Template:Infobox abortion method

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Davidruben (talk | contribs) at 22:02, 10 May 2007 (hmmm, not quite enough, make infobox a little wider). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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Infobox abortion method
Abortion type ?
First use ?
Gestational age ?

{{Infobox abortion method}} contains a consistent style within which to summarise some key points about a particular method of induced abortion. Don't worry about trying to fill in all the fields — even if you can only get one or two, that still can be useful and many do not apply to all methods.

While editing an abortion article, copy and paste the following text at the top of the page: (If you prefer, you can include the pipes at the beginning of the line instead.)

Full form, showing required, desirable (?) and optional (blank) fields:

{{Infobox abortion method |
| name            = 
| AKA/Abbreviation= 
| Abortion_type   = REQUIRED
| Date_first_use  = ?
| Date_last_use   =  
| Gestational_age = REQUIRED
| Usage_notes     = 
| Use_AU%         = <!-- Australia -->
|   Use_AU_date   = 
| Use_CA%         = <!-- Canada-->
|   Use_CA_date   = 
| Use_FR%         = <!-- France-->
|   Use_FR_date   = 
| Use_NZ%         = <!-- New Zealand -->
|   Use_NZ_date   =
| Use_ZA%         = <!-- South Africa -->
|   Use_ZA_date   = 
| Use_SE%         = <!-- Sweden -->
|   Use_SE_date   =
| Use_EW%         = <!-- United Kingdom: England and Wales-->
|   Use_EW_date   = 
| Use_AB%         = <!-- United Kingdom: Scotland-->
|   Use_AB_date   = 
| Use_US%         = <!-- United States -->
|   Use_US_date   =
| Medical_notes   =

None of the fields are obligatory. Not all fields may be applicable to a particular method. For many fields (those not marked 'REQUIRED' or '?' above), if they are not defined then their row is not shown.

0) Title section

  • name - Optional - Defaults to the name of the article if not defined.
  • AKA/Abbreviation - Optional - Abbreviations or alternative names for the method.

1) Background details section

  • Abortion_type - Required - describes the type of method, e.g. 'medical', 'surgical'. See Category:Methods of abortion for categories.
  • date_first_use - Desirable - the date method first introduced, either a precise date or approximate era
  • date_last_use - Optional - the date method withdrawn
  • Gestational_age - Required - interval during pregnanncy when method can be employed.

2) Usage

  • Usage_notes - Optional - Introductory summary
  • Use_XX% - Optional - Usage percentage in country XX (using ISO 2-character country code — with the exception of England and Wales and Scotland, which are unused ISO letter combinations, invented for the purposes of standardizing the formatting of this tempate). Country codes are as follows:
  • AU = Australia
  • CA = Canada
  • EW = England and Wales
  • FR = France
  • NZ = New Zealand
  • AB = Scotland ("AB" for Alba)
  • SE = Sweden
  • UK = United Kingdom
  • US = United States
  • ZA = South Africa
  • Use_XX_date - Required - date of the Use_XX% data. NB if no date is provided then "(?when)" is shown.

3) Health/Medical considerations

  • medical_notes - Optional - summary of medical considerations in selecting or avoiding a particular method. e.g. whether general anaesthesia is required, any specific risks.

Don't worry about getting all the fields — just do your best, and if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask at Template talk:Infobox abortion method.


First use

  • Instillation: Potts, D.M. (1970). Termination of pregnancy. British Medical Bulletin, 26 (1), 65-71. Retrieved May 10, 2007.


National statistics

  • Sweden: Nilsson, E., Ollars, B., & Bennis, M.. The National Board of Health and Welfare. (May 2006). Aborter 2005. Retrieved May 10, 2007.

See also