2nd Canadian Division during World War II

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2nd Canadian Infantry Division
2nd Canadian Infantry Division Formation Patch
BranchCanadian Army
EngagementsDieppe Raid
Verrières Ridge
The Scheldt
The Rhineland
Battle of Groningen
J. Hamilton Roberts
Charles Foulkes (Canadian)
Bruce Matthews

The 2nd Canadian Infantry Division was an infantry division of the First Canadian Army during the Second World War, mobilized on 1 September 1939. Initially composed of volunteers within brigades formed along regional lines, a halt in recruitment in the early phases of the war caused a delay in the formation of brigade and divisional headquarters. When the uncertainties concerning overseas deployment were abetted, the respective commands were formed in May and June of 1940. After initial guard-service in Newfoundland and Iceland, the division arrived in England between 1 August and 25 December 1940.[1]

The 2nd Canadian Infantry Division was the primary contributor to Operation Jubilee, a large-scale amphibious raid on Dieppe, France on 19 August 1942, with the 4th and 6th Canadian Infantry Brigades assaulting Dieppe's beaches. Both brigades took extensive losses attempting to move off the beaches, and eventually evacuated with 3,367 casualties taken.

Following a reconstruction and retraining period from 1942–1944, the division joined II Canadian Corps as part of the Second British Army for the Allied Invasion of Normandy. 2nd Division would see significant action from July 20–August 21 1944 in the battles for Caen and Falaise. Joining the newly-activated headquarters of the First Canadian Army in the assault on northwestern Europe, 2nd Infantry played a significant role in the retaking of the Channel ports, the Battle of the Scheldt, and the liberation of Holland. The division was deactivated following the end of the war.

Formation and early organization (1939)

At the start of World War II, the Canadian Active Service Force was initially composed of two divisions; the 1st and 2nd Canadian Infantry Divisions, both raised on 1 September 1939.[citation needed] The fighting power of this force lay in its constituent infantry brigades, of which each division had three. These were in turn composed of three rifle and one machine gun battalion, with additional divisional artillery and engineer units in support.[2]

The 2nd Division, like its sister formation, was originally organized along regional lines. Its 4th Brigade was composed of regiments from Ontario, the 5th Brigade of regiments from Quebec, and 6th Brigade of regiments from Western Canada.

2nd Canadian Infantry Division, 1939
Unit Region
4th Canadian Infantry Brigade
The Royal Regiment of Canada Toronto, Ontario
The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment) Hamilton, Ontario
The Essex Scottish Regiment Windsor, Ontario
The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (machine gun) Ottawa, Ontario
5th Canadian Infantry Brigade
The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada Montreal, Quebec
Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal Montreal, Quebec
Le Régiment de Maisonneuve Montreal, Quebec
Le Régiment de la Chaudière (machine gun) Levis, Quebec
6th Canadian Infantry Brigade
The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada Winnipeg, Manitoba
The South Saskatchewan Regiment Estevan, Saskatchewan
The Calgary Highlanders Calgary, Alberta
The Winnipeg Grenadiers (machine gun) Winnipeg, Manitoba

Garrison duties and reorganization (1940)

It was over a year before the 2nd Division came together as a cohesive unit, and during the interim period between formation and arrival in the United Kingdom, many changes to its organization were made. The first brigade concentrations took place in May and June 1940; until that time all units had trained in their own garrisons. The 4th Brigade assembled at Camp Borden in Ontario, the 5th at Valcartier Camp in Quebec, and the 6th at Camp Shilo in Manitoba.[1] The divisional artillery was concentrated at Camp Petawawa in Ontario, and at Shilo.

The 2nd Division's structure was altered in early 1940, reducing its number of machinegun battalions from three to one.[citation needed] The Camerons and the Chaudieres (now a rifle battalion) were reassigned to the newly-mobilized 3rd Canadian Infantry Division,[citation needed] and the Winnipeg Grenadiers were sent to Jamaica for garrison duty, after which they returned to Canada then redeployed to Hong Kong, where they were captured when it fell to the Japanese on 25 December 1941.[citation needed]

In May 1940, The Black Watch were moved from Valcartier to Newfoundland, and in June the 2nd Division was earmarked for garrison duty by the forces of the British Commonwealth,[3] with the Royal Regiment of Canada and Les Fusiliers Mont Royal arriving in Iceland later that month.[4] However, at the request of Sir Winston Churchill these deployments were cut short,[1] as the division was badly needed in England to supplement the British Army—then facing the imminent possibility of German invasion.[1] After visiting the 1st Canadian Infantry Division, Churchill wrote to Anthony Eden:

You shared my astonishment yesterday at the statement made to us by General McNaughton (commanding Canadian troops in the UK) that the whole of the 2nd Canadian Division was destined for Iceland. It would surely be a very great mistake to allow these fine troops to be employed in so distant a theatre. Apparently, the first three battalions have already gone there. No one was told anything about this. We require the two Canadian divisions to work as a corps as soon as possible.[citation needed]

As a result, most of the 2nd Division's units were sent to the United Kingdom in August 1940, although the Iceland garrison remained in place until 31 October.[1] The absence of the Mont Royals allowed Major-General V.W. Odlum to reassign the Calgary Highlanders to the 5th Brigade in September, in an attempt to ethnically mix the brigades of the division.[5]

Training in the United Kingdom (1941)

In 1941, the Toronto Scottish Regiment was transferred from the 1st Division to become the machinegun battalion of the 2nd Division.[6] Around the same time, the 8th Reconnaissance Regiment (14th Canadian Hussars), which would become the "eyes" of the division, was raised from 2nd Division personnel supplemented by reinforcements from Canada.[citation needed] The 3rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment also arrived in the United Kingdom in early 1941, and was assigned to the 2nd Division.[citation needed]

Due to equipment shortages, it was often difficult to adequately supply newly arrived divisions in England.[citation needed] Artillery units had to make use of ancient 75 mm guns with steel tires, and a lack of anti-aircraft guns—diverted to civil defense during the height of the Battle of Britain—left Canadian units to fend for themselves with small arms.[citation needed] However, by February 1941 enough Bren guns had been issued to the infantry units, and by September the artillery had been equipped with 25-pounder (84mm, 3.3-in) howitzers, although signals equipment and transport were still lacking and anti-tank guns were dangerously scarce.[7] On the whole, however, the division was felt to be a "better division" than the 1st, especially in terms of discipline and staff work.[citation needed]

When the division was not engaged in coastal defence duties or unit training, formation level training took the form of increasingly larger exercises. Exercise Waterloo, conducted from 14–16 June 1941, was the largest in the United Kingdom to date, with I Canadian Corps counter-attacking an imagined German sea and air landing.[citation needed] Exercise Bumper, held from 29 September to 3 October, was larger still, involving 250,000 men.[citation needed] These exercises tended to concentrate on traffic control, communications, and logistical concerns, and were of little practical value to the infantry.[8]

On 30 December 1941, the Calgary Highlanders introduced "battle drill" to the division.[9] This new type of training emphasized small unit tactics as well as "hardening" training through use of live ammunition, slaughterhouse visits, and obstacle courses, and was adopted throughout Commonwealth forces stationed in Britain.[9]

Operation Jubilee (1942)

In early 1942, under Major General J. H. Roberts, the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division participated in several additional full-scale combat exercises, again gauging the ability of Commonwealth divisions to repel a possible German invasion. As April and May progressed, the exercises intensified, becoming significantly more demanding on the participants.[10] As a result, the 2nd Division was judged to be one of the four best divisions in the United Kingdom,[11] and was selected as the primary force for the upcoming Allied attack on the German-occupied port of Dieppe—codenamed Operation Jubilee. Mounted as a test of whether or not such a landing was feasible,[12] the Dieppe raid was to be undertaken by the 4th and 6th Brigades, with additional naval, air, and infantry support.[13]

On 19 August 1942, while British commando units attacked bunker positions on the outskirts of Dieppe, forces of the 2nd Division landed on four beaches. The easternmost, Blue Beach, which was situated at the foot of a sheer cliff, presented the most difficulties; the Royal Regiment of Canada, with a company of the Black Watch, was held at bay by two platoons of German defenders.[13] Only six percent of the men that landed on Blue Beach returned to Britain.[14]

The main beaches, codenamed White and Red, lay in front of Dieppe itself. Making only minor gains, the majority of the 4th and 6th brigades became pinned down on the beach, and despite the arrival of an armoured squadron from the Calgary Tank Regiment, casualties were heavy.[13] Reinforcements from the Mont Royals had little effect, and surviving forces were withdrawn by 11:00. Of the nearly 5,000 Canadian troops that participated, more than half were killed, wounded or captured.[15]

At Green Beach to the west, the South Saskatchewan Regiment was landed on the wrong side of the Scie River, necessitating an assault on the bridge there, as well as on the German positions in and around the town of Pourville.[16] The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders were deployed as reinforcements, but neither unit was able to reach its objectives. As with the other three beaches, casualties among the Canadians were high.[16]

Rebuilding (1942–1944)

Throughout 1943 the 2nd Division focused on rebuilding its ranks, having lost close to half its strength at Dieppe. In January 1944, Major General Charles Foulkes—the first to command the division who had not served in the First World War—replaced Burns.[17] The following month, all three brigade commanders were replaced as part of a general move to modernize the Canadian forces' higher echelons;[18] further sweeping changes throughout all levels of command, coupled with the lingering effects of the large influx of new personnel during 1943, lowered morale in the division.[17] However, in March 1944, training again intensified, heralding the coming invasion of Europe. On 9 March, the 2nd Division was inspected by King George VI,[19] and by May the division numbered close to 18,000 fully equipped and trained soldiers.[20] When D-Day arrived on 6 June 1944, the main Canadian assault was led by the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, while the 2nd Division was held in reserve.[21]

2nd Canadian Infantry Division, 1944
4th Canadian Infantry Brigade
The Royal Regiment of Canada
The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment)
The Essex Scottish Regiment
4th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots)
5th Canadian Infantry Brigade
The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada
Le Régiment de Maisonneuve
The Calgary Highlanders
5th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots)
6th Canadian Infantry Brigade
The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada
The South Saskatchewan Regiment
Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal
6th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots)
Support units
The Toronto Scottish Regiment (machine gun)
8th Reconnaissance Regiment (14th Canadian Hussars) (8 Recce)
Royal Canadian Artillery
4th Field Regiment , 2nd (Ottawa) Field Battery, 14th (Midland) Field Battery, 26th (Lambton) Field Battery , 5th Field Regiment , 5th (Westmount) Field Battery, 28th (Newcastle) Field Battery, 73rd Field Battery, 6th Field Regiment, 13th (Winnipeg) Field Battery, 21st Field Battery, 91st Field Battery
2nd Anti-Tank Regiment, 18th Anti-Tank Battery, 20th Anti-Tank Battery, 23rd Anti-Tank Battery, 108th Anti-Tank Battery, 3rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, 16th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, 17th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, 38th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery
Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers
1st Field Park Company, 2nd Field Company, 7th Field Company, 11th Field Company, one bridging platoon
Royal Canadian Corps of Signals
2nd Canadian Divisional Signals
Royal Canadian Army Service Corps
4th Infantry Brigade Company, 5th Infantry Brigade Company, 6th Infantry Brigade Company, Second Infantry Divisional Troops Company
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
No. 10 Field Ambulance, No. 11 Field Ambulance, No. 18 Field Ambulance, 13th Canadian Field Hygiene Section, 4th Canadian Field Dressing Station, 21st Canadian Field Dressing Station
Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps
No. 2 Infantry Division Ordnance Field Park
Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
4th Infantry Brigade Workshop, 5th Infantry Brigade Workshop, 6th Infantry Brigade Workshop, one LAA workshop
Eleven light aid detachments.

Battle of Normandy

Having successfully landed in Normandy, Allied forces soon became embroiled in defensive battles against German armour and were unable to significantly expand their beachhead; by the time the 2nd Division came ashore at the end of the first week of July 1944, the entire front had congealed.[22] As the division assembled its brigades for combat, Anglo-Canadian forces launched Operation Charnwood, an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to clear Caen of its German defenders.[23] Although originally a D-Day objective, Caen proved a difficult prize, holding out until 19 July when it finally fell to British forces during Operation Goodwood. In the aftermath, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery ordered elements of II Canadian Corps to push forward towards Verrières Ridge, the dominant geographical feature between Caen and Falaise. Montgomery's intention was to divert German attention away from the American sector to the west.[24]

Operation Atlantic

Operation Atlantic, launched on 20 July as a follow-up to Goodwood, had the objectives of securing the western bank of the Orne River and Verrières Ridge.[25] 2nd Division's 5th and 6th brigades were selected as the assaulting forces, with the 5th Brigade focusing on the Orne and the 6th on Verrières. Early on 19 July, The Calgary Highlanders seized Point 67, directly north of Verrières Ridge, and the following morning the Royal Highland Regiment of Canada crossed the Orne River and secured the flanks of the advance. In the afternoon, the 6th Brigade's South Saskatchewan Regiment attacked the well-entrenced German positions on the ridge, with support from Typhoon fighter-bombers and tanks.[26] However, the attack ran into torrential rain, and the Germans counterattacked in force.[26] This and further German attacks inflicted heavy casualties on the South Saskatchewan Regiment and its supporting battalions, The Essex Scottish Regiment and The Queens own Cameron Highlanders. On 21 July, the 5th Canadian Infantry Brigade reinforced Canadian positions on Point 67. In two days of fighting, the division suffered 1,349 casualties.[25]

Operation Spring

On 22 July 1944, Montgomery elected to use the Anglo-Canadian forces south of Caen in an all-out offensive aimed at breaking the German defensive cordon keeping his forces bottled up in Normandy.[27] To meet Montgomery's objectives, General Guy Simonds, commander of II Canadian Corps, designed a large breakout assault, codenamed Operation Spring.[28] The attack was planned in three tightly-timed phases of advance, pitting two Canadian and two British divisions against three German SS-Panzer divisions. It would be launched in conjunction with an American offensive, Operation Cobra, scheduled to take place on 25 July 1944. 4th Brigade attacked in the east with some success, taking Verrières village itself, but were repulsed at Tilly-la-Campagne by German counterattacks.[27] 5th Brigade, in the centre, made a bid for Fontanay-le-Marmion; of the 325 members of the Black Watch who left the start-lines, only 15 answered evening roll-call.[27] German counterattacks on 26 July and 27 July pushed Canadian forces back to Point 67.[29] However, the situation eventually eased as the planned American offensive got underway. Throughout the first week of August, significant German resources were transferred from the Anglo-Canadian front to that of the Third United States Army, while reinforcements moved from Pas de Calais to the Falaise area.[30] By 7 August 1944, only one major formation—the 12th SS Panzer Division—faced Canadian forces on Verrières Ridge.

Operation Totalize

By 1 August 1944, the British had made significant gains on the Vire and Orne Rivers during Operation Bluecoat, while the Americans had achieved a complete breakthrough in the west. On 4 August, Simonds and General Harry Crerar—newly-appointed commander of the 1st Canadian Army—were given the order to prepare an advance on Falaise.[30] Three days later, with heavy bomber support, Operation Totalize began, marking the first use of Kangaroo Armoured Personnel Carriers.[25] While the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division attacked east of the Caen-Falaise Road, 2nd Division attacked to the west. By noon Verrières Ridge had finally fallen, and Canadian and Polish armour was preparing to exploit south towards Falaise.[31] However, strong resistance by the 12th SS Panzer Division and the 272nd Panzergrenadier Division halted the advance.[31] Although 12 km (7.5 mi) of ground had been gained,[32] Canadian forces had failed to reach Falaise itself.

Simultaneously, the Germans had launched a desperate and ill-prepared armoured thrust towards Mortain, beginning on 6 August 1944. This was halted within a day, and despite the increasingly dangerous threat presented by the Anglo-Canadian advance on Falaise, German commander Field Marshal Günther von Kluge was prohibited by Adolf Hitler from redeploying his forces.[33] Thus, as American armoured formations advanced towards Argentan from the south, the Allies were presented with an opportunity to encircle large sections of the Seventh German Army.[34] First Canadian Army was ordered south, while the Americans prepared to move on Chambois on 14 August. Simonds and Crerar quickly planned a further offensive that would push through to Falaise, trapping Seventh Army in Normandy.[35]

Operation Tractable

On 14 August, First Canadian Army launched Operation Tractable with the aim of capturing Falaise and achieving a linkup with American forces in Chambois.[36] Instead of attacking at night, artillery would provide smoke screen cover, and medium bombers would soften up the German defenses.[37] The offensive was largely successful, and although the 2nd Division was not an active participant, divisional troops entered Falaise on 16 August as the remainder of First Canadian Army moved southeast towards Trun and Chambois.[38] By 21 August the remnants of the battered German Seventh Army had surrendered in the Falaise Pocket, bringing the Battle of Normandy to a close. The German forces committed to Normandy since D-Day had been virtually annihilated; by the end of Operation Tractable, 12th SS Panzer Division—the main opponent of the Canadians—had lost 80% of its tanks,[39] 70% of its personnel carriers,[39] and 60% of its artillery,[citation needed] reducing it to a fraction of its original strength.

Shortly afterwards, the 2nd Division moved to Foret de la Londe, along the valley of the River Seine. From 27–29 August, the 4th and 6th Brigades were engaged in heavy fighting against the rearguard of German forces seeking to withdraw across the Seine.[citation needed]

Securing the Channel ports

Throughout September and October 1944, First Canadian Army moved along the coast of France, with the objective of securing the Channel ports. On 1 September, 2nd Division entered Dieppe, encountering virtually no resistance.[40] Likewise, 3rd Division was instructed to recapture the ports of Boulogne and Calaise.[40] On 6 September, 2nd Division moved out from Dieppe, and were assigned by Crerar and Montgomery to capture Dunkirk.[41] Heavy fighting around the outskirts of Dunkirk would hold the division for several days. By 9 September, 5th Brigade had managed to capture Dunkirk.[42] The Dunkirk perimeter was handed over to British forces on 15 September, and 2nd Division began to move towards Antwerp.[42]

Canadian movements during the Battle of the Scheldt, October 1944

Battle of the Scheldt

Although the Belgian White Brigade and elements of the 3rd British Division had secured Antwerp as early as 6 September 1944, German forces continued to control the Scheldt estuaries. The failure of senior British command to recognize the need for control of these estuaries ensured the strategically vital port would remain useless until the estuary was cleared. Forces of the Fifteenth German Army had consolidated their positions on the islands of South Beveland and Walcheren, as well as the Albert Canal directly northwest of Antwerp.[43]

Albert Canal and South Beveland

During the initial phases of the battle, 2nd Infantry fought along the Albert Canal.[44] On 2 October, the entire First Canadian Army—under the temporary command of General Simonds—moved against the German defenses. Two days later, 2nd Division had cleared the Albert Canal, moving northwest towards South Beveland and Walcheren Island.[45] On Friday, October 13, later known as "Black Friday", 5th Brigade's Black Watch attacked positions near the coast, losing all four company commanders and over 200 men.[46] Three days later, The Calgary Highlanders conducted a more successful offensive, capturing the initial objective of Woensdrecht.[46] Simultaneously, 3rd Canadian Infantry and 4th Canadian Armoured Divisions captured Bergen, cutting off South Beveland and Walcheren from reinforcement.[47]

Battles for the Rhine, November 1944–March 1945

By November 1944, First Canadian Army had entered the Nijmegen Salient, with the objective of simply holding it to allow for its use in future offensives.[48] During this period, 2nd Division came under the command of Major-General A.B. Matthews, with Foulkes being transferred to command of I Canadian Corps.[49] The period from November 1944–January 1945 would be the longest period in which First Canadian Army launched no major offensive operations after D-day.[48]

Operation Veritable was designed to bring 21st Army Group to the west bank of the Rhine River, the last natural obstacle to Germany.[50] Initially scheduled for December 1944, it was delayed until February by the German Ardennes Offensive.[51] Attack plans were developed to breach three German defensive lines in turn: the outpost screen, the formidable Siegfried Line, running through Hochwald Forest, and then the Hochwald Layback covering the approach to the final objective of Xanten.[52] On 8 February 1945, 2nd Infantry advanced in the wake of one of the largest artillery barrages on the Western Front.[50] However, German forces were able to rely on significant defenses, both within the outpost screen and the Siegfried Line.[50] To add to the difficulties, constant rain and cold weather covered the battlefield. By the end of the first day, however, the 2nd Division had captured their objectives—the fortified towns of Wyler and Den Heuvel.[53] On 11 February, the division moved southeast to assist the XXX British Corps in their assault on Moyland Wood.[53]

The second phase of the operational plan stipulated the taking of The Hochwald Forest by 2nd and 3rd Divisions. Following its capture, 4th Canadian Armoured would sweep through the Hochwald Gap towards Wesel,[54] followed by 2nd Division "leap-frogging" through Wesel towards Xanten. Operation Blockbuster would begin on 27 February. Despite initial gains in late February, strong German resistance caused the battle for Hochwald Forest to progress slowly for six days.[50][52] By 3 March, Hochwald Forest had been cleared of German defenders. For his actions in the battle, Major Frederick Tilston was awarded a Victoria Cross[55]

The final phase of Operation Blockbuster was the attack on Xanten, which lasted from 8 March–10 March 1945.[56] The task would fall primarily to the 2nd Infantry Division and 2nd Canadian (Armoured) Brigade, although the 43rd Wessex Division was temporarily assigned to Simonds's II Canadian Corps for the assault.[57] Despite an elaborate artillery barrage preceding the attack, heavy German resistance caused the battle to degenerate into one of attrition.[57] The foggy weather prevented effective air-support,[50] while Anglo-Canadian attempts to capture Xanten resulted in heavy casualties.[57] By 9 March, German mortar barrages were significantly hindering 2nd Division's movements towards Xanten. Despite fierce resistance, by 10 March, 5th Brigade had linked with elements of the 52nd Lowland Division, bringing Operation Blockbuster to a close.[58] Total Canadian casualties during Veritable and Blockbuster came to 5,304 killed or wounded.[56]

Final phase North of the Rhine, March–May 1945

Canadian troops at Groningen

See also: Battle of Groningen

Despite suffering heavy casualties, Canadian forces cleared a path to the Rhine River. The division did not take part in the massive crossing operation on 23 March 1945, but crossed in relative ease during the last week of March 1945.[59] After briefly traveling through German territory, First Canadian Army—now unified with the arrival of I Canadian Corps from Italy—prepared to assault German positions in The Netherlands. On 14 April 1945, I Canadian Corps liberated Arnhem, while 2nd Division moved northwards towards Groningen.[60] In the nine days preceding their attack on Groningen, German resistance was light and uncoordinated.[61] However, when the attack began, resistance intensified, leading to heavy casualties among the battalions of the 5th Brigade.[62] By 13 April 1945, the division had been shifted eastward to guard the flanks of a British assault on Bremen.[63] On 2 May, the division took Oldenburg, solidifying Canadian positions throughout The Netherlands.[64] On 5 May 1945, German and Canadian forces declared a ceasefire.[65] Three days later, the European theatre of the Second World War was over.[56]

General Order 52/46 of October 1945 disbanded divisional headquarters.[65] By December, 2nd Division had been disbanded.[66]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e Bercuson, p. 29
  2. ^ Bercuson, p. 279
  3. ^ Copp, p. 15
  4. ^ Copp, p.16
  5. ^ Copp, p.19
  6. ^ Copp, p.12
  7. ^ Bercuson, p. 63
  8. ^ Copp, p. 23
  9. ^ a b Copp, p. 24
  10. ^ Copp, p.29
  11. ^ Copp, p. 30
  12. ^ Bercuson, p. 62
  13. ^ a b c Zuehlke, p.151
  14. ^ Bercuson, p.69
  15. ^ Bercuson, p.73
  16. ^ a b Bercuson, p. 71
  17. ^ a b Copp, p.35
  18. ^ Copp, p.37
  19. ^ Copp, p.38
  20. ^ Copp, p. 39
  21. ^ Copp, p. 41
  22. ^ Zuehlke, p. 166
  23. ^ D'Este, p. 325
  24. ^ D'Este, p. 398
  25. ^ a b c Zuehlke, p. 168
  26. ^ a b Bercuson, p.223
  27. ^ a b c Bercuson, p. 224
  28. ^ Copp, p. 63
  29. ^ Copp, p.87
  30. ^ a b Bercuson, p.228
  31. ^ a b Bercuson, p. 229
  32. ^ Bercuson, p. 230
  33. ^ D'Este, p. 420
  34. ^ D'Este, p. 427
  35. ^ Zuehlke, p. 169
  36. ^ D'Este, p. 429
  37. ^ "Operation Tractable". Memorial Mont-Ormel. Retrieved 2008-05-28.
  38. ^ "Juno Beach Centre, Normandy, France". The Juno Beach Association. Retrieved 2008-05-28.
  39. ^ a b D'Este, p. 432
  40. ^ a b Bercuson, p. 234
  41. ^ Copp, p. 123
  42. ^ a b Copp, p.127
  43. ^ Bercuson, p. 234
  44. ^ Bercuson, p. 235
  45. ^ Zuehlke, p. 170
  46. ^ a b Bercuson, p. 249
  47. ^ Bercuson, p. 250
  48. ^ a b Bercuson, p. 255
  49. ^ Copp, p.176
  50. ^ a b c d e "Juno Beach Centre—Liberation of the Netherlands and capitulation of Germany". Juno Beach Centre. Retrieved 2008-08-15.
  51. ^ Bercuson, p.258
  52. ^ a b Zuehlke, p. 171
  53. ^ a b Bercuson, p. 263
  54. ^ Bercuson, p. 265
  55. ^ "Major Frederick Tilston, Victoria Cross". Veteran Affairs Canada. Retrieved 2008-08-15.
  56. ^ a b c Zuehlke, p. 172
  57. ^ a b c Copp, p.190
  58. ^ Copp, p.192
  59. ^ Bercuson, p. 267
  60. ^ Copp, p.196
  61. ^ Copp, p. 197
  62. ^ Copp, p.200
  63. ^ Copp, p. 202
  64. ^ Zuehlke, p. 173
  65. ^ a b Copp, p. 205
  66. ^ Copp, p. 206


  • Bercuson, David [1996] (2004). Maple leaf Against the Axis. Red Deer Press. ISBN 0-88995-305-8.
  • Berton, Pierre (2001). Marching As to War. Anchor Canada. ISBN 0-385-25819-4
  • Copp, Terry [1992] (2007). The Brigade, the fifth Canadian Infantry Brigade in WWII. Stackpole Books. ISBN 2-00702-268-8
  • D'Este, Carlo (1983). Decision in Normandy. Konecky & Konecky, New York. ISBN 1-56852-260-6
  • Zuehlke, Mark (2001). The Canadian Military Atlas. Stoddart. ISBN 0-77373-289-6.