Ibn Qutayba

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Abd-Allāh ibn Muslim ibn Qutayba, Abū Muhammad al-Dīnawarī al-Marwazī (213-276) was viewd by sunnis as a hadīth Master, foremost philologist, linguist, and man of letters.

Judgments on Ibn Qutayba differed. Al-Khat.īb, al-Qift.ī, al-Silafī, al-Suyūt.ī, and others declared him a trustworthy and eminent Scholar of knowledge.


  • Adab al-Kitāb.
  • al-Akhbār al-T.iwāl.
  • al-Amwāl.
  • al-Anwā’.
  • al-‘Arab wa ‘Ulūmuhā on Arab intellectual history.
  • al-Ashriba on alcoholic beverages.
  • Dalā’il al-Nubuwwa or A‘lām al-Nubuwwa on the Proofs of Prophethood.
  • Fad.l al-‘Arab ‘alā al-‘Ajam in praise of the Arabs.
  • Gharīb al-Qur’ān also known as Mushkil al-Qur’ān, on its lexical difficulties.
  • I‘rāb al-Qur’ān, a philological commentary.
  • al-Ikhtilāf fī al-Lafz. wa al-Radd ‘alā al-Jahmiyya wal-Mushabbiha, a refutation of both the Allegorizers and the Anthropomorphists. This slim volume received editions in Egypt.
  • al-Ishtiqāq.
  • Is.lāh. Ghalat. Abī ‘Ubayd, corrections on al-Qāsim ibn Salām’s Gharīb al-H.adīth.
  • Jāmi‘ al-Fiqh in jurisprudence, dispraised as unreliable by al-T.abarī and Ibn Surayj, as was Ibn Qutayba’s al-Amwāl.
  • Jāmi‘ al-Nah.w al-Kabīr and Jāmi‘ al-Nah.w al-S.aghīr.
  • al-Jarāthīm in linguistics.
  • al-Jawābāt al-H.ād.ira.
  • al-Ma‘ānī al-Kabīr.*al-Ma‘ārif, a slim volume that manages to cover topics from the beginning of creation and facts about the Jāhiliyya to the names of the Companions and famous jurists and h.adīth Masters.
  • al-Masā’il wal-Ajwiba.
  • al-Maysar wal-Qidāh. on dice and lots.
  • al-Na‘m wal-Bahā’im on cattle and livestock.
  • al-Nabāt in botany.
  • al-Qirā’āt in the canonical readings.
  • al-Radd ‘alā al-Qā’il bi Khalq al-Qur’ān, against those who assert the created­ness of the Qur’an.
  • al-Radd ‘alā al-Shu‘aybiyya, a refutation of a sub-sect of the ‘Ajārida ‘At.awiyya, itself a sub-sect of the Khawārij.
  • al-Rah.l wal-Manzil.
  • Ta‘bīr al-Ru’yā on the interpretation of dreams.
  • Talqīn al-Muta‘allim min al-Nah.w in grammar.
  • ‘Uyūn al-Akhbār in history.
  • ‘Uyūn al-Shi‘r in poetry.
  • al-Shi‘r wal-Shu‘arā’

See also