User:Htw3/Spring 2008 Contributors Page

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by We Th Spring 2008 (talk | contribs) at 02:51, 2 June 2008 (→‎User:We_Th_Spring_2008). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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1. I am doing a flickr project. 2.It is about the cultural and social adjustments a student has to make in the first year of collge. I want to show the cultural differences between living at home in the comfortable setting with your friends and family and moving away and living by yourself, having more schoolwork and having more responsibility. The concepts of sociology that I will focus on are: the concept of culture, including networks, assimilation, multiculturalism 3. Here is a link to my project [| Flickr] 4. I am working by myself on this. 5. Concept from Starks book.

         1."Insert relevant quote here" [include page number] 
             1.How I use this idea 

Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books) Relevant quote How I use this idea. Citation info. Author, Date, Title, Journal Title, Volume, Pages, URL

Attention: Look at the source code of the example to figure out how to post properly. If your user name is red then you have not set up your user page or coded your entry wrong. Try not to destroy the page layout either.

Hello World!!! Notes to class contributors

  1. Create a login id with the following format: We_Ho_Spring_2008 for the example: last name (Welser) First name: (Howard).
    1. URL for login page
  2. Make an edit to your user page. You could simply type: "Hello World" for now.
  3. Come back to this page, and add a link to your user page, by copying the format of the example under W below.
  4. Immediately following your login link, on this page, answer these questions
    1. Do you prefer a Wikipedia or a YouTube/Flickr project?
    2. What topics / ideas interest you for a possible project?
      1. List as many as you want. Are there any chapters in the text book or ideas we have discussed that interest you? Do you have expertise in something (sports, music, etc)?
    3. What skills or resources could you contribute to a project?
      1. For instance, you might have a digital vid camera, or you might have editing experience, or be able to mix sound etc.
  5. At this point, you don't need to make any additions to the project proposal page. Just describe your general preference for type of project, you possible interests and relevant skills.
  6. All this info should be included in your alpha listed subsection below, starting with your login name link.
  7. Ask me a question via email and I will update this list as necessary to address your questions.


  1. I am open to working as a group member on any of these projects, or on a Wikipedia entry by myself.
  2. I am interested in social deviance, and/or macro sociology: social structure and how large groups of people react to social conditions.
  3. I am a fine art student. I have experience with graphic presentations. I own and have experience with photoshop and some mid/high range digital photo equipment: Camera, Tripod, Etc (not SLR or Video). I also enjoy doing research and writing/editing.

Theory of Religious Economy

  1. Objective I propose to edit the Wikipedia page on the Theory of Religious Economy. Theory_of_religious_economy
  2. Interest This is interesting substantively because religion has a significant role in almost every culture around the globe and has a substantial impact on economical and social development within societies. The addition of information to the Theory of Religious Economy page will help present sociological concepts in relation to changes in one of the world's oldest organizations.
  3. Background reading I will read Wikipedia, the text book and other basic sociology texts on the following topics: Rational Choice Theory, Contextual Effect, Social Institutions, Social Structure, Norms, Roles, and Secularization.
    1. I will also find scholarly research on the general issue of the Theory of Religious Economy. Posting links here.
    2. I will find popular press discussions of my topic. Perhaps Wikipedia articles, blog entrys, newspaper and magazine stories, etc.
  4. General Plan I plan to research the sociological aspects of secularization and make several additions to the Theory of Religious Economy web page.
  5. Collaborators I will be working alone.

Comment from Ted: working on the theory of religious economies page sounds great. Get in touch with the other folks who are working on it. See list on project page. User:Htw3/Spring_2008_Project_Page#Theory_of_Religious_Economy


All of my edits are individually listed on my user page.


1. I'm doing a Flickr project

2. It will bed based o nthe topics of video games' impact on crime, deviance ,social networks and the conflicts that come with it, and education.

3. Here is a link to my project.

4.I will be working alone.

5. Concept from Starks book--Social groups/networks, more specifically, Cosmopolitan Networks 1. "Cosmopolitan networks are relatively full of holes, consisting of weaker, nonredundant ties. The word, cosmopolitan, means worldy, at home throughout the world, or widely distributed. Hence, members of a cosmopolitan network seldom engage face-to-face interaction and tend to be scattered geographically." 2. I will use this along with additional information in the book about cosmopolitan networks to explain nad describe Xbox Live and other online games that link people all over the world together.

6. Concept from internet articles 1. “Research led by a pair of Iowa State University psychologists has proven for the first time that exposure to violent video games can desensitize individuals to real-life violence.” 2. I will expand on this to investigate whether video games actually do have a negative influence on behavior. 3. CITATION INFO- MATT VOIGTS, March 20 , 2007, "Video games linked to both violence and lower crime"

Comments from Ted: It might be tricky to find the images you want/need for this project. However-- why not start a Flickr account and see what you can put together. --Htw3 (talk) 03:19, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

1. I want to do a youtube project.

2. I am looking into conformity on campus in correspondence to warm weather. I will tell why people follow the norm and why it is interesting to others students.

3. My link is

4. I am working with Amanda Zimmerman.

see my comments on your page --Htw3 (talk) 15:58, 18 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. blah
  2. blah
  3. blah

Comment from Ted: Definately go with your second idea. That sounds like a great project. Theories of self and identity are relevant. Let me know when you get your flickr account set up and start posting pictures. I will make comments in Flickr about tie-ins with ideas in course etc. Looking forward to seeing your work. --Htw3 (talk) 16:44, 21 May 2008 (UTC)


  1. I am doing a Flickr project
  2. It is about the day in the life of a non traditional and a trditional aged OU student and their dailey tasks. I will find concepts that can be related to the Sociology 101 course.
  3. This is the link to the first page of the Flickr project
  4. I am working with my fellow student Russell on this project
  5. Concept from Starks book.

"Insert relevant quote here" [include page number]

How I use this idea

6.Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)

Relevant quote

How I use this idea.

Citation info. Author, Date, Title, Journal Title, Volume, Pages, URL

Comments from Ted: Photos and discussion of alternatives to the drinking or party culture at OU would make an interesting slide show. Possible sources of alternative stuff: outdoor rec community, farmers market, arts-- as you mention, religious groups, school clubs, others. . . ?--Htw3 (talk) 02:39, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I am doing a wikipedia project
  2. I am interested in researching how governments use religious pluralism.
  3. I will be editing theory of religious economy mainly focusing on Secularization.
  4. I am working by myself on this.
  5. Concept of Religious Pluralism from Stark
    1. "it is always in the interest of any particular religious organization to secure a monopoly" [395]
    2. I am using this to shed light on the way I view religious groups, looking for hidden agendas and the "bigger picture"
  6. Concept of religious agendas from Religious pluralism: A Metaphorical Approach By Chris Arthur
    1. "the agenda of concerns voiced by any local religious group is now likely to include local dimensions"
    2. This idea shows why religious groups in certain parts of the world focus efforts on things across the globe, to help bring in people from those sides of the world to their religious groups trying to create the "monopoly"
    3. Citation info. Chris Arthur, 2000, Religious pluralism: A Metaphorical Approach, Page 29, [1]

Comment from Ted: working on the theory of religious economies page sounds great. Get in touch with the other folks who are working on it. See list on project page. User:Htw3/Spring_2008_Project_Page#Theory_of_Religious_Economy

1. I am doing a youtube video.

2. I will show aggression/violence through people playing video games.

3. I am working Anna Hartenbach and Erica McCormick on this project.

4. Crime and deviance as a learned behavior.

1. First, any general theory of crime and deviance must include elements of learning theory. Nearly all human behavior is learned, including deviant behavior. Next, a general theory must specify the sources from which conformity and deviance are learned. [203]

1. I use this idea to explain aggression/violence from people playing video games.

5. Video games can cause aggression/violence.

1. "violent video games may be more harmful than violent television and movies because they are interactive, very engrossing and require the player to identify with the aggressor"

1. I used this idea to show people playing video games, instead of doing something such as watching tv, because video games are more interactive.


1. I am doing a youtube project

2. I'm interested in acts of defiance, particularly in uprising of citizens against government politics or institutions/rules put in place.

3. I will be working with windows movie maker mainly and provide images along with a musical background.

4. I will be working by myself on this project.

5. Concept of Deviance from Starks:

a. "The concept of deviance includes all norm violations, from the trivial to the tragic-from sleeping in class or wearing weird clothes to drowning one's children and blaming it on a carjacker."-pg. 175

b. Rebellious acts and resistance are often necessary to elicit a change. They can occur in a variety of ways, against a variety of different organizations, for a variety of reasons, which is why I belive this quote from the book has a good relevance to my project. It basically says that deviance can occur in a variety of ways, just as rebellions can as well.

6. Concept of Deviance from another source:

a. "In the late 1960's, the masses were supposed to be passive, not entering the public arena and having their voices heard. When they did, it was called an excess of democracy, and people feared it put too much pressure on the system."-

Citation: Chomsky, Noam. "Humanity's last Rage." New Statesman, 5/12/2008, Vol. 137 Issue 4896, p26-29

b. During the 1960's, the largest outcry of human rights, and protest occured. I plan to emphasize this in my video, so this article pertains greatly to my project.

Comments from Ted: There are a lot of connections you could make between the theme of rebellion or resistance that you mention. You will need to narrow your focus a bit- and think of what sorts of things you can get images of. Also, I think Mike is working on something else, I talked with him today.--Htw3 (talk) 02:43, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

1. I am doing a Flicker Project 2. I am interested in doing a project on the secondary groups. 3. I have a digital camera, I am decent with a computer and am familiar with editing.

1. I purpose to make edits to the main Wikipedia article on Social stratification. This is interesting because concepts on Social stratification are the foundation for modern Sociology. It demonstrates many key elements such as Conflict theory and Social mobility. 2. I will base my work on research made through studying the textbook and other reliable academic sources on the subject matter. Specifically I will be working with Weber’s theories on the subject matter because I found the Wikipedia source to be lacking in that regard. 3. I plan to work alone for this project. Here is the link Social stratification


  1. I am doing a Flickr project.
  2. [[2]] 
  3. I will show and talk about how graffiti is related to Differential association theory and multiple types of deviance; like labeling, subcultural and control theory.
  4. I am working by myself on this.
  5. Concept from Starks book.
        1. "An outside observer noting the behavior of a member of a subculture may regard that person as deviant. But the same person is conforming to the norms of his or her group." [190]
              1. I used this quote because everyone is in their own group or subculture if they want to believe it or not and what they believe is what they think is right. Like grandmas and grandpas against a younger generation, they do not see eye to eye on norms because of time.  You apply the same thing to smaller groups like people that graffiti, they believe that it is a great way to spread beliefs, ideas, art, and the truth. They do it because they believe its the right thing to do.
  6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
        1. Relevant quote
              1. How I use this idea.
                    1. Citation info. Author, Date, Title, Journal Title, Volume, Pages, URL

1. I would like to participate in a you tube or flickr project. 2. I think the idea of born criminals is interesting. 3. I don't have any technical skills but I have a digital camera and a car for getting places.

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. There is a bunch of research on group identity-- you can build on that. I have book in my office that you can borrow. Let me know when you get your flickr account set up and start posting pictures. I will make comments in Flickr about tie-ins with ideas in course etc. Looking forward to seeing your work. --Htw3 (talk) 16:46, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

I am doing a flickr presentation I will be doing my photo essay on the history of my primary group. I am working by myself on this. Concept from Starks book. Social life was highly segregated by sex and was based on sex and was based on childhood friendships and associations. page 371 How I use this idea From the perspective of children, the family is a family of orientation: the family serves to locate children socially, and plays a major role in their enculturation and socialization. I will use this quote being that for the most part my imediate family is my primary group.

1. I want to make a youtube video. 2. I would possibly like to research the affects stereotypes on society. 3. I feel like I could relate concepts from the book as well as experiences from my own life in my presentation and research.


1.I am going to be doing a Youtube video. 2. I am going to be showcasing how graffiti is an example of individuals being socially deviant on Ohio University's campus. 3. I will post a link to my video on here once it is complete. 4. I will be working by myself on this project. 5.Concept from Starks book: subcultural deviance and power " Particularly in complex modern societies, many subcultures exist, and thus, some deviant behavior can be explained as conflicts over norms, or subcultural deviance. Thus, the norms in society are often determined by who has the power to pass laws and set policies." (p.190) I am going to use this idea to present how those with power make the rules and those who feel like they do not have the power and are socially subordinate tend to break the rules. This is relevant to my project because the city of Athens is trying very hard to eradicate the graffiti around the city. However, those individuals who are creating this artwork belong to a subcultural where it is not considered deviant behavior to graffiti a public building. 6.Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books): conflict and power and deviance "How we observers feel about graffiti is a function of whose side of the conflict we are on--whose values we share or do not share, whose status we respect, whose situation we emphasize with--the authorities who make the rules, the people who enforce them, or those who break them." This concept talks about how depending on what side of the issue you are on, you may be in conflict with those who create the graffiti. Those with the power make the rules and enforce the social norms that are present in our society. However, there are others who feel that they have the right to create such artwork on public property. According to society, those individuals are acting in a deviant way by destroying public property. Citation info: Cavan, Sherri PH.D., 1995, The Great Graffiti Wars of the Late 20th Century,

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. I really look forward to it. there is some research on graffiti in sociology-- you might look at it to make a tie in. --Htw3 (talk) 16:34, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

1. I am interested in doing a Flickr project it is something I find really interesting and have faith in the outcome of my project. I have no problem working in a team but wouldn't mind working alone. 2. I have a few ideas on topics I want to do such as the amount of public drugs references and the effects of that. 3. I have used Flickr once before but am will to become more familiar with the site. I have both a black and white camera, and a digital camera. I am fully literate in the photoshop program as well.

1. I am going to do a Flickr project. I have some ideas, Ted has mentioned one in class. 2. I am focused on comparing the differences among students and relate these to a slew of social concepts. 3. I have access to a digital camera and have never used Flickr. I am sure I can figure it out and make an "A" project on my own. 4.Concept from Starks-Control Theory

    1."The involvement aspect of control theory takes into account that time and energy are limited.  The more time a person spends on activities that conform to norm, the less time and energy that person has to devote to deviant acts." (Stark, pg. 197)
        1. I am using this with a photo of a church group to represent the involvements and attachments making deviation less likely.

5.Concept from further research-Sociological constructions of deviance

    1."Most deviant behavior is neither socially uniform nor psychologically aberrant, and the form it takes is determined by the individual’s structural location,” 
        1. I will use this quote in my summary of my project.
        1.(Nanette J. Davis, 1975, Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa)

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. start collecting shots and putting them up. let me know when you get it online-- you can edit and change as you go. it is very easy to use flickr.--Htw3 (talk) 16:30, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I am doing a wikipedia project.
  2. It is about the sociological themes in Rainbows End, namely the change in society due to advances in medical technology.
  3. Here is a link to my project [[3]]
  4. I am working by myself on this, but kind of with others? I will be adding my own research and example to the article.
    1. "You picked all the right diseases! ... Modern medicine is kind of like a minefield made in heaven. We can cure a lot of things: Alzheimer's, even through you almost missed the boat there. You and I both had Alzheimer's; I had the normal kind, cured at the earliest onset. Lots of others things are as fatal or crippling as ever. We still can't do much with strokes. Some cancers can't be cured. There are forms of osteoporosis that are as gruesome as ever. But all your major infirmities are things we have slam-dunk fixes for." [28]
      1. The idea of a miracle cure isn't new. In the past, we have watched the world change as things like vaccinations, penicillin, and more recently, one of the first ever cancer-preventing vaccines. The diseases that we cannot cure, like Smallpox, are being contained one at a time, and there is constant research into genetic cures and stem cells that can cure those diseases no one ever thought possible.
  5. The discovery of DNA, in particular, has lead to tremendous advances in modern medicine, and continued research into previously untouchable diseases.
    1. "One of the most important was the discovery of DNA by Wilkins, Crick and Watson. These three were also helped by the work done by Rosalind Franklin. DNA is the substance that makes life – a human cell that contains genes, which are made up of chromosomes, the basis of living tissue. This has in turn allowed the study of disease caused by defective genes such as in cystic fibrosis and Down’s Syndrome. In recent years, researchers have been able to identify specific genes that are responsible for specific diseases."
      1. The discovery of DNA also made it known that every human body is different- no one has the same DNA. Thus, as seen in Rainbows End, cures for DNA-based diseases may have to vary from person to person. Those cures are still beign researched now, and Rainbows End shows what might happen when some of those cures are found.
        1. Citation info. Chris Trueman, 2008, Medical Changes from 1945,


1. I am doing a Wikipedia project.

2. I am concentrating on the context of religious economy in the US compared to other countries.

3. Here is the link to the my project page theory of religious economy

4. I am working on this project by myself.

5. Concept from Starks book:

    1. "religions explain why certain norms exist, why they are right, and why they must be obeyed." [391]
    I'm using this idea to show the different norms that coincide with different countries. Each religion carries different social norms attached to them.

6. Concept from further research:

    1. "We cannot assume that all Arabs are Muslims, all Chinese Buddhists, all Indians Hindus, or all Europeans Christians." [1]
    This idea can be used to show how there are different representations of countries by the dominant religion. There is a stereotype that is attached to countries from religion.

Citation info:

   Finke, R. (2008). Is the 'clash of civilizations' really true? The 'religious economy' is a better explanation. Retrieved May 30, 2008, from

1.I would like to do a wikipedia project. I will update the all existing page on deviance.

2. I will be adding information about deviance that is not already included. I do in depth research on deviance in other countries, and elaborate more on what already exists.

3. I would like to do a wikipedia page because I do not have any editing skills.

4. I will be working on my own for this project

5. Primary Deviance

  1. "involves whatever behavior a person engaged in that caused others to identify or label him or her deviant" [Pg. 201]
        1. This is how I will begin to explain deviance, and which will lead me to describe deviant behaviors in cross-cultural communication. 

6. "All cultures make use of nonverbal communication but the meanings of nonverbal communication vary across cultures."

        1. This will help me explain the importance of understanding other cultures nonverbal communication in schools. 
              1. Wang De-hua, October 2007, Non-Verbal Language is cross-Cultural communication, US-China Foreign Language, Volume 5, Pages 66-70,

Comments from Ted: I think this sounds like a promising topic. I wonder if your topic might actually span a number of existing Wikipages. For instance-- you topic of norm violation and deviance as it relates to cross cultural situations could be a section of Cross_cultural_communications. What do you think? That page might fit your interests more directly than a page on deviance in general-- since most deviance is likely not due to cross cultural situations. --Htw3 (talk) 14:54, 21 May 2008 (UTC)


Comments from Ted: Sounds good, see my comments on first steps:

  1. I am doing a Wiki project.
  2. It is about the key differences between monopolies and freemarket religious economies.
  3. Here is a link to my project theory of religious economy
  4. I am working by myself on this.
  5. Concept from Starks book: religious economies
    1. "As with commercial economies, a key issue is the degree to which a religious economy is regulated by the state." [395]
      1. I'm using this idea to demonstrate the key differences between monoply and free market economies.
  6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
    1. "In short, monopolistic economies are characterized by large numbers of nominal believers (apathy), questionable religious products, snd state coercion." [10]
      1. It helps define distinguishing characteristics of monopolies.
        1. Citation info. R. Andrew Chestnut, Competitive Spirits: Latin America's New Religious Economy, 2003 [4]


  1. I want to do a Flickr project.
  2. I am interested in possibly how how students deal with the transition from home to college. Possibly the different activities they get into or what Athens has to offer them.
  3. I have never used Flickr before, but I'm a pretty fast learner. I have a digital camera.

see my comments on your page --Htw3 (talk) 15:41, 18 May 2008 (UTC)
Also-- you could do either a you tube or a flickr-- both could work. --Htw3 (talk) 14:31, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I am doing a youtube video.
  2. I want to show how playing violent video games causes violent deviant acts.
  3. We should have a link Monday evening for our video.
  4. I am working with Erica McCormick [mcc_er_spring_2008] and Tom Carpenter [User:Ca_Th_Spring_2008] on this project.
  5. Crime and deviance as a learned behavior.
    1. First, any general theory of crime and deviance must include elements of learning theory. Nearly all human behavior is learned, including deviant behavior. Next, a general theory must specify the sources from which conformity and deviance are learned. [203]
      1. I used this idea to explain aggression and violence from people playing video games.
  6. Video games can cause aggression/violence.
    1. "violent video games may be more harmful than violent television and movies because they are interactive, very engrossing and require the player to identify with the aggressor"
      1. I used this idea to show people playing video games instead of doing something like watching television, because video games are more interactive.

comments from Ted: overall I think this project looks great. I think a simpler version of what you propose would be good too. lets talk in class --Htw3 (talk) 07:46, 29 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I am editing a wikipedia page.
  2. It is about the strong and weak ties within strict churches and how they maintain those ties.
  3. Here is the link to my page.
  4. I am working by myself on this project.
  5. Churches and sects
    1. "Churches tend to be based on cosmopolitan networks, while sects tend to consist of intense local networks. Attending a church is more like being a member of an audience at a movie or lecture than being a member of a group. But for members of sects, religious participation offers a strong sense of community adn solidarity."(p.395-396)
      1. I plan to use this idea to illustrate that strong churches are often sects that reinforce their strong ties and they employ various means of doing this like imposing a certain dress code or type of behavior.
  6. The Necessity of Formal Controls for group solidarity
    1. "The Group solidarity theory suggests that the survival of any group hinges on members' routine and consistent compliance with the rules and obligations governing the production of joint goods. Yet rational members will comply only if they expect that their noncompliance might result in a loss of access to the good. . . By formal controls I refer to rules and enforcement procedures that are the outcome of conscious planning. " (p. 59)
      1. For strict churches to survive and keep their memebers the members' tie to the church is essential. If the joint good of the church is to make sure the congregation gets to heaven then certain rules are placed so no one is able to deviate. These formal controls can take various forms as enforced dress codes or restrictions on certain technologies. What these controls help to do is keep the members of the church from having a connection to those outside their group and allows members in that strict church to recognize and know another member of their group on sight. Controls help keep the ties in a group strong while discouraging members from forming weak ties outside their church.
        1. Hechter, Michael Principles of Group Solidarity link to book on Amazon:

Comment from Ted: working on the theory of religious economies page sounds great. Get in touch with the other folks who are working on it. See list on project page. User:Htw3/Spring_2008_Project_Page#Theory_of_Religious_Economy


  1. I am doing a wikipedia project.
  2. It is on the sociological themes in Vernor Vinge's Rainbows End.
  3. Here is a link to my project User:Htw3/Sociology_of_the_future_in_Rainbows_End
  4. I am working by myself on this, although the other contributors will most likely be working to the same end.
  5. Strength of Weak Ties
    1. "It is obvious that because the stronger the tie, the more time and effort it involves, an individual can maintain far more weak ties than strong ones. It also follows that networks based on weak ties will be far larger than networks of strong ties. Finally, Granovetter was ready to propose that for the purpose of spreading information, weak ties are stronger and more effective." [35]
      1. I plan to connect this idea to the book through the character of Juan, who is asked to set a series of "affiliances" with the Adult Education students at his school. These opportunities demonstrate the notion of the strength of weak ties because Juan is only a classmate to the people he presents the "affiliance" to, and they are only connected by that weak tie.
  6. Rational Choice Theory
    1. "In seeking to answer the question, 'Why do people engage in deviant and/or criminal acts?', many researchers, as well as the general public, have begun to focus on the element of personal choice. An understanding of personal choice is commonly based in a conception of rationality or rational choice...The central points of this theory are: (1) The human being is a rational actor, (2) Rationality involves an end/means calculation, (3) People (freely) choose all behavior, both conforming and deviant, based on their rational calculations, (4) The central element of calculation involves a cost benefit analysis: Pleasure versus Pain, (5) Choice, with all other conditions equal, will be directed towards the maximization of individual pleasure..."
      1. I plan to connect this idea to the character of Robert Gu, who demonstrates this theory when he plants the black box in the first floor bathroom, despite knowing that it is very wrong and could possibly hurt his daughter-in-law, in order to find a way to get his ability to write back.
        1. Citation info. Keel, Robert, 14 July, 2005, Rational Choice and Deterrence Theory,

Comments from Ted: Great! Glad you are interested in this project. I am adding your name to a list on the project page. We can start outlining the parts of the article on that page. --Htw3 (talk) 14:39, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I am doing a flickr project.
  2. It is about the social affects of friends and how they influence you.
  3. Here is the link to my project:
  4. I am working by myself.
  5. Concept from our sociology book.
    1. "From this perspective people are endlessly tangled up in interactions, in influencing and being influenced by other people around them. We act and our action affects others. They respond and their responses affect our next action." [pg. 72]
      1. I used this idea to show some pictures of my friends and I doing different things. We influence people and are influenced by people everyday. Everything we did in those pictures were some how influenced by one of us. Another thing that I wanted to show was some of the influences are what we call "tradition." Most of the ones I showed are from high school, somehow we just find these things and do them because that is what we think we should be doing. We know that every year it is done and we need to continue doing them.
  6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
    1. "Most writers on friendship have assumed that high-quality friendships have positive effects on children: fostering their self-esteem,improving their social adjustment, and increasing their ability to cope with stressors (see Hartup & Stevens, 1999). Moreover, the correlations of friendship quality with indicators of social adjustment are consistent with that assumption."
      1. I used this to help pick the pictures I wanted to use. I have good friendships with my friends and we get involved in many community things I think this quote helps the reader understand this.
        1. Citation info. Berndt, Thomas J., Feb2002, Friendship Quality and Social Development, Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 11, Issue 1, Pg. 7,

Comment from Ted: Your project description was rather brief. You should find an existing page to improve. Perhaps you can find some options and list their links here? -- (talk) 18:51, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I would like to do a flikr project focusing on the different paths that college-age kids lives take during their time in Athens County.
  2. When kids go off to college their lives change for better or for worse and they have to deal with more responsibility. This project would highlight just some of the different outcomes that have occurred in this particular area.
  3. We will read up on social theories on college-age kids.
  4. My plan is to find different college-age kids who have chosen/been given different situations to deal with and do a photo essay on their life.
  1. I would like to do either a Flickr project or a YouTube project.

I too.. would like to do a Flickr project --Ra Da Spring 2008 (talk) 14:45, 12 May 2008 (UTC)

Project type: Flickr Topic: Culture of Athens around and outside of OU. Links: Collaborator: Ra_Da_Spring_2008

  1. I want to do a flikr project.
  2. I want to show how the overconsumption of the universoty effects the beauty of Athens-mostly trash-ALthough I am open to ideas.
  3. I havent used flickr before but Im sure I could figure it out. I also have access to a digital camera. Would really like to team up!

-I would like to do a Wikipedia or flikr project. -I would like to maybe do something on crime but I am not sure yet

  1. I want to do a Wikipedia Project
  2. I am going to show the different kinds of discriminations between groups and different intergroup conflicts
  3. I am good with computers and am pretty good with different kinds of technological tools

Comment from Ted This sounds like a good project-- but it is too creative for a Wiki page. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia and it is not a place for original research. That said-- you could either make edits to the page on conflict theory or perhaps make improvements to the existing page on ethnic conflict. Take a look at discussions of these topics in the book and the references for those entries. --Htw3 (talk) 14:20, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I would like to do a Wiki page.
  2. I would like to talk about the crime of the city of Athens and how it relates to poverty.



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Hi. this is Jordan Wells and I am doing a project on the effects of playing video games instead of doing active things.

1) I will be doing a Flickr project with Hannah Walker.

2) I will be discussing how video games have an impact on people's social life, their health. and their participation in society. I have been around sports all my life, and when I came to Athens and see some of the people who play constanly, it surprises me.

3) I have skills in how society works, how to take pictures and get my point across.

  1. General comments. I think this sounds like a great project idea. I really hope you are able to get interesting footage and images to illustrate your idea about how norms or fashion change. One thing you might want to emphasize is that some aspects of culture seem to change by shifting around in a bunch of different directions—like music genres, while others seem to intensify, or otherwise move in a particular direction. For instance-- lyrics within particular genres seemed to become more ‘over the top’ , hard core, etc.
  2. Plan. One way you can make your plan more helpful is to plan out the next 4 concrete steps that you will take. For instance—one step might be make a list of examples that we might want to show, then find clips or images that represent those examples. These sorts of concrete steps will help you get the project done if you think them through and write them down.
  3. Background research. You will need to be more specific about the concepts, theories, and research from sociology that will be used in your project. It is helpful to start with the textbook and find several concepts that are relevant. Then do a little bit of research (check for articles and books cited for that concept in book) and do some google searchers. However—once you have found one or two concepts that seem helpful you should focus on those and go into more depth. Your goal is to really understand how those concepts relate to the ideas you address in your project. In summary, start your background research broad, with several possible concepts—but finish narrow focusing on one or two that you really understand and are helpful for your project.
  4. Interest. You have an interesting project idea and an interesting topic. Spend some time thinking: why do you find it interesting? What makes other people interested in it? Your project will be more compelling if you can take advantage of what makes people interested in general.

Control Theory and Social Bonds

  1. Objective I propose to do a Wikipedia edit to improve the content of existing Wikipedia pages on the control theory. I plan to discuss what the control theory is in detail and give examples to further explain how social bonds contribute to its affect on individuals in society.
  2. Interest This is interesting because we all have social bonds but we may not really know and understand how our bonds with people effects what we do in life. This project is relevant to sociology because it discusses deviant behavior. What causes people to be deviant in society and what keeps others from deviating. It will help teach and educate those who do not know how the control theory works and the importance of social bonds.
  3. Background reading I will read wikipedia, text book and other basic sociology texts on the following topics: control theory, deviance, social bonds, attachments, investments,involvements and beliefs.
    1. I will also find scholarly research on the general issue of control theory and social bonds.
  4. General Plan My General plan is to research my topic and its key terms by using the text, scholarly articles and web searches to understand and get a concept on the material I plan to discuss. Once all my data is collected I will begin making edits to wikipedia providing what I have learned so that others can view and be educated from my research.
  5. Collaborators I will be working alone.

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. Take a look at the readings listed on control theory in the book and those in the wikipage. put up some links here or on your page for the resources you find. let me know when you start to make edits. --Htw3 (talk) 16:32, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. Objective I propose to create a you tube video with pictures representing what was seen as deviant in the past and is now seen as sort of a norm in society today. These pictures will represent old and modern Movies, Attire, Videogames, Music, Dance, and Comedy.

  1. Interest This is interesting because we are able to see how norms have changed over time in different realms of our society. I think this is also interesting because we can become informed about what used to be seen as deviant and it is surprising to see how we think of these things as normal or common now.
  1. General Plan Our plan is to display using pictures how the times have changed and how we see things differently than they were seen in the past. We will do this through a slide show style youtube video. We plan to look at various topics and show how they were deviant in the past but now are normal(norms).
  2. Collaborators our team is made of me –Anthony Jones and Travis Keeling

link to project:

  1. I am interesting in doing a Wikipedia page, Youtube video, or Flickr photo essay
  2. I want the focus of the project to display the effects media has on young females.
  3. This includes the pressure to look a certain way according to the mainstream's media ideal of beauty.
  4. This aspect resulting in low self-esteem, physical and mental disorders, and other factors in results from the media.
  5. I want this project to be Fabulous and informational at the same time with creativity, fashion, and intelligence.

I am a graphic and web designer and I have experience in editing photos and taking pictures. I have a digital camera and video camera.

Textbook ideas would involve the chapter discussing self perception, Looking glass self, and how we know who we are based on how others view us.

Comment from Ted: I think either a youtube or flickr would be a great way to go. sounds like an interesting project. A lot has been written on this topic-- so I would make sure you do a search in Google Scholar on 'body image' and 'women' and terms like those to find recent discussion and research. I look forward to seeing your project. --Htw3 (talk) 14:35, 21 May 2008 (UTC)


  1. I am doing a Flickr project
  2. It will show the effects of large chains such as Wal-Mart on a small rural community and discuss why some businesses thrive while similar businesses fail.
  3. Flickr link [5]
  4. I am working with Chip Redmond.
  5. Concept from Stark's book.
    1. "Conflict theory [is] an explanation of social structures and cultural patterns on the basis of conflicts between classes and status groups, each seeking to gain the most benefits." [page 121]
      1. Conflict theory explains the existence of small businesses along with mass chains. Each business seeks to gain the most benefits and develops conflicts with other businesses. For some, such as Wal-Mart and Domino's Pizza this is achieved through low prices. Other businesses such as Seaman's grocery store or Avalanche Pizza specialize in fresher, higher quality products.
  6. .Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
    1. "Conflict theorists emphasized the importance of interests over norms and values, and the ways in which the pursuit of interests generated various types of conflict as normal aspects of social life, rather than abnormal or dysfunctional occurrences."
      1. This additionally helps explain through conflict theory the existence of many businesses. Many people do not like large chains; they like to support the small, local businesses. This helps the smaller businesses to remain open and is an example of someone pursuing their own interests over the norm. It is the norm to shop at businesses such as Wal-Mart, but someone pursuing his or her own interests (helping local businesses) would shop there, violating the norm.
        1. Citation info. Marshall, Gordon. 1998. A Dictionary of Sociology, "Conflict Theory."
  1. I am doing a Flickr project.
  2. I will show how the rural and university areas of Athens differ
  3. I am working alone
  4. Modernization
    1. Assume that a number of small societies exist in close proximity... Assume that change is going on within each. Each change causes other parts within the society to adjust in response to cultural lag... That is, some cultural or social arrangements may weaken the ability of a society to withstand external threats, either from other societies or from the physical environment. [476-477]
      1. I'm using this to show that with the university being built the rural parts of Athens are disappearing.
  5. Modernization (again)
    1. Technical and industrial development reshapes economic, market and labor relations. These transformations in turn change social relations by increasing social differentiation and, potentially, increasing inequality. Industrialization and urbanization may well cause a breakdown in traditional structures and values, and an increase in social interaction, tension, and conflict.
      1. I'm using this to show how much Athens is stratified.
        1. Citation info. Kenneth E. Fernandez and Michelle Kuenzi, November 2006, Crime and Support for Democracy: Revisiting Modernization Theory. , Afro Barometer, 64, Page 1,

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. Start putting images up, let me know and I will make comments about ideas to tie-in to your themes in Flickr. Looking forward to seeing your work. --Htw3 (talk) 16:37, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I am going to do Flicker project.
  2. My project is going to show pictures about poverty around Athens area.
  3. Here is a link to my page:[[6]]
  4. I am working by myself on this project.
  5. Concept from Starks book.
    1. "Marx believed that capitalism had unleashed such productivity in Europe that it would soon be possible to eliminate all poverty." [page 482]
      1. I am going to use this idea to show in my pictures the differences of places where their is poverty and show middle class residential areas that poverty is not a problem.
  6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
    1. "People who live in rural areas are twice as likely to be poor as people who live in cities. For example, with a poverty rate of 12%, Cleveland is the poorest city in the US, but, as the poorest county in Ohio, Athens poverty rate is 26%."
      1. This quote shows why I was able to get so many pictures of poverty around the Athens area and you can see that from the pictures I have taken throughout the area.
        1. Citation info. The Timothy House, January 2008, "Current Homeless and Poverty Statistics", for the numbers their resources were: US census bureau, The National Coalition of the Homeless, and The Campaign to End Homelessness [[7]]

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. Let me know when you get your flickr account set up and start posting pictures. I will make comments in Flickr about tie-ins with ideas in course etc. Looking forward to seeing your work. --Htw3 (talk) 16:41, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

I want to do a wikipedia project over social deviance and the labeling theory.

  1. I am interested in doing a Flickr project. I would like to do a photo essay on college students here in Athens, and the different paths they take during their time in college.
  2. It is interesting because when kids go off to college their lives change for better or for worse, and they have to deal with it a certain way. I want to capture the outcomes of some of these students in my photo essay. The photos will portray the life of different college students in Athens.
  3. I will read wikipedia, and look through the textbook for certain theories of college students and their behaviors. I will read upon different social theories that can reflect the life of a college student.
  4. My general plan is to find different college students here in Athens with different situations. For example like students from different places around the country, students who commute here,and students who participate in activities that effect their life socially.
  5. I would like to team up with Michael Henry and Pat O'Malley.
  6. A concept from the book that my photos would reflect could either be a network or social network.
    1. Page 15 from book. "social relationships"
      1. I could use this idea to reflect how some students act, by how connected they are socially with the network of students we have here at OU.
  7. Another concept that could be emphasized is social solidarity. We can see how attached certain people are with in a group.
    1. Social Solidarity and the Gift
  Aafke E. Komter
  Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands

i want to do a youtube

  1. Objective I propose to create a you tube video with pictures representing what was seen as deviant in the past and is now seen as sort of a norm in society today. These pictures will represent old and modern Movies, Attire, Videogames, Music, Dance, and Comedy.

  1. Interest This is interesting because we are able to see how norms have changed over time in different realms of our society. I think this is also interesting because we can become informed about what used to be seen as deviant and it is surprising to see how we think of these things as normal or common now.
  1. General Plan Our plan is to display using pictures how the times have changed and how we see things differently than they were seen in the past. We will do this through a slide show style youtube video. We plan to look at various topics and show how they were deviant in the past but now are normal(norms).
  2. Collaborators our team is made of me –Anthony Jones and Travis Keeling

Link to my project:

Comments from Ted: Working on Rainbows End sounds good. You need to meet with the other people involved and make a plan for who does what. --Htw3 (talk) 01:50, 22 May 2008 (UTC)



1. I Am unfamiliar with all mediums being used for this project so i dont have a preference, I do watch alot of you tube..

2.As far as my intresets, Im game for anything. I thing its interesting to learn about people and how they are affected by thier enviroments.. The only expertise I have is that regarding projects I work very hard and like for the results to be above satisfactory. So, Pretty much I like to give it my all.

3. Technology is not my forte, so id say my only skills regarding the internet are tagging photos on facebook. But im a quick learner, and I work hard.

  1. I am doing a youtube video.
  2. I want to show how playing violent video games causes violent deviant acts.
  3. We should have a link Monday evening for our video.
  4. I am working with Anna Hartenbach [User: Ha_An_Spring_2008] and Tom Carpenter [User:Ca_Th_Spring_2008] on this project.
  5. Crime and deviance as a learned behavior.
    1. First, any general theory of crime and deviance must include elements of learning theory. Nearly all human behavior is learned, including deviant behavior. Next, a general theory must specify the sources from which conformity and deviance are learned. [203]
      1. I used this idea to explain aggression and violence from people playing video games.
  6. Video games can cause aggression/violence.
    1. "violent video games may be more harmful than violent television and movies because they are interactive, very engrossing and require the player to identify with the aggressor"
      1. I used this idea to show people playing video games instead of doing something like watching television, because video games are more interactive.


2. I would like to study

3. I have

4. I plan to work with User:Mi_Mi_Spring_2008 and

Muschlitz Photo Essay- Faces of Athens

  1. Objective I have two ideas for this project but I'm leaning towards this one: I propose to create a photo essay on various people belonging to different social classes, possibly just focusing on the lower class. I'm interested in doing a series of portraits of people in each class. In the caption info I'll include which class he/she is in, how they came to be in that class (whether they were born into it or achieved it on merit), and give a brief overview about their everyday life (profession, family, interests, hobbies, etc.). I've already taken some portraits of middle and upperclass persons and am planning to do some portraits of lower class persons Thursday evening through an organization I volunteer with.

Should this idea not work out, I will instead focus on social groups and social interaction between groups on campus. I've also begun doing some shooting on this topic.

  1. Interest This is interesting because as a photojournalism major I'm always looking to tell the stories of interesting characters. The portraits of lower class Athens residents have been something that I've wanted to do for a long time. I think my essay idea will allow me to bring some new insight to viewers about the lives of people of each class and how they came to be in that class in an interesting visual way.
  2. Background reading I will read wikipedia, text book and other basic sociology texts on the following topics: social classes, social groups and group interactions, stratification systems, and status.
    1. I will also find scholarly research on the general issue of class/status and social groups/interaction. Posting links here.
    2. I will find popular press discussions of my topic. Perhaps Wikipedia articles, blog entrys, newspaper and magazine stories, etc.
  3. General Plan I plan to make a flickr accout for the project and start editing the portraits of my upper and middle class persons this week and next. I will begin photographing my lower class persons of interest this Thursday night when I go in to volunteer. After shooting all of the photos I'll do a quick edit, a final edit, and will write captions before posting the project on flickr.
  4. Collaborators I will be working alone.

comments from Ted: sounds great. glad to hear that you have photo experience. -- what sociologogical themes are you going to focus on? --Htw3 (talk) 16:51, 29 May 2008 (UTC)

1. I am doing a flickr project.

2. I am doing a photo essay of social class. The final version of my Flickr site will include portraits and profiles of people of different classes as well as include information about their life and how they got in those classes.

3. My link is So far I've only uploaded one photo but more will be uploaded this weekend.

4. I am working alone.

5. Concept

    1. Quote
      1. How I'll use this idea

6. Another Concept from further research

    1. Quote
      1. Citation info/url

Norms Across Culture

  1. I want to do a YouTube project.
  2. It is about dating norms in a America and China and how students change when they move to a new country.
  3. Link: '
  4. I am working with User:qi_ni_spring_2008 and User:mo_sr_spring_2008
  5. Concepts from Stark's book:

Concept: Norms

Relevant Quote: "[Norms] are rules governing behavior. Norms define what behavior is required, acceptable, or prohibited in particular circumstances. They indicate that a person should or mush act (or must not act) in certain ways at certain times" (40).

How I use this idea: We looked at what the rules are for dating in both the American culture and the Chinese culture This was the basis of our video.

Concept: Secondary and Primary Groups

Relevant Quote: "Primary groups are characterized by great intimacy among the members. People in these groups do not merely know one another and interact frequently, but they also have strong emotional ties. as a result people gain much of their self-esteem and sense of identity from primary groups" (14).

"Secondary groups consist of less intimate groups within which people pursue various collective goals but without the same consuming sense of belonging" (14).

How I use this idea: In our video, we point out that the Americans at the college would be considered to be a secondary group because they are new to the country. They don't have strong emotional attachments with them because they are new to the country.

Concept: Reference Groups

Relevant Quote: "[The concept of reference groups] refers to the groups that individuals identify with, the groups whose norms values serve as the basis for self-judgement. In an important sense, or reference groups are the audiences before whom we lead or lives--the people whose approval counts most with us. A reference gourp nee dnot actually be present to influence a person's behavior. Even if no member of our reference group can actually see what we are doing, we can still act on the basis of how that group would react" (58).

How I use this idea: In the video, we point out that the reference groups (like family and friends) are not in America. They are in China, so they won't see them and judge them. That means they have more freedom to act how they want here than in China.

  1. Concept from further research:

Concept: Do not generalize dating

Relevant Quotes: "You're bound to get into trouble if you assume that for all Chinese, dating is the same. You'll meet people who were born in the United States and have never lived in China, but who still follow traditional Chinese culture. You'll also find people who moved here as adults but are completely comfortable with American-style dating. And of course, you'll find everything in between as well. What that means is that there's not really any such thing as "Chinese dating." As with any dating situations, it's about getting to know a unique person, their outlook on life, and their personal interests, hopes and dreams."

"As with any culture, not everyone from China shares the same beliefs. Still, there are some attitudes about dating that are common among the Chinese. An important one is the involvement of family. In the United States, we're used to the idea that we make our own choices about whom we date and whom we marry. But in traditional Chinese families, the parents may expect to have a say. Issues that often emerge include: Age. Parents may want daughters to marry older men. This is because older men have had more time to become established, earn some money, and provide a stable home. Men, on the other hand, are not expected to marry older women. Ethnic background. Some native Chinese object to racial differences. In fact, it can be considered disgraceful to marry someone of another race. Family connections. Chinese parents may prefer their children to date people who are already known to the family, or whose backgrounds the parents have explored. Traditional Chinese family connections include an extended network of aunts, uncles, cousins, and so on. Parents may feel more secure if someone in that network can vouch for the person their child is dating. "Saving face." Traditional Chinese families believe that the actions of any family member reflect back on the family as a whole. Dating the wrong person can bring disgrace or embarrassment to the entire family. Parental pressure. Because family is very important in Chinese culture, it can be incredibly difficult for a Chinese person to go against the family's wishes. A person may be an independent adult in every other way but still feel obligated to accept their parents' decision about whom to marry. Parents may even threaten to disown a child who defies their wishes.

How I use this: When we came up with the questions, we were going by traditional Chinese values. We were very confident as to what kind of answers we were going to get from both sides. However, we learned not to generalize. Sure, their values and norms will change with additional ideas and cultural influences, but there is also the chance that they thought like that before we talked to them and before they came to America. Not everyone is the same and everyone has different values.

Citation: BethS, Rick Fulks, Debbie Vasen. "Chinese Dating." Chinese Dating. 28 Apr 2007. 1 Jun 2008. <>.

Concept: Intercultural dating

Relevant quotes: "Ethnographic descriptions suggest that compared to European Americans, Chinese Americans place a greater emphasis on emotional moderation. To assess whether such cultural differences influence actual emotional responding, we compared the physiological responses and reported affect of 22 Chinese American and 20 European American college-age dating couples in an interpersonal context, that is, during conversations about areas of conflict in their relationship. Although some of our findings were consistent with ethnographic notions of greater emotional moderation in Chinese culture (Chinese Americans demonstrated less variable and less positive reported affect and less variable cardiac interbeat intervals than European Americans), other findings were not (Chinese Americans and European Americans did not differ in most measures of physiological responding and in reported negative affect)."

How I use it: After we did our video, we found this article. We were sure that someone else did the study, and even though they examined a different aspect of relationships, but they also got the same kind of results we got. The Chinese students and the American students had similar responses to some of the questions/situations, just like us. They aren't as different as we would think.

Citation: Tsai, J. L., & Levenson, R. W. (1997). Cultural influences on emotional responding: Chinese American and European American dating couples during interpersonal conflicts. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 28, 600-625.

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. I look forward to seeing your video! I would like to see the questions you plan to ask. Basic 'how' questions are good for interviews. The cross cultural aspect is very interesting. --Htw3 (talk) 14:44, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

1. I am interested in doing a youtube project. I would like to focus on some of the norms experienced around a college campus. I don't have much filming experience, but I may have resources to use.

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. A good next step would be to plan out the types of footage you need, and then start collecting. One thing you could do is to give a definition of norms or an explanation of how norms work as part of the video, and then the clips would be like examples, and you could point out where the examples connect to the definition and where they differ. --Htw3 (talk) 14:48, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I propose to explain the impact of medicine on the role of older generations in both the present, and the possible future such as in Rainbows End.
  2. This is interesting because the medicine of today and the future can keep people alive longer then they naturally would. This brings up different questions of how these people will be treated in society in terms of their roles, how they will be perceived, and what opportunities they will be given to do more with their lives. It will incorporate the concepts of prejudice, norms, roles, class, and even stratification. This is an important topic because the advances in medicine are beginning now and we can see what might happen with people who are saved in the future. In particular, older people who have become rejuvenated.
  3. I will read examples from Rainbows End, sociological ideas from the text book, and I will research modern medicine and where it is heading. By using these sources, I will tie together sociological concepts to Rainbows End and the times of today.
  4. I plan to pull together examples of how the formerly ill people in Rainbows End are treated and what their lives are like. Maybe some comparison of life before and after being treated, and what is expected of them.
  5. Concept from Starks book
    1. "A role is a collection of norms associated with particular positions in society. These norms describe how we can expect someone in a particular position to act or not to act". [41]
      1. In Rainbows End, the people who are saved from terminal illness have changed what their roles and norms are defined as. Because they are once again put back into society and are expected to be productive, their sociological roles have changed.
  6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
    1. "In this exciting introduction to the sociology of health and medicine, Annandale examines the core issues of the discipline and reassesses them in the light of recent developments in health care and social theory. The Sociology of Health and Medicine considers the way in which recent economic and social change has generated new issues and necessitated a re-evaluation of the traditional concerns in the field of health, illness and health care"
      1. There is a growing interest in the fields of sociology and medicine. Combining the two and connecting facts and ideas from both fields will help to give me insight into how medicine effects sociological ideas and how it relates to Rainbows End. As medicine advances, there will be effects on things such as health care and how resources will be distributed.
        1. Citation info. Annandale E, The Sociology of Health and Medicine Author, 2001,

Think Big! Take Risks! Expect the Impossible!

1. I prefer the wikipedia project.

2. I will improve the current page for "Looking glass self".

3. The link is Looking glass self.

4. I am working by myself on this.

5. Concept from Starks book. Charles Horton Cooley introduced the term looking glass self to describe the process by which our sense of self develops. The concept of the self was further examined by G.H. Mead who in Starks book defines the self as, "our learned understanding of the responses of others to our conduct." Thus, the looking glass self is the method by which humans develop a perception of themselves in relation to how others perceive them.

A. "Whether we come to hold a good or poor opinion of ourselves depends on the reflection others communicate to us. That is, we can feel good about ourselves only if people give us reason to do so." (page 74)

B. I use this idea to examine how much influence the looking glass self has on one's perception of themselves. Cooley hypothesizes that one's sense of self is strongly correlated to the perception of others. Thus, in order for one to have a positive sense of themselves they must receive positive affirmation from other people; conversely, a negative sense of self derives from others' negative perception. The current wikipedia page includes one study of the looking glass self using children as the control group. I expand on this research by including other experiments involving studies of familial relationships.

6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)

A. Relevant quote

B. How I use this idea.

C. Citation info. Author, Date, Title, Journal Title, Volume, Pages, URL

Norms Across Culture

  1. I want to do a YouTube project.
  2. It is about dating norms in a America and China and how students change when they move to a new country.
  3. Link: '
  4. I am working with User:qi_ni_spring_2008 and User:mo_sr_spring_2008
  5. Concepts from Stark's book:

Concept: Norms

Relevant Quote: "[Norms] are rules governing behavior. Norms define what behavior is required, acceptable, or prohibited in particular circumstances. They indicate that a person should or mush act (or must not act) in certain ways at certain times" (40).

How I use this idea: We looked at what the rules are for dating in both the American culture and the Chinese culture This was the basis of our video.

Concept: Secondary and Primary Groups

Relevant Quote: "Primary groups are characterized by great intimacy among the members. People in these groups do not merely know one another and interact frequently, but they also have strong emotional ties. as a result people gain much of their self-esteem and sense of identity from primary groups" (14).

"Secondary groups consist of less intimate groups within which people pursue various collective goals but without the same consuming sense of belonging" (14).

How I use this idea: In our video, we point out that the Americans at the college would be considered to be a secondary group because they are new to the country. They don't have strong emotional attachments with them because they are new to the country.

Concept: Reference Groups

Relevant Quote: "[The concept of reference groups] refers to the groups that individuals identify with, the groups whose norms values serve as the basis for self-judgement. In an important sense, or reference groups are the audiences before whom we lead or lives--the people whose approval counts most with us. A reference gourp nee dnot actually be present to influence a person's behavior. Even if no member of our reference group can actually see what we are doing, we can still act on the basis of how that group would react" (58).

How I use this idea: In the video, we point out that the reference groups (like family and friends) are not in America. They are in China, so they won't see them and judge them. That means they have more freedom to act how they want here than in China.

  1. Concept from further research:

Concept: Do not generalize dating

Relevant Quotes: "You're bound to get into trouble if you assume that for all Chinese, dating is the same. You'll meet people who were born in the United States and have never lived in China, but who still follow traditional Chinese culture. You'll also find people who moved here as adults but are completely comfortable with American-style dating. And of course, you'll find everything in between as well. What that means is that there's not really any such thing as "Chinese dating." As with any dating situations, it's about getting to know a unique person, their outlook on life, and their personal interests, hopes and dreams."

"As with any culture, not everyone from China shares the same beliefs. Still, there are some attitudes about dating that are common among the Chinese. An important one is the involvement of family. In the United States, we're used to the idea that we make our own choices about whom we date and whom we marry. But in traditional Chinese families, the parents may expect to have a say. Issues that often emerge include: Age. Parents may want daughters to marry older men. This is because older men have had more time to become established, earn some money, and provide a stable home. Men, on the other hand, are not expected to marry older women. Ethnic background. Some native Chinese object to racial differences. In fact, it can be considered disgraceful to marry someone of another race. Family connections. Chinese parents may prefer their children to date people who are already known to the family, or whose backgrounds the parents have explored. Traditional Chinese family connections include an extended network of aunts, uncles, cousins, and so on. Parents may feel more secure if someone in that network can vouch for the person their child is dating. "Saving face." Traditional Chinese families believe that the actions of any family member reflect back on the family as a whole. Dating the wrong person can bring disgrace or embarrassment to the entire family. Parental pressure. Because family is very important in Chinese culture, it can be incredibly difficult for a Chinese person to go against the family's wishes. A person may be an independent adult in every other way but still feel obligated to accept their parents' decision about whom to marry. Parents may even threaten to disown a child who defies their wishes.

How I use this: When we came up with the questions, we were going by traditional Chinese values. We were very confident as to what kind of answers we were going to get from both sides. However, we learned not to generalize. Sure, their values and norms will change with additional ideas and cultural influences, but there is also the chance that they thought like that before we talked to them and before they came to America. Not everyone is the same and everyone has different values.

Citation: BethS, Rick Fulks, Debbie Vasen. "Chinese Dating." Chinese Dating. 28 Apr 2007. 1 Jun 2008. <>.

Concept: Intercultural dating

Relevant quotes: "Ethnographic descriptions suggest that compared to European Americans, Chinese Americans place a greater emphasis on emotional moderation. To assess whether such cultural differences influence actual emotional responding, we compared the physiological responses and reported affect of 22 Chinese American and 20 European American college-age dating couples in an interpersonal context, that is, during conversations about areas of conflict in their relationship. Although some of our findings were consistent with ethnographic notions of greater emotional moderation in Chinese culture (Chinese Americans demonstrated less variable and less positive reported affect and less variable cardiac interbeat intervals than European Americans), other findings were not (Chinese Americans and European Americans did not differ in most measures of physiological responding and in reported negative affect)."

How I use it: After we did our video, we found this article. We were sure that someone else did the study, and even though they examined a different aspect of relationships, but they also got the same kind of results we got. The Chinese students and the American students had similar responses to some of the questions/situations, just like us. They aren't as different as we would think.

Citation: Tsai, J. L., & Levenson, R. W. (1997). Cultural influences on emotional responding: Chinese American and European American dating couples during interpersonal conflicts. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 28, 600-625.

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. I look forward to seeing your video! I would like to see the questions you plan to ask. Basic 'how' questions are good for interviews. The cross cultural aspect is very interesting. --Htw3 (talk) 14:44, 21 May 2008 (UTC)


1. I am doing a flickr project. 2. It is about the demographic, social/cultural, and industrial presence of spirituality in Athens, OH. 3. Here is a link to my project 4. I am working with Andrez Ruiz (Ru_An_Spring_2008) on this. 5. Concept from Starks book.

1. "Insert relevant quote here" [include page number]
1. How I use this idea

6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)

1. Relevant quote
1. How I use this idea.
1. Citation info. Author, Date, Title, Journal Title, Volume, Pages, URL


1. I am interested in working on a You Tube Project.

2. I am interested in what makes students "buy" into an extra-cirricular music program, without being awarded a grade or reward for their work.

3. I would like to work alone due to my outside commitments.

  1. I'm interested in doing a Flickr project on the different path college students take during their time in Athens.
  2. College changes everyone in many different ways. College determines who we become and the different paths we take to deal with responsibilities placed on our shoulders.
  3. We will read up on social theories based on college student life.
  4. I plan to do a photo essay on college students and how they react to situations they are placed in.


  1. I want to do a YouTube project.
  2. I am interested in doing a project about various stereotypes/norms on a college campus.
  3. I possess a digital camera and have some editing experience. I also tend to be fairly creative so I should be able to come up with something decent.

1. I want to do a Flickr Project. 2. I would like to do a project on the social environment of a small business. I work in an office that sells Extended Auto Warranties over the internet. I have been working for this company for a little while and know the people in the office and how they interact with each other. I am going to reference the book, "The Search" by John Battelle. I also have skills with computers and digital cameras.


[[User:Qi ni spring 2008]

]=======Norms Across Culture====

  1. I want to do a YouTube project.
  2. It is about dating norms in a America and China and how students change when they move to a new country.
  3. Link: '
  4. I am working with User:Mc Ra Spring 2008 and User:mo_sr_spring_2008
  5. Concepts from Stark's book:

Concept: Norms

Relevant Quote: "[Norms] are rules governing behavior. Norms define what behavior is required, acceptable, or prohibited in particular circumstances. They indicate that a person should or mush act (or must not act) in certain ways at certain times" (40).

How I use this idea: We looked at what the rules are for dating in both the American culture and the Chinese culture This was the basis of our video.

Concept: Secondary and Primary Groups

Relevant Quote: "Primary groups are characterized by great intimacy among the members. People in these groups do not merely know one another and interact frequently, but they also have strong emotional ties. as a result people gain much of their self-esteem and sense of identity from primary groups" (14).

"Secondary groups consist of less intimate groups within which people pursue various collective goals but without the same consuming sense of belonging" (14).

How I use this idea: In our video, we point out that the Americans at the college would be considered to be a secondary group because they are new to the country. They don't have strong emotional attachments with them because they are new to the country.

Concept: Reference Groups

Relevant Quote: "[The concept of reference groups] refers to the groups that individuals identify with, the groups whose norms values serve as the basis for self-judgement. In an important sense, or reference groups are the audiences before whom we lead or lives--the people whose approval counts most with us. A reference gourp nee dnot actually be present to influence a person's behavior. Even if no member of our reference group can actually see what we are doing, we can still act on the basis of how that group would react" (58).

How I use this idea: In the video, we point out that the reference groups (like family and friends) are not in America. They are in China, so they won't see them and judge them. That means they have more freedom to act how they want here than in China.

  1. Concept from further research:

Concept: Do not generalize dating

Relevant Quotes: "You're bound to get into trouble if you assume that for all Chinese, dating is the same. You'll meet people who were born in the United States and have never lived in China, but who still follow traditional Chinese culture. You'll also find people who moved here as adults but are completely comfortable with American-style dating. And of course, you'll find everything in between as well. What that means is that there's not really any such thing as "Chinese dating." As with any dating situations, it's about getting to know a unique person, their outlook on life, and their personal interests, hopes and dreams."

"As with any culture, not everyone from China shares the same beliefs. Still, there are some attitudes about dating that are common among the Chinese. An important one is the involvement of family. In the United States, we're used to the idea that we make our own choices about whom we date and whom we marry. But in traditional Chinese families, the parents may expect to have a say. Issues that often emerge include: Age. Parents may want daughters to marry older men. This is because older men have had more time to become established, earn some money, and provide a stable home. Men, on the other hand, are not expected to marry older women. Ethnic background. Some native Chinese object to racial differences. In fact, it can be considered disgraceful to marry someone of another race. Family connections. Chinese parents may prefer their children to date people who are already known to the family, or whose backgrounds the parents have explored. Traditional Chinese family connections include an extended network of aunts, uncles, cousins, and so on. Parents may feel more secure if someone in that network can vouch for the person their child is dating. "Saving face." Traditional Chinese families believe that the actions of any family member reflect back on the family as a whole. Dating the wrong person can bring disgrace or embarrassment to the entire family. Parental pressure. Because family is very important in Chinese culture, it can be incredibly difficult for a Chinese person to go against the family's wishes. A person may be an independent adult in every other way but still feel obligated to accept their parents' decision about whom to marry. Parents may even threaten to disown a child who defies their wishes.

How I use this: When we came up with the questions, we were going by traditional Chinese values. We were very confident as to what kind of answers we were going to get from both sides. However, we learned not to generalize. Sure, their values and norms will change with additional ideas and cultural influences, but there is also the chance that they thought like that before we talked to them and before they came to America. Not everyone is the same and everyone has different values.

Citation: BethS, Rick Fulks, Debbie Vasen. "Chinese Dating." Chinese Dating. 28 Apr 2007. 1 Jun 2008. <>.

Concept: Intercultural dating

Relevant quotes: "Ethnographic descriptions suggest that compared to European Americans, Chinese Americans place a greater emphasis on emotional moderation. To assess whether such cultural differences influence actual emotional responding, we compared the physiological responses and reported affect of 22 Chinese American and 20 European American college-age dating couples in an interpersonal context, that is, during conversations about areas of conflict in their relationship. Although some of our findings were consistent with ethnographic notions of greater emotional moderation in Chinese culture (Chinese Americans demonstrated less variable and less positive reported affect and less variable cardiac interbeat intervals than European Americans), other findings were not (Chinese Americans and European Americans did not differ in most measures of physiological responding and in reported negative affect)."

How I use it: After we did our video, we found this article. We were sure that someone else did the study, and even though they examined a different aspect of relationships, but they also got the same kind of results we got. The Chinese students and the American students had similar responses to some of the questions/situations, just like us. They aren't as different as we would think.

Citation: Tsai, J. L., & Levenson, R. W. (1997). Cultural influences on emotional responding: Chinese American and European American dating couples during interpersonal conflicts. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 28, 600-625.

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. I look forward to seeing your video! I would like to see the questions you plan to ask. Basic 'how' questions are good for interviews. The cross cultural aspect is very interesting. --Htw3 (talk) 14:44, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I am doing a Youtube project
  2. This project deals with social networks and college students. It compares an average student's storng and weak ties to that of a student involved in extracurricular activities (Ex: Athletics, Greek Life, etc)
  3. I will put link here. (6/3/08)
  4. I am working with Emily Edgar on this project.
  5. Concept from our sociology book.
    1. Based on Granovetter's Strengh of Weak Ties Concept, weak ties are proven to be stronger and more effective for the purpose of spreading information. An example of this would be job searches. Respondents of Granovetter's, reported that they got a job based on someone that they knew "casually" and not one of their close friends. (Page 35-36)
      1. We use this idea in our project to show how Barry (college athlete) and Emily were able to form their social networks through their daily lives and because of that how Barry and his weak ties will benefit him more in the long run than Emily's strong ties.
  6. Concept from further research: from I found the link
    1. Alternative formulations of the strength-of-weak-ties hypothesis suggest that job seekers benefit from weak ties for two distinct reasons. It is emphasized that weak ties relay useful job information more frequently than strong ties, and that weak-tie job offers are drawn from a different (often superior) distribution.
      1. Dealing with the typical college student, compared with a college athlete, the athlete will have more weak-ties that will benefit them in the job-seeking process. They will have more opportunities for interviews and knowing more about jobs located in a different geographical region because of teammates and the people that they know.
        1. Citation info.

Hey, i would like to to a wikipedia entry about deviance in sports also. Si_Ky_Spring_2008

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. I think you should edit the page on Sociology of sport. In general it could be made much better, and you can add a section on research on deviance in sociology of sport. --Htw3 (talk) 16:53, 21 May 2008 (UTC)


1. I am doing a youtube project. 2. I am researching prostitution rings that service only the political elite and how this topic pertains to theories in the book, such as control theory, white collar crime, and crime and deviance in general. 3. I will be contributing the research on the prostitution rings.

Comment from Ted: Sounds great-- go for it!-- (talk) 14:45, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

Wal-mart's Globalization and its affect on Athens

  1. Objective I propose to do a Flickr project on the different influences Wal-Mart and other major corporate companies have had on the city of Athens in both positive and negative ways.
  2. Interest This is interesting because Wal-Mart has a major affect on areas surrounding it. Some of these effects help and hurt the community in which it was built. Wal-Mart is the source for many problems and solutions. They have networks that can decide what can be made where. They also have a direct and indirect affect on the local poverty and employment rates through conflict theory.
  3. Background reading I will be reading articles, newspapers, thesis, and many other text on Wal-Mart and the effects they have had. I will also be interviewing people in and around Wal-Marts discussing the different impacts it has had. Also I will be interviewing people that shop at other stores around the area asking what influenced their choices. I will post links here if I use online sources.
  4. General Plan I plan to do research on the different local impacts Wal-Mart and other major corporate companies have when they first built here in Athens. I will do this by reading previous articles that were in the paper and such around that time. I will then gather thoughts and ideas on what to take pictures of. From there I will go out and talk and interview people around the area and get their opinions and base the pictures I take off of the opinions and thoughts. We will base these ideas and opinions off of different sociological aspects from the text book and take more pictures that will correlate the two concepts together. From there we will post these pictures onto flickr along with captions to help the understanding and meaning of each picture within the slideshow. Our flickr account can be found at [8]
  5. Collaborators I will be working with Ms. Emily Kitsmiller.

--Re Ch Spring 08 (talk) 01:54, 29 May 2008 (UTC)

Comment from Ted: Sounds good. Go ahead and get started with your Flickr account and get some photos up.-- (talk) 18:55, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

1. I would like to do a flicker project.
2. Some topics would include secondary groups inside of the Athens community. Like sports, bars, town. Also show how a small town is known for its college lifestyle. 3. I will be using my friends camera and love taking pictures. I have no video experience but i know people that can help me.


1. I am doing a flickr project.
2. It is about . It is about the demographic, social/cultural, and industrial presence of spirituality in Athens, OH. 
3. Here is a link to my project [| Flickr]
4. I am working with Nadia Sheng on this project
5. Concept from Starks book.

1. I'd like to do a Wikipedia project 2. I'm a psych major so I'll probably choose theory to focus on, but haven't narrowed it down as of yet. I'm interested in substance abuse, racism and bullying so I may search for theories on those topics. Possibly, peer pressure or bullying. 3. My resources include the internet and the library. I'd also gather information from my professors.


YouTube link up on my user page.

  1. I will to do a YouTube Video.
  2. I am going to picture transportation technologies of the past and present as comparisons and discuss the effect of advancements on society and the effect society has on the advancements of this technology.
  3. I will work alone and thus provide all resources.
  4. Urbanization
    1. "A mayor reason cities remained small was poor transportaion; food had to be brought to feed a city." (535)
      1. Will use this idea to show the importance of transportation.
  5. Transportation as a nessesity to common day life.
    1. "When talking about transportation we commonly use words like “circulation,” “congestion,” “flow,” or “artery”—words

we also use to describe how blood moves through the body. This usage is not surprising, since these are practical terms for describing flows in networks. But they also suggest a far more profound similarity: transportation is a vital function of human society, just as blood is essential to human life."

      1. This helps to show the true meaning and importance of common day transportation.
        1. Kulash, Damian J. Transportation Planning Handbook. Pg. 4

Comments from Ted: Hey Sp_Ch,
I like your idea. Like we discussed it makes more sense to do a youtube video so you can get images from a variety of sources and combine them. also, voice over and text would add a great deal to this project. Also-- thanks for organizing the contributors page. --Htw3 (talk) 19:16, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

1.I want to do a YouTube Project.

2. I am researching the prostitution rings that service only the political elite and how this topic pertains or does not pertain to the theories of deviance in the book such as control theory, white collar crime, differential theory, labeling theory, structural strain theory and the definition of crime and deviance.

3. I will be contributing the research that pertains to using the information and theories in the book that explain our topic of prostitution rings that service the political elite of our society.

4.# Concept from Starks book.

    1. "For the control theory the causes of conformity are the social bonds between an individual and the group. When these bonds are strong, the individual conforms; when these bonds are weak, the individual deviates..There are four kinds of social bonds between the inidividual and the group: attachments, investments, involvements and beliefs." [Pages:194-195]
      1. My group and I will use the basic princples and ideas of the control theory in our project. However, our topics deals with the deviance of politicians involved in prostitution rings. This topic is not justified by the control theory and in fact it is a contradiction to the theory. According to the Control Theory these politicians should abstain from this deviance and conform to the norms of politicians. But these individuals do not follow this idea and deviance such as this is quite common in politics. Also, we plan to use the four social bonds individually to show why politicians theoretically should not deviate and conform. So, since the politicians have much to lose and many social bonds such as attachments, involvements, investments and beliefs they should not be so frequently caught in deviant scandals such as involvements in prostitution rings. Finally, we may conclude on some reasons why they might deviate despite all of these risks and social bonds.

5.# Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)

    1. "The essence of internalization of norms and conscience lies in the attachment of the individual to others. To the extent that we are concerned about what others think of us and react towards us, then we are under an element of control". "The idea that the persons invests time, energy, himself, in a certain line of activity-say getting an education and acquiring a reputation of virtue. When or whenever he considers deviant behavior, he must consider the costs of this deviant behavior, the risk he runs of loisng the investment he has made in conventional behavior".
      1. Those were two quotes considering two social bonds, attachments and investments. We plan to show how this bonds, like attachment and beliefs, usually lead to conformity of the norms. Also, we plan to show that these bonds predict that an individual will deviate less. However, since our topic deals with how these politicians stray from the concepts of the control theory we must reveal how politicians do have these attachments but still deviate.
        1. Newburn, Tim. Criminology . 1st Edition . Portland, Oregon : Willan Publishing , 2007. (Pages:226-244).

Comments from Ted: This sounds like a great project-- go for it! --Htw3 (talk) 03:13, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I want to do a YouTube project.
  2. I would like to explore social deviances and crime. I would also like to explore why crime happens and why people do it. From petty theft, to bombing buildings.Another topic I would be interested in is why people are obessed with disasters and how people react to them.
  3. I would contribute to this project my knowledge of social deviances and crime. I also like to compose power points and presentations so I could be of use in that. I also am genuinely interested in the topic so I wouldn't just brush it off.

Comment from Ted: Good idea, you might want to look at sociological explanations of cheating (steroids, paying off refs, etc). I suggest that you create a sub-part of the sociology of sport page titled "Deviance in Sports". Sociology of sport you will see is a pretty lame entry. If you can make other improvements to that page-- that would be super. --Htw3 (talk) 16:50, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I would like to do either a you tube or wikipedia project.
  2. I would like to do something related to video game violence because i am into video games and know a bit about them. Or i would like to do it on steryotypes in our society.
  3. I know a bit about video games. I also know how to edit videos and i will hopefully learn how to use wikipedia.

see comments on your page--Htw3 (talk) 15:32, 18 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I want to do a YouTube project.
  2. I would like to do a video that ties the work i'm doing for my BFA thesis exhibition together with concepts from sociology. Check out my user page - i typed up a little summary of my concepts there. I want to make a video that explores our fascination with disasters by compiling footage from other YouTube videos of everything from fights and riots to hurricanes and warfare. While I have a lot of footage for my BFA downloaded already, I'm going to use it to produce a new video specifically for this class - I even have a good idea of what audio to bring into this.
  3. Since I have already been compiling video clips and researching this subject, I am not sure what I would need from group members - perhaps some specific research into the sociology of disasters and formatting a text component to go with the images of the video. I am submitting my BFA project proposal to the @Lab, which will give me access to all the equipment and software necessary to edit a really slick video. anybody interested in studying bad things happening to people?

See comments on your page, and your partners--Htw3 (talk) 17:15, 18 May 2008 (UTC)

  1. I want to do a YouTube project.
  2. I would like to explore social deviances and crime. I would also like to explore why crime happens and why people do it. From petty theft, to bombing buildings.Another topic I would be interested in is why people are obessed with disasters and how people react to them.
  3. I would contribute to this project my knowledge of social deviances and crime. I also like to compose power points and presentations so I could be of use in that. I also am genuinely interested in the topic so I wouldn't just brush it off.


2.Deviance, Sub-culture

3.I have a digital camera

  1. I would like to do either a you tube or wikipedia project.
  2. I would like to do something related to video game violence because i love video games and know a bit about them. Or i would like to do it on stereotypes in our society.
  3. I know a bit about video games. I also know how to edit videos and am getting familiar with wikipedia.

Comments from Ted

  1. Your proposal on your page sounds fine to me. Go ahead and get started on the background reading. You might look at some of the most recent research that cites the major people in this field and then describe some of the current research and or major debates in the field. Make sure you start with a decent starting understanding of what the theory says. I think the textbook has a pretty good section.

Comment from Ted: working on the theory of religious economies page sounds great. Get in touch with the other folks who are working on it. See list on project page. User:Htw3/Spring_2008_Project_Page#Theory_of_Religious_Economy


I am doing a flickr project.

It is about the stratification system and some elements within it.

I will post the link here once I get some pics uploaded. I have some good ideas on some pics, just haven't taken them yet.

I am working alone.

  1. Concepts and Theories of Stratification
    1. "Modern social scientists have renamed some of Weber's term to constitute "three Ps" of stratification: property (what Weber called "class"), prestige (what Weber called "status"), and power (what Weber sometimes called "party")" [236]
      1. These are the three dimensions of stratification and they will be depicted in my pictures.
  2. Some Principles of Stratification
    1. "In the present stratification system, there is a relationship between stratification and the rest of the social order. No society is 'classless' and stratification is called forth in any social system. The main functional necessity of stratification is placing and motivating individuals in the social system"
      1. With my pictures, I want to show that there is stratification everywhere within the society, and in societies within societies. What can motivate people to become part of a higher class in society? Do they have a choice?
        1. Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore, April 1945, Some Principles of Stratification, American Sociological Review, Volume 10 No. 2, pages 242-249.

Comments from Ted: It will be cool to try to think about how you can document social stratification through images that you can take in and around OU. Houses and or vehicles can convey some of economic strat ifiction. You could also think about doing a comparison-- where you juxtapose something in Athens with the same thing else where, but those things are of different quality in the different places. Go ahead and get started with your Flickr account and start posting pictures. --Htw3 (talk) 02:47, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

1. I'de like to do a Wikipedia project.

2. I would like to do a project related to sports. I'll update it more when I think of a good topic for research.

Comments from Ted: I highly recommend that you start simply by improving the current sociology of sport page. We can talk about how to start-- but I would find a good sociology of sport text book and or contact Dr. Henderson in Soc who teaches a soc of sport class. --Htw3 (talk) 02:50, 22 May 2008 (UTC)




This is an example:

1. I am doing a youtube video.

2. I will show aggression/violence through people playing video games.

3. I am working Anna Hartenbach and Erica McCormick on this project.

4. Crime and deviance as a learned behavior.

1. First, any general theory of crime and deviance must include elements of learning theory. Nearly all human behavior is learned, including deviant behavior. Next, a general theory must specify the sources from which conformity and deviance are learned.

1. I use this idea to explain aggression/violence from people playing video games. --Mcc er spring 2008 (talk) 01:36, 2 June 2008 (UTC)

  1. I am doing a YouTube Project
  2. I will create/discuss ideas about college students and social networks(dealing with subcultures; athletics) and how weak ties that you have now will benefit you in the future.
  3. I am working with Barry Quinn on this project
  4. Concept from our sociology book.
    1. Based on Granovetter's Strengh of Weak Ties Concept, weak ties are proven to be stronger and more effective for the purpose of spreading information. An example of this would be job searches. Respondents of Granovetter's, reported that they got a job based on someone that they knew "casually" and not one of their close friends. (Page 35-36)
      1. We use this idea in our project to show how Barry (college athlete) and Emily were able to form their social networks through their daily lives and because of that how Barry and his weak ties will benefit him more in the long run than Emily's strong ties.
  5. Concept from further research: from I found the link
    1. Alternative formulations of the strength-of-weak-ties hypothesis suggest that job seekers benefit from weak ties for two distinct reasons. It is emphasized that weak ties relay useful job information more frequently than strong ties, and that weak-tie job offers are drawn from a different (often superior) distribution.
      1. Dealing with the typical college student, compared with a college athlete, the athlete will have more weak-ties that will benefit them in the job-seeking process. They will have more opportunities for interviews and knowing more about jobs located in a different geographical region because of teammates and the people that they know.
        1. Citation info.

1. I am doing a wikipedia project

2. It is about rainbows end and the sociological side of the story
3. Here is a link to my project
4. I am working by myself on this.
5. Concept from Starks book.
1. "Insert relevant quote here" [include page number]
1. How I use this idea
6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
1. Relevant quote
1. How I use this idea.
1. Citation info. Author, Date, Title, Journal Title, Volume, Pages, URL

Montgomery, J (1992).Job search and network composition. The Strength-of-Weak-Ties Hypothesis. 57, 586-596

Rainbows End....Or Maybe Beginning

Objective I propose to create a wikipedia page dedicated to the ideas shown in rainbows end. I plan on showing how the ease of the internet at your fingertips will change the way we know education.

Interest This is interesting because this is something that touches everyone practically. We have all participated in the same type of test taking, research paper writing society for as long as we can remember. However, with Rainbows end in mind the way we learn things now will seem like ancient times to our children. This to makes teaching much more difficult because teachers and professors alike will be constantly challenged to come up with more creative assignments to test a students knowledge on a topic.

Background reading I will use Rainbows End to obtain my ideas and also read articles on wikipedia and google scholar to try and find research showing how not only the internet, but cell phones, text messaging, and pictures are changing the way tests are administered and how teachers are trying to relly less on internet related subjects in there projects and more on a students creativity.

General PlanMy general plan is to find certain passages from rainbows end showing how the internet is so readily at their finger tips and how teachers must go to great lengths in establishing assignments which still test a childs knowledge. I am hoping that with these examples and back up information found on wikipedia and google I will be able to show how technology is slowly taking over the educational world creating an unfair advantage for the more "technically savy" students making teachers go to great lengths in creating a fair playing field.

Collaborators I will be working alone

Comments from Ted: Rainbows end project sounds good. Check out the list of other people working on this page as well as the preliminary outline I put together for the page.

1. I am doing a wikipedia project

2. It is about rainbows end and the sociological side to the story.
3. Here is a link to my project [| Flickr]
4. I am working by myself on this.
5. Concept from Starks book.
1. "Insert relevant quote here" [include page number]
1. How I use this idea
6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
1. Relevant quote
1. How I use this idea.
1. Citation info. Author, Date, Title, Journal Title, Volume, Pages, URL



  1. I am doing a Flickr project
  2. It is about how people deviate on Halloween celebration in Athens, Ohio. I also observe other interesting aspect of Halloween celebration that can be related to the Sociology 101 course.
  3. This is the link to the first page of the Flickr project [| Flickr]
    Note : I am not 100% done yet. I have done uploading 15 pictures, but I will upload some more. And for now, only 9 first one have comment on them.
  4. I am working on myself on this project
  5. Concept from Starks book.
    1. Group Deviance
      1. I use the idea to underline how people as a group deviate on Halloween celebration. Those people did not act or dress as they usually do.
    2. Conflict Theory
      Conflicts that occur within a society engender its particular cultural patterns and social structures. Culture and social culture are created by the most powerful member of a society, the ruling class. (Stark, 113)
      1. This idea is used to show the conflict between Christian and Pagan religion and how that conflict changed Halloween
    3. Rational Choice Theory
      "Within the limit of their information and available choices, guided by their preference and tastes, humans will tend to maximize" (Stark, 69-70)
      1. This concept is very useful to understand why some people sacrificed to wear extreme costumes while some people did not bother to use any costume at all during Halloween celebration.
    4. Reference Group
      Groups that individuals identify with,the groups whose norms and values serve as the basis for self-judgment. (Stark, 58)
      1. We can relate to this concept when we realize how Asian student dressed differently than local students in Athens.
    5. Assimilation
      Assimilation refers to the process of exchanging one culture for another. This term is applied to people who adjust to new surroundings by adopting the prevailing culture as their own. (Stark, 42)
      1. The fact that Asian students in Athens celebrate Halloween,an event that do not exist on their countries, and wore costumes shows that they undergo assimilation.
    6. The Tragedy of The Commons
      1. This important concept is understood by the organizer of Halloween event, so that they managed the street vendor in order to prevent similar tragedy to occur.
  6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
    1. Relevant quote
      1. How I use this idea.
        1. Citation info. Author, Date, Title, Journal Title, Volume, Pages, URL
    2. The origin of Halloween
      1. I use this idea to relate to the Halloween nowadays, how it has changed, and to relate it with conflict theory
        1. The origin of Halloween was cited from Wikipedia [[9]]

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. (I think you decided on halloween). Let me know when you get your flickr account set up and start posting pictures. I will make comments in Flickr about tie-ins with ideas in course etc. Looking forward to seeing your work. --Htw3 (talk) 16:43, 21 May 2008 (UTC)


  1. I am interesting in doing a Youtube video, or Flickr photo essay
  2. I want the focus of the project to display the effects media has on young females.
  3. This includes the pressure to look a certain way according to the mainstream's media ideal of beauty.
  4. This aspect resulting in low self-esteem, physical and mental disorders, and other factors in results from the media.
  5. I want this project to be Fabulous and informational at the same time with creativity, fashion, and intelligence. I have a digital camera.

Textbook ideas would involve the chapter discussing self perception, Looking glass self, and how we know who we are based on how others view us.

Comment from Ted: I think either a youtube or flickr would be a great way to go. sounds like an interesting project. A lot has been written on this topic-- so I would make sure you do a search in Google Scholar on 'body image' and 'women' and terms like those to find recent discussion and research. I look forward to seeing your project. --Htw3 (talk) 14:37, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

(talk) 00:15, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

1. I'm with you. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to editing a wikipedia page bacause I have better things to do with my spare time. I also watch you tube quite a bit amount.

2. For the project, I mean i do have a digital camera but I'm really big on taking pictures. So i would prefer to edit a wikipedia page.

3. I do like to work hard as well and do things my best because I take pride in grades i earn. So if we could get together and work something out that would be great.

Comments from Ted: Your proposal sounds too much like new research. However-- the question you are asking has certainly been asked. I recommend that you make edits to the sociology of education article. Sociology_of_education You could add a section called current research in sociology of education, and a subsection of that could be on the determinants of educational aspirations, and ethnicity, culture, immigrant generation are all areas that have been studied. --Htw3 (talk) 01:47, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

1. I prefer a youtube project . My link is 2. How students on campus interact with each other. 3. I have a digital camera and have some editing skills such as putting different video clips and pictures together as well as mixing sound.