Talk:M*A*S*H season 3

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MASH Mistakes Seasons 1-11

  • In 1/1 MASH ignores the Pusan Perimeter of June-Dec 1950; MASH Also received a fictionus "Certificate of Merit 3rd Class"; in realty it would have received a Presidential Unit Citation.
  • IN 1/3 and 1/4 MASH is under command of General "Wilson Spaudling Barker"; in 4/16 his name is given as General "Bradley Barker"; also the early MASH epsiodes tell that MASH is under the control of US I Corps-a unit which was in Korea 1950 to 1953-but not in the DMZ until the last year of the war!
  • In 1/11 Major Burns has anemia-yet in 5/24 he is forced to give blood!
  • In 1/12 Hawkeye descends into a foxhole in summertime; the only battle on Xmas in Korea was at the Chosin Resoviror-which was the coldest on record. {Despite this epsiode being Xmas 1950, Xmas 1950 is repeated twice-in 7/15 and 9/5!}
  • In 2/10 Plot Hole-the sniper is recovering-after being hit by half a clip of .45 calibur bullets!
  • In 2nd, 3rd and 4th season parts of epsiodes are cut out of syndicated versions-in:
    • 2/10 Hawkeye & Trapper John dress Burns up as "General MacArthur";
    • 3/1 Steele making Blake and Burns salute him and being shot at and the anoucment of Steele new postion;
    • 3/22 Klinger's bribe to Blake;
    • 4/7 HAwkeye and BJ have the POW make Burns a fool of himself.
  • In 3/5 Ethopian soldier at MASH; in real timeline the unit he was with wouldn't be at DMZ until 1953!
  • In 3/6 Radar mentions he wants to see Son of Godzilla-a 1967 movie and in 3/13 Hawkeye remarks about Godzilla which won't be made until 1954!
  • In 3/16 anouncement of Mark Wayne Clark as Army commander on May 12, 1953-who replaced Matthew Ridgeway who replaced Douglas MacArthur in April 1951-yet in 3/21 Douglas MacArthur vist-which occured Jan-Mar 1951!
  • In 3/22 Paymaster Captain Sloan wears a Dress uniform as does BJ and Winchester when they arrive at MASH 4077; the correct dress for the front lines is a fatigue/camafaluge/ or seasonal uniform.
  • In 4/1 Hawkeye claims he and Trapper John were roommates for a year {June 1950+ 1=June 1951}; yet in 4/3 Potter arrives it is September 19, 1952 while in 4/1 & in 3/16 Eisenhower's pledge to goto Korea were made in Oct 1952! Frank Burns reign as acting C.O. lasted "one week" {Hunnicut remark in 4/7}.
  • In 4/7 the POW is Korean; at this late stage of the war the enemy was the Chinese. Furthermore the gun he gives up is a German MP40; Chinese & North Koreans used a PPSH-41.
  • In 4/14 no "Colonel Chaffey" served in Korean War-although General Adna Chaffee served in Boxer Rebellion of 1900.
  • In 4/24 The Chinese Army enters Korea OCt 24, 1950-despite Potter arrival Sept 19, 1952 {4/3}!
  • In 5/2 Klinger claims he sent 3 years of his life amassing the "Klinger Collection" apparently the 3 years in Korea are ment-since 1/4 -making this year 1953. Yet the only time a MASH unit near Seoul became the "Front Lines" is from June 24 to August 4 1950! Furthermore in 6/1 Klinger claims he has been wearing dresses for two year anniverssary {April 22}. Plot Holes are Klinger's remarks of "Two years"-a real timeline would have been 3 Years{1953}; and in 3/16 date of May 12, 1953!
  • In 5/12 Hawkeye spells M-O-U-S-E. A reference to the Walt Disney Mickey Mouse Club that won't appear until 1955!
  • In the Series Finale-Dr Freedman talks about how most people thnk I Love Lucy is real-while this comedy was on during the Korean War it wouldn't become well known until afterthe Korean War!!
  • In 6/19 Potter claims to heard Doris Day sing Sentimental Journey a dozen years before {1941}-this song was publsihed in 1944 and sung by Day in 1945!
  • In 6/22 {George Lindsey} "Captain Dupree" graduated from University of Arkansas Medical School in 1944-and subject to World War II!
  • In 6/23 Winchester claims he's been at MASH "6 Months" -which would make it September 1953!-and mentions are made of the first successful open heart surgery-which happened Sept 2, 1952-which is incompatable not only with Sept 1953 but also with Derby Day which happens the last two weeks in April! LAstly the "3rd Armored" is mentioned-neither the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment or the 3rd Armored Division were in Korea!
  • In 7/2 Hawkeye storms the Peace Talks and prescribes for the US General/negoiator "Tomlin"-in actually the first negoiator was US Admirial C. Turner Joy; later the negoiator was Mark Clark.
  • In 9/6 KLinger and Winchester lose bets after the Brooklyn Dodgers lose the OCt 1951 World Series-despite fact Winchester arrives after Sept 1952!
  • At least a dozen times writers recycled{?} material from old epsiodes to later season epsiodes:
    • Nurses running from showers:
  • At least twice in the series nurses have to run from the showers because of emergency operations. {A variation is when nurse has to flee from shower after Klinger has gasoline on himself! Another varation is 7/7-Major Houilhan forced to run from Bathtub after Klinger goes mad from heat stress}.
    • MASH Thief
  • 1/10 HAwkeye suspected of being a thief
  • 10/8 & 10/9 Klinger suspected of being a thief
    • Christmas 1950 at MASH
  • 1/12 Hawkeye writes about Christmas to his father
  • 7/15 Mulcahy writes about Christmas to his sister {Also in 9/5}
    • Burns wrist nearly broken:
  • 1/16 Burns nearly has his wrist broken by US Colonel
  • 4/17 Burns Nearly has his wrist broken by Korean General
    • Hawkeye uses fake operations to save soldiers lifes:
  • 1/16 Hawkeye convinces Colonel with high casualty rate-with help of fake diagonis-that he is crazy
  • 7/23 Hawkeye stops Colonel with high casualty rate-with fake operation. {A Varation is 3/23 Hawkeye stops Colonel with fake operation}
  • 1/17 Burns received Purple Heart and losses it to a GI.
  • 4/9 Burns received Purple Heart and losses it to a baby. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 17:46, 6 March 2007 (UTC).[reply]
    • Appendix out:
  • 1/19 Blake appendix comes out
  • 5/12 HOuilhan Appendix comes out
    • Hawkeye and President Trueman
  • 2/5 Hawkeye sends a telegram to President Harry Truman asking who started the War.
  • 10/5 Hawkeye writes a letter to President Harry Truman complaining about the War.
    • Crazy Patient and MASH hostage:
  • 2/13 Patient takes Major Burns hostage to get home.
  • 6/20 Patient takes Major Winchester and then Klinger hostage to get home.
    • Flagg's Injuries:
  • 2/24 Flagg delibertly injures himself
  • 3/23 Flagg delibertly injures himself
    • Wounded POW exchange
  • 3/2 POW wounded are exchanged
  • 5/16 POW wounded are exchanged.
    • Two captain B. F. Pierces
  • 4/5 Hawkeye mistakenly reported dead with another B.F. Pierce.
  • 6/21 Hawkeye meets another Captain B.F. Pierce. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 13:02, 6 March 2007 (UTC).[reply]
    • Burns ineptness with guns
  • 4/14 Burns shoots himself in foot with gun by accident
  • 5/7 Burns shoots BJ in leg with gun by accident —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 17:11, 6 March 2007 (UTC).[reply]
    • Potter's Friends
  • 5/17 Potter finds out old friend is incompent to lead soldiers.
  • 11/13 Potter finds out old friend is incompent to lead soldiers.
    • Burns "suveniors"
  • 5/23 Houilhan finds a heirloom ring Burns tried to keep from her.
  • 6/2 HOuilhan finds a alarm clock Burns tried to steal from her.