Wikipedia:Awareness statistics

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by One Salient Oversight (talk | contribs) at 02:05, 21 June 2005 (→‎Alexa ''page views per million'' measurement for The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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This page is part of the Wikipedia:Statistics family of pages. It attempts to measure the growth in public awareness of Wikipedia. Please see Wikipedia:Modelling Wikipedia's growth for speculation on the trends in these statistics.

It is interesting to compare the following graph with the graphs in Wikipedia:Size of Wikipedia and Wikipedia:Traffic.

Usenet posts about Wikipedia

Monthly count of Usenet posts containing the word "Wikipedia"

Source: Google

Data extracted from Google Groups, using the estimated figure:

January 2001,   0
February 2001,  0
March 2001,     3
April 2001,     0
May 2001,       19
June 2001,      54
July 2001,      27
August 2001,    84
September 2001, 152
October 2001,   87
November 2001,  133
December 2001,  105
January 2002,   161
February 2002,  102
March 2002,     112 
April 2002,     141
May 2002,       149
June 2002,      208
July 2002,      305
August 2002,    389
September 2002, 304
October 2002,   430
November 2002,  349 
December 2002,  523
January 2003,   378
February 2003,  333
March 2003,     687
April 2003,     644
May 2003,       693
June 2003,      716
July 2003,      1160
August 2003,    1140
September 2003, 1760
October 2003,   1840
November 2003,  1620
December 2003,  2140
January 2004,   2330 (1840)
February 2004,  2260 (1800)
March 2004,     3200 (2740)
April 2004,     3490 (2990)
May 2004,       3610 (1470)
June 2004,      4080 (1920)   (30700 with bug in google count)
July 2004,      4900 (2210)   (31300 with bug in google count)
August 2004,    6170 (3450)   (38500  with bug in google count)
September 2004, 5240 (6670)
October 2004,   6520 (12600)
November 2004,  7280 (3160)
December 2004,  (3130)
January 2005,   6540  ??
February 2005,  14900 ??
March 2005,     7490  ??

This is the search used: [1]

For june-->august search used: adding up [2] and [3]

Note that Google recently changed their usenet search engine. New results are given in parentheses behind the old results. From December 2004 only the new results are available.

Subsequent to November 2004, the search engine count appears to have become unreliable, with different iterations of the same search giving wildly different results.

More specific references to and

Monthly count of Usenet posts containing the strings "" or ""; many of these will be actual links to Wikipedia.

Searches: for and for

Month              .org    .com   total
January 2001,         0,      0,      0
February 2001,        0,      0,      0
March 2001,           0,      4,      4
April 2001,           0,      0,      0
May 2001,             0,     16,     16
June 2001,            0,     47,     47
July 2001,            0,     25,     25
August 2001,          0,     79,     79
September 2001,       0,    112,    112
October 2001,         0,     57,     57
November 2001,        0,     91,     91
December 2001,        0,     96,     96
January 2002,         1,    148,    149
February 2002,        0,     90,     90
March 2002,           0,    105,    105
April 2002,           1,    130,    131
May 2002,             0,    131,    131
June 2002,            0,    164,    164
July 2002,            5,    200,    205
August 2002,         46,    208,    254
September 2002,      84,    161,    245
October 2002,       260,     58,    318
November 2002,      214,     26,    240
December 2002,      318,      8,    326
January 2003,       201,     70,    271
February 2003,      176,     96,    272
March 2003,         539,     56,    595
April 2003,         509,     39,    548
May 2003,           611,      4,    615
June 2003,          592,     18,    610
July 2003,          964,     27,    991
August 2003,        955,     20,    975
September 2003,    1240,     21,   1261
October 2003,      1140,     27,   1167
November 2003,     1110,     40,   1150
December 2003,     1340,      5,   1345
January 2004,      1820,      4,   1824
February 2004,     1740,     26,   1766
March 2004,        2430,     13,   2443
April 2004,        2820,      4,   2824
May 2004,          2600,     30,   2630
June 2004,         2890,     17,   2907
July 2004,         3680,     37,   3717
August 2004,       4820,     14,   4834
September 2004,    3910,      7,   3917
October 2004,      4630,     25,   4655
November 2004,     5500,     40,   5540
December 2004,     5730,     11,   5741
January 2005,      2640,     10,   2650
February 2005,     5180,     10,   5190

Source: Google

As with the more general search, these more specific search figures appear to become unreliable after December 2004, with different iterations of the same search giving different figures.

Mentions of Wikipedia on websites outside Wikipedia

This estimates the number of mentions of Wikipedia on websites outside Wikipedia itself using a Google search.

This is the search used: [4]

 2 October 2003,     311k
 3 November 2003,    176k
 6 December 2003,   1370k
 1 January 2004,    1260k
 1 February 2004,   1120k
28 February 2004,   2180k
 5 April 2004,      1790k 
30 April 2004,      1980k
20 May 2004,        2250k
 2 July 2004,       1900k
19 July 2004,       2630k
 1 August 2004,     3230k
13 August 2004,     3920k
23 August 2004,     4030k
 1 September 2004,  4100k
28 September 2004,  4480k
18 January 2005,    5140k
 1 February 2005,   4890k
13 February 2005,   6660k
20 February 2005,   9800k
 1 March 2005,     10200k
27 March 2005,      6630k
30 March 2005,     10600k
06 May 2005,       10200k
13 June 2005,      11100k

Google Answers using Wikipedia

Google Answers - answers per month that included Wikipedia references (search used):

 April 2002,      1
 July 2002,       5
 August 2002,     2
 September 2002,  4
 October 2002,   11
 November 2002,   7
 December 2002,  10
 January 2003,    0
 February 2003,   1 
 March 2003,     12
 April 2003,     10
 May 2003,        8
 June 2003,      10
 July 2003,      17
 August 2003,    10
 September 2003, 13
 October 2003,    7
 November 2003,  19
 December 2003,  21
 January 2004,   20
 February 2004,  23
 March 2004,     20
 April 2004,     21
 May 2004,       27
 June 2004,      28
 July 2004,      24
 August 2004,    19
 September 2004, 31
 October 2004,   24
 November 2004,  46
 December 2004,  36
 January 2005,   41
 February 2005,  30
 March 2005,     25
 April 2005,     42

Google News stories mentioning Wikipedia

Google News -- news stories per month that mention Wikipedia or contain links to Wikipedia: search used

June 2003,        2
July 2003,        4
August 2003,      4
September 2003,   8
October 2003,    51 (including one story in 46 copies)
November 2003,    7
December 2003,    6
January 2004,    15
February 2004,   15
March 2004,      32
April 2004,      42
May 2004,        41
June 2004,       42
July 2004,       79
August 2004,     49
September 2004, 209 (including 148 after the 20 september press release)
October 2004,    91
November 2004,   98
January 2005,   147
February 2005,  195
March 2005,     218
April 2005,     349 (hits for "wikinews": 15)
May 2005,       161 ("wikinews": 4)

Google PageRank for

Google PageRank of the main English Wikipedia homepage ( :

22 October 2002,  6/10
 3 November 2002, 7/10
 1 December 2002, 8/10
10 January 2003,  8/10
15 March 2003,    7/10 (perhaps Google's algorithm was changed?)
12 April 2003,    7/10
30 May 2003,      7/10
 2 October 2003,  8/10
 7 November 2003, 8/10
30 January 2004,  8/10
22 October 2004,  8/10
24 December 2004, 8/10
16 July 2005,     9/10

Note: higher is better.

Daily page requests for

File:Daily page requests for
This data graphed on a linear scale. It has also been graphed on a logarithmic scale

This is the average number of daily page requests for each month, for months where valid data is available. (Specifically, Dec 2002 and Jan 2003 have been excluded because much log data was lost for the en: wikipedia, underestimating real perfomance). Source: [5]. Compare with the "pages" figures from [6] for the en: Wikipedia alone.

Month        English     All languages

Aug 2002,      99000,     99000
Sep 2002,     180000,    180000
Oct 2002,     180000,    180000
Nov 2002,     198000,    229000
Dec 2002,     196000,    233000
Jan 2003,     141000,    179000
Feb 2003,     158000,    200000
Mar 2003,     224000,    284000
Apr 2003,     319000,    401000
May 2003,     281000,    391000
Jun 2003,     286000,    399000
Jul 2003,     321000,    426000
Aug 2003,     422000,    623000
Sep 2003,     609000,   1200000
Oct 2003,     722000,   1200000
Nov 2003,     857000,   1600000
Feb 2004,    3000000,   5700000
Mar 2004,    2400000,   5100000
Apr 2004,    1600000,   4400000
May 2004,    2400000,   4900000
Jun 2004,    5300000,  12100000
Jul 2004,    5700000,  12800000
Aug 2004,    5200000,  11900000
Sep 2004,    4800000,  10900000  
Oct 2004,    6000000,  13300000

Since October 2004, no reliable page-counter data has been available, due to the rapid changes in system configuration, and the many caching servers involved in keeping up with the traffic. This is on the list of things to be fixed. A rough estimate, as of January 2005, was that the total traffic was roughly 80 million hits per day.

Alexa traffic ranking for

Plot of the traffic ranking data with a reversed logarithmic scale traffic ranking to main English Wikipedia site - lower is better, 1 is theoretically the most popular site on the Internet. Use this link to update this table: use the "1 wk. avg" figure to eliminate the effect of the weekly cyclic variation in Wikipedia traffic. Note that the date in general differs by one day from "today"--the correct date is given in the lower right corner under the graph.

22 October 2002,   9653
27 October 2002,   9440
 3 November 2002,  9047
13 November 2002,  8356
22 November 2002,  7922
 1 December 2002,  7543
10 January 2003,  14882  (slight slip; Alexa site shows major traffic dip around this time)
 1 February 2003,  7897  (recovering again)
 7 February 2003,  6799  (woo hoo!)
15 February 2003,  5406 
23 February 2003,  5228
 4 March 2003,     7328
11 March 2003,     5713
13 March 2003,     4735  (seems to be from boost in Google ranking)
15 March 2003,     3662
17 March 2003,     3342
28 March 2003,     3653
 6 April 2003,     3072
12 April 2003,     3444 
16 April 2003,     3785
28 April 2003,     3422        
 6 May 2003,       3832
18 May 2003,       3212
22 May 2003,       2965
29 May 2003,       2509  (possibly driven by Earthlink E-mail newsletter publicity) 
16 June 2003,      3289
23 June 2003,      3187
 2 July 2003,      2676
13 July 2003,      2033
17 July 2003,      2045
 8 August 2003,    1406
 2 October 2003,    941
21 October 2003,   1038
29 October 2003,   1189  (recent reduction in rank probably due to server problems)
 3 November 2003,  1168
13 November 2003,   906  (performance is better after load-balancing installed)
25 November 2003,   934  (ranking continues to be around 1000 +/- 100)
 3 December 2003,   950  (but new server has been installed; so expect better ranking soon?)
 6 December 2003,   887
 8 December 2003,   838
12 December 2003,   828
15 December 2003,   751*
 1 January 2004,   1114  (a big drop back after Christmas and two major server outages)
12 January 2004,    851  (even when running slowly on backup hardware!)
24 January 2004,    778
28 January 2004,    742*
 1 February 2004,   874
14 February 2004,   779
20 February 2004,   816
27 February 2004,   712*
 3 March 2004,      723
 8 March 2004,      678*
14 March 2004,      654*
20 March 2004,      649*
21 March 2004,      643*
25 March 2004,      634*
30 March 2004,      619*
 2 April 2004,      608*
 9 April 2004,      646
16 April 2004,      605*
22 April 2004,      607
23 April 2004,      596*
30 April 2004,      661
 1 May 2004,        686  (hardware problems are causing a drop in traffic)
10 May 2004,        676  (continued poor traffic)
12 May 2004,        628  (making a comeback)
13 May 2004,        617
14 May 2004,        582
16 May 2004,        556*
19 May 2004,        563
20 May 2004,        558
24 May 2004,        598
27 May 2004,        619
 1 June 2004,       609
 2 June 2004,       538* 
 6 June 2004,       567
 8 June 2004,       591
16 June 2004,       694
22 June 2004,       709
23 June 2004,       687
24 June 2004,       658
29 June 2004,       653
 4 July 2004,       671
12 July 2004,       654
16 July 2004,       616
19 July 2004,       600
22 July 2004,       570  
25 July 2004,       531  
27 July 2004,       503* 
28 July 2004,       487* 
31 July 2004,       499
 1 August 2004,     536  (taking odd nosedive)
 4 August 2004,     583
13 August 2004,     647  (dropping back again)
23 August 2004,     595
31 August 2004,     506  (after adding 4 new servers)
 2 September 2004,  482*
 3 September 2004,  475*
 4 September 2004,  463*
 8 September 2004,  458*
 9 September 2004,  450*
10 September 2004,  446*
12 September 2004,  424*  
14 September 2004,  427
15 September 2004,  433
20 September 2004,  457
21 September 2004,  451
22 September 2004,  437
23 September 2004,  437
24 September 2004,  429
25 September 2004,  423*  
26 September 2004,  419*  
27 September 2004,  417*  
29 September 2004,  414*  
30 September 2004,  409*  
04 October 2004,    398*  (top 400)
05 October 2004,    383*  (daily: 290)
06 October 2004,    361*  
07 October 2004,    323*  (daily: 250)
08 October 2004,    303*  
09 October 2004,    290*  (top 300)
11 October 2004,    293
12 October 2004,    288*  
13 October 2004,    280*  (daily: 231)
14 October 2004,    271*  (daily: 218)
15 October 2004,    254*  (daily: 197)
16 October 2004,    251*  
17 October 2004,    243*  
18 October 2004,    239*  
19 October 2004,    237*  
20 October 2004,    231* 
21 October 2004,    233
22 October 2004,    238
23 October 2004,    237
25 October 2004,    226*  
26 October 2004,    222*  
27 October 2004,    221*  
31 October 2004,    235
 9 November 2004,   238
12 November 2004,   227
16 November 2004,   222
17 November 2004,   217*
18 November 2004,   210* (daily: 172)
19 November 2004,   208* 
20 November 2004,   196* (top 200, daily: 158)
21 November 2004,   183* 
22 November 2004,   175*
23 November 2004,   167* (daily: 152*)
24 November 2004,   171
25 November 2004,   168
29 November 2004,   178
 5 December 2004,   174
10 December 2004,   166* (daily: 153)
22 December 2004,   191  (daily: 161)
29 December 2004,   204  (daily: 159)
01 January  2005,   187  (daily: 143*)
02 January  2005,   165*
03 January  2005,   156* (daily: 140*)
04 January  2005,   147* (daily: 132*)
06 January  2005,   143* (daily: 130*)
13 January  2005,   141*
18 January  2005,   168  (daily: 192) - after running slowly for several days
19 January  2005,   163  (daily: 122*) - still running slowly
21 January  2005,   139* (daily: 137)
22 January  2005,   136* (daily: 144)
24 January  2005,   132* (daily: 115*)
29 January  2005,   140  (daily: 146)
07 February 2005,   141  (daily: 144)
12 February 2005,   137  (daily: 120)
15 February 2005,   122* (daily: 118)
19 February 2005,   119* (daily: 106*)
21 February 2005,   118* (daily: 135)
23 Feburary 2005,   115* (daily: 124)
27 Feburary 2005,   123  (daily: 139) recovering after big server crash
 1 March 2005,      128  (daily: 112) still recovering
 2 March 2005,      123  (daily: 110)
 6 March 2005,      115  (daily: 128)
 8 March 2005,      114* (daily: 105*)
19 March 2005,      110* (daily: 134)
22 March 2005,      110  (daily: 104*)
23 March 2005,      109* (daily: 95*) first daily rank in the top 100
24 March 2005,      104* (daily: 95)
26 March 2005,      113  (daily: 105)
30 March 2005,      101* (daily: 89*) first daily rank in top 90
 2 April 2005,       97* (daily: 94) first weekly rank in top 100
 3 April 2005,       89* (daily: 77*) rising ever faster!
 4 April 2005,       85* (daily: 77)
 6 April 2005,       82* (daily: 77)
 7 April 2005,       80* (daily: 77)
 8 April 2005,       80  (daily: 74*)
12 April 2005,       77* (daily: 66*)
19 April 2005,       76* (daily: 56*) first daily rank in top 60
20 April 2005,       73* (daily: 57)
21 April 2005,       72* (daily: 66)
24 April 2005,       64* (daily: 82)
 1 May   2005,       79  (daily: 89)
 3 May   2005,       77  (daily: 66)
 6 May   2005,       69  (daily: 60)
10 May   2005,       65  (daily: 64)
23 May   2005,       67  (daily: 63)
 1 June  2005,       74  (daily: 68)
10 June  2005,       70  (daily: 64)
12 June  2005,       71  (daily: 60)
18 June  2005,       66  (daily: 63)
19 June  2005,       63* (daily: 59)

Alexa Global Top 500

In October 2004, Wikipedia appeared in Alexa's list of the Global Top 500 web sites.

12 October  2004,   #468
28 October  2004,   #403
01 November 2004,   #393
05 November 2004,   #381
09 November 2004,   #378
12 November 2004,   #346
15 November 2004,   #329
24 November 2004,   #293
07 December 2004,   #272
10 December 2004,   #255
22 December 2004,   #221
24 December 2004,   #214
29 December 2004,   #209
03 January  2005,   #207
04 January  2005,   #200
06 January  2005,   #196
13 January  2005,   #188
17 January  2005,   #184
18 January  2005,   #183
19 January  2005,   #181
20 January  2005,   #180
29 January  2005,   #175
07 February 2005,   #167
12 February 2005,   #163
15 February 2005,   #156
23 February 2005,   #149
27 February 2005,   #146
 1 March 2005,      #142
 5 March 2005,      #138
10 March 2005,      #136
19 March 2005,      #132
22 March 2005,      #131
26 March 2005,      #127
30 March 2005,      #124
 2 April 2005,      #123
 4 April 2005,      #123
 6 April 2005,      #122
 9 April 2005,      #119
12 April 2005,      #116
19 April 2005,      #108
21 April 2005,      #107
23 April 2005,      #103
 1 May   2005,      #100
 3 May   2005,       #97
 6 May   2005,       #97
12 May   2005,       #94
14 May   2005,       #90
17 May   2005,       #88
23 May   2005,       #88
 1 June  2005,       #85
 8 June  2005,       #81
 9 June  2005,       #80
12 June  2005,       #79
18 June  2005,       #78

Alexa's English-language Top 100

On 29 December 2004, for the first time, Wikipedia was listed on Alexa's list of the top 100 English-language web sites, at #99.

29 December 2004,   #99
01 January  2005,   #98
03 January  2005,   #94
06 January  2005,   #92
12 January  2005,   #88
15 January  2005,   #87
18 January  2005,   #88
21 January  2005,   #86
26 January  2005,   #85
29 January  2005,   #85
03 February 2005,   #83
06 February 2005,   #82
08 February 2005,   #81
12 February 2005,   #81
15 February 2005,   #79
17 February 2005,   #78 (ahead of AOL Messenger for the first time)
23 February 2005,   #74
24 February 2005,   #72
27 February 2005,   #72
 1 March 2005,      #73
 5 March 2005,      #71
 9 March 2005,      #70
10 March 2005,      #69
17 March 2005,      #67
22 March 2005,      #67
26 March 2005,      #66 (ahead of!)
30 March 2005,      #65 (ahead of
 2 April 2005,      #65
 4 April 2005,      #65
 6 April 2005,      #63
 9 April 2005,      #62
12 April 2005,      #62
19 April 2005,      #61
20 April 2005,      #60
23 April 2005,      #58 (just behind and the New York Times!)
 1 May   2005,      #57
 3 May   2005,      #55
 6 May   2005,      #55 (ahead of New York Times and Bank of America)
12 May   2005,      #53 (ahead of
13 May   2005,      #51
14 May   2005,      #50 (first time in the top 50!)
17 May   2005,      #48 (just behind CNet)
27 May   2005,      #47
 1 June  2005,      #46 (just behind Friendster)
 7 June  2005,      #44
 9 June  2005,      #43
12 June  2005,      #42 (ahead of Neopets; just behind
16 June  2005,      #41

Alexa Top Reference Sites

On 10 March 2005, Wikipedia was listed in Alexa's list of reference sites [7] at #4.

10 March 2005,      #4
22 March 2005,      #4
26 March 2005,      #4 (but traffic rank has now outstripped that of #3,
 2 April 2005,      #4
 1 May   2005,      #4 (traffic rank and reach still higher than #3,
13 May   2005,      #3 (at last! #3, after #2, and #1

Alexa reach per million measurement for

This data is plotted on a logarithmic scale. It is also available plotted on a linear scale here.

Alexa reach per million viewers: (reach figures can be found at the bottom of the Alexa page cited above [8]. To update this table: use the "1 wk. avg" figure to eliminate the effect of the weekly cyclic variation in Wikipedia traffic, please.

Detail: the one-week average figure is the seven-day rolling average of daily reach.

 7 February 2003,    125 
15 February 2003,    155 
23 February 2003,    125 
15 March 2003,       210 
28 March 2003,       265 
12 April 2003,       285 
16 April 2003,       270 
 6 May 2003,         360* 
18 May 2003,         300 
29 May 2003,         330 
16 June 2003,        330 
 2 July 2003,        420 
13 July 2003,        530 
17 July 2003,        530 
 8 August 2003,      665* 
 2 October 2003,     905 
21 October 2003,     990* 
 3 November 2003,    880 
13 November 2003,    910 
25 November 2003,    950 
 3 December 2003,    945 
 6 December 2003,    1010 
 8 December 2003,    1050 
12 December 2003,    1050 
15 December 2003,    1070* 
 1 January 2004,     905 
12 January 2004,     1105* 
24 January 2004,     1285* 
28 January 2004,     1390* 
 1 February 2004,    1290 
14 February 2004,    1390 
20 February 2004,    1340 
27 February 2004,    1380 
 3 March 2004,       1345 
 8 March 2004,       1440* 
14 March 2004,       1465 
20 March 2004,       1515* 
21 March 2004,       1565 
30 March 2004,       1630* 
 2 April 2004,       1625 
16 April 2004,       1740* 
22 April 2004,       2000*
23 April 2004,       1845 
 1 May 2004,         1700, (hardware problems affecting traffic)
10 May 2004,         1660, (problems continue, new hardware is on order)
12 May 2004,         1695 
13 May 2004,         1685 
16 May 2004,         1840 
19 May 2004,         1885 
20 May 2004,         1950 
27 May 2004,         1770 
 1 June 2004,        1845 
 8 June 2004,        1940 
16 June 2004,        1585 
22 June 2004,        1535 
23 June 2004,        1560 
24 June 2004,        1625 
29 June 2004,        1650 
19 July 2004,        1755
22 July 2004,        1910, (Making a comeback)
25 July 2004,        2020*
27 July 2004,        2105*
28 July 2004,        2115*
31 July 2004,        2030
 4 August 2004,      1735
13 August 2004,      1505, (a big drop)
23 August 2004,      1515
31 August 2004,      1870, (after installing 4 new servers)
 2 September 2004,   1945
 9 September 2004,   1930
10 September 2004,   1895
12 September 2004,   1950
14 September 2004,   1935
15 September 2004,   1880
17 September 2004,   1835
21 September 2004,   1710
22 September 2004,   1715
23 September 2004,   1730
24 September 2004,   1735
25 September 2004,   1760
26 September 2004,   1770
27 September 2004,   1770
30 September 2004,   1740
04 October 2004,     2040 
05 October 2004,     2235* 
06 October 2004,     2405* 
07 October 2004,     2600* 
08 October 2004,     2810* 
09 October 2004,     2985* 
11 October 2004,     2950
12 October 2004,     2915
13 October 2004,     2910
14 October 2004,     2935
15 October 2004,     3000* 
16 October 2004,     3250* 
18 October 2004,     3160
19 October 2004,     3260* 
20 October 2004,     3320* 
21 October 2004,     3365* 
23 October 2004,     3425* 
26 October 2004,     3615* 
31 October 2004,     3315
19 November 2004,    3570
20 November 2004,    3655* 
22 November 2004,    3970*
23 November 2004,    4045*
25 November 2004,    4025
 5 December 2004,    4200*
10 December 2004,    4065
22 December 2004,    3840
29 December 2004,    3570  (daily: 4300)
01 January  2005,    3940  (daily: 4700)
03 January  2005,    4535* (daily: 5300)
04 January  2005,    4710* (daily: 5450*)
06 January  2005,    4905* (daily: 5300)
19 January  2005,    4735
24 January  2005,    4955* (daily: 5450)
 1 February 2005,    4825  (daily: 5150)
 4 February 2005,    4980* (daily: 5000)
 8 February 2005,    4955  (daily: 5600*)
11 February 2005,    5185* (daily: 5600)
12 February 2005,    5245* (daily: 4900)
15 February 2005,    5340* (daily: 5500)
19 February 2005,    5385* (daily: 5800*)
 1 March 2005,       4950  (daily: 5450), recovering from server crash
19 March 2005,       5365  (daily: 4700)
22 March 2005,       5455* (daily: 5900*)
23 March 2005,       5515* (daily: 6100*)
30 March 2005,       5825* (daily: 6400*)
 2 April 2005,       6125* (daily: 6300)
 3 April 2005,       6820* (daily: 7700*)
 4 April 2005,       6995* (daily: 7650)
 5 April 2005,       7080* (daily: 7400)
 6 April 2005,       7280* (daily: 7750*)
 8 April 2005,       7600* (daily: 8100*)
12 April 2005,       7900* (daily: 8300*)
19 April 2005,       7900  (daily: 9850*)
20 April 2005,       8100* (daily: 9150)
21 April 2005,       8200* (daily: 8300)
24 April 2005,       7900  (daily: 4750)
 1 May   2005,       7300  (daily: 4150)
 6 May   2005,       8150  (daily: 9350)
11 May   2005,       8500* (daily: 8500)
23 May   2005,       8500* (daily: 8900)
 2 June  2005,       8400  (daily: 8650)
11 June  2005,       8100  (daily: 7700), keeps dropping... why?
12 June  2005,       8100  (daily: 8800), maybe going up again?
18 June  2005,       8650* (daily: 7850)
19 June  2005,       8650  (daily: 8900)

Alexa page views per million measurement for

Alexa page view statistics for per million overall page views: (see [9]. Since this statistic is only displayed as a graph, rather than a number, you will need to estimate it from the graph displayed via the link given above, and use the date displayed on the graph, which is sometimes not up-to-date.

 1 January 2003,      10
 1 April 2003,        20
 1 July 2003,         25
 1 October 2003,      70*
 1 January 2004,      70
 1 April 2004,       110*
 1 July 2004,        104
 1 August 2004,      110
 1 September 2004,   130*
 1 October 2004,     140*
 1 November 2004,    195*
 1 December 2004,    290*
 1 January 2005,     330*
20 January 2005,     300 
30 January 2005,     318
11 February 2005,    344*
14 February 2005,    358*
18 February 2005,    370*
21 February 2005,    325
27 February 2005,    375*
 1 March 2005,       365
 3 March 2005,       350
21 March 2005,       435*
22 March 2005,       440*
23 March 2005,       450*
24 March 2005,       380
26 March 2005,       425
30 March 2005,       480*
31 March 2005,       440 
 3 April 2005,       580*
12 April 2005,       525
23 April 2005,       575
30 April 2005,       590*
 6 May   2005,       695*
12 May   2005,       750*
 2 June  2005,       620
11 June  2005,       575
12 June  2005,       650
18 June  2005,       640
19 June  2005,       700