List of My Hero episodes

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Episodes from the BBC comedy series My Hero.

Series 1

# Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate Code
01–101"My Hero"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2000-02-04IPEA144D

It's just an ordinary day at the Northolt surgery.

Dr Piers Crispin, the publicity-mad TV doctor, fancies Nurse Janet almost as much as he fancies himself. Mrs. Raven, the sarcastic receptionist, is frightening patients. And Janet's mother has dropped in to wonder why her daughter is bent on passing up such an eligible husband as Piers.

Janet, however, is trying to get back to normal after her recent holiday, during which she was rescued by Thermoman when a freak gust of wind blew her into the Grand Canyon.

Janet has fallen for Thermoman but never expects to see her superhero savior again, so when an odd hypochondriac Irishman called George Sunday visits her at the health center, she doesn't make the connection.

Until he brings in

  • Her Grandmother
  • Vincent van Gogh's Sunflowers
  • A penguin
  • A block of wood he carved into a flute/pipe, and then brought a female Irish dancer over to play it
  • The Pope
02–102"Guess Who's Coming to Lunch"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2000-02-11IPEA145X

George Sunday has moved in with his new girlfriend, nurse Janet Dawkins, though why on earth she is attracted to the peculiar Irishman is beyond her colleagues.

Piers can't wait for Janet to introduce George to her parents, knowing that George is bound to make the wrong impression. Janet's mother, Ella, disapproves of everything Janet does and her father, Stanley, is pathologically protective of his little angel so, understandably, both George and Janet are very nervous when her parents arrive for Sunday lunch.

George is under strict instructions to try to behave 'normally', but he can't resist helping to cook the chicken and heat the soup with his breath. After that disaster, George decides not to use his special powers to extinguish the burning oven gloves ...
03–103"Mission Impossible"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2000-02-18IPEA146R

Thermoman is called upon to save Grimsby from being destroyed by an abandoned Russian space station. Unfortunately, he has his own domestic disaster to deal with first: he's gotten Marmite over the front of his Thermo-uniform.

Janet insists on washing his costume, which not only makes him late for his rescue mission but makes him itch like crazy due to an allergic reaction to the washing powder. Piers becomes suspicious when George appears in his surgery scratching all over, shortly before a news bulletin mentions Thermoman scratching himself.

After Peirs performs a medical examination on George, he knows that he's Thermoman and then Peirs blackmails George, either he leaves Janet or he'll reveal his identity. After a brief discussion with Janet, George erases Peirs of his knowledge that he's thermoman, unfortunately it has the side effect of his hair falling out (and unintentionally, his medical knowledge).

George then speed reads to Piers the contents of a medical dictionary before he goes on a show, unfortunately for him, George was reading a medical dictionary! A comment that he shoots those with a broken leg has him arrested by the police.
04–104"Thermoman's Greatest Challenge"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2000-02-25IPEA147K

Thermoman's repeated visits to the health center to save Janet from a wasp sting or a spider are baffling patients and staff.

Piers thinks he has made a new celebrity friend and invites him to be guest of honor at the fund-raising party he has organized to boost his own public image. Janet's parents insist both George and Janet attend the party so that George can personally thank Thermoman for saving Janet from falling into the Grand Canyon. Not easy given that George IS Thermoman.
05–105"Old Man Riverdance"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2000-03-03IPEA148E

George receives a visit from his father, the original Thermoman, who now resides in a home for retired superheroes in Florida.

George's father, Seamus (Peadar Lamb), is unhappy that his son is cohabiting with an Earth girl. Apart from the smell, she is interfering with his work.

Having given the couple two days to try to prove him wrong, Janet has a plan: Seamus should meet her parents!
06–106"The Party's Over"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2000-03-10IPEA149Y
Janet is turning 30 and George plans a surprise party for her, which proves to be a slightly confusing concept for a superhero. Will he be able to keep the party a secret? Meanwhile, Janet spends time with George's cousin Arnie, Tyler hits on Mrs Raven and Piers has hired a girl from the TV studio to be his 'date', claiming that it's part of a television project.

Series 2

# Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate Code

George tries to get into the spirit of Christmas by creeping into the houses of Janet's parents, Mrs Raven, and her boss Piers on Christmas Eve dressed as Santa to leave them all presents.

This doesn't go down as well as he had planned, and Christmas dinner is a bit of a miserable affair until George appears with the real Father Christmas who has a special present for everyone (Except Piers, who, thinking it was a joke, only asked for a jigsaw puzzle While Tyler got Two First Class tickets to the Caribbean that he wanted).
08–202"Parents"Paul Mendelson, Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2001-05-14IPEA341Y
George ruins Janet's parents' amateur dramatic performance, so Janet tries to deflect their anger by telling them the truth — that he is really superhero Thermoman. Although Janet's mum and dad now love him- Stanley introducing George to the fun of model trains while Ella tells Piers that George is the best boyfriend they could wish for- life gets more complicated when everyone knows. Things get particularly bad when Mrs Raven tries to offer George her body, dressed as Marilyn Monroe, which gives Piers ideas that she is attracted to him. Fortunately, George erases her memory of the experience, and she subsequently breaks Piers' jaw in six places when he attempts to come on to her (After she's forgotten she ever dressed like that in the first place)
09–203"Girlfriend"Simon Braithwaite, Paul AlexanderJohn Stroud2001-05-21IPEA344F

Disaster strikes at the heart of Thermoman's domestic bliss when his long-lost fiancee, Xil, arrives from Ultron. Janet is horrified to learn that George is bound by Ultron law to marry her, but she is determined not to lose her man. Eventually, it turns out that Xil is actually Arnie's fiancee, and flees Earth to avoid having to marry him.

Xil is played by Kate Robbins, the sister of Amy Robbins, the famous Liverpudlian comedian.

The episode is notable for its use of bondage-like latex clothing; for the duration of the episode, Xil wears this attire.
10–204"Car"Simon Braithwaite, Paul AlexanderJohn Stroud2001-05-28IPEA343L

Thermoman's defrocked superhero cousin wants his powers back. George agrees to intercede with the Ultron High Council on condition that Arnie behaves himself and will take care of saving the world while George saves up for a car for Janet, her parents having become angry at George's inability to provide for his girlfriend.

Sadly though, temptation is too much for Arnie, and when he steals the Crown Jewels things have to revert to the way they were. However, George is still able to acquire the car; thanks to the new success of his health food shop, Piers found his career threatened, so gives George the money to make him stop.

Meanwhile, Mrs Raven and Arnie start 'dating' (In a sense; their 'relationship' is mainly based on them constantly insulting each other).
11–205"Nemesis"John Phelps, Gary LawsonJohn Stroud2001-06-04IPEA345A

A vengeful schoolmate, Rovi, comes to Earth intent on making George (aka Thermoman) miserable because he believes that George ruined his life at school by stealing his girlfriend Matilda.

First he takes over Piers's body and takes over as the world's superhero, and then makes Janet fall in love with him (Using a new power called 'Super-Attraction). For a moment, George thinks about abandoning his role as Thermoman, but a talk with Tyler encourages him to try and fight back. In a desperate attempt to win Janet back, Thermoman issues the terrible challenge of Chang-Ching (Basically a version of "Rock Paper Scissors"; the consequences of refusing the challenge involve being sent off to the four corners of the galaxy in four separate boxes). At the last minute, George manages to break Rovi's hold over Janet, allowing her to let George know what 'move' Rovi is about to use and thus winning the contest.
12–206"Pregnant"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2001-06-11IPEA342S
When Janet discovers she is pregnant, Thermoman is over the moon and gives her special powers to protect herself and the unborn baby. Janet isn't keen at first, but as she gets used to being a superhero, she is even better at it than Thermoman! She decides to make George take the powers out of her after she finds out what an Ultron Mum is (e.g. like Her mom).
13–207"Wedding"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2001-06-18IPEA346T
Janet's dad is insisting that her baby be born in wedlock, and Thermoman's bosses on Ultron are of the same mind; as a superhero George needs to set a positive example to the world. But as usual, things don't go smoothly for the world's favorite superhero as the baby starts to arrive during the marriage ceremony.

Series 3

# Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate Code
14–301"Baby Talk"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2002-06-07ICEB783X

George and Janet's life is becoming more and more stressful when their new baby takes after George (Much to Janet's disappointment, as she feels as though the child has nothing from her).

The baby talks like an adult and flies like a turbo-charged bird. And to make matters worse, George is teaching him to sniff out tidal waves and forest fires (and one time he came with George to prevent an Earthquake in Tibet!)! Janet's parents are due for a visit to meet their new grandchild — how will George and Janet keep the secret from them?

Meanwhile Tyler is teaching the baby about HIS VERSION of the Solar System such as the Earth orbiting the Death star from star wars, Scaro, Home of the Daleks being real and their planets and even the moon being inhabited by people. This to the Baby is nothing but Fairy Tales rather then facts.

Eventually, the baby flies out of the apartment until George and Janet will stop fighting to hide with Tyler. He also decides to pick his own name (Janet favored 'Benjamin' and George favored 'Pontius', but the baby decides he wants to be called 'Apollo 11' to represent the joining of two heavenly bodies).
15–302"Zero Tolerance"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2002-06-14ICEB784R

Life at the health center takes an unexpected turn when a gun-toting man shows up demanding access to the drug cabinet. Mrs Raven isn't given the chance to deal with this addict as George enters to save the day — and doesn't even have to call on Thermoman to do so!

Now George is known as the "local" hero — rather than a "super" hero. He is being celebrated all over town and asked to join the Neighborhood Watch Scheme by Janet's father. Will George's new-found popularity with his in-laws last?
16–303"Pet Rescue"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2002-06-21ICEB785K

Janet's parents have the decorators in so Janet has offered to watch their dog, Biggles — something that George isn't too thrilled about.

But George is committed to bonding with Biggles, so he buys an ear-piece which allows him to talk to animals. George discovers that Biggles (whose real name is Malcolm) dislikes Ella and Stanley, he also explains the OTHER reason why dogs sniff bottoms. Thermoman goes on a mission to reunite Biggles with his mum and rescue him from a one-way trip to the vet. Eventually he reunites him dramatically with his Mother and the next Morning at his door Malcolm's mum says that she was told by Malcolm he Ran a Pet Rescue Service and loads of animals are around her waiting in the morning.
17–304"The Older Man"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2002-06-28ICEB786E

It's George's birthday! At the age of 327, he's a mere spring chicken on the Planet Ultron. But the lease on George's earthly body has run out and he starts to look his real age quickly.

In a state of desperation (Particularly after Janet's parents walk in on her kissing George and Janet has to claim that she's having an affair with George's grandfather), George resorts to extreme measures in a bid to turn back the clock (Such as using time-bending tunnels to try and regress his age), eventually being forced to get a new body from the Ultron council.

Meanwhile, Piers hires a new nurse at the health center to make up for the time Janet is missing due to her spending her time with Ollie, but the new nurse- Hayley- knows next to nothing about medicine, wants Janet to look at the old people and tries to make the center more 'youth-orientated' with music posters.
18–305"Puttin' on the Writs"Paul Alexander, Simon BraithwaiteJohn Stroud2002-07-05ICEB787Y

It's just an ordinary morning in the supermarket parking lot — that is until Mrs Raven has a run-in with a stack of wayward trolleys and is pushed over the edge of a building.

Once again, it is Thermoman to the rescue! But when he refuses Mrs Raven's kind offer of Battenberg cake in return for saving her life, retribution is swift; she claims to have been badly injured in his 'rescue attempt' and threatens to sue him.

Meanwhile, Janet's father has had enough of Ella's nagging and has moved in with Tyler[who recently acquired a Pet Scorpion that is Harmless and dos not sting called Sammy Scorpion]. It appears to be a perfect arrangement but Ella misses the old fool — will that be enough to make her apologize for the first time? This Proves to be difficult when Stanley starts wearing filthy Cloths[Being with Tyler] and when Ella come over because George tries to get them together and before they Embrace Ella refuses to apologies unless Stanley does so she leaves. But is Unaware that Sammy Scorpion has escaped and made his way into her handbag and then escapes to Piers' Office.

George tries to stop Mrs. Raven from suing him by going over as Thermoman to the health Center and Negotiates with her to drop the trial and it works... Until before he leaves she asks for a kiss and is about to kiss him but when he is turning around to avoid this but gives in and His Helmet knocks her out. this Results with the News Reporting her being seriously injured and the trial to proceed with.

Meanwhile while George is considering giving up being Thermoman and taking his gear to underneath the bed he Learns Stanley is Moving Out of Tyler but he dos not say where he will go.

Later on at the Health Center Sammy Scorpion Climbs on to Mrs. Raven's Shoulder in Piers' Office and Janet and George see this and when He is about to explain that Sammy is useless Janet interrupts saying Only Thermoman can save her. She then begs Them to Get Thermoman but they Say He Can't with him on Trial he cant afford another accident then she promises to call of the trial as long as someone saves her then George removes Sammy and she realizes it was a Trick and doesn't bother then calls of the Trial and Sammy is Returned to Tyler.

At Night When George is going to bed and turns over to Find Stanley has moved in on the bed An Ella still wont apologize then janet Comes in and George get out and tell Janet to Come with him to Get Sammy Scorpion

Presumably they used him on Ella and Threatened her to apologize and when she is tricked George might of been Thermoman so she wont realize its a trick and Stanley moves out the next Morning as they are back together onwards.
19–306"Shock, Horror!"Paul Alexander, Paul Mendelson, Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2002-07-12ICEB789L

Baby Ollie has a fever so George has to turn his attention away from saving the world to come home and check on the baby. All of this dashing about is making George a bit careless and before long, a journalist advantage of the situation and takes a picture of George as Thermoman, believing that Janet is having an affair with Thermoman. This Causes Ollie to start Reading the Newspapers and a bunch of Photographers to wait outside the Flat Taking Pictures But Much to Janet's Surprise Ella and Stanley are Proud of her for it..... Until They bring in Divorce Papers believing Ollie is Thermoman's Son so Janet Refuses to go through with it. Seeing that Janet is really Miserable with all of this Thermoman tries to make things back the way they were by Making things Better. When Janet goes out she notices Thermoman in the center of Photographers taking shots and he explains that everything about him is a lie and he did not come to see Janet or the Baby Much to Janet's Delight seeing this.. Until he tells them he came to see George Sunday Claiming him to be a good friend of his.

The Next day all the Papers conclude George and Thermoman are gay in a relationship although Janet's Life is easier again George is Running out of Money[As No One will go into his shop as he's Gay] But thankfully Arnie and Janet come up with a Plan. What they do is[Other then injuring Tyler and Arnie taking him to a hospital] George and Janet go out and announce that the Reporter who started the stories is actually Thermoman's Arch Nemesis who did this to Distract Thermoman from Saving the World when the Reporter[who is infront of ther] Denies this George uses Mind Control on him to Admit it and uses with out any one knowing superbreath to make him fly as proof that nearly fails when he falls but George continues using Super Breath.

The Next Day the Reporter has Disappeared and the Paper are Saying all they found at his house was a Cape and some plans to take over the world[which George did to show more proof] and although things are back to Normal Ollie has a Fever Again and George[WHO hAS lEARNT his Lesson this time] Takes him Flying with him in a Thermosuit at his size.

It is Revealed the Reporter was put on top of the Effiel Tower in Paris by George for the stories he said. As he and Ollie Pass by he says he will not help him as even though it is his duty to help citizen's of Earth, Then as he Flies off With ollie he Says Nice One Daddy and George replies tHank you Ollie.

Meanwhile, Mrs Raven keeps falling asleep at work because the triplets have insomnia. In a desperate attempt to get some rest, she plans to build a shed in her garden so she can lock them up when it gets too much. The problem is that the shed costs money and needs a reference from Dr Piers for a part-time job.
20–307"Little Green Man"Ian Brown, James HendrieJohn Stroud2002-08-02ICEB788S

Janet thinks George is taking her for granted. After all, most husbands would react badly after finding their wife in a compromising position with the handyman.

Mrs. Raven thinks Janet needs to work harder at making George jealous. But it turns out that all Janet needs to do is share a bit of Arnie's carrot cake (Part of the wedding rituals on another planet), and George is beside himself. He literally turns green with envy! And now even Mrs. Raven thinks Arnie has been unfaithful to her.

Meanwhile, Piers looks to have finally found happiness — he's marrying the weathergirl from his breakfast TV programme! So he's pulling out all the stops and splashing out in the extreme for the perfect wedding, sponsored by Orange, with photos by a top magazine, catering by Pot Noodle, drink by Heineken, and wedding cake by Utterly Butterly! And of course, she's absolutely NOT with him just so as she can get a more high profile television job ... Isn't she?
21–308"Mine's a Double"Paul Alexander, Simon BraithwaiteJohn Stroud2002-08-09ICEB791A

George has to attend a Super-Heroics Conference ... which means leaving Janet home alone with the baby. The Ultron Council provides a "George clone" with the unlikely name of Hilary to keep Janet company. While Hilary looks like the real thing, his character couldn't be more different. Hilary talks and dresses like a gangsta' rapper and is given to nights out on the town with Piers and, oddly enough, romantic dinners with Ella (Stanley is happy as long as its on the rugby nights).

Suspicious of Hilary's actions and Behaviour and Embarresment towards Janet, George has Arnie to check up on him while he writes a report on him, but Hilary[hearing this] subsequently frames George for theft and his powers are taken by the Ultron council, leaving George an ordinary man with an increased sensitivity to pain[Even though the Theft was Just a bike that Ollie Wanted]. Fortunately, Arnie discovers that Hilary has a bad record at the Ultron Academy (Kept down because his father was a big shot on the Ultron High Council), and Ollie uses his powers to go to Ultron to contact the High Council. Using a duplicate of Janet's body, the vice-president of the Council discovers Hilary's actions and arrests him, simultaneously restoring George's powers.

Meanwhile, Arnie and Tyler are attempting to set up a web site for George's shop, but their attempts to use Thermoman as an advertising agent aren't allowed according to Ultron rules (Made particularly frustrating for George when they use Hilary dressed as Thermoman instead on the front page[this started his suspicions on Hilary]).
22–309"A Little Learning"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2002-08-16ICEB790F

George is devastated when Ella and Stanley ban him from their anniversary party. Quite reasonably, they don't want him embarrassing them in front of their friends.

Admittedly, George's attempts to make new friends via the calling cards in telephone booths backfire somewhat, but when he gets some magic pork scratchings which increase his brain power (The ingredients cause him to tap into the 'ethernet' of all the world's knowledge), miraculous effects occur. Suddenly George is an intellectual genius and can charm the birds off the trees — so much so that not only do Ella and Stanley invite him to their party, they ask him to make a speech! For Janet, however, the new thoughtful George is insufferable, constantly correcting grammar and acting too superior to her. As well as this, George now refuses to save people, telling them they should try to save themselves rather than have him save them all the time, thus resulting in them not learning how to save themselves and thus leaving the Earth over-populated. Eventually, George is convinced to get off the pork scratchings, realising that he has become addicted to them. At the subsequent party, he makes a thoughtless, insensitive speech; Janet is relieved to have her husband back.

Meanwhile, Piers contemplates attracting more publicity by setting up the Crispin 'Have a Heart Attack' foundation, despite the fact that there's already a British Heart Foundation, and Mrs Raven attempts to marry Arnie to get access to his money.
23–310"A Day to Remember"Paul Mayhew-Archer, Paul MendelsonJohn Stroud2002-08-23ICEB792T

It's a bad day for Earth when George accidentally erases his own memory! Now he's forgotten that he's Thermoman! For Janet, it is a dream come true. George is now the model husband who volunteers to change diapers and takes the baby for walks in the park.

This new domestic bliss isn't set to last. A meteor is headed for Earth and in twenty-four hours all life will be obliterated. It is up to Arnie, Janet and Tyler to retrain George to use his powers to prevent disaster. But it is a frantic race against time — will Thermoman return to save the Earth?

In the process, it is revealed that Piers is actually a virgin when he asks Janet to sleep with him because he doesn't want to die without having been with a woman. Hearing this, Mrs Raven (as her last act of humuliation on Piers) immediately contacts the Daily Mirror...

Eventually George is able to stop the meteor but when he losses contact on radio to Tyler, Arnie, and Janet they believe him to be dead and Ollie asks if daddy will come back. While Arnie and Tyler try to cheer her up they are unaware behind them george has survived and is watching. then they Notice and Janet in delight tells him she will give him a rememerabal night. But then he asks who Janet is and felling annoyed she gets Arnie to help him while she checks on Ollie when Arnie ask if he can remember her he says he will as soon as she has checked Ollie's Nappy and we are left to assume when Arnie forms a Smile George was jokeing and is back to normal with his memory.

Series 4

# Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate Code
24–401"A Sporting Chance"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2003-08-08ICEC483X

As a peace-loving Ultronian, George knows nothing of the psychology of competition. So when Piers asks George to join his team, George hasn't a clue what he's in for.

After a crash course on the rules of cricket from Janet, George takes the field and decimates his own team with his over-zealous fielding, then surprises everyone by scoring a near-impossible 24 runs off the last 4 balls.

Finally George knows the sweet taste of victory and becomes horribly attracted to it, beating Piers at everything from cricket to swimming!
25–402"The Living Dead"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2003-08-15ICEC481J

George buys a Life Insurance policy and immediately walks under a bus to cash in his new policy. Even though George is perfectly fine after his encounter with a bus (being a superhero he is, of course, indestructible), he subsequently suffers from a heart attack (Due to a heart defect that causes them to stop for a few minutes) in the health centre, and Janet has to explain to everyone that her husband is dead.

It is not long, however, before George is feeling trapped by his non-existence- Janet in particular is frustrated at her parents' attempts to set her up with Piers- and he and Janet hatch a plot to bring him back to life at his own funeral. However, there is a slight problem with that in the form of George's heart condition, which kicks in just when he's about to be cremated, thus preventing George waking up during his funeral (And simultaneously discrediting Piers as a doctor). Fortunately, they get out of it by claiming that George has been away for a week and it was actually his twin brother Seamus who died while attempting to play a joke on everyone.

Meanwhile, Mrs Raven has begun to experiment with hypnotherapy, but hypnotizes everyone to give her extra money, as well as making Piers cluck like a chicken whenever someone says 'Three' in his presence, Stanley quote That is my gift, and that is my curse. Who am I? I'm Spiderman from Spider-Man when he hears 'One', and Ella ask Stanley to ravish her whenever she hears 'Two'. and for Four, Arnie, Ella, Piers and Stanley perform "YMCA". For Ten, Arnie, Ella, Piers and Stanley perform "The Birdie Dance".
26–403"Taking the Credit"James CaryJohn Stroud2003-08-22ICEC490F

George doesn't have the hang of managing domestic finances. Never having seen a credit card before, he goes on a massive spending spree and is highly impressed with the Welfare State that literally gives him money to do so.

When the bills arrive, Janet finds out what has been happening but it is too late. Janet is forced to take advantage of Ollie's ubertalent of correctly predicting the Lottery numbers. But it isn't long before Thermoman draws the attention of the Lord High Arbiter of Abuses of Power (Who, despite his great power, is barely a few inches tall). Janet squashes him with a rolled up newspaper after deciding she's had enough of his 'moaning'. When asked 'Why didn't the Ultron council squash him when they wanted to sack him?' George replies: 'They didn't think of that either...'
27–404"It's All in the Mind"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2003-08-29ICEC485K

George is asked by the Ultron Council to write a progress report on humanity. All seems to be going well, until his new mind-reading powers reveal the true nature of human thought (For example, that men think about sex every few seconds).

The unpleasant thoughts of Stanley, Ella, and Mrs Raven in particular leave George in a state of despair. His sense of honesty forces him to write a damning report and the Ultron Council condemns the human race to death by laser (rather than the usual way, who do you think sent David Dickinson?), removing only certain people from the planet who they feel deserve it. Only Janet can save the world by somehow convincing the four worst people in George's report (Her parents, Piers and Mrs Raven) to donate money to a good cause. Eventually, however, George acquires the money by selling a valuable vase of Janet's without her permission and lying to the Council to claim that the money came from the four people.
28–405"Virus"Paul Mendelson, Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2003-09-05ICEC486E

On the way back from a trip to Ultron Thermoman picks up a rather nasty parasite, which is fatal to humans (It bursts out of the stomach, like in Alien). It isn't long before Janet, Stanley, Ella, and Mrs. Raven catch it off him and Thermoman has to administer the Thermo-Kiss-Of-Life. Meanwhile, Piers has a new talk show, Crispin, where Tyler is the first guest because of his mental problems.

While arranging the contract with Tyler and the six people living in his head, E.T., The warlord of Solos, Andromeda, Mr Spock, the siren of titan, and Mrs McPherson (someone has to clean up after them) with Arnie as his agent, because he said that the others voted that he did need an agent, Piers arranges a contract that means Tyler doesn't get a penny (because 50% of the money goes to the warlord of Solos, who sounds like the most natural leader) and Arnie gets £5000.

After a disastrous attempt to persuade Piers that he isn't insane (by saying that Janet and Thermoman will back him up), Piers calls the men in white coats to pick Tyler up next morning.

During the exchange George accidentally passes his superpowers to Stanley and Ella with minimal troubles (if you don't count that they only save the "important people") becoming Faldo Man and Dorothy Perkins. But not so Mrs Raven, who is transformed into The Raven! As The Raven, she commits acts of mischief, such as putting a mime artist in a real plastic box, changing a small dog into a big dog (dragging an old lady with it), putting an elderly man with a zimmer frame on top of a bus stop and dumping Walt Disney World in the heart of Siberia.

Later as George, Arnie, Tyler and Janet discuss what to do, we find out that Stanley and Ella refused to save people in China (because they think it's full of Communists) and Mrs Raven as The Raven took all the nuns from the Vatican to the late night floor show in Las Vegas (they were IN it) and she replaced the last reels of Harry Potter for Night of the Living Dead. George then sucks out their powers and erases their memories (Although he is forced to kiss Mrs Raven to do so, claiming that he's fallen in love with her and that kissing her friend's husband is one of the most terrible things she could do).

To stop the men in white coats from taking Tyler away, George persuaded Ella and Stanley to go on Piers's talk show (before he erased their memories). When Piers asks his guests to belch fire and lift him up with one finger, his show is canceled and the men in white coats take HIM away. Unfortunately sucking out the powers sucked out some of Ella's and Stanley's personality traits as well (such as a desire to play a round of Golf.
29–406"The Mayor of Northolt"Trevelyan Evans, Pete SinclairJohn Stroud2003-09-12ICEC482D

A faulty streetlight outside Stanley and Ella's bedroom is keeping them awake at night, and getting the Council to mend it proves impossible. George stands for Mayor, promising to fix the streetlight if elected, only to find that his opponent is the over-confident Piers.

George wins unanimous approval when the voters respond positively to his refreshingly honest approach, but unfortunately, the pressures of Mayoral Office put an unreasonable strain on his marriage, causing Janet to move out with Ollie. Piers attempts to ruin George's 'family image' by hiring a prostitute to seduce him, but due to domestic disputes Stanley is sleeping alone in George's room and is seduced instead.

Eventually, George wins the election (Due in no small part to Piers' attempts to sabotage the election) and, having repaired the street light, returns to Janet; that was all he intended to do.
30–407"Big"Gary Lawson, John PhelpsJohn Stroud2003-09-19ICEC487Y

Ollie's half-human, half Ultronian physiology causes a few problems when he starts to grow at an accelerated rate. In 24 hours, he grows from a nine-month-old baby into a 19-year-old boy with a 'serious' girlfriend.

Janet and George are distraught at being robbed of the pleasure of watching their only son grow up. They employ the services of an eminent Ultronian doctor to cure their son, who, despite her impeccable qualifications, looks and sounds like Britney's irritating kid sister. Ollie needs a new heart. Arnie would gladly give one of his, but thanks to a really high stakes game of poker, he's only got one left! ("I really did leave my heart in San Francisco!") And as if all of that wasn't bad enough, the problem reaches its peak when Ollie then turns into an eighteen-year-old girl!

Janet initially warms to the idea of having a daughter, especially one that can take her clothes shopping around the world. But then things get worse still, and immediate surgery is required.
31–408"The Consultant"James CaryJohn Stroud2003-09-26ICEC484R

Arnie turns consultant when the Ultron Council sends him to check up on Thermoman's performance.

Arnie conducts a Time and Motion study on George and makes some changes. A plethora of customer satisfaction forms quickly hamper Thermoman's ability to rescue the victims of natural disasters.

Arnie's strict regime over-stresses George to such a degree that he starts making mistakes and ultimately ends up bringing home an armed intercontinental ballistic missile. Fortunately Tyler disarms the ICBM using the disarming code (amazing what you can find on the Internet).

Fearing for the world's safety, George retires, but this decision is reversed when Work Experience Boy does a rubbish job at replacing him when Janet is trapped in the burning health center.
32–409"The Family Way"Trevelyan Evans, Pete SinclairJohn Stroud2003-10-03ICEC489L

George is suddenly looking a bit big. The reason — he's pregnant! He has agreed to be a surrogate parent to an Ultronian couple. That'll be hard for Janet to explain to everyone! Even more bizarrely, when George gives birth, it's doesn't even look human. The parents are apes! (These particular Ultronians, in order to fit in on Earth, took the form of what they believed to be the most intelligent beings on the planet, apparently because Tyler spent too much time talking to the baby in the womb)

Meanwhile, Piers embarrasses himself when, having found the sonogram of the baby, concludes that Stanley is actually the pregnant man, when in reality he just has kidney stones.
33–410"Time and Time Again"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2003-10-10ICEC488S

Janet gets really annoyed when George takes his April Fool's jokes a little too far. George decides to leave her alone for a while. So he heads out through the bathroom. Arnie goes with him.

Seven years later, Ollie asks his mum if George will ever come back. Suddenly he does, through the same way he left! He's missed seven whole years of his family's life! So he and Arnie go back in time, using a dangerous series of time portals, and everything is normal again. He decides to use this to his advantage and make little adjustments to life.

He goes back to stop a young Janet from falling out of a tree and breaking her arm to get rid of a painful twinge she's had ever since (as well as stopping Arnie from getting better acquainted with a young Ella), but in doing so, changes history so that Janet isn't treated for alopecia as well as her arm, and returns to the present day to find his wife completely bald! So he goes back and changes everything back to normal, then he tries to sort out the hair loss problem and save her from breaking her arm, he stops young Janet from falling out of a tree and a few years later, slips her a note telling her to get her hair seen to, history is completely rewritten.

That note led Janet to see a doctor about her hair ... Piers! Now George and Arnie return to the present day to find Janet and Piers married with ten children! And, horror of horrors, Mrs Raven is also a nice person! and Stanley and Ella are in Love and more happier. Thank goodness Tyler hasn't changed though (although he has an actual girlfriend, his next door neighbour) ... Seeing that Janet is really happy in her new life, George decides to leave things as they are and return to Ultron forever ... Can he be persuaded to change his mind and go back to the way things were? Arnie certainly hopes so ... he misses the old Mrs Raven! George decides to change things back when he sees that Piers is seeing Mrs Raven behind Janet's back.

George changes things back to what they should be while Arnie returns from buying some cheapo beer, but when they come back and find things are back to normal and tell Janet he has decided to leave things the way they are arfter learning his lesson, but then George discovers that Arnie had (while he got the cheap beer when Janet fell from the tree) an encounter with Ella's past self in the form of his son, Arnold Dawkins (this is when Ella arrives in with him). George then books Arnie in for a vasectomy (on Ultron, they use a couple of bricks to do this).

Presueamably George and Arnie went back and stopped Arnie's past self from becoming familiar with A Younger Ella. Also the Vastecomy may of been stopped so Arnie wouldn't have to face the Ultronian way or after he had it they went back. Or it was booked up to see when they came back if everything was back to normal after repairing the past as it would of never happened. This is clearly true as no Reference is made to Janet's HALF BROTHER ever again onwards.

Series 5

# Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate Code
34–501"The Foresight Saga"Paul Mendelson, Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2005-01-07ICED142N

Series 5 begins dramatically as Janet is rushed to hospital, about to give birth again!

The new arrival is a girl, who can see into the future. Her first prediction is that she will be named Cassandra, Cassie for short. Her only power also brings great distress when she predicts ella is going to die so George scans her and sees her in perfect conditio but follows her then to watch her but he even follows her to the hair dresser and gets a style of his own but then she predicts Ollie, Stanley, Mrs Raven, and Tyler and Arnie will die next and Janet.

Then George tells Tyler and Arnie this after saying Ant and Dec are Real because they didn't think so and Tyler refuses to believe that they exsist as he is just as horified to learn this as Arnie. By much to Arnie's misery he can't even give Mrs Raven a baby as she will die too (he proboly can't anyway since he has Vastecomy in Time and Time Again season 4). Then When Georges ask how many more people will die Cassie says everyone but Except in the Land of the Kangaroo's and the TV series Home and Away. Janet points out it Australlia and Piers isn't because he is going there as he won a prize to go there.

Then she Realises its everyone in the entire northern hemisphere, however, as she predicts that everyone is going to die in the next few hours which her dad Thermoman tells everyone in a public statement saying it could be a Giant Meteor, Global warming, a dease of some sort or a nucler disaster. He suggests everyone heads to Australia, in the southern hemisphere, which gets Thermoman in trouble with the Australian authorities for showing a blatant disregard for their anti-immigration laws! with the amount of people coming over.

So Janet rounds up her parents Mrs Raven and Tyler and Arnie with Ollie to wait for Thermoman to rescue them as he is helping exacuate people of to Australlia. Piers comes in saying that some hitchhikers hijacked his plane and the same with traffic and panic is happening all over the world. Then After several hours Thermoman Appears and tells them all to get into the bathroom so he can transport them to Australlia and Tyler goes first (but comes back thinking he has reached Australlia already and the rest have beaten him, but Thermoman sends him back in). Then Cassie says its too late and Ella has her eyes closed and is on the chair and when Janet see this Stanley shows part Happiness and surprise. Piers checks her pulse and says she has gone(Died) then Thermoman comforts Janet apologiseing, then it turns out she was only asleep much to Stanley's misery.

Then Cassie asks what Asleep means then George and Janet realise Cassie had seen everyone asleep from their returned flights to Australlia and was confused with Dead and Asleep and Piers wasn't going to be asleep as she couldn't tell if the Australlians would be awake or not.

Then the News at Night anounce Thermoman's Apologies and say it will take years to get their transportation systems back on track. This results with George experienceing the worst day of his life but he will not send Cassie away aslong as she is sure next time this happens.

George also adds an extra bedroom to the flat for Ollie (who can now Thermo-Potty-Change) and his new sister (watch out for some sibling rivalry to come!), but some of the fixtures and fittings could have been put up with more care, as Ella finds to her cost — as does George himself when he gets an electris shock while turning on the lights when Cassie warned him not to.

Meanwhile, Piers finds that being a celebrity is not all it's cracked up to be when he finally gets onto I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!, and discovers the snakes he's put in a tank with aren't animatronic as Mrs Raven ( Who took an F of his back shirt saying the Flying Doctor that says the Lying Docotor) had led him to believe (This was Threede Days after Thermoman's mistake and when Cassie was told not to predict anymore with her visions but then she predict they would be in 3 seconds happy then when she turned on the TV they saw Piers trapped in the tank calling for help)...
36–503"The First Husbands' Club"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2005-01-21ICED145W

As Janet increasingly despairs that George continues to get walked over by people who take advantage of his good nature, Piers[Who Througout this has been despeerate for a girlfriend and is so fed up when Mrs. raven Tricks him everytime a woman is around to see him causing him to think they all love him] provides help for George's lack of assertiveness which is a trick because when George got a new Car He Reveresed into it and got him instead to pay for the damage saying half was for the Damage to his Car and the Emotional Stress and by saying woman are the enemy so he got the money instead.

He Organises with George a militant men's group with Arnie, Tyler and Stanley amongst others to pass on the words A Woman's place is in the Kitchen, that seeks to give its members back some authority over women. The group is not very successful until George starts using Ultronian mind control on Janet after Piers told him she was the one using him and he thought she had tricked him by getting into the kitchen then the entire female population of the world ...

Meanwhile, Cassie takes up various telephone jobs from her cot to finance the purchase of a doll's house — such as directory enquiries and the speaking clock. Jealous Ollie soon puts an end to her money making, however, by tricking her into saying the wrong thing at the wrong time in front of Janet ("You've been a very naughty boy and I'm gonna give you a spanking!"), who promptly confiscates her phone. Mrs Raven continues to delight in making Piers's life a living hell without him realising she is responsible.

Meanwhile While woman are Slaves to men, Cassie Can't stand this and at Nights is trying in her cot to find a way to end it all while Ollie is delighted by the new ways.

Fortunetly by a miricale Cassie wished for Piers in the park meets a Woman who likes him who has seen him on TV and has a dog named Spot wearing a Red Skirt and Braclets and Piers finally Falls in love.

At THE hEALTH cENtre George has use Mind Control on Ella who is at Stanley's command but he finds it irritating when she ask every question for details that annoys him. Then piers comes in and Explains Woman are not the Enemies then says he made a Mistake and Then George[Except the news lady] turns every woman back to normal but Janet somehow is already back to normal because of Cassie then the Woman piers has arranged a date with is actually a friend of Janet and is only in Northolt for a few days and is in the flat to say goodbye and After George describes Piers' Feelings the Woman Leaves without him knowing.

Everything is back to Normal Unfourtunetly Cassie found a way to reverse the effect on Janet causing her to become Cassie's Slave instead while George doesn't know of this [being stupid].
37–504"Cassie Come Home"Daniel PeakJohn Stroud2005-01-28ICED149X

Ella has big news — she's going to be a Justice of the Peace and a Magistrate. She starts throwing her weight around about the way Janet and George are educating and bringing up the children and threatens them with Social Services.

Meanwhile George has had Tyler fired from looking after Cassie and Oliie After plugging every Volcano in the world and making sure no danger would occur in the next couple of weeks. This was so he could spend more time Helping the Children. He is also teaching Ollie how to speak the Saturn language as he already knows 360.

Later, Arnie turns up to celebrate Ollie's birthday — to protests from Janet. "It's not his birthday," says Janet, "he's only 14 months old". George explains 14 months old on Ultron is equivalent to 18 years on Earth, so Arnie's got a boozy party planned (involving Clubs and Strippers) but leaves when Tyler ( Who bought it as a gift claiming it to be Gold Fishfor the kids after his failure with a Stick he thought as a stick ant) Put a Jellyfish on the table and Arnie got stung from touching it (He thought it was a Cake for Ollie and Janet Tricked him to get stung to get him out) .

Unfortunately, Ella and Stanley arrive and She catches Ollie with a can of beer and a cigar and she and Stanley take the children away from Janet and George — it's either that or Social Services — and forces Janet to join Piers's Single Mothers'(Which was started up when Piers stole the idea from Stanley and Ella when they suggested he should Help Janet believing ehr to be struggling with Mothering) Parenting class to prove she can take care of them, which is, of course, totally useless as Piers dosnt know even where Babies come from and knows nothing — but we do get a very interesting insight into Piers's childhood (Such as his father being determined that he would go into medicine and refusing to allow music in the house for four years to stop Piers' desires to be a musician), which explains a lot that takes up to the whole hour.

But Mrs Raven shows Respect for Piers in the idea as He Advised her to lock her Triplets uop when they gave her an awful time.

Mrs Raven tries to persuade Ella to take her children, too, and even tries to bribe her ( She even says her Tripelets smoke a thousand times a day and takes the idea of alcahol to give them along with the idea of a Jellyfish on the table).

While Cassie is with Ella and Stanley she losses the ability to talk as she dosent find time to speak and becomes like a real baby. Ollie "escapes" and makes it back to the flat but Janet convinces George to take him back rather than make things worse, but he ends up on the roof of Ella and Stanley's house with Ollie, which only makes Ella decide to keep both kids for even longer — much to Stanley's dismay. He wants the house to himself again!

Arnie advises George to become Thermoman and demand that the kids are returned to their parents, but just as Ella is twisting his words, Social Services turn up and agree with her, and threaten to give her permanent custody of the children. But Ollie and Cassie then team up to turn the tables on their selfish grandmother, making her appear to be even worse at looking after them then their parents were in the first place (With the help of Baby Alligaters from Tyler when he Gave them to George and Janet to replace the kids Earlier). And so the kids are returned to Janet and George, while Ella and Stanley have to attend Piers's new Grandparenting class. As the Mothering Classes were unsuccessful and when Stabley and Ella came for help he started that up Instaed. (Although Cassie now can talk again thanks to Tyler all she can speak is rubbish hard to understand)
38–505"Nothing to Hide"James CaryJohn Stroud2005-02-04ICED146P

Thermoman liberates the stolen Mona Lisa from the clutches of an art thief [along with all his gear ontop of teh effiel tower]. George Sunday, however, comes under suspicion from Scotland Yard when he is unable to explain the picture's presence in his flat. Scotland Yard suspect him as he dosent trust the Law and he tried to get them to arrest a baby for stealing Ollie's Rattle and they saw the Mona Lisa in the flat when they came round to show they had done a wanted picture of the baby by his description and they saw Tyler dressing up in the Thief's gear.

(and he even got them to Aresst Ella for Parking tickets much to Stanley's Amusement before he sealed of everything in the house and learn ollie's rattle was stolen while in the park with Ella and Stanly).

Arnei pretends to be his Lawyer when he turns up in an interogation room where Georege is having pizza while being asked question he refuses to answer (as they involve him being Thermoman at the time) and tries to get them off his Back by asking fo proof that the Mona Lisa is the Original then they look on the back for leonardo Dav Vinci's signature but they don't see it until Georeg points it out.

This Results with them running tests on it and have George put on a Tracker on his leg to track himdown at al times him to find more proof as the Inspector is getting a promotion for this.

Later at Night Arnie, George, Tyler and Janet in disquises try to break in to retrieve the painting and Tyler gives some dustballs for the receptonist to eat then he goes off to the Toilet after realising this and the chost is clear then George superspeeds in a Steals it back to the Flat.

But unfortunetly Stanley and Ella come round and put a hole through the Picture while Stanley punches him claiming to do it for Janet's safety believing he may have stolen Janet allong being a thief then when Ella Leaves proud of him Stanley has tricked her and follows.

Thankfully Arnie Suggests they resurect Leonadro Da vinci and bring him over to paint it again. George Flies to get him unaware the tracker is tracking his speed in Scotland Yard and when the Inspecter see the speed going at the limit he heads after him but as he goes Thermoman flies so fast the Machine losses count and selfdestructs.

Then He Returns with him and Tyler knows Him Personally and it is revealed Leonardo da Vinci is Ultronian then he also makes a Blue copy before the original by claiming it to be a better version. So George uses Superbreath on it for the dry Paint and Returns it to Paris and this causes the Inspector to be put in Jail for Framing George without evidence. Arnie takes the Blue Copy and gives it to Mrs Raven to win an Art Competition and she did.

Piers tries to climb the social ladder once more by organising an art competition — The Piers Prize! It doesn't help matters much, however, that Mrs Raven keeps shredding the competition entries so she can claim the prize money for herself after Piers increases it when Mrs Raven suggested it as not may Enteries had come in!
39–506"Brain Drain"unknownunknown2005-02-11ICED147J

George searches the entire Internet to see if it's safe for Ollie and Cassie (in a few hours), including a lot of references of Britney Spears, unfortunately, it results in him getting the "pop-ups" (a condition which makes him talk about advertising offers every few seconds). To solve this problem, Arnie uses a mind filter to remove the "pop-ups" and any other useless information and prejudices.

Meanwhile at the Health Centre, Piers has hired Tyler to be the decorator for nothing (for health care that he gets anyway) and he needs Mrs Raven to not be the same nasty self that she usually is, as there is an inspector coming to the health centre, she agrees, providing that she can work it all out of her system before the inspection (involving inflicting pain on Piers)

George then decides to filter the prejudices in Ella and Stanley, (which were enough to fill a box of CDs) to stop them from accusing Tyler for theft of Ella's purse to the police as he come from Liverpool and Stanley dosent trust them [they are more open minded and nicer after the processe]. At the Health Centre, Tylers mural, taking of the theme of "Sickness", seems to almost make Piers sick and he tells Tyler to redo it with not so much "Mucus Green". Janet finds out that he has used the mind filter on Ella and Stanley, she wants him to restore them to what they were. George then decides to filter the minds of Piers, Janet, Tyler and Mrs Raven, when he turned the mind filter on, it overloads and gets broken (Arnie underestimated the amount of pure evil in Mrs Raven's mind) and then they find out that the minds have got muddled up, due the fact that the CDs containing their minds were mislabeled (getting J for Janet, confused for T for Tyler .

Janet's mind is in Piers body, Tyler's mind is in Janet's body and Pier's mind is in Tyler's body. later on Arnie points out that the mind fillters are no longer on sale and George then to avoid massarging peirs/janet spends five hours at Tylers and next morning tells Arnie this and thinks of having an affair with Tyler. At the morning of the inspection, after George tells Arnie Janet finds out what George did, when Cassie told her what had happened, as it was her feeding time. The inspector is slightly confused that Tyler in Janet's body is in overalls, decorating the health centre, this get's worse when Piers in Tyler's body greets the inspector saying that he is Dr Piers Crispin, this is nothing compared to her reaction to Janet in Piers body wearing an NHS nurses uniform.

When she interviews Tyler in Janet's body, he tells the inspector some unbelievable details regarding his medical knowledge (including that he learned medicine on Gallifrey). Once this interview is finished, Arnie asks for more time to the Inspector as she leaves and agrees then tells them that the latest mind filter is Ultronian standard, which would turn a human brain into a corn flake, which results in Arnie taking drastic measures.

Fortunately, Tyler has a mind filter in his overalls and says it was never broken and the batteries ran out and he replaced them[He was more Opne Minded to do this], with this, George puts Tyler and Janet in their proper bodies, unfortunately Arnie had to put something in Piers body to make sure he doesn't look dead, unfortunately this results in Peirs, singing and dancing "Hit me baby, one more time" by Britney Spears.

This results the inspector to make a report where she refers to Janet's questionable medical knowledge and Piers drag act. Fortunately Ella and Stanley save their jobs after talking with the inspector[they were open minded and made up some facts on piers dressing as a nurse] and this Prompts Mrs. Raven to return back to her nasty self as she had to deal all morning with patients waiting for Piers, George then destroys the mind filter, unfortunately Ella and Stanley are in the wrong bodies[But Ella gets her purse back after Mrs. Raven presumably took all the money away when tyler found it and gave it to her earlier and returned it as her name was on it]...

Presuambly George and Arnie used the Drastic Measures [From Earlier] to Restore Ella and Stanley to their proper bodies. As They are Both Clearly back in their bodies[Since the Mind Fillter was Destroyed and also George must of Erased their Memories of the Experience]
40–507"Fear and Clothing"Trevelyan Evans, Pete SinclairJohn Stroud2005-02-25ICED148D

After he witnesses just about every superstition on Friday the 13th come true (even Tyler's warning to never ever play the trombone on the bus on that date), George starts doubting his invincibility (he is only invincible when he believes he is when Arnie told him after he cut him finger from breaking a mirrior by dropping it and went into bed with a cast on his finger), which affects his ability to rescue people ( Even one time he failed to save some people in the arctic because while flying he fainted in sight of a scary bear when it was a Polar Bear and started wearing all sorts of useless protection gear). He turns into a nervous wreck, and starts disappearing when ever he is scared. Can Janet and Arnie find a way to cure George of his fears before it's too late?

Meanwhile, Piers jumps on another bandwagon by launching his own diet ( with Mrs Raven Chargeing customers for the prices and does this a lot to Stanley) — The Crispin Diet, no less — - and health drink, then it gains a very dangerous customer (who happens to be a friend of Mrs Raven and ius a mob boss), the drink turns out to be hazardous to Piers's health!

One attempt to Help George is too start a Theropy for him to conquer his fear but it only makes him even worse when Janet (as a joke) said she was afraid of going first and when Tyler also influenced hiim by saying he was afraid of crisps and Seafood and other things that Made George even more scared.....

George Later on when the Health Centre is closed suggests to Janet in Piers' office that erasing his ENTIRE memory will do the trick but in order to Remember Janet and the Children he gives her a photo Album to remind him. But before he can do this Mrs Raven and Piers are Outside on the way in so George turns invisible and takes his cloths off so they won't know and Janet hides them. When they come in Janet is leaving saying she was looking at the Photo Album to remember the days when Mrs Raven causes some disasters.

Then Stanley Comes in for a checkup on the diet and removes his pants behind a curtain but George (who is nearby) sees Mrs Raven put his Pants in the bin wrapped up and replaceing them with another pair. Then after Piers has distracted Stanley with advice on becoming fit he tries them on and claims to of lost more weight then before. When Mrs Raven is about to throw away any evidence to cover what she did George gets in her way and escapes unseen.

Later at Night George explains the Janet that Piers is changeing his customer's Pants for bigger sizes as it is all a scam. The Next day Ella and stanley are told this and demand Piers to give a logical explanation for this before he is sued (since Ella is stil training to become a magistrate) Piers lies about it and tells them to Leave.

Meanwhile Arnie brings George over to the Car park outside the Health centre to touch a Bently he got red paint on earlier when he douted Bad luck along with Tyler's warnings but after one touch he destroys is into pieces along with Painting on it he did it and using a lorry to squesh it up. much to Arnies misery when he was not supposed to touch it.

Later George brings a piece of it to Janet inside the Health centre laughing off he did it to her. He is Unaware Mrs Raven and the Mob Boss are behind him and they George and Janet run into her office to hide. They lock the door and the Mob boss tries to open it. Inside Her office George hides under the table but then Ollie (who can walk) in on the desk in a chair reading a book says he will go and fight him makeing Gorge proud of Ollie for standing up but says he doesn't have to do it alone because Cassie can help (who is also in the office). Then Janet has a better idea.

When the Mob Boss breaks in and faces George ready to fight George's head turns invisible. Then surprised by this he demands to know what is happening and Janet explains it is all part of Docotor Crispin's diet Drink claiming it has side effects such As Bad Breath, Baldness, fatness, and Seeing things other people don't (along with hearing Voices from Babies as Cassie and Ollie in the background say 'daddy broke ya Bently) Then we Find the Mob boss has been drinking a galleon of it then he comes out of the office and strangles Piers Demanding to know what is in the diet drink.

Piers(panicing) admits it is only some Water and Mouthwash then the Mob Boss drags him into his office and attacks him whiel Mrs Raven contacts an ambulance and the news.

Later at Night on the TV an Injured Piers explain he is withdrawing all of the Crispin drinks and is very beaten up. Janet sees George in bed Claiming he has regain ed his invicibility and claims Tyler had provided him with The luckiest spoon in the world to protect him. But when Janet pulls up the sheets only Georges head is visible but his body comes in and puts his head back on claiming to of done it to see if he was still invincible then janet starts to hit him with a shoe for fun.
41–508"How Green Was My Ollie?"James CaryJohn Stroud2005-03-04ICED150R

As an attempt to get Ollie to eat his vegetables, George brings back some GM vegetables from Ultron, with unfortunate side-effects, especially on Tyler who gets long hair for this.

Thermoman then makes the mink whale extinct by using it to plug a volcano! Piers, deciding that Thermoman has gone too far and spotting a good TV-comeback opportunity when Ella Suggests it, starts a campaign against Thermoman's abuse of nature (he even announces on the news that every time Thermoman flies across the world he causes global warming).

George's attempts (one was going by a bike to dangers because of Piers saying when he flies he causes damage, but it takes 5 hours to reach an Indonisia rainforest back and forth with buckets of water) to be environmentally friendly backfire (on attempt was that he brought in the last of an indangered Tropical plague to prove to Piers he cared about nature which got everyone the the health centre sneezing and in the procces it caused a hard day for Janet and Piers trying to cure them all) until he gets so angry that he has a temper tantrum (which causes an earthquake on an entire planet) and moves the Earth away from the sun ...

This Results with a frozen Earth with snowstorms and Polar Bears. George says he will put things back once Pier apologies for all the lies he said on TV. This proves to be tricky as Piers is in his office keeping at the heaters to himselfand believes if he did it it would destroy his reputation but Janet persuades him to because his lies on Thermoman has made the world worse along with the Environment along with doing the apology infront of the world.

Eventually Piers goes onto BBC and Announces his Apology and embarrese himself in the progress from reading a paper that tells him what to say. But since the Scots Wern't watching George still refuses until Janet shouts at him to put the world back, He does this bu before the earth is back in place he brings it too close causing the Earth to become inhabited with lions and long grass,

Later on at Night Janet looks out side the bedroom window and sees five moons and George explains he moved the earth to another Part of the Galaxy which involves no moe global warming. Janet Warms up to the idea.... until George warns her to watch out for the giant moths (then some comes in on her)

Meanwhile, Mrs Raven tries to get her triplets into a posh private school ... and has to rely on Ella to convince the headmaster. Unfortunately she has recently eaten some of the Ultronian GM fruit(when George served Rotten food instead to be more organic along with recylcling unread newspapers in large bins)(which has a side effect of rapid hair and beard growth in Humans, regardless of gender)!
42–509"Big Bother"Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2005-03-18ICED151K

It's five years to the day that George and Janet got together[the setting is possiblt 2004 by this time]. So he gives her a perfect day. A ray of sunshine follows her all day while it's raining all around, the traffic lights are always green for her, the ATM machine wishes her a happy anniversary, the main headline in the newspaper: Charlotte Church has lost her voice, a romantic dinner is unspoilt by people chatting on their mobile phones, which somehow catch fire when being used, the stars come together when night falls to form the words "I love you", and in sport, Tim Henman finally wins Wimbledon (after a freak gust of wind blows Lleyton Hewitt into a ball boy)!

This lovely peace is then shattered when an Ultronian TV producer arrives and George has his eyes replaced. He has conveniently forgotten to tell Janet that every second of their lives for the last 6 months (since she gave birth to Cassie) has been beamed all over Ultron for a reality TV show, called Thermowatch, and George's eyes are the cameras! Sounds horrible, but not as horrible as the news that Arnie has done the same thing to his eyes and started up the Filth channel, broadcasting his nocturnal activities with Mrs Raven all over Ultron as well!

Despite a mountain of her own fan mail and being the most popular character on the show, Janet is not happy with this arrangement and the ratings begin to fall. Something exciting needs to happen quick, or Thermowatch will be taken off the air. Cue Martin, supposedly Tyler's long-lost cousin, who upsets him right from the off by telling him that Gandalf isn't real and takes some tablets from Piers to cure him but instead makes him worse[despite Janet admires him as a better version when he uses lines like STAND BACK ORC on Mrs Raven and YOU SHALL NOT PASS on Piers].

Eventually it Turns Out Cue Martin (who happens to know about Thermoman's secret after he saw George appear in as him and Tyler had told him a couple of times) is in fact another Ultronian Filming for a Channel where he is to seduce the main Characters wife.

Also Suddenly when George sugests sending Janet to California to his relatives for WIFE SWAP Sh Leaves in disgust over to Cue. She Finds in Tyler's Apartment Tyler is Back to normal, although he now thinks he is gay in a divorce, Then when he goes over to George and Arnie who are bored and use him for entertainment to hit plates on his head and when Arnie tells of the New Channel Then the laugh about the idea and in this Tyler points out he and his cousin are nothing alike and he admires the way he cleans his eyes like George does then George superspeeds of to Save Janet. While this is happening Janet is Being Seduced to Leave George and is about to kiss Cue Martin... Until George breaks into Tyler's and grabs Cue saying Janet is being filmedand with One touch of a finger blast Cue agauimst the wall.

At Night George points out he has had Thermowatch taken off the air due to realising it was a set up to Annoy janet if she knewabout the show to prompt her to leave so she could be used by another channeldue to her popularity of Thermowatch. Unfortunetly things may seemback to normal Olli[before teh credits rool] is seen to have cameras in his eyes with delight saying Good old telly as he blinks[He was considered as a back up camera earlier But cassie was turneddown asall she could offer was the ceiling].

Meanwhile Piers receives a visit from a famous celebrity: Jessica Strong, the 5th most beautiful woman in the world. She has a checkup but the next day the headlines say she died in a jogging accident. Piers then thinks it was his fault as he only examined her chest and became mesmerised. Knowing that she was actually hit by a bus while jogging, Mrs Raven and Janet tell Piers not to read the papers or watch TV news, saying he would feel more guilty. She blackmails him for her and Janet to not tell that it was his fault while he goes into a depression and gives them Extra Money. He eventually finds out the truth when he is interviewed on a late night show and Emarasses himself saying yes yes thant it was not his fault causing critics to suggest an end to his career soemtime in the future.
43–510"Night Fever"Daniel PeakJohn Stroud2005-03-25ICED152E

George gets the shock of his life when he wakes up in bed next to Mrs Raven! And he when he dashes out of the bedroom to find Janet, instead finds Piers and Stanley sitting at the table playing Kerplunk! Thankfully it's only a dream, but it turns out that George can't distinguish dreams from reality (thanks to George eating too many Brussel Sprouts).

The old "pinch yourself" trick won't work here, so Tyler gives him a tip to help him tell the difference: if he sees something really bizarre, react with violence, and then he'll know if he's dreaming. Uh oh ... Piers is supporting a healthy eating campaign in schools, and has Stanley as an unwilling accomplice, dressing up as a big tomato. Now you don't see that every day! And sure enough, before you can say "sweet dreams", George floors him!

Mrs Raven, meanwhile, has gone missing. Last we heard of her, she was looking for compassionate leave because her mother had just got out today (which Piers is refusing to grant her since she is unable to actually feel compassion!) ... Now a ransom note demanding £20,000 in non-consecutive banknotes for her safe return has turned up, pinned to the desk with a dagger. Piers dismisses it as a scam,[as he thinks it is Her Handwriting] and until Mrs Raven gives up and comes back, Janet must work overtime, doing Mrs Raven's duties as well as her own!

Meanwhile after George hit Stanley Piers gives him a theropy explaining that he is in love with Mrs. raven [because then the next night he dreamt of rescuing her on a Raft and seeing Janet, Cassia and Ollie's heads turning like him into Mrs. raven] and Also unaware, he makes George think that all the times he has been Thermoman have been dreams, but later on Arnie snaPPS Him Back to normal. Then the Next Day Mrs. Raven still hasn't returned and Arnie has been getting ransom Orders with Mrs. Ravens' toenails in the mail [and he's been eating them to see if they are hers] and Janet is still struggling with her duties and still doesn't believe it. Piers as revealed dreams about Janet falling for him but ends with her Saying its a Dream.

Back to George, and he still can't get Mrs Raven out of his head[He even thinks of leaving Janet for Her]. His subconscious appears to have saved the day, by explaining to him that those around him who are in immediate danger appear in his dreams. Stanley appeared because he was about to get punched in the face! But what about Piers and Mrs Raven? No time to worry about them now[As Mrs Raven is Already in Danger and Piers is about to be Indanger], as the dark side of George's personality also appears, telling him that that's all rubbish, and that the dreams mean he is in love with Mrs Raven, as Piers told him in the surgery! Then his feminine side arrives, and so on ...

its Closing time at the Health centre As Janet is still filing patient records when night falls, and Piers tries to get her to attend a medical awards ceremony in which he's been nominated for a gong (in the "Best Haircut" category) and he has a spare ticket for thanks to his various TV connections so he can be on the Heat Magazine with her as an attractive companion, an elderly woman arrives, and demands to see Piers claiming to have something he wants. As they go into the surgery, a scruffy, terrified Mrs Raven returns! She'd been tied up for the last few days. Well, she didn't say her mum had gotten out of hospital ... A blood-curdling scream from the surgery later, and Piers is making an unexpected withdrawal of £20,000 in non-consecutive banknotes from his bank account, and also has a partner for the awards ceremony! Mrs Raven will need a place for her to hide from her psycho mother, so Janet, still overworked (so much so that she has conveniently forgotten to call the police to come to Piers's rescue), gives her the keys to her flat, unaware that George, who has just conquered his inner struggle,[By throwing sprouts at Nelson Mandela when Jant dreamt about him once earlier and beliveing that settled it] is going to bed ...

Meanwhile, whilst all this is going on, Tyler's had his appendix out. But being the idiot that he is, he thinks he's had a sex Change and something else completely different removed ...

Series 6

# Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate Code
44–601"Footloose"Daniel Peak, Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2006-07-21ICEE380X

George is introduced to poker by Arnie (after his unsuccessful attempt at busking when his health food shop closed down) and loses the shirt off his back whilst playing in a big game on Ultron. In fact that's not strictly true. He keeps his shirt and loses his back, along with his hands, his feet, and his poker face, which he gambled away in the ninth game trying to win his testicles back. The long and the short of it is that after the game there is only one part of George's body left: his soul. It looks remarkably like a tea bag, so much so that Tyler accidentally brews up with George.

A temporary body is sent down from Ultron to house the soul and Janet is confronted with a husband who looks nothing like the old George. Not only that, but he behaves rather differently as well. The five spoons of sugar and dash of brandy that Tyler has added to his tea have made the new George hyperactive and extremely badly co-ordinated.

Janet is not happy. This strange looking man is not the man she married, even if he is the old George underneath. She throws him out of the bedroom and makes him sleep on the couch. It doesn't matter what 'new George' says to convince Janet that he's still the same person underneath, she cannot see past the new body. Even the children, Cassie and Ollie, who don't see anything different in their daddy, can't persuade Janet to love the new George.

And so, to the outside world - to Janet's parents, Stan and Ella, and Dr Piers Crispin and Mrs Raven at the Health Centre - new George is a completely different person. Janet explains that her husband has gone away, and that this new man, not George Sunday but George Monday, is her lodger. It gets worse for Janet, however, when Dr Crispin announces that the practice needs a new doctor. George Monday teaches himself medicine by flicking through a medical encyclopaedia and gets the job (although he couldn't find the volume with conditions starting with N, O or P). Now Janet not only has to live with this stranger who shares her memories, but has to work with him as well.

Note: The Costume that George wore before revealing himself in his new body was reused in the satirical comedy series, Dead Ringers.
45–602"Here's One I Made Earlier"Andrea Solomons, Paul Mayhew-ArcherJohn Stroud2006-07-28ICEE381R

Janet and George find it hard adjusting to George's new body. It's like starting their relationship all over again- a task not helped by unearthing skeletons in both of their cupboards: in George's case, it's a love child (located by Arnie, whose taken a job at the Galactic Child Support Agency) and in Janet's, an old boyfriend who's tracked her down through Friends Reunited! In the end, however, George reveals that the ex is married with two children, and he departs.

Meanwhile Doctor Crispin has gotten engaged to a stunningly beautiful woman who loves him unconditionally. No, really. She really loves him. Loves him so much she wants to be with him until he dies... even if she has to make sure she's the one who kills him
46–603"My Kingdom for a Cat"Katie DouglasJohn Stroud2006-08-04ICEE382K
George is still desperately trying to get Janet to fall back in love with him. In an effort to endear himself to Janet (and to sleep in the bedroom rather than on the sofa), George seeks advice on what really makes her happy. And who better to ask than a cat? Everything is working well until George's cat-like tendencies go a touch too far and he coughs up a hairball and grows a tail and whiskers to match.
47–604"Sidekick"Jon BrownJohn Stroud2006-08-11ICEE383E
As George agrees to take on more of Piers's patients – so that the doctor can practise his golf swing – and Thermoman duties continue to call, he decides to reduce his workload and free up some time to concentrate on winning back his wife, in this week's episode of the superhero comedy. He sets about fashioning a Thermoman sidekick out of one of his ribs with a little help from Arnie. What emerges is a beautiful, statuesque, 6ft blonde called Lula (Hannah Waddingham) – leaving Janet even less impressed than before. When George is demoted to "Sticky Tape Boy" as a result of Lula's efficiencies at her job, he realises something has to be done – because he's at risk of losing his livelihood as well as his wife.
48–605"Not for Prophet"John Phelps, Gary LawsonJohn Stroud2006-08-18ICEE384Y
George is determined to prove his devotion as a father. He decides to set up an Ultronian faith school to give Cassie a taste of Ultronian culture – much to Janet's despair. Before this is possible, though, he must first set up a faith. His efforts to convert Northolt to Wa-Tu-Ma-Hey-Go-Fla lead to George convincing himself – and an impressive crowd of followers – that he must be The Chosen One.
49–606"Dermoman"Daniel PeakJohn Stroud2006-08-25ICEE385S

George has been caught breaking the speed limit by the Ultronian Police, having been flying faster than light, and has to re-sit his superhero theory test. Janet tells him he has to pass, otherwise he will lose his licence and get sent back to Ultron. Tyler blames Janet for George’s vigour as she has been making him sleep on the couch, but to help him burn off his excess energy she simply suggests George joins a gym. He deems this a good idea and thinks oiling up his pecs might win him Janet’s favour.

Unfortunately she wasn't impressed (commenting that he's become the Incredible Hulk), meanwhile Ella thinks that Stanley is becoming a Homosexual (just because he's buying his own clothes). To restore his body to what he was, he takes some of Arnie's reverse steroids, unfortunately he takes too much of them (the whole container), this results in him behaving and dressing like a 15 year old (e.g. bad tempered, depression, immature behavior).

George and Tyler have decided to form a band, Janet listens to their guitar playing and singing and she can't lie to them and has to tell them that it was rubbish, this does nothing to shake George out of his second adolescence. Worrying that he's not revising for his superhero theory test, Janet is desperate enough to take Arnie's advice to shake him out of George's second adolescence by going out with him to a cinema, unfortunately his actions result in him and janet being banned from that cinema for life (one of his actions being that he stretched a condom on the head of a bald man).

Later as Janet is watching the news, she finds out that George has changed from Thermoman to Whateverman, where his costume involves a hooded top and his actions involve spraying graffiti (e.g. a big 'W' on walls), resulting in him getting an ASBO prohibiting him from all major shopping areas, his comment on this was "Whatever man".

When his results come in, he finds that he has a distinction and a superhero licence that'll last until the next millennium, unfortunately it was Ollie that did his superhero theory test (George getting a distinction?! COME ON!). What shakes George from his second adolescence is seeing what he looks like, when he sees Stanley dressed as a "gangsta' rapper", this also shakes him out of his atypical behavior.
50–607"Top of the Table"James CaryJohn Stroud2006-09-01ICEE386L

In the 50th episode, Old George’s position as second-best superhero in the Galaxy (behind Omnipresentman because he can be everywhere at once) has prompted new George, with Arnie’s help, to market Thermoman-branded merchandise, including Thermo-suits and loo rolls! George hopes that the new Superhero Assessment of Total Saves league table will prove that he is the same George and that Janet will therefore accept him as her husband. Unfortunately (after missing the S.A.T.S league table on teletext twice) he finds out that he's now only 14th on the league table.

To help boost his rating, he saves Tyler from jumping off the balcony multiple times, unfortunately he fails to prevent Tyler from jumping off when his (oversensitive) nose detects that Ella is about to be killed, so he take her back to her house, but takes her back again when he finds out it was part of Northolt Players production of 'Othello'.

This makes Janet cross with George for ruining her parents play, but George points out that, according to the review of the play, that the best bit of it was when she was taken away, the worst bit was when she came back. He was putting a cast on Tyler's arm (broken by George's previous failure to rescue him) when he accidentally breaks the other arm while signing the cast, meanwhile Piers is invited as the best man for his cousin Deon's[Who Happens to be a famous Football Presenter] wedding who he hates but will go as he hopes to be in the papers, Mrs Raven, who has £5000 tax to pay off, offers to provide a stripper and the booze for the stag night, Piers accepts this, not knowing that it's Mrs Raven that is the Stripper that she'll provide!

George's carelessness drives Janet to go out to smoke a cigarette, which prompts[After Realising this] George to remove all the tobacco and alcohol from the world, starting with Ella and Stanley's alcohol supply, Stanley is disturbed by George's comment that they'll have longer lives together. Janet is annoyed by George's "prohibition" and this makes George feel bad and his delight that it moved him to No.1 slot in the S.A.T.S (beating Unbeatableman in the process) and Arnie is angry at George as the only Thermoman-branded merchandise he can sell is an Voodoo Doll[Destipe he made a deal with Tyler just then to buy them] and has even been Getting Junkmail for it from the Other Side of the Universe, so he starts to eats a burger as Janet goes out.

She visits the health centre when it's closed and she finds out that Mrs Raven has setup a Speakeasy with her homemade booze, Janet finds Ella and Stanley as well, they go into the nurse's office for a game of "Doctors and Nurses" (they find each other attractive when drunk), as Ella goes into the nurses office, Stanley's get another bottle of Mrs Raven's home brew as his eyesight is coming back. Peirs buys a whole crate of Mrs Raven's home brew and as he leaves, Mrs Raven gets ready to be the stripper for the stag night.

Janet comes home to find George, still in his Thermoman outfit, is excessively obese[after more then 800 burgers AND the Plastic toys that were for Cassie and Ollie], he can't even put out the forest fires in Turkey Because it takes all Night and Morning to fly back and Forth (which were all deliberately done, so that the people can inhale the smoke), this results in him being reduced to the bottom of the S.A.T.S table (behind Uselessman and Captain C***), he then Returns in the morning bringing down the door and finds Arnie can Only sell Thermo-Fattie Dolls on sicks and to see Tyler in a worse Condition and he has been reduced but to cheer him up Janet Says she Only Loved the Old George because of his weaknesses, to solve his problem, he has an Ultronian Liposuction, which involves a suction hose and a large truck (to put the excess fat in).

Janet is pleased that George doesn't care about his S.A.T.S position, She then finds Ella and Stanley tied to each other in sheets at the Health centre (covering most of their bodies, except the feet and their heads), later George takes down the table league and then he and Janet look out of the flat's window to find Piers screaming for help while attached to a lamppost with gaffer tape, which conceals certain parts of his body (Deon and his friends were NOT pleased with Mrs Raven as the stripper, so they decided to "Lynch" him as Mrs Raven phoned him up to do it when she had paid off her Tax), George decides NOT to save him as Janet had FINALLY fallen for him and let him sleep on the bed with her and then they go off for a burger and Beer.

Throughout this Tyler gets badly hurt a couple of times. One is When he gets a broken arm from when George failed to save him in an attempt to Boost his ratings from jumping of a balcony. Two his other Arm is Broken when George is signing his Cast on the other arm. Three he is Run over by an old Man on a bike after George saves him from being run over by a bus and he wears a cast around his neck. Four is when George gets fat he sits against him on the furniture and results him being in a Wheelchair
51–608"Believe"Gary Lawson, John PhelpsJohn Stroud2006-09-10ICEE387F

George has been a one-man wrecking ball all week as his super-powers seem to have deserted him. He crashed into the bathroom wall, another bit of the wall after shopping and after a "night out" with Arnie wearing a traffic cone (wouldn't have been so bad if it was on the head). He's even dropped a Bavarian village whilst saving it from a mudslide thus destroying three other villages. Janet insists he sorts himself out, but he doesn’t know what is wrong and hopes it’s just a temporary blip. However, he then playfully throws baby daughter Cassie up into the air – and through the ceiling! Meanwhile Tyler thinks someone has given him a cat to look after, which George reveals to be a hair, Tyler puts it on and decides to "go on the pull".

Meanwhile at the health centre, Piers is launching a self-help book called "Believe" and George starts involuntarily hitting people, including Ella (as part of her treatment for ear ache, which she gained after George as Thermoman dropped the village where she and Stanley was staying), Stanley and Mrs Raven. This prompts George to get Arnie to give him a body MOT performing a few tests on him (excluding the "emissions" test) the only thing wrong with him is his confidometer is at 0, this is bad news for George as no self-confidence means no body control and if it isn't fixed he'll be scrapped (with 5-10 seconds warning).

Later on at the health centre, Piers is at the launching night of his book, George and Janet are there to get his book to see if it helps. Stanley is making bets on the phone and (thanks to George hitting her on the ear) Ella can't hear him, Tyler comes in and chats up a couple of the women at the reception night, including Ella, George grabs her copy of "Believe" before leaving with Janet guiding him (he lost the ability to walk forwards).

The next morning, George is wearing a suit and has no problems with confidence, he decides to start helping others face down their problems, starting with Piers (who stole much of the content of his book from other self-help articles), it turns out that he cheats and schemes because he was bullied at school, locked in the cellar by his father[this was found out in Cassie Come Home Episode 4 of series 5] and ignored my his unfeeling mother while she is celebrating his brother's latest scouting badge, this destroys HIS self-confidence, much to Mrs Raven's amusement (she was saving champagne for when it happened).

Later, George has made dinner, set the table and repaired the damage to the flat, just as things were going well for Janet, George asked if she has seen her father naked and Jent realises that it's a counciling session, not a romantic dinner. At the health centre, Ella wants to see Piers, Mrs Raven tells her that "Piers not 'ere, you deaf old trout" using signs and actions to illustrate this, this makes her storm off. Piers is hiding under the counter as he's scared to treat patients, this annoys Mrs Raven as she gets up in the morning to insult Piers (and her triplets keep their explosives under her bed) and this prompts her to take action.

After a couple of says living with George the "life councilor from hell", Arnie pays a visit and notices how arrogant George is, he tells Janet that Ultronians have a failsafe that prevent them being too "big-headed", Tyler pays a visit and tells George that the wig isn't working, George tells Tyler to get some sleep, after that he believes that he knows best and surely enough, the failsafe activates, his head explodes!

Mrs Raven has tied Peirs to a chair and attached electrodes to him, she tells him to call her an "Hatched faced old witch", he calls her that, Mrs Raven shocks him as he isn't showing contempt, he weakly says "Please", she says "NEVER say please" and shocks him again, she sees that this clearly isn't working and takes stronger measures, holding and hammer over his award for "Best TV Doctor, 1996" and tells him to nasty up or the award gets it, this turns him back to normal, but Mrs Raven leaves the electricity on "just for luck".

Georges new head is delivered to Tylers address and he brings them in, along with a few celebrity lookalikes, Arnie notices that there is one missing, it is Anne Robinson, Arnie allows him to take it, Janet finds a head that looks like Brad Pitt, annoying George as he wants "his" head, Janet tells him to be quiet as he's (literally) talking out of his...

At the health centre, Peirs and Mrs Raven insult each other, George is back to normal (aside from accidentally ripping off the door.

How Mrs Raven tortured Peirs in this episode was similar to how O'Brian had Winston tortured to break him in nineteen eighty-four (1984), a novel written by George Orwell.
