Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), once called hyperkinetic syndrome (HKS) or minimal cerebral dysfunction (MCD), is one of the most common mental disorders among children. It affects 3 to 5 percent of all children, perhaps as many as 2 million American children. Two to three times more boys than girls are affected. On the average, at least one child in every classroom in each the United States and the Federal Republik of Germany needs help for the disorder. But today not only in the US or in Germany but all over the world ADHD is considered a problem. ADHD often continues into adolescence and adulthood, and can cause a lifetime of frustrated dreams and emotional pain.

According to latest studies inheritable dysfunction of the dopamine metabolism mainly in the frontostriatal region of the human brain. New studies consider the posibility that the norepinephrine metabolism also affects this disorder. (see: Krause,Dresel,Krause in psycho 26/2000 p.199ff.)

Symptoms of ADHD

  • In children the disorder is characterised by inattentiveness, impulsive behaviour and restlessness.
  • In adults the main problem is often their inability to structure their lives and plan simple daily tasks. Thus inattentiveness and restlessness often become secondary problems.

The experience of ADHD

Imagine living in a fast-moving kaleidoscope, where sounds, images, and thoughts are constantly shifting. Feeling easily bored, yet helpless to keep your mind on tasks you need to complete. Distracted by unimportant sights and sounds, your mind drives you from one thought or activity to the next. Perhaps you are so wrapped up in a collage of thoughts and images that you don't notice when someone speaks to you.

For many people, this is what it's like to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. They may be unable to sit still, plan ahead, finish tasks, or be fully aware of what's going on around them. To their family, classmates or coworkers, they seem to exist in a whirlwind of disorganized or frenzied activity. Unexpectedly--on some days and in some situations--they seem fine, often leading others to think the person with ADHD can actually control these behaviors. As a result, the disorder can mar the person's relationships with others in addition to disrupting their daily life, consuming energy, and diminishing self-esteem.

ADHD a gift ??

Though ADHD is classified as a serious disorder, many people have a different perspective. They see it as a gift. In his book 'ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder' Thom Hartmann brought up the idea that people having ADHD are the descendants of the stone age hunters.

People who believe that ADHD is a gift find hints on ADHD in the lives of many famous people in history. Though this post mortem diagnosis is not to be seen as valid, these people are said to have ADHD. Examples are Hans Christian Andersen, Ludwig van Beethoven, Winston Spencer Churchill, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Robert and John F. Kennedy, Theodore Roosevelt, Jules Verne and the Wright brothers.

But if the information of the author is reliable, there are also many famous persons in present times, who are positively diagnosed to have ADHD. (e.g. George W. Bush, William J. Clinton, Whoopi Goldberg or Dustin Hoffman)

To see ADHD as a gift may seem somewhat obscure to the reader but it is at least a perspective, that should be kept in mind.

Skepticism towards ADHD as a diagnosis

to be written

Evidence for ADHD as a real disease

Brain imaging research using a technique called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has shown that differences exist between the brains of children with and without ADHD. Many scientists consider these results to be more than vague but in addition PET studis have shown, that there might be a link between a person's ability to pay continued attention and the use of glucose — the body's major fuel — in the brain. In adults with ADHD, the brain areas that control attention use less glucose and appear to be less active, suggesting that a lower level of activity in some parts of the brain may cause inattention (Zametkin et al.). Maybe even more interesting are the results of some studies using SPECT. Lou et al. have found out, that people with ADHD have a reduced blood circulation in the striatum (Lou et al. in Arch.Neurol.46(1989) 48-52). But even more important might be the discovery, that people with ADHD seem to have a significantly higher concentration of dopamine transporters in the striatum (Dougherty et al. in Lancet 354 (1999) 2132-2133 ; Dresel et al. in Eur.J.Nucl.Med. 25 (1998) 31-39).

Research shows that ADHD tends to run in families, so there are likely to be genetic influences. Children who have ADHD usually have at least one close relative who also has ADHD. And at least one-third of all fathers who had ADHD in their youth have children with ADHD. Even more convincing of a possible genetic link is that when one twin of an identical twin pair has the disorder, the other is likely to have it too.

Treatment of ADHD

In the last decade, scientists believe that they have learned much about the course of the disorder and now believe that they are able to identify and treat children, adolescents, and adults who have it. A variety of medications, behavior-changing therapies, and educational options are available to tread people diagnosed with with ADHD.

Data from 1995 show that physicians treating children and adolescents wrote 6 million prescriptions for stimulants. Of all the drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders in children, stimulant medications are the most well studied. A 1998 Consensus Development Conference on ADHD sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and a recent, comprehensive scientific report confirmed many earlier studies showing that short-term use of stimulants is safe and effective for children with ADHD.

In December 1999, NIMH released the results of a study of nearly 600 elementary school children, ages 7 to 9, which evaluated the safety and relative effectiveness of the leading treatments for ADHD for a period up to 14 months. The results indicate that the use of stimulants alone is more effective than behavioral therapies in controlling the core symptoms of ADHD—inattention, hyperactivity/impulsiveness, and aggression. In other areas of functioning, such as anxiety symptoms, academic performance, and social skills, the combination of stimulant use with intensive behavioral therapies was consistently more effective. (Of note, families and teachers reported somewhat higher levels of satisfaction for those treatments that included the behavioral therapy components.) NIMH researchers will continue to track these children into adolescence to evaluate the long-term outcomes of these treatments, and ongoing reports will be published.

See also:

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