Glossary of baseball terms

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The following is an alphabetical list of selected unofficial terms, phrases, and other jargon used in baseball, and explanations of their meanings. See also baseball slang for slang in general usage that originated in baseball. For an exhaustive list, see The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary, by Paul Dickson.



0-1 (i.e., "oh and one"), also, 1-0, 0-2, 1-1, 2-0, 1-2, 2-1, 3-0, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2
The possible instances of the "count", the number of balls and strikes, in that order, currently totaled for the batter. Japanese baseball reverses this. So 1-2 is 2 balls and 1 strike instead of 1 ball and 2 strikes.
6-4-3 double play
A common combination resulting in a double play: A runner is on first base and a ground ball is batted to the shortstop (numbered 6 in scorekeeping). He throws to the second baseman (4) who steps on second base to force out the runner from first, then throws to the first baseman (3) standing on first base to force out the batter. A famous infield trio for the Chicago Cubs is remembered by this sequence: "Tinker to Evers to Chance." A similar combination is the 4-6-3 double play.


AA or A.A.
Abbreviation for American Association, the name of a major league of the 1880s and of a minor league for much of the 20th century. Also the abbreviation of the modern organization Alcoholics Anonymous, a possibly amusing coincidence in that the Association's critics (notably the rival National League) referred to the AA as "The Beer and Whiskey League".
AL or A.L.
Abbreviation for American League, the newer of the two existing major leagues.
around the horn
a 5-4-3 double play, in which the ball goes from the third baseman, to the second baseman, who tags second, to the first baseman, who tags first. Like many baseball terms, this originates from sailing. Until the Panama Canal was built, the quickest way from the North Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean was to sail around Cape Horn, the southernmost tip of South America. By extension, "going around the horn" refers to covering all or several angles of something in baseball. More commonly, this phrase refers to the tradition of tossing the ball around the infield after an out is recorded such that no runners are left on base. For example, after an out recorded at first base, if there are no runners on, the first baseman will toss to the shortstop, and the ball will subsequently be thrown to the second baseman and then the third baseman, and finally back to the pitcher. The order in which the ball is thrown "around the horn," can vary from team to team and from situation to situation.


bad hop
a ball that bounces in front of an infielder in an unexpected way, usually because it hit some irregularity on the ground
Any pitching motion that violates the rules and is noticed by an umpire. Typically it happens with one or more runners on base and the pitcher is in the stretch position. It could be a quick pitch, or any other motion that could deceive the runners, such as a slight jerk of the hands that looks like it could be a pickoff attempt. When a balk is called, each runner can freely advance one base.
Baltimore chop
A ball hit so that it makes contact with home plate, then takes a high bounce over the infield, usually for a base hit. Named for hitters on the Baltimore Orioles of the National League in the 1890s, who frequently attempted this kind of hit purposely.
banjo hitter
A batter who lacks power. A banjo hitter usually hits bloop singles, often just past the infield dirt, and would have a low slugging percentage. The name has said to come from the twanging sound of the batter's swing like that of a banjo.
batter's eye
a blank, usually dark place beyond the centerfield wall that is the visual backdrop for the batter looking out at the pitcher. To allow the batter to see the pitched ball against a dark and uncluttered background.
The pitcher and catcher.
A pitcher and catcher from the same team.
A pitch intentionally thrown to hit the batter if he does not move out of the way, especially when directed at the head (or the "bean" in old-fashioned slang).
big fly
a long home run.
bonehead play or just "boner"
A mental mistake that changes the course of a game dramatically. See "Merkle boner".
bonus baseball
See "extra innings".
bottom of the inning
The second half of an inning, during which the home team bats.
To pitch; "bring the gas", "bring the heat", "bring it".
A pitch intentionally thrown close to a batter to intimidate or misdirect, i.e. to "brush him back" from the plate. Also chin-music. A batter targeted by such a pitch is sometimes said to have had a "close shave". 1950s pitcher Sal Maglie was called "the Barber" due to his frequent use of such pitches.
To bat the ball weakly and deliberately, by holding the bat nearly still and letting the ball hit it, trying to place the ball in a particular spot on the infield. Also, the play resulting from that action. Typically, a bunt is used to advance other runners and is then referred to as a "sacrifice". When done correctly, fielders have no play except to retire the batter-runner. Speedy runners also bunt for base hits when infielders are playing back.
A slang term used to describe play that is of inferior or unprofessional quality.


Cactus League
The group of teams that conduct their pre-season exhibition games in Arizona.
can of corn
An easily-caught fly ball. Supposedly comes from a general store clerk reaching up and dropping a can from a high shelf. It may also be used in reference to acknowledging something or used when one is in mild excitement.
catbird seat
A desirable or auspicious situation. Popularized by Red Barber, longtime broadcaster for the Brooklyn Dodgers. James Thurber wrote in his short story of the same title: "[S]itting in the catbird seat" means sitting pretty, like a batter with three balls and no strikes on him. The catbird is said to seek out the highest point in a tree to sing his song, so someone in the catbird seat is high up.
Change (or change up)
a pitch meant to look like a fastball, but with less velocity
chase after
To swing at a pitch well outside of the strike zone.
check the runner
When the pitcher looks in the direction of a runner on base, and thereby causes him to not take as large of a lead as he would otherwise have taken.
chin music
A high and tight, up and in pitch meant to knock a batter back from the plate. Also known as a brushback.
The fourth batter for a team, usually a power hitter. The idea is to get some runners on base for the "cleanup" hitter to drive home.
climbing the ladder
a succession of pitches out of the strike zone, each higher than the last, in an attempt to get the batter to swing at a pitch 'in his eyes'
A relief pitcher who is consistently used to "close" a game by getting the final outs. Closers are often among the most overpowering pitchers.
Good performance under pressure or when the chips are down/when good performance really matters (such a period is referred to as being "in the clutch.") May refer to a player (a good "clutch hitter") or to a team as a whole. For example, a player who hits many home runs but strikes out in crucial win-or-lose moments "can't hit in the clutch." (See Sammy Sosa.) The existence of "clutch" hitting is a controversial and divisive topic among baseball fans. Obviously, clutch hitting in and of itself exists. The debate arises because no one has been able to devise a baseball statistic that incontrovertibly demonstrates its existence for specific players.
Symbol of going hitless in a game, suggested by its resemblance to a zero, along with the implication of "choking"; to wear the collar.
when a fielder goes to make a play at a base that is not his position (usually because the fielder for that base in unavailable to catch the ball at that base because he is busy fielding the batted ball. Most common example: 1st baseman catches a batted ground ball, but is too far from 1st base to put the runner out. The pitcher covers 1st base to take the throw from the 1st baseman.)
cup of coffee
A short time spent by a minor league player at the major league level.
a "cut fastball"; a fastball pitch that has lateral movement.
cut off
Refers either to a cut-off man who shortens the throw or to cut off the ball.


Dead Ball Era
The time period prior to the Lively Ball Era, when the nature of the ball along with other rules tended to limit the power game, and the primary batting strategy was the inside game of baseball.
defensive indifference
A play in which a runner advances to the next base without a throw from the catcher or without any fielder attempting to cover the bag to accept a throw from the catcher. The runner then does not get credit for a stolen base because his action was not challenged in any way. This usually occurs in a game in which the score is heavily favored towards one team and a runner advancing a base will not make a large difference in the expected outcome of the game... specifically, the ninth inning with two outs, where the objective is simply to focus on the batter and induce him to make the final out.
A curveball, because it is usually signalled for by the catcher by showing the pitcher 2 fingers.
The layout of the four bases in the infield. The infield is actually a square 90 feet (27 m) on each side, but from the stands it resembles a parallelogram, or "diamond".
digging it out
Fielding a ball on or near the ground. Usually a 1st baseman taking a low throw from another infielder
Home run. Also homer, round-tripper. See more nicknames in the article home run.
doctoring the ball
Cheating by applying a foreign substance to the ball, or otherwise altering it, to put an unnatural spin on a pitch. Examples: Vaseline or K-Y or saliva ("spitball") possibly aided by chewing slippery elm; or scuffing with sandpaper, emory board or belt buckle.
double play
Any sequence of defensive plays in the same continuous playing action resulting in two outs.
hence, double play depth
2nd baseman and shortstop play in closer to the basepath in order to be able to get to second base quickly
down the line
On the field near the foul lines, often used to describe the location of batted balls.
down the middle
Over the middle portion of home plate, used to describe the location of pitches.
drop off the table
When a pitched ball (e.g., a curveball) breaks extremely sharply.
ducks on the pond
runners on base, especially when the bases are loaded: "Look at all the ducks on the pond!".
dying quail
A batted ball that drops in front of the outfielders, often unexpectedly (like a shot bird).


early innings
The first, second and third innings of a regulation nine-inning game.
extra innings
Additional innings needed to complete a game which is tied at the end of the regulation number of innings, typically 9 (nearly all levels of the sport), possibly 7 such as in the second game of a doubleheader (minor or amateur leagues only). Also known as "bonus baseball".


A strong supporter of a player, a team, or the game in general. As Paul Dickson explains, this term originated in the sport of boxing. Those who followed or "fancied" boxing in the 19th century were called "the fancy". The segment of the public that followed boxing tended to also follow baseball. "The fancy" was shortened to "the fans", was adopted into baseball (replacing the 19th century term "kranks" or "cranks"), and was reinforced by its apparent connection to the word "fanatics".
FL or F.L.
Abbreviation for Federal League, a major league that existed for two years, 1914-1915.
fly ball
A ball hit high in the air, as opposed to a ground ball.
fouling off
Batting a pitch foul with two strikes, in order to keep the at bat going, in part to help wear down the pitcher. Luke Appling was said to be the king of fouling them off.
free baseball -
Another term for extra innings.
frozen rope -
a hard hit line drive (travels in a straight line)
full count
A count of 3 balls and 2 strikes, that is, no more balls or strikes can occur without a result.


A fastball, a pitcher's fastest pitch, "Give him (the batter) the gas"; as in stepping on the gas pedal in a car and accellerating.
Getting off the schneid
To break a scoreless or hitless or winless streak (i.e. a schneid). According to the Dickson Baseball Dictionary, the term "schneid" comes to baseball via gin rummy, and in turn comes from German / Yiddish "schneider", one who cuts cloth, i.e. a tailor.
Golden Sombrero
One who strikes out four times in one game is said to have gotten the Golden Sombrero.
Swinging at an obvious ball, particularly one pitched low or in the dirt. Also, golfing can be used to describe actual contact with a pitch low in the zone (he golfed that one for a home run).
Grapefruit League
The group of teams that conduct their pre-season exhibition games in Florida.
ground ball
A ball hit on the ground, i.e. bouncing repeatedly in the infield.


hanging curve
A curveball that does not drop very much in its delivery, especially when hit for a home run.
hard hands
a fielding defect - balls tend to bounce out his hands.
hat trick
To strike out three times
A fastball, a pitcher's fastest pitch, as in "Bring the heat".
high and tight
High, or above the strike zone, and close to the batter, used to describe the location of pitches.
high heat
A "rising" fastball, which can be very difficult to hit; with two strikes on the batter, the pitcher might "bring the high heat" and go for the K.
Referring to the pitcher's mound.
hit and run
Offensive play executed jointly by a baserunner (usually on first base) and batter. At the pitch, the baserunner begins to run towards second as if to steal the base. The second baseman must move towards second base to catch the catcher's throw and attempt to tag out the runner. This creates a gap between first and second base, and the batter attempts to hit the ball into this gap (so contrary to the name, the hit follows the run). A successful hit and run can avoid a double play and advance the first-base runner to third. The hit and run is usually ordered, or put on, by the manager.
hit 'em where they ain't
Said to be the (grammatically-casual) response of late-19th-century / early-20th-century player Willie Keeler to the question, "What's the secret to hitting?" in which "'em" or "them" are the batted balls, and "they" are the fielders.
hit for the cycle
To hit a single, double, triple and home run in the same game. To accomplish this feat in order is termed a "progressive cycle."
hole in his swing
location in or near the strikezone where the batter can't hit a pitch
hole in his glove
a tendency to drop caught balls.
hook foul
When the batter "pulls" the ball down the line, starting fair and ending foul, on the same side of the diamond that the batter is standing. Contrast with slice foul. Both terms are also used in the game of golf.
hot box
Same as rundown or, specifically, the area occupied by the runner while he is being "run down".
hot corner
The third base fielding position, so called because many batted balls arrive very quickly at the position.


throwing in the batters eyes
pitching a high fastball, usually at or near the batters eye level. A "ball", and hard to hit, but hard to lay off.
infield fly
A call made by the umpire signaling the batter is out when he hits a fly ball that can be caught by an infielder with runners on first and second or with the bases loaded and less than two outs. This rule is intended to prevent the fielder from intentionally dropping the ball and getting force outs on any or all of the runners on base. The rule is sometimes a little mystifying to casual fans of the game, but it has been a fundamental rule since 1895, presumably to prevent the notoriously tricky Baltimore Orioles from doing it.
inside baseball or inside game
Playing strategy that focuses on teamwork and good execution. It is a double-meaning term in that such strategy usually centers around the infield - the walk, the base hit, the bunt, the stolen base, etc. The last of the ninth inning in Game 4 of the 2004 ALCS is a perfect example: a walk, a steal and a single to tie the game. The game was tied by the inside game, but was won by the power game, in extra innings, when slugger David Ortiz hit a walk off home run. The inside game was the primary approach to playing baseball during the Dead Ball Era.
in the hole (1)
On the infield at a location nearly exactly between fielders, used to describe the location of a batted ground ball, or the location a fielder as he runs to to try to retrieve that ball. Used most often in reference to the space between the first and second basemen, or between the shortstop and the third baseman. A ground ball hit between second and short is more apt to be described as "up the middle". The term is also occasionally used to designate the space between any pair or group of fielders. In any case, "the hole" is "where they ain't" as Willie Keeler famously stated. Term similarly used in football.
in the hole (2)
Due to bat third in order; batting immediately after the on-deck batter. Presumably derived from card-playing terminology.


A Home Run, as in, "Hitting a jack" or "Jacking one out of here"
As a verb, to throw a pitch far enough inside that the batter is unlikely to make good contact if he hits it. "The pitcher jammed the batter". As a noun, a situation where there are runners on base in scoring position, 1 or none out, and good hitters coming up. "The pitcher is in a jam."
Junior Circuit
The American League, so-called because it is the newer of the two major leagues.
a sequence of several different pitches with not much velocity but a lot of movement. Throwing junk is usually a strategy of a pitcher who does not have a good fastball.


Strikeout. A backwards K is sometimes used to denote a strikeout looking and forwards to indicate a strikeout swinging. Originating from the last letter of "struck" (as per Henry Chadwick, inventor of baseball scorekeeping techniques) and reinforced by inference of "knockout" or "K.O."
keystone sack
Second base. Like the keystone of an arch, second base is "key" to both scoring (a runner on the base is in "scoring position") and preventing scoring (by defensive "strength up the middle").


late innings
The seventh, eighth and ninth innings of a regulation nine-inning game.
Lawrence Welk
a 1-2-3 double play (and a one, ana 2, ana 3...)
lead off (batting order)
The player who is first in the batting order for a given team. Also, the first batter in any given inning.
lead off (base running)
When a base runner steps off of the base in order to reduce the distance to the next base, before a pitch is thrown.
Lively Ball Era
The time starting around 1919 (many say 1920) when several factors came together to shift baseball away from the time-honored inside game to the power game. Following World War I, the construction of the baseball improved significantly, with a cork center and tighter-wound yarns that made the ball inherently "livelier". Also, there were significant rules changes that abolished abuse of the ball (such as the spitball) and also required substitution of a new ball when the previous ball became dirty or scuffed. This gave a great advantage to hitters, especially power hitters. Babe Ruth and Rogers Hornsby were most notable among those who took full advantage of these changes and rewrote the record books.
load the bases
The act of causing runners to occupy the three numbered bases (first, second, and third bases).
a soft straight pitch with a lot of arc


an easy pitch to hit - down the middle of the plate
Mendoza line
A batting average of .200. Batters hitting below .200 are colloquially said to be below the Mendoza line. Named for Mario Mendoza, a notoriously poor hitter of the 1970s. Less commonly used for .215, Mendoza's lifetime batting average. See this site for more.
Merkle Boner
Mental error that causes cost team the game, a good example would be forgetting the number of outs and tossing the ball into the stands, allow runners to advance.

Origin: During a game on September 23, 1908, rookie New York Giants first baseman Fred Merkle singled to right field with two outs and a runner on first in the bottom of the ninth with the score tied. The next batter, Al Bridwell, hit a single to center and lead baserunner Moose McCormick scored the apparent winning run. As was customary, the Giants' groundskeepers opened the gates and the fans streamed onto the field toward outfield exit gates. It was also customary for the players to make a mad dash to the clubhouse in deep center field. Seeing McCormick cross the plate, Merkle immediately started running for the clubhouse also, not touching second base, which was also customary in those situations. Cubs second baseman Johnny Evers - a stickler for rules, and who had already had a discussion with umpire Hank O'Day about this in a similar occasion some weeks earlier - noticed that Merkle had not gone on to touch second. Evers called for the ball. Some say an alert Giants player, who caught on to Evers' intentions, tossed the ball into the crowd. Others say a Cubs outfielder tossed it. The story goes that two Cubs fans chased down a Giants fan that they thought had the ball, took the ball from the fan, and gave it to Evers. Whether the ball that Evers wound up with was the actual game ball, was and is still a matter of debate. In any case, Evers tagged second and appealed to umpire Bob Emslie, who had not seen the play and refused to make the call. He appealed to his partner, Hank O'Day, who granted Evers' appeal and called Merkle out on a force play. The Giants had left the field, which was swarming with fans, all celebrating the Giants' apparent victory, so umpire O'Day declared the game a tie. When this game was made up on October 8th with the Giants and Cubs tied in the standings, the Giants lost the game - and lost the pennant. The Cubs would go on to win their second - and, as of 2004, their last - World Series championship.

"Both bonehead, meaning "stupid," and boner, meaning "a ridiculous blunder," predate that fateful September day, but there's no doubt that Merkle's boner did a lot to solidify the place of both terms in our language." - Merriam Webster's Word For The Wise

middle innings
The fourth, fifth and sixth innings of a regulation nine-inning game.
middle of the inning
The few minutes that lapse between the top and bottom half of an inning when the visiting team takes the field to defend, and the home team prepares to bat. No gameplay occurs during this period. Television and radio broadcasts run commercial breaks during the middle of an inning. See also seventh-inning stretch.
Refers to deviations from a straight flight of a pitch. More movement is preferable because it makes the ball harder to hit. Can be used to refer to both straight pitches (fastballs) and curving pitches (breaking balls). Movement in a fastball only occurs at higher speeds (over 80 m.p.h). If you watch such a pitch up close, it appears to "bounce" on the way, much like turbulence on an airplane. Hence the term "rising fastball".


NA or N.A.
Abbreviation for National Association. It could mean the long-ago amateur organization called the National Association of Base Ball Players; or the first professional league, called the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players; or the modern collective governing body of those minor leagues that are affiliated with the major leagues, long called the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues (also abbreviated NAPBL) and officially renamed "Minor League Baseball" in 1999 [1].
NL or N.L.
Abbreviation for National League, the older of the two existing major leagues.


A player who goes hitless in a game, or wears the collar, as in "0 for 4" (spoken as "oh for four") or however many at bats he took in the game.
Derisive nickname of the short-lived Union Association.
outside corner
Over the edge of home plate away from the batter, used to describe the location of pitches.
The next batter due to bat, after the current batter; the second batter in order. The designated area for the on-deck batter is a circle 5 feet (1.5 m) in diameter, officially called the "next batter's box", and commonly called the "on-deck circle".


to paint
to throw the ball at the edges of the strike zone. A pitcher who has so much control that he can paint regularly may be referred to as Rembrandt or Picasso.
To hit a home run. He parked a three-run homer. Also see yard
payoff pitch
A pitch made when the pitch count is full, i.e., when three balls and two strikes have been totaled for the batter. The implication is that much effort has gone into reaching this point (this is at least the sixth pitch of the at bat), and the pitch will either pay off for the pitcher (resulting in a strikeout) or the batter (resulting in a hit or a walk). This is not always so, though, as a foul would extend the length of the at bat. The term is most often used when whatever happens next will either score a run or end the inning.
Same as rundown.
pinch hitter
A hitter substituted, mid-inning, for the scheduled batter. Often, a pinch hitter is brought in during a critical situation (a "pinch", or "the clutch") to replace a weak batter (usually the pitcher, in the National League). Although that's the origin of the term, any batter substituting for another, for any reason, is conventially called a pinch hitter.
pinch runner
A runner substituted for another runner who is on base. Often, a pinch runner is brought in during a critical situation (just as with a pinch hitter), typically to replace a slower runner with a faster runner in hopes of gaining an extra base. However, any substitute runner, for whatever reason, is conventionally called a pinch runner.
pitch around
not intentionally walking a batter, but not throwing him a hittable pitch - hoping to get him to swing at bad pitches
pitch count
The total number of pitches a pitcher has thrown in a given game. The optimal pitch count for a starter is reckoned to be about 100. The near-obsession with pitch counts has resulted in a significant decline in complete games since the 1980s. Former major league pitcher and now Minnesota Twins broadcaster Bert Blyleven, who pitched many complete games in his time, has raised the sarcastic question, "What happens to you if you go over 100 pitches? Do you explode?" Statistically speaking, the answer is often Yes. Arguably the greatest pitching achievement in history was Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series. In that game, he threw 97 pitches, an average of 3.5 per batter. In these days of more aggressive hitting, pitchers often hit the 100 mark by the middle innings.
pitch out
A pitch that is so far outside that it can't be hit. The catcher catches the pitch standing to allow a quick throw to try picking off a runner.
PL or P.L.
Abbreviation for Players' League, a one-year (1890) major league.
playing in
see double play depth. Also can refer to the 1st baseman and/or 3rd baseman playing closer to home plate in anticipation of fielding a bunt.
position player
A non-pitcher.
power hitter
A powerful batter who hits many home runs and extra base hits, but who may not have a high batting average, due to an "all or nothing" hitting approach. Also slugger.


quick pitch
When the pitcher comes to a less-than-complete stop in the midst of the stretch position, in an attempt to throw off the timing of batter and runners. When detected, the umpire calls the pitch a balk, and all runners can freely advance one base.


usually a curve ball with a high arc in its path to the plate
how far to his left and/or right a fielder can go to catch a ball
the process of getting the ball from the deep outfield to third base or home plate by first throwing to an infielder, who then throws to the final target. The relay to the plate...he's out at home!
reliever or relief pitcher
A pitcher brought in the game to "relieve" another pitcher.
an argument or fight in a baseball game. Hence, Rhubarb, a novel by H. Allen Smith.
A play in which a runner is stranded between two bases, and runs back and forth to try to avoid fielders with the ball. The fielders (usually basemen) toss the ball back and forth, to prevent the runner from getting to a base, and typically close in on him and tag him, barring an error or the need to make a play on another runner. Also called a hot box or a pickle. Sometimes used as a baserunning strategy by a trailing runner, to distract the fielders and allow a leading runner or runners to advance.
runners at the corners
runners on 1st and 3rd.
Ruthian Blast
A home run that travels very far.


safety squeeze
A squeeze play in which the runner on third waits for the batter to lay down a successful bunt before breaking for home. Contrast this with the suicide squeeze.
scoring position
a runner on 2nd or 3rd base is in scoring position.
  • 2 seamer - a "two seam fastball" where the ball is held by the pitcher such that, when thrown, its rotation only shows two seams per revolution
  • 4 seamer - like a 2 seamer, but the rotation shows 4 seams per revolution of the ball. Batters count the number of visible seams to help judge what kind of pitch by its rotation.
seeing eye ball
a batted ground ball that just eludes capture by an infielder, just out of infielder's range, as if it could "see" where it needed to go. Less commonly used for a ball that takes an unusual lateral bounce to elude an infielder
Senior Circuit
The National League, so-called because it is the older of the two major leagues.
setup man
A relief pitcher who is consistently used immediately before the closer.
seventh-inning stretch
The period between the top and bottom of the seventh inning, when the fans present traditionally stand up to stretch their legs. A sing-along of the song "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" has become part of this tradition, a practice most associated with Chicago broadcaster Harry Caray. Since the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, "God Bless America" is sometimes played in addition to, or in lieu of, "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" in rememberence of those who lost their lives in the attacks.
verb, where a player(s) (usually an outfielder) positions oneself slightly away from their normal spot in the field based on a prediction of where the batter might hit the ball.
where the entire infield and/or outfield (that is, the players) position themselves clockwise or clockwise from their usual position. This is to anticipate a batted ball from a better who tends to hit to one side of the field. Also shade. In the case of some batters, especially lefthanders, and with the bases empty, managers have been known to shift fielders from the left side to the right side. This was done to Willie McCovey among others. The most extreme case was the famous "Ted Williams shift" (also once called the "Lou Boudreau shift"). Cleveland Indians manager Boudreau moved 6 of 7 fielders (including himself, the shortstop) to the right of second base, leaving just the leftfielder playing shallow, and daring Teddy Ballgame to single to left rather than trying to "hit it where they ain't" somewhere on the right side. Williams saw it as a challenge, a game within The Game, and seldom hit the ball to left on purpose in that circumstance.
shoestring catch
When a fielder, usually an outfielder, catches a ball just before it hits the ground ("off his shoetops"), and remains running while doing so.
short hop
a ball that hits the ground immediately in front of an infielder.
the Show
the major leagues. Particularly in the Show.
slice foul
When a fly ball or line drive starts out over fair territory, then curves into foul territory due to aerodynamic force caused by spinning of the ball, imparted by the bat. A slice which curves to the right is not to be confused with a hook which curves to the left.
A slide is when a player drops to the ground when going into a base, to avoid a tag and (in the case of second or third base) as a means of stopping, so as not to overrun the base and risk being put out. Players also sometimes slide head-first into first base, thinking it will get them there faster than simply running.
small ball
A strategy by which teams attempt to score runs using station-to-station, bunting and sacrifice plays; usually used in a situation where one run will either tie or win the game; "manufacturing" run(s); close kin to inside baseball.
soft hands
A fielder's ability to cradle the ball well in his glove. Contrast hard hands.
sophomore jinx
The tendency for players to follow a good rookie season with a less-spectacular one. (This term is used outside the realm of baseball as well.) Two of the most notorious examples are Joe Charboneau and Mark Fidrych.
Left-hander, especially a pitcher.
squeeze play
A tactic used to attempt to score a runner from third on a bunt. There are two types of squeeze plays: suicide squeeze and safety squeeze.
starter or starting pitcher
The first pitcher in the game for each team.
This is a strategy in which a team attempts to score runs by stealing bases, hitting singles and adopting hit-and-run plays; close kin to inside baseball.
A pitcher who throws underarm.
suicide squeeze
A squeeze play in which the runner on third breaks for home on the pitch, so that, if the batter does not lay down a bunt, then the runner is an easy out (unless he steals home). Contrast this with the safety squeeze.


take sign
A sign given to a batter to not swing at the next pitch.
Texas Leaguer or Texas League single
A weakly hit fly ball that drops in for a single between an infielder and an outfielder.
tools of ignorance
a catcher's gear.
Tommy John surgery
A type of elbow surgery for pitchers named after Tommy John, a pitcher and the first professional athlete to successfully undergo the operation.
top of the inning
The first half of an inning, during which the visiting team bats.
twin killing
a double play.


UA or U.A.
Abbreviation for Union Association, a one-year (1884) major league.
Uncle Charlie
A slang term used to describe a curve ball.
up and in
Same as high and tight.
up the middle
On the field very close to second base, used to describe the location of batted balls. Also, in a more general sense, the area of the field on the imaginary line running from home plate through the pitcher's mound, second base, and center field.
upper decker
A home run that lands in the stadium's upper deck of seating.



walk-off home run
A game-ending home run. So called because the losing team then has to walk off the field. Conventional wisdom is that the term was originated by reliever Dennis Eckersley [2]. Among the most dramatic such homers were:
warning track
The dirt and finely-ground gravel, as opposed to grass, area bordering the fence, especially in the outfield. It is intended to help prevent fielders from inadvertently running into the fence. 1950s and 60s broadcaster Bob Wolff used to call it the "cinder path". The first "warning tracks" actually started out as running tracks in Yankee Stadium and Cleveland Stadium. True warning tracks did not become standard until the 1950s, around the time batting helmets came into standard use also.
As a verb, to swing and miss a pitch. As a noun, as in "doing the wave", a group of fans in one section will stand up, raise their arms, and yell. As they are sitting down, the next section will be rising, and so on around the stadium. This is most impressive in a stadium that is fully enclosed with seats and is filled to capacity.
Wheel play
upon a bunt to the left side of the infield, the 3rd baseman runs toward home to field the bunt, and the shortstop runs to third base to cover.
Scoresheet notation for "wasn't watching", used by non-official scorekeepers when their attention has been distracted from the play on field. Supposedly used frequently by former New York Yankees broadcaster Phil Rizzuto.



noun: The playing field, the "ballyard".
verb: To hit a home run, specifically one that goes out of the playing field, not an inside-the-park home run; to "Go yard". "He went yard".

