Family tree of the Greek gods

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Some names are in the german form - please correct it if you find any.

Marked are the 12 Gods of Olympus and the gods who reigned the world a time (Uranos, Cronus and Zeus).

                             |                      |      |
                           Gaia                  Tartaros  Eros
                            |                       |
              +--------+----+-----+------------+    |
              |        |    |     |            |    |
           Python      |    |  +--+----+       +--+-+
                       |    |  |       |          |
                       |    | Uranos  Pontos    +-+------+
                       |    |   | |     |       |        |
                       |    +-+-+ |   +-+--+   Echidna  Typhon
                       |      |   |   |    |
                       |      |   +-+-+    |
                       |      |    /       |
                       |      |   /        |
     ,------------------------|--'         |
    /                  |      |            |
   /                   +------|------+-----+
  |                           |       \
  |                           |        '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
  |                           |                                                                                                      \
  |                +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------|------------+--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
  |                |                                                                                                     |            |            |                    |                                                      |                     |
  |                | (Titanen)                                                                                           | (Kyklopen) |            | (Hekantocheiren)   |(Giganten)                                            | (Erinyen)           | (melische Nymphen)
  |                |                                                                                                     |            |            |                    |                                                      |                     |
  |       +------+-+-----+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------+------+---------+--------+-------+        +--------+--------+   |    +-------+------+             +----------+-----------+--------+-------+       +------+-+----------+         ...
  |       |      |       |        |        |        |        |       |      |         |        |       |        |        |        |   |    |       |      |             |          |           |        |       |       |        |          |
  |   Okeanos  Koios  Hyperion  Kreios  Iapetos   Kronos  Thethys  Rheia  Themis  Mnemosyne  Phoibe  Theia   Brontes  Steropes  Arges | Briareos  Gyes  Kotos          Alcyneus  Clythias  Enceladus  Echion  Athos   Alecto  Tisiphone  Megaera
  |      |        |        |               |         ||      |       |      |         |        |       |                              |                                                                          
  |      +----+---|----------------------------------||------+       |      |         |        |       |                           +--+----+--------+------+-------+
  |           |   +--------|-----+---------|---------||--------------|-------\---------\-------+       |                           |       |        |      |       |
Aphrodite     |(Ozeaniden) |     |         |         |+--------+-----+        \         \              |                        Nereus  Thaumas  Phorcys  Keto  Eurybia
  | |         |            +-----|---------|---------|---------|---------------\---------\------------++                           |                |      |
  | |   +-----++----+-----+      |         |         |         |                \         \            \                           |                +--+---+
  | |   |      |    |     |      |         |         |         |                 \         \            \                          |                   |
  | | Asopus ... Clymene Doris   |         |         |         |                  \         \            +----+------+-----+       |                   | (Phorcyden)
  | +----|----------|-----|------|---------|--------++         |                   \         \                |      |     |       |                   | 
  |      |          +-----|---+--|---------+         \         |                    \         \             Selene  Eos  Helios    |                 +-+--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------+-----------------+----------------+
  |      |                +---|--|--------------------\--------|---------------------\---------\--------------|------|------------++                 |          |                 |          |                     |                 |                |
  |      |        +--------+--+--|----+------------+   \       |                      \         \             |      |             \                Echidna     | (Gorgonen)    Ladon        | (Graiaen)           |(Hesperiden)   Scylla             | (Sirenen)
  |      |        |        |     |    |            |   Pothos  |                       \         \   Metis    |      |              \ (50 Nereiden)             |                            |                     |                                  |
  |      |     Atlas   Epimetheus| Prometheus  Menoethius      |                        \         \    |      |      |               +-----------+-----+        +-------+-------+         +--+--+-------+         ++------+--------+---------+       ...
  |      |       |               |                             |                         \         \   |      |      |               |           |     |        |       |       |         |     |       |         |       |        |         |
  |      |       |        +------+--+         +-------+-------++----+-------+-------+     \         \  |      |      |            Amphritite  Thetis  ...     Medusa  Sthenno  Euryale  Deino  Enyo  Pemphredo  Aegle  Arethusa  Erytheia  Hesperia
  |      |       |        |         |         |       |       |     |       |       |      \         \ |      |      |
  |      |     Maia     Asteria   Leto     Hestia  Demeter  Hera  Hades  Poseidon  Zeus     \         \|      |      |
  |      |      |                  |                 |        |                      |       \         |      |      |
  |      |      |                  |                 |        |                  +++++++++++  |        |\     |      |
  |      |      |                  |                 |        |                  |||| ||||||  |        | \    |      |
  |      |      |                  |                 |        +----+-------------+||| |||||+--|---+----+  |   |      |
  |      |      +------+-----------|-----------------|-------------|--------------+|| ||||+-+-+   |       |   |      |
  |      |             |           |              +--|----+--------+--+--------+   || |||+--|-----|--+----+   |      |        (Musen)
  |      |           Hermes        +--+-----------|--|----|-----------|--------|---+| |||   |     |  +--------|------------+-------+------+-----+--------+----------+----------+-------+--------+------+---------+---------+
  |      |               |            |         Ares |Eileithyia  Hephaistos  Hebe  | ||++--|-----|-----------+      |     |       |      |     |        |          |          |       |        |      |         |         |
  |    Aegina            |            |          |   |                              | || |  \-----|---------\        |   Melete  Mneme  Aoede  Klio  Melpomene  Terpsichore  Thalia  Euterpe  Erato  Urania  Polyhymnia  Kalliope
  |      |               |            |          |   +---+--------------------------+ |+-|--------|---+------\-------+
  |      +----------+----|-----------------------|-------|----------------------------+  |        |   |     ,-+--------------------------------+---------------------+
  |                 |    |            |          |       |                           +-+-+---+ Athene |    /                                   |                     | 
  |               Aeacus |       +----+--+       |      Kore/                        | |     |       Ersa |(Horen)                             |(Moiren)           Astraea
  +---+                  |       |       |       |    Persephone                    ..... Pandia          |                                    |
  |   |                  |    Artemis  Appollon  |                                                +----+--+---+-----+-------+-------+      +---+-----+--------+
  |   |                  |                       |                                                |    |      |     |       |       |      |         |        |
  |   +-----+------------|-----------------------+                                             Auxo  Carpo  Thallo Dike  Eunomia  Eirene  Clotho  Lachesis  Atropos
  |         |            |
            |     |
       |      |   |    |        | 
    Anteros  Eros | Harmonia  Himeros
     |          |            |       |      |
  Eunomia  Hermaphroditos  Peito  Rhodos  Tyche