The Ultimate Enemy

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The Ultimate Enemy is the second TV movie of Danny Phantom, which aired on September 16th, 2005.



Ten years into the future, Amity Park is protected by a ghost shield full time. However, the people there go about with their normal lives. Casper High is much the same as it always was. A young woman with short hair flies by on her jet sled, waving to a few kids. She goes to check on one of the pylons of the ghost shield, and finds that it's fully operational. The woman talks into a wrist communicator, and a man with an eye patch answers. He is Damon Gray, and the woman is Valerie Gray. She responds that tower nine is fully operational. She's about to check the last one when someone intercepts her communication. She can't see this mysterious stranger, but she knows exactly who it is. She says he can't get through the ghost shield, but he says he will today. Valerie then hears a loud scream, which shatters car windshields, windows, and the ghost shield pylons. The shield collaspes, and crowds of people panic and go into underground bunkers. Valerie is contacted again by this mysterious shadowy man, who asks if she likes his new Ghostly Wail. Valerie is then attacked by a purple ball of energy. It was wielded by the Fright Knight, who serves a new master now. Valerie realizes she has to get back to her father, and the Fright Knight chases her through downtown Amity Park. She evades him, and makes it to FentonWorks, where her father, Damon, who is missing an arm, is working. "The Fright Knight is here," Valerie warns, "Which means "he" can't be too far behind." Damon warns Valerie to run, but the floor of FentonWorks crumbles, and out steps Valerie's mystery caller. It's none other then a taller, adult, and sinister Danny Phantom. This is all being watched by a pair of hooded ghosts who have heads like giant eyeballs. Their names are the Observants. They show this to a ghost named Clockwork, and give him a task to complete: to destroy the present Danny Phantom to prevent this future.

Back on Earth, in the present, it's time for the annual C. A. T., a test that determines the academic future of anyone who takes it. Lancer is giving an assembly, and urges the students to succeed. If they do well, like Jazz, who got the highest score, then they can be rich and successful, however, if they fail, like Irving "Third Degree" Burns, then they are doomed to a career at the Nasty Burger. Irving attempts to defend his career, cautioning about how Nasty Sauce, the condiment for Nast Burger, could become a powerful explosive if heated, but he realizes his life is over. Danny is scared stiff. The test is coming up, and he hasn't been able to study since he's been fighting ghosts all the time. Lancer encourages the students to study, and locks the answers to the test in a briefcase. Later, Danny is at home in his kitchen, attempting to study for the test, but Jazz, who's looking over his shoulder, is nervous about his choices, which are all wrong. Danny bemoans and resigns himself to failure, but Jazz urges him to study hard, do his best, and... duck! But Danny doesn't duck fast enough, and is hit in the head with a boomerang. It's Jack's latest invention, the Booo-Merang. It locks onto a ghost's unique ecto-signature and tracks it. Danny throws the Booo-Merang out of the room, but it comes back and hits him again. Maddie is confused as to why it homes in on Danny. But Jack takes a look at what Danny is doing. Jack urges him not to worry; he claims that he failed the C. A. T test and he didn't turn into a cat. Danny attempts to go back and study, but he's so frustrated, he can't. All of a sudden, time stops. Clockwork appears with a little girl ghost. She is unmoving like everything else, but Clockwork slips a gear-shaped medallion with his initials around her neck and she is able to move. She is told by Clockwork that she is in Amity Park before she was born, that Danny is part ghost, and that she should do a little dance (as in fight Danny). She grins mischievously. Clockwork disappears and turns time back on. Danny's ghost sense goes off, and he orders Jazz out of his room. They are in the kitchen, but when Jazz notices the ghost, she leaves. Danny is alone with this new ghost, and goes ghost. She introduces herself as Box Lunch, the daughter of the Box Ghost and the Lunch Lady, and Danny is quite disgusted at the thought. She takes control of all the food in the Fenton house, but Danny simply charges her, and phases through the wall. He carries her all the way to the Nasty Burger, where Lancer is enjoying a meal. He taunts Sam and Tucker, who are also there, about why they aren't studying. Box Lunch takes control off all the burgers, fries, and sodas in the Nasty Burger and prepares to fight Danny. She is successful until Danny grabs a packet of Nasty Sauce. Remembering what Irving Burns said about the sauce, he throws it at Box Lunch and heats it with his ecto-ray. Part of the Nasty Burger explodes, and Box Lunch disappears, leaving behind Clockwork's medallion. The explosion causes an intangible Danny to phase through Lancer and his briefcase. When he comes back out, and the crowd has departed, Danny realizes, that, stuck to his back in a ketchup stain, are the answers to the C. A. T. The Observants are watching this. Clockwork did not stop Danny, and now, he has a time medallion. Clockwork berates the Observants, and shows them that Danny will make the right choice and return the answers. Instead, Danny opts to cheat. When he talks about it to Sam and Tucker, Lancer overhears him. Lancer decides to check his briefcase, but indeed, the answers are missing. Lancer goes to Jazz and gives her a message: either Danny returns the answers or Lancer will ruin his future.

The Observants know that Danny's cheating is what leads to him becoming his evil self. They look a little further into the future, and see Jack, Maddie, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, and Lancer all strapped to a large vat of Nasty Sauce as it overheats and explodes. The Observants order Clockwork to do something, and Clockwork decides to use a futuristic version of Skulker and Technus. Danny is at home with Sam and Tucker, and they are not too pleased with his decision to cheat. Danny responds that he would have liked to study, but he had to fight ghosts. Sam gives up. Tucker wonders why, but Sam responds Danny has to make his own decision not to cheat. Before Danny can open the seal of the test to study, another ghost shows up. Sam and Tucker sigh with relief. This new ghost is a fusion of Skulker and Nicolai Technus; his name is SkulkTech 9.9. He fights Danny, and handles himself quite well, having the ability to short out Danny's powers. Skultech states that it doesn't work on the evil, future version of Danny, but that it works here quite well. Danny is confused that SkulkTech comes from the future, and attempts to fight back, but is caught in a robotic arm. However, Sam and Tucker intervene, and, during the confusion of the battle, SkulkTech's time medallion falls off. Just like Box Lunch, he disappears. However, since Danny, Sam, and Tucker are connected to SkulkTech, they disappear with him. They reappear in the Ghost Zone, but not any section of the Ghost Zone Danny's ever seen. It's full of gears and clocks. Tucker finds a wall with time medallions and puts one own, but Danny and Sam are too busy looking into a portal that shows the future. The evil future version of Danny, Dark Danny, is destroying what's left of Amity Park. The military attempts to stop him, but Dark Danny uses his Ghostly Wail to destroy them. Clockwork appears, and sends Skultech back to his own time. Danny attempts to fight him, but Clockwork can control time at will, making it impossible for Danny to even hit him. However, Tucker is unaffected by Clockwork's power because of the time medallion he wore. Quickly, Tucker puts medallions on Danny and Sam. Danny angrily questions Clockwork, who tells him about the future, and how he is charged with making sure Dark Danny never comes into power. Danny angrily states he'd never do something that bad, but Clockwork simply shows Jazz discovering that Danny did indeed steal the answers to the C. A. T and is planning to cheat. Clockwork isn't about to let them leave now that they've seen his domain, but Danny takes Sam and Tucker into the future portal. Clockwork smiles, and wonders if Danny has the beavery to face himself. The future is bleak, and Danny is upset, realizing he caused it somehow. He is immediately attacked by the future Valerie, who is a lot more competent then he remembers, and quickly subdues him. Sam and Tucker try to stop her, and Valerie is confused. Sam and Tucker can't be alive. Tucker is quite mortified, and Valerie explains that during the C. A. T was the last time she had seen Sam, Tucker, or any of Danny's family -- and that it was Danny's fault. But she is blasted by someone else. It's Dark Danny, who explains that it was him.

Valerie attempts to fight Dark Danny, but fails. Danny moves to save her. Before Valerie falls unconscious, she looks at the past Danny and remembers how cute he used to be. Dark Danny wonders why Sam and Tucker are here. He'd be almost touched if he had a shred of humanity left, but he doesn't. Danny attempts to fight his evil counterpart, but he is beaten quickly. Danny tells Sam and Tucker to run, but Dark Danny says they have nowhere to go. He uses his Ghostly Wail to cause rubble from the now destroyed FentonWorks. It appears as though Sam and Tucker are crushed under the rubble. Sam and Tucker, however, are brought back to the present. Sam managed to get their time medallions off, and without them, they return to their normal time. They are outside the Nasty Burger. While they speculate what happens to Danny, Jazz comes up and questions them. She warns Sam not to underestimate her, that she knows a lot more then Sam thinks she does, and that when they see Danny, tell him that his sister wants to speak with him. In the future, Danny regains consciousness. He's all tied up, and he sees a grave marking Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Maddie, and Jack, with the words "Gone, but not forgotten". Lancer has a separate grave that simple says, "Gone." Dark Danny appears, and tells his past self that the Nasty Burger exploded and killed them. It is how he came to be. Danny is worried about Sam and Tucker, but he noticed that their time medallions had been removed; they had escaped. Danny is about to remove his and go back in time, but Dark Danny stops him. He's not about to let Danny go to the past and unmake him, so Dark Danny takes the time medallion and fuses it inside of Danny. He can't reach it whether he is human or ghost. Dark Danny then disguises himself as a younger Danny Fenton, and, now that he has a time medallion, he'll go into the past and ensure his own birth. Lastly, Dark Danny creates a portal into the Ghost Zone and chucks the past Danny inside. Back in the present, Dark Danny marvels how the city used to look, and how the original Nasty Burger was still standing. Sam and Tucker come over to him. Dark Danny mentions that he defeated his other self, and offers to play some video games and rage against the machine with them. Both of them are in. In the future, Danny is stuck floating in the Ghost Zone, tied up. He comes across The Box Ghost -- a stronger, much tougher looking Box Ghost. Box Ghost marvels that he wanted to bring the fight to Danny, but he's right here now, wrapped up like a present. The Box Ghost attacks, and Danny has to contend with not only him, but an overweight Ember who can no longer sing because of Dark Danny's Ghostly Wail, a crippled Johnny 13, Kitty, and SkulkTech 9.9. In the present, Dark Danny has a look around his room, but Jazz angrily enters his room. She confronts Danny about his cheating, but he doesn't care until Jazz mentions that she knows his secret. Dark Danny did not know that Jazz knew his secret, and responds that she's a lot smarter then he gave her credit, but he transforms into Dark Danny. Jazz is shocked, stating he's not Danny, while Dark Danny responds that he used to be, but he grew out of it. The Danny Jazz knew is floating ten years in the future inside the Ghost Zone. Jazz believes Danny will come back, but Dark Danny asks her how. The Fenton Portal is destroyed, and once he finds Vlad's portal, his is going to be destroyed too. Jazz is shocked to learn that Vlad is Danny's nemesis. Dark Danny states that no one can stop him; not Danny and not Jazz. He shocks her and she falls unconscious. Jazz wakes up in her bed. Jack and Maddie had tucked her in after Dark Danny, who had turned back into his human illusion, told them that she fell asleep helping him study, and that Danny had left for the test already. Jazz panics, but immediately thinks of a plan. She goes to the Fenton Portal with the Booo-Merang. She tells it to find Danny ten years in the future. She has written a note for Danny, and ties it to the Booo-Merang with her headband. The Booo-Merang floats around the Ghost Zone for ten years until it finds Danny, who is taking a severe beating from his future ghostly nemesises. Danny shouts from them to get away, and develops the Ghostly Wail of his own to use, just like Dark Danny's. The technique really takes it out of Danny, and his hair and eyes change back to his human self from exhaustion. Just then, the Booo-Merang reaches him. Danny reads the note. It's not signed, but it's pointing him to Wisconsin. Danny figures that Plasmius was involved, and tracks him down. In the present, Dark Danny, using his human illusion, is taking the C. A. T., but cheating. Sam and Tucker are upset, but unable to stop him.

Dark Danny notices Jazz at the door, and sends an invisible ghostly duplicate to deal with her. As Jazz prepares to use the Fenton Peeler, the duplicate attacks her and knocks her out again. In the future, Danny marvels how totally unsubtle Vlad is; his Ghost Portal is hidden behind a giant football. As Danny re-enters the human world, he notices Vlad seated in a chair, and wonders whether he's here to harm a defenseless old man. Danny wonders what he means, and Vlad recaps. Danny's family and friends died swiftly and painlessly, but that wasn't the same for Danny himself. Since he had no one else, Danny went to live with Vlad, as the only other person who could understand him. But Danny felt so horrible and guilty over losing everyone he begged Vlad to separate his human and ghost selves, so he could be without emotions. Vlad honored his wish. As soon as Danny Phantom was free of Danny Fenton though, Danny Phantom's animalistic instincts took over. He immediately grabbed the Ghost Gauntlets Vlad used to separate the two Dannys, and used them himself to separate the two Vlads. Danny immediately tried to possess Vlad Plasmius, but Vlad's evil mindset was much too strong for Danny, and it quickly overpowered his mind, turning him evil. With trepidation, Danny asks what happened to his human self. Vlad sadly recalls Danny Fenton cowering in fear before the newly formed Dark Danny, but tells Danny there are some things better left unsaid. Vlad looks at his old college picture of himself, Jack, and Maddie, and realized what a fool he had been. Danny realizes that sometimes, people need second chances. He realizes what he has to do, and asks if Vlad still has the Ghost Guantlets. In the present, Dark Danny has finished his test, and asks if Lancer has a problem with him finishing early. Lancer responds that he doesn't have the answers and asks the human illusion of Dark Danny if he does. Dark Danny leaves without answering, so Lancer dials FentonWorks and tells Maddie to meet him at the Nasty Burger at 5:00, and to bring Danny. In the future, Danny has told Vlad about the time medallion, and wants Vlad to try and get it out. However, Vlad believes he can change the past by killing Danny now so that Dark Danny doesn't come into existence. There's an explosion of energy, and Danny screams. In the present, Mr. Lancer is waiting at the Nasty Burger, while Jack, Maddie, and Danny drive up. Lancer tells Danny's parents that their son cheated. Sam and Tucker come up afterwards, telling everyone to leave, because the Nasty Burger is about to explode. Lancer is quite confused, but then, Jazz appears, bedecked in the Fenton Peeler. She turns the Fenton Peeler on Dark Danny. His human illusion is shattered and his ghostly self is revealed. Angrily, Jack and Maddie attack Dark Danny, demanding to know what he did with their son. He responds that he is their son. He goes on to say that they didn't know their own son was half ghost, and asks what kind of ghost hunters were they. He also mocks them for not getting the similarity between Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom. He notes that Jazz noticed the similarity, and she only seethes as she's ready to attack him. Dark Danny easily defeats Jack and Maddie, and uses a ghostly chain to bind them, along with Sam, Tucker, and Lancer, to the bin of Nasty Sauce, which has been precariously set next to the grill and is overheating. Jazz attempts to fight Dark Danny, but he duplicates himself and the clones easily overwhelm her. However, Danny, free from his time medallion, shows up, ready to fight and protect everyone. He attacks Dark Danny, and promises to his family he'll never turn into him. Dark Danny is much stronger than Danny, and duplicates himself into four and they manage to brutally beat Danny. Danny swears he won't let his family down, and he unleashes the Ghostly Wail on Dark Danny, who crashes into an oil truck and explodes. But Dark Danny survives, and wonders how Danny got that power; Dark Danny didn't get it until recently, and normal Danny is ten years younger. Danny captures Dark Danny in the Fenton Thermos. As Dark Danny is sucked in, he reveals a truth to Danny. Since Dark Danny still exists, Danny will become him. Dark Danny may be defeated, but it's too late for normal Danny to save his family. Danny attempts to rescue them, but he has wasted all of his energy fighting and can't transform. Danny trips, and in horror, watches the Nasty Burger explode. However, Clockwork rescues Danny's family, friends, and Lancer. He puts a medallion on Danny, and talks to him. Clockwork is impressed with Danny's maturity, sacrificing everything to save his family. He takes the Fenton Thermos holding Dark Danny, and sends Danny back in time to the time of the C. A. T tests. Clockwork responds that Danny has given the people in his life a second chance, so he should get one himself. Clockwork turns time back on, and Danny goes to Mr. Lancer's desk. He gives the test answers to Lancer. The seal is broken, and Danny admits that he couldn't resist the urge to look at the answers. However, he responds that he'll never be a cheater. Lancer tells Danny he'll have a chance to prove that on the makeup next week. Jazz, who was watching from the window, smiles, but quickly ducks away when Mr. Lancer motions towards the door. Danny is sitting on the steps of Casper High, and Jazz comes over to him. He asks her how long has she known. She tries to believe he means about the C. A. T, but Danny pulls out the note that was attached to the Booo-Merang, along with Jazz's headband, tattered and worn. Jazz tries to evade the questions, but caves. She states that she had known since Penelope Spectra, but wanted Danny to confide in her enough to tell him. It's his secret, and Danny responds that it's theirs now. They hug. Jazz sees a ghost slime monster going down the street, and tells Danny to go. Danny destroys the monster easily, and the slime covers a beaming Jazz frm head to toe. The Observants watch this, and wonder if Clockwork influenced Danny's choice. Clockwork insists Danny made his own choices. The Observants make Clockwork in charge of Danny, as well as the evil future Dark Danny, who exists outside of time. Clockwork accepts his duties and then rests the Fenton Thermos on a table, and then Dark Danny's face appears on it.


  • Clockwork's medallions disappear and reappear throughout various scenes and characters when they're supposed to be constantly worn.


The day after Jazz was knock down by Danny's dark side, she screamed and her dad entered the room with the boomerang saying "What's up, princess?", a possible reference to The Legend of Zelda series. Since her name is also Jasmine, it could also be an unintentional reference to Disney's Aladdin, which also has a character named Jasmine.


  • Dan Phantom: Your time is up, Danny. (Duplicates into 4 ghosts) It's been up for 10 years.
  • Danny: I'll never turn into you. NEVER!
    Dan Phantom: Of course you will. It's only a matter of time.
  • (Jazz has just revealed 'Danny' as Dan Phantom)
    Jack: Where is he?! Where's our son?!
    Maddie: What have you done to our boy?!
    Dan Phantom: (Laughs) I AM your boy!
    Maddie: What?
    Dan Phantom: What kind of parents are you anyway? The world's leading ghost experts and you couldn't even figure out that your own son was half ghost.
    Jack: (to Maddie) For the record, I blame you.
  • Sam: (Looking into Danny's future) I think I'm seeing your future, and you're kind of a jerk. (Dan Phantom uses his ghostly wail on multiple tanks, helicopters, and police cars) Okay, you're really a jerk.
    Danny: (Pushing Sam away) What is that? Some sort of ghostly wail? Man, what a cool power! (Sam glares at him) ...if it wasn't being used for evil.
  • Danny: I'm guessing if you could reach into me and rip out my humanity - which, by the way, sounds totally gross - you can get the medallion out, too. Then I'll pop back to my present like Tucker and Sam did.
    Vlad: Or I could just destroy you and prevent this future. Didn't think of that, did you?
  • Clockwork: That's the problem with you Observants. All you ever do is observe.
  • Clockwork, after halting time to save Danny's family: The Observants look at time as if it were a parade, each event passing by one by one in sequence. I look at it from above, seeing all the twists and turns it might...or might not take.
  • Box Lunch: I am BOX LUNCH! Daughter of the Box Ghost and the Lunch Lady!
    Danny: EW!
  • Jack:What's that? One of those stupid CAT tests? I failed that and I didn't turn out to be a Cat.
  • Dan (Dark Danny)Hello Valarie.
  • Tucker:After vanishing from under a falling building in the future and reappearing in his own time. "AAAAAAAAAAA!" looks up at Sam, who is watching him calmly. "You got the medalians off, didn't you?"
    Sam:"I don't accessorize well."