Akatsuki (Naruto)

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For other uses, see Akatsuki (disambiguation).


In the manga and anime series Naruto, the Akatsuki (暁, meaning "Dawn," or "Daybreak") is a criminal organization, first introduced midway into the first arc and gaining greater significance in the storyline in the second arc, which consists of nine S-class wanted criminals. Admission criteria to the group is unknown, but extraordinary fighting ability seems to be a prerequisite, and the rings worn by the members seem to have a significance in the process of joining. Akatsuki's motive is still obscure and one of the bigger open questions of the series; they show great interest in the powers of the Bijū (Tailed beasts) and a member has obliquely referred to their ultimate goal as "obtaining the Kyūbi... And everything else".

Known Members

The Akatsuki is comprised of ten members, including former member Orochimaru who left and founded Otogakure for an unknown reason (presumed to be due to Itachi's power, however they were never in Akatsuki together). Orochimaru's position was that of 空 (Kū, "Sky"); Currently, the known members include:

Uchiha Itachi

Uchiha Itachi
Uchiha Itachi

Name: Uchiha Itachi, うちはイタチ
Age: 204
Height: 175,2 cm2
Weight: 57,1 kg2
Birthday: August 9
Blood Type: AB
Registration #: 012110
Ring: 朱 (Shu iro, scarlet/bloody)
Position: Right ring finger
Partner: Hoshigaki Kisame
Affiliation: Akatsuki, Uchiha Clan, Nukenin (Missing-nin) from Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf)
Signature Ability: Sharingan, Mangekyō Sharingan, Amaterasu (Shining Heaven), Tsukuyomi (Moon Reader), Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique), Shadow Replication Technique (Kage Bunshin no Jutsu), Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion), Magen: Kyōten Chiten (Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change), Suiton: Suigadan (Water Release: Water Fang Bullet)

Noted within the Wanted Book, Uchiha Itachi is an S-Level criminal and a Konoha Missing-nin. He graduated top of his Academy class at age 7, had mastered the Sharingan by age 8, became a Chūnin at 10 and was previously a Black Ops (ANBU in the Japanese versions) squad leader at the age of only 13. At 17, he was even feared by Orochimaru. He left Konoha some years ago, after killing his whole clan except for Uchiha Sasuke, his brother. He is currently associated with Akatsuki. Orochimaru had planed to use Itachi's body as a new container, but seeing as Itachi is powerful to such a degree that even Orochimaru fears him, it's easy to see why Orochimaru decided to leave Akatsuki and try his luck with Sasuke instead.

The reason Itachi killed his clan, and the reason he left Sasuke alive only to physically and mentally abuse him, still remains a mystery. When asked why by Sasuke, he replied "To see what I am capable of." His Konoha Headband, unlike the others whom wear it, is struck through the middle with a line. He was until recently the sole person who possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan as revealed in the manga. Hatake Kakashi has somehow developed a different-looking Mangekyō Sharingan in the manga, but it is unknown to what extent they share abilities.

Itachi has told Sasuke that if Sasuke were to obtain the Mangekyō Sharingan, the people able to use it will total at three. It is unknown who the second person Itachi is referring to, as this statement was made before Kakashi obtained his Mangekyō Sharingan.


  • The name "Itachi" means "Weasel" (Note that in Japanese mythology, weasels are a bad omen, signifying bad luck and deaths).
  • While it is generally agreed on by fans that Uchiha Itachi became an ANBU captain and massacred his clan at age 13, quite a few of them seem to be confused about when he graduated from the academy, mastered the Sharingan, and became Chūnin. The events are often misinterpreted as having happened one or two years earlier than they did.

Hoshigaki Kisame

Hoshigaki Kisame
Hoshigaki Kisame

Name: Hoshigaki Kisame, 干柿鬼鮫
Age: 314
Height: 195 cm2
Weight: 83,1 kg2
Birthday: March 18
Blood Type: AB
Ring: 南 (Nan, south)
Position: Left ring finger
Partner: Uchiha Itachi
Affiliation: Akatsuki, Nukenin (Missing-nin) from Kirigakure (Hidden Mist),Kiri no Shinobigatana Nanajin Shū (Seven Swordsmen of the Mist)
Signature Ability: Samehada, Suiton: Bakusui Shōha (Water Release: Exploding Water Shockwave), Suiton: Goshokuzame (Water Release: Five Eating Sharks), Suiton: Suikōdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique), Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Doppelganger), Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)

Hoshigaki Kisame, along with Uchiha Itachi attempted to kidnap Uzumaki Naruto for Akatsuki purposes several years ago, but were effectively thwarted by Jiraiya. Itachi later explained that it isn't time to kidnap Naruto yet. Kisame and his sword (Samehada, 鮫肌, "Shark skin") both have shark-like characteristics. The sword also has the ability to drain chakra.

Kisame comes from Kirigakure. He is known as the Mysterious Person of the Hidden Mist (霧隠れの怪人, Kirigakure no Kaijin). He is also part of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nanajin Shū (霧の忍刀七人衆, "Seven Swordsmen of the Mist"), seven powerful Ninja who utilise large and unique swords. Momochi Zabuza and Kurosuki Raiga (anime only) were also members.

Kisame's chakra amount is apparently considered very large, even by the Akatsuki's standards. The Leader even comments on his large amount of chakra; a Kisame body-double at 30% power, made with the Leader's Shōten no Jutsu (Shapeshifting Technique), had as much chakra as Uzumaki Naruto when powered up by Kyūbi. This is stated by Hyūga Neji when he sees Kisame's body-double with his Byakugan. Kisame also has immense physical strength as he demonstrated against Sarutobi Asuma and later against Maito Gai.

Like everyone seen from the Hidden Mist Village, Kisame uses water element jutsu in combination with his powerful physical attacks.


  • Kisame (鬼鮫) means demon shark, probably a reference to his tall height and appearance.
  • Hoshigaki (干柿) means dried persimmon.
  • Kisame's shark-like appearance and his sword Samehada are rumored by fans to have been related to the Three-Tailed Shark in Japanese legend known as Isonade and his subordinate Samehada. Some fans think that one of the Bijū (Tailed Beasts) taken already by Akatsuki was an Isonade, and Kisame now contains it. This could explain his large amount of chakra and possibly his unusual appearance.


Sasori's true form
Sasori's true form

Name: Akasuna no Sasori, 赤砂のサソリ, "Sasori of the Red Sand", literally "Scorpion of the Red Sand"
Age: ? (deceased)
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Birthday: ?
Blood Type: ?
Ring: 玉 (Gyoku, jewel/ball)
Position: Left thumb
Partner: Deidara (previously Orochimaru)
Affiliation: Akatsuki, Nukenin (Missing-nin) from Sunagakure (Hidden Sand)
Signature Ability: Kugutsu no Jutsu (Puppet Technique) (Hiruko, Sandaime Kazekage, himself, etc.), Aka Higi: Hyakki no Sōen (Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets), the Sandaime Kazekage's jutsu via the Sandaime Kazekage puppet

Deidara's partner, Sasori is a Nukenin (Missing-nin) from Sunagakure (Hidden Sand). In first appearance, he is a hideous hunchbacked figure with a poisoned scorpion-like puppet tail attached. He is known as Akasuna no Sasori (Sasori of the Red Sand), the creator of Kankurō's puppets and a genius puppeteer himself. His first appearance is during their mission to Sunagakure where Deidara is to capture Gaara. After Gaara's capture, Kankurō attempts to stop the Akatsuki duo, but to no avail. Sasori battles the enraged brother, nearly killing him and destroying his puppets in the process with little to no effort. It is revealed that he left the village 20 years before, but the background on his crimes is unknown at this point. After hearing news of his return, Sasori's grandmother Chiyo, decides to join Team Kakashi in search of the duo and to rescue Gaara.

Sasori and Deidara have quite different views of what art is. Sasori believes art is something that should last, while Deidara believes art is fleeting. Although Deidara respects Sasori's view, Sasori doesn't seem to respect Deidara's.

During combat, and possibly all the time, Sasori "wears" his puppets and controls them from inside, thus eliminating the puppeteer's weakness of being an exposed target. His favorite puppet is named 'Hiruko' (ヒルコ), according to Chiyo. Hiruko has a mechanical tail extending from the mouth of what appears to be a mask on his back, the left arm is something that appears to be a large studded projectile capable of firing shrapnel, and the clearly artificial mouth opens to reveal a projectile-firing device. What makes him even more frightening, however, was the fact that Sasori makes his puppets out of human bodies, as he stated in the quote. So far, he has a collection of 298 hitokugutsu, (人傀儡, "person puppets") made out of human bodies. And to show this, after he was forced to abandon Hiruko, he summoned a hitokugutsu of the Sandaime Kazekage. This puppet was made from the living body of the Kazekage, and thus is able to retain some traits and jutsu of the Kazekage while he was alive.

The truly frightening aspect of Sasori, however, was that his real body is actually as young as he was, and bishonen too. The secret of his youth is revealed after the Kazekage puppet is destroyed: he had made himself into a puppet. His stomach is now hollow, allowing a thick cable to be coiled and stored inside; the cable can act both as a stinger and a support for his body. On his back, a pair of arms, equipped with five large claws, is mounted, and on top of the spine is a scroll holder holding four scrolls, used to summon the puppets for his Aka Higi: Hyakki no Soen (Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets). Each of his hands now mounts a flamethrower nozzle. His right chest contains a hidden compartment, which can spin unknown numbers of chakra strings to control one hundred or more puppets. Over his heart is a large talisman that has the kanji 蠍 (Sasori, "Scorpion"). His puppet body can also be pieced back together after being splintered into multiple pieces; this is because the only part of him which is still "alive" (and thus able to control chakra) is his heart, located under the talisman. He can also easily transfer the talisman, and by extension himself, between puppets. (How he transfers his face/facial features, as depicted in the manga, is not explained.)

The talisman also proved to be his only weakness, as Chiyo used his mother's and father's puppets to stab him through this location in a manner similar to the hug that he desired. In a flashback in the manga, it is reveal that the first puppets Sasori ever made are in his parents' images. Interestingly, Chiyo seemed to believe that, in the end, Sasori allowed himself to be killed (as she believed he saw the attack coming and chose not to react). At the end of the battle, Chiyo, Sasori, and Sakura are all fatally wounded, but Chiyo uses a jutsu she originally developed for Sasori, "to give life to a lifeless puppet," to save Sakura's life. The jutsu is meant to take the life of the user, but as Sakura wasn't dead, Chiyo survived this use of the jutsu.

Sasori's last words (as a reward to Sakura for defeating him) were that he has a spy in Orochimaru's ranks, whom he was supposed to meet with in Kusagakure in ten days. This spy is revealed to be Yakushi Kabuto. However, Orochimaru had long ago undone the jutsu on Kabuto that kept him (and presumably others, such as Yūra) loyal to Akatsuki, and Kabuto remains loyal to Orochimaru.

According to the front cover of volume 31, Sasori's hair is bright red. His eyes have the same color.


Deidara in the Manga
Deidara in the Manga

Name: Deidara, デイダラ
Age: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Birthday: ?
Blood Type: ?
Ring: 青 (Sei, blue/green)
Position: Right index finger
Partner: Sasori
Affiliation: Akatsuki, Nukenin (Missing-nin) from Iwagakure
Signature Ability: Kibaku Nendo (Exploding Clay)

A Missing-nin from Iwagakure, he is a part of the Akatsuki duo that comes to Sunagakure (Hidden Sand) to kidnap Gaara. A fancy and skillful fighter, with special mouths in the palm of each hand, he is able to manipulate clay into either a flight-capable clay bird that can support him, as well as a huge bomb that is capable of leveling a village without the assistance of exploding tags. Deidara is teamed with Sasori, whom Deidara refers to as Sasori no Danna (サソリの旦那, "Master Sasori"). This is probably because Deidara has a lot of respect for his fellow artist because Sasori is, as Deidara himself admits, a lot stronger. Despite that, Deidara still argues a lot with Sasori. They often argue about what art is, Deidara thinking that art is something that disappears quickly whereas Sasori thinking that art is something that lasts a long time. During his fight with Gaara, his left arm was mangled by Gaara's Sabaku Kyū (The Coffin of Crushing Sand), but he still managed to defeat the new Kazekage through threatening the village itself. Deidara remarked after winning that it was just like a Kage to save their village over their own life. Deidara lost his right arm to Hatake Kakashi when Kakashi used his newly obtained Mangekyō Sharingan against him. As a last resort (and in keeping with his favorite art form), Deidara blew up one of his bunshin in an attempt to kill everyone else around him after absorbing some of his clay though his mouth. However, his bunshin was teleported away from the scene by Kakashi. Deidara later returned after burrowing away from the scene and looked for his ring which he lost due to Kakashi's attack. Zetsu and Tobi both expressed surprise that Deidara was still alive when they found him after discovering Sasori's death. Deidara is presumably still a member of Akatsuki, because he already accomplished his mission to capture Gaara.

According to the front cover of volume 31, Deidara's hair is blonde. He has blue eyes.


  • He tends to end his sentences with "...un" pronounced in the anime with a nasal "n" sound corresponding with the english "hmmm".
  • Due to the Japanese language's sparse use of pronouns, translators have to use their own ideas of Deidara's gender to make sentences flow smoothly. This has caused a lot of confusion, since both "he" and "she" are used to refer to Deidara.



Name: Zetsu, ゼツ
Age: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Birthday: ?
Blood Type: ?
Ring: 亥 (Kai, boar)
Position: Right little finger
Partner: None
Affiliation: Akatsuki, Nukenin (Missing-nin) from Kusagakure (Hidden Grass)
Signature Ability: Spying jutsu

Not much is known about this mysterious character at the moment, only that he is Akatsuki's spy. His head appears to be enveloped in a large Venus flytrap. The right side of his face, and likely his body, is black in color while his left side is white in color. His pupil-less eyes and superior vision suggest that he may harbor something similar to Byakugan. His first appearance was after the Naruto and Sasuke fight at the end of Part 1, which he observed in secret. He was also responsible for warning Akatsuki of the positions of the approaching Team Kakashi and Team Gai during their extraction of Gaara's bijū. He also has the ability to merge with trees and other plants.

He seems to have a split personality, as the white half of his face speaks only in Katakana, which could indicate a robotic voice, while the black side uses Kanji and Kana. He is also a cannibal (in Ch. 261, he ate Kisame's body substitute), which fits his "venus flytrap" body.

The Leader dispatched Zetsu to recover Sasori and Deidara's Akatsuki Rings since they had apparently both been killed. This highlighted some significance in the rings since Zetsu takes Sasori's ring and Tobi asks if he can join Akatsuki in Sasori's place. This leads one to believe that a potential member must have one of the rings, which would explain why Orochimaru has no replacement since he took his ring with him.


  • Zetsu's ring has the kanji 亥 (Kai, boar) while the list of Akatsuki rings suggests he should have the kanji 玄 (Gen, mysteriousness). The two kanji are somewhat similar in appearance though, which suggests an error by either the artist or the reader/translator.

Akatsuki Leader

The Akatsuki leader in the manga
The Akatsuki leader in the manga

Age: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Birthday: ?
Blood Type: ?
Ring: 零 (Rei/zero, zero/nothing/overflow)
Position: Right thumb
Partner: None
Affiliation: Akatsuki
Signature Ability: Fūin Jutsu: Genryū Kyū Fūjin (Sealing Technique: Illusionary Dragon Nine Consuming Seals), Shōten no Jutsu (Shapeshifting Technique)

Not much is known him except that he acts like the leader of the Akatsuki since he is the only one to have given orders to other members. His eyes are similar to those of Yūhi Kurenai, and he appears to be more human than other Akatsuki members with the exception of Itachi. Considering that the Akatsuki originally had ten members, it seems like the leader was not assigned to capture a Jinchūriki by himself.



Name: Yūra, 由良
Age: ? (deceased)4
Rank: Jōnin
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Birthday: ?
Blood Type: ?
Registration #: ?
Affiliation: Akatsuki, Sunagakure (Hidden Sand)
Yūra was a council member of Sunagakure (Hidden Sand), though in reality he was also a sleeper agent for Akatsuki and the subordinate of Sasori. He was used as a sacrifice for the Akatsuki Leader's Shōten no Jutsu (Shapeshifting Technique), taking on the shape of Uchiha Itachi.

Yakushi Kabuto


Name: Yakushi Kabuto, 薬師カブト
Age: 202
Height: 176,2 cm2
Weight: 65 kg2
Birthday: February 29
Blood Type: AB
Registration #: 012140
Affiliation: Orochimaru gang, Otogakure (Hidden Sound), formerly Akatsuki
Signature Ability: Shōsen Jutsu (Mystical Palm Technique), Shikon no Jutsu (Dead Soul Technique), In'yu Shōmetsu (Secret Healing Wound Destruction), Nehan Shōja no Jutsu (Temple of Nirvana Technique)
A former spy for Sasori, Kabuto betrayed him and Akatsuki in favour of Orochimaru. For more information, go here.

Possible future members


Name: Tobi, トビ
Age: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Birthday: ?
Blood Type: ?
Ring: ?
Position: ?
Partner: ?
Affiliation: ?
Signature Ability:?

Zetsu's possible subordinate who wishes to fill in Sasori's position now that he is dead. When he found Sasori's ring, he thought he could now be a member of Akatsuki. However, Zetsu scolded him for this, saying it wasn't that easy to join Akatsuki.

Tobi has a very formal, correct manner of speech. Tobi finds Deidara's other arm, but Deidara tells him to drop it. After being scolded by Deidara 3 times, Deidara jokingly strangles Tobi with his feet.


  • Many fan believe Tobi is actually the past member of the Yondaime team, Obito because of similarities in their short black hair. Also, Tobi's mask has only one eye-hole which is on the right. Obito gave his left eye to Kakashi.

Miscellaneous Information

  • In addition to these named members, there are three more Akatsuki yet to be identified.
  • Aka, in Japanese, can mean "Red" (赤), and Tsuki can mean "Moon" (月). So many believe Akatsuki actually stands for "Red Moon".
  • Each Akatsuki member wears a ring, inscribed (with the exception of the leader's ring) with the first kanji related to the nine mythical beasts in Japanese mythology, including the four Kyoto guardian gods (shijin). They are:
  • 青龍- せいりゅう, Seiryū - Green/blue Dragon - God of East and Spring
worn by Deidara
  • 白虎- びゃっこ, Byakko - White Tiger - God of West and Autumn
  • 朱雀 - すざく, Suzaku - Phoenix (literally "Red Sparrow") - God of South and Summer
worn by Itachi
  • 玄武 - げんぶ, Genbu - Tortoise (literally "Mysterious Warrior") - God of North and Winter
worn by Zetsu?
Zetsu ring actually has the kanji 亥 (Kai, boar). The two kanji are somewhat similar in appearance though, which suggests an error by either the artist or the reader/translator.
  • 空陳 - くうちん, Kūchin - The Void
formerly worn by Orochimaru and still in his possession.
  • 南斗 - なんじゅ, Nanjū - Southern Star
worn by Kisame
  • 北斗 - ほくと, Hokuto - Northern Star
  • 三台 - さんたい, Santai - The Three Levels
  • 玉女 - ぎょくにょ, Gyokunyō - The Virgin
worn by Sasori (deceased)
  • 零, Rei/zero - zero/nothing/overflow
worn by Akatsuki Leader


  1. First Official Data Book (秘伝・臨の書キャラクターオフィシャルデータBOOK, "Hiden: Rin no Sho Character Official Data Book").
  2. Second Official Data Book (秘伝・闘の書キャラクターオフィシャルデータBOOK, "Hiden: Tō no Sho Character Official Data Book").
  3. Jump's 2nd Great Hero Book's Mini Data Book (秘伝・翔の書オフィシャルキャラクターデータBOOK mini, "Hiden: Shō no Sho Official Character Data Book mini").
  4. Taken directly from the manga chapters.