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Darin Brown

I am a graduate student in mathematics at University of California, Santa Barbara. If all goes as planned, I should be filing my Ph.D. in Spring 2004. My research interests lie at the intersection of algebraic number theory, Fuchsian groups, and reciprocity laws.

My interests and areas of knowledge include math, music, film, poker, chess, sequential art (i.e. comics), and baseball. This list is not exhaustive.

Articles that I've either created or made nontrivial contributions to ("anonymously" means I forgot to login):

Talk:Abstract structure AIDS reappraisal (see also Talk:AIDS reappraisal) Alfred Hitchcock (see also Talk:Alfred Hitchcock)

Baseball slang Bunt

Curve (anonymously)

Hoop Dreams

Isoperimetry (anonymously)

Jordan curve theorem

Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem

Modular group Gamma

North by Northwest (anonymously)

Proof that e is irrational Proof that the sum of the reciprocals of the primes diverges (anonymously...I gave second proof) Pythagorean theorem (anonymously)

Topological space

User:Revolver (just seeing if you were paying attention)

Wilson's theorem