Maluku Islands

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Map of Maluku province in Indonesia
Map of Maluku province in Indonesia

The Maluku Islands, also known as the Moluccas, Molucca Islands or Moluccan Islands, lie east of Sulawesi (Celebes), west of New Guinea, and north of Timor. The islands were also historically known as the "Spice Islands" by the Chinese and Europeans, but this term has also been applied to other islands. The Banda Islands are included in the group.

Claimed as part of Indonesia since 1950, most of the islands are mountainous, some with active volcanoes, and enjoy a wet climate. The vegetation of the small and narrow islands, encompassed by the sea, is very luxuriant; including rain forests, sago, rice, and the famous spices nutmeg, cloves, mace, and others. Though originally Melanesian, the Banda Island populations were decimated in the 17th century, and a second influx of Malays and other has occurred since Maluka became part of Indonesia.

Early history

Melanesians have been sailors and traders for thousands of years, and the aboriginals of the Moluccas claim to have been farming the island spices for regional trade since the early centuries B.C.

In 1513 the Portuguese landed in Ambon, whose produce was in great demand, a Portuguese fort and control quickly followed for Ambon, the Uliasser Islands and Banda. The Spaniards took control of Ternate and Tidore. Roman Catholism spread quickly among the native population of Ambon.

The Dutch arrived in 1599 and found Ambon aboriginal discontent with the Portuguese monopolising their traditional trade, the Amboinese quickly aggreed to aid the construction of a Dutch fort at Hitu Larna. When the Portuguese started a vicious campaign of retribution, the Amboinese requested Dutch aid and after 1605 Frederik de Houtman became the first Dutch governor of Ambon.

The Dutch East-India Company was a company with two obstacles in its way: the Portuguese, controlling the aboriginal populations, and the British. Smuggling was be the only alternative to a European monopoly. Among other events of the 17th century, the Bandanese attempted to befriend and open trade with the British, the Dutch East India Company's response was to decimate the native population of the Banda Islands as a punishment.

Though other races re-settled the Banda Islands, the rest of Maluka remain uneasy with foreign control and even after the Portuguese had a new trading station at Macassar there were native revolts in 1636 and 1646. Under company control northern Maluka was administed by the Dutch residency of Ternate, and the southern by "Amboyna" (Ambon).

During the Japanese occupation in World War II, the Malukans fled to the mountains but begun a campaign of resistance also known as the South Moluccan Brigade. After the war's end the island's political leaders had successful discussions with the Netherlands about independence. Complicated by Indonesian demands, the Round Table Conference Agreements were signed in 1949 transferring Maluka to Indonesia with mechanisms for the islands to chose or opt out of the new Indonesia. The Agreements granted the Malukans the right to determine their ultimate sovereignty.

Indonesian history

With the declaration of a unitary republic of Indonesia in 1950 to replace the federal state, the South Moluccas (Maluku Selatan) attempted to secede. The commencement of Indonesian transmigration of Javanese and Islamic populations into the Moluccas during the 1960's aggravated independence and ethnic survival issues. There has been intermittent ethnic and nationalist violence on the islands and acts of terrorism by members of the RMS in the Netherlands ever since.

Maluku formed a single province of Indonesia from 1950 until 1999. In 1999 the Maluku Utara Regency was split off as a separate province of North Maluku. Its provisional capital is Ternate, on a small island to the west of the large island of Halmahera, although it is not particularly stable.

The main city and capital of Maluku province is Ambon City on the small Ambon Island.

The situation in much of Maluku has been highly unpredictable since conflict erupted in the province in January 1999. The subsequent 18 months were characterized by fighting between largely local groups of Muslims and Christians, the destruction of thousands of houses, the displacement of approximately 500,000 people, the loss of thousands of lives, and the segregation of Muslims and Christians. The following 12 months saw periodic eruptions of violence, which appeared more targeted and pre-meditated, designed to keep suspicions high and people segregated. As the situation became calmer on islands in the province apart from Ambon, people started to return home in these areas. In spite of numerous negotiations and the signing of a peace agreement in February 2002, tensions on Ambon remained high until late 2002, when a series of spontaneous 'mixings' between previously hostile groups led to a sporadic, but generally increasingly stable peace.

See also: Bacan

List of major islands and island groups in Maluku

Chronology of Events of Recent Conflict in Maluku

An argument between a Christian passenger and Muslim bus driver on January 19, 1999 developed into a fight that quickly spreads into days of violence with many casualties and much destruction of housing. The fighting quickly spreads to the nearby islands of Haruku, Seram and Saparua because of rumors.

There is a four-month period of calm during which time Indonesia's first free national and regional elections in 44 years take place largely without violence. May 12, 1999, a peace declaration is signed between religious leaders, community and traditional leaders and youth figures and organizations.

[March]] - June 1999

From July 27, major riots take place with hundreds of shops and homes destroyed. In August fighting breaks out in the newly created province of North Maluku (which until 1999 had been part of Maluku province), primarily due to political and ethnic not religious reasons. The second half of 1999 saw regular fighting across Maluku province with many casualties.

January - May 2000

January 7, 2000, over 100,000 Muslims demonstrate in Jakarta calling for a jihad in Maluku in order to save the Muslims. In May the Laskar Jihad militia group begin to arrive in Maluku. 3,000 are reported to arrive in the province. Other Islamic milita groups are absorbed into it. Tensions rise within both religious groups. Muslim militias start to try to clear Christian villages out of key transportation corridors.

On June 27, President Abdurrahman Wahid declares a state of civil emergency, giving the police and military broad new powers. By July 2000 there were approximately 14,000 troops in Maluku. Many of the villages across the bay from Ambon town as well as the main university of Pattiumura are destroyed. There has been large-scale displacement of populations. In August 2000, the Yon Gab, Joint Battalion arrives made up of soldiers from other parts of Indonesia with the hope that they would not become involved with one side or the other. Open clashes between Muslims and Christians become more rare.

March 2001

A bomb is thrown into the second floor of a library. Incidents occur regularly although there is no wide spread displacement on Ambon. In December, approximately 200 Muslim and Christian leaders meet in Jogjakarta to explore the possibility of reaching reconciliation in Maluku. Forced conversion of Christians on remote islands of Kesoui and Teor off Seram causes displacement of 800 families to Southeast Maluku. On the eve of the second anniversary of the conflict troops conduct 'sweepings' in Ambon. During the following days several police officers are arrested for partisan involvement with the conflict. Relations between the army and the Ambon police deteriorate further. The situation remains calm in Southeast Maluku and IDPs begin to return. The situation remains relatively calm with sporadic incidents.

Tensions rise in the build up to April 25, anniversary of the declaration of an independent state in Maluku, when members of the Maluku Sovereignty Front (FKM) raise independence flags. The leader of the FKM and the leader of Laskar Jihad are arrested although later both are released.

Starting on May 20, masked men launch a series of attacks in Christian areas of Ambon resulting in eighteen deaths and widespread fear. On June 14, the Joint Battalion conducts wide spread sweeping in Muslim areas of town, resulting in 23 Muslim deaths and the destruction of the Laskar Jihad radio station and a Laskar medical clinic.

The situation returns to a state of relative calm. The events of September 11 and the ensuing bombing in Afghanistan increase tensions towards internationals from Muslims but no direct threats are made towards humanitarian organizations or individuals. Sporadic incidents culminate in the bombing and sinking of the main ferry in Ambon, the California, with 18 killed.

In April, the Coordinating Minister for Peoples' Welfare, Jusuf Kalla, becomes actively engaged in trying to solve the conflict. Following lengthy discussions, a meeting is held in Malino, Sulawesi and a peace accord signed between 35 Muslim and 35 Christian delegates. This leads to wide spread celebrations in Ambon and considerable increased movement between Muslim and Christian areas of town. However on 4th April, the Governor's building, one of the main neutral meeting points in town is burned to a shell. The situation then becomes calmer until 25th April when FKM supporters again raise flags (this time on balloons) and trigger violence in the city. Muslim Militia attacks a Christian village burning 35 houses.