks the five categories for the first half, and one is chosen at random. Faligowski then asks five questions in that category. Each question is worth a pre-stated number of points; within a category, two questions are worth 10 points each, two are worth 20 each, and one is worth 40. All questions are "toss-ups" (that is, players must buzz in to answer); a correct answer earns the points for that question, while wrong answers cost the same amount.

One of the players on each team is designated the "wild card." The wild card player may buzz in just like any other player, except that a wild card's signal takes precedence over any other signal except the other wild card (as such, this is termed a "steal"). Each wild card can only steal three times during the course of the half, and a failed steal attempt causes a loss of twice the point value of the question.

The categories are played in a random order, and after all five categories are played, the half is over. Substitutions may be made at halftime, and the wild card is always changed.

The second half is played the same as the first half, except that there is an added "mystery category," represented by a line of question marks. The mystery category is always the last category played, and the point values are doubled (to two 20-point questions, two 40-pointers, and one 80-pointer). After the mystery category is played out, the team with the highest score wins the game.

Generally speaking, all players receive calculators and movie rentals. Teams who advance to the playoffs are treated to a riverboat cruise, and the final winners receive $3,000 for their school.

A web stream of the most recent game may be viewed at [].



[] - The show's official website. 02:43, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Flowing in Policy debate is debater shorthand. It has evolved into a system of symbols that denote longer words. A policy debate is flowed on sheets of paper in vertical columns. That is, the first speech is the first column going down a page. The next speaker's answers are written in the next column, lining up horizontally with the initial argument. A judge flows each round, keeping track of all of the arguments. This aids in the decision-making procedure at the end of the round.

Basic Procedure:

Each off-case argument (disadvantage, counterplan, kritik) etc. is flowed on its own sheet of paper. Any case debate is flowed on the sheet of paper where the judge flowed the 1AC.

Many symbols and nomenclature are used to quickly note what is being said.

(S) (circled S) is solvency (!) Is the Impact (L) is a link w/o is without o/w is outweighs L/T is a Link turn NU is a non-unique U is unique I/L is an internal Link DA is a disad CP is a counterplan NB is the net-benefit to a counterplan -> leads to, or yields ^ (up arrow) increases, more, etc.

Common Abbreviations this year: WOT - war on terror (a common DA) WOD - War on Drugs PA - patriot act BCS - body cavity search

A circle with a slash through it (similar to the "empty set" symbol in mathematics) is used to denote a negation, such as "not" or "isn't"

Example: Supppose a debater says "Increased proliferation doesn't lead to nuclear war." A debater may flow that as " ^ prolif. (/) -> nuc-War."

Sources 03:38, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dr. Norman Maldonado, a native of the mountain town of Adjuntas, Puerto Rico, is one of Puerto Rico's top hematologists and served as President of the University of Puerto Rico. In 1992, he chaired the pro-statehood New Progressive Party's platform-drafting committee. Before becoming UPR President, he helped Gov. Pedro Rossello organize Puerto Rico's health reform system. For the past five years, he has published numerous columns for The San Juan Star newspaper, many of them documenting Puerto Rico's medical history.

He is married to Mary Ann Maldonado, a well known feminist and social activist, and have several grown-up children.


The San Juan Star newspaper, multiple columns. 04:21, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Method for power factor correction of switched-mode power supply when boost converter is used.


OnSemi: Power Factor Correction Handbook

STMicro: Understanding Power Factor 05:17, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Method for power factor correction of switched-mode power supply when series inductor is used.


OnSemi: Power Factor Correction Handbook STMicro: Understanding Power Factor 05:18, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

FreshPorts is a site dedicated to provide up-to-date information on FreeBSD software.

Sources 05:52, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

"The Banner of Equal Rights" was the banner of the city democrats of Philadelphia in 1828. William Heighton was a common shoemaker who became the leader of the Philadelphia Working Man's Party. The Panic of 1819 accelerated the process of subdividing manufacturing and increasing industrialization. Unskilled workers filled the factories, pushing skilled workers away and bringing longer hours and smaller wages to all. William Heighton organized the skilled journeyman into the Mechanics Union of Trade Associations (MUTA). This was the first citywide organization of journeyman in America. MUTA succesfully used strikes to improve wages and hours for journeyman. This orginzation greatly improved worker influence and rights for skilled workers. However, Heighton's orginzation did not help, in fact purposfully hurt, women, children, blacks, and unskilled workers, who were viewed as a threat to journeyman. Heighton was the portrait of a self-made man. He was an English immigrant who became a wage-working shoemaker, who later became a leader of men, and a celebrity throught taverns and commoners. Heighton was greatly influenced by John Gray.


Wilentz, Sean. "The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln. W.W. Norton & Company. New York. 2005.

Jacob Kauffman 05:55, 23 January 2006 (UTC)Jacob Kauffman[reply]

American Banker is a daily newspaper covering the financial services industry. Founded in 1835 and based in New York, American Banker's 70 reporters and editors in six cities monitor developments and breaking news affecting banks. The newspaper has won praise for its coverage of important policy issues, including passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, congressional debates surrounding regulation of government-sponsored enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the near-constant wave of mergers and acqusitions that affect banks.

Although often confused with the American Bankers Association or other industry trade groups, American Banker is an independent newspaper owned by SourceMedia and unaffiliated with any portion of the banking industry. The newspaper also sponsors several banking industry conferences and the annual Banker of the Year awards dinner in New York.


Ujval is a word in Sanskrit. It means bright. It is a very popular name in India.


This word finds a mention in the great epic Ramayana. The Sanskrit book was written by Valmiki. 07:22, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

69 Fingers

Forming in 1997, the band's original trumpet player was missing a finger. With 7 members became 69 fingers.

Sources 07:59, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Angry Dave is a friend of singer/songwriter Jeff Buckley and appears in Buckley's only full length DVD, Jeff Buckley: Live in Chicago. He appears on stage to accompany Jeff with the vocals to MC5's song Kick Out The Jams. However, he only remains on stage for a fraction of the song before he decides to dive of the stage into the audience. Whether he was caught or not remains a mystery. However, with the knowledge that it was a Jeff Buckley concert we can probably safely assume that he was not. Indeed, there is a general consensus amongst music critics that stage diving during Jeff is just not on.


Jeff Buckley: Live in Chicago 08:13, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Found in 1995 by Ivan Turk in Slovenia, at the Divje Babe site, the juvenile cave bear femur bone, known as the Divje Babe flute, was a major find of recent times.

The reason for that was because it provided powerful evidence that Neanderthals were the equal of other humans in the evolution of humankind. It was also the oldest known musical instrument, and the first known instance of a diatonic musical scale sequence.

But no sooner than it was found, in 1998 the theory was put forward, most notably by taphonomist Francesco d'Errico et al, as well as Phillip Chase and April Nowell, that the bone, with 4 holes in a line, was not a flute, but was a natural object fashioned by random bites from carnivores.

The debate was on. Bob Fink wrote an essay the year before claiming the bone's holes were "consistent with four notes of the diatonic (do, re, mi) scale," based on the spacing of those four holes. The spacing of the holes on a modern diatonic flute (minor scale) are unique, and not evenly spaced. In essence, they are like a simple fingerprint. The Divje Babe bone's holes matched those spacings very closely. D'Errico et al never consulted a musicologist and never noticed that the holes mirrored the spacing of a world-wide musical scale sequence. He also never addressed the cause of the 4 holes being lined-up, and being of approximately equal diameters.

Others entered the debate, and the archaeological and paleo-anthropological community was split.

The bone has become a noted attraction in its Slovenian museum, touted on official Slovenian websites and is a source of pride in Slovenia. In the West, numerous painting were made, models fashioned, and musicians have played them at conventions of flutists and of scientists. New books on related subjects have since been published, including the bone as the oldest flute known.

While taphonomists disagree about the bone's marks, others just looking at the flute can see clearly that it looks virtually identical to any other flute of prehistoric times. But some taphonomists tend to dismiss "looks" or prima facie evidence. Is there any way to prove or give a high degree of probability to whether this object is really a flute or just a miraculous accident?

Among the people writing on this matter are IvanTurk, who found the bone, Bob Fink, Marcel Otte and others. Fink was invited to write a rebuttal published in Studies in Music Archaeology III (proceedings of a world conference on music archaeology) in which he outlined a probability analysis on whether it was reasonable to believe the bone was an accident.

Without using any complicated diagrams, or complex mathematics, or relying on knowledge of music and musical terms, Fink's view, which is presented below, can be easily understood regarding the approximate probability of this object being made by nature or carnivores randomly biting holes into it. Some evidence summarized from the findings of Ivan Turk, et al., and with links to more reading, is also listed.

In summary, Fink's view is that the coincidence we are asked to believe for such a natural origin to the object becoming a "flute look-alike" (with a known scale sequence to boot) beggars the imagination, bordering on miraculous. He believes it is far more probable the object is a flute, made by Neanderthals. Opponents have not offered any contrary explanation (as of 2006) for this object looking so much like a flute.

First let's look at a picture of O's to represent holes: In the Divje Babe flute, we have these holes (approx):


namely, they are lined-up, but not equally-spaced apart from each other. The first three are more or less equally spaced, and the 4th hole is about half the distance found between the others.


A. Now that we see the unequal spacing, one can ask:

    What does that unequal spacing mean? If anything?

B. Since the holes are not equally spaced, one normally can answer:

    It suggests a *random* arrangement. Why? Because 
    natural or chance measurements are usually noted for
    being unequal and patternless -- normally.

C. So it seemed to d'Errico, et al, to be a random, naturally-caused spacing. That's where d'Errico et al, stopped their inquiry.

D. If the holes had been equally spaced, then that is notably a characteristic attached usually to human designs. Why? Again, nature only rarely comes up with equal spacing. -- And not all the holes were equally-spaced apart, as all can see.

E. The unequal spacing cannot, however, be assumed automatically to be random, because of this: The holes are also as agreed by all:

    1. LINED-UP, four in a row, and also

    2. have similar sized diameters and

    3. are nearly all circular,
    4. and like a flute, the holes fit the size of fingertips, 
    and exist on a hollow-bore cylindrical bone.

F. Those latter four facts normally indicate human design and therefore do not square with the assumption that the other fact, which is the unequal spacing, is "random or chance-caused."

G. So we must now ask:

    Is the unequal spacing really random, or does it actually 
    match some purpose, after all?

H. 1997: Fink pointed out in his essay [2] The Neanderthal Flute, that the spacing matched that of a musical minor scale on a simple flute, which anyone could see by looking at any simple flute if made in the minor key. So the next question now must be:

    How likely is that match?

I. It can be shown (see below) there are several million other different ways to place 4 holes on the barrel of that bone, all suggesting nothing, not lined-up, and having no match to any spacing pattern known. Mathematically, then, the answer to that question is:

    One chance in millions that Divje's hole spacings, 
    and the four holes lined-up, and the other facts listed, 
    could all occur by accident, or chance, or be 
    caused from four separate carnivore bites.

J. Undisputed fact: No two or more holes could've been made by one bite, because the spacings do not match ANY animal's teeth-pattern. This is admitted by Nowell and Chase in their Current Anthroplogy article in the Aug-Oct 1998 issue.

Therefore: The object is a flute or a miracle or coicidence.


On a cylinder about the size of the Divje Babe bone, four holes can be made. If any one or more of the holes is moved 1/4 inch up or down it will making the 4 holes go out-of-line.

Or, if one or more holes is moved left or right the same amount, then the holes can assume about 640 spacing patterns that signify nothing known or purposeful.

On the up-down movement of any one hole: There are about 10 places around that bone diameter for a hole to be moved out-of-line. That's 10 ways to be out of line just moving one hole.

As there are 4 holes that each could be placed up or down 10 different ways, that gives this the calculation, as follows, using normal probability multiplication:

10 times 10 times 10 times 10, which equals 10,000 ways for the 4 holes, as a set, to be out of line, or NOT like a flute.

As said, keeping the 4 holes in line, but now moving one or more holes left or right, there are about 600 to 640 ways for holes to be spaced left or right so that no spacing is like any of the other spacings (even while the 4 holes are still lined-up). For clarity, here are five examples pictured below:. (The vertical lines represent the ends of the unbroken femur bone):

    1.   |       0  0     0 0          |    
    2.   |      0     00   0           |
    3.   |          0 0   0      0     |
    4.   |    0     0    0 0           |
    5.   |    0       0 0          0   |

Proceeding in this manner, about 640 various spacings can be similarly made that do not repeat, nor signify anything in particular regarding usefulness or purpose of the spacings. Only a few would match a musical scale formation or be equally spaced. [The standard formula used was 17!/(14! 3!) = 680. Less 40 or so that would match other scales or parts of scales, etc.]

So now, the calculation continues:

We now multiply the 10,000 by 640, giving us 6,400,000 or close to 7 million ways in which random arrangements of 4 holes moved up or down, or left and right, can appear on a bone, or any cylinder, without repeating any pattern twice, and without looking like a flute with lined-up holes spaced like a known world-wide musical scale sequence (do, re, mi, fa).

There is also the fact reported by Turk's monograph of 1998 that the holes are all similar diameters; all fitting a fingertip; all circular instead of oval (like most carnivore bites would appear if the holes were made that way); all in the proper ratio of bore size to hole size found in most flutes; and all on the kind of bone (femur) usually used for ancient flutes. One may not easily calculate all the additional odds for the existence of those facts instead of something less orderly, but if calculations were made, the odds that chance biting of holes (one-at-a-time) in a bone producing a look-alike flute, consistent with a diatonic scale sequence, could reach into being only a one-in-trillions chance event.

The taphonomists Turk et al, do not agree with d'Errico et al. But the prima facie evidence instead appears sufficient and overwhelming. The tooth spans of many animals were checked by all concerned to see if any of them could bite such a hole or two holes at once. If they had found a match to any animals, that would've been cited as evidence that carnivores made the object. No holes matched any animal's tooth span. "Except for one animal" says Fink: "The human animal -- who 'bit' the holes of a musical scale into that bone, making it an artifact, not an accident."

Turk conducted laboratory experiments which pierced holes in fresh bear bones in the manner of carnivore punctures, and in every case, the bones split. The Divje Babe holes round, and not oval, and Turk says, in his website and in his article in MIT's Origins of Music anthology, the bone shows no "counterbites" expected on the other side of the bone matching the immense pressure necessary to make the holes. Yet the bone did not break in the Divje Babe instance, a fact not matching expectations of carnivore efforts, as Turk's experimentation showed.

So why has this object been resisted so strongly about being declared a flute made by Neanderthals, and also the oldest known instrument and the first instance known of a diatonic scale sequence? Perhaps one needs to look at the deeply held investments in the views held by different camps regarding the capacities of Neanderthals (and by musicologists regarding the "Westerness" of the diatonic scale). As Marcel Otte (director of the museum of Prehistoire, Universitie de Liege, Belgium) pointed out in the April 2000 Current Anthropology, if this bone was unearthed at a homo sapiens site, instead of a Neanderthal or Moussterian site, it would have been named a flute in a flash.


  1. ^ "Is this bone a Neanderthal flute?". October 11. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= and |year= / |date= mismatch (help)
  2. ^ Template:Journal reference
  3. ^ "Reply to d'Errico etal & Nowell/Chase's critique". March 10. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= and |year= / |date= mismatch (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  4. ^ "Who made Neanderthal Flute? Humans or carnivores?". March 1. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= and |year= / |date= mismatch (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  5. ^ "Odds calculated against Neanderthal flute being a chance product of animal bites". April 30. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= and |year= / |date= mismatch (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  6. ^ "Neanderthal Flute". April 8. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= and |year= / |date= mismatch (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)

Further reading

  • . ISBN 0-912424-12-5. {{cite book}}: Missing or empty |title= (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Publisher= ignored (|publisher= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Title= ignored (|title= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Year= ignored (|year= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  • . ISBN 3896466402. {{cite book}}: Missing or empty |title= (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Publisher= ignored (|publisher= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Title= ignored (|title= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Year= ignored (|year= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  • {{cite book}}: Empty citation (help)

unsigned submission by (talk · contribs)

The equation of a Straight Line ig given as

           			y = mx + c	
           or			∆y = m ∆x

The Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) is a scan-conversion line algorithm based on calculating either ∆y or ∆x, using the following equations

           			∆y = m ∆x		
           			∆x = ∆y/m		

We sample the line at a unit intervals in one coordinate and determine corresponding integer values nearest the line path for the other coordinate.

Consider first a line with positive slope. If the slope is less than or equal to 1, we sample at unit x intervals (∆x = 1) and compute each successive y value as

           			yk+1 = yk + m

Subscript k takes integer values starting from 1, for the first point, and increases by 1 until the final end point is reached. Since m can be any real number between 0 and 1, the calculated y values must be rounded to the nearest integer.

For lines with a positive slope greater than 1, we reverse the roles of x and y. That is, we sample at unit y intervals (∆y = 1) and calculate each succeeding x values as

           			xk+1 = xk + 1/m

These equations are based on the assumption that lines are to be processed from the left endpoint to the right end point. If this processing is reversed, so that the starting endpoint is at the right, then we either have ∆x = -1 or ∆y = -1.

<I've removed the program example. That's more wikisource material and it was taking up too much space here.- Mgm|(talk) 10:45, 23 January 2006 (UTC)>[reply]


Computer Graphics, by Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker, Pearson Education 08:55, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Rajat Jain, M.N.N.I.T., Allahabad, India.


Indonesian person who was born at Lhokseumawe (Aceh), grew up in Bandung (West Java) and has the blood of Javanese people


My Life

( 11:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC))[reply]

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) is the common denominator for all therapies which are using sound wave transfered to the whole body, or parts of the body, in order to obtain increased well-being. VAT is used as the main effective feature in many products under different generic names. Although the healing effect of sounds and music have been known in folk medicine for thousands of years, VAT in its modern form (using lodspeakers or acoustic transducers) was first introduced by Olav Skille, Norway in 1980. The main target group was children with multiple handicaps, and the first observed effects were reduction of spasms in children with Cerebral Palsy. Since then many different fields of use have been discovered by many research projects from all over the world.

Sources 11:46, 23 January 2006 (UTC) Olav Skille[reply]


The establishment of Lourdes School of Mandaluyong ... snip


lourdes school of mandaluyong, greenhills, metro manila, philippines handbook 12:05, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Taiwanese Language Phonetic Alphabet, one of several phonetic systems used to describe the sounds of the Southern Min dialect as spoken in Taiwan.


Taiwanese_language 12:29, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lynx Edicions, founded in 1989, is a publishing house dedicated primarily to publishing books on ornithology and natural history. It was founded with the main objective of publishing the Handbook of the Birds of the World, a 16-volume work which is currently published on a yearly basis and of which by December 2005 the first ten volumes are already available.

The Handbook of the Birds of the World is managed, edited and published entirely in Barcelona, from where it is marketed and distributed to over 150 countries. It is an innovative and unique work, the first ever to deal with all the bird species in the world (and their most distinctive subspecies) in detail and with complete illustrations and photographs. Each volume is produced with the participation of preeminent specialists from different countries who have specialized in each of the families. This emphasis on technical expertise has resulted in the coordination of an international team of authors and illustrators from the publishing house. The first volume appeared in 1992 and that same year it was recognised as the Bird book of the year, a prize given by two prestigious British publications, British Birds and BirdWatch. These same two publications awarded the prize once more in 2002 for Volume 7 of the Handbook of the Birds of the World.

The Handbook of the Birds of the World is directed mainly towards the scientific community. As it has grown to become a high-level international project, many world experts have endorsed it and have been incorporated into its team of writers. The scientific media and many specialized journals have recognized the Handbook as the foremost work of international ornithology, a claim which many channels in the national and international media have confirmed repeatedly.

In addition to publishing the Handbook, in its 15 years of existence Lynx Edicions has also published over 50 books in four different languages (Spanish, Catalan, French and English). Lynx Edicions (being renovated at present)


Svanen is the name of one of the most powerful crane ships in the world. The Svanen has a 100.2 metre tall crane aboard. The length of the Svanen, which weighs 10075 tons is 102.75 metres and the width is 72 metres. The Svanen is used e.g. for building long bridges. 15:01, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



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Peter Speliopoulos, born in 1961 in Greece and raised in Springfield, Massachusetts, is an American fashion designer.

Speliopoulos studied fashion at Parsons School of Design in New York and graduated with a BFA in 1981. His first job as a fashion designer was as assistant stylist with Laura Biagiotti in Rome in 1982. He then worked briefly at the French couture house of Christian Dior and later for New York sportswear designer Gloria Sachs whose label went out of business in 1992. In 1985, Speliopoulos was named creative director at Carolyne Roehm Inc., a New York fashion house that had been created in 1984. He left in 1991 to become fashion director with Joseph Abboud.

From 1993 to 1997, Speliopoulos then worked as a designer for Donna Karan in New York. He replaced Narcisco Rodriguez as head of design for the women's collection at Nino Cerruti in mid-1997. While at Cerruti, he gave the label a fresh modern look using fine detail and exquisite fabrics. He left Cerruti in [[2002]} to returned to New York as Vice President of Design for Donna Karan New York. He has stayed with Donna Karan, a fashion house owned by the French LVMH Group, since then.

Speliopoulos has also worked as a costume designer for Karole Armitage, a New York ballett dancer who owns her own dance company. In the summer of [[2000], he designed the costumes for the Athens Opera production of 'The Birds' by Aristophanes. The collaboration with Armitage continued until 2003. He has also worked as a costume designer with the Rambert Dance Company in London for which Karole Armitage was a choreographer.

  • Speliopoulos is best friends with fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi who also attended Parsons.
  • A believer in astrology, he visits an astrologer from time to time and uses the predicitons as a guideline.
  • In 1998 he said that his time at Donna Karan between 1993 and 1997 "was invaluable to me in getting to where I am now at Cerruti."
  • He says that he is always inspired by the construction of Balenciaga, the essentialism of Halston and the genius of Yves St. Laurent. He tries to make his garments a mix of feminine sensuality and mens tailoring, creating versatility in a woman's wardrobe.
  • Speliopoulos - together with his partner for more than 20 years, Robert Turner - is a Friends for Life Annual Fund donor at the GMHC (Gay Men's health Crisis).


( 15:13, 23 January 2006 (UTC))[reply]

The economist's notion of general equilibrium has been quantified. Several dynamics exist demonstrating that economic order is controlled by adjustment toward the general optimum.


Ryaboshlyk V. Issues of Reflection of Heterogeneity and Marginalism in Modern Modelling. The Ukrainian Journal ECONOMIST, vol.4, April 2005

Lang, P. An Essay on SFEcon’s ‘Perfect Markets Model’. International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS2004), May 16-21 2004 15:18, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


All I know is that "The Hewler Globe" is a weekly magazine (every Tuesday) published in the capital of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq. And it is the only English language publication in the country that has more than 40,000 readers across the globe. And it can be viewed at:

Josignacio: A Contemporary Young Master

Born in Havana City, Cuba October 24, 1963.

Josignacio has defined and drawn attention to a famous generation of young Cuban artists called by the critics as “The Generation of the 80’s” (The most rebel of all). His own technique “Plastic-paint Medium” and his controversial body of work have redefined international expectations in Contemporary Cuban Art. Josignacio, who grew up in Cuba, (is also often credited); with helping to refocus the Cuban contemporary art world from his native Havana to the Art World of Miami, USA, the city he adopted after defecting in 1989.

His work has, (almost more than any other artist of his generation), became familiar via the media, particularly following his Hortt 38 Best in Show award wined in 1996, in the Museum of Art of Fort Lauderdale [an event that, at least in some ways, he relishes and uses].

Josignacio has addressed the exchange in his own Erotic-Porno-Shows, which confronts the relationship between Art and Sex in a wide range of “aesthetical-perception” from merely crude-explicit-figurative to an almost abstract manifestation, his work frequently reflects the world that surrounds him via “The Media and News”, the real life of Miami and his own.

His controversial shows named “Marihuana”, “The Miami Clowns”, “Liquid Sex”, “Hot Sex At your own Risk”, and his “Live Collages” are some of the “Hits that heated the Miami art scene”.

Josignacio is an “obsessive-compulsive-worker”, proof of that is the amount of personal shows (more than twenty in almost two years!) he did in Havana from his first one in march 2, 1987 to his definitive departure to Mexico may 10 , 1989. Slowing it down in Miami because his economical situation only aloud him to survive. Despite of this, he has not stopped creating his works.

Josignacio’s peculiar technique and his unique form to use it have derived a new visual effect, which have been a topic of study for many art students and art critics (some of them called “NEWISM”).

Josignacio’s work consists in a group of series, which he has maintained open for more than 20 years. Some of them are Dualism Series, Abstract Series, Erotic Series, Tauromaquia Series, etc.

Josignacio has been described as “The artistic representative of the Plastic Era” by Jose Antonio Portuondo, renowned Cuban intellectual, “Josignacio is a revolution inside The Revolution” by Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez and “Josignacio is a Natural Born Abstract”, by Dr. Kenwood W Moffett director of Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

“…If God is everywhere and everywhere you find my art, then we have a lot in common….” - One of Josignacio’s reflections. Josignacio resides in Miami Beach, Florida


1-In 1996 Artist Josignacio won "Best in Show" in the Hortt38 at the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale, Florida 2-In 1984 Artist Josignacio introduced a "new artistic medium" called Plastic Paint Medium never used before and this technique give a new visual effect called by the critics as "Newism". 3-His controversial shows named “Marihuana”, “The Miami Clowns”, “Liquid Sex”, “Hot Sex At your own Risk”, and his “Live Collages” are some of the “Hits that heated the Miami art scene”...By Miami Herald 4-Josignacio has been described as “The artistic representative of the Plastic Era” by Jose Antonio Portuondo, renowned Cuban intellectual...Granma Newspaper, La Habana, Cuba 1988. 5- “Josignacio is a revolution inside The Revolution” by Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez...Excelsior Newspaper Mexico City, 1989. 6-“Josignacio is a Natural Born Abstract”, by Dr. Kenwood W Moffett director of Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Florida...Miami Newtimes 1996

Claudia Prinstein70.156.140.179 15:25, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A race of people from the Homeworld Series of PC Computer Games. Those people born on Hiigara, the original Kushan homeworld. Largely synonomous with the Kushan it is possibly different in that a Hiigaran is a Kushan born on Hiigara after its recapture from the Taiidan.

Sources 15:28, 23 January 2006 (UTC) Stewart Southern.[reply]

Colourblind by the Counting Crows is from their second album This Desert Life. This melodious song leaves listeners wanting to sway to it forever. It appears in Cruel Intentions. Its original lyrics and simple yet efective music transport you.


I am color...blind, Coffee black and egg white, Pull me out from inside, I am ready, I am ready, I am ready, I am...

taffy stuck, tongue tied, Stuttered shook and uptight, Pull me out from inside, I am ready, I am ready, I am ready, I am...fine.

I am covered in skin, No one gets to come in, Pull me out from inside, I am folded, and unfolded, and unfolding...

I am... colorblind, Coffee black and egg white, Pull me out from inside, I am ready, I am ready, I am ready, I am...fine.

I am.... fine, I am fine.


R. K.

Crane Industries

Crane Industries, NBC's ''Italic text''Passions''Italic text''.

Crane Industries is the business that serves as the principal employer for the Crane family on NBC daytime's popular seven-year running soap Italic textPassionsItalic text. Based out of Harmony, Maine (the principal setting for Italic textPassionsItalic text), Crane Industries is headed by the ruthless and powerful Alistair Crane, portrayed on-screen by John O'Reilly since January 2005. Prior to late 2004, Alistair's son Julian, played by the superb Ben Masters since 1999, presided over dealings at Crane Industries. However, since Julian's moral turnaround from American playboy to perfect gentleman, Alistair has deemed his son not ruthless enough to control the company. The enterprise's legal counsel is Ethan Winthrop (portrayed by Eric Martsolf, 2002-present), the disinherited son of Julian's first wife Ivy Winthrop (portayed by Kim Johnston Ulrich, 1999-present), who believed he was Julian's son until his wife Gwen Hotchkiss (played by Liza Huber, 1999-present) exposed his true paternity to the tabloid Italic textDaily Private LivesItalic text, revealing that he was not of Crane blood. However, Ethan has continued to serve as the attorney for the company. In 2002, when spitfire Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald (Lindsay Hartley, 1999-present) and Julian accidentally wound up married, Theresa made herself CEO of Crane Industries so she would prevent Ethan from getting any position at Crane. However, after stepping down, power returned to Alistair and Julian. Julian's two sons, Foxworth 'Fox' Crane (portrayed by Justin Hartley since 2002) and Chad Harris (portrayed by Charles Divins since 2002), also work at the company. Two new additions to Crane Industries include Kay Bennett, who works as her boyfriend Fox's secretary, and scheming Valerie Davis (played by Daphnee Duplaix Samuel since December 2004), who is the executive assistant to Fox and Chad, but is trying to get closer to Fox and push Fox and Kay further apart.


John Black68.83.165.183 15:59, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Absolute value equations are those which include absolute values in the terms of the equation. They are strict binomials: they will always produce two answers: this is because to solve an absolute value equation, you will eventually have to split it into a negative and a positive scenario, because we do not know the sign of x and the absolute value bars would remove it anyway. The simplest of the absolute value equations is |x|=x. This simply states that the absolute value of x is x. A more complex equation would be 5|x-4|+18=2. To solve this, you must first isolate the absolute value term. First, you would subtract 18 from the entire formula to receive 5|x-4|=-16. Second, you would divide both sides by 5. You would receive: |x-4|=-16/5. Now you must split the equation: you should receive x-4=-16/5, 16/5. Now you work with these two answers. You simply add 4 to each term (for the fractions +20/5). Your answers become 4/5, 36/5. Should you have more than one absolute value term in an equation, you skip from binomials to general polynomials. If in function notation, these equations can be solved by graphing. Where the same y value corresponds to two different x values, you have found your answers.


from <>

Chris Shepherd is a Liverpool born television/film writer and director. He is mainly known for combining live action with animation. His work fuses comedy with the darker side of human nature.

His writer and directorial debut came with a Channel 4 film called The Broken Jaw. The animated short, made in 1989, illustrated the plight of a public house after it's been transformed into a fun pub. During the same year he animated the world stare-out championship for BBC comedy sketch show Big Train.

He directed and co-wrote a spoof general election series with Peter Holmes called People's Britain fron Channel 4 in 2001. As producer he worked with Cramp Twins creator, Brian Wood, on his Channel 4 film School Disco.

His 2003 Channel 4 film, Dad's Dead, featured Ian Hart as it's narrator. The film ground breakingly combined animation with live action in a unique style which led the film to win 25 international awards including a British Independent Film Award and BAFTA nomination.

More recent credits include animation on Channel 4 sit com Nathan Barley and Channel 4 documentary Bollocks To Cancer. 2005 saw him co-write and co-directed with artist David Shrigley on a Channel 4 film called Who I Am And What I Want.


[[4]] [[5]] [[6]] [[7]] [[8]] 16:37, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Mary Erskine School is an all girls school in Edinburgh, Scotland. The majority of its pupils live in the surrounding area (Edinburgh, Midlothian and Fife) but boarding facilities are available. The school is non-denominational but claims to have a broadly Christian outlook.

The school is linked with Stewart's Melville College ("SMC") an all boys private school which is located approximately one mile (2 km) from the MES campus. Together MES and SMC have a co-educational Junior School which caters for pupils from 3 to 11 years old. The Junior School is split between the MES campus and the SMC campus. There is also a nursery school which feeds into the Junior School.

Although the school is single sex, many activities, although not teaching, are carried out jointly with the boys from SMC. The sixth year of the school is largely co-educational, partially as an attempt to wean the children into a mixed sex world and partially because of the reduced roll in this year. 17:11, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Brian Klem was born in massachussets in 1956 to two fathers, bill and john. Brian soon realized that he was different than the other boys, because they all liked girls. Brian prefferred the company of men, if you know what I mean, eh, eh. Yeah Brian was so far in the closet he was finding Christmas presents. He especially liked older men. Old, wrinkly balls is what he loved. Before this article gets too foul, lets move on to a present day Brian Klem.

Klem is known and loved by many, but especially by homo boys. He enchants them with his asian singing and his inquisitive laugh. He soon takes off their pants. You know why Brian is always the first to check out of hotels? Because he gets all his shit packed the night before HAHAHAHA!


I have no sources. I know from first HAND experience.

17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)~~Brian Klem Fan17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)17:35, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

Trent Blackburn

Trent Blackburn is sitting right next to me right now. He is some uber-geek who just played some nerd game

Timothy Kang was born in Korea. He is the average Korean guy. This means that he owns a dry-cleaning store, has a black-belt in Karate, eats vast amounts of rice on a daily basis, takes computers apart and puts them back together in his spare time, and fears Godzilla.

Tim Kang's name is not really that Korean. If it were like "Ping-Pong", then he would be even more Korean, but alas it is not.

Tim Kang points at his desk angrily when trying to make points.

Tim Kang

Timothy Kang was born in Korea. He is the average Korean guy. This means that he owns a dry-cleaning store, has a black-belt in Karate, eats vast amounts of rice on a daily basis, takes computers apart and puts them back together in his spare time, and fears Godzilla.

Tim Kang's name is not really that Korean. If it were like "Ping-Pong", then he would be even more Korean, but alas it is not.

Tim Kang points at his desk angrily when trying to make points.