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File:Team Chaotix.jpg
From left to right: Espio, Charmy, Vector.

The Chaotix are a group of fictional characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog series of video games. They debuted in the game Knuckles' Chaotix (simply called Chaotix in Japan). The group has since appeared in Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. One of the members, Espio, also appeared in Sonic the Fighters, and Mighty debuted in SegaSonic the Hedgehog.

They have also appeared in many other Sonic continuties, including several Japanese Sonic mangas, the American Sonic the Hedgehog, the British Sonic the Comic comic series and the Sonic X anime series and tie-in comic. While they show up for just one episode (episode 39) in the second season of Sonic X, they get much more screen time and play a much bigger role in Season 3.

In virtually all of their incarnations the Chaotix are presented as a somewhat dysfunctional and indeed chaotic group. They are often used in plots to add a sense of comedy to otherwise serious situations. In Sonic X, Team Chaotix seem to be able to see beyond the fourth wall, adding to their humorous image.

Game storyline

Knuckles' Chaotix

The North American and Japanese storylines of Knuckles' Chaotix (simply Chaotix in Japan) are distinctly different.

In the American manual, Knuckles the Echidna is the guardian of Carnival Island, a large island serving as an amusement park with the latest technology. The island is set for its grand opening the following day. Unfortunately, Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik searches for the island's source of electricity, the Power Emerald, which would supply him with fuel. When Knuckles returned from patrolling the far reaches of the island one day, he found his friends, the previously mentioned characters, imprisoned by Eggman's new Combi Confiner. Eggman has also sent out his robots to drain the island's power.

According to the Japanese manual, a mysterious island rose from the sea shortly after the events of Sonic & Knuckles. Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik discovered the island, and found a mysterious ring inscribed with descriptions of the Chaos Rings, ancient Rings infused with Chaos Emerald energy. In order to find these Rings, Robotnik built his base, the Newtrogic High Zone, on the island. Mighty the Armadillo, Vector the Crocodile and Charmy Bee also arrived at the island, so Eggman and Metal Sonic captured them and placed them in his Combi Catcher machine.

In both versions, Knuckles appears just in the nick of time to save Espio the Chameleon (in the Japanese version, he arrives as he is also curious about the new island). Everyone soon learned how to use the Combi Confiner to their advantage. One of the characters could free another at a time, using Ring Power to bind their forces together with teamwork. They slowly fought Dr. Eggman's minions across the five parts of Newtrogic High Zone. Mysteriously, they were also aided in their quest by Heavy and Bomb, two robots who claimed to have escaped from Eggman's tyranny. In the final showdown, the island was nearly destroyed and Eggman summoned Metal Sonic to battle the Chaotix. He was however defeated, and the island reverted back to normal.[1]

Knuckles quickly went back to guard the Master Emerald on his Angel Island and the group of friends dispersed. Mighty went on his own way and traveled the world. The whereabouts of Heavy and Bomb are unknown.

It's unclear if the events of Knuckles' Chaotix are still considered canon. Team Chaotix, consisting of Vector, Espio, and Charmy, returned in Sonic Heroes, though no references were made to their previous adventure with Knuckles. However, they have little contact with Knuckles during the game, and no suitable opportunity to discuss these adventures ever presents itself. Though not canon to the games, Sonic X seems to imply a past history between Knuckles and the Chaotix - or at least, that the Chaotix know very well who he is.

Sonic Heroes

In Sonic Heroes, Vector, Espio, and Charmy have started a detective agency together, ready to do just about any job for money. As the story in Sonic Heroes opens the three friends are enjoying a lazy day when a mysterious package is delivered to the agency. Inside, they find a transceiver, which promises a handsome payment if they take on a case. True to Vector’s policy to “never turn down work that pays”, the trio accepts and begins their adventure, even though Espio has a bad feeling about the job.

The client, which was, in fact, a locked-up Dr. Eggman, had the Chaotix crew complete tasks to hamper Metal Sonic's own plot to rule the world. Not only did Eggman have them destroy Metal Sonic's army (which was actually created by Eggman, but taken over by Metal Sonic), but he had them kidnap Chao in order to protect them from Metal Sonic, and also destroy the capsules meant for Shadow Androids before they were used to Metal Sonic's advantage. However, these actions didn't stop Metal Sonic from transforming into his ultimate form, Metal Madness.

The Chaotix and Eggman meet up with the rest of the heroes, and Eggman states that the only way to defeat him is by using the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds. It turns out that the teams had collected all the Emeralds during the course of the game, with the Chaotix having the red and cyan ones. They hand the gems over to Sonic the Hedgehog, who prepares to transform into Super Sonic. The Chaotix then buy time for him by attacking Metal Madness's left side. After Super Sonic and his friends defeat Metal Sonic, the Chaotix proceed to chase after Eggman before he can sneak away without paying them.[2]

Shadow the Hedgehog

In Shadow the Hedgehog, they have gotten a job from yet another unknown client and with an unknown goal. Charmy is seen collecting data discs on Prison Island, Espio hacks into Dr. Eggman's computers, and Vector looks for the main computer room on the Space Colony ARK. If Shadow the Hedgehog follows the "Hero" missions during the game, he may ally with members of the Chaotix crew. In one of the endings of the video game, Vector teams up with Shadow to fight Dr. Eggman and in another he helps Shadow battle the evil Black Doom. The Chaotix also plays a pivotal role in the final canonical ending, where they activate a hidden video of Gerald Robotnik's on the ARK, giving Shadow the determination he needs to defeat Black Doom once and for all.[3]

Sonic Rivals

The Chaotix' latest appearance is in Sonic Rivals, where Espio, Charmy and Vector have two collectible cards each.[4]

In other media

Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)

The Chaotix were introduced in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book as a group in an adaptation of their first game appearance, Knuckles Chaotix. The only difference is that in addition to facing Metal Sonic and Dr. Robotnik, the Chaotix also had to deal with a shifty criminal by the name of Renfield the Rodent. The Chaotix evolved into something of a support group for Knuckles, serving as his equivalent of Sonic the Hedgehog's Freedom Fighters.

Following Knuckles's death and subsequent rebirth, the Chaotix moved to Knothole Village, becoming a larger team with the Freedom Fighters. The group also expanded with the addition of Charmy's girlfriend Saffron and Rouge the Bat. They participated in multiple battles against enemies including the Metal Sonic Troopers, Mammoth Mogul, Ixis Naugus, and the Destructix. However, with the exception of Knuckles, all of them were taken prisoner by Dr. Robotnik during Knothole's destruction and transported to the Egg Grape Chamber along with most of the Knothole Freedom Fighters. Both groups were later freed and taken to the city of New Mobotropolis in a rescue mission devised by NICOLE.

Possible Future

Of the Chaotix, only Espio and Vector appeared in the possible future of Mobius: 25 Years Later. In this future, the two reptilian Chaotix are both married, Vector with a son named Argyle and Espio with two daughters named Salma and Juanita. Vector's social status is unknown, but Espio works as Knuckles's secretary. In the alternate version of this future, the name Chaotix applies to members of the Dark Legion, having become pledged to the service of King Shadow following his alliance with Lien-Da. These Chaotix, like their more noble predecessors, are commanded by Knuckles.

Sonic the Comic

Some time after Robotnik abandoned his Special Zone operations, the Chaotix Crew were assembled (presumably by the Omni-Viewer) to act as guardians for the Zone and all the worlds within it. They had some success, making a nemesis in the supervillain Lord Sidewinder and defeating the evil Fundamental Four, but were also framed for bank robbery on the planet Meridan. Their first appearance in the comic was when Knuckles was accidentally transported to the Zone; believing he was still working for Robotnik, the Chaotix - Vector, Mighty, Espio, Charmy and Nack the Weasel - attacked him. They soon realised he was no longer on Robotnik's side, but they had little time to apologise as they came under attack by two agents of the Brotherhood of Metallix. The Metallix had established themselves in Robotnik's abandoned Special Zone base and had, unknown to the Chaotix, bribed Nack to betray his team-mates and help them capture the Omni-Viewer. The Chaotix pursued the Metallix and, with the help of Knuckles, just barely managed to save Omni; the entire team was nearly killed in the process, and Nack was both revealed as a traitor and badly injured.

The Chaotix (sans Nack) soon discovered that the Brotherhood had not, as they thought, been destroyed but had instead relocated to the Miracle Planet. They went to Mobius and, teaming up with Sonic the Hedgehog and later Porker Lewis, they battled against the Metallix and their attempt to rewrite history. With that done, they remained on Mobius for a while and helped Knuckles stop Nack from looting the Sandopolis Zone before returning to the Special Zone.

After a brief rematch with the Fundamental Four (who were turned into a vase), the Chaotix continued business as usual until Sonic arrived, bearing warning that the demonic Super Sonic was loose in the Special Zone. They travelled to New Tek City on Planet Meridan to investigate, and discovered their old enemy Lord Sidewinder had found Super Sonic and made a deal - he'd bring Sonic to Super and Super would work for Sidewinder. Super, of course, had no intention of working with Sidewinder and when Sonic was brought to him, he went on a rampage until he was trapped within the Omni-Viewer. As a result, Sonic was left stranded in the Special Zone and had to stay with the Chaotix; the Chaotix, meanwhile, buried Omni-Viewer within the Black Asteroid to prevent Super Sonic ever escaping or anyone trying to release him for their own gain (battling Sidewinder's gang and Nack in the process). Over the next several months, Sonic and the Chaotix battled random villains, defeated an invasion of Wasps on Charmy's Hive, and cleared the Chaotix of the bank robbery. Eventually Super escaped the Omni-Viewer and began supercharging the Asteroid in order to break out, a feat that would blanket Meridan with an electromagnetic pulse; at the last second, the Omni-Viewer transported the Asteroid to Mobius where the pulse took out all Robotnik's Badniks.

The Chaotix continued to battle evil within the Zone, especially Meridan, and several times Charmy Bee went to Mobius to assist the Freedom Fighters. The next major case, also involving Mighty's senile dad Blockhead Bill, Bill's friend Society Max and Sonic, had the Chaotix go up against the legendary Root, a sentient plant living in New Tek Swamp who could control minds & wield powerful magics. Root, attempting to conquer New Tek City, ended up taking control of Blockhead Bill, Max and the Chaotix, forcing Sonic to battle them until Root & his control were defeated. The next big clash saw the Chaotix come under systematic attack by the Crimson Cobra, a Lex Luthor style archvillain - Vector was transformed into a rampaging monster, Mighty & Espio were hit by a ray that made them ultra-belligerent, and Charmy Bee was hit by a ray that messed up his mind. The Chaotix were seemingly beaten and discredited in the eyes of the public. However, the ray caused Charmy to go crazy enough to come up with a plan - to buy out the Crimson Cobra's company, and thus his villainous law, evil minions, weapons and even his robot arms ("Mr Bee owns this company now!"). The Chaotix had their reputations restored and the Cobra's menace was definitively ended.

While the Crimson Cobra story was the last STC appearance of the Chaotix, Lew Stringer originally intended to have them assisting the rescue operations in the apocalyptic Planet In Peril story[citation needed]. They also made a return appearance in the unofficial online continuation Sonic the Comic Online; joining Sonic and Knuckles in attempting to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds, they battled Shadow the Hedgehog but were unable to prevent him from destroying the Special Zone. They now reside on Mobius and have made several reappearances.


Vector is the scientifically intelligent leader of the Chaotix crew and a close friend to the Omni-Viewer, with links to the Equionix Research Center. He acts as the basic straight man of the group and takes out enemies with his powerful jaws.

Mighty represents the brute force of the team, and his father is Blockhead Bill. Mighty is portrayed as a strong and brave character whose main flaws are his lack of forethought and tendency to forget his own strength. In this continuity, Mighty has proved to be a valuable asset to the team on a number of occasions and is one of the top fighters in the comic, running very close to Knuckles, making him an ally of Sonic. As with the rest of the crew, he often vents his frustrations on Charmy, though not in a physical manner.

Espio is a friendly (or sometimes not so friendly) rival to Mighty and has an extremely short temper. The two of them will end up clashing and arguing who's the best on almost any subject, to the extent of demanding a defeated enemy says which of them had punched him the hardest. He aslo practices ninja arts.

Charmy is scatter-brained, demented and generally infuriating, similar to his Sonic Heroes portrayal (though STC predates it). He is the prince of the bees from the Hive, but successfully kept this a secret to the rest of the Chaotix for most of the comic, worrying they might treat him differently. His mother, the Queen Bee, is not at all happy about him being a hero, while Charmy enjoys being a Chaotix member and is seemingly oblivious to how much he irritates everyone on the team. In both Chaotix solo strips, Charmy has defeated the villains and saved the day in extremely bizarre ways - turning the Fundamental Four into a big pot and doing a hostile takeover of the Crimson Cobra's business. He teamed up with Miles "Tails" Prower once and assisted him in finally defeating the Doctor Robotnik Appreciation Tribe.

Sonic X (anime)

In the anime Sonic X, Vector, Espio and Charmy play a very minor role in Season 2, only appearing in one episode. They were hired by Vanilla the Rabbit to find her daughter, Cream the Rabbit. After finding Cream at the Thorndykes' residence, they start to believe that Sonic kidnapped her, which couldn't be more wrong. After a failed sneak attack from Espio, (which involved becoming invisible, but Amy accidentally hit him on the head with her hammer) Vector and Charmy get in a fight with Tails, Amy, Cream, and Ella. When Sonic comes in to see the fight, they accuse him of the kidnapping, but the fight ends when Sonic brings Vanilla in. The heroes explain what is going on to the Chaotix, and they are not seen for the rest of the season.

The Chaotix play a much larger role in season 3, where they take supplies from Chris Thorndyke's parents to the Blue Typhoon, the spaceship that Tails built that Chris is aboard. When they arrived, they were attacked numerous times on the thought that they were evil Metarex aliens. After later reaching an understanding, they deliver Chris's things, but then plan to catch Cream and bring her to their home planet, going on a misunderstood direction from Vanilla to check up on Cream. However, they capture Cosmo as well, and they eventually end up back at the Blue Typhoon. They decide to leave without Cream, but get lost on the way back and meet up with the heroes some time later.

Sonic X (comic)

Chaotix have made two appearances in the Sonic X comic book series. They first appeared in issue #10, when they help Vanilla the Rabbit find her daughter, Cream (indicating that issue #10 may take place right after episode 39 of the anime). They eventually disappear without a trace, along with their office. It's later revealed that they did eventually return to Station Square in issue #16, in which Sonic gives in and takes Amy out on a date for Valentine's Day. Realizing he doesn't have any plans for the date, he turns to Vector, Charmy and Espio for ideas. They suggest taking her out for a night on the town, a romantic dinner, and an evening at Twinkle Park.


Game members

Vector the Crocodile

Vector the Crocodile
'Sonic the Hedgehog' character
Vector the Crocodile is the team leader of Team Chaotix and the brains on all detective operations.
First gameKnuckles Chaotix

Vector the Crocodile is a large, strong, anthropomorphic crocodile.


Vector is known to do just about anything for money, as long as it's legal. He has a somewhat rough and rude personality, but deep down he's actually quite a kind soul, and has been known to occasionally help people for charity. Although his brash attitude and childish behavior might make him appear otherwise, Vector is in fact a very clever and capable leader. Besides money, Vector's main joys in life are music, food and sports drinks.


Like most Sonic characters, Vector can curl up into a ball to jump on enemies, in a move known as the "spin jump". He is also known to be quite powerful, as he was the power team member in Sonic Heroes. He has some super speed, as seen in Chaotix, although he isn't as fast as Sonic or Shadow or even Espio. Vector can use bubbles blown up with bubblegum to slowly descend, he can shoot fire out of his mouth, and is able to slam his body on the ground to cause massive damage. In Sonic Heroes, he can also hold and throw Espio and Charmy using his mouth, spit musical notes, fire exploding bubblegum, and can use his sharp teeth to bite through hard obstacles. He can also sing somewhat well, which he does during the Team Chaotix' Team Blast, "Chaotix Recital" though it could be argued that his singing is so bad that it destroyed the robots.


Vector was first slated to appear in the Sonic the Hedgehog sound test, but it was cut to make room for the "SEGA" jingle[citation needed], and he appeared in Knuckles' Chaotix. The Japanese manual states that after an island rises from the ocean depths, Vector travels there as he interpreted the islands sudden appearance from out of nowhere as a miracle from God. Vector is a playable character that can do mid-air dashes and climb on walls.

In Sonic Heroes, Vector is the "power" character, meaning that he can destroy enemies and obstacles with ease by biting them throwing his partners with his mouth. He can also punch the ground, float above fans with a bubblegum, and spit music, fire and exploding bubblegum at enemies.

In Shadow the Hedgehog, Vector is a partner character on the "Cosmic Fall" stage. Vector is looking for the main computer room on the Space Colony ARK, and the player can choose to help him as the "hero" mission. Vector then helps the player with the following boss battle, either against Eggman or Black Doom. After Black Doom is defeated, he reveals that Shadow is just a failed experiment, and Shadow slowly walks away as Vector desperately tries to comfort him. That ending is however only a possibility, and not canon to the storyline.

The Sonic the Hedgehog comics depicted Vector as Knuckles' oldest friend and the first member of the Chaotix. In typical Knuckles continuity, they got into a fight upon their first meeting but soon became friends. Vector continued to support Knuckles as Mighty, Charmy, Espio, and Ray joined the group. However, upon Julie-Su's joining, Vector distrusted her due to having previously been attacked by her while she worked for the Dark Legion. Later, following Knuckles' death, they reconciled and have since maintained a good relationship. As is the case with the rest of the Chaotix, Vector was captured by Dr. Robotnik and transported to the Egg Grape Chamber. Thanks to the efforts of Knuckles and other escapees, however, he was soon rescued.

Espio the Chameleon

Espio the Chameleon
'Sonic the Hedgehog' character
Espio the Chameleon is the fastest running member in the Chaotix, and is the brains on most normal situations.
First gameKnuckles Chaotix

Espio the Chameleon is a purple anthropomorphic chameleon, who is an expert ninja.


Espio, unlike the majority of the Sonic characters, is very serious, calm and disciplined. He is talented with computers, and plays the shamisen as a hobby. According to the Japanese Chaotix game manual, Espio especially dislikes Dr. Eggman, although it's not stated precisely why. During a cut-scene in Sonic Heroes, the usually civil and soft-spoken chameleon even threatened the doctor's life. He is also able to see through Eggman's tricks very easily in Shadow the Hedgehog, and tells Shadow to destroy the villain. Espio tries to do his job well, but due to Vector and Charmy, who are mostly goofing around, he will usually end up embarrassing himself with the rest of the Chaotix.


Espio, being a chameleon, can render his skin to match the environment, which makes him completely invisible, unless he gets something on him that allows him to be seen. An example of this can be seen in episode 59 of Sonic X, where Amy Rose disrupts his invisibility by smearing paint on him. He is quite skillful with shuriken, and is said to own the biggest collection of them known to man. Some of his shuriken are also modified to explode within a certain time once they make contact to a target, like small time bombs (also seen in Sonic X episode 59). He also can run quite fast, as he is the Chaotix speed member in Sonic Heroes. He can also perform the homing attack like the other speed members, and can create small tornadoes (known as "Leaf Swirl") while turning invisible. Due to being a chameleon, he can also stick to and walk on walls and ceilings, and can quickly extend his long tongue in order to damage enemies and to get out of tight spots. He can perform the standard Spin Attack and Spin Jump attacks, along with his own variations of them, the Whirl Attack and Whirl Dash (appeared in old games; he uses the spin versions in Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog). Espio can also charge forward destroying all enemies in his way, and, as mentioned above, and throw over-sized shuriken as well as kunai. The "Chaotix Recital" Team Blast in Sonic Heroes suggests that Espio is also a skilled shamisen player.


In Espio's first appearance in Knuckles' Chaotix, the Japanese manual states that Espio, being a detective, goes to investigate the mysterious island that has emerged from the sea. He is the first unlocked character, and his abilities include walking on walls and ceilings, and uses his own Whirl Attack instead of the common Spin Attack.

Espio next appeared as one of eight playable fighters in the arcade game Sonic the Fighters. In the story, Espio is one of the eight characters who try to collect the eight Chaos Emeralds in order to travel into space and destroy Eggman's Death Egg II. Espio is the fourth character to fight in story mode, and his stage is Mushroom Hill, a part of Angel Island that appeared in Sonic & Knuckles. In the game, Espio is a medium-strong fighter, and his special abilities include using his Whirl Attack and attacking with his long tongue.

In Sonic Heroes, Espio is the "speed" member of Team Chaotix, meaning he can run quicker than the others, and creates small whirlwinds for various purposes. Unlike the speed members of the other three teams, Espio can also turn invisible, throw large shuriken and stick to walls.

In Shadow the Hedgehog, Espio appears with the Chaotix in the cutscene prior to the "Mad Matrix" stage, in which he and Shadow the Hedgehog somehow enter the cyberspace of Eggman's computer system. The player can then choose whether or not to help Espio retrieve encrypted data from the computer, with Espio being a partner character.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic, Espio became friends with Knuckles like the other Chaotix, and joined the group some time prior to Knuckles' first meeting with Sonic. At roughly the same time as the wedding of Antoine D'Coolette and Bunnie Rabbot, Espio appeared to have been killed by Eggman. However, it was revealed in the next issue that he did not die, but was teleported to the Egg Grape Chamber. During Eggman's destruction of Knothole, all of the other members of the Chaotix were teleported to the Egg Grape Chamber, but both they and Espio were soon rescued by the efforts of their free friends and transported to New Mobotropolis.

Charmy Bee

Charmy Bee
'Sonic the Hedgehog' character
File:Charmy Bee.png
Charmy Bee is the youngest member of Chaotix and enjoys goofing off.
First gameKnuckles Chaotix

Charmy Bee is a young, childish anthropomorphic bee.


Charmy is hyperactive, scatter-brained, and not too bright. Being a child, he would rather play than work. Due to his age, he is not as skilled a detective as Vector or Espio, but he is nonetheless valuable to the team. He is also the most friendly and optimistic of all Chaotix members.


Charmy, like many other Sonic characters, can run at high speed, but is mostly known for his flying ability, as he is the flight character in Sonic Heroes. He can use his stinger as a method of attack when he is alone and has the abilities to somehow warp between large flowers, helping him and his friends to get around obstacles and complete their missions more quickly. In the game, if the team does not get all of the items by the time they finish a zone, Charmy can activate a flower and take them back to the beginning of the level. He also has acute hearing and is good at finding lost objects. Like other flight members in Sonic Heroes, Charmy can use Thunder Shoot, where he charges his friends with electricity and kicks them at enemies. Though he doesn't seem to excel at it, Charmy also plays drums during the "Chaotix Recital" Team Blast.


In Knuckles' Chaotix, Charmy makes his first game appearance. According to the Japanese manual, Charmy is out doing what bees do best when he arrives at an island and is captured by Doctor Eggman, who is currently taking over the island. When used as a playable character, Charmy can fly, and can as such do a dash in any direction instead of jumping. He can also start hover, which allows him and his partner to fall at a much slower and controlled rate.

In Sonic Heroes, Charmy is the "flight" member of Team Chaotix, which lets him lift the other two to higher areas, or kick them at enemies to do some damage.

In Shadow the Hedgehog, Charmy's most notable part of the game is on the "Prison Island" stage, where he is a partner character. When Shadow goes to the island, he finds Charmy, who explains that Vector sent him there to find five "top secret discs" that belongs to GUN. The player can choose whether or not to help him find these discs. Unlike most partner characters in the game, Charmy cannot be controlled by the second controller in the GameCube and PlayStation 2 versions, as he is constantly airborne. In the Last Story, Charmy inadvertently saves Earth when ramming his stinger into a computer aboard the Space Colony ARK while helping Espio and Vector hack in. By doing this, Charmy activates a videotape that allows Shadow to break free of Black Doom's mind control.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, Charmy is a prince of bees in the Archie comics and keeps this a secret to the Chaotix, but when it gets out he is forced to resign from the group. The comic also features his only love interest, a female bee named Saffron. Both of them later join the Chaotix following the destruction of the Golden Hive Colony, the kingdom Charmy previously ruled. Together with the other Chaotix, he was taken prisoner during an attack on Knothole that resulted in the city's destruction. Fortunately, he and the others were rescued by Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, and NICOLE.

Mighty the Armadillo

File:Mighty chaotix.png
Mighty the Armadillo

Mighty the Armadillo is a male anthropomorphic armadillo with a red shell who first appeared in SegaSonic the Hedgehog arcade game. In the game, he is captured by Eggman, along with Sonic and Ray the Flying Squirrel, but manages to escape, destroying the island in the process. Mighty reappeared in Knuckles' Chaotix for the Sega 32X. According to the Japanese manual, he just happened to stumble across the island which the adventure is set on during his explorations. The American manual states that he is a friend of Knuckles the Echidna and happens to visit "Carnival Island" when Eggman attacks.

Mighty is a gentle and caring pacifist, only using his strength and fighting abilities when there is no other option. He loves to travel, and his dream is to journey to all places of the world. According to the Japanese booklet of Chaotix, Mighty enjoys forest bathing, likes peace and nature, and detests violence. In both of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series, Mighty is shown to have super strength, which makes sense given his name. However, there is no indication in either of his games that he has this ability. In Sonic the Comic, he has a senile father called Blockhead Bill.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, Mighty is quite impatient and has a bad temper. He has a strong rivalry with Espio the Chameleon and likes to lift weights and brag about his strength. Despite this, Mighty is actually quite humble, even if he doesn't show at times. Mighty lived a regular life on the Floating Island as he grew up. He and Sonic are close friends as they met several years ago in an unknown base run by Robotnik that they shut down with the help of a squirrel named Ray. Mighty also knows Fiona Fox quite well. Once, Mighty, Sonic, and Ray had tried to save her during their escape, but Ray got stuck to a power stone and disappeared. In frustration, Mighty started to throw Robotnik's machines around, causing Robotnik to flee the base, taking Fiona with him, saying he "had other plans for her".

Mighty later joined up with the Chaotix when Robotnik threatened the Happyland Amusement Park. Since then, Mighty has helped Knuckles in his task of guarding the Floating Island and is loyal to Knuckles' cause as one of the founding members of Chaotix. Mighty also had his hand in being the first to meet Charmy Bee upon his venture to the Floating Island and introducing the bee to all his friends there. He accompanied the other Chaotix in going to Knothole, but was one of the roughly 12 prisoners taken during the city's destruction, but was later freed.

Heavy and Bomb

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The most recent version of Heavy and Bomb that have appeared in the Sonic the Hedgehog comics.

Heavy and Bomb are two robots who first appeared in Knuckles’ Chaotix.

Heavy is a clunky, silver robot with red boxing gloves for hands, who was Dr. Robotnik’s chief mechanic. In the game, Heavy was invincible to all attacks, could destroy badniks by just touching them, and could walk on spikes without being hurt, but (as his name suggests) is extremely heavy, causing him to be very slow and unable to jump very high. Heavy's invincibility, however, is actually very handy when used in combination with Charmy's flying (as long as Charmy is the leader).

Bomb is a small, black and red bomb robot. His abilities are the reverse of that of Heavy: He is very weak, and explodes when hit (albeit he can regenerate himself almost immediately afterward, while the explosion can damage both enemies and his ally) but is rather quick on his feet (though not anywhere near as fast as Espio) and has a decent height jump.

The two robots claimed to have escaped from the clutches of the evil Dr. Robotnik, and are simply trying to help Knuckles and his friends. However no one knows if they speak the truth or if they were simply planted by Eggman to slow them down. After Robotnik’s demise at Newtrogic High, the duo disappeared and has not been seen since.

Heavy and Bomb also made appearances in the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, serving in King Acorn's Secret Service under Geoffrey St. John. However, on one mission, the two were reprogrammed to assassinate the Acorn family, and were destroyed by the defending Sonic and co. Later, rebuilt versions of the two were sent to assassinate Mina Mongoose. However, they were also thwarted, and presumed destroyed, although they are never seen being so. The new Heavy was last seen sinking in a lake, while Bomb blew himself up (repeatedly).

Members in Sonic the Hedgehog comics

Ray the Flying Squirrel

Ray the Flying Squirrel

While only appearing once in the games, Ray the Flying Squirrel was a close friend of Mighty and for a while a member of the Chaotix. He originally appeared as a prisoner in the same facility that held Fiona Fox, as well as Mighty and Sonic for a brief time. After a failed rebellion (which was also an attempt to rescue Fiona), Ray grabbed the base's power source, a large gemstone. This caused him to disappear, leaving behind his distraught friends. When Mighty came back later, he found Ray alive and well, but stuck to the gem and unable to leave the base. With a little help from Fiona and Nic the Weasel, Mighty freed Ray and brought him home to the Floating Island.

As time went on, Ray became a more confident member of the Chaotix, even joining in battle against powerful enemies. Sadly, his escape from further torment at Robotnik's hand came to an end when he was captured during the destruction of Knothole. Fortunately, he escaped along with the others when Sonic and the few others who had escaped capture came to rescue them.

Ray is very timid, often stammering because of his shyness, but has become more confident since he met Mighty. He is also quite kind and polite. Ray is an anthropomorphic, humanoid, yellow squirrel, who appeared for most of the comics only in the attire of shoes and gloves; later, however, he began wearing a leather jacket as well.

Julie-Su the Echidna

Exclusive to the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, Julie-Su was a later addition to the Chaotix team and a defector from the Dark Legion, and is now a love interest of Knuckles. She is good friends with the rest of the Chaotix, except for Vector, who doesn't seem to be able to trust her at all.


Saffron in her attire after the destruction of Golden Hive Colony. Art by Jon Gray.

Saffron is one of Charmy Bee's earliest friends. She was also his fiancee, but Charmy fled from his family and friends to avoid his royal responsibilities. Being a little naive, she did not understand why Charmy would do this, but when Charmy later accepted his fate, the two began dating, and Charmy developed romantic feelings for her. However, tragedy struck as Dr. Eggman attacked the Golden Hive Colony. With nowhere to turn to, Saffron went with Charmy to join the Chaotix and Freedom Fighters. Since then, she has aided the Chaotix against such foes as Mammoth Mogul, the Destructix, and Ixis Naugus. During the attack that destroyed Knothole City, she and Charmy were hit simultaneously by a beam that transported the two of them to the Egg Grape Chamber along with 12 other members of both the Chaotix and the Freedom Fighters, but was later freed by Sonic.

Saffron's abilities are identical to Charmy's own; she can shrink to insect size and fly. Somewhat similar to Cream the Rabbit in personality, she is more timid than most of the other characters and is accompanied by a Chao-like entity called a Nightopian plushie, an obvious reference to NiGHTS into Dreams.

Rouge the Bat

Rouge temporarily joined the Chaotix following her escape from Dr. Finitevus. Working with them, she helped to thwart a scheme of Dr. Robotnik's which involved creating an army of androids in Casinopolis. She also helped the Freedom Fighters with a sting operation, in which she claimed to have the Master Emerald up for auction. The scheme allowed them to capture Mammoth Mogul, Ixis Naugus, Nack the Weasel, Bark the Polar Bear, and Bean the Dynamite.

Sonic the Comic members

Nack the Weasel

In Sonic the Comic, Nack the Weasel was one of the original members of the Chaotix Crew, but he betrayed the team to the Brotherhood of Metallix for money. Since then, he twice battled his former allies.


The Omnipotent Omni-Viewer, or Omni for short, was a sentient energy field who served as the founder and guiding force for the Chaotix team. It resembled a floating flat-panel television with a force field instead of a screen, and a face formed out of deviations on its surface. Introduced in Sonic the Comic #8 as an old friend of Sonic the Hedgehog, the Omni-Viewer was forced by Dr. Robotnik to transport Sonic and his friends into the future, thereby allowing the evil scientist to take over.

Omni could travel anywhere in the Special Zone or Mobius instantly (or transport other characters if they passed into his energy field). For a lengthy run, Omni attempted to imprison Super Sonic, a murderous and powerful entity who by that time had been separated from Sonic entirely, within his energy field by stopping time. However, his powers did not extend this far, and the best he could achieve was slowing down time to a crawl. Because of Super Sonic's great speed, though, he eventually managed to escape, and was instrumental in ridding Mobius of Robotnik's rule.


  • When the player pauses the game during the "Cosmic Fall" level of Shadow the Hedgehog and chooses the hero mission, Vector will say "Find the Computer Room!". That line has since become an Internet Meme, appearing in such sites like YTMND, due to Vector's tone of voice.
  • Espio's name is thought to either have come from the word "espionage", another word for spying, or to be a reference to the Spanish word "espío" (meaning literally "I spy").
  • In the US Manual of Knuckles' Chaotix, Charmy was labeled as being 16 years of age;[5] however, with the release of Sonic Heroes, his age has been retconned to 6. It should be noted however that the Japanese manual for Chaotix didn't list an age for Charmy, as it did for the other characters.
  • Among the cancelled ideas for issues following #134 of the Sonic the Hedgehog comics was one where the Chaotix formed a detective agency while Knuckles went on a world wide martial arts pilgrimage.
  • Due to a mistake on IMDB, many believe Marc Biagi voiced Espio and Bill Corkery voiced Vector in Sonic Heroes, but Biagi states in an e-mail that he did do the voice of Vector while Corkery did the voice of Espio.
  • A rumor started in mid-2005 that the creator of Mighty left SEGA/Sonic Team and took the rights of the character, however in late 2006 it was proved to be false on the Japanese Sonic website.


  1. ^ Sega (1995-03-22). Knuckles' Chaotix (Sega 32X). Sega.
  2. ^ Sonic Team (2003-12-30). Sonic Heroes (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox). Sega.
  3. ^ Sega Studios USA, Sonic Team (2005-11-15). Shadow the Hedgehog (Sega 32X). Sega.
  4. ^ Backbone Entertainment (2006-11-24). Sonic Rivals (PlayStation Portable). Sega.
  5. ^

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