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Multiverser is a multi-genre game that has the player character moving from dimension to dimension with each dimension having the possibility of different rules of reality (I'd say "physics", but magic is one of the areas that may be changed.)

Multiverser is not a generic game like Hero System or GURPS, or cross-genre game like Rifts. The best comparison is the television series Sliders, but the players are not limited to modern day alternate timelines with the same rules of reality as our own Earth. "In the Multiverse, every story is true somewhere. There is no fiction." is the truth in the game.

The plot immunity for heroes problem drains excitement from action-adventure TV shows, and role-playing games. Multiverser retains the fear without game-ending consequences by letting a player character be killed, and then transferred to another material world to start another adventure. However, this means that the player was defeated and exiled from the first world.