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Seminex is the widely used abbreviation for Concordia Seminary in Exile (later Christ Seminary-Seminex). An institution for the training of Lutheran ministers, Seminex existed from 1974 to 1987. It was formed after a walk-out by dissident faculty and students of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, an institution of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) and at that time the largest Lutheran seminary in the United States.

The Seminex logo, circa 1974, depicting new life springing from a dead trunk. Design by Seminex faculty member Robert Werberig.


Prelude to the walkout

Seminex began in February 1974 as a protest against the suspension of the Reverend Dr. John Tietjen as president of Concordia Seminary, and against charges of the teaching of "false doctrine" that were leveled against members of the seminary faculty.

In May 1969, Tietjen had been elected president of Concordia Seminary after sixteen years as a minister in New Jersey and three years heading up the public-relations division of the Lutheran Council of the U.S.A. Only two months later, Jacob Preus -- then the president of the Missouri Synod's other seminary, Concordia Theological Seminary in Springfield, Illinois -- was elected president of the Synod in a surprise upset over incumbent Oliver Harms. Preus's campaign for the LCMS presidency was supported by a conservative faction within the church body that opposed ecumenical moves by the previous president. His supporters wanted to see the LCMS, and especially its colleges and seminaries, move farther to the right in their theological stances.

Over the previous decade, Concordia Seminary in St. Louis had developed a reputation as a more liberal institution within the Synod. Thus, within a year of assuming office, Preus and his conservative allies began to engineer a theological housecleaning at the St. Louis seminary. They first established a fact-finding committee to investigate the teachings of several professors, then instructed the seminary's Board of Control to review and act on the committee's report. Though the charges were reformulated in several different reports, they generally claimed that the faculty (and, particularly, members of the systematic theology department) were using Historical-Critical Methods for biblical interpretation, and that these professors improperly stressed the importance of the Gospels over the importance of the entire Christian Bible.

The seminary's Board of Control cleared the faculty of the "false doctrine" charges in February 1973, commending each member as faithful to scripture and the Lutheran confessions. But, under the influence of the Preus administration, the Missouri Synod's 1973 convention in New Orleans condemned the seminary's faculty in a resolution that charged them with "abolish[ing] the formal principle, sola Scriptura (i.e. that all doctrine are derived from the Scripture and the Scripture is the sole norm of all doctrine)" (Convention Proceedings, p. 138). A new, more conservative seminary Board of Control was also elected at the New Orleans convention, and this new board quickly proceeded to suspend Tietjen as Concordia president in August 1973. The suspension was delayed, then "vacated," while various synod groups attempted to find a route toward reconciliation, but Tietjen was again suspended on January 20 of the following year.

Formation of Seminex

The day after Tietjen's second suspension, the seminary's students and faculty registered their protest. Many of the students organized a moratorium on classes, and 259 of them barnstormed the nation for over a week as part of "Operation Outreach," meeting with Missouri Synod congregations to explain the rapidly evolving situation in St. Louis. Meanwhile, the faculty majority -- which comprised 45 of the seminary's 50 faculty members -- declared that the charges against Tietjen, which failed to detail which professors were teaching "false doctrine," were by implication charges against the faculty, and that the faculty now considered itself to be suspended along with their president. With the faculty on strike (in essence if not in name), and the students observing the moratorium, seminary classrooms sat virtually empty as rumors, futile negotiations, and mutual denunciations cascaded through the Synod. Finally, on February 17, 1974, the Board of Control declared that the 45 members of the faculty majority would be "in breach of contract" if they did not announce by noon the next day their intention to return to the classrooms, and that their teaching appointments at the seminary would thus be terminated.

Outraged by the Board's actions, a large majority of the seminary's students voted on the morning of February 19, 1974, to continue their education under the terminated faculty at an off-campus site. Immediately after the students passed their resolution, they and the faculty departed Concordia's campus in dramatic fashion. Singing "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," they processed first to the main quadrangle, where students planted white crosses bearing their names, and then to the gothic entryway known as the Walther Arch, which they boarded up with wooden frames bearing the word "Exiled." Television crews clustered round as the procession exited the campus, and, in a nearby park on DeMun Avenue, Tietjen preached on the text from Hebrews 13:13-14 which declares that "there is no permanent city for us here on earth; we are looking for the city which is to come."

The next day, classes officially began at Concordia Seminary in Exile (Seminex), which was first located at facilities provided by Eden Seminary and Saint Louis University. Since Seminex was not yet an accredited school, a deal was arranged with the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) whereby the first class of Seminex graduates would officially receive their diplomas from LSTC. The first graduation was held in the neo-gothic quadrangle of Washington University in St. Louis. John Tietjen, who in October 1974 was finally removed as president of Concordia Seminary, was elected president of Seminex in February 1975.

Within a year and a half of its inception, Seminex had acquired its own facilities, making its home in midtown St. Louis (now generally known as the Grand Center area): first at 607 North Grand Boulevard and then, following water damage to that building, at 539 North Grand. No longer acknowledging the legitimacy of Concordia Seminary and its new administration led by Martin Scharlemann, Seminex faculty and students referred to that institution simply as "801," after its address at 801 DeMun Avenue. However, facing legal threats from Concordia, the exiled seminary eventually changed its own official name from "Concordia Seminary in Exile" to "Christ Seminary-Seminex" in October 1977.

Church fractures and mergers

In the wake of conservative victories at the Missouri Synod's 1973 convention, moderate opponents had convened a conference in Chicago to chart out strategies. The conference's eight-hundred delegates promised moral and financial support for church members who faced pressure due to their opposition to LCMS convention actions. They also formed a new organization, Evangelical Lutherans in Mission (ELIM), which ended up serving as a network and rallying point for the moderate wing of the LCMS. ELIM provided financial support to Seminex, along with public-relations assistance via its twice-monthly newspaper, Missouri in Perspective.

During the second half of 1975, presidents of eight districts of the Missouri Synod were threatened with removal from office by the Preus administration for allowing their congregations to ordain Seminex graduates as ministers. Four were removed in April 1976. In the wake of the Seminex controversy and these removals, a movement to leave the Synod took shape among dissident congregations and church officials, most of them members of ELIM. The largest number of departures came from the LCMS's non-geographical English District, which had joined the LCMS in 1911. Upon leaving the Missouri Synod, the English District leadership and many of its congregations immediately reconstituted the pre-1911 English Synod, and a number of officials and congregations from other districts followed their lead by exiting the LCMS. In the end, approximately 250 congregations left the Missouri Synod.

In December 1976, these 250 congregations banded together to form a new, independent church body, the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches (AELC). Not surprisingly, the AELC proved to be a more socially and theologically moderate church body than the LCMS, and shortly after its inception, it departed from LCMS practice on ordination by opening the ministry to women. This new church body was a disappointment in some respects, since it garnered far fewer dissident Missouri Synod congregations than its leaders had initially expected. With congregations totaling about 100,000 members, the AELC represented less than 4 percent of the membership of the 2.7-million-strong Missouri Synod. In consequence, the break-away organization could not provide nearly enough pastoral positions for all the graduates of Seminex.

However, the AELC did play an important role in efforts toward Lutheran unity in the United States. In particular, the AELC's leaders, John Tietjen among them, served as the catalyst for merger talks between two other Lutheran church bodies: the American Lutheran Church (with approximately 2.25 million members), and the Lutheran Church in America (with approximately 2.85 million members). These two churches, both also more moderate than the Missouri Synod, agreed along with the AELC in 1982 to unite as one church. The three bodies officially completed their merger on January 1, 1988, thereby creating the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA today is the largest and most liberal Lutheran church body in the United States.

The end of Seminex

Due mostly to its difficulties placing graduates in ministerial positions, Seminex suffered a gradually declining enrollment over the course of the late 1970s. In addition, it was torn between positioning itself solely as the seminary for the AELC, which would have made it difficult to continue to solicit donations from moderate and liberal Missouri Synod benefactors who nevertheless did not leave that synod, and reshaping itself as a "pan-Lutheran" seminary that would serve many different Lutheran church bodies.

In anticipation of the merger that resulted in the formation of the ELCA, Seminex ultimately dispersed its faculty and students to several non-Missouri-Synod Lutheran seminaries around the country, including the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC), Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California. The last St. Louis commencement was held in May 1983, although Seminex continued to exist as an educational institution on the LSTC campus in Chicago through the end of 1987. Several professorial chairs at LSTC are still named after Christ Seminary-Seminex.


Because Seminex and the related defection of the AELC congregations removed many moderates and liberals from the Missouri Synod, the controversy left the synod far more conservative in mood by the mid-1970s than it had been a decade earlier. As one example, the Missouri Synod ended a fellowship arrangement with the American Lutheran Church that had been reached in 1969, and in 1977, the synod withdrew from the Lutheran Council in the U.S.A., a body that it had helped to create in 1966.

Still, even today the specter of the Seminex battle continues to haunt the more conservative camp within the Missouri Synod leadership. "The Seminex Empire Strikes Back," warned the grim subtitle of one 2004 article in a conservative synod group's newsletter, its authors claiming that a failure to "learn the lessons" of Seminex meant that the synod was "bound to reap the consequences of walking the path toward the ELCA," which allegedly "continues to spiral downward" through more liberal social and theological stances. For more detail on present-day politics within the church body, see "Consensus and Divisions" in wikipedia's Missouri Synod article.

Further reading

Books and articles

Online materials

  • Seminex timeline from the website of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 2004.
  • John Tietjen obituary from the ELCA News Service, February 2004.
  • A 1999 speech by former Seminex professor Ralph Klein entitled Biblical Studies after Seminex.
  • A layperson's account of the Seminex controversy's effects within the Bethel Lutheran Church congregation in St. Louis: Part I and Part II.
  • Video interviews for RealOne Player with Tietjen and other key figures in the formation of the ELCA.