Alojz Kodre

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Alojzij Franc 'Alojz' Kodre (born 22 February 1944 in Villach, Austria) is a Slovenian physicist and translator.

Alojz Kodre

Kodre was a professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Ljubljana, where he lectured Mathematical Physics and Model Analysis. In Mathematical Physics, he succeeded Ivan Kuščer, who was the first lecturer of this subject at the University of Ljubljana. Kodre researches atomic physics (inner shells), low-energy spectroscopy and excitation phenomena caused by synchrotron light. After he retired, he was bestowed with the title of an emeritus by the University.

He has translated a number of English and American science fiction works to Slovene:

He is also known from a song by the singer-songwriter Marko Brecelj, Alojz valček (Alojz Waltz). Brecelj sang about a "master of mafia" (i.e., of mathematical physics).

In October 2022, Alojz Kodre was awarded the Blinc Award (named after Robert Blinc) by the Jožef Stefan Institute for lifetime achievement.[1]

Selected works

  • In collaboration with Ivan Kuščer, Matematika v fiziki in tehniki, Matematika – fizika : zbirka univerzitetnih učbenikov in monografij [Mathematics - Physics : Collection of University Textbooks and Monographs], 36, Ljubljana, DMFA – publishing, 1994, 2006, ISBN 961-212-033-1 COBISS 41287936


  1. ^ "Prejemniki letošnjih Blinčevih nagrad so Matjaž Humar, Enej Ilievski in Alojz Kodre" [The Recipients of This Year's Blinc Awards are Matjaž Humar, Enej Ilievski and Alojz Kodre] (in Slovenian). STA Krog. 28 October 2022.