La Brabançonne

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The Brabançonne is the national anthem of Belgium. The anthem has both a Dutch and a French version, for the two major languages of the country.


According to legend, the Belgian national anthem was formed in September 1830 by a young revolutionary called Jenneval, who read the lyrics during a meeting in the cafe l'Aigle d'Or.

Historically, the Brabançonne was indeed composed by Jenneval, whose real name was Alexandre Dechet. He was an actor at the theatre where in August 1830 the revolution started which lead to the independence of Belgium from the Netherlands. In the war of independence, Jenneval was killed. The music was composed by François Van Campenhout and the song was first performed in September 1830.

In 1860, the text and music of the song was adapted by the prime minister, weakening Jenneval's attacks on the Dutch Prince of Orange.

Lyrics in French

O Belgique, ô mère chérie,
A toi nos coeurs, à toi nos bras,
A toi notre sang, ô Patrie !
Nous le jurons tous, tu vivras !
Tu vivras toujours grande et belle
Et ton invincible unité
Aura pour devise immortelle :
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté ! (3 x)

Lyrics in Dutch

O dierbaar België
O heilig land der vaad'ren
Onze ziel en ons hart zijn u gewijd.
Aanvaard ons hart en het bloed van onze adren,
Wees ons doel in arbeid en in strijd.
Bloei, o land, in eendracht niet te breken;
Wees immer u zelf en ongeknecht,
Het woord getrouw, dat ge onbevreesd moogt spreken:
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht. (3 x)


O my dear Belgium
To you our hearts and arms
and blood, holy fatherland!
We all swear that you shall live,
shall live forever, great and beautiful!
O land, in unity unbreakable
Be always yourself unsubjugated.
Your motto be immortally spoken:
For King, for Freedom, and for Right.