Danny Phantom (character)

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For the TV show named for the character, see Danny Phantom.
Daniel "Danny" Fenton
(Danny Phantom)
Danny Fenton
Publication information
First appearance"Mystery Meat"
Created byButch Hartman
In-story information
Alter egoDaniel "Danny" Fenton
SpeciesHuman-Ghost Hybrid (Halfa)
Team affiliationsTeam Phantom (Leader) Sam Manson (girlfriend), Skulker (Enemy/Ally).
Notable aliases"Inviso-Bill", "Ghost Boy/Kid/Child", "Phantom Kid", various nicknames and insults given to him by his enemies, The "Halfa"
AbilitiesVarious ghost-related powers: such as flight, intangibility, invisibility, ectoplasmic energy beams and shields, and cryokinesis to name a few.

Daniel "Danny" Fenton, also known as Danny Phantom is a superhero, the protagonist and titular character of the Nickelodeon animated television series Danny Phantom. He is voiced by David Kaufman.



Danny's Ghost Half in season 1.

Living with his ghost obsessed parents since his birth, Danny (and his sister Jazz) had to put up with their unique personalities that often tramautized him (the Christmas incident for one where their parents constantly argued over Santa Claus's existence caused Danny to forever display hatred for that holiday) as well as constantly be forced to listen to their parents ramble or instruct their children on how their numerous Fenton gadgets worked. However, this did nothing to stop Danny's curiosity that one day changed his life forever.

While in his parents' laboratory, Danny Fenton had an accident involving the newly built "Fenton Portal" and his molecular structure was infused with ectoplasm. As a result, he can transform between the forms his human-half and into his ghost-half at will, and he has come into a number of various supernatural/paranormal/metaphysical abilities.

Danny Fenton is a nervous, clumsy, and sometimes superficial 14-year-old boy who tries to fit in with his peers. But he is also able to transform into his ghost form (his transformation words/Battle Cry is normally "I'm going ghost!"). Upon transformation, his normally black hair turns white, his eyes change from sky blue to ectoplasmic green, his skin changes from light to tanned, and his normal attire becomes a black hazmat suit - with white boots, gloves, belt, and starting from the second season, a "D" emblem with an inner "P" on his chest (courtesy of Sam), becoming "Danny Phantom". His character is quite similar to Timmy Turner (another Butch Hartman creation), from the same untidy hair style and blue eyes to their social lives where they deal with embarrassing parents, school, love lives, and most importantly, their deepest secrets.

As Danny Phantom, he freely uses a variety of supernatural powers. In either form, Danny (as well as all other humans) can see, hear, and talk to other paranormal beings, as well as battle them. Danny possess most of his supernatural powers in both his dual forms--although he only uses them most freely in his ghost form. The only exception is that so far Danny cannot utilise his supernatural strength in his human form. Also other ghosts can sometimes overpower him and impose invisibility and intagibility (or lack-there-of) until Danny can regain energy and fight back. To save his friends and family, Danny frequently battles with various ghosts, sometimes from thwarting plans of world domination or confronting them in situations of public disturbances.


He made his first appearance in "Mystery Meat" where after having his powers for a full month, he struggled with either telling his parents or keeping it a secret. After a battle with the Lunch Lady Ghost, Danny decided in the end not to tell his folks and has started his long road of being a superhero to the people of Amity Park.

In "Bitter Reunions", Danny would meet Vlad Masters who would serve as his primary arch-nemesis throughout the series, possessing the same half-ghost powers he does, only 20 years more experienced.

Negative View

For the majority of the earlier episodes, Danny Phantom wasn't particularly a well known ghost. However, his major comeuppance in the Amity Park's public eyes came in "Public Enemies" when Walker, a ghost cop, in a fit of revenge against Danny (when he freed himself and others from jail in "Prisoner of Love") ambushed the entire city, going as far as possessing the mayor and making Danny Phantom the framed victim in all of it, causing the public to shun the ghost boy (nicknaming him "Inviso-Bill"). To make matters worse, when Freakshow took control of Danny with his crystal ball staff in "Control Freaks", he forced him to lead a series of ghostly bank robberies. Since then, Danny has been consistently chased after by Amity Park's local authority, despite his intentions to still bring about good to the world with only his two friends and Jazz (who at that time knew of his secret identity, but had not yet told him) supporting him, as well as Paulina who fell in love with Danny's alter ego ghost half in "Lucky in Love" when he saved her. In The Ultimate Enemy (which is mostly events in an alternate timeline) Danny gets his ghost half removed and he removes Vlad's Ghost half when the two ghost halves get mixed together forming Dark Danny Danny turns over to the dark side however Dark Danny murders Danny Fenton and with no human emotions to stop him he causes damage on the earth and in the ghost zone.

A Hero

He managed to succeed in "Reign Storm" when he fought against Pariah Dark (a powerful ghost king who took over all of Amity Park) and managed to lock him back in his palace. The aftermath reveals Danny to now be in the good in the eyes of 64% of the townsfolks of Amity, causing the majority to see Danny Phantom as a hero. Since then, his existence and popularity has soared, many knowing who he is, some respecting and looking out for him, etc. Danny also confirms the whole town during this point knows his true name is "Danny Phantom" and not "Inviso-Bill". This also helps his standing in the Ghost Zone as he is now called by Frostbite "The Great One" and "Savior of the Ghost Zone" because of his actions.

Another important note is that in "Urban Jungle", Danny stated that he was a duly-appointed deputy of Amity Park, meaning that he is now officially recognized as the town's protector. By the time of Forever Phantom, Danny Phantom's popularity has achieved a level comparable to a rock star's, as he is constantly chased by mobs of adoring fans and the news media. In Phantom Planet his identity is revealed to the world and statues of him holding up the world are used as thanks.

Alternate Paths

In "The Ultimate Enemy", Danny managed to witness an alternate future when, due to him cheating on the CAT test, his family, friends, and Lancer all die through a Nasty Burger explosion. Orphaned, Danny moves in with Vlad, the only one who can understand his situation. With a great deal of sympathy for the boy, Vlad honored his wishes and removed his ghost half from his human self. As a result, Danny's ghost half went rogue and split Vlad's human half and merged with his ghost self, resulting in the birth of Dark Danny. After presumably killing his human self and blowing up Vlad's manor, he went on a ten-year world destruction. Danny does battle with his future self eventually and with the help of Clockwork, alters his future so that he can have a second chance to undo the damage he would have caused.

In "Reality Trip", an encounter with Freakshow and his Reality Gauntlet resulted in him accidentally revealing his secret to the general public, causing wide storm news all over America and in mad pursuit by the Guys in White (who view him as a Level 7 Ectoplasmic Entity). While avoiding them, Danny and his friends managed to gather the Reality Gems (in order for their parent's lives), then ultimately stop Freakshow. Using the Reality Gauntlet afterwards, Danny alters everything back to the way it was once was, causing everyone but his friends, sister and Vlad Masters to forget about his true identity.

New Allies

In "Kindred Spirits", Danny meets his "third cousin once removed," Danielle a.k.a. Dani Phantom whom he later finds out is one of the many imperfect clones that Vlad has made, struggling to make the "perfect half-ghost son". He has sent Dani to fetch Danny to capture his mid-morph sample for the final processing. Danny managed to convince Dani that Vlad was only using her. Not believing at first, she figures it out by the time he yells at her harshly, causing her to team up with Danny and destroy his clone lab, including his perfect clone. Despite the fact she previously knocked him out before, twice in fact, Danny saved his "cousin" from Vlad when he attempted to kill her. With Vlad defeated, Dani flies off, vowing to meet again( in D-Stabilized).

After getting lost in the Ghost Zone, Danny and co. encountered a Yeti-like ghost named "Frostbite", who leads a tribe of icy ghosts who idolized Danny as a god for defeating Pariah Dark. He later gained their help when he develops ice powers.

Old friends

In "Claw of the Wild", the Casper High students went camping for the summer; there the kids were kidnapped by beasts sent by Walker and his cops--at first to capture Wulf who coincidentally were in the same area as the campers--and eventually gain Danny's attention. Danny (and Sam) reunited with Wulf who once again had ran away from Walker and his men. With Sam and Wulf's help, Danny managed to save Tucker and his classmates, then declared to Wulf they are forever "Amigos" before he runs--free once more.

In "D-Stabilized", Dani Phantom had returned to Amity Park, seeking Danny to ask his help on stabilizing her. He found a way with a new Fenton creation named "Ecto-Dejecto", which was originally meant to destroy ghosts, but ended up making them stronger, increasing their ghostly status. Managing to convince a reluctant Valerie, she and Danny charge into Vlad's manor where Dani was currently being destabilized by Plasmius. He uses the Ecto-Dejector on her, but it seemed to have no effect on her, causing her to fade away, leaving a saddened Danny. Luckily, Dani returns from her puddled mess, now fully stable. After defeating Vlad, she decides to ventur, Danny asking her to be safe.

Because of his family's and the whole town's hatred of ghosts, Danny has told nobody except his friends Tucker Foley and Sam Manson about his powers, and struggles to hide his ghost identity from his family: his parents Jack and Madeline "Maddie" Fenton and his sister Jasmine "Jazz" Fenton, although she realized that Danny was the half-ghost in the episode "My Brother's Keeper", and has since covered for him even after she told Danny that she knew of his secret identity in "The Ultimate Enemy". Some of his enemies have also figured out his secret identity and have tried to exploit it as Technus did in "Flirting with Disaster".

A Bright Future

After Vlad ran for mayor in Danny's hometown of Amity Park, Danny had to frequently deal with him as well as new and old ghosts, now as the town's duly deputized protector. "Phantom Planet" gave him his ultimate task when upon meeting up with Vlad's Masters Blasters, Danny questioned his superhero business. Zapping himself in the Ghost Portal, he regained his humanity with his only shred of evidence as half ghost being a white streak on his hair. At the same time, a much bigger crisis--namely that of an Ecto-Asteroid aims for Earth, timed to collide in a week's time destroying the entire planet.

With renewed faith, Danny regained his powers through multiple blasts from ghosts, affecting his white streak which further expands throughout his body, reclaiming his half ghost status. Gaining every single human being on Earth's attention, he annouces a plan to phase the entire planet (since the Asteroid is "entirely comprised of unique anti-ghost element; Ectoranium" with which its negative effects "can only be felt by ghosts" so no ghost can even touch it) - so the asteroid can pass through harmlessly. Gaining help from "a bazillion ghosts" after much convincing, humans and ghosts work side by side as they successfully save the world from disaster. With his secret identity reveiled to the world, Danny is hailed as a hero all over Earth.

His one goal is to be an astronaut when he grows up (something he gets when he flies in space in "Flirting with Disaster").


Being a normal 14-year-old with 'eccentric' Ghost-Hunters for parents, to becoming a half-human, half-ghost, teenaged superhero with ghost-powers, has been one huge change that has occurred in Danny's life in the past few months. Even with him being as unique as he is, Danny has every reason to feel as paranoid as he does about keeping his ghost half a secret whenever possible, lacking much confidence at the beginning (he fears being called a loser then).

However, his paranoia has yet to do a thing about his boundless curiosity, which (besides the prodding of his friends in the episode "Memory Blank") was the main reason why he got his ghost-powers to begin with. When his friends and family are in danger, he can become rather stubborn and over-protective (much of which is due to his father whom possesses the same traits), which does not bother his friends as much as his naïve nature. In the end of the fight though, it is his loyalty to his cause, along with his faith in the love of his peers, and the love he gives back to others (a trait he inherited from his mother) that helps him to overcome all obstacles. He has seen developed a more confident, mature attitude over the course of the show as he continues to develop his powers. He also has a great sense of humor and frequently makes jokes, puns and wisecracks.

It is shown that although he is half-ghost, Danny is still affected by ecto-weapons as his primary weakness. He has also more than once overestimated his abilities or at times is often too naïve or cocky which usually results in a disadvantage during battle. Another weakness, as Technus pointed out in "Flirting with Disaster", is Danny's emotions. When Danny becomes depressed, disheartened, distracted, low on energy, depowered, unfocused or unprepaired then his confidence, his self-esteem as well as his performance as a ghost hunter and a hero suffers and becomes poor (see: Mystery Meat, My Brother's Keeper, Fanning the Flames, Maternal Instinct, Memory Blank, Identity Crisis , Micro Management, Phantom Planet .)

In the episode Identity Crisis, Danny's human-half and his ghost-half were separated into two physically seperate individuals by passing through the Fenton Ghost Catcher, a device created by his parents to separate ectoplasmic energy from people, objects and places. Danny's personality was polarized, resulting in the birth of the lazy human Danny Fenton, (Danny's Id) also known as "Fun Danny" with a passive personality, and the heroic ghost Danny Phantom, (Danny's Super-Ego) also known as "Super Danny" with a proactive attitude towards his ghost-fighting responsibilties. These two sides of Danny represent the two extreme ends of Danny's character; his selfish and selfless sides.


Throughout the series, Danny has held a long standing crush on Paulina, the most popular girl at school (particularly during the first season). He was successful in asking her to the dance in "Parental Bonding", but only due to her trying to get Sam jealous (which failed in the end) and dating her in "Lucky in Love" only to find out she was overshadowed by Johnny 13's girlfriend, Kitty. Ironically, Paulina has fallen in love with his ghostly alter ego. As the series progresses though, with his growing feelings for Sam and his romance with Valerie, he has seemingly been slowly losing interest in Paulina.

He also develops a close relationship with another girl named Valerie Gray during "Reign Storm", despite the fact that she's often trying to kill Danny Phantom with her various anti-ghost weaponry. The two found common grounds in that episode, overlooking a long standing attitude towards one another beforehand. They dated briefly in "Flirting with Disaster", before she broke up with him due to her current life as a ghost hunter (unaware Danny lead a similar life). Heartbroken, Danny still continues to harbor romantic feelings for Valerie as of "Double Cross My Heart".

There have been a few hints, particularly in the first season, that Danny has romantic feelings for Sam (Samantha), one of his best friends. However, as it became pretty obvious to mostly everyone else, except Danny, that Sam has a crush on him (and vice-versa). Danny has been dubbed clueless (especially as of the episode "Flirting With Disaster"), so his feelings for Sam have not yet been verified. However, as seen in Reign Storm, Danny may not be completely clueless about Sam's feelings for him. Sam had notably displayed affection towards him, but has never been straightforward about the issue. His feelings for her are further noted as he is forced to somewhat come to terms with his feelings when facing her new crush, Gregor, in "Double Cross My Heart". Throughout the majority of Season 3, Danny and Sam's growing romance has been further hinted, the former showcasing he may not be as clueless as he once was and leaning more towards her as potential feelings increasingly develop. In the episode "Frightmare" both he and Sam have the same dream that they were a couple.

In the final episode "Phantom Planet" Danny and Sam kiss and Sam gives Danny the "Sam" class ring and tells him she realizes it wasn't for "Wes," but rather for her, making him promise to come back from his dangerous mission to the ghost zone so he can return it to her. Later, Danny skips his own reward ceremony to give the ring back, putting it on her finger and kissing her again, saying that he "couldn't have done anything without her,", unsure of his future, but wanting to face it with her, Danny flies off with her.


A friend of his since at least the 2nd grade, Danny's friendship with Sam isn't always as strong as Tucker due to some of their difference (and her bossy nature), but he values her just as much as Tucker. She undeniably has a crush on Danny, but so far she has hidden it from him well. Danny also shows a certain bond to her, but his ghost-fighting career gives him little time to ponder over it. Sam and Danny were supposedly going to have a psychic connection in earlier drafts of the show, but it turned out just to be a case of minds thinking alike. By Phantom Planet, Danny gives Sam the infamous "Wes" ring after she discovers its real inscription, as the two continue a future together.

Tucker serves as Danny's primary best friend as the two often share many things in common as well as share in general. Danny often takes Tucker's side whenever his other friend, Sam, tends to berate him. He rarely ever argues with Tucker unless it's usually on an opposing force.

At first, Danny was at odds with his sister, often exhibiting hostility due to her more intelligent and slight snobbish nature, despite her concern and protection over her little brother. Prior to the series, in My Brother's Keeper when Danny was still 8-years-old, brother and sister had talked all the time--before Jazz became, as Danny once stated, "a fink" (and a "conceited snob"). As the show progresses however, Jazz eventually mellowed down as well as accepted Danny as a half-ghost, often covering up for him. The two have since formed a much tighter bond. It would also seem that Jazz's single-minded attempts to be a part of the team in Secret Weapons may have been an attempt on Jazz'a part to regain that old bond with her "baby brother".

Like Jazz before, Danny sometimes feel at odds with his folks. Danny at an earlier age once connected greatly with his mother. While it seems he doesn't always feel safe with his parents (especially with their desire to hunt ghosts, including Danny Phantom), he still shows love and concern for them as much as they do in return. In "Phantom Planet" his parents finally learn he is Danny Phantom, easily accepting him.

Danny's opinion of Valerie was anything but kind in the earlier episodes, as he was often not a fan of her egotistical and angry disposition ("Shades of Grey, Life Lessons"); however, he later learned to appreciate her for who she is ("Reign Storm"). Valerie in turn learned to see Danny's personality past his awkward status in school (seeing as she now had to experience the same thing) and by the episode's end, started to like him in a romantic manner. The two dated briefly in "Flirting with Disaster" before she broke up with him over her current job as a ghost hunter (unaware Danny faced the same dilemma, too). It seems as though Danny still harbors subtle feelings for her. Unlike Paulina, who likes Danny's ghost side and ignores his human side, Valerie hated Danny's ghost side and liked his human side. In "Phantom Planet", when she finds out he is half ghost, we only see her smile at him.

Vlad is Danny's primary antagonist and arch-rival. Danny's often at odds with the other half ghost as he often has to resist his offers to join his side and be his son (although by the time of "Eye for an Eye", Vlad seems to view him purely as a rival now). Danny takes it upon himself to constantly insult and defeat him every chance he gets, though when the situation arises, the two are often forced to work reluctantly side to side. Only in the alternative future set in "The Ultimate Enemy" seems to show Danny relying on Vlad in a less antagonistic light.

Danny's clone is much like him, making her easy to talk with, yet still hard to handle due to a more stubborn nature than Danny himself. The two were on opposing teams until Dani realized her creator, Vlad, was only using her, so she joined Danny's group; though she is more affiliated to Danny than the group itself. Out of the two, Danny is more responsible, thus he keeps an eye for Dani, or at least what she might do. She has since left for the time, her current whereabouts are unknown and her reasons for leaving are unknown; but before leaving, she lets Danny know she vows to return. She reappears in "D-Stabilized", searching for Danny to find a cure for her dissolving ailment. Danny managed to find her a cure, maintaining her status and giving her a solid form.

Danny's Ultimate Enemy is his most hated and feared foe ever. Although Danny is at odds with his other enemies, including Vlad, Dark Danny is a whole other story. Dark Danny is, or at least was, Danny's future. The only reason Danny was spared is because Dark Danny needed him to live to exist; now that the timeline has shifted, Dark Danny will more likely destroy Danny without any hesitation.

She is one of the only non sadistic ghosts enemies Danny has encountered, thanks to her he started to develop feelings for Sam and most of the time they have fought each other they do apear to make small talk and then try to beat each other up, like Skulker they sometimes have to team up to defeat another foe but unlike the hunter who allies himself only to later kill him, Ember will not try and help much only doing what's necesary in order to win and later continue with her plans.

He is one of the many ghost enemies Danny has to fight--but has proven to be by far is most persistent foe. During the course of the series Skulker has tried to kill Danny and turn him into some sort of a trophy, beforehand declaring only to "plan on simply capturing you and letting you live the rest of your life in a cage" before ultimately vowing to "rest your pelt at the foot of my bed!" Despite their animonsity, Skulker is usually the first ghost Danny ask for help when a much bigger threat comes up, an alliance the ghost hunter is usually reluctant, but ultimately accepting towards--if not due to the serious consequences that could occur if he declined.

Danny's ghost powers

Danny Phantom has gradually increased in power and abilities as his knowledge of the ghost world matures. He now has both completely new abilities as well as increased the power of his original ones.


– Allows Danny to switch between human and ghost forms. He can transform the Ecto-Skeleton as well due to its connection with his brain. His transformation is prefaced by two blue-white rings that appear respectively around his waist and move in opposite directions of each other while transitioning Danny to his ghost form (a "negative image" of himself and of the white and black jump suit that he put on right before getting zapped by the the ghost portal or "Fenton Portal"). Other variations may include the rings appearing in Danny's lengthwise axis, or even transitioning from a single limb. He usually accompanies this with his transformation words, "I'm going ghost!", although he does not use it as often in later episodes. If Danny falls unconscious, gets heavily disoriented, or uses too much energy while in ghost form, he usually reverts back to human form. Apparently, his ghost form is not affected by the intense cold and vacuum of space, since he flew out into orbit with nothing but a rocket pack and a space helmet in "Flirting with Disaster" (though he could have flown out on his own, he needed the rocket pack to get him into orbit in a hurry to stop Technus). His costume resembles the one he wore when he got his powers; only the white parts became black and the black part became white. The white rings that appear during his transformation are visible to others and can be photographed; in "Reality Trip", a billboard-sized TV screen showed Danny's image transform from human to ghost, complete with the rings. He may be able to use the rings as some sort of a variation of the ghost shield without transforming, as seen in "My Brother's Keeper", when he used them to repel Spectra while in ghost form and did not transform back into his human self.

Ghost Sense

– Danny can sense nearby ghosts. When he does, a wisp of blue mist comes out of his mouth and he shivers, getting the appearance of standing at attention or an electrical pulse going down his spinal cord. In "My Brother's Keeper", Danny apparently associates his Ghost Sense with the sensation of being cold, and Spectra's true identity as a ghost is hidden from him by keeping her office so cold Danny can continually see his breath (in the episode, everyone's breath is shown as a blue mist, which suggests that Danny's misty breath is similar to seeing one's breath on a cold day). Its revealed in Urban Jungle that whenever Danny's Ghost Sense has been triggered he has actually been releasing a small amount of his cryokinetic energy as a wisp of blue mist. Danny's ghost sense can't seem to detect the presence of half-ghosts, namely Vlad and Dani. This ability later passed to Dark Danny, but came out as red mist through his nose. This version can also detect half-ghosts, unlike it's predecessor.

– Danny has the ability to turn intangible and invisible at will. With the use of intangibility, Danny can pass through most objects (except specialized materials, such as the Fenton Ghost Fisher's line and ectoplasmic goo), becoming untouchable; Danny can also make other people and objects intangible provided he is in physical contact with them. Danny's intangibility is in part connected to his teenage emotions, as he has been known to go intangible at some very inopportune and unwanted times (although with time and practice, he avoids this). It is quite common for Danny to make only a part of his body intangible (either on purpose or otherwise), as in one case when he accidentally swallowed a spork, then phased his hand to retrieve it from his stomach. It's also been shown that people can see him somewhat when he is intangible, like in "Memory Blank" when he phased through the classroom floor and Sam was looking at him the whole time, or in "Parental Bonding" when Sam and Tucker could clearly see Danny go trough walls during his training. This power can work in conjunction with other ghosts as well, as shown in the final episode, when Danny and all the ghosts of the Ghost Zone used their power to make the entire Earth intangible to save it from destruction. When invisible, Danny cannot be seen by human (and some ghosts') eyes and even from scanning devices. Invisibility and Intangibility both work in similar ways and thus seem to work together. Also, in the Ghost Zone, humans (and Danny when not in ghost mode) can phase through everything, including ghosts. Also, Danny can apparently control the flow of his intangibility as he did in "Maternal Instincts" where he put his hand on the ground and a water-like flow moved along and phased Tucker through the floor. In "Parental Bonding", Danny briefly demonstrated a variation of his intangibility by shifting into a sort of gaseous form. However, this technique hasn't been used since. A variation of his invisibility was shown in "Reality Trip", while taunting Freakshow, he used his invisibility with a shimmering effect and completely disappeared, and them reappeared in a different location, in a way similar to Vlad's teleportation, though without the mist effect. This technique hasn't been used since either.


– While in ghost form, Danny has the ability to float/fly through the air, sometimes at considerable speeds and heights. He often uses this in combat, but occasionally will do it for fun and relaxation. He can also make other humans and objects hover but must keep in physical contact with them. In "Maternal Instincts", Danny's speed with flight was clocked at 112 mph. However, he may eventually become much faster than this, because when Tucker became half-ghost for a short period of time, he managed to travel at incredibly fast speeds far beyond 112 mph. While floating, he also has the ability to turn his bottom half into a wisp (he can also use his power to separate his upper and lower halves which he uses to dodge attacks sometimes), which he most often does when he wants to fly quickly, but he usually leaves his legs and the rest of his body intact while floating or flying slowly.

Paranormal Strength, Speed, Agility and Durability

– In Ghost-Mode, Danny can display extraordinary physical feats of strength (see Parental Bonding and Frightmare), speed (see above Flying), agility (martial arts talent, and see below Spectral Manipulation), and durability; Danny has developed a high pain threshold given the number of times he has been attacked, shot at etc and manages to bare the pain out. Given how many times that Danny has taken severe beatings that Danny has endured supports the idea of Danny's supernatural durability; he withstands and recovers from numerous and reoccuring injuries and damage. This has also been displayed in "Memory Blank", where he regains his powers, and in "Phantom Planet", where he goes into the portal to get rid of his powers, and is shot with many ghosts' ecto-plasmic rays at once (which resulted in him getting his powers back). It is also shown in "The Ultimate Enemy", when he is being attacked by future Ember, future, Shadow, and other future opponents, as well as in "D-Stabalized", when Valerie is torturing Danny for information on ghosts. Yet another time his amazing durability is displayed is in "Kindred Spirits", when he is in a machine made from Vlad, trying to resist the force making him change so Vlad can make a better clone, and in the box that keeps him from going ghost, when a ghost possesses him, again trying to force the transformation. So far, only when Danny is in Ghost-Mode can he perform such feats, while in human form, Danny Fenton is still something of a physical weakling. However, he's been known to survive the impacts from heights while in human form, and from hits that would have killed a normal human being.

Wall Walking

– Danny, as well as many other ghosts, can walk on uneven and vertical surfaces as though they were horizontal. Most likely this is an application of his flying/hovering ability.

Spectral Manipulation/Phase Shifting

– Danny has demonstrated the power to change the shape of his body into intangible holes and shapes. Uses include "Mystery Meat" where Danny's belt turned into a long, translucent line and "Beauty Marked", Danny created a large hole in his mouth. His Spectral Manipulation is apparently long-lasting in his belt as seen in "Shades of Gray" where a book passed through his waist and "Pirate Radio" where Youngblood's sword passed harmlessly through his belt.


– With this power, first shown in Parental Bonding, Danny can take possession of a human being or an animal from within by phasing completely into the person's body, allowing him to completely control that person's actions. Danny has used this power on several people, including Tucker, Dash, his dad, and even a rat, for various reasons. When overshadowed, the victim keeps his or her original form, but his or her eyes and voice change to Danny's. Being able to adapt the voice of the person being overshadowed seems to be a matter of experience; other ghosts (and Vlad) do this effortlessly from early appearances, however some of Danny's enemies (like Sidney Pointdexter, who has little expertise in the use of his own Ghost Powers, and Tucker when he temporarily gains ghost powers thanks to Desiree) are unable to change their voices when using the ability. As of the episode "Eye for an Eye," Danny appears to have enough mastry over the power to use Vlad's voice when overshadowing one of his duplicates. The victim has no memory of what he or she did while overshadowed, but usually feel a slight dizziness and disorientation, and occasionally feel influenced by what Danny says or does (one example being Dash feeling the urge to wash his mother's feet, after Danny overshadows him and forces him to say the very same thing to Paulina). On numerous occasions, it has been demonstrated that this ability can be resisted, and that Danny can even be forced out of the person with the right equipment, or if he's not up to full power. Overshadowing can also be resisted through sheer willpower, demonstrated first by Jack during Bitter Reunions. Danny can also use this power to enter people's dreams, as seen in "Frightmare."

Ectoplasmic Energy Blast - "Ghost Ray"

– An ectoplasmic blast that usually comes out of the palm of his hand, Danny blasts enemies using this attack. The attack takes many forms: a ray of energy, a glowing orb, or even a repulsion field. He has also kept the energy used inside his hand, using it to empower his strikes. After learning it in "What You Want", he could use this power at any time, and in "Memory Blank", an inexperienced Danny Phantom shot a blast out of his rear end. By the time of the Danny Phantom TV Movie: "Reign Storm", Danny had learned how to fire off a Ghost Ray out of his finger in Human Mode and learned how to fire a Ghost Ray out of his whole hand. These rays can also be charged to various power levels, from a highly powerful white-green, to a low-level glow for lighting up dark areas. He is also able to charge up a ball of light and throw it to disorient enemies with its brightness. Danny has also been able to absorb Ghost Rays (or other similar attacks) and redirect them at his enemies. He has recently learned to fire circular rays in a manner similar to Vlad's, creating a rudimentary ectoplasmic bomb.

Ectoplasmic Energy Shield - "Ghost Shield"

– Danny can use this ability to form shields of ectoplasmic energy, which he can use to block or rebound attacks from enemies. There are two kinds of shields. The first kind of shield appears as a sphere of energy that protects from all sides. The other is a single wall of energy that is more direct in its range but is much stronger, which Danny first used in Double Cross My Heart to block a GiW attack. Also, Danny can create an Ecto-Orb and use it as a circular shield, as seen in "Beauty Marked" and "Reality Trip". Danny uses a variation of this ability in My Brother's Keeper, generating a dome-like shield to ward off Spectra's minion. A variation of this power was shown in "Control Freaks" when Danny surrounded himself in a shield and shattered it to fire off blasts in all directions. He's also able to create a shield by holding up his forearm, creating a medium ranged, relatively strong shield big enough to protect him from strong head-on attacks.

Ghost Stinger

– In "Public Enemies", Danny uses this pseudo-electric attack to free Wulf from Bullet's weapon however it may be Danny's power traveling through Bullet's weapon. Other examples of its use might include Vlad in "The Million Dollar Ghost", Penelope Spectra in "Doctor's Disorders", Technus in "Flirting With Disaster" and Dark Danny in "The Ultimate Enemy".

Ghostly Wail

– Danny's most powerful ghostly power. In "The Ultimate Enemy", Danny develops the unique ability to generate an extremely powerful technical like a sonic scream from his vocal cords and mouth, a bit like a Banshee's wail - the Ghostly Wail can cause terrible pain to ghosts and damage tangible matter. This ability is powerful enough to destroy a Ghost Shield or an army of thousands of ghostly Christmas trees. When used, this power quickly drains Danny's energy, and in some cases, it completely turns him back to normal, although this has appeared to wear off after Phantom Planet. Dark Danny was amazed when he found out his younger self had developed a power he wasn't supposed to get until he was 10 years older, but Danny might have gotten this power from getting thrown into the Ghost Zone ten years in the future. Danny's scream sounds like the loud moaning that ghosts make. Due to the drain on his energy from using it, Danny uses this power only in extreme cases (Only Seven times in the history of the series). This is one of two powers (the other being his cryokinesis) that Danny has that Vlad does not.

Ectoplasmic Energy Constructs

– Danny has shown that he can utilise ectoplasmic energy constructs. He can shape ectoplasmic energy into solid objects, he is able to generate shields to protect himself as seen in Double Cross My Heart.


– A power first used by Vlad, Danny has gotten closer and closer to obtaining this power. He has tries to do it twice in "Maternal Instinct" and "Identity Crisis" but only grew extra limbs. After managing to do it in "Reign Storm" when he split into four (he was wearing the Ecto-Skeleton which enhanced his powers), he appeared to finally do it in "Beauty Marked", if only for a quick second and again, briefly split in four by "Torrent of Terror". In "The Ultimate Enemy", Dark Danny could duplicate into 4 DD's. In "Doctor's Disorders", Kwan was able to split himself into 8 different Kwans, to which Danny said, "Oh come on, I've been trying to do that trick for months, that is so wrong!". In "Eye for an Eye", Vlad was able to create many shadowy copies of himself to influence people into voting for him, indicating that there might be no limit for how many copies Danny may come to create once he fully develops that power--however, generating so many copies diminished Vlad's strength considerably, and each copy looked more like a shadow than a true duplicate, which leads to the possibility that the sum total of his power is split evenly amongst himself and the duplicates. This is supported by the claim of one of Vlad's duplicates that stated as a single one, he is still more powerful than Danny. Danny was successfully able to duplicate himself into four Dannys in "Torrent of Terror".


– (Ghostly Ice) Danny is capable of using ice-empowered versions of the Ghost Ray. This is revealed to be an extension of his ghost sense and ghost rays rather than a separate power altogether, which explains why Danny always shivers whenever he senses a ghost. It is most likely based off of the "cold spots" that supposedly accompany ghosts. This power allows Danny to radiate cold, to shoot off rays of intense cold or fire off solid projectiles. He is also able to shoot blasts of cold from his eyes. This power has been building up inside him as 'negative heat' ever since he first gained his ghost powers, and his body became numb and chilled when the pent-up energy got to be too much for him to ignore, giving him flu-like symptoms; (note: a similar thing occurs in an episode of Poke'mon--Pikachu developed flu-like symptoms when it hadn't discharge its excess electrical energy.) Thankfully for Danny, Frostbite managed to successfully teach him how to handle this ability. Shortly after, by the time of "Boxed Up Fury", he's already capable to use this power comfortably in battle against a Pandora's Box powered Box Ghost, as well as ghost versions of creatures from Greek mythology. He used his power to freeze one head of a Hydra like creature, protect himself, Tucker and Sam from the same creature by creating an ice sphere which acted as a shield. He also used Cryokinesis to battle a pegasus and a centaur in the Ghost Zone, freezing the former and making the latter slip. This is one of two powers (the other being his ghostly wail) that Danny has that Vlad does not.


In "Reality Trip" Danny temporarily disappeared from sight and reappeared in another location a short distance away. It seemed quite like Vlad's ability to teleport himself, but without the mist. This could possibly be a variation of his invisibility powers.


  • Danny loves dogs; when he was 5, he always wanted a puppy as expressed in "Fanning the Flames", but his parents would not let him have one; in "Shades of Gray", Danny has to deal with the Ghost-Dog.
  • In "Teacher of the Year", Danny's username for the online computer game Doomed is Ghost Boy. In "Flirting with Disaster", Danny's screen name is "DFenton".
  • In "What You Want", Danny says he is a "C" student. Incidentally, his weakest school subject is Math. Dialogue in "Maternal Instincts" and "Micro Management" reinforce this fact.
  • In "Teacher of the Year", it is revealed that Danny once had a gerbil when he was in the sixth grade, or at least until Tucker accidentally killed it.
  • In "Mystery Meat", Danny's school record reports that he's broken 34 beakers and is banned for life from handling anything fragile on school grounds.
  • In Phantom Planet, it's shown that Danny has a birthmark in the shape of Florida on his chest.
  • In "Girl's Night Out", It was shown that in ghost form, Danny can breathe under water, which backs up the possibility that Danny does not need to breathe in ghost form. However, in the final episode he had to wear a helmet in space, which seems to disprove this theory. Yet Vlad is seen at the end of the same episode in space without his helmet on, and he appears fine.