Delta Sigma Pi

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Delta Sigma Pi
FoundedNovember 7, 1907
New York University
ColorsRoyal Purple and Old Gold
FlowerRed Rose
PublicationThe Deltasig
Chapters263 collegiate 55+ alumni
Headquarters330 South Campus Ave.
Oxford, Ohio
WebsiteDelta Sigma Pi website

ΔΣΠ (Delta Sigma Pi) is America's foremost Professional Fraternity for men and women pursuing careers in business. The fraternity was founded on November 7, 1907 at the School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance of New York University, New York, New York. Its Central Office is currently headquartered in Oxford, Ohio. The Fraternity has over 260 chapters with over 216,000 initiated members.[1]


Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.


It was in the autumn of 1906 that the history of Delta Sigma Pi began. Life was much different then as there were only 46 states and the major method of transportation was by train. The airplane was flown for the first time only a few years earlier. The automobile was still a "toy" for the well-to-do; there were no talking movies; radio was very new and most homes were without a telephone. It was a time after what is termed the Industrial Revolution and before the times of world wars, the Great Depression and the Age of Consumerism. In the academic world at that time, the formation of schools of business was relatively new. There were only a handful of such schools in the United States in 1906 and one such school, known as the School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance existed at New York University. There were approximately 300 students in attendance at this school at that time, including 70 freshmen representing the Class of 1909. Four members of that Class of 1909, previously unknown to each other, soon were to start an association that would become what is known today as the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi.

These four young men met in their classes and were drawn closer together as they shared the same subway route on their way home every evening. Occasionally, other classmates came along, but the four were regularly together and it was this time together that gave them the opportunity to get to know one another, to become friends, and to discuss topics of mutual interest. One such topic was school affairs, and the domination of one organization on campus. In the opinion of these four men, the overwhelming majority of students at New York University were ignored by this organization and, as a result, restricted from membership. These four, Alexander F. Makay, Alfred Moysello, H. Albert Tienken, and Harold V. Jacobs, decided they should do something for the benefit of the student body at large. They decided to form a club that would be open to all business students. During that first year in school these four young men were occasionally accompanied by a fifth student who, in the spring of 1907, dropped from the group to accept the pledge of the only fraternity in the School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance. It was at this time, and perhaps because of this incident, that they felt there was a need for two fraternities in the school, and they approached their fellow students this time with the idea of joining a fraternity. The response to their idea was very positive and, somewhat to their dismay, they found students who wanted to be initiated immediately into the proposed fraternity which was not yet organized.

Makay and Jacobs had been members of high school fraternities so they were assigned the duty of drafting a Constitution, Bylaws, and a Ritual. The Constitution was finally drafted and adopted in the fall of 1907, yet the selection of a name for the Fraternity was not completed. Nevertheless, these four men proceeded with the next major order of business which was the election of officers. Makay was elected the first president, and Jacobs and Moysello were elected treasurer and secretary, respectively. They first approached their Class of 1909 classmates and, in short order, initiated several new members. They immediately began to recruit the Class of 1910 from which they initiated several more members. The year of 1908 was notable for the establishment of many aspects of the Fraternity which are still in existence today. While the Constitution and Ritual had already been approved, there was still no badge or "pin" as it was called at that time. In addition, the Fraternity still lacked a name. The name of the organization had a high priority and the four founders agreed upon the three words that best expressed the meaning of their Fraternity and had a friend of Moysello translate them into Greek with the resulting designation: Delta Sigma Pi. On April 2, 1908, the name Delta Sigma Pi was adopted by the membership and the bylaws were also approved at this meeting. The design of the badge was approved shortly thereafter.

On April 29, 1908, at the third official meeting of the Fraternity, the report of the committee appointed to suggest Fraternity colors was heard. Following the report, a motion to adopt the colors violet and gold was made; however, the motion died for lack of a second. A subsequent motion was made to adopt the colors purple and gold as the official colors of Delta Sigma Pi and at that third meeting of the Fraternity, the colors which we know today were adopted. In 1909 the Founders graduated, but the Fraternity was being guided and nurtured by other dedicated officers and members. As the membership continued to expand, so did the activities. A Fraternity publication made its first appearance in 1911, but was mainly an internal newsletter. The name of that publication was simply DELTASIG. By 1912, the name had been changed to THE DELTYSIG and was being published in a much more professional manner. Later the name of the official publication of the Fraternity was established as The DELTASIG. Also established in 1912 was the Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key. This award was developed to recognize the outstanding male senior in the Business school and, eventually, was allowed to be presented in every business school where a chapter of Delta Sigma Pi was active. Many of the early keys presented nationwide were won by members of Delta Sigma Pi; however, the Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key was at that time and continues today to be awarded to the most outstanding male or female senior in the School of Business where a chapter of the Fraternity is active.

In these early years, the Founders and their fellow Brothers realized significant progress and set the foundation for an organization that has touched the lives of over 175,000 students of business. The choice of the Northwestern School of Commerce for the second chapter of Delta Sigma Pi marked the beginning of the nationalization of the Fraternity. Existing as a national fraternity was completely new to both Alpha and Beta Chapter members and difficulties in communication were compounded by the fact that the two chapters were hundreds of miles apart. Prior to the chartering of Beta Chapter, a meeting was held by the New York members of Delta Sigma Pi in January of 1914 to form the national organization. This meeting was referred to as the Organizational Meeting and pertained to national administrative matters. In addition, the first national officers were elected, Walter N. Dean was elected president and Henry C. Cox was elected secretary-treasurer. This meeting was called the Congress of Chapters, an event which is known today as the Grand Chapter Congress. At this Congress of Chapters, two undergraduate chapters were represented; however, a group of alumni was also present. At this early date, Delta Sigma Pi had an alumni organization which was called a "graduate chapter," but by 1917 this name was changed to an alumni chapter, a term the Fraternity used until about 1920 when the alumni chapters were called "alumni clubs." The designation "alumni chapter" was reinstated in 1982.

On January 29, 1915, the Executive Committee of Delta Sigma Pi met in New York to hear a report on numerous expansion possibilities. It was decided at that meeting to pursue the installation of a chapter at Boston University and to establish initial contact with many other business schools across the country. Of even greater significance at this meeting was the approval of a Statement of Purpose for the Fraternity which was added to the Constitution as a Preamble. It was the desire of the individuals at this meeting to clearly state that Delta Sigma Pi was to be a professional fraternity for men.

The Preamble, adopted at that meeting in 1915, read as follows:

A fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.

It was not until the 1947 Grand Chapter Congress in Minneapolis that the Preamble was changed to include the words "social activity." The second Congress of Chapters was held at the Hotel LaSalle in Chicago in August of 1915. Representatives from the newly installed Gamma Chapter at Boston University participated in the third Congress of Chapters held in New York in August of 1916. As was the general practice at previous Congresses, much of the agenda of the fourth Congress of Chapters held September 1917 in Boston was devoted to chapter reports, to expansion prospects, and to uniformity in chapter operation. It was at this meeting that H. G. "Gig" Wright made his first impact on the national Fraternity as the delegate from Beta Chapter. His influence on the national level began at this meeting and was to continue for many years into the future.

The war being waged in Europe eventually involved the United States and became known as World War I. As the United States went to war, many college campuses were drained of students and, as a result, most national and chapter activities came to a standstill. Further growth of the Fraternity both in the number of chapters and in the number of members became dormant. The post-war convention was held on February 10, 1920, at New York City and the national officers were anxious to resume the many projects, especially expansion of the Fraternity, that had been deferred due to the war. At this fifth Congress of Chapters, which was referred to as the "Founders Meeting" because all four Founders of the Fraternity were present, the three undergraduate chapters were not fully active and the New York Alumni Chapter had been reactivated during the previous month. At this time, Delta Sigma Pi was approaching its 13th year of existence. By the end of 1920 four chapters were added to the official roll including Delta Chapter at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Epsilon Chapter at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Zeta Chapter at Northwestern University in Evanston, and Eta Chapter at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

The year 1921 was indeed an outstanding one for the Fraternity. Although a Congress of Chapters was not held during this year, a special meeting of the Board of Directors was held in New York on May 14. It was at this meeting that the red rose was adopted as the official flower of the Fraternity and the official pledge button, later called the pledge pin (which was approved in principle at the 1917 Congress of Chapters), was finally designed and approved. In addition, there was some question concerning the date of the actual founding of the Fraternity, and Founder Alexander Makay, who was present at this meeting, informed the group that "Bert Tienken, Al Moysello, Harold Jacobs and I founded the Fraternity at New York University in 1907, the exact date being November 7 of that year." In these early years the Fraternity was growing and the chapters were divided into provinces and districts for easier administration. Also in the early 1920s, discussion concerning the establishment of a National Administrative Headquarters and staff for the Fraternity commenced. It was also during the early years of the 1920s that the Fraternity began an unprecedented level of expansion. Seven chapters were installed during 1921 and eight in 1922. By the mid 1920s, over 3,000 students of business had been initiated by Delta Sigma Pi and the roll of chapters was approaching 40.

With the election at the 1924 Congress of Chapters, Gig Wright left the office of National President after serving two terms. He was immediately appointed Secretary-Treasurer of the Fraternity and during that year established the Central Office of Delta Sigma Pi as the administrative headquarters of the Fraternity. The original Central Office was established at 222 West Adams Street in Chicago. With a greatly expanded chapter roll, the Eighth Congress of Chapters in 1926 again set a record of having the largest attendance of any congress held up to that time. The official registration totaled 167. It was during the year of 1926 that the first Biennial Survey of Universities Offering an Organized Curriculum in Commerce and Business Administration was published. This survey, prepared by the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, was widely used by various departments of the United States Government, major corporations across the United States, high school guidance counselors, and individual students. The Biennial Survey was produced until the mid 1990s when more comprehensive reference sources had become available commercially. It was also during this year that the "Rose of Deltasig," which was named for Rose Jacobs, the wife of founder Harold V. Jacobs, was adopted as the official song of the Fraternity.

In 1928, the Professional Interfraternity Conference was organized with Delta Sigma Pi as one of the charter members. The organization flourishes today as the Professional Fraternity Association, of which Delta Sigma Pi is a charter member. In 1931, the Great Depression was being felt nationwide. For the next few years, the individual chapters and the international organization as a whole were struggling to survive. Eight new chapters were installed during the depression years. 1932 was known as the Silver Anniversary of the Fraternity in recognition of the 25th anniversary of its founding. Founded during a depression, Delta Sigma Pi would celebrate its Silver Anniversary during another depression year. Despite the state of the economy, the spirit of the celebration was not dampened as 37 banquets celebrating the 25th anniversary were held across the country, attended by some 25 percent of the total membership initiated since 1907. By that time, the Fraternity had grown to some 55 chapters, 10 alumni chapters, and a total membership of over 8,700.

By 1937, 60 chapters had been installed. Although the depression was to end soon, this did not signal an end to the difficult times that had been confronting the Fraternity for most of the 1930s. World War II began in 1939. It was not long before the United States was involved in this worldwide conflict and the Fraternity, like most organizations, came to a virtual standstill. Every project within the country was geared toward the war effort and during the period between 1937 and 1946, only four chapters were installed by Delta Sigma Pi. During the war years, chapters were active in many cases in name only as many chapter members found themselves in the Armed Forces. The DELTASIG magazine became little more than a roster of Deltasigs who were serving the war effort both at home and overseas. Deltasigs were scattered throughout the world and the memories of Delta Sigma Pi and the receipt of The DELTASIG, wherever possible, provided comfort to these Brothers as they proudly served their country. It was during this time in its history that Delta Sigma Pi experienced perhaps the greatest challenges. The combination of the Great Depression followed by World War II had drained many chapters of members and financial stability. Having experienced a history of challenges which were turned into opportunities, the leaders of the Fraternity were now faced with the biggest challenges in nearly 40 years. This period in the history of Delta Sigma Pi could indeed be viewed as the time of the second founding of the Fraternity. A renewed spirit of Brotherhood and fraternalism was evident, but it was not until the 17th Grand Chapter Congress that all chapter activities had been fully resumed. The Fraternity had endured almost 10 years of depression followed by five years of war and much time had been lost.

Now with nearly 80 chapters and over 22,000 members, it was felt that if the Fraternity was to continue expanding and providing the administrative services necessary to serve the organization, a permanent national headquarters would have to be established in the not-too-distant future. It was at the 1949 Grand Chapter Congress that a fund was approved for the acquisition of a permanent national headquarters and members were solicited for contributions. By 1955, plans were nearly complete for the building of a national headquarters building adjacent to the Miami University campus in Oxford, Ohio. It was also announced at the 20th Grand Chapter Congress held in Detroit in 1955 that Henry Gilbert "Gig" Wright, who had served the Fraternity as its chief administrator in the form of Grand Secretary-Treasurer now Executive Director, for 31 years was retiring. Also during the early 1950s, the Fraternity was once again expanding and by the middle of that decade had reached a level of over 90 chapters, and total membership initiated since 1907 had surpassed the 30,000 mark. There were alumni chapters established in most of the major cities in the United States.

Upon the retirement of H. G. Wright in 1955, Assistant Grand Secretary-Treasurer James D. Thomson was promoted to the position of Grand Secretary-Treasurer. Jim Thomson, in conjunction with Past Grand Presidents Allen Fowler and Robert Busse and Grand President J. Harry Feltham, was heavily involved in the development of the plans for the establishment of the Central Office in Oxford. Construction began in late 1955, and by the fall of 1956, Grand Secretary Thomson had moved the Central Office operation from Chicago to the permanent headquarters building in Oxford. On May 18, 1957, with Grand President J. Harry Feltham presiding, the permanent Central Office of the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi was formally dedicated (at 330 South Campus Avenue in Oxford, Ohio) to Gig Wright for his many decades of service to the Fraternity.

Delta Sigma Pi had been founded during a depression; it had celebrated its 25th anniversary during another depression; and now, in 1957, it would celebrate its 50th anniversary during a recession. Since 1957 was also the year of a Grand Chapter Congress, the Fraternity celebrated the anniversary in conjunction with the 21st Grand Chapter Congress in New York City. Grand President Homer T. Brewer presided over this event and the only living Founder at that time, Harold V. Jacobs, was present to join in the celebration of the Golden Anniversary of Delta Sigma Pi. By 1964, Delta Sigma Pi had grown to a Fraternity with more than 130 chapters and the membership had grown beyond the 50,000 member level. By the mid-1960s, the indebtedness on the original Central Office building had been paid. The Fraternity was continuing its growth and the building was no longer large enough to house the staff needed to run ever expanding Delta Sigma Pi. Under the guidance of Executive Director Charles Farrar and Grand President M. John Marko, two wings were added (completed in 1970) which virtually doubled the size of the original building.

In 1965, the Grand Council, today known as the Board of Directors, approved a special certificate to be awarded to members of the Fraternity with 50 or more years of service to Delta Sigma Pi. It was called the Order of the Golden Helmet and Founder Harold V. Jacobs received the first such award. In the late 1960s, and the first few years of the 1970s, growth continued for Delta Sigma Pi. By the end of 1970, membership had exceeded the 70,000 level and 172 chapters had been established. It was during this time that the Undergraduate of the Year Program was established to recognize the outstanding undergraduate member of the Fraternity. Now called "Collegian of the Year" and awarded regionally, the national winner serves on the Fraternity's Board of Directors. While most of the 1950s and 1960s were considered relatively calm years for the Fraternity, the 1970s were very different. There were three major issues that confronted Delta Sigma Pi in the decade. First was the Vietnam War. As the war intensified during the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon years, college campuses were thrown into turmoil. Fraternities were often viewed as the "establishment" and this, combined with the social upheaval in campus life brought on by the war, caused a noticeable decline in undergraduate membership.

With social change came the implementation of Title IX of the Higher Education Act and with it a ruling that college professional fraternities, sororities, and organizations were discriminating by having single-sex membership requirements. Also facing the Fraternity as challenges during the 1970s were rampant inflation and the faltering economy. Perhaps the most significant issue within Delta Sigma Pi during the early 1970s however, was the question of coeducational membership. At the 29th Grand Chapter Congress in 1973, a constitutional amendment to open the membership of the Fraternity to women was defeated. At the next Grand Chapter Congress in 1975, the Grand Chapter directed the Board of Directors to evoke emergency powers as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws to act on the coeducational question as required. The Board of Directors authorized the chapters to immediately initiate qualified female business students on November 7, 1975. It was not until 1977 in Toronto that the ratification of coeducational membership in the Fraternity was passed by the Grand Chapter Congress.

During the late 1970s and the early 1980s, inflation was being brought under control and growth of the Fraternity membership once again began to rival that of the post-war years. In 1979, a milestone of significance was reached with the initiation of the 100,000th member. During late 1981, yet another milestone was reached as the 200th chapter of the Fraternity was installed at Missouri State University (then known as Southwest Missouri State University) in Springfield. The Diamond Anniversary year of the Fraternity was in 1982, culminating with recognitions and celebrations conducted at all of the Regional Conferences and a Fraternity-wide weekend celebration held in Cincinnati and Oxford with over 350 in attendance. The 1980s were a period of steady growth in membership and the number of collegiate chapters. It was during this period that Delta Sigma Pi expanded into the state of Hawaii with the installation at the University of Hawaii at Hilo in 1989. Also during the 1980s, the Fraternity experienced an unprecedented increase in the number of training and leadership conferences offered to members and in levels of participation. Additionally, the structure of the Grand Chapter Congress underwent significant changes to better serve the needs of the membership. Participation more than doubled. Record attendance occurred in New Orleans in 1987 with nearly 900 Brothers. The 1997 Congress, again in New Orleans, established a new record with nearly 1,100 attending.

As far back as 1945, Delta Sigma Pi began to give consideration to forming a charitable foundation to support its educational and scholastic endeavors. In response to increasing needs, the Fraternity formed the Delta Sigma Pi Educational Foundation. Today, the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation, having merged with the Educational Foundation in 1993, continues the strong tradition of supporting our Fraternity and its members. During the 1990s, the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation became a key factor in the future of our Fraternity through its support of many new and important educational programs. The three main areas of program support of the Leadership Foundation are: scholarships for academic achievement, leadership development and training, and personal and professional improvement. Through these three program areas, the Leadership Foundation is able to provide direct financial assistance to Delta Sigma Pi and its members. The Foundation is recognized by the federal government as a charitable and educational corporation and contributions are deductible for estate and income tax purposes. All Brothers are encouraged to consider supporting the Leadership Foundation and its mission through regular contributions.

The 1990s also inspired further refinement of the educational programs of the Fraternity. The Officer Training School (or OTIS, as it was commonly known) was established to provide a more uniform and concentrated means of educating collegiate chapter Brothers. The Fraternity also introduced National Officer Workshops and the Summer Leadership Academy during the 1990s. The Chapter Efficiency Index, first developed in 1931, underwent an extensive modernization in 1997 and even more in 2002, resulting in a more vital 17th edition. Additionally, two new Fraternity wide awards, the Delta Sigma Pi Lifetime Achievement Award and the Delta Sigma Pi Career Achievement Award were established. They replaced the Deltasig of the Year award established in 1952. In 1999, the Leadership and Excellence Academies for Deltasigs (LEAD) program was the driving force of new educational endeavors for Deltasig collegiate and alumni members. LEAD events focus not only on fraternal development, but also professional, personal and leadership development skills. Comprehensive policies and educational programs in the areas of risk management and nondiscrimination were also developed and instituted Fraternity-wide.

At the 2001 Grand Chapter Congress in Niagara Falls, a new Governance Structure was put into effect. Some of the more notable changes to occur included the addition of a fifth province and the creation of Provincial Councils, national committees and the new Board positions of Vice President-Organizational Development and Vice President-Finance. History was also made in Niagara Falls, 25 years after women first became brothers in Delta Sigma Pi, when the Fraternity's first female Grand President was elected - Kathleen M. Jahnke. Membership milestones were passed in late 1991 with the initiation of the 150,000th member, in 1997 with number 175,000 and in 2003 with number 200,000. In 2007, as we approach our Centennial celebration, there are now over 216,000 members, with 263 installed chapters on college campuses, 29 regions and five provinces. Over 55 alumni chapters across the country function at some level of social and professional interaction. It is undeniable that Delta Sigma Pi and its members have enjoyed great success.

Chapters of the Fraternity

Collegiate Chapters

Please note:

  • Many universities and colleges with chapters have undergone name changes since charters were granted. The most current university name is used.
  • An asterisk (*) indicates a chapter that has been closed.
Number Chapter Year College or University Location
1. Alpha 1907 New York University New York, New York
2. Beta* 1914 Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois
3. Gamma* 1920 Boston University Boston, Massachusetts
4. Delta 1920 Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin
5. Epsilon 1920 University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa
6. Zeta 1920 Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois
7. Eta* 1920 University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky
8. Theta* 1920 University of Detroit Detroit, Michigan
9. Iota 1920 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas
10. Kappa 1921 Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia
11. Lambda 1921 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
12. Mu* 1921 Georgetown University Washington, District of Columbia
13. Nu 1921 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio
14. Xi 1921 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
15. Omicron* 1922 Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee
16. Pi 1922 University of Georgia Athens, Georgia
17. Rho 1922 University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California
18. Sigma* 1922 University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah
19. Tau* 1922 McGill University Montreal, Quebec
20. Upsilon 1922 University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois
21. Phi 1922 University of Southern California Los Angeles, California
22. Chi 1922 Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland
23. Psi* 1923 University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wisconsin
24. Omega* 1923 Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
25. Alpha Beta 1923 University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri
26. Alpha Gamma 1923 Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania
27. Alpha Delta 1924 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska
28. Alpha Epsilon 1924 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota
29. Alpha Zeta 1924 University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee
30. Alpha Eta 1924 University of South Dakota Vermillion, South Dakota
31. Alpha Theta 1924 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio
32. Alpha Iota 1924 Drake University Des Moines, Iowa
33. Alpha Kappa 1925 University at Buffalo Buffalo, New York
34. Alpha Lambda 1925 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina
35. Alpha Mu* 1925 University of North Dakota Grand Forks, North Dakota
36. Alpha Nu 1925 University of Denver Denver, Colorado
37. Alpha Xi* 1925 University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia
38. Alpha Omicron 1925 Ohio University Athens, Ohio
39. Alpha Pi 1925 Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana
40. Alpha Rho 1926 University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado
41. Alpha Sigma 1926 University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama
42. Alpha Tau 1927 Mercer University Macon, Georgia
43. Alpha Upsilon 1927 Miami University Oxford, Ohio
44. Alpha Psi* 1928 University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois
45. Alpha Omega 1928 DePaul University Chicago, Illinois
46. Beta Gamma 1929 University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina
47. Beta Delta* 1929 North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina
48. Beta Epsilon 1929 University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma
49. Beta Zeta 1929 Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana
50. Beta Eta 1929 University of Florida Gainesville, Florida
51. Beta Theta* 1930 Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska
52. Beta Iota 1930 Baylor University Waco, Texas
53. Beta Kappa 1930 University of Texas Austin, Texas
54. Beta Lambda 1931 Auburn University Auburn, Alabama
55. Beta Mu* 1931 Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia
56. Beta Nu 1932 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
57. Beta Xi 1934 Rider University Lawrenceville, New Jersey
58. Beta Omicron* 1937 Rutgers University Newark, New Jersey
59. Beta Pi 1942 Kent State University Kent, Ohio
60. Beta Rho 1942 Rutgers University Newark, New Jersey
61. Beta Sigma 1946 St. Louis University St. Louis, Missouri
62. Beta Tau* 1947 Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio
63. Beta Upsilon 1947 Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas
64. Beta Phi 1948 Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas
65. Beta Chi* 1948 University of Tulsa Tulsa, Oklahoma
66. Beta Psi 1948 Louisiana Tech University Ruston, Louisiana
67. Beta Omega 1948 University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida
68. Gamma Delta* 1949 Mississippi State University Starkville, Mississippi
69. Gamma Epsilon 1949 Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma
70. Gamma Zeta* 1949 University of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee
71. Gamma Eta 1949 University of Nebraska Omaha, Nebraska
72. Gamma Theta 1949 Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan
73. Gamma Iota 1949 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico
74. Gamma Kappa 1949 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan
75. Gamma Lambda 1949 Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida
76. Gamma Mu* 1949 Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana
77. Gamma Nu* 1950 Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, North Carolina
78. Gamma Xi 1950 Santa Clara University Santa Clara, California
79. Gamma Omicron 1950 University of San Francisco San Francisco, California
80. Gamma Pi 1950 Loyola University Chicago, Illinois
81. Gamma Rho* 1950 University of Detroit Detroit, Michigan
82. Gamma Sigma* 1950 University of Maryland College Park, Maryland
83. Gamma Tau 1950 University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, Mississippi
84. Gamma Upsilon* 1951 Babson University Wellesley, Massachusetts
85. Gamma Phi 1951 University of Texas El Paso, Texas
86. Gamma Chi* 1951 St. Bonaventure University St. Bonaventure, New York
87. Gamma Psi 1951 University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona
88. Gamma Omega 1951 Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona
89. Delta Epsilon 1954 University of North Texas Denton, Texas
90. Delta Zeta* 1955 East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina
91. Delta Eta* 1956 Lamar University Beaumont, Texas
92. Delta Theta* 1956 Oklahoma City University Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
93. Delta Iota 1957 Florida Southern College Lakeland, Florida
94. Delta Kappa* 1957 Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
95. Delta Lambda* 1957 Ithaca College Ithaca, New York
96. Delta Mu* 1958 University of the Americas Puebla, Mexico
97. Delta Nu 1958 Loyola University New Orleans, Louisiana
98. Delta Xi 1958 East Tennessee State University Johnson City, Tennessee
99. Delta Omicron 1959 San Francisco State University San Francisco, California
100. Delta Pi 1959 University of Nevada Reno, Nevada
101. Delta Rho 1959 Ferris State University Big Rapids, Michigan
102. Delta Sigma 1959 Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, California
103. Delta Tau 1959 Indiana State University Terre Haute, Indiana
104. Delta Upsilon 1959 Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas
105. Delta Phi* 1960 East Texas State University Commerce, Texas
106. Delta Chi* 1960 Washburn University Topeka, Kansas
107. Delta Psi* 1960 Suffolk University Boston, Massachusetts
108. Delta Omega* 1960 West Liberty State College West Liberty, West Virginia
109. Epsilon Zeta* 1960 Midwestern State University Wichita Falls, Texas
110. Epsilon Eta* 1960 Eastern New Mexico University Portales, New Mexico
111. Epsilon Theta 1960 California State University, Chico Chico, California
112. Epsilon Iota 1960 Minnesota State University Mankato, Minnesota
113. Epsilon Kappa 1961 Shepherd University Shepherdstown, West Virginia
114. Epsilon Lambda* 1961 Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York
115. Epsilon Mu* 1962 Sam Houston State University Huntsville, Texas
116. Epsilon Nu* 1962 University of New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana
117. Epsilon Xi 1962 Ball State University Muncie, Indiana
118. Epsilon Omicron 1962 Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan
119. Epsilon Pi* 1962 Monmouth University West Long Branch, New Jersey
120. Epsilon Rho 1963 University of Tampa Tampa, Florida
121. Epsilon Sigma* 1963 LaSalle University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
122. Epsilon Tau 1963 University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio
123. Epsilon Upsilon 1963 New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico
124. Epsilon Phi 1963 California State University, Sacramento Sacramento, California
125. Epsilon Chi 1963 Georgia Southern University Statesboro, Georgia
126. Epsilon Psi 1964 Christian Brothers University Memphis, Tennessee
127. Epsilon Omega 1964 Eastern Illinois University Charleston, Illinois
128. Zeta Eta 1964 St. Peter’s College Jersey City, New Jersey
129. Zeta Theta 1964 Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, Kentucky
130. Zeta Iota* 1964 Mississippi College Clinton, Mississippi
131. Zeta Kappa 1965 Western State College Gunnison, Colorado
132. Zeta Lambda* 1965 Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia
133. Zeta Mu 1965 University of Texas Arlington, Texas
134. Zeta Nu 1965 Texas A&M University Kingsville, Texas
135. Zeta Xi 1965 Lewis University Romeoville, Illinois
136. Zeta Omicron* 1965 Long Island University C.W. Post Campus Brookville, New York
137. Zeta Pi 1965 St. Joseph’s University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
138. Zeta Rho* 1966 Menlo College Menlo Park, California
139. Zeta Sigma* 1966 Southeastern Louisiana University Hammond, Louisiana
140. Zeta Tau 1966 California State University, East Bay Hayward, California
141. Zeta Upsilon 1966 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia
142. Zeta Phi 1966 Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida
143. Zeta Chi* 1966 Manhattan College Bronx, New York
144. Zeta Psi 1967 University at Albany Albany, New York
145. Zeta Omega 1967 Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, Arizona
146. Eta Theta 1967 Angelo State University San Angelo, Texas
147. Eta Iota 1967 Nicholls State University Thibodaux, Louisiana
148. Eta Kappa 1968 Troy University Troy, Alabama
149. Eta Lambda* 1968 Weber State College Ogden, Utah
150. Eta Mu 1968 Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois
151. Eta Nu 1968 University of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri
152. Eta Xi 1968 Philadelphia University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
153. Eta Omicron* 1968 University of Louisiana at Monroe Monroe, Louisiana
154. Eta Pi 1969 Wayne State College Wayne, Nebraska
155. Eta Rho 1969 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse LaCrosse, Wisconsin
156. Eta Sigma* 1969 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Illinois
157. Eta Tau 1969 McNeese State University Lake Charles, Louisiana
158. Eta Upsilon 1969 University of West Florida Pensacola, Florida
159. Eta Phi* 1969 Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, Michigan
160. Eta Chi 1969 California State Polytechnic University Pomona, California
161. Eta Psi 1970 University of Houston Houston, Texas
162. Eta Omega 1970 Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia
163. Theta Iota 1970 University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut
164. Theta Kappa 1970 University of Akron Akron, Ohio
165. Theta Lambda 1970 Xavier University Cincinnati, Ohio
166. Theta Mu* 1970 Columbus State University Columbus, Georgia
167. Theta Nu* 1970 University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas
168. Theta Xi* 1970 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Whitewater, Wisconsin
169. Theta Omicron 1970 St. Ambrose University Davenport, Iowa
170. Theta Pi 1970 Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio
171. Theta Rho 1970 Duquesne University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
172. Theta Sigma 1970 University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
173. Theta Tau 1970 St. Cloud State University St. Cloud, Minnesota
174. Theta Upsilon 1971 Siena College Loudonville, New York
175. Theta Phi 1971 University of South Florida Tampa, Florida
176. Theta Chi 1971 San Jose State University San Jose, California
177. Theta Psi* 1971 Indiana University Northwest Gary, Indiana
178. Theta Omega 1972 St. Edward's University Austin, Texas
179. Iota Kappa 1974 James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia
180. Iota Lambda 1977 Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, Indiana
181. Iota Mu 1977 Georgia College & State University Milledgeville, Georgia
182. Iota Nu 1978 Truman State University Kirksville, Missouri
183. Iota Xi* 1979 Winston-Salem State University Winston-Salem, North Carolina
184. Iota Omicron 1979 University of Central Missouri Warrensburg, Missouri
185. Iota Pi 1979 San Diego State University San Diego, California
186. Iota Rho 1980 Howard University Washington, District of Columbia
187. Iota Sigma 1980 University of Evansville Evansville, Indiana
188. Iota Tau* 1980 Robert Morris College Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania
189. Iota Upsilon 1980 California State University, Northridge Northridge, California
190. Iota Phi 1980 California State University, Fresno Fresno, California
191. Iota Chi 1980 Illinois State University Normal, Illinois
192. Iota Psi 1981 Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Texas
193. Iota Omega 1981 University of North Carolina Greensboro, North Carolina
194. Kappa Lambda 1981 Binghamton University Binghamton, New York
195. Kappa Mu 1981 California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo, California
196. Kappa Nu 1981 Longwood University Farmville, Virginia
197. Kappa Xi 1981 University of Louisiana at Lafayette Lafayette, Louisiana
198. Kappa Omicron 1981 Missouri State University Springfield, Missouri
199. Kappa Pi 1981 University of North Florida Jacksonville, Florida
200. Kappa Rho* 1982 Adelphi University Garden City, New York
201. Kappa Sigma 1982 Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Indianapolis, Indiana
202. Kappa Tau 1982 Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina
203. Kappa Upsilon 1983 Winona State University Winona, Minnesota
204. Kappa Phi 1983 Valparaiso University Valparaiso, Indiana
205. Kappa Chi* 1983 Savannah State University Savannah, Georgia
206. Kappa Psi 1983 Bellarmine University Louisville, Kentucky
207. Kappa Omega 1984 Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana
208. Lambda Mu 1984 University of the Pacific Stockton, California
209. Lambda Nu 1985 Texas A&M University College Station, Texas
210. Lambda Xi 1986 Grand Valley State University Allendale, Michigan
211. Lambda Omicron 1986 Western Illinois University Macomb, Illinois
212. Lambda Pi 1986 University of San Diego San Diego, California
213. Lambda Rho 1986 University of West Alabama Livingston, Alabama
214. Lambda Sigma 1986 California State University, Fullerton Fullerton, California
215. Lambda Tau 1987 Bentley College Waltham, Massachusetts
216. Lambda Upsilon 1988 St. Mary’s University San Antonio, Texas
217. Lambda Phi 1988 California State University, Long Beach Long Beach, California
218. Lambda Chi 1989 University of California, Riverside Riverside, California
219. Lambda Psi 1989 University of Hawaii Hilo, Hawaii
220. Lambda Omega* 1989 Quincy University Quincy, Illinois
221. Mu Nu* 1989 University of Nevada Las Vegas, Nevada
222. Mu Xi* 1990 LaRoche College Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
223. Mu Omicron* 1990 University of Houston Victoria, Texas
224. Mu Pi 1991 Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Erie, Pennsylvania
225. Mu Rho 1991 Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado
226. Mu Sigma* 1992 Barry University Miami Shores, Florida
227. Mu Tau 1992 George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia
228. Mu Upsilon* 1992 Baker University Baldwin City, Kansas
229. Mu Phi 1992 Saginaw Valley State University Saginaw, Michigan
230. Mu Chi 1993 University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Colorado Springs, Colorado
231. Mu Psi 1993 Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
232. Mu Omega 1993 The College of New Jersey Ewing, New Jersey
233. Nu Xi 1994 University of Missouri–Kansas City Kansas City, Missouri
234. Nu Omicron 1994 Our Lady of Holy Cross College New Orleans, Louisiana
235. Nu Pi 1994 Kennesaw State University Marietta, Georgia
236. Nu Rho 1994 University of California, Davis Davis, California
237. Nu Sigma 1995 Roger Williams University Bristol, Rhode Island
238. Nu Tau 1995 University of St. Thomas St. Paul, Minnesota
239. Nu Upsilon 1995 West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia
240. Nu Phi 1996 University of Northern Colorado Greeley, Colorado
241. Nu Chi 1996 Lynchburg College Lynchburg, Virginia
242. Nu Psi* 1998 Trinity College Washington, District of Columbia
243. Nu Omega 1999 Rockhurst University Kansas City, Missouri
244. Xi Omicron 1999 University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California
245. Xi Pi 1999 University of Redlands Redlands, California
246. Xi Rho 2000 George Washington University Washington, District of Columbia
247. Xi Sigma 2001 Wingate University Wingate, North Carolina
248. Xi Tau 2001 Syracuse University Syracuse, New York
249. Xi Upsilon 2002 Marshall University Huntington, West Virginia
250. Xi Phi 2000 University of Massachusetts Boston Boston, Massachusetts
251. Xi Chi 2003 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wisconsin
252. Xi Psi 2003 Bryant University Smithfield, Rhode Island
253. Xi Omega 2004 Florida International University Miami, Florida
254. Omicron Pi 2004 Radford University Radford, Virginia
255. Omicron Rho 2004 Cornell University Ithaca, New York
256. Omicron Sigma 2004 University of California, San Diego San Diego, California
257. Omicron Tau 2005 Ohio Dominican University Columbus, Ohio
258. Omicron Upsilon 2005 Francis Marion University Florence, South Carolina, South Carolina
259. Omicron Phi 2006 University of Texas San Antonio, Texas
260. Omicron Chi 2007 Frostburg State University Frostburg, Maryland
261. Omicron Psi 2007 Washington State University Pullman, Washington
* Upsilon Mu Alpha 2004 University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts
* Alpha Sigma Omega 2004 University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois
* Kappa Zeta Theta 2005 Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
* Lambda Kappa Lambda 2005 University of South Florida Lakeland, Florida
* Phi Sigma Upsilon 2006 Frostburg State University Frostburg, Maryland
* Gamma Omega Theta 2006 Boston University Boston, Massachusetts
* Alpha Alpha Alpha 2006 New York University New York, New York
* Kappa Iota Nu 2006 Pace University Pleasantville, New York
* Mu Beta Alpha 2006 Washington State University Pullman, Washington
* Kappa Phi Beta 2006 University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
* Nu Eta Sigma 2006 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Illinois
* Sigma Chi Mu 2006 Lindenwood University St. Charles, Missouri
* Nu Epsilon Zeta 2006 Midwestern State University Wichita Falls, Texas
* Sigma Beta Iota 2007 University of California, Irvine Irvine, California

Alumni Chapters

  • Lafayette, Louisiana
  • Albuquerque High Desert, New Mexico
  • Arlington Area Lone Star, Texas
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Austin, Texas
  • Baltimore, Maryland
  • Baton Rouge - Red Stick, Louisiana
  • Birmingham, Alabama
  • Boca Raton, Florida
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Central Florida, Florida
  • Central Virginia, Virginia
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Chico, California
  • Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Cleveland - Akron, Ohio
  • Columbia, South Carolina
  • Connecticut, Connecticut
  • Corpus Christi, Texas
  • Dallas Area, Texas
  • DC Metro, District of Columbia
  • Denver, Colorado
  • Des Moines - Central Iowa, Iowa
  • Detroit, Michigan
  • El Paso, Texas
  • Fort Worth Cowtown, Texas
  • Greensboro, North Carolina
  • Hattiesburg - South Mississippi, Mississippi
  • Hawaii, Hawaii
  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Inland Empire, California
  • Jacksonville, Florida
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Knoxville, Tennessee
  • Lincoln/Greater Nebraska, Nebraska
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Louisville, Kentucky
  • Mankato/Southern Minnesota, Minnesota
  • Miami, Florida
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Nashville, Tennessee
  • New York City, New York
  • Oklahoma City - Tornado Alley, Oklahoma
  • Orange County, California
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Phoenix - Thunderbird, Arizona
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Raleigh-Durham, NC Raleigh, NC Alumni Yahoo! Group
  • San Antonio, Texas
  • Seattle - Pacific Northwest, Washington Seattle Alumni myspace group
  • Shepherdstown, West Virginia
  • Space City Houston, Texas
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • Tampa Bay, Florida
  • Twin Cities, Minnesota
  • West Palm Beach, Florida
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