Keserwan Destrict

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Location o Keserwan Destrict in Lebanon

Keserwan (Qadaa' Keserwèn) (Arabic قضاء كسروان) is a destrict (qadaa) in the Munt Lebanon Govrenorate (Arabic: محافظة جبل لبنان‎), Lebanon, tae the northeast o the Lebanon's caipital Beirut. The caipital is Jounieh.

Oreegin o the name

The name "Keserwan" (an aa spelled "Kesrouane" bi francophones an "Kesrouan" bi some anglophones) comes frae the Arabic wird "kesrah" (Arabic كسره) which means a little piece (as in a little piece o a crunchy or dried breid or a little piece o a braken rock) or the Arabic wird "kasar" (Arabic كسر) which means tae brak.

Ither historical soorces suggest the name wis named in honour o the leader o the Maronites in "Kosra", who wan decisive battles against the Umayyad Caliphate invasion o Munt Lebanon in the early 8t century.

Ceeties, Touns, an Veelages