List of Warriors characters

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This article is about the characters from the book series Warriors by Erin Hunter. Template:Spoiler

Original Series

The original series is told by the point of view of Firestar, the former kittypet that ventures into the forest. He discovers deep down he is a true warrior and is welcomed into ThunderClan by their leader. He realizes not every cat likes the idea of a kittypet in their Clan, and he must try very hard to prove he deserves to be in the Clan. He knows of deep betrayal in ThunderClan, and he will need every ounce of his skill to stop it.

Main Characters


Firestar (formerly known as Rusty, Firepaw, and Fireheart) is a ginger tom with a flame-colored pelt and bright green eyes. He is the protagonist of the first series. Firestar is the mate of Sandstorm, father of Squirrelflight and Leafpool, and grandfather of Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw. He is also the brother of Princess and his other kittypet siblings, uncle of Cloudtail, and great uncle of Whitewing.

He was invited to join ThunderClan while he was a kittypet known as Rusty. Bluestar gave him his apprentice name, Firepaw, upon arrival and he began to train to become a warrior. At first, Firepaw shared Tigerclaw and Lionheart as his mentors, and later had Bluestar herself as his mentor. He started a great friendship with Graystripe,(then Graypaw) and the two became best friends. He also developed a close relationship with Spottedleaf, ThunderClan's medicine cat at the time. When she died Firepaw was grief stricken.

The majority of ThunderClan scorned him at first for his kittypet blood, but the insults eventually died away as he began to prove himself. At the end of Into the Wild, Firepaw received his warrior name, Fireheart.

Fireheart is given his first apprentice, Cinderpelt (then Cinderpaw) in Fire and Ice, but soon after Cinderpelt becomes unable to continue her warrior training because she ran into a trap Tigerclaw had set in order to kill Bluestar. (Tigerclaw had set the meeting place too close to Thunderpath and Cinderpelt's leg was hit by a monster.) Then Fireheart is given Cloudtail (then Cloudpaw), the oldest kit of Fireheart's sister, Princess, to mentor. He is also the mentor of Bramblepaw (later Brambleclaw), son of Tigerclaw and Goldenflower.

Firestar succeeded Bluestar as leader of ThunderClan when Bluestar died saving Firestar from the dogs set free by Tigerstar at the end of A Dangerous Path and becomes a full leader at the start of The Darkest Hour.

Respectively, the cats that gave him his nine lives were: Lionheart, a former ThunderClan deputy who was killed in a ShadowClan attack; Redtail, the ThunderClan deputy before Lionheart, who was killed by Tigerclaw secretly after a battle against RiverClan; Silverstream, the lost RiverClan mate of Firestar's friend who died shortly after she had given birth to Graystripe's kits; Runningwind, a recent ThunderClan victim of Tigerstar's and a friend of Firestar's; Brindleface, another ThunderClan victim and Cloudtail's foster mother; Swiftpaw, a young apprentice who was killed by a dog pack due to Bluestar's insanity and unwillingness to make Swiftpaw a warrior; Yellowfang, a former medicine cat of both ThunderClan and ShadowClan, and also a close friend of Firestar's; Spottedleaf, the ThunderClan medicine cat before Yellowfang, and also Firestar's first love interest; and finally, Bluestar, Firestar's former leader and mentor.

Each cat gives Firestar a different trait for his new life: Lionheart gives him courage, to use in the defense of the Clan; Redtail gives him justice, to use to judge the actions of others; Sliverstream gives him loyalty, to use to guide the Clan in times of trouble; Runningwind gives him tireless energy, to use to carry out the duties of a leader; Brindleface gives him protection, to use to care for the Clan as a mother cares for her kits; Swiftpaw gives him mentoring, to use to train the young cats of the Clan; Yellowfang gives him compassion, to use to for the elders of the Clan, the sick, and all those weaker than himself; Spottedleaf gives him love, to use for all the cats in his care (especially for Sandstorm); and finally, Bluestar gives Firestar nobility, certainty, and faith, to use to lead the Clan in the ways of StarClan and the warrior code.

During the battle with BloodClan in the climax of The Darkest Hour, Firestar loses a life when Scourge, BloodClan's leader, lands a fatal blow on him. After he recovers, however, Firestar kills Scourge.

In The New Prophecy, the second series, Firestar is the mate of Sandstorm, and the father of Squirrelpaw (later Squirrelflight) and Leafpaw( later Leafpool) the ThunderClan medicine cat after Cinderpelt.

In Dawn, he loses another life after getting crushed by a tree. He and Cinderpelt also become friends with Stoneteller of the Tribe of Rushing Water.

In Sunset, Firestar is caught in a Twoleg trap by Hawkfrost, Tigerstar's other son. Hawkfrost then tells his half-brother Brambleclaw to kill Firestar and become ThunderClan's leader. Brambleclaw ends up freeing Firestar and killing Hawkfrost with the sharp end of the trap. Firestar now has only six lives left.

In The Sight, it is revealed that moons earlier, before his daughters' births, Firestar received a prophecy from an unknown gray tom with blue eyes. The tom tells Firestar that, "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws." The prophecy continues to haunt Firestar every moon after, and he knows that his grandkits, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw, are the three it's referring to.

  • Mentor: Tigerstar, Lionheart, Bluestar
  • Apprentices: Cinderpelt (until her accident), Brackenfur (while Graystripe was seeing Silverstream), Cloudtail, Brambleclaw
  • Mate: Sandstorm (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Leafpool, Squirrelflight (kits), Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw (grandkits), Cloudtail (nephew), Princess (sister), Whitewing (great niece)


Graystripe (formerly known as Graypaw) is a tom with shaggy gray fur, a darker stripe along his spine, and big yellow-amber eyes. According to Firestar, he is "the truest friend a cat could ever have."

Graystripe is Firestar's best friend in ThunderClan, and is partially the reason Firestar, as a kittypet, got accepted into the Clan. The two met when Graystripe (then Graypaw) attacked Firestar (then Rusty) at the border of Twolegplace, thinking he was an enemy warrior.

In Fire and Ice, Graystripe traveled with Fireheart to bring WindClan back to the forest. Later he fell in love with Silverstream, the pretty silver tabby daughter of the RiverClan leader Crookedstar, after she saved him from drowning in the river. Graystripe had two kits with Silverstream, Feathertail (silver tabby with blue eyes) and Stormfur (dark gray tom with yellow-amber eyes). Silverstream died while giving birth to the kits.

Graystripe joined RiverClan for a short time because of his kits but returned to ThunderClan in A Dangerous Path because Leopardstar exiled him for helping Fireheart in battle. After rejoining ThunderClan, Graystripe was a bit of an outcast, for the rest of the Clan were angered by his betrayal. In The Darkest Hour, Graystripe is made deputy after encouragement from a dying Whitestorm to Firestar in the middle of the battle with BloodClan. He also killed Darkstripe in that battle.

He disappeared in Dawn, the third book of The New Prophecy, after being captured by Twolegs. He and a ThunderClan patrol were trying to rescue their Clanmates (Brightheart, Cloudtail, and Leafpool [then Leafpaw], along with Gorsetail of WindClan, Mistyfoot of RiverClan, Cody, a kittypet, and many rogues including Hawkfrost's and Mothwing's of RiverClan mother Sasha) from the Twolegs. He has yet to appear in any further books (as of Sunset), although it is known that he will return to ThunderClan. Although he had been his best friend, Millie in Sunset, Firestar had declared him dead and made Brambleclaw deputy in his place.

It turns out that Graystripe is not at all dead, just very far away, back in the old forest and living with Twolegs as a kittypet. He and his kittypet friend, Millie, set off to find ThunderClan in the first volume, The Lost Warrior, of the first Warriors manga trilogy.

In The Sight, Graystripe finally returns to the Clans, and with Millie by his side. He claims her to be not just a friend, but his mate, and now Silverstream cannot claim the role of his mate though Silverstream and Graystripe had kits (Feathertail and Stormfur) and Millie and Graystripe don't have any kits. The two arrive during a Gathering, and Graystripe is welcomed back by many cats. Although he is the returning deputy of ThunderClan, Firestar decides that Brambleclaw will keep the position of deputy. Graystripe does not object to the decision.

According to author Kate Cary, when asked if Graystripe was a Maine Coon or a Norwegian Forest Cat, she said that he could have a trace of Maine Coon in his ancestry, but he wouldn't be a pure-bred cat.[1]

It was noted by Erin Hunter at the last Erin Hunter chat that Graystripe, Sandstorm, Ravenpaw, and Dustpelt's heritage hadn't been developed.

  • Mentor: Lionheart, Tigerstar (after Lionheart dies)
  • Apprentices: Brackenfur, Stormfur (after Stonefur's death)
  • Mate: Silverstream (RiverClan), Millie (kittypet/ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Stormfur, Feathertail (kits by Silverstream)


Sandstorm (formerly known as Sandpaw) is a pale ginger she-cat with barely visible darker stripes and green eyes. She has a sharp tongue and is a valued ThunderClan warrior. According to Firestar, she is his "beloved". Her fur is known to turn silver in the moonlight. This she-cat is also known to be one of the fastest runners and best hunter in ThunderClan.

She was a main character in the original Warriors series. At first as an apprentice, Sandstorm (then Sandpaw) was clearly hostile to Firestar (then Firepaw) because of his heritage. Along with Dustpelt (then Dustpaw), she often mocked his kittypet origins. Much of their resentment may have come from the fact that they were apprenticed long before Firestar and Graystripe, but were made warriors in the Fire and Ice, long after Firestar (then Fireheart) and Graystripe. Some believe that Dustpelt had feelings for Sandstorm until Sandstorm began to take a liking to Fireheart. Sandstorm began to warm up to Fireheart in Fire and Ice, after Fireheart saved her from falling into the gorge, and eventually became his mate.

Sandstorm is a very skilled hunter and a valued warrior of ThunderClan. At one point Firestar considered making her his deputy until he realized that she could not become deputy because she had not yet been given an apprentice.

In The Darkest Hour, Firestar promises Sandstorm that Willowpelt's daughter, Sorrelkit, will be her first apprentice.

In The New Prophecy, Sandstorm is the mother of Squirrelflight (formerly Squirrelpaw) and Leafpool (formerly Leafpaw). Sandstorm is also the grandmother of Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw, the protagonists of the Power of Three series. She does not spend much time with her grandkits.

In Midnight, Sorrelpaw (later Sorreltail) is appointed her warriorship after many moons of extra training with her proud mentor by her side.

In Dawn, when Graystripe was captured by Twolegs, Sandstorm and Brambleclaw were the ones who did most of his jobs as deputy.

It was noted by Erin Hunter at the last Erin Hunter chat that Graystripe, Sandstorm, Ravenpaw, and Dustpelt's heritage hadn't been developed.

In Secrets Of The Clans, she gives a tour of The ThunderClan forest camp.

  • Mentor: Whitestorm
  • Apprentices: Sorreltail, Honeypaw
  • Mate: Firestar (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Squirrelflight, Leafpool (kits), Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw (grandkits)


Bluestar (Deceased) (formerly known as Bluefur, though she does not appear as such in the books) is a blue-gray she-cat with piercing blue eyes and tinges of silver around her muzzle, as well as a scar along her back that is only mentioned in Into the Wild. She was the one who had accepted Firestar (then Rusty) into the Clan. She had feelings of great trust towards Lionheart and Whitestorm, and also to Tigerstar until his betrayal.

As a warrior, Bluestar (then Bluefur) had a forbidden affair with Oakheart, a RiverClan warrior. She had three kits by him, and they agreed to have Oakheart take the kits to RiverClan because Bluefur felt that she could better protect her Clan in the position of deputy. One of her kits, Mosskit, died at the river as she waited for Oakheart, yet her surviving kits became Mistyfoot and Stonefur, loyal cats of RiverClan.

Bluestar has had many regrets about giving up her two kits and watching them grow up in another Clan, but she feels that she had to in order to keep ThunderClan out of the paws of a brave, yet violent and reckless tom named Thistleclaw. In Bluestar's opinion, Thistleclaw would have "forced the Clan into unnecessary wars." She goes on to explain that Thistleclaw had died, attacking a RiverClan patrol, a few seasons before Fireheart joined ThunderClan.

During Forest of Secrets Bluestar is emotionally shattered at the betrayal of her deputy, Tigerclaw (who later joins ShadowClan and becomes ShadowClan's leader). She then becomes very unstable during Rising Storm, accusing her own Clan of being disloyal and only trusting Fireheart, Whitestorm and to some degree Cinderpelt.

In A Dangerous Path, Bluestar is still a shell of her old self. Although many of the apprentices are now fit to become warriors, Bluestar only holds Cloudpaw's ceremony, because Cloudpaw shares Fireheart's blood and also because he doesn't believe in StarClan. Thornclaw and Brightheart (then Thornpaw and Brightpaw) were the apprentices of Mousefur and Whitestorm who didn't do anything unlike Longtail who was a close ally of Tigerclaw. Because of this, Bluestar indirectly causes the death of Swiftpaw, who was killed by the dogs after he went to attack the pack in order to earn his warrior name, and the grave injuring of Brightheart's (then called Brightpaw and, when renamed by Bluestar, Lostface.) As said before, in this book, Brightheart was named Lostface, but she was given such a resented name because Bluestar had no faith in StarClan, and believed that StarClan was evil enough to cause Brightheart's facial deformation on purpose.

At the end of the book, Bluestar regains her former mindset in a flash, though she loses her last life by leading the dogs into the gorge, thereby saving ThunderClan from the dog pack. As she dies, she tells Fireheart of the prophecy that sparked the origin of his name and that he will be a great leader. Bluestar is then met by Oakheart, and goes with him to the ranks of StarClan. Mistyfoot and Stonefur forgive Bluestar before she dies, and she dies happily with her kits by her side. Tigerclaw witnesses Bluestar's death, but does not play a major role in this chapter.

In The Darkest Hour, Bluestar gives Fireheart his ninth and final life, with the gift of nobiltity, certainty, and faith, and his leader name, Firestar. In Midnight, she was the cat who chose Brambleclaw to represent ThunderClan in fulfilling the new prophecy. And Oakheart was there, so the two forbidden mates were reunited with each other.

At the start of Twilight, Bluestar and other StarClan warriors deliver terrible news to Cinderpelt at the Moonpool, telling her that she will join the ranks of StarClan soon.

In Sunset, she, with Yellowfang and Lionheart, tells Leafpool that she will walk a path few medicine cats have walked before. In that same visit, when Leafpool asks about a trio of bright stars she doesn't recognize, Bluestar informs Leafpool that there are cats she has yet to meet who will shape her future. There is no mention of Mosskit being with her or Oakheart in StarClan.

In Secrets of the Clans, her third kit's name, Mosskit, was discovered, and also that he looked exactly like Bluestar, as Mistyfoot and Stonefur. Bluestar grieved for Mosskit's death and blamed herself for his death.

  • Mentor: Stonepelt
  • Apprentices: Frostfur, Runningwind, Firestar
  • Mate: Oakheart (RiverClan)
  • Kin: Snowfur (sister), Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit (dead) (kits), Mistyfoot's kits (grandkits), Moonflower (mother), Whitestorm (nephew), Sorreltail (great niece), Sootfur, Rainwhisker (great nephews), Molepaw (great-great nephew), Cinderpaw, Poppypaw, Honeypaw (great-great nieces)


Tigerstar (Deceased) (formerly known as Tigerclaw) is a large, dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He is also the main antagonist of the first series.

From Into the Wild to Forest of Secrets, he was an ambitious ThunderClan warrior. In the battle at Sunningrocks, he killed Redtail, the ThunderClan deputy, in order to become deputy. Ravenpaw, his apprentice, saw him do it and when he told Firestar (then Firepaw) about it, Tigerclaw tried to kill him for knowing too much by turning the Clan against him. Luckily for Ravenpaw, Firestar (then Firepaw) and Graystripe (then Graypaw) smuggled Ravenpaw out of ThunderClan before anything could happen to him. Tigerstar (then Tigerclaw) was close to Bluestar until greed overcame him.

It is said by Firestar in Rising Storm after Lionheart's death, Tigerstar became ThunderClan's deputy, but that wasn't enough for him. He tried to kill Bluestar in order to become leader in Fire and Ice by setting a trap for her by the Thunderpath, but Cinderpelt (then Cinderpaw) was caught in it instead. Then in Forest of Secrets he attacked Bluestar in a rogue attack. He was stopped by Firestar (then Fireheart), and sent into exile by Bluestar.

Later in Rising Storm, Tigerstar kills a ThunderClan warrior called Runningwind, and at the end of the book, he is shown to be the leader of ShadowClan. He might have come to be leader possibly because Runningnose told him a prophecy made about him from StarClan of a great leader. He might have become leader of ShadowClan sometime between his second rouge defeat to the time the Clans know he is ShadowClan's dark and "great" new leader.

In A Dangerous Path, Tigerstar sets a dog pack loose in the forest to try and destroy ThunderClan. As a result, Swiftpaw and Brindleface were murdered, and Brightheart (then Lostface) was permanently deformed.

In The Darkest Hour, he merged RiverClan and ShadowClan together to create TigerClan, and tried to ally it with BloodClan, a Clan of rogues who didn't believe in StarClan and lived nearby Twolegplace. He planned this because he wanted to take over the entire forest. Tigerstar considered BloodClan as only a temporary ally, to be disposed of eventually. However, when Tigerstar tried to give BloodClan orders, they refused. Enraged, Tigerstar attacked Scourge, the BloodClan leader. Scourge proved too strong, though. He killed Tigerstar by destroying all of his nine lives at once. Scourge did this by clawing a wound in Tigerstar's throat and belly, leaving Tigerstar to die from loss of blood.

Tigerstar's kits are Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt, born in Forest of Secrets, by the ThunderClan queen Goldenflower, and Hawkfrost and Mothwing by a rogue named Sasha.

In The New Prophecy book Starlight, Tigerstar appears to Brambleclaw in a dream, and reveals that he does not walk with StarClan. According to him, there are hunting grounds that even StarClan doesn't know of. He then promises Brambleclaw that they will meet again.

In Twilight, Leafpool has a startling dream in which she sees Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw talking with Tigerstar. She watches Hawkfrost agree to follow close to his father's pawsteps, but she is unable to read Brambleclaw's expression because his back is turned towards her.

In Sunset, Tigerstar has continued training his sons to become powerful leaders. His plan to kill Firestar failed, for Brambleclaw refused to end Firestar's lives. Also, Brambleclaw kills his brother and has taken Squirrelflight, Firestar's daughter, as a mate. Nothing is known about how Tigerstar feels about Brambleclaw's decision to take a cat with Firestar's blood as a mate. He also turns down Darkstripe's offer of help in his quest for revenge.

In The Sight, Tigerstar and Hawkfrost try to persuade Jaypaw into going deeper into the dark forest, telling him that they can show him warrior techniques. He also expresses his displeasure of Mothwing "wasting her skills" as a medicine cat. As they try to lure him into going with them, Jaypaw uses his special power to probe their minds, but only finds a misty darkness masking their emotions. Before Jaypaw listens, however, Spottedleaf intevenes and leads Jaypaw away. Very possible Thistleclaw is his father because the same personality. Bluestar's description of Thistleclaw is very close to Tigerstar's personality.

  • Mentor: Possibly Thistleclaw
  • Apprentices: Darkstripe, Ravenpaw (until he leaves the forest), Firestar (until Bluestar became his mentor), Graystripe (after Lionheart died)
  • Mate: Goldenflower (ThunderClan), Sasha (rogue)
  • Kin: Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, Mothwing, Hawkfrost (kits), Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw, Tawnypelt's unknown kits (grandkits)


Cinderpelt (Reincarnated) (formerly known as Cinderkit and Cinderpaw) is a dark gray she-cat with blue eyes and a twisted back leg. She was the daughter of Frostfur and sister of Brackenfur, Thornclaw, and Brightheart. She was medicine cat of ThunderClan and mentor of Leafpool.

Cinderpelt was actually first seen in Into the Wild. She and Brackenfur (then Brackenkit and Cinderkit, though their names were not given in the book) were the kits who were supposedly stolen by Yellowfang, but whom Yellowfang was really trying to rescue. That could be true, but when Firestar (then Fireheart) took her to see the ShadowClan border, he asks her if she's ever smelled it before, and she says it was on the kits he rescued from ShadowClan.

She became Fireheart's apprentice in Fire and Ice, but gravely injured her leg after being hit by a Twoleg monster (a car) on the Thunderpath in a trap set by Tigerclaw in order to kill Bluestar. The accident left Cinderpelt (then Cinderpaw) with a twisted leg and a limp, keeping her from becoming a warrior.

As she healed from the accident, Yellowfang used her as a helper, and soon Cinderpaw decided that she wanted to become "the best medicine cat the forest had ever seen." With Yellowfang as her mentor, Cinderpaw told her brother Brackenfur (then Brackenpaw) to become a warrior for both of them. She received her full name between Forest of Secrets and Rising Storm. Cinderpelt became the official medicine cat of ThunderClan when Yellowfang died in Rising Storm. Later she has a quarrel with Sandstorm in A Dangerous Path because Sandstorm continues to take up most of Fireheart's time. Some say she might have had a crush on Fireheart at the time, but it is unsure. She warmes up considerably toward Sandstorm later.

In The New Prophecy, she takes Firestar's daughter, Leafpool, as her apprentice. She received troubling news from Bluestar in the beginning of Twilight. Bluestar told her that she will die sometime soon, although StarClan does not know when. Knowing that there is no way to change this, Cinderpelt submits to Bluestar's words, and she is comforted by the words of the other StarClan cats. Cinderpelt is eventually killed in Twilight's climax, defending a kitting Sorreltail in the nursery. Brackenfur is helped by arriving WindClan cats and they drive the badger out.

Following her death, Cinderpelt's spirit has apparently been reborn in Sorreltail's kit Cinderpaw (though only Leafpool is aware of this, after Spottedleaf tells her in Sunset).

  • Mentor: Firestar (warrior mentor, before Cinderpelt's accident), Yellowfang (medicine cat mentor)
  • Apprentices: Leafpool
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Frostfur (mother), Thornclaw, Brightheart, Brackenfur (siblings), Whitewing, Molepaw, Honeypaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw (nieces and nephews)

Secondary Characters



Spottedleaf (Deceased) is a beautiful dark tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes, white paws, a golden-and-brown striped tail tipped with black, a dark ring around one eye, a narrow white muzzle, and a distinctive dappled brown and black coat.

She was the wise medicine cat of ThunderClan when Firestar was an apprentice during Into the Wild, but she was killed by Clawface of ShadowClan during a raid on ThunderClan's camp. She has become a legend among the ThunderClan medicine cats, and appears in dreams to them. Spottedleaf was known to have a "sweet scent", which may have been a combination of the scents of the herbs she was around during her life. She was Firestar's first love, and Spottedleaf gives Fireheart his eighth life with the attribute of love during his leader ceremony at the Moonstone in The Darkest Hour.

In The New Prophecy, Spottedleaf has a close relationship with Firestar's daughter and Cinderpelt's apprentice, Leafpool. As a StarClan cat, she often appears in dreams, mainly Firestar and Leafpool's, to give messages. She and Firestar seemed to be fond of each other, and Spottedleaf admitted to Leafpool that things could've been different if she hadn't been a medicine cat (hinting that if she had lived, she probably would have chosen her calling rather than the one she loved, like Leafpool). In Dawn, Spottedleaf visits Squirrelpaw in a dream telling her where Leafpool was trapped by Twolegs along with other cats while the forest was being destroyed. Squirrelpaw followed the trail and found Leafpaw and the other captured cats, thanks to Spottedleaf. In Twilight, Spottedleaf aids Leafpool with her conflicting feelings for Crowfeather and her Clan, and tells the young medicine cat to simply follow her heart.

In Sunset, Leafpool turns in a rage against Spottedleaf, saying that if Spottedleaf hadn't sent her to be with Crowfeather, Cinderpelt would have been saved. Spottedleaf then tells Leafpool that she had never told her to go with Crowfeather. Spottedleaf had said that Leafpool should follow her heart, and that she has always made it clear that her heart lies with ThunderClan. It is also because of Spottedleaf that Leafpool discovers the truth about Mothwing's moth wing sign. Spottedleaf shows a butterfly to Daisy's kits, who soon catch the butterfly, tearing off one of its wings in the process.

In The Sight Jaypaw falls into the ThunderClan camp. Spottedleaf visits him and gives him water and healing herbs. Also, Jaypaw visits Spottedleaf in a dream. After Spottedleaf led him away from Tigerstar and Hawkfrost, they had a conversation about trust in which Jaypaw discovered, through Spottedleaf's emotions that she was in love with Firestar.

  • Mentor: Featherwhisker
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Unknown

Yellowfang (Deceased) is a dark grey she-cat with orange eyes and a broad, flattened face and the former medicine cat of ThunderClan and ShadowClan. She was famous for having a sharp tongue and a short temper.

She was a warrior before she became ShadowClan's medicine cat, much like Littlecloud. She was driven out of ShadowClan by Brokenstar, who claimed that she had killed two kits, when actually Brokenstar had killed them himself. She was found on ThunderClan territory as a starving loner by Firestar (then Firepaw), who fought her, and later took pity on her and fed her. Firestar was punished for hunting for himself and Yellowfang by taking care of Yellowfang, and the two cats eventually became friends. When Spottedleaf was killed by Clawface, Yellowfang agreed to become ThunderClan's medicine cat in her place.Yellowfang took on Cinderpelt as an apprentice after Cinderpelt was too badly injured to become a warrior.

In Fire and Ice, it was revealed that Yellowfang was Brokenstar's mother, although she was forced to give him up at birth, because medicine cats can't have kits. Later in "Forest of Secrets" Brokenstar reacted scornfully to this, claiming Yellowfang had gone mad with age. Yellowfang poisoned Brokenstar, telling him that he could have lived peacefully in ThunderClan, but instead he tried to fight them.

In Rising Storm, Yellowfang died from smoke inhalation in the fire. She had become trapped whilst trying to rescue Halftail, but to no avail. He died before she did. In her last minutes, she told Firestar (then Fireheart) that Brokenstar was her son, but that she had wished that Firestar was instead. In The Darkest Hour, she gave Firestar his seventh life and the gift of compassion.

In The New Prophecy book Starlight, Yellowfang recites the prophecy of "Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red" to the cats of StarClan. In Sunset, she, Bluestar, and Lionheart come to Leafpool in a dream to tell her about her future and to give her strength for what will come.

In The Sight, Yellowfang sternly lectures Jaypaw about using his power to listen in on other cat's dreams.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Runningnose (ShadowClan), Cinderpelt (ThunderClan)
  • Mate: Raggedstar (ShadowClan)
  • Kin: Brokenstar, two unnamed ShadowClan kits that died soon after their birth (kits)

Darkstripe (Deceased) is a sleek black-and-gray tabby tom with yellow eyes, and was one of Tigerstar's followers. He mentored Longtail, Dustpelt (after Redtail's death), and for a short time, Ferncloud (until he tried to murder Sorrelkit).

In Into the Wild, he was made Bluestar's bodyguard by Tigerclaw, but Darkstripe forgot about his duties and no one said anything.

In The Darkest Hour, Darkstripe was suspected of helping Tigerstar by Firestar, so young Brackenfur kept an eye on him. Sorrelkit, a ThunderClan cat, follows him to a meeting with Blackfoot, the ShadowClan deputy. Darkstripe would have killed her with deathberries to silence her, if Graystripe hadn't seen her eat them. In Darkstripe's exile, it is revealed Darkstripe knew about the dog attack and even helped. He then left his Clan to join Tigerstar, though he then joined BloodClan after Tigerstar died and TigerClan disintegrated, for the sole purpose of being the one to kill Firestar.

The only reason he gave that he did not follow Tigerstar (then Tigerclaw) immediately when he was exiled was because Tigerstar had not filled him in on details leading to Brokenstar (then named Brokentail), rogues, and Tigerstar himself launching an attack on ThunderClan. He had opposed Firestar from the very beginning, from jeering at him to gossiping about him to his Clanmates. Darkstripe later joins Tigerstar in his attempt to rule the forest, and when Tigerstar is killed, he stays with TigerClan. Darkstripe blames Firestar for Tigerstar's death, telling Firestar that he turned Scourge against Tigerstar.

In the battle between LionClan and BloodClan, Darkstripe attacks a BloodClan cat, knocking her away from Firestar. At first, Firestar thinks that Darkstripe had found loyalty in ThunderClan again, but he is proven wrong when Darkstripe tries to kill him, claiming that he no longer felt loyalty to the forest cats and that the only cat worth following was Tigerstar. After shortly dueling with Firestar, Darkstripe is killed by Graystripe.

In the prologue of Sunset, it is seen that Darkstripe walks in the same dark forest as Tigerstar. When Darkstripe asks Tigerstar if they can travel together, Tigerstar turns him down with a hint of regret in his voice, yet no hesitation.

  • Mentor: Tigerstar (then Tigerclaw)
  • Apprentices: Longtail, Dustpelt (after Redtail's death), Ferncloud (before Darkstripe tries to kill Sorreltail as a kit and is exiled)
  • Mate: Unknown/none
  • Kin: Unknown

Dustpelt (formerly known as Dustpaw) is a dark brown tabby tom who used to be a follower of Tigerstar (mainly because of Darkstripe's intervention), but was the first to accept Firestar. His mentor, Redtail, had been killed by Tigerstar, and later, Dustpelt had officially renounced Tigerstar after finding out that Tigerstar had been his mentor's murderer. Dustpelt is a reserved tom, but has a true heart. Some believe he was fond of Sandstorm when he was an apprentice, until she befriended Firestar.

He, with Sandstorm, had jeered at Firestar (then Firepaw and Fireheart), but they warmed up to him. He discovered his love for Ferncloud (then Fernpaw) and even stepped in a gossiping session about Firestar's (then Fireheart) abilities (Rising Storm) because Fernpaw had been shocked and frightened at Darkstripe's words. Dustpelt also mentored Firestar's daughter Squirrelflight.

In The New Prophecy, Dustpelt and Ferncloud have kits, Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Hollykit, Larchkit, and Birchfall, although only Spiderleg and Birchfall (then Spiderpaw and Birchkit) make it to the new territory. He is objective and not without voice, but in Sunset, he backed down from going against Firestar's choice of deputy (Brambleclaw) when he discovered it had been of the will of StarClan. Also, when Stormfur and Brook returned to Thunderclan for the second time, he and Mousefur call a clan meeting and they believe that the clan is becoming too 'mixed'.

In The Sight, Dustpelt tracks the fox cubs with Brambleclaw and Hazelpaw. He later objects/insults Firestar's kind nature of allowing non-ThunderClan cats in twice. The second time the Clan all disagreed, and Dustpelt does not bother Firestar again.

It was noted by Erin Hunter at the last Erin Hunter chat that Graystripe, Sandstorm, Ravenpaw, and Dustpelt's heritage hadn't been developed.

  • Mentors: Redtail, Darkstripe (after Redtail's death)
  • Apprentices: Ashfur, Squirrelflight, Hazelpaw
  • Mate: Ferncloud (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Spiderleg, Birchfall, Icekit, Foxkit (living kits), Shrewpaw, Hollykit, Larchkit (deceased kits)

Cloudtail (formerly known as Cloudkit and Cloudpaw) is a long-haired white tom with blue eyes. Cloudtail is wayward but committed to his Clan. He is Firestar's nephew; his mother is Firestar's sister, Princess, who gave the tiny kit to Firestar (then Fireheart) to be raised in ThunderClan in Fire and Ice. He becomes a loyal warrior to ThunderClan, but does not believe in StarClan, and perhaps never will. It is unknown how he still does not in believe StarClan, especially after he witnessed Scourge kill Firestar and soon after, Firestar reviving and killing Scourge.

Cloudtail, as the apprentice Cloudpaw, did not pay much attention to the warrior code and did not show much humility. In Rising Storm, he had resorted to going to Twoleg homes for food. The Twolegs had captured him and put him into a monster (a car) shortly after Fireheart found out about it. Ravenpaw then reports to Fireheart about Cloudpaw's whereabouts, and he, Ravenpaw, and Sandstorm go to rescue him. Because of his kittypet origins and eating their food, he is the first to dare to eat the food in the barn with Daisy.

He became close friends with Brightpaw and helped to nurse her back to health after she was mauled by the dog pack. Cloudtail helped Brightpaw (then called Lostface) come up with a new fighting style and to gain her warrior name of Brightheart. In The New Prophecy, he takes her as his mate and they have a kit named Whitewing.

In Starlight, it is said in Allegiances, Spiderleg (then Spiderpaw) was Cloudtail's apprentice, but in the book, it says that Mousefur was Spiderleg's mentor. The reason is probably because Mousefur was listed in the Allegiances as an elder, although she became an elder in the middle, she didn't become one in Dawn

In Twilight, he helps to train a horseplace cat, Daisy, to learn some fighting moves while she stays with ThunderClan. Daisy had fled from her home with her young kits to escape Twolegs. She said that the Twolegs took the kits of another queen, Floss, when their eyes hadn't even opened, and she didn't want that happening to her kits. Also, when Firestar announced to ThunderClan that they would stay, Brambleclaw objected and Cloudtail became furious with him. He also spoke up to the objecting cats at the following Gathering when Firestar told the other Clans that news. Although he is known as a loyal warrior of his Clan, Cloudtail is still touchy about his heritage and would defend himself in any way if he were to be humiliated because of his kittypet blood.

In Sunset, Daisy runs away from ThunderClan with her kits after Berrypaw (then Berrykit) loses half of his tail. She returns to horseplace and Cloudtail and Brambleclaw go to bring her back. He shows that he still doesn't mind kittypet food, once offered he eagerly accepted a few mouthfuls of the food the horseplace cats were fed. He also showed more respect to the warrior code when he promised to teach Daisy about it.

In The Sight it is revealed that Cinderpaw is Cloudtail`s apprentice.

  • Mentor: Firestar
  • Apprentices: Brightheart (after dog attack), Rainwhisker, Daisy (trains her how to fight), Cinderpaw
  • Mate: Brightheart (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Princess (mother), Firestar (uncle), Whitewing (kit), Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw (cousins)

Redtail (Deceased) is a small, dark tortoiseshell tom with a distinctive, fox fur-colored tail. He was the deputy of ThunderClan before Lionheart, Dustpelt's mentor before Darkstripe, and the first deputy introduced in the entire Warriors series.

In the prologue of Into the Wild, Redtail participates in a battle against RiverClan over a part of ThunderClan's territory called the Sunningrocks. As ThunderClan retreats, Redtail is killed by Tigerstar (then Tigerclaw) in secret, although Tigerclaw's apprentice, Ravenpaw, witnesses the murder. When Tigerclaw brings Redtail's body back to ThunderClan's camp, he tells the Clan that Redtail was killed by Oakheart, RiverClan's deputy, and Tigerclaw took Oakheart's life in revenge. In reality, Oakheart was killed in an accidental rockfall after fighting with Redtail.

In The Darkest Hour, Redtail gives Firestar (then Fireheart) his second life and the gift of justice, and thanks Fireheart for revealing the truth about his death.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentice: Dustpelt
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Unknown

Whitestorm (Deceased) is a white tom with a glossy pelt and golden eyes. He was a senior warrior, close friend to Bluestar, and Firestar's first deputy when he became leader of ThunderClan. He was a wise and loyal cat who recommended Firestar and Graystripe's abilities as warriors. He also supported Firestar during his difficult first moons as deputy. He was also Willowpelt's mate, and the proud father of Sorreltail, Rainwhisker, and Sootfur. He was also Sandstorm and Brightheart's mentor.

In The Darkest Hour, Whitestorm died in the battle against BloodClan, and asked Firestar to make Graystripe deputy. Firestar agrees. Later, Whitestorm speaks to Firestar when he loses his first life.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Sandstorm, Brightheart (before she was attacked by the dog pack)
  • Mate: Willowpelt (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Snowfur (mother), Moonflower (grandmother), Bluestar (aunt), Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit, Mistyfoot's kits (cousins) Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Sorreltail (kits), Molepaw, Honeypaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw (grandkits)

Willowpelt (Deceased) is a former warrior of ThunderClan. She is a pale gray cat with unusual blue eyes. She is also Whitestorm's mate. She is one of the few female warriors in the den during the first series. She loved wide-open skies. She was killed by a badger in between The Darkest Hour and Midnight, which might have been found at Snakerocks in Midnight. It was noted in the same book by Brambleclaw that Willowpelt never saw her kits become warriors.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Unknown
  • Mate: Whitestorm (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Sorreltail (kits), Molepaw, Honeypaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw (grandkits)

Mousefur is a small, dusky brown she-cat and a current ThunderClan elder. She is the cat that helped prove that Spottedleaf was not killed by Yellowfang, by checking between Spottedleaf's claws for fur. She is known for having a sharp tongue and a short temper, kind of like Sandstorm (who she is good friends with).She was also good friends with Runningwind as Runningwind constantly went on patrols with her and took her apprentice- Thornpaw- out for training. She was grief-stricken when Runningwind died and some say that she might have actually had a crush on the tabby warrior though it is uncertain. She was also ThunderClan's senior warrior from Midnight to after Spiderleg's warrior ceremony in Starlight, when she becomes an elder. Mousefur is also hostile to cats who were not born in ThunderClan (such as Firestar, Stormfur, Brook, and Daisy and her kits) though she gradually warms up to outsiders. She also befriends Jaypaw after a while. She is the oldest cat in ThunderClan. She made it her job to lead Longtail around safely when he started losing his sight.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Thornclaw, Spiderleg
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Unknown

Runningwind (Deceased) is a lean tabby tom. He is known for his swift agility. He was usually one of the cats who supported Firestar with his decisions that others hate. He was one of the cats who went into ShadowClan territory to save the kits in Into the Wild. In Fire and Ice, Tigerclaw suggests to Bluestar that Runningwind should mentor Brackenfur or Cinderpelt (then Brackenkit and Cinderkit) but Bluestar says that he would be too impatient to have an apprentice. In Rising Storm, he was slain by Tigerstar (then Tigerclaw) on the Thunderpath. When Firestar became leader, he gave him a life and the gift of tireless energy.

  • Mentor: Bluestar
  • Apprentice: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Unknown

Lionheart (Deceased) is a large golden tabby tom with thick fur like a lion's mane. He was the former deputy of ThunderClan, after Redtail and before Tigerclaw. He had a warm heart, and was very kind to the young apprentices of ThunderClan. Lionheart was Graystripe's mentor, and he also trained Firestar temporarily. Along with that, Lionheart gave Firestar his first life and the gift of courage. He was killed during a ShadowClan attack on ThunderClan's camp in Into the Wild. In Sunset, Lionheart, along with Bluestar and Yellowfang, meet Leafpool and give her strength for future events. He also spoke to Leafpool in The Sight.

  • Mentor: Sunstar
  • Apprentices: Graystripe, Firestar (until Bluestar became his mentor)
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Unknown

Brackenfur (formerly known as Brackenpaw) is an intelligent, light golden brown tom and currently a senior warrior of ThunderClan. Brackenfur is the son of Frostfur, brother of Cinderpelt, Thornclaw, and Brightheart, father of Molepaw, Honeypaw, Poppypaw, and Cinderpaw, and the mate of Sorreltail. He is first introduced in Fire and Ice when he and Cinderpelt (then Cinderkit) are made into apprentices by Bluestar. Brackenfur (then Brackenpaw) is given to Graystripe to mentor, but after Graystripe becomes distracted by his love for Silverstream of RiverClan, Fireheart takes over much of Brackenpaw's training.

In The New Prophecy book Dawn, Brackenfur becomes inseparable from Sorreltail and vice versa during the journey to the new territory. During Twilight, Sorreltail becomes pregnant with Brackenfur's kits, and they are born just after the badger attack on ThunderClan's camp. In Sunset, Firestar considers him as a choice for deputy, but changes his mind when he thinks about which cat would be right to lead ThunderClan. Eventually, Firestar chooses Brambleclaw instead, due to a dream Leafpool had.

In The Sight, Brackenfur is Hollypaw's second mentor, after Hollypaw steps down from being a medicine cat apprentice with Leafpool.

  • Mentor: Graystripe, Firestar (when Graystripe can't train Brackenfur at the time because of his secret love with Silverstream)
  • Apprentices: Tawnypelt (until she leaves to join ShadowClan), Whitewing, Hollypaw
  • Mate: Sorreltail (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Molepaw, Honeypaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw (kits), Frostfur (mother), Thornclaw, Cinderpelt, Brightheart (siblings), Whitewing (niece)

Brightheart (formerly known as Brightpaw and Lostface) is white she-cat with a ginger tail and ginger patches along her spine. To Firestar, she is "the cat that Cloudtail brought back from the brink of death."

She is a warrior of ThunderClan, and the daughter of Frostfur. Brightheart is the sister of Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, and Thornclaw. She is the aunt of Brackenfur's kits, Poppypaw, Molepaw, Honeypaw, and Cinderpaw.

As an apprentice (then known as Brightpaw), she accompanied Swiftpaw and went in search of the dog pack. Both cats were desperate to prove that they were ready to be warriors. Swiftpaw was killed in the dogs' attack and Brightpaw was severely injured and close to death. A StarClan-hating Bluestar gave her the warrior name Lostface as a way of cursing the Clans' ancestors. Cinderpelt was able to nurse the she-cat back to health but Lostface would have horrible scarring, losing one ear and eye and having numerous scars along one side of her face. For some reason Frostfur didn't care about her daughter's near death (but Frostfur was very concerned about Cinderpelt's accident on the Thunderpath). Cloudtail helped to develop a new way for her to hunt and fight. After becoming ThunderClan's leader, Firestar renamed her Brightheart.

In The New Prophecy, Cloudtail has taken Brightheart as his mate and they have one kit, Whitewing.

In Twilight, when Cloudtail becomes very involved with raising Daisy's kits and teaching the loner how to fight, Brightheart felt that she needed another purpose. She begins to help Cinderpelt with medicine cat duties, much to Leafpool's annoyance. When Daisy comes to ThunderClan her first reaction is shock due to Brightheart's scars and Brightheart, embarrassed, walks away and leaves Cloudtail to accompany Daisy. When the kits spoil Cinderpelt's herb supplies, Brightheart treats Mousepaw (then Mousekit), Daisy's gray and white tom, a little roughly. Brightheart then gets upset when he calls her, "that ugly cat".

Eventually, Daisy's kits warm up to Brightheart, and Berrypaw (then Berrykit) thinks she should be a medicine cat instead of Leafpool. Fortunately, Leafpool had ran away with Crowfeather when Squirrelflight overheard the little kit. Unfortunately, it had hurt Squirrelflight to hear it.

In Sunset she and Cloudtail appear closer, but Cloudtail still spends most of his time with Daisy. Eventually she and Daisy become friends.

In The Sight, she is given her first apprentice, Jaypaw. Jaypaw, however, decides to become a medicine cat apprentice. His decision is a crushing blow for Brightheart, even though Firestar promises her another apprentice.

  • Mentor: Whitestorm, Cloudtail (after dog attack)
  • Apprentices: Jaypaw (before he became medicine cat apprentice), Icekit or Foxkit (Firestar promises that she will be the mentor of one of them)
  • Mate: Cloudtail (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Whitewing (kit), Frostfur (mother) Thornclaw, Brackenfur, Cinderpelt (siblings), Molepaw, Honeypaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw (nieces and nephew)

Goldenflower (Deceased) is a tough, pale ginger she-cat with amber eyes. She was a ThunderClan elder, and the mother of Swiftpaw, Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt. She is also the paternal grandmother of Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw, Brambleclaw's kits.

Goldenflower is described as a gentle and caring cat. In The New Prophecy, she remains as a nursery queen before her retirement, helping the other mothers with their kits. In Forest of Secrets, Goldenflower gives birth to Tigerstar's kits, Tawnykit and Bramblekit, whom she later protects sternly from Firestar's and the Clan's suspicion. She also kindly nurses Stormfur and Feathertail, Graystripe's kits, for the first few weeks of their lives. In The Sight, Goldenflower is not in the Allegiances and isn't mentioned at all in the book, so it is presumed that she died of old age.

It was noted by Erin Hunter at the last Erin Hunter chat that Graystripe, Sandstorm, Ravenpaw, and Dustpelt's heritage hadn't been developed, so none of them could officially be her kits.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Unknown
  • Mate: Tigerstar, Unknown cat (Swiftpaw's father)
  • Kin: Swiftpaw, Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt (kits), Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw, Tawnypelt's kits (grandkits)

Frostfur (Presumed deceased) is a white she-cat with blue eyes. She was a ThunderClan elder, and the mother of Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Thornclaw and Brightheart.

She was a warrior in A Dangerous Path, once all her kits were apprentices, and she retired between The Darkest Hour and Midnight. In Dawn, she volunteered to stay in the forest with Speckletail and elders from other Clans.

Frostfur's mate may be Lionheart, seeing as how both Brackenfur and Thornclaw are golden-brown/ginger tabbies, and Lionheart's golden.

It was noted by Erin Hunter at the last Erin Hunter chat that Graystripe, Sandstorm, Ravenpaw, and Dustpelt's heritage hadn't been developed, so none of them officially could be her kits.

  • Mentor: Bluestar
  • Apprentice: Unknown
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Thornclaw, Brightheart (kits), Whitewing, Molepaw, Cinderpaw, Honeypaw, Poppypaw (grandkits)

Longtail is a pale tabby tom with dark black stripes and blue eyes. He is a ThunderClan elder, having retired early due to failing sight. He may currently be the oldest tom in ThunderClan, but this is unconfirmed.

He had been another of Tigerstar's group. In Into The Wild, when Firestar (then Rusty) had been accepted into the Clan, Longtail had opposed it, and goaded him. Rusty attacked him and gave him a scar on his ear. The fight resulted in Longtail snapping off Rusty's collar, and Bluestar excused this as a sign from StarClan that they had closed off Rusty's connection to his Twolegs. Eventually, Longtail warms up to Firestar, and accepts him in their Clan. In The Darkest Hour, he finally found out where his heart lay, Within ThunderClan.

Longtail becomes blind sometime while mentoring Sootfur (as he had Thornclaw as his second mentor), and retired to the elders' den early. When the Clan was forced to leave the forest, Longtail requested to stay with the other elders too old to make the journey but he was encouraged to come to the Clans' new home because of his excellent hearing and nose. According to the authors, Longtail helps out with Jaypaw's training and also befriends him.

  • Mentor: Darkstripe
  • Apprentices: Swiftpaw, Ferncloud (after Darkstripe's exile), Sootfur (until Longtail's sight begins to fail)
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Unknown

Thornclaw (formerly known as Thornpaw) is a golden brown tabby tom, like his brother, Brackenfur. He is a warrior of ThunderClan, the son of Frostfur, and brother to Brightheart, Cinderpelt, and Brackenfur.

In Darkest Hour, he gets the warrior name Thornclaw, becoming the first cat that Firestar names a warrior during his leadership.

Sometime between the first series and The New Prophecy, Thornclaw serves as Sootfur's mentor, finishing his training after Longtail loses his sight. Thornclaw also has a tendency to lead most of the ThunderClan patrols. He also accidentally offends Brightheart in "The Sight", and Jaypaw sticks up for her and snaps back at Thornclaw.

Thornclaw's best and closest friend in ThunderClan is Whitewing. They love hunting, sharing tongues, speaking, and sharing prey with each other. He also defends her from a vicious dog, and Whitewing is terrified when the dog nearly bites him. Despite their connection, they will not become mates later on seeing that Thornclaw is Whitewing's uncle.

  • Mentor: Mousefur
  • Apprentices: Sootfur (after Longtail's sight fails), Shrewpaw, Poppypaw
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Frostfur (mother), Brackenfur, Brightheart, Cinderpelt (siblings), Whitewing, Molepaw, Honeypaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw (nieces and nephew)

Brokentail (Deceased) (formerly known as Brokenstar) is a long-haired, dark brown tabby with a flat face and amber eyes. His name comes from the fact that his tail is bent like a broken branch. Brokentail was the illegitimate son of Raggedstar, ShadowClan's former leader, and Yellowfang, ShadowClan's former medicine cat.

He killed his father, Raggedstar, to become leader. Under his leadership, kits were put into apprenticeship at three moons, when they weren't ready, and named full warriors at five. He also blamed the deaths of two kits belonging to a queen named Brightflower on Yellowfang, resulting in her expulsion from ShadowClan. In truth, it was Brokenstar who had killed the kits during battle training and then brought their bodies to Yellowfang. Yet, Brokenstar was very bloodthirsty for leadership.

Brokenstar tried to force the other Clans into giving ShadowClan hunting rights on their territories after forcing WindClan out of its territory. RiverClan agreed, but ThunderClan did not, leading to further tension between ShadowClan and ThunderClan.

ThunderClan and ShadowClan warriors overthrew Brokenstar and sent him into exile in Into the Wild. In Fire and Ice, he attacked ThunderClan with a band of rogues. After being blinded by Yellowfang and losing most of his lives, he is taken as a prisoner by ThunderClan and renamed Brokentail by Bluestar. ThunderClan's mercy leads to problems between it and the other Clans, particularly WindClan and ShadowClan.

In The New Prophecy, Brokentail was known as Brokenstar again. The reasons for this are unknown.

In Sunset, it is reavealed that Brokentail walks in the same dark forest that Tigerstar and Darkstripe do. Darkstripe scents Brokentail and asks where he is, yet Tigerstar tells Darkstripe, "Brokenstar won't answer you."

  • Mentor: Raggedstar
  • Apprentices: Mosspaw, Volepaw (apprentices that died before becoming warriors)
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Yellowfang (mother), Raggedstar (father), two unknown ShadowClan kits (siblings that died as kits)

Snowkit (Presumed Deceased) is a white ThunderClan tom with blue eyes. He was Speckletail's last kit.

In A Dangerous Path, Firestar (then Fireheart) notices something strange with the kit when Snowkit doesn't play with the other kits. Brackenfur, who wanted to mentor Snowkit, is also concerned, and Brambleclaw (then Bramblekit) comments that Snowkit doesn't play properly. Soon, Cinderpelt tests Snowkit's hearing by seeing if he responds to his name being called. Speckletail calls Snowkit first and he responds, although she signals to him with her tail. With Firestar, however, Snowkit doesn't respond, even after multiple calls.

Cinderpelt tells Speckletail that Snowkit is deaf and Speckletail, flustered and very protective of Snowkit, says that she already knows. Bluestar, somewhat back to her old self, then approaches Speckletail and tells her that Snowkit will never become a warrior because of his deafness. Later on, Snowkit is grabbed by a hawk in the middle of camp, because he was unable to hear its flapping wings nor the calls of his Clanmates, and Speckletail is unable to save him. The hawk flies off with Snowkit towards Fourtrees, and he is never seen again, though Brackenfur chased after the hawk because he had hoped to be Snowkit's mentor when he became an apprentice. Taking advantage of the loss, Tigerstar uses Snowkit's "death" to give ThunderClan a bad reputation. Fans think the hawk did not kill him, but this is unconfirmed.

  • Kin: Speckletail (mother)

Speckletail (Presumed Deceased) is a pale tabby she-cat and a former ThunderClan queen, known for her stubbornness and firece temper, and reputation of being a good mother.

In A Dangerous Path, she was the mother of Snowkit, and she would not accept that Snowkit would never become a warrior because of his deafness. In vain, Speckletail attempted to mentor her kit, who would later be taken by a hawk. When Lostface (later Brightheart) is sent to the elders' den because of the injuries given to her by the dog pack, she is given charge of Lostface, and they develop a strong bond.

In Dawn, Speckletail stays behind in the forest with Frostfur when the other Clans decide to leave. She has probably died since then.

It was noted by Erin Hunter at the last Erin Hunter chat that Graystripe, Sandstorm, Ravenpaw, and Dustpelt's heritage hadn't been developed, so none of them could officially be her kits.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentice: Snowkit (tried to mentor him)
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Snowkit and other unknown cats (kits)

Brindleface (Deceased) is a pretty, pale gray (with darker flecks) green-eyed, pretty tabby she-cat and a former ThunderClan queen who was a copy of her daughter, Ferncloud. She mothered Ferncloud and Ashfur, among other cats.

In Into The Wild she helped the other queens care for grumpy Yellowfang. She was very kind-hearted, and accepted Firestar's nephew Cloudtail (then Cloudkit) as her foster son in Fire and Ice after her unnamed son died of greencough.

In A Dangerous Path, Brindleface is murdered by Tigerstar, to give the dogs (who killed Swiftpaw and gave Brightheart [then Brightpaw] terrible injuries) a taste of cat blood and to lead them to the heart of ThunderClan. While Cloudtail and Firestar (then Fireheart) are out patrolling, they come across her body close to ThunderClan's camp, and Cloudtail becomes furious, demanding revenge on Tigerstar. In honor of their mother, Ferncloud (then Fernpaw), Ashfur (then Ashpaw), and Cloudtail take part in luring the dog pack over the gorge.

In The Darkest Hour, Brindleface gives Fireheart his fifth life and the attribute of protection, which seems to be one of his most ferocious and painful lives.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentice: unknown
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Ashfur, Ferncloud (kits), Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Hollykit, Larchkit, Icekit, Foxkit (grandkits)

Swiftpaw (Deceased) is a brave black and white ThunderClan tom. He was Longtail's first apprentice, and the two were quite good friends towards the end of Swiftpaw's apprenticeship. Swiftpaw was also very good friends with Brightheart (then Brightpaw) and convinced her to help him track down the thing that had been killing prey at Snakerocks when they were bitter over not becoming warriors. It ended with Swiftpaw being killed and Brightheart receiving the injuries that earned her the temporary name of Lostface. Swiftpaw later gives Firestar (then Fireheart)one of his nine lives.

  • Mentor: Longtail
  • Apprentice: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Goldenflower (mother), Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt (half-brother and half-sister), Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw, Tawnypelt's unknown kits (nephews and nieces)

Patchpelt (Deceased) was a small black and white tom, and a former elder of ThunderClan. In Into the Wild, he was kind to Firestar (then Firepaw). He died in Rising Storm from smoke inhalation.


Halftail (Deceased) was a dark brown tabby tom with a short tail, and a former elder of ThunderClan. He was kind, and a very minor character. His tail was bitten off by a badger, and he had been afraid of climbing trees since, as he wouldn't be able to keep his balance.

Despite Yellowfang's best efforts, he died in the fire in Rising Storm.


One-eye (Deceased) was a pale gray she-cat, and a ThunderClan elder. She was nearly blind and deaf. She was also very snappish, but kind and helpful when it suited her. She was already old when she received the name One-eye and didn't really care.


Tawnyspots (Deceased) was the ThunderClan deputy (under Sunstar) before Bluestar. He retired due to getting old. Nothing else is known about him.


Thistleclaw (Deceased) was a warrior ready to become deputy when Tawnyspots retired (much like Bluestar was). He was strong and brave, but his answer to every problem was to fight. According to Bluestar, he would've forced the Clans into unnecessary wars. He didn't become deputy because Bluestar did. Wild and arrogant to the last, she couldn't let him destroy ThunderClan. He died during a RiverClan raid shortly before Firestar joined ThunderClan. Nothing else is known about him except he may be the father of Tigerstar because they were both power-hungry and dangerous. He might have also been the mentor of Tigerstar.


Dappletail (Deceased) was a once-pretty dappled tortoiseshell she-cat and a former elder of ThunderClan. She is good-natured and kind, and is especially nice to Cloudtail like all the former elders.

In Moonrise, during the prey famine, Dappletail goes insane with hunger and eats a poisoned rabbit. Dappletail dies shortly after that. She had been the oldest cat in ThunderClan before her death.



Blackstar (formerly know as Blackfoot) is a large white tom with huge jet black paws and current leader of ShadowClan. He first appeared in Into The Wild as deputy of ShadowClan as deputy under Brokenstar and was driven into exile after his defeat. He continues to follow Brokenstar until his leader is blinded and captured by ThunderClan. He then reappears again in A Dangerous Path as ShadowClan's deputy under Tigerstar and is completely loyal to him.

In The Darkest Hour, he obediently murders Stonefur after Stonefur refused to kill his apprentice, Stormpaw, and Featherpaw, his sister Mistyfoot's apprentice. After Tigerstar's death, Blackstar then reluctantly agrees to merge ShadowClan into LionClan to drive out BloodClan. After BloodClan's defeat, he is made into the full leader of ShadowClan. It should be noted that he chose Russetfur, a former rogue cat, to be his deputy.

In The New Prophecy he agrees to leave the forest with the other Clans after Twolegs destroy the ShadowClan camp during the famine in the old forest. He seems to have lost some of his violent nature since he became leader, though it makes his Clan no less hostile.

In Sunset, he and Leopardstar agree that WindClan and ThunderClan should give up a part of their territories for RiverClan and ShadowClan. This creates conflict between ThunderClan and ShadowClan, especially after Blackstar leads ShadowClan in attacking ThunderClan.

In The Sight, he tries to take ThunderClan territory (an idea that Firestar partially encouraged by giving ShadowClan a piece of poor hunting ground), and was beaten horribly.

Blackstar is often portrayed as a leader with only his own Clan in mind. He has no patience with kittypets or cats who are not Clan-born, and he does not suffer fools lightly. However, Blackstar shows a more caring side toward cats who need his help during Dawn, in which he is seen protecting an apprentice who is trying to escape from the Twoleg "monsters", and then running back to grab a kit.He is also the possible father of Smokefoot and the mate of Nightwing, when he grieves for Smokepaw when he falls off a cliff and the comforts Nightwing. and Thus, Blackstar, unlike many cats in the Clans, is never defined as good or bad; he can be greedy and sarcastic at times, but he also can be genuinely well-intentioned for all cats.

  • Apprentice: Tallpoppy

Brokentail (Deceased) (formerly known as Brokenstar) is a long-haired, dark brown tabby with a flat face and amber eyes. His name comes from the fact that his tail is bent like a broken branch. Brokentail was the illegitimate son of Raggedstar, ShadowClan's former leader, and Yellowfang, ShadowClan's former medicine cat. A ShadowClan queen named Lizardstripe (grudgingly) took care of Brokentail as a kit sinse his mother did not want to brake the warrior code. In Secrets of the Clans, Yellowfang claims that she named him 'Broken' not because of the bend in his tail, but for the way her heart felt after giving her only surviving kit up.

He killed his father, Raggedstar, to become leader. Under his leadership, kits were put into apprenticeship at three moons, when they weren't ready, and named full warriors at five. He also blamed the deaths of two kits belonging to a queen named Brightflower on Yellowfang, resulting in her expulsion from ShadowClan. In truth, it was Brokenstar who had killed the kits during battle training and then brought their bodies to Yellowfang. Yet, Brokenstar was very bloodthirsty for leadership.

Brokenstar tried to force the other Clans into giving ShadowClan hunting rights on their territories after forcing WindClan out of its territory. RiverClan agreed, but ThunderClan did not, leading to further tension between ShadowClan and ThunderClan.

ThunderClan and ShadowClan warriors overthrew Brokenstar and sent him into exile in Into the Wild. In Fire and Ice, he attacked ThunderClan with a band of rogues. After being blinded by Yellowfang and losing most of his lives, he is taken as a prisoner by ThunderClan and renamed Brokentail by Bluestar. ThunderClan's mercy leads to problems between it and the other Clans, particularly WindClan and ShadowClan.

In Forest of Secrets, Brokentail and Tigerclaw betrayed ThunderClan by bringing in rogues to attack ThunderClan. This was part of Tigerclaw's plot to kill the leader, Bluestar. After the battle, Yellowfang takes Brokentail's last life by feeding him deathberries.

In the New Prophecy, Brokentail was known as Brokenstar again. The reasons for this are unknown.

In Sunset, it is reavealed that Brokenstar walks in the same dark forest that Tigerstar and Darkstripe do. Darkstripe scents Brokenstar and asks where he is, yet Tigerstar tells Darkstripe, "Brokenstar won't answer you."

  • Mentor: Raggedstar
  • Apprentices: Mosspaw, Volepaw (apprentices that myseriously died before becoming warriors)
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Yellowfang (mother), Raggedstar (father), two unknown ShadowClan kits (siblings that died as kits)

Russetfur is a dark ginger she-cat and the current deputy of ShadowClan. She was a rogue cat before she joined either Brokenstar and then Tigerstar, or just Tigerstar during their respective exiles. She is a very proud, sharp-tongued cat.

During Twilight, Russetfur was unhappy that ShadowClan needed help from ThunderClan when it came to dealing with the two kittypets in their territory.

In Sunset, she still has some cruelty in her, because she and two warriors (Oakfur and Cedarheart of ShadowClan) watched Berrykit suffer in a fox trap on ThunderClan's side of the border. When Squirrelflight demanded to Russetfur why she didn't help Berrypaw (then Berrykit), Russetfur replied that ShadowClan stuck to the warrior code (by respecting Clan boundaries) and that they had nothing to do with kittypets. Later in the book, she attacked ThunderClan and was badly beaten. The same thing happened in The Sight.

  • Mentor: None
  • Apprentices: Cedarheart
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Unknown

Runningnose (Presumed Deceased) is a gray and white ShadowClan tom and the former ShadowClan medicine cat. He retired after The Darkest Hour. He was described as having a nose that seemed to be permanently crusted as though he has a cold, and quite a high, whining voice. Yellowfang, despite being his mentor, didn't have much faith in his healing skills, saying he couldn't even cure his own cold. Also in Rising Storm, he gets a sign from StarClan of a great leader who happened to be Tigerstar.

  • Mentor: Yellowfang
  • Apprentices: Littlecloud
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Unknown

Littlecloud (formerly known as Littlepaw) is a very small brown tabby tom and the ShadowClan medicine cat. Littlecloud is the possible son of Dawncloud, a small tabby queen. Proof for this is when he tells Firestar (then Firepaw) "My mother is small"). He was one of the kits Brokenstar forced into apprenticeship when they weren't old enough. He speaks with Firestar (then Firepaw) and Graystripe (then Graypaw) at their first Gathering, and they tell him about the ancient LionClan, TigerClan and LeopardClan.

In Rising Storm, he and his friend Whitethroat flee ShadowClan because they had a disease caught from eating rats that came from the Carrionplace. Cinderpelt hides them and heals their sickness against Bluestar's orders, and she finds the right combination of herbs and berries that will cure them. Whitethroat later dies crossing the Thunderpath, yet Littlecloud survives and becomes ShadowClan's medicine cat apprentice, inspired by how Cinderpelt saved him. He has great respect for and a good relationship with Cinderpelt, always waiting for her at Fourtrees on the medicine cats' regular visits to the Moonstone.

At some point between the first series and The New Prophecy, Littlecloud succeedes Runningnose as ShadowClan's medicine cat, while Runningnose retires to the elders' den. In Sunset, Littlecloud is shocked to learn of Cinderpelt's death, and he deeply misses her. In The Sight he dicusses injuries with Leafpool.

  • Mentor: Clawface, Runningnose (after Littlecloud's sickness was cured)
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Dawncloud (possible mother)

Whitethroat (Deceased) is a black and white tom with a white throat and underbelly, and he was a ShadowClan warrior. He appeared in Rising Storm with Littlecloud. They were both suffering from the sickness that had killed a lot of ShadowClan cats. Cinderpelt secretly sheltered them on ThunderClan territory and healed them. Littlecloud went back to ShadowClan and became a medicine cat, but Whitethroat was later seen on ThunderClan territory, possibly as a rogue. He was then run over by a Twoleg monster (car).


Nightstar (Deceased) (formerly known as Nightpelt) is a black tom and was a former ShadowClan leader, after Brokenstar and before Tigerstar. He was one of the cats who carried out the ShadowClan coup in Into the Wild to overthrow Brokenstar with the help of ThunderClan. He gave Firestar trouble later on, when he discovers Brokentail still lived. He dies of sickness in Rising Storm, and is succeeded by Tigerstar.

In A Dangerous Path, Fireheart learns from Runningnose, ShadowClan's medicine cat, that Nightstar had not been granted nine lives by StarClan because by the time ShadowClan had learned of Brokentail's death, Nightstar was too weak to make the journey to the Moonstone to receive his lives. Because ShadowClan would have panicked if they'd known the truth, StarClan's rejection of Nightstar was kept secret and the Clan cats were convinced that the sickness had taken all of Nightstar's lives at once.

In The New Prophecy series, Nightstar is the cat who chooses Tawnypelt to represent ShadowClan in the journey to speak with Midnight.

  • Apprentices: Dawncloud

Clawface (Deceased) was a dark brown tom with a scarred face that presumeably earned him his name. He was a warrior of ShadowClan and a loyal follower of Brokenstar. In Into the Wild, he cruelly killed Spottedleaf and kidnapped Frostfur's kits.

In Fire and Ice, he was bravely killed by Graystripe.

Clawface may be Brownpaw (former ShadowClan apprentice)'s father due to their same brown fur.

  • Mentor: Raggedstar
  • Apprentice: Littlecloud
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: (possible kit) Brownpaw

Raggedstar (Deceased) was the ShadowClan leader before Brokenstar (his son and deputy) was. He was said to be a noble cat, and was also Yellowfang's mate (although this was against the warrior code, because Yellowfang was the medicine cat). Brokenstar, his own son, killed him and lied to the rest of ShadowClan. He said that Raggedstar was ambushed by an enemy Clan patrol. It was revealed that Brokenstar lied when he tried to kill Yellowfang. Also, according to Yellowfang, when Raggedstar was leader, ShadowClan were feared for their strength. Nothing else is known about him.

  • Apprentices: Clawface, Brokentail
  • Mate: Yellowfang (ShadowClan/ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Brokenstar (son), unnamed kits (died shortly after their birth)

This isn't Ashfur from ThunderClan in The New Prophecy. This Ashfur was a ShadowClan elder when Brokenstar was in command of his Clan.

Ashfur(Deceased) is a thin gray tom and was a ShadowClan elder. He was also a friend of Yellowfang's. He was a ShadowClan cat who didn't support Brokenstar. He even helped Firestar (then Firepaw), and Graystripe (then Graypaw) drive out Brokenstar and his followers. He died due to unknown causes. Nothing else is known about him.

Mysteriously, he has the same description Cinderfur does. It's possible that he may be related to Cinderfur in some way.


Cinderfur (Deceased) was Nightstar's only deputy. Like Nightstar, he was an elder when Brokenstar was driven out. He was one of the first cats to die from the rats disease in Rising Storm. Nothing else is known about him.

Mysteriously, he has the same description as Ashfur, who was also an elder when Brokenstar was driven out. It is possible he could be Ashfur renamed.




Leopardstar (formerly known as Leopardfur) is a dappled golden tabby she-cat, and the RiverClan leader. She is a wise leader and has good intentions for her Clan, but she, like Blackstar, can sometimes become overprotective of her borders and too quick to punish any cats from any Clans. Unlike her predecessor, Crookedstar, she doesn't like to cooperate with the other Clans and she has little respect for Firestar at first. This could be because of the death of the RiverClan warrior Whiteclaw in Fire and Ice, who died battling Graystripe on the ThunderClan cats' way home from finding WindClan. She expressed grief over his death and may have some bitterness towards Graystripe and ThunderClan cats. It is suspected by fans Leopardstar was in love with Whiteclaw. She also was a supporter of Tigerstar and RiverClan joined ShadowClan to make TigerClan.

Although she supported Tigerstar at first, she later grew to regret it. As stubborn as she was, Tigerstar took control over her entire Clan, and Leopardstar couldn't even defend her own deputy (Stonefur) when he was being attacked and later killed for being half-RiverClan and half-ThunderClan, though it is obvious that she wanted to prevent his death. Before the battle against BloodClan, Leopardstar offers Mistyfoot the position of deputy, which Mistyfoot accepts.

Leopardstar loses some her aggressive, angry nature in The New Prophecy, though she remains stubborn. She was the last leader to agree to leave the forest in Dawn. Leopardstar is also kind to Leafpool, ThunderClan's medicine cat, and in Sunset, Leopardstar creates tension between RiverClan, ThunderClan, and WindClan when she and Blackstar demanded more territory from them for RiverClan and ShadowClan. She is also revealed to be the oldest of the current Clan leaders. She also prized Hawkfrost enough to make him deputy and if Mistyfoot had remained captured would have kept Hawkfrost and oviously was very found of him.

  • Apprentices: Whiteclaw, Hawkfrost

Silverstream (Deceased) is a pretty silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes, and she was the daughter of Crookedstar, a RiverClan leader and a RiverClan queen (who is not mentioned). She saved Graystripe from drowning in the river close to ThunderClan's border, and they soon fell in love. They started an illicit romance that lasted from Fire and Ice to Forest of Secrets. Silverstream died while giving birth to their kits, Featherkit and Stormkit. The kits later become Feathertail, who is called on to fulfill two new prophecies, and Stormfur, who accompanies his sister on her quest.

In The Darkest Hour, Silverstream gave Fireheart his third life and the gift of loyalty to what he knows is right. Firestar wondered if this was relatead to him helping Graystripe see his forbidden love. Also, when Fireheart asked her if she had any words for Graystripe, she said nothing, but her eyes told Fireheart more than any words. This may also be a hint to Graystripe's later mate, Millie, and Silverstream's way of admitting that she and Graystripe wouldn't be together again for a long time, so Graystripe had the right to choose someone else. However, this is rather unlikely, since The Darkest Hour was so far before The Sight, in which Millie was introduced. Silverstream's best friend was Mistyfoot. Mistyfoot was the only other cat other than Firestar (then Fireheart) who knew about Graystripe and Silverstream.

Leafpool sees Silverstream and Feathertail together during a dream from StarClan in Sunset, and Stormfur also saw his mother's spirit, along with his sister's, after Feathertail's death in Moonrise. Silverstream also comes to speak with Stormfur after he escapes the Tribe with the rest of the traveling cats' help.

  • Mentor: Mistyfoot
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: Graystripe (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Feathertail, Stormfur (kits), Crookedstar (father), deceased/unknown RiverClan queen (mother)

Crookedstar (Deceased) is a huge, light-colored tomcat with a twisted jaw. He was the former RiverClan leader before Leopardstar, father of Silverstream, and grandfather of Feathertail and Stormfur.

In Into the Wild, Crookedstar makes an agreement with Brokenstar to allow ShadowClan to hunt on RiverClan territory, but after Brokenstar was chased out of ShadowClan, Crookedstar broke that agreement. Nightstar, who was the ShadowClan's new leader, suggests that they keep the agreement because ShadowClan was still weak from Brokenstar. Bluestar then reminds them that the agreement was made when Brokenstar was the leader, and it is forgotten when Crookedstar mentions that ShadowClan could hunt in WindClan's territory. Crookedstar loved his young Silverstream deeply, and was very depressed with his daughter's death, and agreed to let Graystripe(Silverstream's mate) join Riverclan to be with his kits, Feathertail(then Featherkit) and Stormfur (then Stormkit). He grew sick and weak, and eventually died. He was also fond of Feathertail (then Featherkit).

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Graypool, Stonefur
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Silverstream (kit), Feathertail, Stormfur (grandkits)

Mistyfoot is a blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes. She is the sister of Stonefur, and she is Bluestar and Oakheart's daughter. She becomes RiverClan's deputy in The Darkest Hour. In Forest of Secrets, she helped Firestar (then known as Fireheart) and Graystripe find out about Oakheart and Tigerstar's respective secrets. Fireheart and Graystripe also rescued two of her kits from drowning.

Before The New Prophecy, she mentored Feathertail (then Featherpaw). But when Tigerstar started to reign in the stead of Leopardstar, he made Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Featherpaw and Stormpaw into prisoners because of their half-RiverClan blood and half-ThunderClan blood. Stonefur ended up being killed for the sake of Stormpaw and Featherpaw. Graystripe, Firestar, and Ravenpaw (whom had witnessed the whole thing) rescued them and let them stay in ThunderClan camp for a while. Some opposed it, but Whitestorm pointed out that they were half ThunderClan, too. After the battle between LionClan and BloodClan, Mistyfoot, Featherpaw, and Stormpaw went back to RiverClan (Mistyfoot had been chosen to be deputy).

In Dawn, she was kidnapped by the Twolegs after chasing Gorsetail of WindClan off of her territory. She is then rescued by the ThunderClan cats. When she came back to RiverClan, she returned to being deputy again, forcing Hawkfrost to step down from his temporary reign as deputy. Since then, she puts up with Hawkfrost undermining her authority and questioning her leadership. She remains a friend of Firestar and in Starlight was the one to warn ThunderClan of Mudclaw's rebellion against Onewhisker for leadership of WindClan.

In Starlight she at first sees Brambleclaw as immature and inexperienced, acting slightly superior, but she sees Brambleclaw is brave and clever, and Mistyfoot begins to listen and act less hostile.

In Twilight, Leopardstar sent her to help Leafpool and Mothwing with the poisoned cats. Leafpool sends her to find the cause of the illness and she finds silver-green Twoleg stuff (toxic waste). Hawkfrost and Blackclaw come with Leafpool and Mistyfoot where he undermines Mistyfoot by claiming the patrols were set up badly if no one had noticed the waste. Mistyfoot and Leafpool leave them to the barrier as they return to camp to explain what they had found to Mothwing and Leopardstar.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Silverstream, Feathertail, Dapplepaw
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Bluestar (mother), Oakheart (father), Stonefur (brother), unnamed kits, Mosskit(brother; died when Bluestar was waiting for Oakheart), Moonflower (grandmother), Snowfur (aunt), Whitestorm, Sorreltail, Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Molepaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw, Honeypaw (cousins)

Stonefur (Deceased) is a gray-colored tom with battle scarred ears and looks almost exactly like his sister and mother, Mistyfoot and Bluestar. He was a warrior and deputy of RiverClan, although his mother was Bluestar, the leader of ThunderClan, while his father was Oakheart, RiverClan's deputy. In addition, Stonefur is the brother of Mistyfoot and Mosskit.

At the end of A Dangerous Path, Mistyfoot and Stonefur, after learning the truth about Bluestar, are with their mother in her final moments, and mourn her in ThunderClan's camp.

In The Darkest Hour, after Tigerstar convinces Leopardstar to join TigerClan, he attempts to force Stonefur to prove his loyalty by killing the half-Clan apprentices, Featherpaw and Stormpaw, who are half-ThunderClan. Stonefur refuses to slay the two, and Tigerstar orders him killed. Darkstripe is the first to attack Stonefur, but Stonefur defeats Darkstripe. Blackfoot takes Darkstripe's place in finishing off Stonefur. He also briefly speaks to Firestar later in the same book in StarClan.

  • Mentor: Crookedstar
  • Apprentices: Shadepelt, Stormfur
  • Mate: None/Unknown
  • Kin: Bluestar (mother), Oakheart (father), Mistyfoot (sister), Mosskit (brother; dead) Mistyfoot's unnamed kits (nieces/nephews), Moonflower (grandmother), Snowfur (aunt), Whitestorm, Sorreltail, Sootfur, Rainwhisker, Molepaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw, Honeypaw (cousins)

Oakheart (Deceased) is a big, bracken-colored tom. He was the former RiverClan deputy, before Leopardstar. He was also the father of Stonefur, Mistyfoot, and Mosskit, and mate of Bluestar.

Not much known about Oakheart's past except that during one bitter leaf-bare at a Gathering, a young Oakheart and Bluestar (then Bluefur) met each other. They were not mates for long, and when Bluefur discovered she was pregnant with his kits, she intended to raise them in ThunderClan and keep the identity of their father a secret. According to Bluefur, if a queen chose not to reveal a kit's father, she did not have to. Bluefur decided to give the kits to Oakheart to take into RiverClan, as RiverClan was better fed than ThunderClan at the time, and Bluefur would be able to help her own Clan by succeeding the retiring deputy Tawnyspots' position.

Only two of the kits were brought into RiverClan (the third kit died by Bluefur's side as they waited at the river), and Oakheart gave them to the RiverClan queen Graypool to raise, claiming that he had found the kits abandoned in the forest.

In the prologue of Into the Wild, during a battle between ThunderClan and RiverClan over the Sunningrocks part of ThunderClan's territory, Oakheart was smashed and killed by a rockfall, while Redtail, then as ThunderClan's deputy, who had engaged him in battle, was able to avoid the rocks' collapse. In StarClan, Oakheart and Bluestar remain good friends, and in Midnight of The New Prophecy, Oakheart was the one who chose Feathertail of RiverClan to go on the journey to the sun-drown-place. He made that choice to please Bluestar. Their is no mention of the third kit being with either Bluestar or Oakheart in StarClan.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Unknown
  • Mate: Bluestar (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit(died at the river)(kits), Mistyfoot's unnamed kits (grandkits)

Graypool (Deceased) is a dark gray RiverClan elder, and the foster mother of Mistyfoot and Stonefur. She had a sharp tongue, a short temper, and she didn't suffer fools gladly, but she had a softer side, as evidenced when she took in the two kits Oakheart gave her. These traits make her quite similar to Yellowfang.

She died in A Dangerous Path, when she was talking to Tigerstar, thinking he was Oakheart. When she realized her mistake, she took a step backwards, slipping and falling awkwardly, hitting her head on a jutting rock.

  • Mentor: Crookedstar
  • Kin: Unknown kit(s)

Whiteclaw (Presumed Deceased) is a dark RiverClan warrior with one white paw. He is possibly named for his white paw. He was in the battle at the gorge with ThunderClan and WindClan, and despite Graystripe's best efforts to save him, he fell into the gorge and drowned in the river. Leopardstar (then Leopardfur) seemed particularly upset by his death, hinting the cats were mates or were in love. It is unknown what happens after he sinks, but he most likely drowns.

  • Mentor: Leopardstar

Greenflower (Presumed Deceased) was a RiverClan queen mentioned in Forest of Secrets. She was seen with Silverstream after a Gathering, while RiverClan were offering ThunderClan a way home. She had lost two kits because they were born too soon, and Leopardfur, Mistyfoot, and Stonefur took this as a sign from StarClan that Stormkit and Featherkit, Graystripe and Silverstream's kits, belonged to RiverClan. Graystripe mentions Greenflower as caring for the kits, however it is later known that another queen, Mosspelt, was the kits' foster mother. It is possible Greenflower died, because Greenflower and Mosspelt can't be the same cat.



Tallstar (Deceased) is a black and white tom with a very long tail. He was the WindClan leader until Starlight, and was succeeded by Onestar.

He and his Clan were driven from their territory by Brokenstar in Into the Wild, and in Fire and Ice, Firestar (then known as Fireheart) and Graystripe brought WindClan home. Because of that, Tallstar has maintained a friendship with the two cats and ThunderClan. That friendship was temporarily ruptured when it was revealed that ThunderClan was sheltering Brokentail in Forest of Secrets, and WindClan attempted to kill Brokentail.

By A Dangerous Path, WindClan had renewed its friendship with ThunderClan, until Bluestar unfairly accused them of stealing prey. In The Darkest Hour, WindClan and ThunderClan joined to make LionClan, in order to fight Tigerstar, and later, RiverClan and ShadowClan join the alliance to defeat Scourge and BloodClan.

In Dawn, Tallstar and WindClan shelter with ThunderClan before they leave the forest, and in Starlight, Tallstar loses his final life to starvation and old age. As he dies, he names Onewhisker deputy of WindClan, because Mudclaw is not the right cat to lead it. In Twilight, Tallstar is among the StarClan warriors who comforts Cinderpelt when she is told of her coming death.

He is also the longest-living of the four original leaders when Firestar first came to the forest, living until Starlight.

  • Apprentice: Morningflower

Onestar (formerly known as Onewhisker) is a proud brown tabby tom and was once a good friend of Firestar. They met in Fire and Ice, the second book in the original series, when Firestar (then Fireheart) and Graystripe bring WindClan home from exile.

In Dawn, the third book in the New Prophecy, he helps Tallstar make the journey to the new lands, and is astonished when he is made deputy just before Tallstar passes on in Starlight. Onewhisker is at first uncertain about his place because Tallstar did not use the correct words. The sign from StarClan, a bolt of lightning killing Mudclaw, who led an uprising against Onewhisker, put the cat at ease and he received his name and lives from the Moonpool. Onestar visited the Moonpool between Starlight and Twilight.

In Twilight, Onestar and WindClan become very withdrawn from the other Clans because Onestar feels that they have relied too much on ThunderClan for help. He also feels that ThunderClan think that WindClan is helpless ever since they were driven out of the old forest by Brokenstar. However, these feelings do not stop Onestar and his warriors from coming to ThunderClan's aid in Twilight when their camp is overrun with badgers. WindClan's warriors also try to help find not only Crowfeather, but also Leafpool. Onestar later tells Firestar that the Clans can still help each other.

In The Sight, it's mentioned that Onestar is still semi-hostile toward ThunderClan. Seeing as how when Lionpaw was evesdropping and heard the group talking about him and Leopardstar being interested when ThunderClan turned over land to ShadowClan and when Jaypaw heard the patrol saying WindClan and ShadowClan were pressing on their borders to make sure no cat forger them or their strength so easily.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Whitetail, Gorsepaw
  • Mate: Unknown

Mudclaw (Deceased) is a mottled dark brown tom and a former deputy of WindClan. He plays a minimal role in the original series, although he is very aggressive towards the other Clans, even to the point of stopping Bluestar from going to Highstones. Mudclaw was usually the one to start or carry on a dispute. He becomes the deputy of WindClan sometime before The New Prophecy, succeeding Deadfoot.

In Starlight, Mudclaw becomes significant after Tallstar elects Onestar (then Onewhisker) as his deputy a few moments before he dies, claiming that Mudclaw was not the right cat to lead the Clan. Mudclaw is outraged to hear about it, and he leads a revolt against Onewhisker, believing that he, as the original deputy, should have been leader. During the battle, however, he is killed by a tree struck by a bolt of lightning. The Clan cats take the lightning to be a sign from StarClan that Mudclaw was never meant to be WindClan's leader. Before his death, Mudclaw tells Brambleclaw about Hawkfrost's involvement in the coup. He says that Hawkfrost came to Mudclaw and offered help in return for making Hawkfrost WindClan's deputy and helping him to take over RiverClan later. Hawkfrost denies it and accuses Mudclaw of lying.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Webfoot, Crowfeather
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Unknown

Ashfoot is a gray she-cat with blue eyes. She is first seen in Fire and Ice as a WindClan queen concerned for her kits as her Clan is searching for a place to live, since they had been driven out of the forest by Brokenstar. She is the mother of Crowfeather, and the current deputy of WindClan.

In Twilight, she is extremely worried about her missing son. Onestar is very harsh towards her, and eventually, grows gentler at the end of the book.

It's possible that Deadfoot was her mate, seeing as he wouldn't choose a cat to take Crowfeather's (then Crowpaw) place in Midnight, despite Crowpaw being an apprentice.

She is mentioned every now and then, but does nothing major.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Unknown
  • Mate: Possibly Deadfoot
  • Kin: Windstar (ancestor), Gorestar (ancestor), Crowfeather (kit), Breezepaw (grandkit), Eaglekit (kit)

Morningflower is a very old tortoiseshell WindClan elder with beautiful eyes. First seen in Fire and Ice as a queen, Firestar (then Fireheart) helped her to carry her kit, Gorsepaw (then Gorsekit) back to WindClan territory.

In Forest of Secrets, Morningflower battles Fireheart in a conflict between WindClan and ThunderClan, until she remembers that he had rescued her, her Clan, and her kit. She then backs down.

In The Darkest Hour, Morningflower is devastated by Gorsepaw's murder. Firestar, Tallstar, and Graystripe soothe her. In the battle with BloodClan, she yells "Gorsepaw! Gorsepaw!" while attacking the BloodClan warriors, as if taking her son's death out on them. At last, Morningflower felt avenged for the death of her son.

In The New Prophecy, Morningflower retires and becomes a WindClan elder, and in Starlight, she gets very sick from drinking unclean water that Mothwing of RiverClan had given her. Leafpool of ThunderClan nurses her back to health.

In The Sight she is still alive which means she is probably the oldest cat in the Warriors series

  • Mentor: Tallstar
  • Apprentices: Unknown
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Gorsepaw (kit)

Deadfoot (Deceased) is a black tom with a stubby, twisted paw and scarred muzzle. He was the WindClan deputy before Mudclaw. Despite his swiftness, Deadfoot didn't seem to be the best fighter, losing fights against Tigerclaw, Graystripe, and Fireheart twice. In Fire and Ice, he shows great concern for Ashfoot and her kits. Deadfoot was also the WindClan cat who showed the most hatred to ThunderClan regarding their decision to take in Brokenstar.

In The Darkest Hour, Deadfoot is badly injured in the battle of LionClan and BloodClan. In Midnight, he is shown to have joined StarClan and is cat who chose Crowfeather (then the apprentice Crowpaw) to journey to the sun-drown-place to speak with Midnight.

It's possible that Ashfoot is his mate; as he's concerned about her in Fire and Ice, and also chooses Crowfeather (then Crowpaw) to go on the journey, despite being an apprentice.

  • Mate: Possibly Ashfoot
  • Kin: Crowfeather, Eaglekit (possibly) (kits), Breezepaw (possible grandkit)

Gorsepaw (Deceased) is a white-and-ginger tom and a former apprentice of WindClan.

In Fire and Ice Firestar (then Fireheart) carried Gorsepaw (then Gorsekit) over a small Thunderpath to bring him back to the WindClan camp.

In The Darkest Hour he was heartlessly killed by Tigerstar. Morningflower is heartbroken, and avenges her son's death by clawing at BloodClan warriors.

In The New Prophecy, a young cat is called Gorsetail, named after him.

  • Mentor: Onestar
  • Kin: Morningflower (mother), unknown WindClan father



Ravenpaw is a sleek and plump black tom with green eyes, a tiny white dash on his chest, and a white-tipped tail(he later becomes completely black). He was the apprentice of Tigerstar (then Tigerclaw) in Into the Wild. He had witnessed Tigerclaw killing Redtail, the former Clan deputy. Ravenpaw also became Firepaw's first friend in ThunderClan, besides Graypaw.

After Tigerclaw had manipulated cats in the Clan to think Ravenpaw was a traitor, Firepaw and Graypaw took him away from the forest to live with Barley, a loner who had helped them previously. Firepaw and Graypaw told the Clan that Ravenpaw had been slain by a ShadowClan patrol, and he was then presumed dead by ThunderClan. Later Fireheart (Firepaw as a warrior) reveals the truth of where Ravenpaw was staying to Bluestar. At first she claims that maybe he was just not meant for life as a clan cat but only after she discovers the truth of Tigerclaw's treachery in Forest of Secrets does she invite him back into the Clan. He, however, chooses to stay a loner with Barley promising to come and visit the Clan again. Though Fireheart found himself questioning whether bringing Ravenpaw to Barley's farm was the right thing to do, he later discovers that it for the best when he sees the formerly skinny and jumpy black tom as a sleek, well-fed loner.

Ravenpaw and Barley remain allies to ThunderClan, and help out Fireheart and Graystripe numerous times, such as helping WindClan in Fire and Ice, aiding in the battle against BloodClan in The Darkest Hour, pointing the journeying cats in the right direction to the sun-drown-place in Midnight and sheltering the Clans in Dawn. Ravenpaw returns to the forest in Rising Storm to tell Fireheart about a lost white kittypet with ThunderClan scent near his territory which turns out to be Fireheart's stolen apprentice Cloudpaw (formerly Cloudkit and presently Cloudtail). In Midnight Ravenpaw also is the first cat to warn Firestar of the huge monsters that are destroying trees when he pays the ThunderClan camp a visit.

In The Sight Graystripe mentions meeting Ravenpaw who is concerned about Firestar.

It was noted by Erin Hunter at the last Erin Hunter chat that Graystripe, Sandstorm, Ravenpaw, and Dustpelt's heritage hadn't been developed.

  • Mentor: Tigerstar (until Ravenpaw goes to live with Barley)
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Unknown

Barley is a stout black and white tom, and a loner who lives in a Twoleg barn close to Highstones. He is a friend to the Clans, especially to Bluestar, and he allows Ravenpaw to stay in the barn with him when Ravenpaw is forced to leave ThunderClan because of Tigerclaw. He once lived in BloodClan and ran away because he was afraid of his leader, and is able to give Firestar information about them when he joins LionClan to fight in the battle at Fourtrees. Barley also shelters the Clans on their journey to the new territory in Dawn, and WindClan sheltered in his territory in Fire and Ice.


Princess is a light brown tabby she-cat with a white chest and paws. She is one of Firestar's kittypet sisters. Split up as kits, Firestar (then Fireheart) found his sister living in the Twolegplace near Tallpines. Princess loves to hear about his life in the forest and, although worried, knows he is happy there. When she gives birth, she gives Fireheart one of the kits, asking him to train her son as a warrior because Fireheart's apprentice, Cinderpaw, had been so injured. Fireheart and Cloudtail (Princess's firstborn son) used to often journey back to Twolegplace to speak with Princess, telling her about Clan life and warning her about dangers, such as BloodClan.

Based on their descriptions in the books, some fans believe that Leafpool resembles her aunt, as both are light brown tabbies with white chests and paws.

She makes no appearance in The New Prophecy but is mentioned a few times by Firestar in Midnight and Cloudtail and Cody in Dawn.

  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Unnamed kits, Cloudtail (kits), Firestar, other kittypets (brother and siblings), Whitewing (grandkit) Squirrelflight, Leafpool (nieces), Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw (great niece and nephews)

Smudge is a plump, friendly black and white tom, and a kittypet who lives in the Twolegplace that Firestar came from. In Into the Wild, he was Firestar's best friend as a kittypet. The two had grown up together and Smudge is the first to warn Firestar (then Rusty) about the wildcats in the forest, telling Rusty that they eat live rabbits for breakfast and sharpen their claws on old bones. Rusty, being more curious, ignores the warning and ventures into the woods. When Rusty decides to take Bluestar up on her offer of joining ThunderClan, he and Smudge spend one last morning together, visiting their old haunts and kittypet friends.

Later in Into the Wild, while Firepaw is out on his apprentice duties, he attacks Smudge, as Smudge was intruding on ThunderClan territory. At first, Firepaw doesn't recognize Smudge because his scent is different (a result of being taken to the Cutter, though Smudge doesn't seem to notice the alteration), though he eventually identifies his old friend and the two chat. Although Firepaw is initially mistrusted by Bluestar for speaking so friendly with a kittypet, seeming to miss his former life, Firepaw admits that because he talked to Smudge, he knows that he made the right choice in becoming a Clan cat.

Smudge is seen again in The Darkest Hour, speaking to the tabby kittypet, Cody, who replaced Firestar, when Firestar is looking at his old Twolegs' home. In The New Prophecy, Smudge is mentioned by Cody to Leafpaw in Dawn as a friend of hers who knew a flame-colored cat named Rusty. Cody and Leafpaw come to the conclusion that Leafpaw's father, Firestar, is Smudge's old friend. There is speculation that Princess may be Smudge's mate, but Cody is another good option too.


Nothing is known about Henry, apart from that he is a tabby kittypet tom in Into the Wild, and very lazy after a visit to the Cutter (vet), most likely to get neutered. He told Smudge about a gang of woodland cats (possibly ThunderClan).



Scourge (Deceased) is a small black tom with one white paw and icy blue eyes. He was the leader of BloodClan, the so-called Clan that lived in a nearby Twolegplace. Though he is very small, this cat leads his Clan with an iron claw and kills anyone who stands against him. He, like many other cats of his Clan, wears a collar studded with the fangs of dogs and cats, and his claws are reinforced with dogs' teeth. Although he is a leader, Scourge does not believe in StarClan. His only appearance was in The Darkest Hour.

Two moons before the dogs attacked the ThunderClan camp, Tigerstar and Boulder travel through Twolegplace and there, Scourge and his Clan are invited to the forest by Tigerstar, who wants their help to force ThunderClan and WindClan to join TigerClan. When Tigerstar attempts to command BloodClan, Scourge attacks him and rips out his throat while tearing his claws down Tigerstar's underside. This wound takes all nine of Tigerstar's lives at once, giving him a quick but agonizing death.

Scourge then decides that the forest will be BloodClan's new home. BloodClan and LionClan (the combined cats from all four forest Clans) meet in battle at Fourtrees. Scourge battles with Firestar, taking his first life. Scourge is shocked when Firestar revives and kills him when he realizes that Scourge has only one life. With the death of their leader, BloodClan falls apart and retreats. He does not make any appearance in Sunset, but it is possible that he walks in the same dark forest as Darkstripe, Brokentail, and Tigerstar, or perhaps another dark place, seeing as he does not believe in StarClan as the Clan cats do.


Bone (Deceased) is a huge black-and-white cat with green eyes who was Scourge's deputy. Barley, formerly of BloodClan, mentions briefly that he knew Bone. He also says that Bone wasn't much of a deputy, and Barley makes it sound as though Bone was more of a willing cat who carried out Scourge's dirty work, possibly in the hopes of being made leader. In the battle between LionClan and BloodClan, Bone kills the ThunderClan deputy Whitestorm. Soon after, he is killed by the apprentices Bramblepaw, Ashpaw, Tawnypaw, Featherpaw, and Stormpaw (later Brambleclaw, Ashfur, Tawnypelt, Feathertail, and Stormfur, respectively).


Jaggedtooth is a massive tabby tom, formerly of ShadowClan and BloodClan. He abandoned ShadowClan (TigerClan then) after Tigerstar's gruesome death and joined BloodClan, turning traitor. Many ShadowClan cats hate him for his cowardice, and Blackstar (then Blackfoot) and Russetfur are the two ShadowClan warriors to chase him away for good. His whereabouts are unknown, but he either a rogue in Twolegplace, or dead. Before he left, he was one of the guards of the Hole, a deep dark pit that served as a prison for Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Feathertail (then Featherpaw), and Stormfur (then Stormpaw). Ravenpaw outsmarted him by telling him that Tigerstar needed him. Nothing else is known about him.

  • Apprentices: Rowanclaw
  • Mate: None
The twin gray toms

These cats appeared briefly in The Darkest Hour during the great battle against BloodClan. They are twins, both of them gray with tooth-and-claw studded collars. They confront Barley, and recognize him as the cat who "didn't have the courage to stay with Scourge". Barley obviously remembers them, for he attacks them viciously, yelling "at least I had the courage to leave". In Secrets of the clans it states that they are Barley's abandoned brothers that went to BloodClan.

The New Prophecy

The New Prophecy is told in Midnight, Moonrise, Dawn, Starlight, Twilight, and Sunset. Midnight, Starlight and Sunset is told from the points of view of Brambleclaw, a fine ThunderClan warrior (an apprentice in the original series), and Leafpool, ThunderClan's medicine cat, point of view. In Moonrise, the story is told from the view of Stormfur, a half-Clan (Graystripe's and Silverstream's kit) yet great RiverClan warrior, Feathertail, Stormfur's beautiful sister, and Leafpool. In Dawn and Twilight, the story is told from the views of Squirrelflight and Leafpool. This series has more romance than the first, but this series also doesn't consist in primarily saving ThunderClan. The New Prophecy focuses on saving every Clan in the forest from destruction by the Twolegs, and settling in a new home.

Main Characters


Brambleclaw (formerly known as Bramblekit and Bramblepaw) is a dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He is the son of Tigerstar and Goldenflower, brother of Tawnypelt and half-brother of Swiftpaw, Hawkfrost and Mothwing of RiverClan. He was born in Forest of Secrets.

He's very fond of Squirrelflight, and she was of him up until he began to trust Hawkfrost of RiverClan, his half brother through Tigerstar. He was chosen by Bluestar of StarClan to be the ThunderClan cat to journey to speak with Midnight.

Brambleclaw is ashamed of who his father was and feels that it is Tigerstar's legacy that stops him from being made deputy of ThunderClan when Graystripe goes missing (although it is also because Brambleclaw has never had an apprentice and Firestar refuses to believe that Graystripe is dead). Much to Squirrelflight's anger, he trusts his half brother and often speaks with him at Gatherings. He often joins Hawkfrost in his dreams, speaking with Tigerstar, who is teaching them to follow in his pawsteps. In some cases, the dreams are too real to be comforting. In one dream, Tigerstar became angry with Brambleclaw and reopened a wound on Brambleclaw's shoulder as they attacked one another. Brambleclaw then woke up to find fresh blood plastered on his shoulder where his father had clawed him.

In Twilight, Brambleclaw acts much differently towards other cats. Squirrelflight notices that he's colder than ever and he's acting much like a deputy, treating Rainwhisker and Ashfur like apprentices, when Ashfur is older than Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw objects to Firestar's decision of taking in Daisy, a Horseplace cat, and her three kits, which infuriates Cloudtail, and Squirrelflight thinks that his objection to kittypets means he doesn't like her. He also becomes angry when Ashfur is chosen to mentor Birchfall (then Birchkit and Birchpaw), Ferncloud and Dustpelt's kit, but he hides it from the rest of the Clan.

At the beginning of Sunset, he grows closer to Squirrelflight again, but Brambleclaw continues to see his father and Hawkfrost on a regular baisis in his dreams. On one occasion, Brambleclaw sees Tawnypelt in a dream, hotly declining her father's offer of power and warning Brambleclaw against listening to Tigerstar. Brambleclaw ignores her advice, convinced that Tigerstar is just trying to help Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost to become leaders.

After Firestar names Brambleclaw ThunderClan's new deputy, Tigerstar and Hawkfrost create a plan to lure Firestar into a Twoleg trap and have Brambleclaw kill the ThunderClan leader. When faced with the choice of killing Firestar, Brambleclaw refuses and begins to rescue Firestar from the fox trap. In response, Hawkfrost attacks Brambleclaw, and in order to save his life and Firestar's, Brambleclaw kills Hawkfrost by driving the fox trap's stake into his half brother's throat. In his last moments, Hawkfrost hints that another cat helped him (Brambleclaw presumes that this is a ThunderClan warrior), and that their feud is not over. Although Firestar praises Brambleclaw and calls him a worthy deputy of ThunderClan, Brambleclaw worries about what Tigerstar will do to him.

In The Power of Three, Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight have three kits, Hollypaw, Jaypaw and Lionpaw. Brambleclaw cares about his kits very much because when Jaypaw fell into the hollow, he showed great concern and continuously asked Leafpool if he was okay. Brambleclaw is still unaware of the cat that helped Hawkfrost.

Nothing has been revealed about Brambleclaw's role in The Power of Three, except that his and Squirrelflight's three kits, Lionpaw, Jaypaw, and Hollypaw appear to be significant characters. In the The Power of Three, it has been revealed that Lionpaw, Jaypaw, and Hollypaw have special powers, with which they have to save the forest, and that the future of the forest is in their paws.

Brambleclaw seems to be as stern as any father, because in the Power of Three, book one: The Sight, both he and Leafpool refuse to give the three trouble makers any kind of special treatment (such as a light punishment) just because their grandfather is Clan leader and their father is deputy.

  • Mentor: Firestar, Tigerstar (in dreams)
  • Apprentices: Berrypaw
  • Mate: Squirrelflight (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw, (kits) Goldenflower (mother), Tigerstar (father), Tawnypelt (sister), Swiftpaw, Hawkfrost (half-brothers), Mothwing (half-sister), Tawnypelt's unamed kits (nieces and nephews)


Tawnypelt (formerly known as Tawnykit and Tawnypaw) is a tawny tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes and a ShadowClan warrior (Formerly from ThunderClan, but ShadowClan accepted her more). She is the daughter of Tigerstar and Goldenflower, sister of Brambleclaw, and the half-sister of Swiftpaw, Hawkfrost, and Mothwing. She is also the aunt to Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw. She was born in Forest of Secrets.

In The Darkest Hour, she joined ShadowClan shortly after she discovered that her father was the leader there. Although Tigerstar was revealed to be tyrannical and evil, she remained with her chosen Clan because she felt more accepted there than in ThunderClan.

In Midnight, she was chosen by Nightstar of StarClan to be the ShadowClan cat to journey to speak with Midnight. During the trek, Tawnypelt gets bitten on her shoulder by a rat, and limps painfully for most of the time. The cats eventually find burdock root, thanks to Leafpool and Squirrelflight's special bond, and Tawnypelt's wound is temporarily soothed. When they meet Midnight, the badger continues to cure Tawnypelt's wound with some burdock root. In Moonrise, the wound breaks open again, and Stoneteller cures her with his own herbs.

In Dawn, Tawnypelt runs to ThunderClan camp, and begs them to help her when the twolegs are attacking ShadowClan. ThunderClan agrees to help, and ShadowClan eventually shelters with ThunderClan since their camp is destroyed.

In Starlight, Tawnypelt's role is small. Unlike Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt does not acknowledge that Hawkfrost is her half-brother, and unlike most of ShadowClan's warriors, Tawnypelt does not help Mudclaw with his coup.

In Twilight, Squirrelflight sees Tawnypelt being attacked by a hostile kittypet that lives in their territory. She explains to Squirrelflight how the kittypet and his tabby friend gave an apprentice, Talonpaw, such serious injuries that he died soon after dragging himself back to camp. The kittypets' Twolegs also threw something at Cedarheart, breaking his leg. Together, ThunderClan and ShadowClan come up with a plan to stop the kittypets from attacking ShadowClan without their Twolegs interfering. When their plan is successful, Blackstar thanks ThunderClan and Onestar angrily calls Blackstar and Leopardstar terrible leaders for depending so much on ThunderClan.

In Sunset, we discover that Tawnypelt, like Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw is visited by Tigerstar, yet she is the only one to reject him. While Brambleclaw is watching she tells Tigerstar that he only became leader by twisting the warrior code out of proportion in order to get what he wants. She then tells Brambleclaw that he should stop listening to Tigerstar because he had been accepting everything they had tried to avoid since they were kits. She even tells him she was happy that Tigerstar was killed by Scourge after discovering the tyrant he was.

Throughout the entrie series, Tawnypelt doesn't seem to be aware that Hawkfrost and Mothwing are her half siblings. Also, until Sunset, she doesn't seem phased when Brambleclaw mentions that he shares his dreams with Hawkfrost.

In The Sight, Tawnypelt is listed as a queen in the Allegiances, however, her kits were not mentioned in the Allegiances. In a recent author chat, the authors have said that Rowanclaw is her mate; however, on page 190 in Starlight, he mocks her badly, and she looked ready to scratch him. It is possible he apologizes later on, the two become friends, and fall in love, like Firestar and Sandstorm.

  • Mentor: Brackenfur (ThunderClan), Oakfur (ShadowClan)
  • Apprentices: Unknown
  • Mate: Rowanclaw
  • Kin: unborn kits (kits), Goldenflower (mother), Tigerstar (father), Brambleclaw (brother), Swiftpaw, Hawkfrost (half-brothers), Mothwing (half-sister), Jaypaw, Lionpaw, Hollypaw (nephews and niece)


Stormfur (formerly known as Stormkit and Stormpaw) is a solid dark gray tom with amber eyes. He is the son of Graystripe and Silverstream, brother of Feathertail, and grandson of Crookedstar, a former RiverClan leader. He was born in Forest of Secrets.

Stormfur was originally not one of the chosen cats for the journey, but he went to protect Feathertail, his sister. He left RiverClan to go join the Tribe of Rushing Water when all four Clans were traveling to their new home in Dawn. He had fallen in love with a she-cat there named Brook Where Small Fish Swim (Brook), and had no other ties left to his Clan. Before he fell in love with Brook he was fond of Squirrelflight. He said that his father was gone, his sister and mother were dead, and the closest cat that wasn't his kin (Stonefur, his mentor) was dead.

After the battle with the badgers at the climax of Twilight, he and Brook arrive in ThunderClan, shocked to see the camp in ruins. They claim to have come to check on the Clans and make sure they reached their journey's end, and stay with ThunderClan for a while. Stormfur eventually decides to remain loyal to his birth Clan and the two leave to rejoin RiverClan. There, Hawkfrost makes trouble for them by making Mothwing dishonestly claim to have received a sign from StarClan, which seems to point that Stormfur and Brook are not welcome. He later goads Stormfur into attacking him, at which point an angry Leopardstar exiles him from RiverClan. The two return to ThunderClan. Brambleclaw suspects that there is some as yet unseen reason that they are so reluctant to return to the mountains. Stormfur also says that it's not possible for he and Brook to return to the mountains.

Stormfur and Brook are still with ThunderClan as of The Sight.

  • Mentor: Stonefur, Graystripe (after death of Stonefur), unknown RiverClan cat (after Graystripe returns to ThunderClan)
  • Apprentices: Brook (teaching her the ways of the forest)
  • Mate: Brook (Tribe of Rushing Water/RiverClan/ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Silverstream (mother), Graystripe (father), Feathertail (sister), Crookedstar (grandfather)


Feathertail (Deceased) (formerly known as Featherkit and Featherpaw) is a pale silver she-cat with blue eyes, and she is the daughter of Graystripe and Silverstream. Her brother is Stormfur and she was a warrior of RiverClan. She is also the granddaughter of Crookedstar. She was born in Forest of Secrets.

She was chosen by Oakheart of StarClan to be the RiverClan cat to journey to speak with Midnight. During the journey, Feathertail fell in love with WindClan's chosen cat, Crowpaw (now known as Crowfeather). She also played part in the Tribe of Rushing Water's prophecy, which said that a silver cat would come to save them from the lion-cat Sharptooth. Sharptooth had terrorized the Tribe for moons, and had picked off cats one by one with ease. Feathertail gave her life to save Crowpaw from Sharptooth by loosening some rock from the ceiling of the Tribe's cave, crushing him, but killing herself in the process. At the end of Dawn, she watched Crowpaw receive his choosing of the warrior name Crowfeather as a spirit.

She now hunts in two skies, with StarClan and the Tribe of Endless Hunting (the Tribe of Rushing Water's ancestors). In Starlight, she spoke with Leafpool and told her to give a message to Crowfeather. Feathertail does not want him to grieve for her, and not to be blind to the living. In Twilight, she speaks to Leafpool again, this time to deliver a message to Mothwing, who refuses to believe in StarClan, and therefore StarClan cannot reach her in her dreams. Her message describes Twolegs causing great danger to RiverClan. Mothwing heeds the warning only because she trusts Leafpool. Even though Mothwing doesn't realize it, she misses toxic waste that poisons her Clan, killing an elder, Ivytail, and a very young kit.

In Sunset, Feathertail helps Leafpool teach Willowpaw, Mothwing's young apprentice, about StarClan, since a disbelieving Mothwing is unable. When Feathertail introduces herself to the young apprentice, Willowpaw claims that the she-cat is a heroine and Feathertail, embarrassed by the attention, goes on to show Willowpaw where to find catmint close to RiverClan's territory.

  • Mentor: Mistyfoot
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: Crowfeather (temporarily)
  • Kin: Silverstream (mother), Graystripe (father), Stormfur (brother), Crookedstar (grandfather)


Crowfeather (formerly known as Crowpaw) is a dark gray tom with amber eyes and a sharp tongue. He is a WindClan warrior, and the son of Ashfoot. Crowfeather was chosen by Deadfoot of StarClan to be the WindClan cat to journey to speak with Midnight, a star-gazing badger.

Crowfeather is a snappish cat and his barbed tongue shows in Midnight, notably when the questing cats are following Purdy through a Twolegplace. During Moonrise, he grew very fond of Feathertail, and became increasingly upset after her death, even running recklessly onto a Thunderpath later in Dawn. Though he was stopped, Crowfeather did not care if he died, saying, "I'm not frightened of joining StarClan! The forest is dying anyway. At least in StarClan, Feathertail will be waiting for me!"

On their journey with the Clans to their new home (in Dawn), Tallstar, WindClan's leader, made Crowpaw a warrior. Crowpaw asked if he could choose the name of Crowfeather in honor of the deceased Feathertail, and Tallstar agrees. The newly named Crowfeather takes his vigil next to Feathertail's grave in the Tribe of Rushing Water's camp, a mountain cave. Leafpaw believes that when he was sitting vigil that two ghostly silver cats stood on a nearby mountain peak, watching over Crowfeather. Seeing them, almost identical, she believes that they were the starry spirits of Feathertail and Silverstream.

Later in Starlight, he confesses his love to Leafpool, ThunderClan's medicine cat apprentice, and she received this with shock, telling him that he couldn't love her. On the inside, Leafpool is relieved to hear that he feels the same way. Also during the battle, he fights side by side with Brambleclaw, driving away two ShadowClan warriors.

In Twilight, Crowfeather makes a plan with Leafpool to leave the Clans behind as there is no other way for them to be together. Leafpool agrees after fighting with Cinderpelt and going to the Moonpool, and they leave the forest, following the hills outside of WindClan territory. They spend a night there when they run into Midnight, who comes to deliver news that her kin are planning to attack the Clans for driving them out, and they only agree to go back because they can't leave their Clans to be torn to shreds. He tells Leafpool that he knew she would never give up her Clan for him, yet he still loves her just as much.

After they return to their own respective Clans, Crowfeather is unhappy that Leafpool would choose her own Clan over her love for him. In Sunset, Crowfeather abruptly but sadly breaks up their relationship, stating that it would be better if they never met again, and Leafpool sadly agrees.

In The Sight, Crowfeather has a son named Breezepaw with the WindClan she-cat Nightcloud. Also, Crowfeather pulls Jaypaw out of the lake, after he wandered into WindClan territory and fell in. Crowfeather returns him to ThunderClan afterwards and speaks very briefly with Leafpool, who to feel uncomfortable and jealous of Nightcloud (who had kits with Crowfeather). Jaypaw senses the tension between the two cats after he saves Breezepaw from suffocating in a collapsed badger den. He knows Leafpool feels some longing, too, and after she says that she would do anything to save Crowfeather's kit, Nightcloud says that she's happy that Leafpool would do anything to help their kit, implying that there is also tension between Leafpool and Nightcloud.

  • Mentor: Mudclaw
  • Apprentices: Heatherpaw
  • Mate: Feathertail, Leafpool (both briefly), Nightcloud (WindClan)
  • Kin: Windstar (ancestor), Gorsestar (ancestor), Ashfoot (mother), Deadfoot (father; not confirmed), Eaglekit (brother), Breezepaw (kit)


Squirrelflight (formerly known as Squirrelpaw) is a dark orange, flame-colored she-cat with green eyes and one white forepaw. She is the daughter of Firestar and Sandstorm, and she is the sister of Leafpool. She is a ThunderClan warrior, and as an apprentice in Midnight, she had pestered Brambleclaw (after following him) to let her in on the journey, although she had not been chosen. In Starlight, Firestar gives her her warrior name before all of the Clans, the first new warrior in the Clans' new home.

She is fond of Brambleclaw, but sees his relationship with Hawkfrost as treason. Both Squirrelflight and her sister Leafpool are distrusting of Hawkfrost, and Squirrelflight is angry with Brambleclaw, who continues to defend his brother. Squirrelflight seems to have taken a liking to Ashfur during her arguments with Brambleclaw. In Twilight, she hasn't completely lost her feelings for Brambleclaw, although they argue frequently. When Brambleclaw objects to Firestar's choice of taking in Daisy and her three kits, Squirrelflight wonders if he thinks the same of her because she's half kittypet through her father.

Squirrelflight eventually realizes that she wouldn't want to leave the Clans behind for Ashfur, like Leafpool had done with Crowfeather, yet she wasn't sure if she would for Brambleclaw. After the devastating badger attack, Squirrelflight tries to push away the fact that, during the battle, she was more concerned for Brambleclaw than Ashfur.

Also, Squirrelflight has a special bond with her sister, Leafpool. The two sisters are able to feel what the other is feeling at almost any time, even when separated. During Squirrelflight and the other five cats' journey to the sun-drown-place, Squirrelflight has dreams and often gets messages of what's happening in the Clans back in the forest because of Leafpool. When Tawnypelt gets a rat bite on her shoulder, none of the journeying cats remember the herb that will cure the injury. Squirrelflight has a lingering feeling that she knows which herb it is, and back in the forest, Leafpool continues to think of burdock root for seemingly no reason.

Eventually, Leafpool eats a bit of burdock root, and the next day, Squirrelflight wakes up with the taste of the herb in her mouth. She soon recognizes it as burdock root, and finds the herb. Another example of this bond is when Leafpool gets captured by the Twolegs. Squirrelflight has dreams about being captured and knows that something has happened to her sister. Later, she is visited by Spottedleaf, and led in a dream to the place where Leafpool and the other cats are being held.

In The Power of Three, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw have three kits, Hollypaw, Jaypaw and Lionpaw. The kits are born before The Sight, outside of ThunderClan's hollow, and Squirrelflight had to wait before the kits were able to travel before moving them. The kits were also nursed by Ferncloud, because Squirrelflight's milk didn't come. The story never says what happened when Squirrelflight was a queen, because The Sight begins when the kits are nearing their apprenticeships. Erin Hunter has written a short transition story that she will post on her website when she has returns to the UK from her tour in America.

  • Mentor: Dustpelt
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: Ashfur (temporarily; ThunderClan), Brambleclaw (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw (kits), Sandstorm (mother), Firestar (father), Leafpool (sister), Cloudtail, Princess's other kits, Whitewing (cousins), Princess (aunt)


Leafpool (formerly known as Leafpaw) is a light brown tabby with white paws, a white chest, and amber eyes. She is the daughter of Firestar and Sandstorm, and the sister of Squirrelflight. It is confirmed that Leafpool was named after Spottedleaf, Firestar's (then Firepaw) first love. Leafpool is the polar opposite of Squirrelflight, obeying the medicine cat code and "being able to sit still." As of Twilight, she is ThunderClan's current medicine cat, and she was given her full medicine cat name in Starlight. She may have got her tabby colouring from her paternal grandparents, as her aunt Princess has a similar coat pattern. Leafpool is given her warrior name "Leafpool" because she was the one who found the Moonpool in the Clan's new home. Leafpool is shy and mostly quiet in the first books in "The New Prophecy". However, when her mentor Cinderpelt dies in Twilight, she becomes more outgoing. Leafpool has a special connection with StarClan, and in a dream in Sunset, StarClan tells her that she will walk a path that only a few Medicine Cats have walked before.

Leafpool is good friends with Sorreltail, a ThunderClan queen, and Mothwing, RiverClan's medicine cat. In Dawn, she befriends a kittypet named Cody, who stays with ThunderClan after escaping Twolegs.

After the four Clans have arrived at their new home by the lake, Leafpool (then Leafpaw) gets a prophecy from StarClan that says: Before there is peace, blood will spill blood and the lake will run red.

Her sister hates Hawkfrost, and Leafpool doesn't really like him either. When she was hunting on the Great Journey, she sees Hawkfrost watching her. She asks,"Don't you have anything better to do?" Hawkfrost responds by saying that he's already hunted for his Clan. After seeing Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw taking Tigerstar's advice in their dreams, Leafpool completely loses her trust in Hawkfrost.

Also in Starlight, she found the Moonpool, the equivalent of the Moonstone in the new territory. She maintains a close relationship with Spottedleaf, a deceased medicine cat of ThunderClan, and often speaks with Feathertail too. Though she is horrified to learn that her friend, Mothwing, the RiverClan medicine cat, does not believe in StarClan, Leafpool is still loyal to her and has not revealed Mothwing's secret to any cat.

In Twilight, Leafpool is distracted by her love for Crowfeather (going to give Firestar a nettle seed instead of poppy seeds, trying to get rid of Mousefur's ticks with yarrow), and she eventually decides to run away with him (for medicine cats are not allowed to take mates or have kits, according to the warrior code). After hearing from Midnight as they journey away from the Clans' territory, she decides that she can't leave them to be torn apart by badgers and returns. Leafpool is devastated when she watches her mentor, Cinderpelt, die in the nursery by Sorreltail's side, and she's upset that Cinderpelt knew of her oncoming death, but had never told Leafpool. She thinks that if Cinderpelt had told her, she would have been forced to stay and could possibly have saved Cinderpelt's life. Cinderpelt confesses that she could never have forced Leafpool to do such a thing.

In Sunset, Bluestar, Lionheart, and Yellowfang reveal to her that Leafpool was to stumble on a path few medicine cats have walked on, but the cats of StarClan could not reveal her future. Also, Leafpool sees that Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight were destined to be together, and that Brambleclaw would keep ThunderClan safe.

Leafpool also has visions of a trio of stars whose brightness threatens to rival the moon's. She sees the stars a total of three times, and Bluestar and Spottedleaf reveal respectively that there are cats Leafpool has yet to meet who will shape her future, and that the stars are a sign, though it isn't time for Leafpool to discover what the sign means. The three stars may be referring to Leafpool's future relatives Jaypaw, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw, Squirrelflight's kits in the Power of Three series. She has become slightly snappish, just like Yellowfang and Cinderpelt.

  • Mentor: Cinderpelt
  • Apprentices: Willowpaw (Mothwing's apprentice; Leafpool mentors her in the ways of StarClan), Hollypaw (until she becomes a warrior apprentice), Jaypaw
  • Mate: Crowfeather (temporarily)
  • Kin: Sandstorm (mother), Firestar (father), Squirrelflight (sister), Cloudtail, Princess's other kits, Whitewing (cousins) Princess (aunt), Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw (niece and nephews)

Secondary Characters



Sootfur (Deceased) (formerly known as Sootkit and Sootpaw, although he does not appear as such) is a dark gray tom with amber eyes, a ThunderClan warrior, brother of Sorreltail and Rainwhisker, and one kit of Willowpelt and Whitestorm.

In Twilight Sootfur is a hot-tempered, hostile young warrior, but cares for his kin. Sootfur is killed during the badger attack on ThunderClan.

  • Mentor: Longtail, Thornclaw (after Longtail's sight fails)
  • Apprentices: Unknown
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Willowpelt (mother), Whitestorm (father), Rainwhisker, Sorreltail (siblings), Molepaw, Honeypaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw (nephew and nieces), Snowfur (grandmother), Moonflower (great grandmother), Bluestar (great aunt), Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit (dead), Mistyfoot's kits (cousins)

Sorreltail (formerly known as Sorrelkit and Sorrelpaw) is a tortoiseshell and white she-cat and a ThunderClan warrior. Her brothers are Sootfur and Rainwhisker, and she was first seen in The Darkest Hour as a kit, the daughter of Willowpelt and Whitestorm. When she overheard Darkstripe talking to Tigerstar and Blackfoot of ShadowClan, Darkstripe tried to kill her by feeding her deathberries. Cinderpelt was able to save her, but to this day she has a fear of the little red berries.

In The New Prophecy she is one of Leafpool's closest friends. When Leafpool (then known as Leafpaw) decided to go on a secret mission to WindClan, she accompanied her. Mudclaw chased them both into RiverClan where Mothwing helped them get home. She also accompanied Leafpool to go searching for Mistyfoot and Cloudtail. When Leafpool was caught by the Twolegs in Dawn, she blamed herself and later led the rest of the Clan on a rescue mission.

In Twilight, Sorreltail becomes pregnant with Brackenfur's kits and gives birth to them in the middle of the battle against the badgers. After Cinderpelt is killed, Leafpool finishes helping Sorreltail with her kitting, and she gives birth to four healthy kits. It is bittersweet, however, for both Brackenfur and Sorreltail. Cinderpelt was Brackenfur's sister, and Sootfur was Sorreltail's brother. He had gotten his two hind legs broken, and was later killed by a badger as he tried to climb Leafpool's secret exit to the cliff. Rainwhisker was the one who delivered the news of their brother's death to Sorreltail.

At the start of Sunset, we discover the kits' names: Molekit, Honeykit, Poppykit and Cinderkit.

Sorreltail is now the only surviving member of her litter, as both her brothers are dead. She also lost both her parents.

  • Mentor: Sandstorm (maybe another mentor when Sandstorm was in the nursery)
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: Brackenfur (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Molepaw, Honeypaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw (kits), Willowpelt (mother), Whitestorm (father), Sootfur, Rainwhisker (brothers), Snowfur (grandmother), Moonflower (great-grandmother), Bluestar (great-aunt), Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit (dead), Mistyfoot's kits (cousins)

Cinderpaw (formerly known as Cinderkit) is the reincarnation of Cinderpelt (although Leafpool is the only one in ThunderClan to know it). When Leafpool discovers this hidden secret, she no longer feels alone and she knows that her former mentor will always be watching over her. She is Sorreltail and Brackenfur's fluffy gray she-kit and sister to Molepaw, Honeypaw, and Poppypaw. She was born during the badger attack at the end of Twilight, and named after Cinderpelt, her aunt (Brackenfur's sister), who was killed by a badger while helping Sorreltail with her kitting. It is revealed in The Sight that Cinderpaw has no recollection of being Cinderpelt, though she does carry some of Cinderpelt's traits, such as her high energy, a certain knowing look she seems to have and a way that she flicks her paw. Most of these traits are noticed by either Leafpool or Brackenfur.

Also mentioned in The Sight is the fact that Cinderpaw is actually a gray tabby, though this may just be a mix-up.

In an excerpt of Dark River at the end of The Sight, Cinderpaw falls from a tree trying to help a frightened Mousepaw and she is described as "twisted", making fans speculate she has injured herself in a similar way to Cinderpelt. Her condition, along with the continuation of her training to be a warrior, has yet to be heard of.

  • Mentor: Cloudtail
  • Apprentice: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Sorreltail (mother), Brackenfur (father), Molepaw, Honeypaw, Poppypaw (siblings), Cinderpelt, Brightheart (aunts), Thornclaw, Rainwhisker, Sootfur (uncles), Bluestar (great-great aunt), Whitewing, Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit (dead), Mistyfoot's kits (cousins), Frostfur, Willowpelt (grandmothers), Whitestorm (grandfather) Snowfur (great-grandmother), Moonflower (great-great grandmother)

Molepaw (Deceased) (formerly known as Molekit) is the son of Sorreltail and Brackenfur. He is the only tom of Sorreltail's litter of he and his sisters. He was born at the end of Twilight.

In The Sight it was revealed he died as Molepaw as an apprentice due to a cough that had not responded to Leafpool's herbs.

  • Mentor: Thought to be Rainwhisker by some
  • Kin: Sorreltail (mother), Brackenfur (father), Honeypaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw (sisters), Whitestorm (grandfather), Willowpelt, Frostfur (grandmothers), Thornclaw, Rainwhisker, Sootfur (uncles), Brightheart, Cinderpelt (aunts) Snowfur (great-grandmother), Moonflower (great-great grandmother), Bluestar (great-great aunt), Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit (dead), Mistyfoot's kits, Whitewing (cousins)

Honeypaw (formerly known as Honeykit) is a pale golden-brown tabby she-cat, and the daughter of Brackenfur and Sorreltail. She resembles her father Brackenfur and her uncle Thornclaw. She was born at the end of Twilight.

In The Sight Honeypaw is an apprentice, mentored by Sandstorm.

  • Mentor: Sandstorm
  • Kin: Sorreltail (mother), Brackenfur (father), Molekit (brother), Poppypaw, Cinderkit (sisters), Whitestorm (grandfather), Willowpelt, Frostfur (grandmothers), Thornclaw, Rainwhisker, Sootfur (uncles), Brightheart, Cinderpelt (aunts), Snowfur (great-grandmother), Moonflower (great-great grandmother), Bluestar (great-great aunt), Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit (dead), Mistyfoot's kits, Whitewing (cousins)

Poppypaw (formerly known as Poppykit) is a tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat, like her mother. She is the daughter of Brackenfur and Sorreltail. She was born at the end of Twilight. In an excerpt of The Sight, she is mentioned as an apprentice helping to track the fox cubs. After catching greencough from Mousefur, she is very near to joining StarClan, when Jaypaw pursues her not to go near the Moonpool lined with StarClan in her fevered dreams. After Jaypaw tells her this, she stays away from the ranks of StarClan and makes a full recovery.

  • Mentor: Thornclaw
  • Kin: Sorreltail (mother), Brackenfur (father), Molepaw (brother), Honeypaw, Cinderpaw (sisters), Whitestorm (grandfather), Willowpelt, Frostfur (grandmothers), Thornclaw, Rainwhisker, Sootfur (uncles), Brightheart, Cinderpelt (aunts), Snowfur (great-grandmother), Moonflower (great-great grandmother), Bluestar (great-great aunt), Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit (dead), Mistyfoot's kits, Whitewing (cousins)

Ashfur (formerly known as Ashpaw) is a pale gray tom with darker flecks and dark blue eyes. He is the son of Brindleface, brother of Ferncloud, and uncle of Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Hollykit, Larchkit, Foxkit, and Icekit. Ashfur was an apprentice and also Cloudtail's friend in Rising Storm. In Starlight and Twilight, he became the object of Squirrelflight's affections. He defends her from Brambleclaw, though she says she can take care herself. He becomes Birchpaw's mentor, much to Brambleclaw's anger.

In Sunset, Ashfur loses Squirrelflight to Brambleclaw, becomes very angry at both of them,and insults Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight and Leafpool when Brambleclaw is appointed deputy. He loves Squirrelflight, and believes that they are perfect for each other. Ashfur also distrusts Brambleclaw, because of how Brambleclaw's father, Tigerstar, brutally murdered Ashfur's mother, Brindleface, along with other innocent cats in his quest for power. Ashfur ends up ignoring Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw for the rest of the book, even though Squirrelflight tries to explain that somehow she felt that StarClan has destined her and Brambleclaw to be together.

Before Brambleclaw goes to meet Hawkfrost for the final time, Ashfur says that he has planned to give Birchpaw an assessment, and nothing is out of the ordinary. A little later, Ashfur comes to Leafpool and Squirrelflight, saying that he had to come back for help because he couldn't take on Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost, who were with a trapped Firestar, alone. Squirrelflight and Leafpool follow Ashfur's fear-scent trail back to the lake, arriving just after Hawkfrost is killed. If possible, his plan was to make Squirrelflight witness Brambleclaw killing her father, so she would come back to him.

In The Sight when ThunderClan finds out that Brambleclaw was still deputy, Ashfur cheers and Squirrelflight looks at him, surprised. Also in The Sight Jaypaw is scanning the camp and notices that Brambleclaw is watching the camp from the Highledge with feelings of mistrust. He is probably looking for the one that in Sunset Hawkfrost said had betrayed him. Some fans believe that it was Ashfur because he was bitter about being left by Squirrelflight for Brambleclaw.

  • Mentor: Dustpelt
  • Apprentices: Birchfall, Lionpaw
  • Mate: Squirrelflight (until she becomes Brambleclaw's mate again)
  • Kin: Brindleface (mother), Ferncloud (sister), unknown dead kits (siblings), Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Larchkit, Hollykit, Foxkit, Icekit (nephews and nieces)

Ferncloud (formerly known as Fernpaw) is a sweet, pale gray she-cat with darker flecks and green eyes. She is the daughter of Brindleface, mate of Dustpelt and the mother of Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Larchkit, Hollykit, Icekit and Foxkit, making her the mother of the most kits in the series.

She was Darkstripe's apprentice until he tried to poison Sorreltail (then Sorrelkit), at which point she became Longtail's apprentice. She was very timid and caring, and in the battle with BloodClan, became Cinderpelt's helper, as she didn't want to fight.

In The New Prophecy, she was a figety queen, and has continued to be so ever since. She has become friends with Daisy, Dawnflower and Tallpoppy. When Daisy ran away, Ferncloud and Sorreltail were both distraught.

In The Sight, Ferncloud is still a queen and suckled Hollypaw, Jaypaw and Lionpaw when Squirrelflight's milk didn't come.

  • Mentor: Darkstripe (until Darkstripe poisons Sorreltail), Longtail
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: Dustpelt (ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Brindleface (mother), Ashfur, dead kits (siblings), Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Larchkit, Hollykit, Foxkit, Icekit (kits)

Rainwhisker (Deceased) (formerly known as Rainkit and Rainpaw, although he does not appear as such) is the son of Willowpelt and Whitestorm, and the sibling of Sorreltail and Sootfur. He is a light gray tom with blue eyes and a hard-working ThunderClan warrior. Rainwhisker usually guards the camp at night, unless an apprentice is sitting vigil.

In Dawn, he becomes good friends with Swallowtail of RiverClan, and some say he liked her and thought there would be more half-RiverClan half-ThunderClan kits. In Starlight, he went to lick her ears but stopped himself since the act was awkward among the recently separated Clans.

In The Sight, it is revealed that he was killed by a falling branch.

  • Mentor: Cloudtail
  • Apprentice: Possibly Molepaw
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Willowpelt (mother), Whitestorm (father), Sootfur, Sorreltail (siblings), Molepaw, Honeypaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw (nephew and nieces), Snowfur (grandmother), Moonflower (great grandmother), Bluestar (great aunt), Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit (dead), Mistyfoot's kits (cousins)

Whitewing (formerly known as Whitepaw) is a white she-cat with green eyes. She is the daughter of Cloudtail and Brightheart of ThunderClan, cousin of Leafpool and Squirrelflight, and the great-niece of Firestar himself. Being related to so many cats, she has more blood than any other cat in the whole series(aside from Sorreltail's kits[possibly]).

In Dawn, her fellow apprentice Shrewpaw dies, and Whitewing is extremely sad. Most fans believe that Whitewing was in love with Shrewpaw, as she sat vigil for him longer than Squirrelflight. In Twilight, she gets a new apprentice to train with; Birchpaw (later Birchfall), and the two become very close, always wanting to train together. In Sunset, her parents get into a big fight over Daisy, and Whitewing is very upset because she loves them both.

She becomes a warrior before The Sight. In The Sight, Whitewing becomes very close with Thornclaw, gasping in terror when he was close to a dog's snapping jaws during a helping party to WindClan; however, Thornclaw is her uncle.

  • Mentor: Brackenfur
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Brightheart (mother), Cloudtail (father), Firestar (great uncle), Brackenfur, Thornclaw (uncles), Cinderpelt (aunt), Princess, Frostfur (grandmothers), Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Molepaw, Honeypaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw, Jaypaw, Hollypaw, Lionpaw (cousins)

Daisy is a creamy-brown-colored she-cat with blue eyes, and a kittypet/loner. She is first introduced in Starlight, living in a barn with two other loners, Floss and Smoky, at the horseplace located in the Clans' new home. Her mate is Smoky, a white and gray tom.

In Twilight, she and her kits run away from the barn when Floss's kits were taken by Twolegs. Firestar offers her a place in the Clan for her and her kits. She stays, and Cloudtail offers to teach her some fighting moves, although she is not much of a fighter. Her kits are Hazelkit, Mousekit, and Berrykit (the kits are renamed after Daisy joins ThunderClan; she had planned to call them Mouse, Hazel, and Berry).

Daisy never ends up being a very good fighter, and becomes very afraid of the forest in Sunset, after the badger attack on ThunderClan. Unfortunately for her, before Daisy has a chance to recover from her shock, Berrykit's tail is mangled by a fox trap and Daisy's fear of the forest escalates. As a result, in Sunset, she runs away with her kits back to the barn they had come from. Cloudtail and Brambleclaw later come and convince her to return, and the kits are glad to be back in ThunderClan.

At first, Daisy is in love with Cloudtail, although he may not realize it. Later, Daisy apologizes to Brightheart for her affections. Daisy admits that a reason she left ThunderClan was because she didn't have any cat in the Clan that she was close to, like Brightheart was with Cloudtail. Brightheart accepts Daisy's apology, and they become good friends.

In The Sight, the other cats have warmed up to her a bit.

  • Mentor: Cloudtail (he trains her to defend herself)
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: Smoky (loner)
  • Kin: Berrypaw, Mousepaw, Hazelpaw (kits)

Berrypaw (formerly known as Berry and Berrykit) is a cream-colored tom, like his mother Daisy. He and his siblings, Mousepaw and Hazelpaw, were brought by Daisy to ThunderClan when they were very young and Firestar allows them to join ThunderClan for as long as they wish. Originally, his mother planned to name him Berry, but when he, Daisy, and his siblings join ThunderClan, the kits' names are changed to agree with Clan naming tradition. He and his siblings get into trouble with Brightheart when the three kits raid Cinderpelt's herbal supply. Eventually, they warm up to Brightheart and her scarred face. Berrypaw (then Berrykit) even claims that Brightheart should be a medicine cat instead of Leafpool when the she-cat runs off with Crowfeather.

In Sunset, half of Berrykit's tail was torn off as a result of Berrykit accidentally getting it stuck in a fox trap. Leafpool was unable to save Berrykit's tail. This doesn't seem to bother the kit, and has given him a new found respect for Brambleclaw, one of his saviors. Brambleclaw watches Berrykit with a close eye, hoping to become the kit's future mentor. When Firestar makes Brambleclaw his deputy, he announces that when Berrykit is apprenticed, Brambleclaw will be his mentor, hoping to reject any cat saying that Brambleclaw cannot be a deputy since he has never mentored a cat. Because of this, during the deputy naming ceremony, Berrykit's exclamation can be heard from Leafpool's spot on Highledge.

In The Sight, he is an apprentice; however, some cats, like Owlpaw, call him a kittypet.

  • Mentor: Brambleclaw
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Daisy (mother), Smoky (father), Mousepaw, Hazelpaw (siblings)

Mousepaw (formerly known as Mouse and Mousekit) is a gray and white tom like his father, Smoky (a kittypet/loner that lives in the horse place). He and his siblings, Berrykit and Hazelkit, were brought by Daisy to ThunderClan when they were very young and Firestar allows them to join ThunderClan for as long as they wish. Originally, his name was Mouse, but Leafpool and Daisy change he and his siblings names when they join ThunderClan. He and his siblings get into a lot of trouble with Brightheart when the three kits raid Cinderpelt's herb supply. Brightheart accidentally treats him roughly. He calls her "that ugly cat" in return. Eventually, he and his siblings warm up to Brightheart and her scarred face.

In The Sight, he is an apprentice and becomes very good friends with Lionpaw, first covering for him when he sneaks out of the nursery as a kit and then showing him around at the Gathering. He even reluctantly leaves Minnowpaw, a RiverClan apprentice he has a crush on, to show Lionpaw more. He seems to really like Minnowpaw, he can't help but stutter around her at a Gathering and lingers on her every word. According to Lionpaw he is moony-eyed around her.

  • Mentor: Spiderleg
  • Apprentice: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Daisy (mother), Smoky (father), Berrypaw, Hazelpaw (siblings)

Hazelpaw (formerly known as Hazel and Hazelkit) is a small she-cat with gray and white fur, like her father Smoky. She and her brothers, Berrykit and Mousekit, were brought by Daisy to ThunderClan when they were very young and Firestar allows them to join ThunderClan for as long as they wish. Originally, her name was Hazel, but Leafpool and Daisy change her and her brothers names when they join ThunderClan. She and her brothers get into a lot of trouble with Brightheart when the three kits raid Cinderpelt's herb supply. They soon warm up to Brightheart and her scarred face.

In The Sight, Hazelpaw is an apprentice, and is quite friendly towards Jaypaw.

  • Mentor: Dustpelt
  • Apprentice: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Daisy (mother), Smoky (father), Berrypaw, Mousepaw (siblings)

Brook Where Small Fish Swim (Brook) is a brown tabby she-cat with gray eyes, younger sister to Talon of Swooping Eagle, a prey-hunter, and a member of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Brook is from a younger litter than her brother, and when their mother was killed by Sharptooth, Brook was looked after by Talon.

She befriended Stormfur in Moonrise and later they both fell in love. However, when Brook was forced to betray him, he didn't forgive her until Sharptooth was killed later in the book. In Dawn, Stormfur chose to leave RiverClan and join her Tribe. She appears in the final scene of Twilight with Stormfur in ThunderClan camp at the conclusion of badger battle. The reason they have come is unknown, though they claim it to be that they wanted to see if the Clans were settling in.

In Sunset, Brook and Stormfur stay with ThunderClan for a short time, only to leave for RiverClan. They intend to stay with Stormfur's former Clan and Brook plans to become a warrior. Brambleclaw, on a voyage around the lake appointed by Firestar, sees Brook accidentally chase a squirrel across the border to ShadowClan. Hawkfrost spots Brook and the three cats go back to RiverClan's camp. After a number of RiverClan cats claim that Brook shouldn't be in RiverClan because she can't follow nor does she know the warrior code. Hawkfrost tells Leopardstar that he would have liked for Brook to be run over by a monster that barely missed her.

A moment later, Hawkfrost goads Stormfur into attacking him. Blackclaw and Mistyfoot pull the warriors apart, and Leopardstar reluctantly exiles Stormfur & Brook from RiverClan, saying that he has forgotten, just doesn't care for, or doesn't believe in the warrior code. They leave RiverClan, and the two are then taken back to ThunderClan by Brambleclaw. Firestar accepts their return, though he meets some disagreement from a few cats.

Also, in The Sight, Hollypaw said Brook's scent smelled like the mountain wind and the falling waterfalls. Also that her voice is slightly deep, and her accent is thick.

  • Mentor: Unnamed Tribe cat, Stormfur (he trains her to live in the forest)
  • To-be's: Unknown
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: Stormfur (RiverClan/Tribe of Rushing Water/ThunderClan)
  • Kin: Talon of Swooping Eagle (brother)

Spiderleg (formerly known as Spiderpaw) is a black ThunderClan tom with a brown underbelly and long legs. He was Mousefur's last apprentice, receiving his warrior name in Starlight. He is a young warrior, who seems a bit hasty (he is even more hot-headed then his father Dustpelt), one example of this being when he ran towards the new ThunderClan camp, nearly falling over the edge of the hollow in the process. He also nearly agreed with Ashfur's accusation of Leafpool making up her dream about Brambleclaw becoming deputy because he was Squirrelflight's mate. Instead, he thought better of it when the rest of ThunderClan didn't agree. In The Sight, he receives his first apprentice; Mousepaw.

  • Mentor: Mousefur
  • Apprentices: Mousepaw
  • Mate: Unknown/None
  • Kin: Dustpelt (father), Ferncloud (mother), Shrewpaw, Larchkit, Hollykit, Birchfall, Icekit, Foxkit (siblings), Brindleface (grandmother), Ashfur (uncle)

Birchfall (formerly known as Birchkit and Birchpaw) is a light brown tabby tom, and one of Dustpelt's and Ferncloud's sons. He was born in Midnight along with his now-dead siblings Larchkit and Hollykit. He survived the Great Famine and the Great Journey as a kit, and is a respected warrior. He is from Dustpelt's and Ferncloud's second litter, and, as a kit, appeared eager to please his father. He is great friends with Whitewing, though he has no great relationships with his other siblings. Birchfall is also friends with Ashfur.

  • Mentor: Ashfur
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Dustpelt (father), Ferncloud (mother), Shrewpaw, Spiderleg, Hollykit, Larchkit, Icekit, Foxkit (siblings), Brindleface (grandmother), Ashfur (uncle)

Hollykit (Deceased) is a gray she-cat kit of ThunderClan. She was one of the daughters of Ferncloud and Dustpelt. She was also the sister of Larchkit, Shrewpaw, Birchfall (then Birchkit), and Spiderleg at the time. Not much else is known about Hollykit.

In Dawn, Hollykit dies from freezing to death during the destruction of the old forest.

In The Sight Squirrelflight has three kits, one was named Hollypaw. She has nothing in common with Hollykit, except her name was also once named Hollykit.

  • Kin: Ferncloud (mother), Dustpelt (father), Larchkit, Shrewpaw, Spiderleg, Birchfall, Icekit, Foxkit (siblings), Brindleface (grandmother), Ashfur (uncle)

Larchkit (Deceased) is a dark brown tabby she-cat kit of ThunderClan. She was one of the kits of Ferncloud and Dustpelt. She was also the sister of Hollykit, Shrewpaw, Birchfall (then Birchkit), and Spiderleg at the time. Not much else is known about Larchkit.

In Dawn, Larchkit died from starvation during the destruction of the old forest. Ferncloud couldn't produce enough milk to feed her, due to the prey shortage.

It was also revealed in Dawn that Larchkit was a she-cat.

  • Kin: Ferncloud (mother), Dustpelt (father), Hollykit, Shrewpaw, Spiderleg, Birchfall, Icekit, Foxkit (siblings), Brindleface (grandmother), Ashfur (uncle)

Shrewpaw (Deceased) is a small dark brown tom of ThunderClan with amber eyes. He was one of the sons, and first litters, of Ferncloud and Dustpelt. He was also the brother of Hollykit, Larchkit, Birchfall (then Birchkit), and Spiderleg. In the first few books of The New Prophecy, they give away hints that Shrewpaw and Whitewing (then Whitepaw) had some kind of connection. If Shrewpaw didn't die, Whitepaw probably would've taken him as her mate.

In Dawn, Shrewpaw dies from being hit by a Twoleg monster, or a bulldozer of some type, while chasing a pheasant. He breaks his neck in the process.

  • Mentor: Thornclaw
  • Apprentice: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Ferncloud (mother), Dustpelt (father), Hollykit, Larchkit, Spiderleg, Birchfall, Icekit, Foxkit (siblings), Brindleface (grandmother), Ashfur (uncle)



Tallpoppy is an attractive, brave, long-legged light brown tabby she-cat. She is the mother of Marshkit, Applekit, and Toadkit. Tallpoppy made friends with Ferncloud and Dawnflower on the Great Journey. She retired in The Sight.

  • Mentor: Blackstar
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Marshkit, Applekit, Toadkit (kits), unknown kits

Nightwing is a black she-cat queen in ShadowClan. Not much is known about her since she was never mentioned before Dawn nor after, but her son, Smokefoot (then Smokepaw), nearly died (assumed dead at the time) from a fall in the mountains when they were traveling to the lake. She's not mentioned anywhere after that, she either goes away from her Clan or dies.

  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Smokepaw (kit)

Talonpaw (Deceased) was a ShadowClan apprentice, and had Rowanclaw as his mentor. He was killed by the two kittypets near ShadowClan territory. He managed to drag himself back to camp, despite having his legs broken, where he died.


Smokefoot is a black tom warrior of ShadowClan. Not much is known about him.

Smokefoot was probably actually an error from the authors; Smokepaw died from falling off the cliff; and he actually died there, didn't escape.

In The Sight he gets his first apprentice, Owlpaw. Smokefoot also mocks Jaypaw, but is chased away by ThunderClan.

  • Mentor: Oakfur
  • Apprentice: Owlpaw
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Nightwing (mother), Blackstar (possible father)

Not much is known about Marshkit. He becomes friends with Birchfall (then Birchkit) on the Great Journey. In the mountains in Dawn, he was almost taken by a hawk, but Brackenfur of ThunderClan saved him. He and his siblings are not mentioned in The Sight. Some fans think he and his siblings might have died in their new home, as they are not mentioned ever again.

  • Kin: Tallpoppy (mother), Applekit, Toadkit (siblings)

Not much is known about Toadkit. He becomes friends with Birchfall (then Birchkit) on the Great Journey. He and his siblings are not mentioned in The Sight.

  • Kin: Tallpoppy (mother), Applekit, Marshkit (siblings)

Not much is known about Applekit. She becomes friends with Birchfall (then Birchkit) on the Great Journey. Fans presume that Birchfall and Applekit may have had a special connection. This is based on the fact that, when Applekit's siblings mew their good-byes as the Clans separated after the Great Journey, Applekit runs up and touches noses with Birchfall instead. She and her siblings are not mentioned in The Sight.

  • Kin: Tallpoppy (mother), Marshkit, Toadkit (siblings)



Mothwing (formerly known as Mothpaw) is a golden tabby she-cat with a dappled coat and amber eyes. Mothwing is the RiverClan medicine cat, mentored by Mudfur (he died in Dawn).

She, unlike the other medicine cats, does not believe in StarClan, although this does not stop her from being a skilled healer. It is thought that she only became a medicine cat because a moth's wing appeared outside of the den of her mentor, Mudfur, RiverClan's previous medicine cat. Mudfur took it to be a sign from StarClan. When Leafpool (then Leafpaw) mentions it to her in Starlight (after learning of Mothwing's disbelief in StarClan), Mothwing's eyes widen and says "That was-", but before she could finish, Cinderpelt called Leafpool. In Sunset it is revealed that Hawkfrost caught the moth and put it there for Mothwing, so as to be able to threaten Mothwing into doing what he wants. Hawkfrost didn't tell Mothwing what he did until the next morning, thereby taking control of her and crushing her faith in StarClan. Feathertail tells Leafpool in Twilight that StarClan had hoped Mothwing would believe in them after spending some time as a medicine cat. Unfortunately, the plan she still ignores StarClan's dreams, even at the Moonpool.

Mothwing is a loyal friend to Leafpool and she has helped her on numerous occasions. In Twilight, Leafpool delivers a message from Feathertail to Mothwing. Since Mothwing doesn't believe in StarClan, Feathertail couldn't reach her. Despite the prophecy from Feathertail, Mothwing still refuses to believe in StarClan. She somewhat misses the point of the prophecy (which told of Twolegs bringing great danger to RiverClan), and a number of her Clan was poisoned by toxic waste (possibly oil) from a Twoleg object. The cause of some the poisoning was a trio of kits, led by Minnowkit, who thought it would be fun to run around in the sticky liquid. Leafpool comes to the conclusion that Dawnflower, the kits' mother, got the sickness from the kits, however the rest of the cats picked it up on their own.

As Leafpool and Mothwing take care of the ill cats, Willowkit, Mosspelt's young daughter, helps them and Leafpool claims that Willowkit seems to be the perfect apprentice for Mothwing once she's six moons old.

In Sunset, Hawkfrost blackmails Mothwing into making up a prophecy against Stormfur and Brook by threatening to tell the whole of RiverClan the truth unless she does as he says. She, disappointedly, tells Leopardstar that StarClan sent her a sign saying Brook and Stormfur were unwelcome in RiverClan.

Mothwing said that she did try to believe in StarClan before, but after learning that the moth's wing sign was not from StarClan, she lost faith. Later, Willowpaw becomes Mothwing's apprentice, and Leafpool is called upon by StarClan to teach the apprentice about StarClan, while Mothwing teaches her how to heal.

In The Sight, Jaypaw, wondering why he couldn't scent Mothwing in his dream among the other medicine cats, withdraws from his dream and searches her thoughts, seeing the ordinary dreams of a normal warrior. He suspects that she does not believe in StarClan.

  • Mentor: Unknown warrior, Mudfur (medicine cat)
  • Apprentices: Willowpaw
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Sasha (mother), Tigerstar (father), Tawnypelt (half-sister), Hawkfrost (brother), Brambleclaw (half-brother), Jaypaw, Hollypaw, Lionpaw (niece and nephews)

Hawkfrost (Deceased) (formerly known as Hawkpaw) was a dark brown tabby tom with a white belly and ice blue eyes. He was a RiverClan warrior, son of Tigerstar and Sasha, and brother of Mothwing. Being Tigerstar's son, Hawkfrost is Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt's half brother. He is also half-uncle to Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw, Brambleclaw's kits.

Though born from a rogue mother, he is loyal to his Clan and always fights to protect it. Unlike Brambleclaw, however, Hawkfrost is not ashamed of who his father was, and unlike his sister Mothwing, Hawkfrost faithfully believes in StarClan. He may have lost his loyalty to StarClan under his father's influence.

Hawkfrost speaks with Brambleclaw and Tigerstar occasionally in his dreams. There, Tigerstar encourages his sons to rise to power within their Clans and Hawkfrost seems to agree with his father wholeheartedly.

When Mistyfoot was taken by Twolegs, Hawkfrost was made deputy in her place, but was forced to step down when she returned. He has since challenged her authority in many ways. He orders other cats around, disagrees with Mistyfoot's orders, and makes snide comments to clanmates about how she neglects the Clan (most of which are untrue). He was also favored by Leopardstar and if Mistyfoot had remained captured Hawkfrost would have remained deputy and may, like his father, Tigerstar, have killed Leopardstar to become leader.

In "Moonrise", it is hinted that Hawkfrost is darkhearted when he makes comments to Mothwing about how RiverClan could take over the other Clans' territory because they are weaker.

In Starlight, he sided with Mudclaw of WindClan and led a rebellion against Onestar, the WindClan leader,(then Onewhisker) when he still had only one life. When Mudclaw was killed by a falling tree that had been struck by lightning, Hawkfrost (and many others) saw it as a sign from StarClan and apologized for his actions.

In Twilight Hawkfrost was very good hearted, to Brambleclaw at least, despite Squirrelflight believing that he is untrustworthy. Other than insulting Mistyfoot's job as RiverClan's deputy, practically to her face, and his dreams with Tigerstar where he promises to follow in his father's pawsteps, Hawkfrost is an excellent warrior. He helps with the toxic Twoleg waste incident by building a thorn barrier around the object with Blackclaw's help. He also thanks Leafpool when she reminds him to wash his paws in a stream.

In Sunset, his heart somewhat darkens under Tigerstar's help, and Hawkfrost is shown largely trying to stir up trouble. It is revealed that it was he who placed the moth's wing at Mudfur's den, causing him to take it as a sign from StarClan and take Mothwing as an apprentice. He now threatens to reveal this secret in order to control Mothwing. Hawkfrost uses this control to get his sister to tell all of the Clans about a dream at a Gathering. Made up by Hawkfrost, the dream had the image of a stream with two large pebbles blocking its flow until they were removed. The dream suggests that two cats who are unlike the rest, Stormfur and Brook, should not be welcomed in RiverClan and that they need to be expelled in order for the Clan to function properly.

Hawkfrost is also plotting with his father, Tigerstar, in dreams more so than Brambleclaw, and the two devise a test. After Brambleclaw is made deputy of ThunderClan, Hawkfrost traps Firestar in a fox trap, and orders his half-brother to kill Firestar and take over ThunderClan. Brambleclaw refuses, yanking the trap off of Firestar and plunging the sharp end into Hawkfrost's throat, killing him. Moments before he dies, Hawkfrost hints a ThunderClan warrior helped him and vows that their feud is not yet over.

It may be important to note that Brambleclaw picked up ShadowClan scent on Hawkfrost's fur as he came to meet his half-brother for the last time. Hawkfrost dismisses the smell, saying that he must have picked it up on his way through ShadowClan territory. Yet Tigerstar, his father, was in ShadowClan.

In The Sight Hawkfrost and Tigerstar tempt Jaypaw into joining them. Spottedleaf however intervenes and leads Jaypaw away.

  • Mentor: Leopardstar, Tigerstar (in his dreams)
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Sasha (mother), Tigerstar (father), Tawnypelt (half-sister), Brambleclaw (half-brother), Goldenflower (half-mother) Mothwing (sister) Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw (niece and nephews)

Willowpaw (formerly known as Willowkit) is a small, slender dark gray she-cat, Mosspelt's daughter, and the RiverClan medicine cat apprentice. Willowpaw has a gentle heart and a thirst to become a great medicine cat, but it will be difficult for her, as her mentor Mothwing has no knowledge nor belief of StarClan. Feathertail entrusts Leafpool to teach her the ways of StarClan, while Willowpaw learns how to heal from Mothwing.

Willowpaw seems to have natural talent for medicine cat duties. This was shown in Twilight, when she helped Mothwing with the sickness, caused by Twoleg wastes and three ignorant kits who thought it would be fun to drink the vile liquid, when she was just a kit herself. In Sunset, Willowpaw is apprenticed to Mothwing, and Leafpool is present at her ceremony at the Moonpool. Willowpaw is also visited by Leafpool and Feathertail in a dream, in order for them to tell her where to find catmint.

In The Sight she and Jaypaw develop a rivalry. She also seems like she is a friend of Hollypaw.

  • Mentor: Mothwing, Leafpool (mentors her in the way of StarClan)
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Mosspelt (mother)

Reedwhisker (formerly known as Reedpaw) is a black RiverClan tom. In Moonrise, he nearly drowned after falling into the river, but Leafpool (then Leafpaw) saved him with the help of her guardian Spottedleaf when Mothwing panicked; he had just been a new apprentice. In Twilight, he helps Leafpool and Mothwing with the epidemic in RiverClan, gathering yarrow with Ripplepaw's help.

  • Mentor: Mistyfoot
  • Apprentices: Rippletail, Pouncepaw
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Unknown

Stonestream (formerly known as Stonepaw) is a gray RiverClan tom. Nothing else is known about him. He is an elder in The Sight, and certainly became an elder too quickly since he was an apprentice in Starlight. He could've retired early because of a disability like Longtail.

  • Mentor: Heavystep
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Unknown

Tumblekit (may be deceased) was one of Dawnflower's kits. He is described as a chubby brown tabby tom. He was introduced in Dawn, but hasn't appeared in the other books.

  • Mentor: Unknown/None
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Dawnflower (mother), Minnowpaw, unnamed kit (sisters), Pebblepaw (brother)

Minnowpaw (formerly known as Minnowkit) was one of Dawnflower's kits. She (then Minnowkit) led her siblings to the Twoleg poisoned liquid while exploring the territory without any adult cats. She was also the one who brought up the idea to try drinking the liquid, causing her and her siblings to become sick. When they got home, Dawnflower, after washing them and therefore picking up the waste from their fur, became sick with the kits. One of Minnowpaw's siblings died from being too weak to fight off the poison, and though Minnowpaw herself was sick, she stayed her same defiant nature and tried to refuse to eat the medicine. She apparently got better with some of the other cats when Leafpool arrived.

In The Sight she is seen at a Gathering by Lionpaw and Mousepaw. Mousepaw seems to have a crush on her at that point, and she seemed to be less defiant there and nicer.

  • Mentor: Voletooth
  • Apprentices: None
  • Mate: None
  • Kin: Dawnflower (mother), unnamed kit (sister), Pebblepaw and Tumblekit (brothers)

Tribe of Rushing Water


Teller of the Pointed Stones (Stoneteller) is an elderly brown tabby tom with amber eyes, and the leader of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Stoneteller is the Clan equivalent of a medicine cat and leader, and is of the highest rank in his Tribe. He gave the questing cats food and shelter. However, he imprisoned Stormfur because he believed Stormfur was the cat destined to kill Sharptooth. The chosen cat was really Feathertail. When the four Clans make the final journey to the sun-drown place, Stoneteller gives them food and shelter on their way.


Talon of Swooping Eagle (Talon) is a huge dark brown tom with amber eyes and a huge scar over his left eye from where an eagle's talon injured him as a kit. He is the older brother of Brook, and he is from an older litter. When their mother was killed by Sharptooth, Talon looked after Brook. Talon is also a former outcast, though currently a cave-guard of the Tribe of Rushing Water.

In Moonrise, the six journeying Clan cats meet Talon in a small cave, along with Rock Where Snow Gathers (Rock) and Bird Who Rides the Wind (Bird). He, Rock, and Bird introduce themselves as the survivors of a group of six cats who were sent by Stoneteller many seasons before, after Stoneteller was given a sign from the Tribe of Endless Hunting. Stoneteller ordered the group to kill Sharptooth, and not to return to the Tribe without Sharptooth's pelt. Since the Tribe cats couldn't kill him, they remained as outcasts in the mountains.

Talon, Rock, and Bird eventually return to the Tribe with Stormfur and the other Clan cats. They are met with great hostility from the Tribe at first as their return is seen as disobedience with the punishment of death. Talon promises that they'll help the Tribe defeat Sharptooth, or be killed if they fail, and Stoneteller lets them stay. After Sharptooth is killed by Feathertail, Talon, Rock, and Bird are able to rejoin the Tribe as cave-guards.

In Dawn, Talon and two other cave-guards, Jagged Rock Where Heron Sits (Jag) and Night of No Stars (Night), come across Squirrelflight (then Squirrelpaw) while she is hunting a falcon. The Tribe cats catch the falcon before Squirrelpaw does and Talon is surprised to see the ginger she-cat again. Soon after, the cave-guards go with Squirrelpaw to the place where the four Clans are sheltering, and they take the Clan cats to the Cave of Rushing Water.

  • Kin: Brook Where Small Fish Swim (sister)

Crag Where Eagles Nest (Crag) is a dark gray tom with blue eyes, and is a current cave-guard of the Tribe of Rushing Water. In Moonrise, Crag seems to be a very proud cat. He treats Brook like a kit, usually giving her annoyed looks. Crag warms up to the group of traveling Clan cats, and in Dawn, he gives Squirrelflight (then Squirrelpaw) and her friends a friendly welcome.

In Dawn he seemed to be very fond of Leafpool (then Leafpaw) when he shared a rabbit with her at a Telling (a Tribe's Gathering).


Mist Where Sunlight Shimmers (Mist) (Deceased) is a light gray she-cat, and is a former cave-guard of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Not much else is known about her, other than her muscular body and deep voice.

In Moonrise she is killed by Sharptooth.


Star That Shines On Water (Star) (Deceased) is a silver tabby she-cat with golden eyes and a former kit-mother/prey-hunter of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Not much else is known about her.

In Moonrise, Star was taken away by Sharptooth. She may have been killed and/or eaten.


Scree Beneath Winter Sky (Scree) is a large mud-colored tabby tom and is a current cave-guard of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Not much else is known about him.

In Moonrise, he argues with Brambleclaw about letting Stormfur go.



Purdy is a tabby tom loner and former kittypet who lives in the Twolegplace near the sea. He lead the questing cats through the Twolegplace getting them lost numerous times. Despite that, the chosen cats (with the exception of Crowfeather) consider him a loyal friend. Purdy also meets Midnight the badger, though he is hostile to her at first. In Moonrise, he declines going over the mountains that led to the Tribe of Rushing Water.


Sasha is a golden tabby she-cat and also Tigerstar's second mate. She is currently a loner. Her kits, Hawkfrost and Mothwing, are cats of RiverClan. She gave them up to the Clan when they were born. Sasha was one of the cats taken by the Twolegs in Dawn, including Cody, Leafpaw, and Mistyfoot. She is quite snappish and also does not seem to believe in StarClan. When the four Clans prepare to leave the forest, Sasha offers to take Mothwing and Hawkfrost away to live with her. They refused to do so, since Mothwing was now RiverClan's only medicine cat, and Hawkfrost was more loyal to his Clan, and later on, Tigerstar.

  • Mate: Tigerstar (ThunderClan/ShadowClan)
  • Kin: Hawkfrost, Mothwing (kits)

Cody is a tabby she-cat with blue eyes, and a kittypet that was captured by the Twolegs when she lost her collar in Dawn. She becomes friends with Leafpaw when they were trapped in their cages. On an interesting note, Cody tells Leafpool (then Leafpaw) of how her friend, Smudge, told her of a bright orange cat called Rusty who went into the forest to join the woodland cats. Leafpool tells her of how her father wasn't always a Clan cat, and Cody comes to the conclusion that Firestar must have been Smudge's old friend. Interestingly, Cody not only apparently lives near Smudge, but also matches the description of Firestar's former twolegs' new kittypet, appearing briefly in The Darkest Hour.

When the ThunderClan cats come to the rescue, Cody escapes the Twolegs and spends some time with ThunderClan. She stays in the nursery, helping Ferncloud cope with the death of her litter by telling Ferncloud of how she once had a litter. At first, Leafpaw and Ferncloud are shocked, thinking that the litter had died, but Cody quickly explains that her Twolegs gave the kits good homes, although Cody still missed them just as much. Cody also helps Ferncloud by taking care of Birchkit.

Cody returns to her Twolegs (though she was offered a spot in the Clan by Leafpaw) when the Clans decide to journey to their new home. Before she leaves, Cody admits to Leafpaw that she did enjoy the freedom she felt with ThunderClan. However, she also prefers knowing where she'll be sleeping each night and that there will be food for her if she gets hungry, as opposed to having to fight for shelter and fresh-kill like the Clan cats. She also tells Leafpaw that she'll keep an eye out for Graystripe, who was captured by the Twolegs during the cats' escape from the cages, and that she'll tell him where ThunderClan has gone.


Smoky is a muscular gray and white tomcat and the father of Daisy's three kits, Mousepaw, Hazelpaw, and Berrypaw. He is a loner who lives at the horseplace and he is first introduced in Starlight, along with a pregnant Daisy. Smoky is very hostile toward the ThunderClan and WindClan cats when they pass by the horseplace while traveling to the Gathering. Smoky and Mudclaw almost fight, but they are stopped by a WindClan queen, Whitetail, who says that "He was only defending his nursery." At that time, the third horseplace cat, Floss, had recently given birth to kits.

Despite his hostility in Starlight, during Sunset, Smoky is very kind to Brambleclaw and Cloudtail when they come to retrieve Daisy and her three kits. Although Smoky had said he had missed Daisy and their kits, he admits that the kits wouldn't have settled to living in the barn. He goes on to say that Daisy can always come back when the kits are fully grown. Cloudtail then says that Smoky could come to the forest with Daisy, but Smoky declines the offer.

  • Mate: Daisy (ThunderClan/loner), Floss (loner)
  • Kin: Hazelpaw, Berrypaw, Mousepaw (Daisy's kits), Floss's unnamed kits

Floss is a small gray and white she-cat that lives in the barn on the horseplace. It is possible that she was best friends with Daisy before the cream colored cat left for the forest. Her mate is Smoky, and they had a litter of kits that were taken away by Twolegs. Cloudtail is angry at the Twolegs for doing so.

  • Mate: Smoky (loner)
  • Kin: Unnamed kits (taken away by the Nofurs, or Twolegs)
Jacques and Susan

Jacques and Susan are the two kittypets from the ShadowClan territory at the lakeshores. They hurt (and even killed) cats that were on their own. Three of their known victims were Squirrelflight (While deciding where the ShadowClan Camp would be, survived), Tawnypelt(survived, thanks to Squirrelflight), and Talonpaw (who was killed). ShadowClan and ThunderClan attacked them and made them leave them alone. Nothing else is known about them

Other Animals


Midnight is a badger who lives near the sea. Unlike most badgers, she believes in StarClan and is friendly to cats. When the questing cats arrived at the sun-drown-place, she told them about the Twolegs' desruction of their homeland and gives Tawnypelt burdock root for her rat bite. Later in Twilight, she tries to warn the Clans about the badger attack. She came a little too late, although she saved the Clan from being wiped out by bringing WindClan to help. Most cats consider her a friend. It is a known fact that other badgers call her "cat friend" or other harsher insults. The cats of ThunderClan beg her to stay in the forest, but she goes back to the sun-drown place, hinting the cats would run into her again.

Midnight's Kin

These badgers, although kin to Midnight, care nothing about living peacefully with cats. They attack ThunderClan in Twilight, to try to kill them. Fortunately and sadly, the only two cats that died during the attack were Sootfur and Cinderpelt. Molepaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw, and Honeypaw (Sorreltail's kits) were born during this attack, and Cinderpelt died defending Sorreltail from the badgers.


Sharptooth (Deceased) is a lion-cat (possibly a mountain lion or a bobcat) that terrorized the Tribe of Rushing Water. A prophecy was given to the Tribe, saying that a cat with silver fur will stop Sharptooth. It was first thought that this cat was Stormfur, but it turned out to be Feathertail. When the tribe first saw the traveling cats, Feathertails fur was dark and matted from falling in the waterfall, so it did not appear silver. The she-cat sent a large, sharply pointed rock (a stalactite) crashing down and impaling the monster cat, killing him and herself.


Pip is a black and white terrier who lives on the Twolegs' farm, where Floss and Smoky live. He is most likely the family pet. Not much is known about him.

The Power of Three

The Power of Three is told by the point of view of three cats, Jaypaw, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw, kits of Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, grandkits of the great Firestar and the evil Tigerstar. The prophecy Star Clan gives to Firestar is There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws. The three kits are at the center of this prophecy.

Main Characters


Hollypaw (formerly known as Hollykit) is a black ThunderClan she-cat with green eyes. She is Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw's daughter, Firestar, Sandstorm, Tigerstar, and Goldenflower's grandkit, and Princess' grand niece for she is Firestar's sister and Hollypaw is the sister of Jaypaw and Lionpaw. The three kits have a prophecy that revolves around them, probably mentioning their strange powers. These three kits may have these powers because the blood of both Firestar and Tigerstar runs through them, giving them "more power for good or evil than any cat that has ever walked the forest before."

Hollypaw is also a cat who "sticks to the warrior code like a caterpillar to a leaf." She makes sure that she doesn't go against the code and hates it when cats are in pain.

When Hollypaw was a kit, she saw Leafpool treating Jaypaw when he fell into the hollow and wanted to help. When she gave herbs to her brother, she knew she wanted to be a medicine cat. When she tells Leafpool this, the tabby medicine cat agrees and becomes her mentor. Hollypaw soon realizes that she is awful at remembering herbs. With some encouraging from Brook, Hollypaw tells Leafpool that she doesn't want to be a medicine cat apprentice any longer, which was true. Her mentor and Firestar agree, so Brackenfur becomes her new mentor. Hollypaw finds out she is great at fighting and pretty good at hunting, and she knew she made the right decision. In the Gathering that Squirrelflight suggested of, Hollypaw wins the fighting against Heatherpaw and wins of the apprentices of ThunderClan. There are some hints that Cinderpaw is Hollypaw's best friend.

  • Mentor: Leafpool, Brackenfur (as a warrior apprentice)
  • Kin: Squirrelflight (mother), Brambleclaw (father), Jaypaw, Lionpaw (brothers), Leafpool, Tawnypelt, Mothwing (aunts), Hawkfrost (uncle), Firestar, Tigerstar (grandfathers), Sandstorm, Goldenflower (grandmothers), Cloudtail, Whitewing (cousins), Princess (great aunt)


Jaypaw (formerly known as Jaykit) is a mottled gray tabby ThunderClan tom with blue eyes. He is Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw's son, Firestar, Sandstorm, Tigerstar, Goldenflower's grandkit, and Princess' grand nephew and the brother of Hollypaw and Lionpaw. These three kits may have these powers because the blood of both Firestar and Tigerstar runs through them, giving them "more power for good or evil than any cat that has ever walked the forest before."

Jaypaw is blind, though it rarely hinders him from finding his way around, it affects his sense of smell and hearing (enhancing it.) Although he wishes to be a warrior, humiliating experiences against a fox cub (in which he got his tail stuck in bracken and later fell into ThunderClan's hollow) and a later fight against ShadowClan (where he was forced to call upon Lionpaw's help in order to fight) discourage and frustrate him. Later, Spottedleaf of StarClan informs him insistently that his destiny is to become a medicine cat, much to his displeasure. Nevertheless, Jaypaw accepts it and becomes Leafpool's new apprentice.

Because of his blindness, Jaypaw is often resentful, angry, annoyed, and rude. He feels as if all the other cats think of him as being a worthless, helpless kit. He is mocked by Owlpaw of ShadowClan, but in the skirmish between the two Clans, Jaypaw, with Lionpaw's help, defeats Owlpaw. He also inherits his mother's sharp tongue.

He can see in his dreams, and sometimes, through his siblings eyes. He can tell what other cats, including StarClan's cats, are feeling, and he can walk in others' dreams.

  • Mentor: Brightheart, Leafpool (as a medicine cat apprentice)
  • Kin: Squirrelflight (mother), Brambleclaw (father), Hollypaw, Lionpaw (sister and brother), Leafpool, Tawnypelt, Mothwing (aunts), Hawkfrost (uncle), Firestar, Tigerstar (grandfathers), Sandstorm, Goldenflower (grandmothers), Cloudtail, Whitewing (cousins) Princess (grand Aunt)


Lionpaw (formerly known as Lionkit) is a ginger (golden brown) tabby ThunderClan tom with amber eyes. Lionpaw is Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw's son, Firestar, Sandstorm, Tigerstar's, Goldenflower's grandkit,and Princess' grand nephew and the brother of Jaypaw and Hollypaw. The three kits have a prophecy that revolves around them, probably mentioning their strange powers. These three kits may have these powers because the blood of both Firestar and Tigerstar runs through them, giving them "more power for good or evil than any cat that has ever walked the forest before."

It is known that Lionpaw is a particularly good hunter, just as Hollypaw is a great fighter and Jaypaw is a great medicine cat.

After meeting her at a Gathering, Lionpaw develops a strong liking for Crowfeather's apprentice, Heatherpaw. During the dog chase in WindClan's territory, Lionpaw fears for Heatherpaw's safety. He rescues her from a dog after she gets stuck in a rabbit hole, attacking the canine fiercely and almost chasing after it when it flees.

At the Gathering of which his mother suggests of, Lionpaw and Breezepaw of WindClan are hunting against each other. But as they hunt for the same squirrel, the ground beneath them collapes and the den on top of them does as well. As he and Breezepaw's mouths are filled with dirt, Jaypaw and Crowfeather digs them out and saves them.

  • Mentor: Ashfur
  • Kin: Squirrelflight (mother), Brambleclaw (father), Hollypaw, Jaypaw (sister and brother), Leafpool, Tawnypelt, Mothwing (aunts), Swiftpaw, Hawkfrost (uncles), Firestar, Tigerstar (grandfathers), Sandstorm, Goldenflower (grandmothers), Cloudtail, Whitewing (cousins) Princess (great aunt)

Secondary Characters



Icekit is a white ThunderClan she-cat, and the daughter of Ferncloud and Dustpelt. In the beginning of The Sight, Icekit feels sad about Hollypaw leaving the nursery to join the apprentices' den, while Foxkit didn't seem to care.

  • Mentor: None
  • Kin: Ferncloud (mother), Dustpelt (father), Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Larchkit, Hollykit, Foxkit (siblings), Ashfur (uncle), Brindleface (grandmother)

Foxkit is a auburn ThunderClan tom, and the son of Ferncloud and Dustpelt. When Hollypaw was in the nursery, Foxkit was treating his sister a little roughly.

  • Mentor: None
  • Kin: Ferncloud (mother), Dustpelt (father), Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Larchkit, Icekit (siblings), Ashfur (uncle), Brindleface (grandmother)



Heatherpaw is a beautiful light brown tabby she-cat with heather-colored eyes (pinkish blue), and Crowfeather's apprentice. She becomes friends with Lionpaw after meeting him at a Gathering. They also help each other during the dog chase in WindClan's territory, most notably when Lionpaw rescues Heatherpaw from being injured by a dog after she gets stuck in a rabbit hole. Back at WindClan's camp, while Onestar thanks the ThunderClan patrol, Heatherpaw adds that they couldn't have gotten rid of the dogs without them and that Lionpaw saved her. Lionpaw clearly has a crush on Heatherpaw and Heatherpaw clearly has a crush on Lionpaw. It is implied that Crowfeather also sees this, and pointedly stands between the two apprentices after Heatherpaw's compliment on Lionpaw's actions. Possibly he remembers Leafpool, and the pain their relationship caused him. The possibilities of them becoming mates in the future seems good.

  • Mentor: Crowfeather
  • Kin: Unknown

Breezepaw is a black tom with big, round, amber eyes and an apprentice of WindClan. He is the son of Crowfeather and Nightcloud. He has a sharp tongue, like his father, and in The Sight, Heatherpaw exclaims Breezepaw is very bossy, and has been even since he was a kit. Whitetail also tells Crowfeather that he should teach his son some manners, after Breezepaw is rude to Jaypaw for falling into the lake. He also thinks he can boss Heatherpaw around just because his father is her mentor. Heatherpaw told him that he would be a warrior before he knew it and he would be able to boss all the apprentices in WindClan around.

  • Mentor: Whitetail
  • Kin: Windstar (ancestor), Gorsestar (ancestor), Crowfeather (father), Nightcloud (mother), Ashfoot (grandmother), Deadfoot (possible grandfather), Eaglekit (uncle)

Whitetail is a small kindly white she-cat who is currently mentoring Breezepaw, Crowfeather's son. She is one of the cats that help Jaypaw from the lake. She was also a queen in the old forest. Some fans think it is time for her to become an elder because she was an apprentice since Book 2, Fire and Ice, but that wouldn't be necessary since Graystripe, Sandstorm, and Dustpelt were apprentices since the first book and are not even close to being elders yet. Nothing else is known.

  • Mentor: Onestar
  • Apprentices: Breezepaw
  • Mate: Unknown
  • Kin: Unknown

Nightcloud is a black she-cat, a WindClan warrior, and the mother of Crowfeather's son Breezepaw. She first appears in Starlight, when she supports Mudclaw and agrees that Onestar should not be leader, but she is not in the Allegiances pages until Twilight. In The Sight, when Jaypaw rescues Lionpaw and Breezepaw from suffocating in quicksand, Leafpool comes to help while Nightcloud and Crowfeather are there. Nightcloud acts with some aggression towards Leafpool (probably because she knew Crowfeather had run away with her), but nothing happens.

  • Mentor: Unknown
  • Apprentices: Unknown
  • Mate: Crowfeather (WindClan)
  • Kin: Unknown cats (siblings), Breezepaw, unknown cats (kits)

Nothing is known about Buzzardkit except for that he is a WindClan kit who was mentioned at the end of the dog attack in The Sight. Buzzardkit was the one seen squealing with fear once the dog attack was over. His mother is unknown. Since Sedgekit's mother is also unknown, they could very well be siblings.


Not much is known about Sedgekit other than she is currently a WindClan kit who was mentioned at the end of the dog attack in The Sight. Sedgekit was the one who objected to Millie's training to be a warrior by saying that she could never be a "real" warrior.



Pouncepaw is a light brown tabby she-cat of RiverClan. Her mentor is Reedwhisker. She is an accomplished fisher, and wins the fishing event at the contest. Her friends are probably Minnowpaw, Pebblepaw, and Mousepaw. Nothing else is known about her.

  • Mentor: Reedwhisker
  • Kin: Unknown

Not much is known Dapplepaw except she is Mistyfoot's apprentice and her friends are probably Pouncepaw, Minnowpaw, and Pebblepaw.

  • Mentor: Mistyfoot

Minnowpaw (formerly known as Minnowkit) is an attractive gray-and-white she-cat of RiverClan, and the daughter of Dawnflower. Her mentor is Voletooth. Her fur is unusually soft and fluffy, like a kitten's, but according to Mousepaw she is tougher than she looks. Her brother is Pebblepaw. In Twilight, when she and Pebblepaw were kits, they messed with toxic Twoleg waste (oil) and their unknown sibling dies. Mousepaw has a huge crush on Minnowpaw. But in Twilight it was mentioned Minnowpaw (Then Minnowkit) was a black she-cat with green eyes. Again, this was another mistake.

  • Mentor: Voletooth
  • Kin: Dawnflower (mother), Pebblepaw, unknown kit (brother and sister)

Pebblepaw (formerly known as Pebblekit) is a gray tom of RiverClan. He and his sister in Twilight played with toxic Twoleg waste (oil) and their sister died. His mentor is Mosspelt.

  • Mentor: Mosspelt
  • Kin: Dawnflower (mother), Minnowpaw, unnamed kit (sisters)



Ivypaw is a brown tabby she-cat described as very rude, overconfident, snobby, vain, and cool-tempered. In The Sight, she commented that she could beat Hollypaw in a fight during the contest, and Hollypaw accepts the challenge. Brackenfur intervenes before anything happens. Her mentor is Rowanclaw.

  • Mentor: Rowanclaw
  • Kin: Possibly Owlpaw

Owlpaw is a brown tabby tom with a very mean and aggressive attitude toward ThunderClan. He often mocks ThunderClan because of the former kittypets and warriors from other Clans, plus Graystripe and Daisy's kits, that have status in the Clan. He is a great hunter, and wins the hunting contest, though Lionpaw and Breezepaw were taken out of the event due to falling into a fallen badger den.

His mentor is Smokefoot. In The Sight, Owlpaw heartlessly mocks Jaypaw because of Jaypaw's blindness. He also taunted Berrypaw, calling him a kittypet.

  • Mentor: Smokefoot
  • Kin: Unknown (Possibly Ivypaw because he has the same snobby attitude as her)

Manga Series

Main Characters


See: Graystripe

Graystripe is the main protagonist of the Warriors Manga as well as a main character in the Original Warriors Series.


Millie is a small, feisty, independent, silver (fur later dulls to gray) tabby she-cat. An error is on the original cover of "The Lost Warrior", she was a pale ginger tabby. Not much is known about Millie, except that she is a kittypet from a neighboring house, where she was spoiled. She is curious about the ways of the Clans and Graystripe teaches her. Millie also convinces Graystripe to return home, and she accompanies him on his journey. In the end of The Lost Warrior, Millie shows love for Graystripe. She said that if he needs help, he has her.

Along with Graystipe, she enters the Clans' world in The Sight, this time joining ThunderClan as Graystripe's mate. She is challenged by Blackstar, but she gives him a sassy, cheeky glare, and he leaves her alone for a while. Though she is disliked and thought badly of by some for being a kittypet, she proves herself using the hunting and battle skills Graystripe taught her.

  • Mate: Graystripe (ThunderClan)
  • Appearance: Silver-gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Secondary Characters


Duke is a large black and white tom with a torn ear. Little is known about him, except that he is a kittypet who fights with Graystripe and beats him the first time. It is said by Millie that no cat has been able to beat him. He next meets Graystipe and Millie when he's with by two other kittypets. This time, though, Graystipe is able to beat Duke, who flees the scene, calling Graystripe and Millie savage. He is very aggressive and mean towards cats who stray onto his territory, and threatens them like he did Graystripe and Millie.

Duke also has unusually sharp claws, and his collar lookes like it is made of cat teeth. Because of these features, he could be a former BloodClan warrior, or just likes to look fierce.

  • Appearance: Large black and white tom with amber eyes
Duke's Allies

These two cats fought for Duke the second time he fought against Graystripe. While Graystripe aimed for Duke, Millie distracted his allies. Nothing else is known about them

Two Unnamed Kittypets

These two kittypets only appeared once in The Lost Warrior and probably won't appear again. One of them is black, the other is white. They have met Millie before, saying she comes and goes around their Twoleg Nest whenever she feels like it.

They have also heard of Graystripe before, because he was once a forest cat. When they asked Graystripe if he really ate bones, he was offended by that. He said he did eat bones (he really didn't), especially the bones of kittypets like them. Hearing this, the two kittypets fled. They weren't seen again afterwards.

Rumored Characters


Ravenpaw might appear in Volume 3, because in The Sight, Graystripe told Firestar that Ravenpaw told him (and Millie), that the Clans had gone toward the setting sun.

Unknown Rogue

This cat might make an appearance, because in The Sight Graystripe told Firestar that he and Millie met a rogue who told them that there were cats living by the lake. It is possible that this cat might appear in Volume 3.

Warriors Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans



Thunderstar's story is told in the Warriors Field Guide. He is a large orange tom, the color of autumn leaves, with amber eyes and big white paws. He was originally known as Thunder. He was the first leader of ThunderClan. He was strong, courageous, and determined. He, along with Shadow, Wind, and River, created the warrior code. His first deputy was Lightningtail, and then Owleyes, who was later known as Owlstar. Among all of the leaders of his time, he had the most strength and hunting skills. He was legendary, and elders tell dozens of stories about him.


Owlstar was Thunderstar's deputy, and was also known as Owleyes. He was a dark gray tomcat with large, unblinking amber eyes. He was a legendary hunter, who learned the ways of the tawny owl to stalk prey by night in silence. His deputies and apprentices are unknown.


Sunstar was a long-haired, yellow tabby striped tom with green eyes and fair-minded, eventempered, and wise. He held together his Clan through dangerous leaf-bare and fought to keep Sunningrocks from RiverClan. His deputies were Tawnyspots and Bluefur, and his apprentice was Lionheart.


Cloudspots was the first medicine cat of ThunderClan. He was a long-furred black tom with white ears, a white chest, and two white paws. He was inquiring, curious, and thoughtful, though sometimes appeared shy and reserved. He was very keen in the theory of medicine, but he didn't like dealing with sickly kits. Cloudspots founded the difference between whitecough and greencough, and thought catmint would be a possible cure.


Featherwhisker was a pale, silvery gray tom with bright amber eyes, unusually long feathery whiskers, and a sweeping plume of a tail. He was Sunstar's medicine cat and brother. He was gentle, sweeet natured, and a kind mentor. He worked tirelessly to save his Clanmates during greencough epidemic, which ultimately killed him. His apprentice was Spottedleaf.


Snowfur is the sister of one of ThunderClan's greatest leaders, Bluestar. She is also mother of one of ThunderClan's previous deputies, Whitestorm. She died many moons before the books take place. While chasing a squirrel across the Thunderpath, she was hit by a monster. When Bluestar's (then Bluefur's) third kit, Mosskit, died, she took care of him in StarClan sinse her son Whitestorm (then Whitepaw) was still young when she died and she still felt the need to care for a kit.

  • Kin: Bluestar (sister), Moonflower (mother), Whitestorm (son), Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit (niece and nephews), Mistyfoot's kits (great-neices/nephews), Sorreltail, Sootfur, Rainwhisker (granddaughter and grandsons), Molepaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw, Honeypaw (great-grandson and great-granddaughters)



Windstar was a wiry brown she-cat with yellow eye with a proud, wily, stubborn nature. She was the fastest cat in the forest and founded WindClan. She worked with Thunder, Shadow, and River to develop the warrior code. She was also known as Wind. Many of her descendants run through her Clan today, including Ashfoot, WindClan's current deputy, and Ashfoot's son, Crowfeather, and Crowfeather's son, Breezepaw.


Not much is known about Gorsestar. All we know is that he was a thin, gray, tabby tom who was remembered for his devotion and bravery to Windstar, his mate.


Mothflight was a soft, white she-cat with stormy green eyes. She was the first medicine cat of any Clan. She was loyal and true to WindClan, yet her restlessness, curiosity, and dreaminess led her to exile. But StarClan sent a sign to Windstar that Mothflight must be accepted back to her Clan and become the medicine cat, for she found the Moonstone.


Thrushpelt was a stone-gray she-cat with flecks of darker brown fur was a warrior for several moons before becoming WindClan's medicine cat. She interpreted signs with immense confidence, and was a expert herb finder. She was tempermental and quick to fight. Thrushpelt took care of WindClan through a sick-rabbit epidemic.



Riverstar was a silvery gray, long furred tom with green eyes. He was generous and warm-hearted with his own Clan, but was uninterested in other Clans' troubles. He was the founder of RiverClan and worked with Wind, Thunder, and Shadow to develop the warrior code. Riverstar suggested the idea of a mentoring program of training apprentices.


Dapplepelt was a delicate, tortoiseshell she-cat. She was brave, reckless, and quick to act. She saw being a medicine cat as a different type of a warrior, fighting invisible enimies of sickness and injury on behalf of her Clanmates. She saved an entire litter of kits after a nusery was washed away by a flood.


Brambleberry was a pretty white she-cat with black-spotted fur, blue eyes, and a strikingly pink nose. She was charming, quick thinking, and good at getting her own way. She was cautious about interpreting StarClan's omens, and came up with a clever way to hide herbs in fresh-kill so the sick kits would eat them.



Shadowstar was a black she-cat with green eyes and thick fur. She was a strategist, ferciously independent, and was bold in battle. She was the founder of ShadowClan and worked with Thunder, Wind, and River to develop the warrior code, but spent the rest of her life complaining about it. She was formally known as Shadow. Shadowstar was the first of the four original leaders to lose all nine lives.


Pebbleheart was a dark gray tabby tom. He was selfless, caring, and desprete to help his Clanmates with any problem. He weakened himself by working tirelessly and realized that the rats of Carrionplace were a source of infection.


Lizardstripe was the ShadowClan queen who suckled Brokenkit. She also seemed to know that Yellowfang was his mother. She was against it at first, but she had no choice but to take good care of Brokenkit. Template:Endspoiler

See also
