Jew Watch

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Jew Watch is an antisemitic website. According to its supporters, Jew Watch "reports accurate information regarding Jewish ownership and control over mass media and politics." Jew Watch describes its objective as "Keeping a Close Watch on Jewish Communities & Organizations Worldwide." The website asserts that "Jew Watch is a Not-For-Profit Library for private study, scholarship, or research." The site achieved notoriety when it emerged as the first result in a Google search for the word Jew.


File:Jew Watch introscreen.png
Screenshot of Jew Watch's home page, April 6 2004

Jew Watch features an archive of opinion, writings, articles and links, organized in the form of a Web directory. Its material is organized under topic heads such as "Jewish-Zionist-Soviet Anti-American Spies," "Jewish Communist Rulers & Killers," "Jewish Terrorists," "Jewish Controlled Press," "Jewish Entertainment," "Zionist Occupied Government," "Jewish Communists," "Jewish Atrocities," "Jewish Mind Control Mechanisms," "Jewish Banking & Financial Manipulations," "Jewish World Conspiracies" and many others.

Jew Watch claims that the United States is ruled by a "Zionist-Occupied Government," that Communism was invented by Jews and was a Jewish plot to enslave the world, that Jews control the world finance system and the media. The site links to others which speculate that Jews have committed or are planning genocide against Christians and against the Palestinian people, and that the Holocaust of World War II either never happened or was greatly exaggerated (Holocaust Denial).

Jew Watch also has a large list of names of celebrities and historical figures which it claims are Jewish or of Jewish descent.

The site has a number of quotations which are purported to be from the Talmud or Jewish figures; without footnotes or proper citations these are impossible to verify; others are lifted entirely from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion a well-known anti-semitic forgery written in the late 19th Century.

Jew Watch purports to expose Jewish crimes against humanity. Its stated position is that Jews are responsible for every major war in the last 150 years, that Judaism hates all races of humanity (especially whites), and dominates the world by proxy through the United States. At the same time, it alleges in the documents stored that global Jewry seeks to destroy the United States itself since its power may soon be turned against Jewry.

On World War II, Jew Watch also holds documents that allege that the Holocaust was in fact the rain of fire over Europe waged at the behest of global Jewry, and that the overwhelming bulk of European Jews safely survived the war sheltered as refugees in the concentration camps. According to documents in Jew Watch, deaths Jews did suffer were from the typhoid epidemics following in the wake of the destruction of European sewage systems and supply-lines of food and heating fuels through bombing. The website alleges that the Jewish end-game is not so much world rule, as destruction of humanity especially whites, who collectively form the greatest threat to Judaic anti-racial conditioning.


The main author of Jew Watch is Frank Weltner, a retired librarian and activist in the National Vanguard, a white supremacist website and movement. Weltner has also been known on WGNU radio as "Couch Potato" since 1992. In January 2005 Weltner's show was taken off WGNU by the management.

Jew Watch's main administrative contact, Weltner, is also listed as the copyright holder and technical contact for several other racialist and anti-Semitic websites, including and The site contains a listing of Weltner's websites.

Frank Weltner did not always have such extreme anti-Semitic views. For several years Weltner lived with an openly gay Jewish man named Jerry Rabushka. Rabushka and Mr Weltner each half owned the 3 bedroom home in which they lived. Despite Weltner's tirade against Jews and other minorities, homosexuals have never been one of Weltner's targets. Rabushka says their relationship dissolved when Weltner's views became more extreme.

In 2005 Weltner was sued by the Missouri attorney general to stop him from collecting donations for Hurricane Katrina victims. "It's the lowest of the low when someone solicits funds" this way, Mr. Nixon said in an interview before announcing the lawsuit. "We don't want one more penny from well-meaning donors going through this hater."

A neo-Nazi figure linked to Jew Watch is Don Black, a former Ku Klux Klan activist in Alabama who now heads a group called Stormfront. Black describes himself at his personal website as having been "active in the White patriot movement for 30 years." Some sources say that Black is, or until recently was, the technical contact of the domain name of both Jew Watch and the Stormfront website.

Jew Watch and Google

Jew Watch gained much publicity in 2004 when it became the first website listed in the Internet search engine Google under "Jew" in April 2004. A Google bomb campaign was, for a time, successful in placing Wikipedia's article "Jew" in the top spot. Jew Watch, in February 2005 was once again the first website listed on Google's American site, with Wikipedia's article coming second; by August the positions had reversed again. On other Google sites this was not the case; for example, on Google's Canadian site ( Wikipedia's article was first, and Jew Watch is not in the top ten.

Google insists that these results are the result of computer ranking algorithms, and are thus not directly decided by Google. Google has researched this matter and believes that one reason for this result is that the word "Jew" is often used in an anti-Semitic context while Jews more often refer to each other as "Jewish" [1], citing a couple of sites where usage of these words is discussed, see especially [2].

The increasing publicity has resulted in many news sources, weblogs and general information sites to link to Jew Watch. This creates an unintentional (or intentional) Google bomb. In May 2004, Steven Weinstock launched an online petition to remove Jew Watch from Google. "When performing a search for the word 'Jew' on Google, the first Web site listed is, a site that has been notorious for being anti-Semitic," Weinstock wrote in a widely disseminated e-mail.

Weinstock said he had contacted Google three times about the site but had not received a response. "In order for Google to remove this, they would need a petition of over 50,000 requests," Weinstock said. He set up an online petition site called Within a few days 2,000 signatures had been added to the list. Google reportedly said that they would not remove Jew Watch from their search engine no matter what petitions were presented. By mid-2004 the site had collected over 125,000 signatures, mostly favorable. The "removejewwatch" site went offline but can now be found at Weinstock's attempts have been mocked at a site called

Google's response, however, has been a sponsored link for the search term since 2004 which can be found at their site. It explains how Google results are automatically ranked by computer algorithms.

National Vanguard writer Kevin Strom claimed that Weinstock's efforts resulted in a "censor-fest" of Jew Watch and insisted "Our race deserves to live in freedom, and no trickster, thug, or con man can stop us from achieving that goal. We are going to win".[3] John Goth, in the same publication, described his "disgust" as a "loyal White man" at "the recent Jewish attacks on free speech and particularly, on" [4]

To this day Jew Watch fluctuates between the #1 and #2 positions for the search term “Jew” on the American Google site. (When Jew Watch is #2, the #1 slot is normally held by the Wikipedia article, Jew).
