Talk:Mongoloid race

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by JWB (talk | contribs) at 19:27, 16 July 2005. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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Races of human kind

Is it controversial or questionable to suggest any one "race" is more "intelligent"?

PC world the Politically Correct world we live in...definitely not kosher.....but lets not forget that race is not really an idea or concept for that matter......goes back to the whole discussion of evolution or creation??? whichever you choose the theories both subscribe on race are full of either case.....who cares??? thanks to globalization and global we are all in the shit storm together


"stoic, taciturn, unaggressive demeanor." I don't think this is NPOV and it only reflects the traits Westerners associate with East Asians. If it is OK to list non-negative traits "associated" with East Asians(such as being stoic and taciturn), why shouldn't we list negative, racist traits along with them, such as East Asians supposedly being cunning or deceitful? We might as well add that they are associated with being inscrutable and mysterious. As for the high intelligence thing, it's questioned within the article and there is a link to another article discussing it further, so I think it should stay.

My feeling is that Mongoloid and similar articles like Caucasoid should be about anthropology and paleontology. Cultural and political stuff should be in other articles and linked as needed.--JWB 19:27, 16 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Transitional Mongoloid?

This topic page is most interesting. But if there really is a "distinction" between Northern and Southern Mongoloid types, is there also such thing as a "transitional Mongoloid race" of people. I am aware that any discussion about this would be merely almost speculation, and a "quasi-science" (too deep into physical anthropology to be of any relevant observation). From my travels in Asia-Pacific, and from my own observations, i really do see a "continuum" of appearances. I find that in China and in Vietnam, that continuum is the most pronounced. The peoples of central-eastern and southern China and Vietnam, to me at least, have a dominantly "northern" general appearance, but they have "southern" hair and body types (according to whatever this page describes them). I know close to nothing about anthropology or anything in the like; so if any knowledgeable person in the field could raise their opinions into this fascinating topic, it would be most good.

I don't think anyone maintains there are pure races. Types like N and S Mongoloid are patterns of traits, that might be a close fit for most people in some areas, but not necessarily all. There is certainly a continuum between N and S Mongoloid, but trying to define boundaries of the transitional zone would be drawing yet more lines and might be difficult.--JWB 19:27, 16 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]