List of Ben 10 aliens

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The Omnitrix's original ten aliens

This is a list of aliens stored within the fictional Omnitrix device in the American animated television series Ben 10. There are a total of 30: 20 in the first series and 10 in the sequel.

For most of the series, the Omnitrix remains on Ben, and hence the aliens are described in relation to him. The What If-styled episode "Gwen 10" shows what some of the aliens would appear as if they were female, and the episodes "Ben 10,000" and "Ken 10", set in the near future (relative to the show) highlight what the aliens would appear as if they were older. Though Ken, Ben's son, also has an Omnitrix in the latter episode, his aliens are no different than those normally featured.

Ben 10 forms

Original ten

At the start of the series, Ben only has access to ten aliens. More are gained in the following seasons.


Diamondhead (voiced by Jim Ward in the TV series and by Daran Norris in the live-action movie) is a Petrosapien ("Petro-" referring to rocks, "sapien" referring to an intelligent being; Petrosapien would mean "intelligent rock") from the planet Petropia (a combination of the Greek "Petro-" and "topos", forming a word similar to "rock place"). Petropia was a crystal-covered world, and its inhabitants are silicon-based lifeforms who live in underground cities.[1] As revealed in an enhanced version of "Gwen 10", female petrosapiens don't have back spikes like the males do. The planet was destroyed by Vilgax with assistance from Tetrax, who unknowingly helped him create the weapon that destroyed his home.

Made from an extremely durable crystal, Diamondhead is nearly invulnerable. Additionally, his sharp crystal body discourages physical contact, as crystal spikes can be grown almost instantly from any point of contact and retracted just as quickly.[1] Diamondhead can also alter his own physiology, allowing him to regrow lost limbs if necessary.[2] Light-based weapons are also useless against Diamondhead, as his crystal body acts as a prism, refracting light and beam-based weaponry and sending it back at its source. He can also spread diamonds on to objects to protect them.

Offensively, Diamondhead can fashion crude weapons from his body, and can even fire crystal shards as projectiles. He can grow crystal on other objects as well. Diamondhead is also far stronger than a normal human, which when combined with his self-fashioned weapons allows him to slice through objects with ease.

The one drawback to Diamondhead's crystal form is the crystal itself, which can shatter if exposed to sufficiently strong sonic vibrations or if smashed against a tough object with immense strength. While Petrosapiens can regenerate limbs, there is a limit to how much damage they can recover from.[1]

Ben first transforms into Diamondhead in "And Then There Were 10" when he needed to destroy Vilgax's giant robot.

Originally, Diamondhead was not going to be one of Ben's original 10 aliens, but later replaced Cannonbolt during production.


Ben's preferred offensive form is Fourarms (voiced by Richard McGonagle), a Tetramand (tetra meaning "four" in Greek, mand being "arms" in Latin) from the planet Khoros. Khoros is a harsh desert planet with a nomad population having risen in place of a once thriving confederation of city states, resulting in the strength-oriented Tetramands.[3] Female tetramands have hair, while males don't, since Tini and Gwen's version of Fourarms all have hair.

Tetramands are giants compared to most species, standing ten feet on average. The harsh wasteland of their home planet has turned the Tetramand race into physical powerhouses, a trait carried over to Fourarms.[3] Possessing four arms, four eyes, armor-plated skin, and extremely dense musculature, Fourarms is rarely matched in raw strength. His strength is such that he can create shockwaves simply by smashing the ground or clapping all four hands together, dubbed the "Big Smack". Fourarms' muscular legs also allow him to leap several city blocks at a time.[3]

In spite of his strengths, Fourarms' dense muscles are also his weakness. Built for power instead of speed, Fourarms is at a disadvantage against faster or smaller opponents. This also forces a dependence on his armored body, as he is incapable of dodging quickly. His size also makes it difficult for him to use things designed by smaller species. Buildings, especially, are a problem for Fourarms, since he usually cannot fit through doors or in rooms. Controlling his own strength is also a problem, and much of the damage he causes is often unintentional.[3]

Fourarms is the most used alien in the series, since it is the form that most suits Ben's fighting style: blindly rushing at the enemy with little forethought. Ben first transformed into Fourarms in "Washington B.C." when he needed to fight the giant mammoth that Dr. Animo had reanimated.


Ghostfreak (voiced by Steven Blum) is an Ectonurite (ecto playing on ectoplasm) from the planet Anur Phaetos (phaetos playing on phantom). The series is vague about the conditions of Anur Phaetos, aside from it being quite dark. Some urban legends claim it to be the source of galactic chaos, while others identify it as a dimensional realm instead of a planet. The planet has an anti-matter sun, and the Ectonurites have protoplasmic DNA adapted to it. Ectonurites seem to be part of a hive mind; as the species possesses a vast genetic memory, this mind is embedded into every strand of DNA and can be used to replicate that mind in its entirety.[4]

As an Ectonurite, Ghostfreak resembles a wraith-like genie, while the original version presented in the series is closer to a classic ghost. Ghostfreak's face resembles a mix between a crescent moon and an exposed, upside-down skull with a single eye. He also has dark blue/gray skin, exposed bones on certain parts of his body and blue claws. Beneath his skin is a mass of black and gray tentacles, which can either be used as extra appendages or to scare an opponent, the latter keeping with his name. In total darkness, these features become even more pronounced.[5] When first introduced, Ghostfreak had a second skin that gave him a primarily grey and white appearance while hiding his more frightening features, giving him his more ghost-like appearance.

In battle, Ghostfreak possesses a wide array of powers, the foremost among them being intangibility and invisibility. Being made of a variable-density protoplasm, Ghostfreak can alter his own body chemistry to pass through solid matter or allow light to pass through himself, becoming invisible. He can also make others intangible through physical contact.[5] As suggested by his appearance and name, Ghostfreak can levitate freely and his physiology allows him to survive without air.[5] Ghostfreak can also possess other beings, allowing him to enter sunlight without being harmed. He can use this ability to either attack enemies or the possessed body.[5] Finally, Ectonurites also have psychic abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis, but the extent of these abilities remains unclear.[4] The episode "Ghostfreaked Out" shows the only example of this; Ghostfreak, from within the Omnitrix, causes several glass beakers to explode and causes other such minor chaos. He was also able to communicate with Ben telepathically, both through dreams and minor hallucinations.

Due to their perpetually nocturnal lifestyles, Ectonurites have developed into extremely photosensitive creatures. Intense light, especially sunlight, renders Ectonurites powerless and will cause them to combust with prolonged exposure.[4] The second skin on the original version nullifies this weakness, but has since been removed.

Ben first transformed into Ghostfreak in "Permanent Retirement" when he wanted to get away from his Aunt Vera. Starting at some point beyond that, Ben has had nightmares involving Zs'Skayr, making Ghostfreak one of the lesser-used forms. This version of Ghostfreak retained Zs'Skayr's personality. He originally made his way into the Omnitrix by merging with the Florauna whose DNA was being sampled for inclusion. After this he made his way through the Omnitrix, in an as yet unknown way, and eventually forced his way free in "Ghostfreaked Out" (this removed Ben's ability to use the form in the process). Ben regains the form in "Be Afraid of the Dark", but as a natural Ectonurite, not the sunlight-shielded version.

Grey Matter

Grey Matter (voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz in the TV series and by Carlos Alazraqui in the live-action movie) is a Galvan (the former a play on actual grey matter and Greys, the latter a play on galvanization) from the planet Galvan Prime. Galvan Prime is a tiny world by most standards (the series does not give a definitive measurement), and hence Galvans are on average about five inches tall.[6] As explained in the "Ben 10 Week" marathon, female Galvans have hair while male Galvans don't, like Tetramands; however, this doesn't explain why Azmuth, a much older Galvan, has facial hair.

Galvans are a race of gray-skinned frog-like beings bred to be naturally intelligent and knowledgeable, learning quickly about any given object from just a simple glance. Their bodies are designed for the same purpose: soft, flexible bones and slimy skin allow Galvans to squeeze into all but the smallest of spaces. It also makes grabbing them somewhat difficult. Tiny suction cups that cover their skin also allow them to stick to most surfaces. Regardless, Grey Matter is easily stomped on because of his small size.[6] Not built for combat, Grey Matter evades and outsmarts his enemies, rather than fighting them head on. As Grey Matter, Ben benefits from the form's specialized breeding, giving him the ability to instantly understand any technology. Showing a more light-hearted side of the Omnitrix, Ben, despite being able to understand any device, does not consciously comprehend what he is doing, leading him to remark as much.

Ben first transformed into Grey Matter in "Washington B.C." when he saw that a gold Sumo Slammer card could be found in a box of cereal. Gwen found him looking for the card in the cereal boxes at the supermarket. Since then, Grey Matter has been his form of choice when needing to be stealthy or intelligent, but has also been a popular target for accidental transformations, such as in "A Small Problem".


Heatblast (voiced by Steven Blum in the TV series and by David Franklin in the live-action movie) is a Pyronite (pyro meaning fire) from the star Pyros. Pyros, despite being a fully-functioning sun, has enough plots of semi-solid land for Pyronites to exist. Having evolved on a star, Pyronites are magma-based creatures that can project and control fire at will. The females and males look relatively similar, except for the classic female and male bodyshapes. [7]

The primary trait of Pyronites is their control over fire, which manifests in a variety of ways. From projecting bolts of flame, radiating heat in all directions, or even firing at the ground to propel themselves like a rocket, the fire-manipulation powers of Pyronites can produce a nearly-unlimited range of effects. Apart from this, Heatblast is also a highly durable alien, able to endure being thrown through buildings without being slowed.

However, Heatblast's natural abilities also necessitate care when handling people or other things that do not react well to intense heat. As Heatblast cannot reduce his ambient temperature to human levels, he cannot directly rescue people or remain in contact with objects for anything longer than a few seconds without lighting them on fire. Heatblast gets around this by creating vortices of flame to transport things without actually touching them. In addition, Heatblast himself is vulnerable to things that extinguish flame, namely water, sand, or foam. While small amounts of such materials simply evaporate, large amounts over an extended period can kill a Pyronite. However Heatblast has been shown to be able to swim and survive underwater and even to a certain extent been able to use his powers for a minute or so.[7] When he gets a cold, it directly affects his powers, giving him ice-abilities.

Heatblast is Ben's first transformation, which was activated in "And Then There Were 10" when Ben was tampering with the Omnitrix.


The aquatic alien Ripjaws (voiced by Fred Tatasciore) is a Piscciss Volann of the water planet Piscciss. Part alligator, part eel, part anglerfish, and part shark; Ripjaws is almost unmatched when in his element.[8]

Being from a water-covered world, Ripjaws' foremost asset is his ability to breathe underwater. As the form best equipped for underwater combat, Ripjaws is usually Ben's way to deal with aquatic opponents. Possessing a powerful tail and slimy scales, Ripjaws can swim at high speeds and with amazing agility. Ripjaws can also withstand a remarkable amount of pressure, and his luminescent dangler allows him to see in the darkest of depths (or otherwise dark areas). To attack his opponents, Ripjaws has claw-tipped fins and a huge mouth filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth. His lower jaw can unhinge to allow him to swallow objects in a single bite.

As a downside to being an aquatic alien, Ripjaws is rendered almost useless out of the water, requiring almost constant exposure to water to keep from rapidly dehydrating, causing him to suffocate on dry land.[8] Piscciss Volann who travel off world use special devices that wrap around their gills and allow them to live out of water. Ripjaws has a pair of legs hidden within his tail, allowing him to move on land, but is still subject to the necessity for water.

Ben first transformed into Ripjaws in "The Krakken" in order to take the Krakken's eggs back from Jonah Melville. Due to the extremely specific conditions required to maintain Ripjaws, he has become more of an auxiliary alien. As such, he is one of the lesser-used forms on the Omnitrix.


Another of Ben's more commonly used forms, Stinkfly (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) is a Lepidopterran from the planet Lepidopterra (a play on lepidoptera, the scientific name for butterflies and moths). Lepidopterra is a swamp planet home to a wide variety of giant plants, and hence much larger insects evolved to match. Meant to be a combination of various Earth insects (dragonflies, crickets, and praying mantises specifically),[9] Lepidopterrans are an intelligent insectoid race that reside in a complex of giant hives, each ruled by its own queen.[10]

In any situation requiring flight, Stinkfly is Ben's alien of choice. Stinkfly's thin, rapidly flapping wings allow him to move at high speeds in the air and dodge attacks just as quickly. Stinkfly also possesses disproportionate strength, enough to carry people and objects heavier than himself. Stinkfly's four eye stalks give him a wide range of vision from the sky, including the ability to look directly behind himself. Stinkfly's tail also has ultrasensitive receptors, making it act like an antenna.[11]

For attack, Stinkfly can excrete high-pressure streams of liquids from the pollen ducts in his eye stalks and mouth.[10] The type of liquid can range from a flammable toxin to an immobilizing jelly. In "Don't Drink the Water", Ben's child form of Stinkfly (Stinkyfly) could emit a powerful herbicide gas through flatulation. For melee combat, Stinkfly has a razor-sharp tail and four pincers for legs.

Like most insects, Lepidopterrans are extremely vulnerable to any kind of chemical poison or gas. Although their exoskeleton bodies are fairly strong, their wings are extremely fragile and easy to damage.[10] Water especially is a problem for Stinkfly; it can render him incapable of flying if too much gets on his wings. Furthermore, he is unable to swim due to the small surface area of his limbs. A more minor inconvenience is Stinkfly's intense body odor (hence the name), which is a result of the oils he secretes to keep his joints moving.

Ben first transformed into Stinkfly in "Washington B.C." when he had to save Gwen after she fell from the Washington Monument. He doesn't appear in this episode, but he is mentioned by Ben 10,000 as one of his son's starter aliens in "Ken 10."


Upgrade (voiced by Tara Strong) is a Galvanic Mechomorph (mecho- meaning machine and -morph meaning shape) of the planet Galvan B, a formerly uninhabited moon orbiting Galvan Prime. Though originally uninhabited, Galvan B was accidentally brought to life when Galvan scientists introduced self-replicating nanotechnology to the moon, which bonded with the moon's minerals and created sentient life. Galvanic Mechomorphs are built from the nanotechnology that covers their planet.[12]

Upgrade is a biomechanical being with liquid metallic skin and complex systems of self-forming organic circuits.[12] Made of liquid metal, Upgrade can reshape his body into various forms, though he never takes any non-humanoid form. It also allows him to stretch his body to an extent, allowing him to glide or float like a hang-glider or parachute and fashion crude weapons with his hands, such as a mace. As Upgrade can "melt" to avoid harm, most standard projectile weapons are ineffective against him, and Upgrade will quickly regenerate from any damage taken. The same ability also allows him to escape most forms of capture, such as being held down or tied up. He also doesn't need to breathe.

Upgrade's reshaping ability allows for his primary power: made of nanotechnology, Upgrade can merge with and upgrade any technology within reach by spreading over it like liquid, enhancing it far beyond its original design. The size of the device is inconsequential. While merged with a device, Upgrade controls it as he would his own body. Through the same principle, Upgrade can also slide across metallic surfaces and travel inside wires. Even without a machine at hand, Upgrade can reconfigure his form around his eye in order to fire a plasma beam from it. Upgrade is also capable of forming simple constructs from plasma, such as spikes.

Upgrade's weakness is his specialization: being technology-oriented, Upgrade cannot possess biological creatures. Sentient robots are more difficult for him to control. Upgrade's liquid-metal composition can work against him, namely where electrical attacks are concerned. Furthermore, any sort of metal corrosive can upset Upgrade's delicate internal workings and wreak havoc on his systems.[12]

Ben first transformed into Upgrade in "Permanent Retirement" to stop some criminals who were robbing an ATM. It's revealed that since Galvanic Mechomorphs can't bond with organic things, Ben's transformation into Upgrade isn't complete, which is why Ben still has his own voice.


Wildmutt (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) is a Vulpimancer from the planet Vulpin (a play on vulpine, which means fox). Vulpin is a pitch black planet at the edge of the galaxy, used as an intergalactic dumping ground. The ecosystem of the planet has been poisoned beyond repair because of this, and as such the few creatures that survive here do so under subzero temperatures. Vulpimancers are one of the few creatures to survive on Vulpin, living in deep underground caves, and are no less mutated than the planet itself.[13]

Ranging from human size to several times that, Vulpimancers share few common characteristics. Their only common feature is the general shape of their bodies, being a cross between a lion and a gorilla.[9] Ben 10,000's Wildmutt has much more pronounced feline traits (implying that this the adult version of the Vulpimancer), including stripes and a tail. This unique body setup allows Wildmutt to run, jump, and climb objects at high speeds, in addition to making him fairly strong. Since the caves they live in are pitch black, Vulpimancers have no eyes, instead evolving to see through smell and hearing, which is depicted as functioning somewhat like a thermograph sensor. From sound to heat, few things escape a Vulpimancer's radar-like sight.

According to various profiles on Wildmutt, the porcupine-like quills on his back supplement his senses, acting as finely tuned sense receptors. They are also said to serve as weapons. They can either protect Wildmutt while he's rolling or be fired off as projectiles.[13] This ability is unique to adult Vulpimancers, and Ben's version is only ten years old, these quills haven't developed (Strangely, Ben 10,000's version of Wildmutt has none of these quills, save for under its chin).

Because they have no eyes, Vulpimancers do have some trouble with finer movement, and under certain conditions are unable to detect their enemies.[13] Vulpimancers, Wildmutt included, are also unable to speak in any understandable fashion, instead relying on snarls and growls, which can be an inconvenience when trying to avoid conflict. Because he relies on his sense of smell and hearing to see, Wildmutt is sensitive to loud noises and strong smells. He is also rendered useless if his nose or ears are clogged.

Ben first transformed into Wildmutt in "And Then There Were 10" after his second experiment with the Omnitrix. This was Ben's first intentional transformation.


XLR8 (voiced by Jim Ward) is a Kineceleran (a portmanteau of the words 'kinetic' and 'accelerate') from the planet Kinet (the first part of kinetic, which is movement energy). Kinet is an electrically charged world, where electrical storms rapidly orbit the sun and everything is accelerated. Like their homeworld, Kinecelerans are accelerated, and live their lives just as quickly.[14] They're not suited for life on planets like Earth, since the slow rotation will make them sick.

While XLR8 resembles a semi-armored velociraptor, the base creature for the form's design,[15] the actual species is described much differently in the Bandai profiles. The profile states that Kinecelerans are vaguely elfin in appearance, with long hair, blue skin, pointed ears, large tails, and oversized feet.[14] XLR8, on the other hand, has wheel-shaped feet and wears a helmet with a windshield, which is part of his alien biology, leaving the features of his head unknown. Ben 10,000's XLR8 also has a scanner built into the helmet, the product of nanotechnology Ben 10,000 uses to enhance his aliens.

Like all Kinecelerans, XLR8 can move at speeds reaching 500 mph, and can reach such speeds almost instantly. This extreme speed comes from manipulating friction, which allows XLR8 to run on almost any surface, including water or walls, with ease. The Bandai profiles also create another contrast with this ability: actual Kinecelerans are said to be incapable of running on slippery surfaces. Furthermore, because of their constant motion, Kinecelerans build up large stores of static electricity, which reacts badly with water.[14]

Using his speed, XLR8 can perform a number of unique feats. He can create tornadoes through centrifugal force, either through running in a small circle or spinning, and can deliver speed-enhanced attacks in rapid succession. Amazing reflexes accompany this speed, allowing XLR8 to quickly dodge attacks with relative ease. His scissor-like claws can also cut through objects.

XLR8's weakness is his lack of physical strength, which is about on par with a normal human. Magnets and charged pulses are said to be a problem, apparently disorienting Kinecelerans to the point that they cannot balance properly,[14] but the series has never addressed this weakness.

Ben first transformed into XLR8 in "And Then There Were 10" when he decided to play around a bit with his newfound power. He used the form to get revenge on some bullies that he fought with earlier in the episode. By the possible future seen in "Ben 10,000", XLR8 becomes Ben's most-used form; having unlocked the Omnitrix's master code, Ben reverts into XLR8 rather than his human form whenever he is not fighting. It is also much faster than the younger Ben's version and capable of exceeding the speed of sound with little effort.

Additional forms

Starting with the second season, Ben begins unlocking new forms, either through DNA sampling or pure chance.


Benmummy (voiced by Richard Green) is a Thep Khufan (playing with the word Khufu, an Egyptian pharaoh) from the desert planet Anur Khufos. In the dark belt of planets that guard the Null Void from regular space, Anur Khufos is a world that exists below the surface of perception. It contains huge deposits of pure Corrodium, a highly radioactive metal that causes monstrous mutations in most species. The planet's inhabitants live inside underground structures to escape the heat and wind of their planet.[11] The Thep Khufan are mummy-like aliens composed almost entirely of a bandage-like material, akin to the linen used on real mummies, with a solid, shell-like head. Benmummy's appearance differs slightly from the other mummy alien seen. His eyes and the gaps between his bandages glow green instead of purple. Benmummy also has black bracers and greaves, as well as a smaller mask and the Omnitrix symbol on his left shoulder. Benmummy can speak, even though the original seems to be mute.[11]

Thep Khufans can stretch their bandages to great lengths and control them even when separated from its main body. This setup also allows them to reshape their bodies at will, splitting themselves apart to dodge attacks and reforming to counter-attack. However, the material that makes up their body is relatively weak, allowing it to be torn fairly easily by strong enough beings or other equivalent forces. To compensate for its relatively weak form, these aliens can recover from basically any injury, including being torn to shreds, almost instantly and with no visible repercussions.[16] They can also survive in a vacuum.[5] When Ben first uses the form, he has trouble figuring out how to control it; Ben quickly discovers how to stretch his bandages, but has not displayed knowledge of the advanced reshaping techniques.[11] Despite the frailty of their bodies, Thep Khufans are quite strong, able to throw beings as heavy as Diamondhead with little effort.[16]

Ben gains this form in "Under Wraps" when another mummy alien inadvertently adds its DNA to the Omnitrix, but accidentally transforms into Upgrade instead when trying to use him. Ben first uses the form in "The Return" to fight off the Yenaldooshi. The credits give the name "Benmummy," though Ben has not named it yet on-screen.[11]


Benvicktor (voiced by Michael Dorn) is a Transylian (a play on the region of Transylvania, the setting for many monster movies) from the planet Anur Transyl. In Ben 10: Protector of Earth, Ghostfreak says that Benvicktor's race, called Viktors, are from his home planet of Anur Phaetos. Of all the worlds in the dark Anur belt, the gloomy planet of Anur Transyl is the one that is closest to Earth both in proximity and appearance. Nothing actually lives on Anur Transyl, so much as it exists; like most Anur worlds, deposits of Corrodium have mutated the inhabitants. Transylian's look much like Frankenstein's monster from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, having different colored skin at various points which gives the impression that they were sewn together. Benvicktor looks slightly different than Doctor Vicktor, the source alien. Benvicktor sports longer hair, a smaller left eye (Vicktor's appears to be mechanical), and generates green lightning, the natural color of lighting produced by the species, rather than purple.[5]

Anur Transyl is plagued by frequent electrical storms, resulting in the Transylian's ability to manipulate electrical energy. Their bodies are composed of an organic metal which conducts this electricity, and the structures on their back serve to generate electricity on demand. Their metal bodies make them strong and quite durable, and can be magnetized to stand firmly on metal surfaces.[5] Transylians can fire bolts of electricity to attack, even in a vacuum where nothing exists to conduct it. They can also merge with mechanical devices and control them.[11] Finally, like the Galvan race, Transylians have naturally high intelligence, though not quite matching the Galvans.

Ben first gains this form while battling with Doctor Vicktor in "Be Afraid of the Dark", during which time Vicktor accidentally grabs the Omnitrix. Ben uses the form later in the same episode to fight Ghostfreak. Benvicktor is one of the least used aliens, the other being Benwolf, having only been used once. The credits give the form's name as Benvicktor, even though Ben himself has yet to name it.[5]


Benwolf (voiced by Tara Strong) is a Loboan (as in Lobo, Spanish for wolf) from the moon Luna Lobo (literally translating from Spanish as "Wolf Moon"). This is one of the moons of Anur Transyl. Loboans more or less resemble werewolves, with the exception of a quadri-hinged mandibled mouth.

In keeping with their werewolf appearance, Loboans have enhanced strength, speed, and agility. They also have an enhanced sense of smell and hearing,[17] but are colorblind.[11] Loboans primarily use their claws and fangs to attack, but can also emit a high-pitched sonic howl by opening their mouths completely. The howl is not only fairly loud, but carries concussive force capable of shattering rocks.[11] They also have extremely voracious appetites, even going as far as to eat their own kind.

Ben obtains this form after an alien of the same species scratched the Omnitrix, causing its DNA to be added into Ben's selection of aliens. Unlike his other transformations, Ben gradually transformed into Benwolf rather than changing instantaneously. During this transformation, Ben displayed several animalistic tendencies, such as scratching with his leg. This was due to the fact that when the Omnitrix was scratched by the Loboan, it caused it to be stuck between "Collect" and "Active" modes, thus causing Ben's slow transformation. Benwolf is one of the least used aliens, the other being Benvicktor, only having one appearance.


Cannonbolt (voiced by Fred Tatasciore) is an Arburian Pelarota (based on pelota, Spanish for "ball" and rota, a play on "rotation") from the planet Arburia. Pelarotans are hulking, broad-shouldered aliens covered in natural armor plating. The information from the Bandai Alien Collection toy for Cannonbolt refers to his species as a Vulpinic Tortugan (tortuga is Spanish for "turtle") from the planet Vulpin, which Wildmutt also originates from.[18] The two species are explained to be related but otherwise distinct from one another. The Pelarotan species is now mostly (if not completely) extinct, the Great One having destroyed their planet shortly before Ben discovers the form.[19]

A Pelarotan's natural armor is extremely resistant, able to resist most forms of weapons,[19] corrosives, and temperature extremes[5] without causing harm to the creature beneath. By curling up into a ball, much like an armadillo or pillbug, Pelarotans can completely encase themselves in their natural armor, making them almost impervious to attack. In addition, they can spin themselves at great speeds, allowing them to charge at enemies while remaining more or less untouchable.[19] The drawback is that they cannot easily slow down without emerging from their shell, and thus have trouble hitting faster targets.[20] There is enough space within the shell while rolled up to protect and transport people or objects.[21] However, outside of their ball forms, Pelarotans are extremely clumsy and slow, owing to their bulk and high center of gravity.[19]

Cannonbolt first appears in "The Big Tick" as an accidental transformation. Cannonbolt is the first new alien to appear on the Omnitrix. Despite Ben's initial dislike of the form, it has since become one of the most commonly used forms in the series and replaced Ghostfreak in the opening theme.

Cannonbolt was originally meant to be one of the 10 original aliens, but was replaced by Diamondhead in production.


Ditto (voiced by Rob Paulsen) is a Splixson (based on the word "split") from the planet Hathor (the first syllable of this name being similar to the word "half"), a planet much like Earth, except it has twelve continents and no moon. He is a small, humanoid alien with the ability to clone himself without limit. Every clone operates independently, regardless of whether or not Ben wants them to, and each clone is indistinguishable from the others. Though the clones are autonomous, pain felt by one clone is transmitted to the rest, and the death of one will result in the death of the rest, as demonstrated by Dr. Animo's Ditto-enhanced Stinkfly mutants. The Splixsons share feelings with their duplicates so they can keep track of them. The cloned Splixsons can also merge back into an individual entity if they desire. The Splixsons evolved their duplication powers as a way of defense against predators, due to them being low on the food chain on their planet. Splixsons are supposed to be peaceful aliens who live to be farmers or artists.

When the Omnitrix times out, the Ditto clones are forcibly recombined into one before the transformation reverts. If one or more clones are isolated from each other when the Omnitrix times out, however, the timer will reset and Ben won't revert back into human form until they are reunited. This only seems to apply when a clone is physically unable to reunite with the others; in open air, the clones will float to each other over great distances in order to facilitate the transformation. It is implied that the reset "glitch" forces the Omnitrix into a state where the next transformation is timed out much faster than usual, due to the strain of being active through multiple timeouts.

Though Ditto's cloning ability is limitless, each Ditto is no stronger or faster than their size suggests, necessitating distractions and trickery as opposed to outright fighting. Furthermore, the shared weakness of every single Ditto somewhat negates the usefulness of making large numbers of clones.

Ditto first appears in "Divided We Stand". In his third appearance, Ditto is one of Ken Tennyson's starter aliens.


In the film Ben 10: Race Against Time, the alien Eon (played by Christien Anholt), a Chronian from the once beautiful Chronia, uses the Omnitrix to turn Ben into a younger version of himself, due to the fact that the Hands of Armageddon needed the energy of a young Chronian to activate. He also deactivated the failsafe so his DNA would completely overtake Ben's personality, essentially changing Ben into a clone of himself. As Eon, Ben activates the Hands of Armageddon, but returns to normal after Gwen manages to reach the Ben inside Eon. It was stated that he may never become this form again.

Like the original Eon, the Omnitrix clone has vast time manipulation powers, though Ben himself exhibits little of them. The Eon clone had the Omnitrix symbol on the right side of his waist. This is the first time Ben makes the Omnitrix time out by touching it as demonstrated in Ben 10,000.

Eye Guy

Eye Guy (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) is part bat and part reptile.[22] His upper-body is covered in eyes, hence the name. He has three-toed feet and four-fingered hands as well. Ironically, he has no eyes on his head, which consists of a mouth and a very large pair of ears.

Eye Guy is capable of firing energy beams from his eyes, the large eye in his chest firing the most powerful version. In addition, he can merge all of his eyes into the one on his chest to fire an even more powerful beam. Presumably, his multiple eyes allow for full 360 degree vision. In the episode "Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10 (Part 2)", Eye Guy is also able to fire a freezing beam from three merged eyes on his shoulder.

Eye Guy first appears in the alternate version of Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix, replacing Heatblast during the fight with Doctor Animo. How Eye Guy was obtained is never addressed.


Upchuck (voiced by Dave Wittenberg) is a Gourmand (from the French word meaning one who enjoys fine food or glutton) from the planet Peptos XI (Peptos being the Greek word for 'cooked' or 'digested'[23] and the XI being the roman numeral for eleven).[24] The Gourmand race lives on Peptos XI because they devoured the other ten planets in the system; the only reason they haven't done so to their latest home is because it's largely covered in volcanic rock, which they find unpalatable.

Upchuck has four strong, adhesive tongues that can stretch to great lengths, allowing him to latch onto large objects and reel them in with relative ease. Upchuck's mouth and stomach also stretch, allowing him to swallow and digest objects larger than himself. As a Gourmand, Upchuck possesses several acid-filled stomachs that can dissolve all forms of inorganic matter, ironically meaning they can't digest organic matter such as ordinary food. The items ingested are converted into explosive balls of liquids that can be expelled at will with great accuracy.[24] Upchuck also seems to have impressive stamina for his size, as he is able to take on the impact of a moving car, as well as survive being thrown through a wall.

Upchuck first appears in the episode "The Visitor", in which an alien named Xylene enters a code into the Omnitrix to activate the form.

Way Big

Way Big (voiced by Fred Tatasciore) is an enormous alien, nearly 100 feet tall, and by far the biggest alien in Ben's arsenal.[25] His species and home planet are unknown, but his appearance is somewhat reminiscent of tokusatsu super heroes, particularly those of the Ultra Series. Way Big's size grants him extraordinary strength and invulnerability to most attacks; however, in proportion to his size, Way Big does not seem to be any more durable than normal, as Vilgax is able to cause him pain by digging into Way Big's hand with his sharp claws.

Way Big first appears in Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix, when Azmuth activates it on the Omnitrix so Ben can fight Vilgax. He appears once more in Ken 10 when an angry Ben mercilessly pounds Kevin 11,000 to protect Ken.


Wildvine (voiced by Jim Ward) is a Florauna (a combination of flora and fauna) from the planet Flors Verdance (a combination of flora and verdens, Latin for green). They are plant-based aliens with five vine-like legs, four-fingered claws, and venus flytrap-shaped flaps covering their heads. Floraunas grow together in large "garden" nests, and if anything, plant or animal, trespasses into their territory, they will not stop attacking until they've caught at least one of the intruders to sacrifice to the nest's leader. When exposed to cold, kept from sunlight, or deprived of a water source, however, they quickly wither up.[26] This does not seem to be a problem for Wildvine, likely due to the limited periods in which the Omnitrix is used.

As a Florauna, Wildvine can grow any part of his body at will, allowing him to stretch his limbs to great extent and even allowing him to grow thorns.[21] Being plant-based, Wildvine has the ability to merge with earth plants. He can also dig with relative ease and spread his tendrils underground to attack and travel [17]. Wildvine also has regrowable seeds on his back which can be used as various types of explosives, both lethal and non-lethal. The flaps on his head are also sufficiently strong to trap and hold a single person within.

Wildvine makes his first appearance in the episode "Camp Fear" as an accidental transformation.

Ben 10,000 forms

In the episode "Ben 10,000", set twenty years into a possible future, a thirty-year old version of Ben has access to 10,000 different aliens, of which he demonstrates three not yet accessible by the present Ben. Among them are:

  • Spitter (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) is a Spheroid from the rainy planet Scalpasc. A large, blowfish-like alien, Spitter has the power to spit slime at high pressures.
  • Buzzshock (voiced by Tara Strong) is a green Megawhatt from the Nosedeen Quasar.
  • Articguana (voiced by Tom Kane) is a Polar Manzardill, one of many types of Manzardill, from the ice planet X'Nelli. He is a blue iguana-like alien that can breathe freezing vapor. Articguana also appears in the comic series, having been acquired by present Ben as a gift from future Ben to fight one of Vilgax's descendents, Vilgax 3000.

A number of alien forms were mentioned in the episode "Ken 10", although none have made an onscreen appearance. Snakepit, Sandbox, and Shellhead were among Ken's starter aliens. Of the three, only Shellhead is described, being a turtle-like alien whose only power is to hide within its shell for defense. Another of Ken's initial aliens was Toepick, until he was replaced by Grey Matter (Ken described him as too gross even for him, and the Ben 10 Week commentary echoes that sentiment). Ken also mentions one called Atomix, expressing disappointment that it was not among his choices.

Ben 10: Alien Force forms

In the sequel series, Ben 10: Alien Force an older Ben gains ten new alien forms from a recalibrated Omnitrix. Only ten new aliens from the show have been announced by Cartoon Network.[27] The aliens were designed by mixing and matching the powers of the aliens from the original series.[28] Every alien introduced thus far is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

Alien X
Alien X is a mystery alien set to be introduced in "X Equals Ben Plus 2". He is only shown in silhouette.
Big Chill
Big Chill is a moth-like alien whose wings and antennae can "fold" up, giving him the appearance of a phantom; his appearance is reminiscent of the cryptid known as Mothman. He can become intangible and invisible, and can breathe freezing vapor. He can also freeze the objects he passes through at his discretion. He first appears in "Kevin's Big Score" to chase down Kevin after he stole the Rustbucket.
Brainstorm is an intellectual crustacean-like alien with the ability to control electrical energy and project force fields through thought. He first appears in "Pier Pressure" to try and stop a jet that Ship merged with from attacking Julie.
Chromastone is a Crystalsapien from the planet Morotesi. Chromastone is a living crystal, able to absorb energy and channel it into laser blasts. He is also nearly invulnerable to harm, seemingly intelligent and bares strong resemblance to Diamondhead, one of Ben's old aliens. He first appears in "All That Glitters" to stop a group of zombified schoolgirls.
Echo Echo
Echo Echo is a small white alien whose body is a living amplifier. He can scream at ultrasonic frequencies capable of overloading machinery and stopping projectiles in mid-flight. He also has the ability to duplicate himself, not unlike Ditto, but different in that the clones aren't linked in any way. By combining these two aspects, Ben can create the "Wall of Sound", wherein he and his clones can redirect projectiles back to their source by bouncing them off of strategically placed clones. He first appears in "Ben 10 Returns" when Ben fights a robotic dragon controlled by the Forever Knights.
Goop is a shape-shifting green blob that weighs 200 pounds.
Humongousaur is a Vaxasaurian, a humanoid dinosaur from the planet Terradino. Standing at about a dozen feet tall, Humongousaur has great strength and vast resistance to injury. He also has the power to increase his own body size and mass, growing up to 60 feet in height. His strength increases as he grows, and his dinosaur features become more pronounced. His first appearance is in "Ben 10 Returns" when Ben fights a swarm of DNAliens.
Jetray is a Aerophibian from the planet Aeropela. Jetray is a manta ray-like alien capable of flying and swimming faster than the speed of sound. He can fire neuroshock blasts from their eyes and tail, and the stingers on his head carries a powerful poison. Jetray first appears in "Everybody Talks About the Weather" when Ben needed to chase after Alan Albright.
Spidermonkey is, as the name suggests, a six-limbed monkey-like alien. He has superhuman agility and, like a spider, can spin webs and stick to walls.
Swampfire is a Methanosian from the planet Methanos. Swampfire is a plant-like alien with a flame-patterned head. He is a combination of the Wildvine and Heatblast forms from the original series.[28] He has super strength, vast regenerative powers, the ability to control plant life through a type of gas, and the ability to shoot fire from his palms. His regenerative ability also allows him to alter his own body, such as tunneling underground in vine form or growing his feet to root himself into the ground. Swampfire is Ben's first transformation when the Omnitrix is recalibrated in "Ben 10 Returns".

See also


  1. ^ a b c "Bandai's Diamondhead profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  2. ^ "Secrets". Ben 10. Season 1. Episode 13. 2006-03-25. Cartoon Network. {{cite episode}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |began=, |ended=, |episodelink=, and |city= (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  3. ^ a b c d "Bandai's Fourarms profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  4. ^ a b c "Bandai's Ghostfreak profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Be Afraid of the Dark". Ben 10. Season 3. Episode 38. 2007-04-14. Cartoon Network. {{cite episode}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |began=, |ended=, |episodelink=, and |city= (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  6. ^ a b "Bandai's Grey Matter profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  7. ^ a b "Bandai's Heatblast profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  8. ^ a b "Bandai's Ripjaws profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  9. ^ a b "Bandai interview: Wild & Stinky". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  10. ^ a b c "Bandai's Stinkfly profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h "The Return". Ben 10. Season 3. Episode 37. 2007-04-07. Cartoon Network. {{cite episode}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |began=, |ended=, |episodelink=, and |city= (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  12. ^ a b c "Bandai's Upgrade profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  13. ^ a b c "Bandai's Wildmutt profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  14. ^ a b c d "Bandai's XLR8 profile". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  15. ^ "Bandai interview: Brains & Muscle". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  16. ^ a b "Under Wraps". Ben 10. Season 3. Episode 34. 2007-03-10. Cartoon Network. {{cite episode}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |began=, |ended=, |episodelink=, and |city= (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  17. ^ a b "Benwolf". Ben 10. Season 3. Episode 31. 2007-02-17. Cartoon Network. {{cite episode}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |began=, |ended=, |episodelink=, and |city= (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  18. ^ "Bandai's Cannonbolt profile at". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  19. ^ a b c d "The Big Tick". Ben 10. Season 2. Episode 15. 2006-05-30. Cartoon Network. {{cite episode}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |began=, |ended=, |episodelink=, and |city= (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  20. ^ "Game Over". Ben 10. Season 3. Episode 32. 2007-02-24. Cartoon Network. {{cite episode}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |began=, |ended=, |episodelink=, and |city= (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  21. ^ a b "Camp Fear". Ben 10. Season 1. Episode 20. 2006-06-21. Cartoon Network. {{cite episode}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |began=, |ended=, |episodelink=, and |city= (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  22. ^ "Cartoon Network's Eye Guy profile". Retrieved 2007-08-31.
  23. ^ peptic - Definition from
  24. ^ a b "Bandai's Upchuck profile at". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  25. ^ "Cartoon Network's Way Big profile". Retrieved 2007-08-31.
  26. ^ "Bandai's Wildvine profile at". Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  27. ^ Ben 10: Alien Force page at Cartoon Network
  28. ^ a b Animated Shorts: Glen Murakami on Ben 10: Alien Force -, Accessed April 25, 2008