Supporting characters of Xenogears

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The following are supporting characters from the PS1 game "Xenogears." Information will be filled into the sections as time progresses.

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As a young boy living in the Cosmic War era, Abel came into contact with Zohar when he accidentally stumbled upon a facility housing a Deus/Zohar connection experiment. The Wave Existence gave Abel its power so one day he could destroy Zohar, which would free the Existence to ascend back to the higher dimension. Abel had been searching for his mother when he made contact, and his desire to be with her imparted the Existence with a mother's will when he made contact. It constructed a woman using the biological computer Kadomony, a component of the Deus system, to be with Abel, but Deus transformed the woman into the original Miang. Abel was the only human survivor of the Eldridge crash. See also Abel.

Agnes, Sister


Alice was a beautiful, crafty young girl from Lahan Village. She was the older sister of Dan. Although she loved Fei almost as much as she loved Timothy, she was forced to marry the latter due to strict Lahan Village customs. These traditions required that both spouses must be from Lahan Village. Unfortunately, she was killed in the Lahan village incident, along with her lover.


Anne was Rico's foster mother who looked after him in Nortune after he was returned from the labratories of the Ethos and Solaris. She took care of him as he was growing up and begining to develop into a full demi-human. She was very kind but was also suffering from some kind of terminal illness and died far too early in Rico's life leaving him all alone in a very hostile world.


Big Joe

A 4000 year old alcoholic who encounters the party at the most bizarre moments, including the Aveh tournament, in prison in Nortune, while the "Ethos" HQ and Shevat are under attack, in Etrenank and finally in the ruins of Zeboim. Thankfully, he is a merchant, and sells powerful gear parts but he does tend to screw you out of your hard-earned money most of the time. He once was a star basketball player and movie star named Joe Balboa but after a nasty fall he suffered mild brain dammage and began thinking he was Elvis. No one knows how Big Joe has mannaged to stay alive for 4,000 years, some say his life has been extended indefinately through Nanomachines like Krelian, Queen Zephyr and the Sages of Shevat. Others theorize that he was cryogenical frozen before the fall of Zeboim and just happened to wake up 4,000 years later in the present-day era of Xenogears.



The first human to be born on the planet along with the Gazel Ministry. Cain killed Abel and the original Elyhaym, thought the murder plauged his conscience and because of it he developed a guilt-driven sympathy for normal surface dwelling Humans. He served as the Emperor of Solaris and the de factor ruler of all life on the planet. 500 years ago after the Shevat-Solaris war Cain encountered Krelian and the two forged an alliance. Krelian proformed an extensive procedure on Cain in order to extend his life indefinately. Cain's coffin-like suit and mask, throne and a good portion of the Imperial Palace in Etrenank is used to keep him alive. He was one a strong ally of the Gazel Ministry, though his actions over the many years caused a split between the Emperor and the Minsistry. Cain was concerned for the general wellbeing of all life while the Gazel were only interested in themselves and Deus. He was assassinated by Kharan Ramsus, a clone of himself created by Krelian, in the year 9999 after Eldridge's crash. Cain's death allowed Krelian, Miang and the Gazel Ministry to use the Gaetia Key to raise Mahanon, the main hull of the Eldridge from the ocean floor. Cain originally sent Citan to the surface in order to keep a constant vigil on Fei, the -Contact- after he was brought to Lahan by the Wiseman. Cain and Citan communicate via a telepathic link several times over the course of the game and Citan keeps the Emperor abrest of all the recent things happening around Fei and his group. We never see Cain's face beyond his orange skull-like mask which is used to keep him alive. It is speculated that Cain once looked exactly like Ramsus looks today because Ramsus is a direct clone of Cain. See also Cain.

Captain of the Thames


Claudia Balthazar. Nikolai Balthazar's wife and Maria's mother. A year after Maria was born she was captured by Solaris with Nikolai and her daughter and held hostage while Gebler forced Nikolai to work on the the massive Wel-Gear Seibzehn. Three years after she was kidnaped she died, though it is not known how she perished. She is only meantioned in the Perfect Works, the encylopedic companion piece to Xenogears.



A mischevous young boy who lived in Lahan village. When his older sister, Alice, died in the Lahan incident, he blamed it on Fei. From that day forward, Dan became Fei's rival, challenging the hero at the Aveh tournament. However, when the truth of Id is revealed, Dan forgives Fei.



Eldridge Crew

These characters only appear in the opening animation of the game. The Eldridge bridge crew consists of a captain and at least three female systems operators. They struggled valiently to prevent Deus from taking control of the ship right out from under them but unfortunately their efforts are in vain. Before Deus assumed complete control over the vessle the captain initiated the ship's self destruct system and the Eldridge exploded over an uncharted and uninhabited yet life-sustaining planet. Deus and a single child named Abel managed to survive the ship's destruction, but its crew and colonists did not. The captain appeared to have a wife and daughter out there somewhere, as he spent his last few moments starring a picture of the two of them which he kept in his pocket watch. We will never truly know who any of these characters actually were, in Xenogears at least. There remains a possibility that upcoming Episodes of Xenosaga may shed some light on the characters glipsed here.


  • Domina Yizkor - The Earth Element and leader of the Elements. She has something of a crush on Ramsus and a strong rivalry with both Elly and Miang. Domina's pointy ears and muscular physique give her away that she is a demi-human. She is one of the last if not the last survivor of the nation of Elru, which was destroyed by Id three years ago. She was saved from being processed in the Soylent System by Ramsus and made into an Element, an elite Solarian super soldier. Domina pilots the humanoid gear Bladegash, which combines with the other three Element gears to form the massive G-Elements.
    • Domina's name is derived from the Dominion, a Order of Angels in the Second Hierarchy.
  • Kelvena - The Water Element. The calm and thoughtful Ying to Domina's fiery and passionate Yang. She always has her eyes closed except when in battle. Some have theorized that the level of Ether flowing through her body is so intense that she needs to keep her eyes closed in order to concentrate on not inadvertatnly causing an accident by letting her powers flare out of control. She seems genuinely friendly and understanding but is also a serious soldier fighting for her country. She was saved from being processed in the Soylent System by Ramsus and made into an Element, an elite Solarian Super Soldier. Kelvena pilots the dolphin-like gear Marinebasher, which combines with the other three Element gears to form the massive G-Elements.
    • Kelvena's name is derived from the Cherubim, a Order of Angels in the First Hierarchy.
  • Tolone - The Wind Element. Logical and emotionless. Tolone has undergone an experimental and most likely unethical surgery which either replaced or enhanced her brain with a positronic photon structure. Her cybernetic brain gives her the abillity to out-think a computer, but she still seems incapible of outwitting Fei and his companions half the time. This is the subject of a running gag with her fellow Element Seraphita, who calls it a "Gin n' Tonic Futon brain." Tolon isn't lacking in a sense of humor however, as it appears she is capible of begrudingly laughing at herself whenever Seraphita makes a stupid comment. It also appears that one or her arms is cybernetically enhanced as well, as she pulls it off at the elbow in battle to reveal a powerful laser weapon hidden within her bicep region. She was saved from being processed in the Soylent System by Ramsus and made into an Element, an elite Solarian Super Soldier. Tolone pilots the bird-like gear Skyghene, which combines with the other three Element gears to form the massive G-Elements.
    • Tolone's name is derived from the Thrones, a Order of Angels in the First Hierarchy.
  • Seraphita - The Fire Element. Seraphita is just plain dumb. She's always making a stupid, though ammusing, comment about things or doing something incredibly moronic. She is often partnered up with Tolone, the smartest member of the Elements and her exact polar oposite. Seraphita appears to be a demi-human and had rabbit-like ears flopping off the top of her head and a fluffy rabbit tail at the base of her spine. She has all the energy (and sense) of a bouncing bunny, so it suits her a great deal. She was saved from being processed in the Soylent System by Ramsus and made into an Element, an elite Solarian Super Soldier. Seraphita piloted the Grandgrowl, a gear that looks like a winged lion. Together with the other three Element gears it combines to form the massive G-Elements.
    • Seraphita's name is derived from the Seraphim, a Order of Angels in the First Hierarchy.

Elly's Squad

  • Renk - A short dark skinned man with red hair and a short beard. Of the five group members he is by far the friendliest, he sees Fei as a rival competitor instead of an enemy. In spite of his rank Renk's opinions hold considerable weight within the group. In the second disc of the game Renk and his fellow soldiers become allies of Fei and Elly, they were even ready to ride to Elly's aid when she confronted Krelian and Miang at Golgoda but Elly told them to stay behind and protect the people of Nisan. The five disappear after that point and are not seen again. Renk pilots one of the two beam-gun wielding winged Wandknight gears. Both gears always fight in a pair, unlike the other three Knight gears who normally confront their enemies separately.
  • Stratski - A tall and thin man with long light green hair. He is the quietest of the five but also one of the most intese fighters. He pilots the Swordknight gear which uses aerod-like orbital drones and a short shotgun-like gun to do most of its damage to opponents. The gear gets its name because the drones hover in a straight line and he swings them about like a sword.
  • Broyer - A big burly man with dark skin and short blue hair. He says little, if anything at all. He pilots the equally big and burly Ageisknight gear. The gear has two massive shield like fixtures on its arms which gives the gear a near impenetrable defence. The pointed ends of the shields can also be used to pierce an enemy gear's armour and significantly lower its defence.
  • Vance - A cocky and good-looking young man. He has short wavy brown hair and always seems to respond to everything with a snarky or arrogant comment. He is the most combative and violent of the five and also appears to be addicted to the Solarian performance enhancing psychotic drug DRIVE. He nearly ODs on DRIVE during a battle with Fei in the mountains near the Aveh-Kislev border. He pilots the Clawknight gear, a gear that uses a massive and sharp claw to slash and pierce it's enemies. The gear also uses a spiked pinwheel-like disk on its other arm to hit targets from long distances.
  • Helmholz - A modest intellectual man with short purple hair and glasses. He helps defend the city of Nisan from his former commander Ramsus when he comes in his Omnigear Vendetta looking for Elly. Helmholz pilots the second of two Wandknight gears.


Erich Van Vouten. Erich is Elly's father. He is a tall and proud man with short blond hair and a mustache. He used to be part of Gebler but was reassigned as the head of the Soylent System where he saved many surface dwellers from becoming -Wels- and later food and medicine for the population of Solaris. Elly's nanny when she was a child was one of these rescued -Lambs-. He is first seen in Solaris after Elly hacks into his home computer to download information that will help Fei and the others. Erich wants to kill Fei, but Elly convinces him otherwise and he lets him go. He is later arrested by the Imperial Guard when he refuses Krelian's request to hand Elly over to him. He is later sprung from prison by Hammer and commomdears a Solarian Eagle soldier gear to help Elly, Fei and everyone else escape from Solaris. Unfortunately their path to freedom is blocked when Hammer turns on the group and threatens them at gunpoint, then Grafh and the Executioner show up to make things even worse. Erich sacrifices himself to protect Elly from them by charging them with his gear, however the Executioner completely obliterates his gear with no less than a wave of her hand and kills him instantly. His last words are his profession of his love for his daughter.



One of Bart's soldiers who accompanies Fei on his mission to distract the Aveh border fleet while Bart, Citan and Sigurd attempt to infiltrate Fatima Castle and neutralize Aveh's ilegitimate dictator Shakhan. Falkon guides Fei through the various Aveh gears and sand cruisers to the fleet's flagship, the Kefeinzel. He is killed by Vanderkaum when Grafh arrives him and his gear Dora "The Power" in the hopes of prompting Id to awaken within Fei once more.


He is one of Bart's pirate soldiers who accompanies Fei on his mission to distract the Aveh border fleet. Along with Falkon and Vind he is killed by Vanderkaum after Grafh arrives and gives his gear Dora "The Power."


A dolphin-like demi-human who serves at the Yggdrasil's radio, radar and sonar operator. He is capible of determining the nature of all sorts of complex and abstract noises. You can go to him to hear various sound effects from the game's audio library at any point when you have access to the Yggdrail. He suspiciously looks an awful lot like the First Officer of the Thames, another dolphin-like demi-human named Hans.



Gazel Ministry, The




A demi-human merchant from the D-Block of Nortune, Hammer becomes a close ally to the protagonists. However, he was eventually turned by Krelian, and ended up nearly assasinating Elly. Elly's mother Medina threw herself in front of the bullet ment for her daughter and died just steps away from freedom from Solaris. Later, Hammer was surgically grafted into the structure of a massive gear and instructed by Krelian to destroy the party at the second Anima dungeon, but he failed, dying in the process.


The dolphin-like demi-human who serves as the radio operator and first officer of the city-ship Thames. He often disagrees with the Captain's decisions, especially when it comes to the use of firepower but he always follows through with his orders. After the Thames is sunk during the second disc by the -Seraphs- Hans moves to the grounded remains of Shevat with his wife Anna and son Lance. It's possible that he could be related to the Yggdrasil's dolphin-like demi-human radio operator Franz, but it seems rather unlikely.




Isaac Balthazar, also known as Old Man Bal. He is one of the three Sages of Shevat and an advisor to Queen Zephyr. He has been alive for over 500 years because his life has been artificially extended by regenerative nanomachines. Old Man Bal is the father of Solarian gear designer Nikolai Balthazar and grandfather of Shevat operative Maria Balthazar. He can tell everything there is to know about a gear simply by listening to the noises it makes. Fei and Bart stumble across his hermitage in the Stalactite Cave under Ignas desert. He was helpful and friendly enough to them to show them the way back to the surface and repair their damaged gears but he becomes suspicious when he examines some of the mysterious black box parts in Fei's gear Weltall. Thinking Fei to be the "Slayer of God" he sends his massive remote controlled gear Calamity after him and Bart after they leave. Old Man Bal appears again in disc 2 to help rebuild and remodel Weltall after it was destroyed by Ramsus' omnigear Vendetta. Bal has his reservations but after he is assured that Fei is not an unstable threat he helps create Weltall 2 along with the other Sages of Shevat, Taura Melchior and Gaspar Uzuki.



The helmsman of the Yggdrasil. He's steered the ship through many rough situations successfully. Though when it comes to the really difficult and possibly crazy manoeuvres, like trying to make a sand cruiser fly, he differs to Bart's skill as a helmsman.


Billy Lee Black and Primera's father, also known as Jessiah. A gruff and rash gun-wielding ex-Element of Solaris. He was once good friends with Sigurd, Citan and Ramsus, his fellow ex-Elements. He was well liked by all three of the other Elements. Ramsus seems to respect him a lot as he is willing to stand by and practically let him walk in and destroy the Etrenank Gate in Solaris. Hated by his children at first, Jesse ends up saving the protagonists throughout the story. He had his face surgically altered to mimic the appearence of an old friend from Shevat who was killed long ago named Joshua Blanche. He has also taken up dressing like Blanche in order to keep his friend's memory alive. Jesse makes a memorable enterance into the game's storyline by pointing his signature shotgun at Elly's head when he thinks she's trying to abduct Primera on the Thames. This of course is a misunderstanding and does a lot to quickly establish his "shoot first, ask questions later" characterization. When Jesse's past and the truth about the Ethos chruch are explored Billy does a lot of soul searching and comes to the realization that his father was right all long in his own way. Jesse and Billy are able to reconcile their differences but Billy's new mission, stopping Krelian's plot to reactivate Deus and kill off all humanity draw them away from one another. Jesse is conspiciously absent from disc 2 of the game leading to the inevitable questions about his ultimate fate.


Joshua Blanche was a special operative from Shevat who was once a close personal friend of ex-Element Jessiah Black. He was killed several years before the start of the game. Jesse was so affected by his death that he had his face surgically altered so that he resembled Blanche and took to dressing like him in order to keep his memory alive. Joshua only appears in the Perfect Works, the complete companion piece to Xenogears.


Kahn Wong

Kahn Wong was a martial arts master and father of Fei Fong Wong. He was an operative from Shevat who married a surface dweller named Karen and had a son named Fei. Kahn's duties to Shevat kept him away from his family often so he was unaware that while he was gone his wife, who was actually Miang in Karen's body, was performing ghastly experiments on Fei with the help of Krelian in order to bring out his powers as the -Contact-. Kahn had no idea that Fei had also developed two split personalities, Id and the Coward, as well because of these horrible treatments. By the time Kahn had realised what was happening it was too late. By that time Grafh had become aware of Fei's existence and had come seeking him out in order to inhabit his body and complete the transmigration circle that he started when he was Lacan, the previous -Contact-. Both fortunately and unfortunately Id awakened within Fei when Grafh appeared before him and Id used Fei's immense powers as a -Contact- to severely injure Grafh and protect himself but his also killed his mother Karen in the process. Kahn took Fei away and began traveling with him, always trying to keep one step ahead of Grafh, who was tirelessly searching for them. Along the way Kahn taught Fei everything he knew about the martial arts but sadly that wouldn't be enough. Grafh eventually found them and when Fei turned into Id again before him Grafh took control of him. Kahn followed them all over the world for three years as Grafh turned Id loose on places like Elru in order to cause chaos and destruction and strengthen his powers. Eventually Kahn caught up with them and he fought and defeated Grafh and turned Id back into Fei again, however before Grafh "died" he transmigrated into Kahn's body. Kahn's strong mind and will were enough to keep Grafh at bay for a while but he knew he could not hold him back for long so he took Fei far away to the remote village of Lahan and under his newly adopted guise of the Wiseman he left his son in the care of Cheif Lee. Over the course of Fei's adventure Kahn was able to temporarily wrest control of his body away from Grafh and appeared to Fei periodically as the Wiseman in order to give him help and advice along the way. It is eventually revealed to Fei through Id that Kahn is the Wiseman who has been helping him all this time. Unfortunately when Fei tries to reunite with his father Grafh takes control once more and also reveals to Fei that not only is he his father but he is also his most dangerous enemy too. When Fei and his friends finally defeat Grafh he sacrifices himself in order to temporarily knock out the Zohar, which is powering Deus. When Grafh dies he takes with him the Wiseman, Kahn and Lacan as well and all four personas perish when his gear self-destructs.


Karen Wong. A surface dweller who married a man from Shevat named Kahn Wong and had a son named Fei. At some point during her life Karen's body was taken over by Miang, who had awakened in her when the previous Miang died. Miang discovered that the son produced by her host's marriage to Kahn was actually the -Contact-, the reincarnation of Abel, the boy who had made contact with the Zohar and the Wave Existence on the Eldridge 10,000 years ago. While her husband was away on missions for Shevat Karen took Fei to Krelian's laboratories onboard the Ezekiel where she and Krelian preformed horrible and intrusive experiments on him in order to validate him as the -Contact- then bring out his powers. What Miang was unaware of was that these experiments had fractured Fei's psyche and caused him to create three separate personas, his own "normal" self, the violent and anger-driven Id and the repressive and recessive Coward. One day Grafh showed up at the Wong home after becoming aware of Fei's existence as a -Contact-. Grafh was seeking to inhabit Fei's body but the other parts of Fei's psyche had other plans. Before Graph could transmigrate into Fei's body Id took over and used part of Fei's limitless power as the -Contact- to obliterate everything in the surrounding area. Grafh was seriously wounded and driven off and Karen was ultimately killed by the blast. In her last moments either Miang abandoned Karen's body or Karen summoned the will to take control back from Miang and threw herself in front of a blast of energy that had circled back around and was coming back at Fei. The last thing Fei saw of his mother was a relieved smile when she realised that she had saved her son from certain death before she died. Karen appeared to be a follower of the Nisan church as she always wore a pendant of the Nisan cross around her neck, even when she was Miang. Fei inherited this pendant from his mother and it brings up memories of her in his mind when he sees it or thinks about it.


Kim Kasim was a brilliant doctor and scientist in the field of Nanotechnology. Born during the Zeboim era in the year 6055 after the Eldridge's crash. He is considered the creator of the Nanotechnology later developed by Krelian and Taurus (Taura) Melchior. Driven by his wife's (Elly) inability to give birth due to the expanding radioactive poisoning, he allied himself with the Ravine rebel group to sponsor his studies in Molecular Machinery, thus creating Emeralda. Therefore, Kim could be considered the father of Emeralda. He was assassinated alongside Elly by the Zeboim Militia in 6083 and Emeralda was deconstructed and sealed on the orders of Zeboim President, or more importantly the Zeboim First Lady, Miang. Kim was the first reincarnation of Abel the -Contact- and his wife Elly was the first reincarnation of the original Elyhaym.




Once a humble painter from Nisan, Lacan was destined to become one of the greatest sources of evil the world had ever known. Lacan was the third known incarnation of Abel the -Contact-, the boy who made contact with the Wave Existence on board the Eldridge. Lacan was a close personal friend of Sophia, the Holy Mother of Nisan 500 years ago. He had known her since she was a child and was one of the few people to know her by her given name, Elhaym, or Elly. Lacan was also good friends with the brothers Roni and Rene Fatima and Krelian of Nimrod. Lacan was plauged by self-esteem issues and always used to put himself down. When he was commissioned to paint Sophia's portrait he was initally hesitant and felt he wasn't good enough to do the job. Lacan loved Sophia very dearly but didn't know how to express it so he purposefully painted her portrait very slowly just so he could spend more time with her as she modeled for it. He was so deliberately slow that he never managed to finish it completely before the Shevat-Solaris War broke out. When Sophia sacrificed herself at the end of the war without Lacan ever telling her he loved her it devastated him completely. He was plagued by issues of self-weakness which developed into a hunger for power. His weakness, he felt, lead to Sophia's death and he never wanted to be weak again. Unfortunately, his quest for power began to make him more and more ruthless. In his search for power he eventually crossed paths with Miang, who was inhabiting the body of a Solarian soldier currently imprisoned in Shevat awaiting extradition back to Solaris at the request of the Gazel Ministry. Miang played on his hunger for power and told him about the source of ultimate power on the planet, the Zohar. Following Miang's instructions Lacan found the Zohar and made an imperfect contact with it and gained untold powers from it. He then left the name Lacan behind and became Grahf, the Seeker of Power. He then found the resting place of the legendary Diabolos Gears, autonomous angelic gears of incredible power. He claimed one of them, the original or "True" Weltall as his own and the rest became his army. He turned the Diabolos on both Shevat and Solaris and in a single day he nearly decimated both aerial nations. He killed all 12 members of the Gazel Ministry along with Rene Fatima, however at the end of the battle, which became known as the "Day of Destruction" the Diabolos were defeated by the surface dwellers led by Roni Fatima and Grafh was driven off. Lacan had been able to survive for over 500 years as Grafh by transmigrating his soul into other peoples' bodies and taking them over from the inside out. Grafh's last host before his ultimate demise was Khan Wong, the father of Fei Fong Wong, the fourth incarnation of Abel the -Contact- and the man Lacan was looking to transmigrate into all along. Lacan eventually died when Grafh and Khan did, when he latched onto the Zohar with his gear and initiated a self-destruct. The resulting explosion neutralized the function of the Zohar long enough to allow Fei and his companions to stop Krelian and Deus and rescue Elly. For some reason Krelian continuiously refers to Fei as Lacan, in spite of the fact that Fei and Lacan are completely different people.



Lawrence Maison. The elderly butler of Prince Bartholomew, Maison was born and raised in Aveh and has been part of the Fatima dynasty for many years. During the adventure, Maison gives Bart helpful bits of advice that saves the party on numerous occasions. He often pilots creative but not entirely reliable inventions, like the infamous Land Crab. He mostly stays in the Gun Room on the Yggdrasil and has a penchent for fine tea.


A general among Bart's sand pirtates. He first lead the search for Bart and Fei after they fell into the Stalactite Cave in the Ignas desert outside of Bledavik. He was also the soldier who lead the distraction attack on the Aveh border fleet while Bart attempted to sack the Aveh capital of Bledavik. He was killed by Vanderkaum's monster gear Dora after Grafh arrived and gave him "The Power."



Medena Van Houten. Elly's mother. She is a very beautiful older woman with long blond hair. Elly is resentful of her at first and doesn't believe she is her real mother. Elly believes her mother was actually a -Lamb-, perhaps even her childhood nanny, however there is no actual evidence that backs this theory up, just Elly's word against her mother's. Medena is a genuinely sweet person and seems to be supportive of Elly's budding relationship with Fei once she gets over her inital shock of discovering the relationship. Medena is imprisoned with her husband when the Imperial Guard comes looking for Elly on Krelian's orders. She is eventually rescued by Hammer, unfortunately he too turns on the group and tries to take Elly to Krelian. Medena steps in between Elly and Hammer and Hammer shoots her in the head when she refuses to move.




Midori Uzuki, the only child of Citan and Yui Uzuki and Gaspar Uzuki's grandaughter. She is a very quiet young girl and doesn't actually speak a word of dialouge until the second disc of the game. Midori's name is Japanese for the color green, fitting seeing how fond of the color green Citan seems to be.


A Wel-Gear combonation created by Krelian at some point before the start of the game. His gear appears to be an orange roughly humanoid gear with a massive spiked ball on one arm and a long sheild on the other. Mugwort appears at Golgoda with Rattan and fights Elly. At the end of the fight Mugwort is killed along with Rattan by a massive Ether blast from Elly's Omnigear.



A brilliant Solarian who was once from Shevat, Nikolai is the father of Maria. Unfortunately, he was captured and brainwashed by Solaris. He often experimented with gears and humans in the Soylent System. Eventually, he created a gear that could easily merge with human thought, which practically destroyed his existance. Fortunately, he comes back when Maria and Chu-Chu attack the gear, and makes peace with his daughter before killing himself.




Billy Lee Black's young sister, who is silent until Bishop Stone is killed. Her silence was caused by the death of her mother, and her talk returns with the heroics of her father.





One of the various Wel-Gear combonations created by Krelian's sick experiments. Rattan was encased inside the massive chasis of a bird-like green gear with four insectoid legs and a pair of sharp blades on one side of it's body. Rattan appears twice over the course of the game, he first accompanies Emerelda to the Sargasso Gate in order to mount a feined defence against Fei and the others, then appears again at Golgoda where he fights Elly in her Omnigear Regurus alongside his new partner Mugwort. Elly manages to kill the both of them using a masive Ether blast but she exhaused herself doing so.


Racquel Black. Jesse's wife and Billy and Primera's mother. She was a young Solarian woman attending the Jugend military academy and vying to become an Element. She was also the object of affection for two other Jugend recruits, Jessiah Black and a man named Stein. Jessiah won her heart and it enraged Stein to no end. Racquel and Jessiah, now going by Jesse later abandoned Solaris and moved down to the surface to raise a family. They settled in the Aquvy region on an island close to the Ethos HQ. Stein, who had become a Bishop in the Ethos church under the assumed name of Stone, eventually tracked them down and sent a group of -Wels- who the Ethos controlled to the Black home and had them brutally murder Racquel. Stone's rationale for doing this was that Jesse had irevokably 'tainted' her and she needed to be killed for her own good. Their mother's brutal death effected the Black children in profound ways. Billy joined the Ethos, whose lower members fought the same -Wels- that it's higher members secretly control, and also caused him to develop a hatred of his father who was not there to protect his mother. The event also caused little Primea, who was a toddler at the time, to stop speaking completely.


Rene Fatima. Roni Fatima's brother and the ancestor of Bart and the other members of the Fatima dynasty. Rene was a tall and strong man with short brown hair. He shared little resemblece to his brother Roni aside from his tell-tale jasper blue eyes. He was a strong ally of Sophia the Holy Mother of Nisan, Lacan the painter, Krelian the Nanoscientist from Nimrod and Zephyr the child-queen of Shevat. He supported Nisan and Shevat in their war against Solaris and helped fight against the Diabolos Gears when Lacan's greif over the loss of Sophia turned him into the evil Grafh. Unfortunately Rene was ultimately killed by the ironically angelic autonomus gears that Lacan released from a 9000 year slumber. Rene is named after one of Final Fantasy VI's main characters, Sabin Rene Figaro, who was also a strong physical fighter and the brother of a dashing young desert king.


Roni Fatima. Rene Fatima's brother and the ancestor of the Fatima dynasty, whose members include Bart, Sigurd and Margie. He was a very handsome man with long and luscious blond hair and blue eyes. He was an ally of Sophia, Lacan, Zephyr and Krelian's and he fought in the Shevat-Solaris War 500 years ago. He also helped defend Ignas against the invasion of the Diabolos Gears after Lacan was driven insane by the loss of Sophia and became Grafh, the Seeker of Power. He was the original pilot of the Omnigear Andvari and created the Yggdrasil I-IV. Roni went on to found the desert kingdom of Aveh and became its first king. Roni is named after one of Final Fantasy VI's main characters, Edgar Roni Figaro, who was also a dashing young king of a desert kingdom.

Rue Cohen

A member of the Imperial Battling Commitee in Kislev. She also appears to be a covert agent working for the Ethos society. She persuades Fei to join the gear battling tournament held in Nortune's C-Block with the promise of winning his freedom from prison in Kislev if he defeats the current champ Rico. Her ulterior motive is that she also wants to gather information about him and Weltall and deliver it back to the Ethos HQ. Rue always travels around with two men who appear to be members of the Kislev military.



A greedy Solarian who became a cardinal in the false Ethos organization. Using his power, Shakhan overthrew the ruiling Fatima dynasty and had King Edbart Fatima, Bart's father, killed and took over Aveh. He then brought in the Gebler forces from Solaris in order to maintain his rule as the new self proclaimed Prime Minister of Aveh. However, he was merely a pawn. Shakhan sat around and played figurehead while Solaris practically ran the country and Gebler did as they pleased through Aveh, like heating up the ongoing war with the neighboring Kislev Empire. Shakhan was given his false power to allow Solaris to achieve its own motives as a whole. After Aveh falls to Bart, Shakhan attempts to claim vengeance by defending the Ignas Gate near Nisan when the group tries to destroy it and the other two gates in order to destroy the barrier and phase Solaris back into synch with the rest of the world. He is killed in the battle, even after receiving "The Power" from Grahf. Even with "The Power" coursing through him and his gear he is still no match for Bart's newly recovered Omnigear Andvari. In short, Shakhan was merely a puppet so blinded by his greed that he could be manipulated: if given power.


Kaiser of Kislev. Sigmund is a bearded old man with a large nose and distinct pointy ears who usually wears red and black robes. Before Sigmund came to power the Ethos society held a lot of influence in Kislev, so when Sigmund kicked everyone involved with the Ethos out of the government and severed all ties with the false church it created a good deal of animosity between the Kaiser and the clergy. The Ethos responded to Sigmund's house cleaning by kidnaping his only son, Ricardo "Rico" Banderas, and sending him to Solaris where cruel experiments were preformed on him which turned him into a demi-human. The Kaiser and his wife thought their son was dead and Sigmund's wife herself died soon thereafter succumbing to overwhelming grief. Sigmund began enacting all sorts of anti-demi-human laws and legislations that made life extremely hard on the demi-human population of Kislev, including Rico who had been returned to Nortune and placed in the care of a foster mother. Rico, now a grown man, was so infuriated by the Kaiser's policies that he tried to assassinate or otherwise harm him physically several times, not knowing that the Kaiser was his father nor was Sigmund aware that his attempted killer was his own son. Even when Sigmund realises that Rico is actually his son he still orders his execution after Rico again tried to kill the Kaiser by crashing his Gear into the Kaiser's box seat at the C-Block Battle Arena. Despite his dubious nature the Kaiser openly associates with Grafh, the Seeker of Power and his representative the Executioner. Grafh often brings the Kaiser items and technology from Solaris like Weltall and a Gate Keeper device. Some of Hammer's dialogue in Disc 2 makes it sound like the Kaiser passed away sometime over the course of Disc 2, but this has never expressedly been confirmed.






Fei's closest friend in Lahan village, Timothy was the fiancee of Alice, another childhood friend. However, when Gebler attacked Lahan, Timothy was killed. When this happened, Fei grew upset, and briefly morphed into Id.




A friend of Billy's in the Ethos chruch and a fellow Etone. He is actually a specially trained assassin working for Bishop Stone. He rebels against his fellow assassins and tries to help Billy and his friends by telling him all sorts of classified information on what Etones really are, unfortunately he is killed another one of Stone's assassins during Solaris' raid on the Ethos HQ.


An elite Solarian who was the commander of the surface Gebler forces until the arrival of Ramsus. He is bald, with a purple cross on his face. Unfortunately, his tactical skills are rash, favoring slow guns over agile gears. His lack of logical reasoning results in the loss of his sand cruiser, the Kefienzel. His gear, Dora, was granted power by Grahf, thus sparking Fei's Id to emerge. Therefore, Dora--and Vanderkaum--are easily destroyed by Id.


One of Bart's pirate soldiers who accompanies Fei on his mission to distract the Aveh border fleet during the first assault on Aveh. Along with Falkon and Farrant he is killed by Vanderkaum after Grahf arrives and grants "The Power" to his gear, the Dora.


Wave Existence, the

The Wave Existance is a divine being from a higher dimension. It appears as a glowing human silhouette to the eyes of anyone living in this dimension. The Existance was trapped inside Zohar during the initial test of the Deus System. It is responsible for the energy that powers the Gears and people's ether abilities, which is why the Zohar appeared to be the main source of power. The Wave Existance used the -Contact- to free itself from Deus and the Zohar and return to its dimension via the Path of Sephirot. Krelian also used this chain of events to travel through the Path of Sephirot to the higher dimension. See also U-DO.


Kahn Wong's alter ego. This masked, hooded and caped appears several times throughout the game and gives advice to Fei. Sometimes he appears to fight or antagonize him and other times he appears to directly help Fei and the group like when he appeared in Zeboim to in order to contain Id. The Wiseman first appears in a flashback when Cheif Lee tells Fei that he had brought him to Lahan three years before the start of the game. The Wiseman appears in the flesh just before the Battle Tournament in Bledavik and it is clear from his introduction that he is not just some minor character. The last time the Wiseman appears is after Fei and Id have reconciled in Fei's mind and the Xenogears is created. The Wiseman disappears forever when he reveals that he is in fact Kahn Wong, Fei's estranged father. It is also revealed that the Wiseman, Kahn and Grafh are the same person and Grafh has taken over Kahn's body and is using him as a host. Kahn's remarkable will allowed him to periodically break free of Grafh's control and act on his own accord, during these times he appeared as the Wiseman.




