List of ninjutsu in Naruto (H-R)

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This is a list of ninjutsu present in both the Naruto manga and anime that begin with a letter between H and R. All ninjutsu are listed by the literal translation of their Japanese name.

Template:Jutsus A-Z


Harem Technique

  • Name: Hāremu no Jutsu, ハーレムの術, literally "Harem Technique", Viz "Ninja Harem", English TV "Harem Jutsu"
  • Type: A-rank, Supplementary
  • Users: Naruto Uzumaki

This jutsu combines the Shadow Clone Technique and the Sexy Technique to create multiple clones of a beautiful, nude woman (or in a bathing suit, as in some filler episodes and the video games). Naruto uses a modified form of this technique in episode 193 when he transforms into dozens of clones of Sakura Haruno (still clothed) in order to confuse Rock Lee. Konohamaru has developed smaller scale versions of this jutsu, one meant to be used against girls, and another to be used against guys.

Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique

  • Name: Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu, 治活再生の術, literally "Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique"
  • Type: A-rank, Supplementary, Short range (0-5m)
  • Users: Medic team, Shizune

This jutsu uses a part of the patient's body (such as their hair) as a medium to heal their wounds. It requires an almost room-wide seal and a great deal of time to complete. The medic-nin on hand actually have to trade places after tiring, indicating just how long it takes. This was used successfully on Neji Hyuga at the end of the Sasuke Retrieval arc.

Hidden Shadow Many Snakes Hand

  • Name: Sen'eitajashu, 潜影多蛇手, literally "Hidden Shadow Many Snakes Hand"
  • Type: Unknown
  • Users: Orochimaru

This jutsu is similar to the Hidden Shadow Snake Hand, but with far more snakes. In addition, these snakes can stretch to much greater lengths.

Hidden Shadow Snake Hand

  • Name: Sen'eijashu, 潜影蛇手, literally "Hidden Shadow Snake Hand", Viz "Striking Snake Technique", English TV "Striking Shadow Snakes"
  • Type: C-rank, Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
  • Users: Orochimaru, Anko Mitarashi, Sasuke Uchiha

This jutsu allows the user to project a number of snakes from their wrist or sleeve as they make a punching motion towards their intended target. The snakes can be used to inflict multiple wounds at a distance or hold a target in place. The snakes are even capable of poisoning the victim.

Hiding Camouflage Technique

  • Name: Meisaigakure no Jutsu, 迷彩隠れの術, literally "Hiding Camouflage Technique"
  • Type: A-rank, Supplementary
  • Users: Taiseki, Kabuto Yakushi, Kamizuru clan, Kedoi clan

This jutsu renders the user invisible. It also masks the user's scent to some degree, making it more difficult to locate them. While normal people can't see through it, those with abilities such as the Sharingan and the Byakugan can. Additionally, creatures with enhanced senses of smell (insects or dogs) can pick up on the user's reduced scent. In the anime, Kabuto has been seen using this technique in the Forest of Death. Quite a few ninja in the filler arcs of the anime also know this technique.

Hiding Mist Technique

  • Name: Kirigakure no Jutsu, 霧隠れの術, literally "Hiding Mist Technique", Viz "Kirigakure Jutsu" (translated as "Art of Hiding in the Mist" in a side note), English TV "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu" or "Hidden Mist Technique"
  • Type: D-rank, Supplementary
  • Users: Most Kirigakure and Amegakure ninja, Kakashi Hatake

This jutsu envelops the surrounding area in a dense mist, reducing visibility within the affected area. The density can be controlled by the user, allowing them to create a mist so thick that even they can't see through it.

Human Puppet

  • Name: Hitokugutsu, 人傀儡, literally "Person Puppets"
  • Type: Unknown
  • Users: Sasori

This jutsu, created by Sasori, allows the puppeteer to turn a living human into a puppet. First, the entrails are removed. Then, once the skin has been peeled off, the user cleanses them and draws out all of the blood. Once the bodies are preserved so they do not decompose, various gadgets are then installed inside of them. Because the puppet was once human, it can still use chakra. The puppet will maintain the same amount of chakra as its held when it was alive. If the original ninja had any kekkei genkai or other blood-based traits, like the Third Kazekage's Iron Sand, the puppet can retain those abilities as well.


  • The Third Kazekage (三代目風影) — Created and used by Sasori.
  • Chichi (父, "Father") and Haha (母, "Mother") — The first two human puppets created by Sasori. Used by Chiyo.
  • Sasori (サソリ) — Sasori converted himself into a puppet.
  • Sasori's hundred puppets, each one a defeated and converted opponent.


Important Body Points Disturbance

  • Name: Ranshinshō, 乱身衝, literally "Important Body Points Disturbance", Ultimate Ninja 2 "Neural System Shatter"
  • Type: A-rank, Supplementary, Short range (0-5m)
  • Users: Tsunade

By converting a small amount of chakra into electricity and hitting her opponent's brain stem, Tsunade can disrupt the regular flow of electrical signals from the target's brain to other parts of the target's body. For example, if the target tried to move their right arm, their left leg would move instead.


Kusanagi Sword: Long Sword of the Heavens

  • Name: Kusanagi no Tsurugi: Kū no Tachi, 草薙の剣・空の太刀, literally "Kusanagi Sword: Long Sword of the Heavens", English TV "The Grass Long Sword"
  • Type: B-rank, Offensive, Short to mid-range (0-10m)
  • Users: Orochimaru

This technique arms Orochimaru with the Kusanagi (草薙, "Grass Halberd") of Japanese legend. To retrieve it, Orochimaru opens his mouth and a snake comes out. The snake then opens its mouth and produces the Kusanagi. The sword can be produced either handle or blade-first, allowing Orochimaru to wield it from his mouth if necessary. The sword can cut through almost any object, its blade can extend to many times its normal length, and it can be controlled remotely by Orochimaru.

The sword is depicted differently in the anime and manga. In the anime, it is a guardless, double-edged jian, while it is depicted more like an ordinary katana in the manga.

Sasuke Uchiha also has a Kusanagi sword, which he amplifies with his Chidori Current. Sasuke's sword, however, is not the same legendary sword. Sasuke's Kusanagi resembles a chokuto in a shirasaya (a wooden sheath designed to conceal or store a blade for a long time). Additionally, Sasuke carries his Kusanagi rather than summoning it, so he can draw the sword very quickly. Lastly, his Kusanagi doesn't seem to stretch like the real version does.

In the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja series, Orochimaru can summon more than one Kusanagi blade and control them using his chakra.


Last Absolute Defense: Shield of Shukaku

  • Name: Saikō Zettai Bōgyo: Shukaku no Tatte, 最硬絶対防御・守鶴の盾, literally "Last Absolute Defense: Shield of Shukaku"
  • Type: No rank, Defensive, Short range (0-5m)
  • Users: Gaara

Using sand, Gaara can create a toy-like replica of Shukaku roughly twice his size. The replica is created with extreme pressure and the hardest minerals in the area combined with his chakra, making it virtually indestructible. Although this technique requires a lot of chakra, it does provide for a very powerful defense. The main drawback is that the replica is immobile, which restricts its usage in most situations.

Leech All Creation: Attack Prevention Technique

  • Name: Hiru Banshō: Bōka no Jutsu, 蛭万象・防火の術, literally "Leech All Creation: Attack Prevention Technique"
  • Type: Unknown
  • Users: Orochimaru, Nagare, Zetsu

Using this jutsu, the user can merge with another object and take on its properties to avoid any damage. In the manga, Orochimaru uses this to merge with a tree just before his battle with his former student, Anko Mitarashi. He, however, does not give it a name.

Lightning Blade

Kakashi using Lightning Blade.
  • Name: Raikiri, 雷切, literally "Lightning Blade"
  • Type: S-rank, Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
  • Users: Kakashi Hatake

This jutsu is an enhanced form of the Chidori, and has the same, albeit more powerful, effect. Kakashi is the only one able to use it, and it is named as such because he once cut a lightning bolt with it before it hit the ground. This jutsu requires a larger amount of chakra and better chakra control. This is exemplified in their respective appearances. Whereas the Chidori creates a large mass of chakra in one hand that appears near-white, the Lightning Blade is considerably more concentrated and appears in the normal blue color of chakra. Kakashi can only use this technique four times in a given day.

After the timeskip, Kakashi is able to create a Lightning Blade in each hand to attack two targets in unison, similar to the "Twin Lightning Blade" introduced in Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2. Unlike its video game predecessor, however, Kakashi merely creates a Lightning Blade in each hand instead of splitting an existing one. He also demonstrates the ability to surround his own hand in electricity to increase the effectiveness of a chop. Doing so doesn't appear to be as stressful as the full technique, since he can do it in addition to his four-time limit.

Lightning Release: False Darkness

  • Name: Raiton: Gian, 雷遁・偽暗, literally "Lightning Release: False Darkness"
  • Type: Unknown
  • Users: Kakuzu's ox mask

After being released from Kakuzu's back, the ox mask can charge and fire two lightning bolts from its mouth.

Living Corpse Reincarnation

  • Name: Fushi Tensei, 不屍転生, literally "Living Corpse Reincarnation" English "Immortality Jutsu"
  • Type: Kinjutsu, S-rank, Supplementary
  • Users: Orochimaru

This jutsu, developed by Orochimaru, allows him to transfer his soul to another's body. If repeated periodically, it basically grants Orochimaru immortality as long as he can find new host bodies. In order to perform the jutsu Orochimaru must first leave the body he inhabits via revealing his true form. He then swallows his chosen container and the pair of them enter a dimension within himself similar to the innards of a snake. Once there Orochimaru "digests" his victim by covering them in snakes made from the fleshy lining of the dimension, leaving only their face uncovered. Within this dimension remain the souls of every living person he has used as a container. From here he takes control of the container's body, which emerges from the molted shell of his snake body, thus completing the jutsu ritual. As shown with Orochimaru's attempts on Itachi Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha, this jutsu can be blocked and reversed by the Sharingan.

Orochimaru can only perform this technique once every three years. It also seems that when the three years are almost over, he is forced to move into another host, as the previous one begins to reject him. This rejection may be due to Orochimaru's hosts being unable to contain his considerable power. Presumably, if he had a proper container, he could stay in the host for a full lifetime.


Man Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed Wolf

  • Name: Jinjū Konbi Henge: Sōtōrō, 人獣混合変化・双頭狼, literally "Man Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed Wolf"
  • Type: B-rank, Supplementary
  • Users: Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru

Using a modified form of a Combination Transformation, Kiba and Akamaru transform themselves into a large, two-headed wolf.

Manipulating Attack Blades

  • Name: Sōshūha, 操襲刃, literally "Manipulating Attack Blades"
  • Type: C-rank, Offensive, Short to mid-range (0-10m)
  • Users: Yashamaru, Chiyo

This jutsu allows the user to control and manipulate blades with chakra in a manner similar to the Puppet Technique.

Manipulating Windmill Triple Blades

  • Name: Sōfūshasan no Tachi, 操風車三ノ大刀, literally "Manipulating Windmill Triple Blades", English TV "Sharingan Windmill Triple Attack"
  • Type: C-rank, Offensive, Mid-range (5-10m)
  • Users: Sasuke Uchiha

Utilizing the abilities of the Sharingan, Sasuke is able to control shuriken that have wire cords attached to them (two held with the hands and one with the mouth) and manipulate their paths to tie an opponent to a nearby large object, binding them. If there is no object, the shuriken will impale the opponent.

Mind Body Disturbance Technique

  • Name: Shinranshin no Jutsu, 心乱身の術, literally "Mind Body Disturbance Technique" English, "Mind Destruction Jutsu".
  • Type: B-rank, Supplementary, Short to mid-range (0-10m)
  • Users: Yamanaka clan

This jutsu is a variation on the Mind Body Switch Technique. Instead of transferring the user's consciousness, this jutsu sends a spirit of confusion into a target, causing them to attack their allies. Although the target is aware of what they are doing, they are unable to stop themselves. For this particular jutsu, the user is able to stay in their own body, unlike its predecessor; however, the user must maintain the hand seal used to activate it. Ino Yamanaka has learned this jutsu in the anime, but has yet to display it in the manga.

Mind Body Switch Technique

Ino after using the Mind Body Switch Technique on Sakura Haruno
  • Name: Shintenshin no Jutsu, 心転身の術, literally "Mind Body Switch Technique", Viz "Art of the Valentine", English TV "Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu"
  • Type: C-rank, Supplementary, Short to mid-range (0-10m)
  • Users: Yamanaka clan

This jutsu allows the user to send their mind into a target's body (even an animal's), supplanting the target's mind with their own. Though normally used as a spying jutsu, it can also be used in battle with several major drawbacks. First, the user's spirit travels slowly, making it easy to dodge. If the user misses their target, they are left helpless until their spirit returns to their body, which takes several minutes. Second, even if the technique does work, the user's ability to stay in an enemy's body is determined by how fatigued they are. The user can be forced out if facing a strong enough will (or two wills, in Sakura Haruno's case), are too tired, or if the target is in incredible pain. Finally, any damage the user suffers while possessing another is transferred to their original body. Therefore, if the target dies, so does the user.

Art of the Valentine, which is used along with Shintenshin no Jutsu in the Viz English manga, is not a literal translation of Shintenshin no Jutsu, although Shintenshin is a Japanese card game that literally means "Change of Heart".

Multi-Size Technique

  • Name: Baika no Jutsu, 倍化の術, literally "Multi-Size Technique", Viz "The Art of Expansion", English TV "Expansion Jutsu"
  • Type: Hiden, No rank, Supplementary
  • Users: Akimichi clan

This is a secret jutsu passed down in the Akimichi clan that expands the user's stomach. This jutsu increases the user's body size by using up the user's food energy, converting calories into chakra. Akimichi clan members tend to eat fattening foods and have large physiques in order to support this technique.

Multiple Shadow Clone Technique

  • Name: Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, 多重影分身の術, literally "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique" or "Mass Shadow Replication Technique", English TV "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu"
  • Type: A-rank, Supplementary
  • Users: Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake

This jutsu is basically a massive version of the Shadow Clone Technique. Instead of a few clones, it creates a few hundred clones (or a number of equal grandeur). This is considered a forbidden technique, because it can potentially be dangerous to the person performing it, seeing as how all of the clones are given an equal amount of chakra directly from the user. Naruto learned the technique from the scroll of forbidden seals written by the First Hokage and used it to save Iruka Umino from Mizuki. Few people are able to use this technique effectively, due to the large amount of chakra it consumes. This weakness does not apply to Naruto due to his demon fox chakra, which allows him to create upwards of 2,000 clones while maintaining a decent supply of chakra in each one. This technique is also used by Naruto to train quickly, since all the clones share their experiences with Naruto, but it causes extreme mental fatigue with repeated use.

Mystical Palm Technique

  • Name: Shōsen no Jutsu, 掌仙術, literally "Mystical Palm Technique", Uzumaki Chronicles "Supernatural Palm Jutsu", English "Chakra Scalpel"
  • Type: A-rank, Supplementary, Short range (0-5m)
  • Users: All medical ninja

This jutsu is a multi-purpose medical technique used by medic-nin to heal wounds and perform surgery. For the former, the user concentrates chakra to their hand and applies it to a wound, speeding up cell regeneration. For the latter, the user focuses their chakra into a blade to make cuts where necessary. Because it is done with chakra, the user doesn't need to cut through their target's skin to reach muscles and organs. For this to be applied effectively in healing, a large amount of chakra is required. Using it to cut seems to be less chakra-intensive. This cutting aspect of this jutsu can also be used in combat, though it requires incredible precision on the user's part to be effective.


Needle Guardian

  • Name: Hari Jizō, 針地蔵, literally "Needle Jizō, English TV "Ninja Art: Needle Jizo"
  • Type: B-rank, Offensive, Defensive, Short range (0-5m)
  • Users: Jiraiya

Using this jutsu, Jiraiya can grow and harden his spiked hair to form a shield around him, protecting against most physical attacks and possibly injuring the attacker. After the timeskip, Choji Akimichi uses a similar technique to form the spikes for his Spiked Human Bullet Tank technique.


Partial Multi-Size Technique

  • Name: Bubun Baika no Jutsu, 部分倍化の術, literally "Partial Multi-Size Technique", English Games "Partial Expansion Jutsu"
  • Type: Hiden, No rank, Supplementary
  • Users: Akimichi clan

This is a secret jutsu passed down in the Akimichi clan. It is similar in practice to the Multi-Size Technique, but allows a user to increase the size of any body part.

Poison Extraction Technique

  • Name: Dokunuku no Jutsu, 毒抜きの術, literally "Poison Extraction Technique"
  • Type: Unknown
  • Users: Sakura Haruno

This ornate jutsu uses chakra to literally pull foreign materials from someone's body, no doubt requiring precise control on the user's part to avoid causing further internal injuries to their patient. Sakura uses this technique to remove Sasori's poison from Kankuro after their battle. None of the medic-nin on hand could perform the technique, so it is no doubt quite difficult to perform properly.

Prison Sand Burial

  • Name: Gokusamaisō, 獄砂埋葬, literally "Prison Sand Burial"
  • Type: No rank, Offensive, Short to mid-range (0-10m)
  • Users: Gaara

Using this jutsu, Gaara can quickly loosen the ground below his opponent and cause them sink beneath hundreds of meters of sand. Gaara then compresses the sand to such an extent that his opponent is unable to even move a finger. Gaara uses the technique without naming it. The name is given in the second databook.

Projectile Weapons

  • Name: Tobidōgu, 飛道具, literally "Projectile Weapons"
  • Type: Unknown
  • Users: Most ninja

In order to store and use items or weapons that the user would never be capable of carrying normally, the user can keep them contained within summoning scrolls. Puppets commonly have such scrolls attached to hidden compartments to produce extra arms and other similar features. Like the Summoning Technique, a small donation of blood is required to summon the items.

Projection Technique

Using this jutsu, the user can project their voice from various points in a specific area in a manner similar to ventriloquism. The user does not need to speak to transmit the sound, so tracking them by sound is impossible. Those in the area where the voice is being projected at will hear a resonating echo, as well as a more ominous undertone.

Projection Technique is only known as a jutsu in the Naruto anime. It was first used in the Naruto manga by Zabuza Momochi and Orochimaru with no name. In addition, this technique has never been given an entry name in the databooks, which more than likely means it is more of a skill than a jutsu, much like walking up walls or walking on water using chakra.

Puppet Technique

  • Name: Kugutsu no Jutsu, 傀儡の術, literally "Puppet Technique", Viz "Art of the Puppet Master", English TV "Puppet Master Jutsu"
  • Type: C-rank, Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary, Short to mid-range (0-10m)
  • Users: Kankuro, Sasori, Chiyo, Monzaemon Chikamatsu

This jutsu uses strings of chakra from the user's fingers to control puppets like marionettes. Those who can effectively use this ability are rare, but once mastered the user can hide in a safe location while his puppet does the work for him. Since puppets are usually equipped with an array of often-fatal instruments, fighting a puppet is much more dangerous than fighting a human.

This skill is often prepared in coordination with the Body Replacement Technique so the user can quickly switch places with their puppet when necessary. Another useful quality of this skill is the fact that the puppet can take the form of another person, usually its user, allowing the user to trick their enemy into thinking they're fighting a living person.

Any number of chakra strings can be used to control a puppet, but users with more skill using the technique can use fewer strings per puppet. Both Chiyo and Sasori demonstrated the ability to control entire puppets perfectly using just one string. While most puppeteers would normally be able to control ten puppets at most (one per finger), Sasori's self-modification allowed him to control up to one hundred puppets at a time.

Apart from being used to control marionettes, the chakra strings can be attached to other objects, allowing the user to control, or at the very least disrupt, other things. In one instance, Kankuro uses chakra strings to trip Naruto Uzumaki when they first meet. In another, Chiyo uses chakra strings to control Sakura Haruno like a puppet.


Quicksand in the Style of a Waterfall

  • Name: Ryūsa Bakuryū, 流砂瀑流, literally "Quicksand in the Style of a Waterfall"
  • Type: No rank, Offensive, All ranges
  • Users: Gaara

This jutsu creates a massive amount of sand and sends it towards an opponent in the form of a wave, covering and engulfing them in an ocean of sand. In addition to the wave effect of the jutsu, Gaara can control the sand, allowing him to attack his opponent while they attempt to evade the wave. This appears to be the only one of Gaara's moves that requires hand seals, and in practice is virtually unavoidable. Once completed, it can cover an entire forest in sand. The follow up move is Desert Imperial Funeral, which compresses all the sand present, crushing the opponent.



Naruto using the Rasengan

The Rasengan is a technique invented by the Fourth Hokage after three years of development. It requires a very high level of chakra control. The Rasengan incorporates the chakra control learned from the tree-climbing and water-walking exercises to create a ball of concentrated, spinning chakra in the user's hand that is roughly the size of a softball. For training purposes, teaching the technique is broken into three steps. The first, emphasizing rotation, the user has to learn to pop a water balloon by spinning the water inside in multiple directions with their chakra. The second step, emphasizing power, they do the same with a solid rubber ball. Since the rubber is thicker and air is completely different from water, it forces the user to rely mostly on denser chakra to break it. The final step, emphasizing control, the user has to form a complete Rasengan by combining what they learned in the previous two steps and making a ball shape shell around the spinning chakra to hold it in regular shape. A regular balloon is often used to train making the shell. In Part II, Naruto develops an improved version known as the Great Ball Rasengan.

The Rasengan requires no hand seals to perform, instead relying entirely on the chakra control of the user. Once the user creates a stable Rasengan, however, it becomes self-sustaining, so the user does not need to provide any more chakra after forming it. The force of the spinning chakra grinds into whatever it touches, causing major damage. The force of the attack also causes significant internal injury. The user can also release the spinning chakra, creating a violent explosive force at the point of contact. The one drawback of the Rasengan, if it can be considered as such, is that it requires great chakra control. Of course, this will not be a drawback if the user has learned the technique, because they already possess the necessary chakra control. It can be a problem if some force is disrupting the user's ability to mold chakra. Unlike the Chidori, there is no definite limit to the amount of times this technique can be used in a day. Because it uses far less chakra in comparison, it doesn't carry the same over-use risk as the Chidori, either.

Despite the Rasengan being a one-handed technique, Naruto actually uses three or more hands to form it (his one hand makes a shell and his clones spin the chakra) in the first part of the series due to his poor chakra control (which would require spinning it several directions), but in the second part of the series Naruto has been shown to be capable of making a one-handed Rasengan, though he still prefers using clones. When Naruto accesses his tailed transformation states, he can form the Rasengan with one hand by using demon fox chakra to form the shell, which likely provides better control and power. It also forms irregularly and grows as it mixes with the demon fox's chakra, giving it a purple color.

The anime makes light of the Rasengan by making it an "all-purpose jutsu". During episode 168, Naruto uses it to mix the ingredients for noodles quickly and evenly. In episode 177, Jiraiya uses it to create a path through a maze of houses, in order to see through everything behind the walls (inadvertently blasting through a woman's bathroom). While outrunning some ninja, Jiraiya uses it to as a propeller for a boat; in this episode, Naruto even commented that it had become a "cheap trick", even though he himself uses it at Jiraiya's insistence. In episode 194 of the anime, Naruto actually throws a Rasengan to free himself and his friends from a mansion. The last event is a significant deviation on the standard Rasengan, since it is normally hand-held, and may not be canon since these are filler episodes. He does, however, do something similar when first using the technique against Kabuto.

Kakashi explains after the timeskip that the Rasengan is an incomplete technique, since the Fourth Hokage originally planned on combining his own nature manipulation with it, but could not due to his premature death. Naruto, however, is capable of doing so, though his technique is only half finished. Since his chakra is wind-based, his version is known as Wind Release: Rasengan, with a further variation known as Wind Release: Spiraling Shuriken.

Additional variants of the Rasengan were used near the end of the Naruto movies. The first movie's variant used the legendary seven-colored chakra. In the second movie, Temujin aided Naruto in creating Rasengans for both hands so that he could defeat Haido (one red from the demon fox's chakra, the other being green from the energy of the gelel stone). In the third, when used on the island Moon Country when the moon was out, the Rasengan became purple and had the image of a crescent moon and star in it.

Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets

  • Name: Aka Higi: Hyakki no Sōen, 赤秘技・百機の操演, literally "Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets"
  • Type: Unknown
  • Users: Sasori

To start this jutsu, Sasori removes two summoning scrolls from his back. He then opens his right chest compartment to emit one hundred chakra strings, which reach into the scrolls. From the scrolls, one hundred human puppets emerge, each one a defeated and converted opponent of Sasori. Sasori claims that he brought down an entire country with this jutsu.

Rope Escape Technique

  • Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu, 縄抜けの術, literally "Rope Escape Technique", English TV "Escape Jutsu"
  • Type: E-rank, Supplementary
  • Users: All Ninja Academy graduates

A basic jutsu taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy, this jutsu allows a ninja to free themselves if they have been tied up.

See also


  1. First Official Data Book (秘伝・臨の書キャラクターオフィシャルデータBOOK, "Hiden: Rin no Sho Character Official Data Book")
  2. Second Official Data Book (秘伝・闘の書キャラクターオフィシャルデータBOOK, "Hiden: Tō no Sho Character Official Data Book")
  3. Jump's 2nd Great Hero Book's Mini Data Book (秘伝・翔の書オフィシャルキャラクターデータBOOK mini, "Hiden: Shō no Sho Official Character Data Book mini")
  4. Naruto manga chapters and anime episodes
  5. Based on character's ability and status