Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics

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Please follow the Wikipedia conventions of not capitalizing words in an article title except for the first letter and proper names. That is, write your request as This and such theorem instead of This And Such Theorem.

socle (of a graded ring)

See also Requested articles in Finance

Fulton-Hansen connectedness theorem - k-Unipotent groups for a field k and its completion - Prym variety - Singular point of a curve - Zeeman catastrophe machine - Zernike moment

Accessible category - Atomic topos - Catamorphism - Coend (category theory) - Coquasitriangular Hopf algebra - Doplicher-Roberts theorem - Effective topos - End (category theory) - Enriched limit (mathematics) - Quasitriangular Hopf algebra - Reflective subcategory - Ribbon category - Rigid monoidal category - Semi-abelian category - Symmetric monoidal category

Conway's game of life in reverse

Lyndon word - Macdonald polynomials - Polya enumeration - Wordoku

Dimensional shrinkage - Homeokinetics - Poisson Integral

Choquet theory - Convex geometry - Karmarkar's algorithm - Kuhn-Tucker theorem - Nonlinear programming duality - Quasi-Newton methods - Relaxation technique (mathematics) - Steepest descent methods (need disamb between gradient descent and method of steepest descent) - Subderivative - Subdifferential - Trust region methods (there is a stub at trust region now) - Waterfilling theorem

Ari David Levie - Multilinear modular hashing - Pseudorandom function -

Homoclinic bifurcation - Lax pair - Magnus series- Reduction of order

Atiyah-Hitchin-Singer theorem - Bochner's formula - Costa surface - Gibbons-Hawking space - Global analysis - Koszul-Tate derivation - Lie algebra-valued form - Multisymplectic manifold - Polysymplectic manifold - Polyvector field - Vector-valued form - natural bilinear concomitant - Ambrose-Singer holonomy theorem

Integral of motion(Integral of Motion -- From MathWorld) - intermittency - Poincaré section

Bornology - Codistribution - Convenient analysis - Inner measure - Nonlinear operator theory - Operator space - Ryll-Nardzewski fixed point theorem - spectral triple - TRRU metric - Unitary dilation

Corresponding sides - diametral circle - Diametral lens - Ultralimit

Book of Squares (aka Liber Quadratorum) - Horizontal constraint graph, Vertical constraint graph - Intrinsically linked graph - Kempe chain - Optimal bitonic tour - Restriction scaffold problem - Tree metric - Redei's theorem

Group orthogonality theorem - Recoupling theory - Specht module - Zappa-Szep product

Kerala school of mathematics - History of mathematical notation - Etymology of mathematical notation - Treviso Arithmetic, an early (1600s?) Italian text

10j symbol - 15j symbol - 3j symbol - 6j symbol - 9j symbol - Chevalley basis - [[E10]] - [[E9]] - Freudenthal's multiplicity formula - invariant tensor - primitive invariant - Racah-Wigner algebra - Racah's multiplicity formula - twisted affine algebra - untwisted affine algebra

antiunitary transformation - Cayley-Grassmann algebra - Eigenline - Helmert blocking - Invariant factor - Left null space - Principal eigenvector

Amalgamation property - Back-and-forth property - Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé game - Forking (model theory) - Homogeneous model - Indiscernibles - Omitting types theorem - Stable theory - Type (model theory)

Admissible set - Amenable set - Axiom of hyper-determinacy - Axiom of quasi-determinacy - Boldface pointclass - Borel hierarchy - C-measurable set - Code (set theory) - Extended set theory (D L Childs et al.) - Homogeneously Suslin set - Honest leftmost branch (of a tree) - Jensen hierarchy - Kleene-Brouwer order - Leftmost branch (of a tree) - Modified Wadge hierarchy - Moschovakis' coding lemma - Pointclass - Quasi strategy (for a game) - Scale property - Strong partition cardinal - Suslin cardinal - Suslin set - Unfolded Banach-Mazur game - Universally Baire set - Wadge degree - Wadge game - Wadge hierarchy - Wadge rank - Wadge reducibility - Weakly homogeneously Suslin set

Requested logic articles, not yet sorted

Logic alphabet - Peano-Russell notation - Polyadic pi-calculus - Proof by symmetry - Self-reference puzzle - Stable model semantics - co-recursion

Eikonal approximation in WKB theory - Global analysis - Maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA) - Operational calculus - Percent recovery - Summability - Trigonometric approximation - Wiener's tauberian theorem

(a redirect page using only the last name should also be created for each of these, if the last name is both famous and unambiguous. For example: Bourgain should redirect to Jean Bourgain and so on.)

A: Warren Ambrose

C: E. T. Copson

D: G. C. Danielson - Michel Darboux

E: Arthur Erdélyi - Andrzej Ehrenfeucht

F: Lipót Fejér - Werner Fenchel - Gregory M. Fikhtengol'ts - Nathan Fine - Matthias Flach - William Thomas Fletcher - Peter J. Freyd - Aleksei Fedorovich Filippov - Sy Friedman

G: John Graves - Gene H. Golub - Janusz Grabowski

H: Leo Harrington - P.J. Heawood - Francis B. Hildebrand

J: Frazer Jarvis

K: Alfred Kempe - Victor Kolyvagin - Nicolaas Kuiper - Kenneth Kunen

L: Judith Q. Longyear

M: Menachem Magidor - Dorothy Maharam - Kiiti Morita

S: Theodore Slaman - Beniamino Segre - J. Sethian - Oleksandr Mikolaiovich Sharkovsky - Alicia Boole Stott

T: Taktin Oey

V: Charles Van Loan

W: Margaret H. Wright

Z: Shea Zellweger

Drinfeld shtuka - Elliptic unit - Heegner point - Infrastructure - Reciprocity equivalence of fields - Regulator of an algebraic number field - Tame reciprocity equivalence of fields - Witt group - Witt ring

Brandt matrix - Brandt module - Kronecker limit theorem - Markov spectrum - Tonelli's algorithm

Combinatorial and elementary

Adaptive Simpson's method - Crosswind diffusion - Direct numerical simulation (DNS, as used in computational fluid dynamics) - Gauss-Seidel SOR (SOR = successive over-relaxation) - Jacobi iteration (another iterative method for solving Ax = b) - Model order reduction -

Algebraic lattice -- Algebraic poset -- Completely distributive lattice -- Completion (order theory) -- Continuous lattice -- Continuous poset -- Ideal completion -- Irreducible element (order theory) -- Join-dense set -- Lawson topology -- Meet-dense set -- Orthocomplemented lattice -- Partially ordered monoid -- Pointwise order -- Powerdomain -- Prime element (order theory) -- Scott information system -- Way-below relation --

Bloch space - Kelvin transform - method of images

Bayesian mapping - Campbell's theorem - Kolmogorov extension theorem - Luders rule - Marked point process - Probabilistic potential theory - Rasch - Threshold function and their relation to combinatorics/graph theory, number theory, etc.

Baire set - Baire function - Inverse distribution function - Lusin-Menchoff theorem - Maharam theorem - microlocal analysis

See also Requested articles in Econometrics

Anderson-Darling test - Bayesian average - Burstiness - Cochran's Q - Duncan-Waller k-ratio t-test - Dunn-Sidak bound - False discovery rate - Fisher's protected LSD - Gap statistic - Holm Bonferroni method - Inherent zero - Jaccard similarity coefficient - Ljung-Box Q - log-Pearson Type III distribution - McNemar's test - Nash Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient - Noncentrality parameter - Normal table - Ryan Einot Gabriel Welsch method - Scheffe method - Structural equation modeling - Student Newman Kuels method - Studentized range - Tukey B method - Tukey-Kramer method - Two-stage least squares - Varimax factor analyses

Lazard ring - Puppe sequence Thom spectrum

Contiguity space - Double fibration - Moore plane - Open image - Quasitopological space (By Spanier(1963) and Phillips N.C. (1987))

Aspherical manifold - Borel conjecture - Cerf theory - Clifford torus - Surface subdivision

Slice knot

Still unsorted

Please try to sort out the rest of the requests.

Apodization function Commutation matrix - Deformation theorem - Duplication matrix - Dynamic subtraction - Grid search method - Johnson bound - Jonathan Bower's array notation - Lagrangian relaxation - Location theory - Model management - Mountain pass theorem - Nested dissection algorithm - Palais-Smale compactness condition - Parity game - Patlak plot - Search theory - Simplistic algorithm - Toroidal coordinates - True negative - Whittaker-Watson formula