Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2004

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Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004


  • January 3: Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinians in a clash with Palestinian stone throwers in Nablus on the West Bank, one of them a 15 year old boy. Later on the day in the funeral process for the three dead one more Palestinian was shot and killed. Three others was souned. [1]
  • January 13: A father of 5 children was killed and 3 Israelis were injured in a roadside ambush by Palestinian gunmen. The Fatah's "military wing" claimed responsibility.
  • January 14: 4 Israelis were killed at Erez crossing after a suicide bomber exploded herself in a checkpoint to the industrial zone of Erez. The Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades branch of Yasser Arafat's Fatah claimed joint responsibility.
  • January 22: In Gaza, three people are killed, two gunmen and and eleven year old boy from the Jebaliya near the border fence. In Nablus soldiers blew up a four story building in a standoff with a Palestinian fugitive.
  • January 28: Israeli forces carried out an invasion of the Alzaytoun area south of Gaza City, killing 8 Palestinians, 5 of whom were armed members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and wounding "dozens" [2].
  • January 29: 11 Israelis killed and 50 wounded in a suicide bombing of a city bus in Jerusalem, Israel. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades branch of Fatah claimed responsibility. A day after, also Hamas claimed responsibility. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a video documenting the sights that police forensic expert encountered when they've arrived to the scene. (contains graphic content). Additional information available at Bus 19: Terror, a One Way Ticket
  • January 30: Three armed Palestinians were killed in gun fights with IDF forces. Two of them were killed while carrying explosives near Dugit. The third was killed in gunfight at Bethlehem. [3]


  • February 2: Yasser Abu al-Aesh, an alleged local leader of Islamic Jihad, was was among four militants killed during an Israeli raid in the Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. The house where the men had been staying was later completely destroyed. [4]
  • February 11: 12 Palestinian militants and civilians were killed in clashes with Israeli forces in al-Shojaeya neighbourhood in Gaza city. In Rafah refugee camp one Palestinian civilian was killed by Israeli sniper fire. During the day more than 50 Palestinians were wounded, 23 of them children among whom the militants were using as human shields. [5]
  • February 22: 8 Israelis are killed and 60 wounded in a suicide bombing of a city bus in Jerusalem, Israel. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades branch of Fatah claimed responsibility. The terrorist attack occurs one day before the start of hearings at the International Court of Justice regarding the Israeli West Bank barrier.
  • February 27: An Israeli couple (parents of a 2-year old girl) were shot dead in their car on their way home, in the northern Negev. After firing at the car from a distance, causing the driver to lose control of it, the shooters approached the car and shot the couple at point-blank range. Altogether, over 40 bullets were used. Yasser Arafat's Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.[6][7]
  • February 28: Mahmud Jhouda, head of Islamic Jihad's "military wing" in Gaza was killed together with another Islamic Jihad member and a relative of his, when the car in which the three were driving was targeted by an Israeli helicopter. [8]


  • March 3: Three Hamas terrorists were killed in the Gaza Strip when the car they were driving was targeted by an Israeli helicopter. Hamas said the three were on "a jihad mission". [9]
  • March 13: Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers near the Karni border crossing in Gaza. [10]
  • March 14: Two Palestinian suicide bombers kill 10 and wound 12 in the Israeli port of Ashdod. Hamas and Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claim joint responsibility.
  • March 17: An Israeli air raid outside Gaza City kills two Palestinian militants.
  • March 18: Four Palestinians, two militants and two children, are killed in two Israeli air strikes on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Several more is wounded. [11]
  • March 19: An Israeli man is shot dead from a passing vehicle while jogging in the French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem. Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claim the attack, and later apologize when it becomes known that the victim was an Arab.
  • March 22: Ahmed Yassin, leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip was killed by an Israeli missile.
  • March 25: Three Hamas terrorists were detected and killed by gunfire as they made their way from the beach towards the shorefront community of Tel Katifa in order to perpetrate an attack.
  • March 26: A 22-year-old Fatah member was killed when the bomb he was preparing exploded. The incident occurred in the Balata area of Shechem.


  • April 3: Yaakov Zagha, a 40 year father of six, is murdered and Chana, his 14 year old daughter wounded by a Palestinian terrorist in a shooting attack at the West Bank settlement of Avnei Hefez, near Tul Karem. The terrorist was killed by IDF forces. Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad claim responsibility for the murder.
  • April 4: An IDF soldier was lightly injured by Palestinian sniper fire near the settlement of Kadim. Both Islamic Jihad and al-Aqsa Martyr Brigades claim to have perperated the attack.
  • April 7: A violent demonstration of Palestinians and international activists against the West Bank wall was fired upon by Israeli soldiers. Twenty people were injured, none seriously. [12]
  • April 17: Israeli border policeman Kfir Ohaiyon, 20, of Eilat was killed and three other Israelis injured in a suicide bombing at the Erez Crossing in northern Gaza.
  • April 19: One Israeli was injured and hospitalized when a Kassam rocket struck a home in Nisanit.
  • April 19: One Israeli was injured and hospitalized when Arabs near the village of Hawarah threw a large object through the windshield of his car.
  • April 19: Six Israelis, two children and four adults were transported to hospital when Qassam rockets struck a two additional buildings in Nisanit.
  • April 21: Nir Gil, 24, is shot and wounded seriously in the head at Givat HaMivtar, Jerusalem. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades of Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization claim responsiblity.
  • April 22: Two Israelis are injured and hospitalized due to a rocket attack in Gaza. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades of Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization claim responsiblity.
  • April 24: One Israeli is killed and four others are hurt, one seriously, in separate shooting attacks in the West Bank near Hebron.
  • April 24: Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades of Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization claim responsiblity for the murder of an Arab, a suspected informant in the village of Beit Rima, in the Ramallah district.
  • April 28: Four are wounded when an Hamas car bomb laden with 300 kilograms of explosives is detonated as a result of IDF gunfire after the car pulled out of traffic and accelerated sharply. The car bomb is believed to have been targeting a nearby school bus.
  • April 28: A female motorist was injured as a result of a firebomb attack at the Yakir Junction in the Shomron.


  • May 2: Tali Hatual, a 34-year-old Israeli woman, eight months pregnant, and her four daughters: Hila (11), Hadar (9), Roni (7) and Meirav (2), were killed by freedom fighting gunfire in the Gaza Strip, near the Kissufim checkpoint. Three other Israelis were wounded. The Popular Resistance Committees and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. [13]
  • May 3: The night May 2 - May 3, armored Israeli forces incured in the Palestinian city Khan Yonis on Gaza. The attack was met with resistance. Two Palestinians, one of them 15 year old, boy were killed by a robot launched by a helicopter in the connection with the attack. Additionally, 16 persons were injured and one house demolished. According to Israeli sources, the attack was a response to the killing of Tali Hatual and her four children on May 2.
  • May 6: An Israeli infant was injured as a result of a rock throwing attack against the car in which she was traveling Kedumim in the Shomron.

See also